Arise & Build 2024 September

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Chalcedon Foundation® September 2018



ur world is swamped lieu of dealing with our core problems. We
by discussion of is- want to vanquish the effects of covenantal
sues, and this focus on disobedience without ever considering
issues is by design. It is a faithfulness to the covenant.
focus that ensures that no When men deal only with issues,
solution for the issues will they ensure round-the-clock crises in their
be found. Once we grasp world, because the root cause is still actively
what an issue actually is, we’ll see that issues generating covenantal sanctions upon man
have to be resolved at another level entirely: in his rebellion. Christians, of all people,
a level beneath the issue that modern man should be actively securing the blessings
has no interest in discussing. of His covenant in the way the covenant
For the fact remains that an “issue” is prescribes. Humanists refuse to see a God
something that comes forth from another behind a binding covenant with creation,
thing. It is the visible result of something so they have no basis to expect results from
else that lies, often hidden, underneath it obeying that “imaginary” God’s laws. But
… sometimes, several levels underneath it. why do so many Christians adopt the view
We read of the woman who had “an issue that God no longer governs according to
of blood” for twelve years, or the water that His Own Word? The salt has lost its savor.
issued out from the temple (Ezek. 47:1).
Issues, in effect, are actually symptoms, and “Issues, in effect, are actually
usually superficial ones at that. The core
problem, the actual cause, is glanced over
symptoms, and usually superficial
while men agitate over the surface of reality. ones at that. The core problem,
If men don’t deal with the determining
causes, they will be perpetually swamped the actual cause, is glanced over
by issues. The more issues we’re awash in, while men agitate over the
the less that men care about core causes:
they’re too busy swatting at the effects to surface of reality.”
bother with foundational causes. The few
that acknowledge the causes sing a song of
despair: we can’t possibly deal with such A FAULTY FOCUS
deep-rooted causes, so we need to be busy In the television mini-series Jesus of
alleviating the issues radiating from the Nazareth there is a fictional encounter be-
problem to reduce suffering. tween a group of zealots and two of Christ’s
But this pragmatic counsel, focused on disciples, Judas Iscariot and Simon the
expedience, fails to see how cause and effect Zealot (who once belonged to the group
are bound up in one another covenantally. they’re speaking to). The zealots have no in-
The first steps toward dealing with the terest in Jesus Christ apart from exploiting
cause will send more meaningful, lasting His political value as a figurehead. Simon’s
relief of the negative effects than the cheap view that Christ has come that Israel may
Band-Aids we’re hellbent on applying in be “reborn from within” falls on deaf ears,


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and both disciples are warned to stay out back the curtains on the underlying prob-
of the zealots’ way. Judas, remembering lems that men would rather keep under
the words of John the Baptist, tells Simon, wraps. And these problems invariably bear
“The Baptist was right. Before kingdoms the stamp of covenantal disobedience, and
can change, men must change.” often covenantal ignorance as well. Our
Setting aside that the screenplay puts leaders prefer we remain ignorant of the
these noncanonical words in Judas’s mouth, covenantal foundations of reality, of how
we should still mark well the truth in them. the world works, so they turn up the vol-
Men want to change their kingdoms with- ume on the issues that we’re being inundat-
out themselves being changed. Men today ed with from all sides.
side with the view of the zealots, demand-
ing institutional change (even if by force) THE DANGERS OF MAN’S EXPEDIENCE
but not demanding morally changed men. Leaders like Caiaphas pride them-
selves on being masters of the political
“Our leaders prefer we remain chessboard. He understood what political
expedience looked like, and how to achieve
ignorant of the covenantal it. In this case, his sense of expedience
foundations of reality, of how the extended to the murder of Israel’s own Mes-
siah (John 11:49-10). “Christ’s presence is
world works, so they turn up the an issue for us and for the Romans, so He
volume on the issues that we’re should be blotted out to restore the status
quo.” Under biblical morality, one can
being inundated with from all sides.” never argue that the ends justify the means,
for God proscribes all of reality by His
But today, men are actually willing law-word.
to change other men by coercion. Far too But Caiaphas was speaking to
many twentieth-century regimes used geno- like-minded men, to men who had no
cide as a tool of state, and we’ve not seen regard for the actual covenant they were to
the end of this. So the mantra has morphed uphold. They were functional atheists and
into “I need the kingdom to change, and rewrote their ethics to conform to godless
I need you to change, but I do not need pragmatism. “We hold all the cards and
to change.” This is, of course, the recipe therefore we must play them pragmat-
for hypocrisy, and the world is ruled by ically.” God holds no cards in this view
hypocrites who draw power from the gen- – which, ironically, is the exact opposite of
eral hypocrisy of the populace. To deflect the truth. God actually holds all the cards,
responsibility, the focus of ruler and ruled and the expedience of Caiaphas sounded
alike is upon surface issues. the death knell for Israel for murdering its
Anyone who points out our culpa- own Messiah.
bility, like an R. J. Rushdoony, is bitterly An expedient, pragmatic approach
hated. Such men of God point out the to today’s issues simply perpetuates those
root causes and implicate all of us in their issues. Such an approach throws gasoline
perpetuation, and in the collective attempt on the fire. Smug “realists” will learn, too
to hide from responsibility. Note the late, that God will confound the wisdom of
indictment in Rushdoony’s Larceny in the the wise. All who neglect the foundational
Heart, whereby inflation (the debauching covenants upon which our world is erected
of currency) is approved by the people are doomed to suffer the sanctions of those
because they can pay off debts in cheaper covenants. Outside of biblical faith, there
dollars, thus defrauding the lenders. We are can only be a conflict of interests. Christi-
the authors of our own destruction, and anity, in its fullness, is the only foundation,
anyone who points this out is supremely providing the only path forward, that de-
unwelcome … in fact, he becomes our livers a harmony of interests between men.
enemy for telling the truth about us, for When men act pragmatically rather than
exposing and reproving our deeds. biblically, they give us a conflict society, and
In all such cases, the men of God pull they benefit from that conflict by exploit-


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ing it. We have been fools for neglecting foundations will last for “many generations”
the foundations, and thus complicit in the when built God’s way, on God’s covenant,
conflict between men that this neglect has relying on God’s promises.
fostered. Issues are like siren songs that call
sailors to their deaths. The focus needs to
RAISING UP THE FOUNDATIONS be on “restoring the paths to dwell in,” the
To summarize, there are several layers “straight paths” that honor the covenant,
to the onion of reality. For the Christian, that self-consciously build upon God’s cov-
we start with the triune God Himself as the enants, that focus on foundations to build
principal layer, acknowledging the person- new structures upward through the higher
al dimension here (versus the impersonal layers of reality. That is the way to invest in
world that humanistic man imagines). The the kingdom that cannot be moved. That
next layer up are His covenants, where means we must not grow weary of revisiting
mediation between man and man, and these foundational considerations, as the
man and creation, are anchored. Above moral dimension of the universe is the one
that are various causes that arise out of that actually matters, humanistic smoke and
either covenant-keeping or covenant-break- mirrors notwithstanding. Let God’s enemies
ing, and the top layer is where the effects fling dust in rage that we won’t dance when
stemming from those causes, the issues and they pipe, that we, like Nehemiah, won’t
crises of the world, spew up. All attempts come down from the wall for wasteful chit-
to solve crises and issues that fail to dig any chat with Sanballat and Tobias.
deeper than that topmost layer are doomed
to worsen the problem, because the actual “Man wants a quick fix, but quick
problems are never, ever addressed. And this
suits man just fine as he hides from God
fixes actually worsen things. They
in God’s own universe, not realizing how confirm man in his moral rebellion
covenantal sanctions will overtake him (as
Deuteronomy 28:15 and Romans 1:18
against his Maker and King.”
inform us).
This is what is meant when we say To set the tone for such a return to
that today’s problems don’t have political basics in this issue of Arise and Build, we
solutions, they only have moral solutions, are publishing a brief study on the basics of
and since man rejects those, he fumbles and applying covenantal considerations within
flails in the cesspool of politics. He has no a domestic financial framework. We think
interest in the difficult work of rebuilding it worth the risk to publish something that
foundations that have rotted on his watch, might be old news to some readers, insofar
and on the watch of his predecessors. Man as it might be an important new reframing
wants a quick fix, but quick fixes actually for other readers. There is nothing wrong
worsen things. They confirm man in his with checking our bearings once in a while,
moral rebellion against his Maker and because there is nothing so common for
King. The quick fix of politics never ceases man than to learn that he’s been drifting off
to seduce men who want to believe the course, ever so subtly, over time.
world can change while they do not have to We’re pleased to introduce a writer
change – especially in the moral dimension. who may be new to our readership, but
We often comment that the visionary who has worked tirelessly and sacrificially
prediction of Isaiah 58:12 involves very behind the scenes at Chalcedon for quite a
hard work: “And they that shall be of Thee few years. When the kinds of foundational
shall raise up the foundations of many basics that Kyle Shepherd speaks of become
generations…” Raising up foundations that common coin among Christians, we can
will last (because they’re built on the Rock, expect to see more stability in God’s King-
not the sand) in a world committed to dom as its light penetrates the darkness, for
building more towers of Babel at breakneck the sake of our children and our children’s
speed is like excavating with a teaspoon. children. We begin by being faithful in
But God will prosper this work: such small things. The rest shall follow.


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The purpose of wealth is to provide the fuel for the spreading and growth of God’s covenant on earth.


iblical economic theo-
ry has been the subject In Deuteronomy 8:18, Moses warns
of many thousands of the people in no uncertain terms that,
pages in recent decades, when they enter into the Promised Land
the pioneering work of and inherit the wealth which is stored up
writers—predominantly for them, they must be on guard against
though not exclusively Dr. forgetting the Lord in the midst of all this
Gary North—taking seriously the law of wealth. Moses commands them:
God in its total application to all of life and But thou shalt remember the LORD thy
working to uncover its full implications for God: for it is he that giveth thee power
Christian living today (Prov. 25:2). to get wealth, that he may establish
In this short article, I’d like to offer an his covenant which he sware unto thy
initial exploration of a covenantal frame- fathers, as it is this day. (Deut. 8:18)
work for thinking about how to best stew- It is here that we have perhaps the
ard the financial resources one has under clearest explanation of the purpose of
one’s control. My intention is to provide money in the Christian life. The purpose of
a helpful framework for personal financial wealth is to provide the fuel for the spreading
decision-making and planning that is both and growth of God’s covenant on earth, to be
practical as well as true to the emphases in the earthly means by which His promises
God’s covenant. I won’t be covering tithing, are brought about, as He swore unto the
the percentages of tithing, when or whether foregoing generations.
long-term business loans are acceptable, or
the application of the Jubilee laws and the PERSONAL FINANCE
sabbath-year debt releases, nor will I discuss AND THE DOMINION MANDATE
fiat currency, silver or gold, or the economy When God entered into covenant with
as a whole. Adam, He outlined the stipulations for the
To be considered covenantal, your covenant:
personal finance strategy must consider and And God blessed them, and God said
address the following four points: unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
1. Deploying your financial capital1 and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
in various ways so that it will and have dominion over the fish of the
multiply and promote further sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
economic activity, every living thing that moveth upon the
earth. (Gen. 1:28)
2. Earning, budgeting, and distributing
personal capital in the defense of, and God’s command to Adam was to
ministry to, the abused and oppressed, develop the resources of creation, beginning
with naming the animals. God’s entrusting
3. Earning, budgeting, and distributing of resources to Adam implies that man
personal capital to fund the work of must steward those resources in a certain
Christian education, and way. Discussing this implication, Dr. Gary
4. Setting a clear personal example of North comments:
financial integrity, and promoting The owner [God] expects a positive
covenant-keeping personal finance rate of return on his investment. The
practices in those under your steward’s task is to provide this. He does
influence. so by the means of the productivity of the


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assets transferred to him by the owner. If a brother or sister be naked, and
There is to be a surplus out of which the destitute of daily food, and one of you
owner is paid.2 say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye
Jesus reinforces the responsibility to warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye
seek a return on God’s investment in the give them not those things which are
Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14–30), needful to the body; what doth it profit?
strongly commending the two faithful ser- (James 2:16–17)
vants who had produced a 100% return on This is a mark of God’s kingdom, that
their master’s investments, and blasting the “the Sun of righteousness” shall “arise with
servant who refused to steward the funds healing in his wings” (Mal. 4:2). Christian
wisely, hiding them in the ground instead. self-government, not the socialist state,
Thus, we must give proactive thought to advances the Kingdom.
how we might best deploy our finances toward Thus, we must intentionally earn, bud-
business enterprises that will offer a return on get, and distribute funds and resources to those
our investment, and that will facilitate and who have been oppressed and abused, and
support the development of resources for the who are in need of protection, legal advocacy
further progress of mankind. Moreover, we and justice, basic necessities, and healing or
must also give consideration to how we may “binding up” of all sorts.
order our finances for more effective output of
our own individual calling.3 “Christian self-government,
PERSONAL FINANCE AND JUSTICE not the socialist state, advances
As we continue reading through the Kingdom.”
the Scriptures, a common refrain of the
prophets was that God was angry at the
oppression and abuse that was occurring. In PERSONAL FINANCE
Isaiah 58, the Lord castigates the people of AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION
Israel: outwardly, they were maintaining the The Levites in Scripture are commonly
externals of worship, feasting, and sacrifice, associated with the work of the temple, the
but were missing the point: priests, and the sacrifices. However, in a
Is not this the fast that I have chosen? very real sense, the Levites were the custodi-
to loose the bands of wickedness, to ans of God’s law. The Ark of the Covenant,
undo the heavy burdens, and to let the housed within the Temple, held the second
oppressed go free, and that ye break set of the Ten Commandments which God
every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to gave to Moses (Ex. 25:16, I Kings 8:9).
the hungry, and that thou bring the poor The king was to “write him a copy of this
that are cast out to thy house? when law in a book out of that which is before
thou seest the naked, that thou cover the priests the Levites” (Deut. 17:18). In II
him; and that thou hide not thyself from Chronicles 17:7–9 and Nehemiah 8:7–8
thine own flesh? (Isa. 58:6–7) we’re told of Levites who had the responsi-
God provides a stern corrective: bilities to train the people in understanding
without neglecting the ceremonial elements the law of God.
of the covenant, the people were to orient In Numbers 18:24, God makes clear
themselves in terms of ministry to those who that a major portion of the tithes belong
have been hurt and abused.4 to the Levites, to support them as they do
These stipulations are reaffirmed by the work of the Lord: “But the tithes of the
St. Paul in Ephesians 4:28: “Let him that children of Israel, which they offer as an
stole steal no more: but rather let him heave offering unto the LORD, I have giv-
labour…that he may have to give to him en to the Levites to inherit” (Num. 18:24).
that needeth.” St. James likewise instructs In I Corinthians 9:6–15, St. Paul ex-
Christians to be equipped to minister to plains to the church at Corinth, using both
those who have been truly abused and in logic and an appeal to Deuteronomy 25:4,
need of necessities: that they must fund the work of the minis-


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try. While not directly referencing the word
tithe, this is ethically the same principle as
“We must intentionally educate
that in Numbers 18:24. ourselves on how God’s law applies
Thus, we must intentionally earn, bud-
get, and distribute funds to underwrite and to our own economics, model sound
support those who are working to proclaim
the Gospel, developing application of the
financial planning and discipline, and
Scriptures to the pressing issues of today, and teach adherence to the covenantal
furthering training in Biblical literacy.
economic principles outlined in this
AND FINANCIAL DISCIPLESHIP article to those within our influence.”
The king in Scripture was to have
as a primary kingly responsibility that of
reading and copying the law of God (Deut. Dr. B.B. Warfield writes of this passage:
17:18). This practice was to sharpen his So far from coming to abrogate the law,
understanding of God’s covenant and He comes then to get the law kept; not
commands with the goal that “he may learn merely to republish it, in all its reach,
to fear the LORD his God” (Deut. 17:19) whether of the jots and tittles of its
former publication, or of its most deeply
as well as to grow in sanctification, “to keep
cutting and widely reaching interpreta-
all the words of this law and these stat-
tion, but to reproduce it in actual lives,
utes…and that he turn not aside from the
to write it on the hearts of men and in
commandment, to the right hand, or to the their actual living.6
left” (Deut. 17:19–20).
Moreover, the kingly duties involved Thus, we must intentionally educate
diligently searching things out (Prov. 25:2), ourselves on how God’s law applies to our own
as well as rendering justice and judgment economics, model sound financial planning
in matters so difficult that others could and discipline, and teach adherence to the
not solve them (Prov. 25:5, Psa. 32:1). The covenantal economic principles outlined in
judgment involved in these matters was in- this article to those within our influence.
formed by constant study of the law of God CONCLUSION
required in Deuteronomy 17. As we read in There is much more that can be said
Biblical history, King Josiah brought about on this topic, and we’ve barely scratched the
immense reform across the land (II Kings surface. Let these studies provoke us to take
22:1–23:27, II Chron. 34:1–35:27). Like- a second look at our own financial planner.
wise, King Hezekiah (II Kings 18:1–20:21, Perhaps we need to adjust some of our
II Chron. 29:1–32:33) pursued a staggering envelopes, begin learning about different
level of reform out of his devotion to the types of investments, or work to get on
Lord and his commitment to protect and top of our own finances so we can set an
promote obedience to God’s covenant
example for our children.
(II Chron. 31:20–21).5
Dr. Rushdoony writes,
Our true King, Jesus, in Matthew
…the purpose of wealth is the establish-
5:17–19, spoke,
ment of God’s covenant; its goal is that
Think not that I am come to destroy the man prosper in his task of possessing
law, or the prophets: I am not come to the earth, subduing it and exercising
destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto dominion over it…. Man must seek to
you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot subdue the earth and gain wealth as a
or one tittle shall in no wise pass from
means of restitution and restoration, as a
the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever
means of establishing God’s dominion in
therefore shall break one of these least
every realm.
commandments, and shall teach men so,
he shall be called the least in the king- Kyle Shepherd is a writer and researcher living
dom of heaven: but whosoever shall do in Alabama with his wife and children. He has
and teach them, the same shall be called assisted with Chalcedon’s book production since
great in the kingdom of heaven. 2012 and serves as the General Editor for the


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Journal of Christian Liberty. His chief area of health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteous-
study is on God’s covenant and how it directs us ness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall
in matters of abuse, justice, and wholeness. be thy rereward….And the LORD shall guide thee
continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make
1. It’s worth mentioning at the outset that capital and fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden,
resources go beyond simply financial assets; they can and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And
include food and clothing as indicated in James 2:16, they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste
but for the sake of brevity we’ll keep the discussion to places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many
the vocabulary of finance. generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer
2. Gary North, Sovereignty & Dominion: An Economic of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isa.
Commentary on Genesis (Moulton, AL: Axehead Press, 58:10–12).
2022), 45. 5. King Hezekiah was so devoted to God’s covenant
3. Dr. North defines calling as “the most important that he was providentially granted a key editorial role
thing you can do in which you would be most difficult in the writing and canonization of the Hebrew Scrip-
to replace.” North, many places, including The Cove- tures. See Phillip Kayser, The Canon of Scripture (n.p.:
nantal Structure of Christian Economics (Moulton, AL: Biblical Blueprints, [2021] 2023) for more details.
Axehead Press, 2024), 99. 6. Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, “Jesus’ Mission,
4. God spares no expense in communicating the According To His Own Testimony,” in Warfield,
blessing that will come from this reorientation, and Biblical Doctrines (New York, NY: Oxford University
it is worth quoting in full: “then shall thy light rise in Press, 1929), 298.
obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: then 7. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law (Vallecito,
shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine CA: Ross House Books, [1973] 2020), 535.


Taken from A Word In Season: Daily Messages on the Faith for All of Life, Volume 2, pp. 124-125.

ver twenty years ago, a contractor told Today, all too many people feel that
me a very interesting story of a man God is only entitled to the leftovers—the
who had supervised work for a con- money, time, or things we have no need of.
struction company for some years. Shortly I can recall some years ago how many fine
before his retirement, he was asked to han- pastors, hardworking and godly men, got
dle a small job, the construction of a new the leftovers from their parish. The furni-
house. Feeling very sorry for himself that ture nobody wanted ended in the manse.
no fuss was being made over his coming The clothing no one else could use was
retirement, the man cut corners ruthlessly passed on to the pastor’s family. God’s work
on the job and pocketed the difference, was all too often given only the leftovers of
having little regard for the fact that a barely men’s lives and possessions.
passable job was the result. When the work Well, what are these churches getting
was done, to his horror he was handed the now? The clergy today is largely made up of
keys to the house. It was his retirement gift God’s leftovers—men He does not regard
from an appreciative company. The man as fit to use. In town and country, men are
then had to live with his sin. getting what God will not use, an ungodly
In the Biblical laws of sacrifice, the generation of clergymen.
peace and thank offerings to God were “Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
presented before the Lord and then much for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
of it eaten by the worshipper and his family also reap” (Gal. 6:7). We are reaping what
(Lev. 3:1–17). In other words, a man ate we sowed, and eating what we gave. The
much of his gift to God. man who built a substandard house had to
The requirement for all offerings was live in it, just as our generation is living in a
that they be the best of the herd and of the world it helped to make.
field, without blemish. God rejected the Only as God has priority in our lives,
idea that man could bring Him leftovers and only as His Word is believed and
and culls. Some of man’s offerings man had obeyed, can we begin to expect His bless-
to eat in part, which, among other things, ings. God has a habit of returning to men
made clear to the worshipper that what a the gifts they give Him, and the results can
man gave to God also came back to him. be very unhappy for men.


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Humanism is collapsing, U.S. Postage
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but is the Church ready FOUNDATION Permit No. 316

to govern in Christ’s name? P.O. Box 158 • Vallecito, CA 95251-9989

Phone: (209) 736-4365
ushdoony predicted the times in which we live which is why he Fax: (209) 736-0536
email: [email protected]
R focused the mission of Chalcedon on the great work of Christian
Reconstruction. The only remedy to what we face is a return to
Christian faith, character, and obedience.
Rushdoony wrote, “The Biblical doctrine of theocracy means
the self-government of the Christian man,” (Sovereignty, p. 31) which
means the Christian most needs the resources to equip him for Biblical
The Chalcedon Foundation is a “think-tank for the self-governing
Christian,” and our mission is to equip Christian families and churches
to apply the faith to every area of life and cultivate faithfulness to God’s
law and covenant in order that Christ’s Kingdom might increase.

Help Support the Mission of Chalcedon

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Chalcedon today. We’ve enclosed a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope
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