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Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

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Artificial intelligence in the construction industry: A review of present

status, opportunities and future challenges
Sofiat O. Abioye a, Lukumon O. Oyedele a, *, Lukman Akanbi a, b, Anuoluwapo Ajayi a,
Juan Manuel Davila Delgado a, Muhammad Bilal a, Olugbenga O. Akinade a, Ashraf Ahmed c
Big Data, Enterprise and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Big-DEAL), Bristol Business School, University of the West of the England, Bristol, United Kingdom
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel University, United Kingdom


Keywords: The growth of the construction industry is severely limited by the myriad complex challenges it faces such as cost
Artificial intelligence and time overruns, health and safety, productivity and labour shortages. Also, construction industry is one the
Machine learning least digitized industries in the world, which has made it difficult for it to tackle the problems it currently faces.
AI challenges
An advanced digital technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), is currently revolutionising industries such as
AI opportunities
manufacturing, retail, and telecommunications. The subfields of AI such as machine learning, knowledge-based
Construction industry
Robotics systems, computer vision, robotics and optimisation have successfully been applied in other industries to achieve
increased profitability, efficiency, safety and security. While acknowledging the benefits of AI applications,
numerous challenges which are relevant to AI still exist in the construction industry. This study aims to unravel
AI applications, examine AI techniques being used and identify opportunites and challenges for AI applications in
the construction industry. A critical review of available literature on AI applications in the construction industry
such as activity monitoring, risk management, resource and waste optimisation was conducted. Furthermore, the
opportunities and challenges of AI applications in construction were identified and presented in this study. This
study provides insights into key AI applications as it applies to construction-specific challenges, as well as the
pathway to realise the acrueable benefits of AI in the construction industry.

1. Introduction existing labour shortages, COVID-19 pandemic and the need to provide
sustainable infrastructures [6,140–142].
The construction industry is faced with many challenges that have A foremost digital technology, Artificial intelligence (AI), has helped
hindered its growth and led to extremely low productivity levels when to achieve significant contributions to the improvement of business
compared with other industries such as manufacturing [1]. As a matter operations, service processes and industry productivity in recent years
of fact, the construction industry is one of the least digitized industries in [1]. The adoption of AI techniques has helped to enhance automated and
the world and most stakeholders acknowledge the age-long culture of provide better competitive advantages as compared to conventional
resistance to change [2]. The lack of digitisation and overly manual approaches [7]. The subfields of AI such as machine learning, natural
nature of the industry makes the management of projects more complex language processing, robotics, computer vision, optimisation, auto­
and unnecessarily tedious [3,4]. The absence of adequate digital mated planning and scheduling [8], have been applied to tackle complex
expertise and technology adoption within the construction industry has problems and support decision-making for real-world problems. For
also been linked to cost inefficiencies, project delays, poor quality per­ instance, in the manufacturing industry, the advent of the fourth in­
formance, uninformed decision-making and poor performance in terms dustrial revolution, commonly known as Industry 4.0 is geared towards
of productivity, health and safety [5]. In recent years, it has become automation, data-driven technologies and the application of advanced
apparent that the construction industry must embrace digitisation and AI techniques [9]. It is evident that this revolution has led to significant
rapidly improve technological capacity especially with challenges of process improvements, cost-efficiency, reduced production times,

* Corresponding author. Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, Bristol, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, United
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (L.O. Oyedele).
Received 21 April 2020; Received in revised form 30 August 2021; Accepted 9 September 2021
Available online 5 October 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

improved safety and helped to achieve firms’ sustainability goals [7,10, (29) free-text keywords of the subfields and the construction industry:
11]. However, the construction industry is yet to reap any significant “Robotics” OR “Computer vision”, OR “Machine learning” OR “Expert
benefit from AI despite its existing challenges. System” OR “Knowledge-based Systems” OR “Optimisation” OR “Natu­
In the past few decades, researchers have published articles on the ral Language Processing” OR “Artificial Intelligence” OR “K-Means
application of AI and its subfields to tackle construction-specific chal­ Clustering” OR “Hierarchical Clustering” OR “Fuzzy Clustering” OR
lenges. For instance, machine learning has been used for health and “Model-based Clustering” OR “Linear Discriminant Analysis” OR “Monte
safety monitoring, cost estimation, supply chain and logistics process Carlo” OR “Deep Belief” OR “Deep Boltzmann” OR “Deep Learning” OR
improvements, risk prediction amongst others [12–15]. Robotics has “Convolutional Neural Network” OR “Stacked Autoencoders” OR
been applied in site monitoring and performance evaluation, offsite “Recurrent Neural Network” OR “Deep Neural Network” OR “Speech
assembly, and the management of construction materials, plant and processing” OR “Evolutionary computing” OR “Evolutionary Algo­
equipment [16]; Kumar et al., 2016; [17,18]. Knowledge-based systems rithms” OR “Swarm Intelligence” OR “Discrete Optimisation” OR
have also been applied for tender evaluation, conflict resolution, risk “Convex Optimisation” OR “Automated Planning” OR “Automated
and waste management, sustainability assessments, etc. (Myllyviita Scheduling” AND “Construction Industry”, etc using advanced search to
et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2016; [19,20]. Despite this, construction re­ achieve the focus of the study.
mains one of the least digitized industries in the world and continues to The search was limited to articles in English. For keyword searches
struggle with the beneficial adoption of AI and other digital technolo­ that produced over 100 articles, conference papers were excluded on the
gies. Some studies have attributed the lack of AI adoption to various rationale that this is an established domain used regularly in construc­
challenges such as cultural barriers, high initial costs of deploying tion. As a result, the majority of the conference journal publications are
AI-based solutions, trust, security, talent shortages, computing power already written as journal articles. This was particularly useful in the
and internet connectivity. However, it is clear that there exists a lot of domain of optimisation and knowledge-based systems, whose searches
grey areas in the research trend of AI applications, future opportunities produced over 500 papers each. Afterwards, for subfields that have
and barriers to adoption in the construction industry. further classifications containing meaningful information such as ma­
For the purpose of addressing the identified gap, it is important to chine learning, knowledge-based systems and optimisation, further
answer the following research questions: (1) what are the areas of AI searches were conducted using the same method.
application in the construction industry (2) what are the future oppor­ After assessing the 1800 publications, 1272 were finally considered
tunities for AI application in the construction industry (3) what are the relevant and included for further investigations. The main inclusion
challenges to adoption of AI in the construction industry. It is therefore criteria were the description or evaluation of an AI subfield and its
paramount to critically investigate the applications of AI in construction techniques delivering a practical application in the construction in­
to understand the trends, opportunities, and barriers. The specific ob­ dustry. This was based on the abstract or title or the full-text article
jectives of this study are to: whenever the title or abstract are unclear. For each article, the following
data were extracted: (i) application area in construction (ii) methodol­
1. Critically review the existing applications of AI and its subfields in ogy/techniques used (iii) findings.
the construction industry,
2. Identify the opportunities for increased applications of AI in the 3. Overview of artificial intelligence and its subfields
construction industry and,
3. Identify challenges affecting the adoption of AI in the construction The idea of developing machines exhibiting intelligence like humans
industry traced back to several fields, which include philosophy, fiction, imagi­
nation, computer science, electronics and engineering inventions [22].
This study is an important contribution to knowledge that addresses Alan Turing’s test for intelligence [23] was a turning point in the field of
the lack of information about AI in construction. This study first pro­ AI as the test exceeds the traditional theological positions and mathe­
vides background knowledge on AI, its types, components and subfields matical conclusions about the possibility of intelligent machines. Sixty
and then discusses existing implementations in the construction years later, intelligent machines are outperforming humans in so many
industry. domains such as learning [24] by leveraging rapid advances in other
technologies such as big data and computer processing power [25]. The
2. Research methodology definition of AI as given by Ref. [26]; states that “AI is the study of how to
make machines do things, which at the moment, people do better” captures
An extant review of literature was conducted to identify the existing the concept of AI perfectly. Fig. 1 shows an overview of the types,
applications of artificial intelligence in the construction industry. components and subfields of AI.
Database queries were run on SCOPUS database and validated by data in There are three types of AI namely; Artificial Narrow Intelligence
other databases such as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Super Intelli­
(IEEE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Science Direct gence (ASI) [27]. ANI, Sometimes referred to as weak AI [27], it is a
for dates ranging from 1960 to 2020 (six decades). Since modern AI form of AI where machines exhibit intelligence in a particular domain
research can be traced to the 1950s [21], the chosen dates were influ­ such as chess playing, sales prediction, movie suggestions, language
enced by the desire to understand the trends in the adoption of AI over translation and weather forecasts [28]. AGI, sometimes referred to as
the decades in the construction industry as well as to identify the strong AI, is concerned with making machines operate at the same level
research gaps, opportunities and challenges. The databases (SCOPUS, as humans [28]. According to Pennachin (2007), it refers to making
IEEE, ACM, Science Direct) were selected for data identification because machines that can solve a range of complex problems in different do­
they host a collection of high impact publications especially in con­ mains, control itself autonomously, with its own thoughts, worries,
struction, engineering and computer science. SCOPUS is the largest feelings, strengths, weaknesses and disposition. This remains a major
citation database of research literature and quality web sources, and goal of AI, but it has proved difficult to achieve and elusive. Artificial
holds information about publications in IEEE, ACM and Science Direct. super intelligence (ASI) is concerned with building machines that exceed
Hence, SCOPUS was chosen as the main data source while the others human capabilities across several domains [27].
were used for full article download and data validation. The major components of AI, as shown in Fig. 1, are: (1) learning; (2)
It was observed that most of the studies focused on using specific AI knowledge representation; (3) perception; (4) planning; (5) action, and;
techniques in achieving stated goals, hence, the need to focus our search (6) communication [29]. Some studies have also classified some of these
on specific AI techniques. The search was performed using twenty-nine components as tasks that can be carried out by AI as compared to human

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

Fig. 1. Components, types and subfields of AI

senses. computational approach involving learning from the outcome of in­

To understand the current state of AI in the construction industry, it teractions with the environment; and, (D) Deep Learning: this is the
is pertinent to identify the major subfields of AI as shown in Fig. 1 above. current state-of-the-art in machine learning which has proven to give
Generally, the advances of AI application in industry has birthed various more accurate predictions than conventional machine learning tech­
well known subfields of AI including: (a) machine learning (b) computer niques [33–35].
vision (c) natural language processing (e) knowledge-based systems (f)
optimisation (g) robotics (h) automated planning and scheduling. An
3.2. Computer vision
insight into each of these subfields is presented below.
Computer vision is a multidisciplinary field concerned with artificial
simulation of the human visual system. To achieve the ultimate goal of
3.1. A. Machine learning
making machines mimic human intelligence, computer vision seeks to
enable high level understanding of digital and multidimensional images
Machine Learning is concerned with the design and use of computer
by capturing images via appropriate devices; processing them using
programs to learn from experience or past data for the purpose of
state-of-the-art algorithms, and analysing images to facilitate decision
modeling, control or prediction using statistical techniques without
being explicitly programmed. The Machine Learning methods include:
(A) Supervised Machine Learning: this is concerned with the study of
how machines make decisions based on what they have learnt from 3.3. Automated planning and scheduling
labelled datasets i.e. input and desired output pairings. It is categorised
into classification and regression [30]; (B) Unsupervised Machine Planning is a subfield of AI concerned with enabling intelligent
Learning: this is concerned with making machines learn essential systems to achieve desired goals or objectives by carefully selecting and
structure in unlabelled datasets. It is categorised into clustering and sequencing actions based on their expected outcomes [36]. Scheduling
dimension reduction techniques [31] and; (C) Reinforcement Learning involves the selection of plans and allocation of time and resources
(RL): this is defined as “learning of a mapping from situations to actions so necessary to achieve the desired goals based on the total available re­
as to maximize a scalar reward or reinforcement signal” [32]. It is a sources [37]. Planning and scheduling techniques are being adopted to

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

provide solutions to complex applications that better fit the problem algorithms known as evolutionary algorithms (EA) was created [48].
constraints and user needs [38]. Planning, due to complexity, cost, and Some of the recent algorithms belonging to the EA family include
time-consumption is used in situations where its benefits outweigh the evolutionary strategies (ES), evolutionary programming (EP), genetic
cost [36]. Common heuristics and algorithms used for planning and algorithms (GA), differential evolution (DE) and particle swarm opti­
scheduling include search techniques, optimisation techniques and ge­ misation (PSO) [48].
netic algorithms.
4. State-of-the-art and future opportunities of AI applications in
3.4. Robotics the construction industry

Robots are highly automated devices that carry out physical activ­ 4.1. Trends of AI application in the construction industry
ities in the real world. Robotics is an interdisciplinary engineering ac­
tivity that involves the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance Fig. 2 clearly highlights the trend of an increasing number of pub­
of robots and other computer actions to mimic physical human actions. lications in the artificial intelligence domain from the 1960s decade
Robots are for highly specialised tasks, taking shapes most suitable for onwards. In the 1960s, the use of artificial intelligence was still at its
their use and not necessarily the humanoid shape, and they interact with infancy with very few publications applying optimisation techniques.
the environment using sensors and actuators [18]. [39] explained that Over time, optimisation has been the foremost area of research interest
the majority of the learning problems in robotics are reinforcement in the application of AI subfields for the construction industry. This
machine learning problems. could be attributed to the agelong struggle of the industry with low
productivity levels. Another insight from the research trends over the
3.5. Knowledge-based systems years is that machine learning has overtook knowledge-based systems as
a subfield of interest in the construction industry in the last decade. This
Knowledge-based Systems (KBS) is a branch of AI that is concerned can be attributed to the increased need to meet up with labour and skill
with machine decision-making based on existing knowledge. Essen­ shortages. Furthermore, robotics has also come to the fore of AI appli­
tially, a KBS consists of a knowledge base, an inference engine and a user cations in the construction industry in the introduction of 3D printing,
interface to interact with. The knowledge base is created from the exoskeletons, UAV technologies for construction processes (Toriz et al.,
storage of domain expert knowledge, past cases or experiences or other 2017). However, natural language processing has been the least
relevant sources. Its main advantage is the increased productivity and researched subfield in the construction industry.
efficiency of easy access and interactions with large requisite domain Over 60% of AI application research in construction was done in the
knowledge. KBS makes inferences and arrive at conclusions that are last decade and has given rise or enhanced the emergence of advanced
heuristic, flexible and transparent, and provide the logic behind the technologies including: (1) Quantum computing; (2) Internet of Things
advice given when necessary. KBS are classified into (A) Expert Systems: (IoT); (3) Cybersecurity, and; (4) Blockchain. Quantum computing has
the knowledge base consists of task-specific knowledge from an expert in the capability to solve certain computational tasks more efficiently than
a particular domain to imitate decision-making in humans to solve classical (or traditional) computers [49,50]. As a consequence of the
specific problems [40]; (B) Case-based Reasoning (CBR) Systems: the special nature of quantum information, quantum algorithms are more
knowledge base of CBR systems is composed of past experiences or old effective than classical (or traditional) algorithms. AI can leverage on
cases which are used to explain, interpret, or critique new situations the capabilities of Quantum computing to accelerate problem-solving
[40]. For effectiveness in some domains, CBR systems must use expert and optimise its solutions.
knowledge to select the appropriate cases similar to the new project The internet has evolved from just allowing humans to communicate
(Juell & Paulson, P., 2003); (C) Intelligent Tutoring Systems: these with each other, to enabling communication between multiple objects
systems use AI techniques to provide tutors with what they teach, who and humans to create a smart environment [51]. This transformation has
they teach and how they teach it [41]; and, (D) DBMS with intelligent been made possible by recent advances in technology such as sensors,
user interfaces and linked systems: are database systems with intelligent actuators, wireless technologies (e.g. RFID), cloud computing, faster and
user interfaces driven by AI. Linked or Hypertext manipulation systems cheaper devices with increased processing capabilities. In the con­
(HMS) allow easy traversal of complex information networks that en­ struction industry, IoT has been integrated with AI in many ways
ables writers and authors to easily link passages and references [42,43]. including: energy-saving on demand for intelligent building energy
monitoring [52,53]; IoT-enabled building information modelling (BIM)
3.6. Natural language processing platform to achieve real-time visibility and traceability in prefabricated
construction [54]; and to generate early warnings and alarms as
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of Artificial Intelli­ dynamical safety barriers for hazard energy on underground construc­
gence that is concerned with creating computational models that mimic tion sites (Zhou & Ding, L.Y., 2017).
the linguistic capabilities of human beings [44]. NLP has been applied in The numerous advantages precipitated by an increased access to the
the fields of machine translation, natural language text processing and internet and interconnected systems all over the world is threatened by
summarisation, user interfaces, multilingual and cross language infor­ the challenge of ever-evolving cyber threats. Some examples of cyber
mation retrieval, speech recognition and expert systems [45]. Tasks threats that are common in the construction industry include malware,
involved in NLP include part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity social engineering and phishing [55]. [56] established that although the
recognition and semantic role labelling [46]. construction industry does not figure much in findings about cyberse­
curity, the introduction of level 3 BIM with an increasing reliance on
3.7. Optimisation virtuality will increase exposure to cybercrime. The increasing integra­
tion of BIM with data from other external sources makes it particularly
Optimisation is concerned with making decisions or choices that vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In fact, any digital technology used in the
provides the best outcomes given a set of constraints. According to Boyd construction industry, AR/VR, IoT and even AI such as hard and soft
and Vandenberghe, L., [47]; an optimisation problem is a construct of robots are at risk of cyber-attacks if there is no proper network security
the problem of making the best choice from a set of choices. Optimisa­ and response plan [57].
tion is a lifelong phenomenon, originally known as a mathematical Since the invention of Blockchain in 2008, there has been a rapid
discipline concerned with finding an optimal solution to any given growth in its adoption, especially in the areas of cryptocurrency, risk
problem. With the birth of AI in the 1950s, a new family of metaheuristic management, IoT, public, social and financial services (Cearley, [58,59].

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

Fig. 2. Frequency of papers from 1960 to 2020.

Blockchain technology helps to ensure the legitimacy of a transaction, 4.3.1. Resource and waste optimisation
prevents double-spending, and allows for high-value transactions in a There is a growing amount of construction and demolition waste
distrustful environment using cryptography and a consensus mechanism (C&DW) produced each year across the due to rapid continual devel­
for verification [59]. Some recent applications of blockchain in con­ opment [102,103]. These construction activities have adverse effects on
struction includes logistics of construction materials [60], integration the environmental, natural and human resources globally [103]. [104]
with IoT and BIM to manage building lifecycle data [61] and to enhance observed a paradigmatic change in the approaches to waste manage­
manufacturing supply chains in the composite materials industry [62]. ment from waste intelligence, which suggests measures to reduce waste
The applications of blockchain technology in the construction industry only after it happens, to proactive data-driven approaches i.e. waste
are non-trivial and it has the potential to solve most of the trust, analytics (WA), which minimzes waste through design. There has been
communication and transparency issues in the industry. The applica­ an increasing use of BIM as a virtual, less-expensive and computational
tions of AI in construction could be integrated with blockchain tech­ enviroment to enable construction design with a view to minimize waste
nology to develop solutions that are secure, transparent and have a generation [72,74]. [71] highlights the potential of advanced data an­
decentralised CDE. alytics techniuques to produce more detailed waste generation profiles.
Therefore, the use of advanced data analytics could minimize waste
4.2. Application of AI subfields in the construction industry extensivenly.
Waste analytics depends on a diverse data from different sources
Table 1 presents the applications of the previously identified AI such as building design, material properties and construction strategies,
subfields within the construction industry as well as its advantages and which allows for high-performance computation and real-time pro­
limitations. cessing [104,105]. The large amount of data requires advanced data
Table 2 shows some of the advantages and limitations of the subfields analytics techniques to turn it into information relevant for waste min­
of AI in the construction industry. Similar advantages across all the imzation. This calls for the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques
subfields include increased cost and time savings, improved safety, for effective waste management [106,107]. Particularly, the use of
better accuracy and overall increased productivity. Some of the limita­ advanced AI techniques with BIM to optimise design for offsite con­
tions of AI subfields in construction includes incomplete data, high struction, materials selection, reuse and recovery, waste-efficient pro­
initial cost of deployment, data and knowledge acquisition issues. curement, deconstruction and flexibility. Table 3 summarises the
state-of-the-art and potential opportunities for this subdomain.

4.3. Common application areas and future opportunities of AI in

4.3.2. Value-driven services
This section discusses a broad range of non-core services, which can
be benefitted from the emerging trend of AI in the construction industry.
Table 3 presents the identified areas of application of AI in the
construction industry, state-of-the-art and the potential future oppor­ Estimation and scheduling. AI-based estimation (or prediction)
tunities for increased adoption of AI. From the table, fourteen (14)
models have wide applicability in various domains of the construction
subdomains were identified with relevant state-of-the-art applications
industry. Particularly, these estimation models are instrumental in the
and potential opportunities for construction-specific issues. Some of the
early prediction of construction cost and duration, which are key project
identified subdomains include resource and waste optimisation; value-
success factors (Sridarran, 2017). Unreliable project cost and time esti­
driven services; supply chain management; health and safety, AI-
mates could have huge economic and financial implications (Flyvbjerg
driven construction contract analytics; voice user interfaces; and AI-
et al., 2002).
driven audit system for construction financials. Under value-driven
BIM is the current state-of-art in the construction industry, which is
services, subdomains such as estimation and scheduling, construction
used to enhance reliability of cost and time estimates in the construction
site analytics, job creation, AI and BIM integrations with other industry
industry [75,108]. The integration of time (4D) and cost (5D) to BIM
4.0 tools such as internet of things (IoT) are described.

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

enables better planning at the early design stage for project scheduling

and cost estimation (Jrade & Lessard, 2015; McCuen, 2018). Never­
theless, in spite the huge benefits of BIM, evidences have also shown that
the automation advantage brought about by BIM accounts for only the

information in the model while disregarding external subjective factors,
additional materials and resources respectively (Golaszewska & Sala­
Tenders Management

mak, 2017). Consequently, applying BIM for cost and time estimation

still requires a lot of work for the cost estimator.

This calls for the integration of advanced AI techniques such as deep

learning with BIM for cost and time prediction to take advantage of

better accuracy. Consequently, deep learning techniques can also aid in

better predictions of other relevant factors such as bankruptcy, success,

energy, carbon efficiency and even waste. Table 3 summarises the state-
Management Structures

of-the-art and potential opportunities for this subdomain. Construction site analytics. Construction sites are rapidly being
transformed to smart working environments due to the increasing
pervasiveness of IoT sensors and other digital technologies [109].
Design Risk

Construction site analytics is concerned with the generation, collection,

storage and analysis of construction site data to generate deep insights

for visualisation [109]. A large volume of images, videos and other

forms of data is generated on construction sites such as reports, real-time

Planning Management

equipment and site monitoring, which are mostly unstructured. The data

collected can be aggregated in BIM and analysed using advanced AI

techniques to optimise site performance in all key areas such as plan­

ning, design, safety, quality, schedule and cost [110].

Lin & Golparvar-Fard [76] presented a theoretical foundation for

visual data and predictive analytics for proactive project control on

construction sites [77]. discussed the potential of big visual data and

BIM for modeling construction performance analytics. Schwabe et al.

Management Assembly Equipment
Plant and

[78] described the process of digitizing construction site layout planning

process in BIM by applying rule-based model checking. There is a need
for the development of a holistic site analytics tool using AI for real-time,

cloud-powered analytics of data generated on the construction site. This


will improve productivity, quality control and help to achieve set per­
formance targets. A construction site AI chatbot to get real-time updates

about site activities would prove to be very helpful for project managers
and other relevant stakeholders.
Material Job creation. Construction jobs are the third highest jobs at risk

of automation in the next decade [81], due to the increasing prevalence

Monitoring &

of automation technologies such as AI and IoT. Most construction jobs


that require medium to low education are at a high risk (38–45%) of


automation by mid 2030s [81]. However, the adoption of such tech­

nologies could also lead to the creation of entirely new roles to assimi­
chain &

late and reskill the displaced workers in the industry. For example, the

advent of BIM has led to creation of new roles such as BIM project

manager, director, coordinator and designer [79]. The adoption of

Estimation (Contracts &

digital technologies like AI in the construction industry will give rise to

new types of jobs such as construction AI researcher, trainers and en­

gineers. The researchers will be responsible for bringing construction

industry to the frontier of AI adoption by continually carrying out

research and bringing innovation into the sector. Construction AI engi­
Construction Application Areas
Application of AI subfields in Construction.

neers will focus on developing and deploying state-of-the-art AI solu­

Scheduling Cost

tions suited to the construction industry. Finally, trainers and testers will

be needed to ensure these solutions such as robots and autonomous

agents carry out designated goals effectively and efficiently. For
example, low to medium skilled workers that will lose their job to

automation could serve as trainers and testers for those systems

replacing them.

and AI and BIM with industry 4.0 tools. BIM is the current state-of-
Planning &

AI Subfields



art in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry






being adopted worldwide [111]. For example, the UK government

Table 1

mandated BIM level 2 for all publicly procured projects. However,

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

Table 2
Advantages and limitations of AI subfields in construction.
Subfield Advantages in construction Limitations in construction References

Machine Learning - Relevant predictive and prescriptive - Incomplete data [30,63]

insights - Learning from streaming data, dealing with high-dimensional data, scalability of
- Increased efficiency models and distributed computing
- Cost savings
- Improved safety
- Efficient utilisation of resources
- Reduced mistakes and omissions
Computer Vision - Faster inspection and monitoring - Total scene understanding [64]
- Better accuracy, reliability and - Action recognition of equipment and/or workers
transparency - Improvement of tracking accuracy and effective visualisation of tracking results.
- Cost effective
- Increased productivity
- Increased safety
Automated Planning and - Cost savings due to improved processes e. - Mostly expensive to implement [36]
Scheduling g. logistics - Could be Complex
- Increased productivity - Knowledge representations for needed models, monitoring issues, integration issues,
- Reduced planning effort synthesis techniques, etc.
- Simplified monitoring and control
- Optimal plan and schedules
Robotics - Increased safety - High initial costs [65–67]
- Increased productivity - Potential job loss due to automation - Maintenance and repair costs )
- Improved quality - Unstructured work environment
- Better reliability and accuracy
- Faster and more consistent than humans
Knowledge-based systems - Easy access to relevant information - Intellectual property protection and security issues [68]
- Easy to update - Knowledge acquisition issues
- Ability to explain reasoning behind - Knowledge validation issues
- Consistency and availability
- Can work with incomplete information
- Clear logic
Natural Language processing - Increased productivity - Appropriate representation of fragmented, extended and errorful language [69]
- Cost effectiveness - Speech recognition issues such as construction site noise, homonyms, accent
- Time efficiency variability, etc.
- Improve communication among - Data privacy and security issues
Optimisation - Increased productivity due to optimised - Requires significant computing power [70]
processes - Scalability issues
- Increased efficiency
- Cost and time savings

despite attempts to make BIM as the de-facto standard globally, its rate Tsang et al. [89] developed an IoT-based real-time risk monitoring
of adoption is still very low [112]. Consequently, it is important to carry system for controlling product quality and occupational safety risks in
out relevant research on ways to improve the adoption of BIM. For cold chains using wireless sensors network, cloud database services, and
example, some studies have combined BIM applications with AI sub­ fuzzy logic. According to Barata et al. [90]; real-time integration of in
fields such as NLP to improve navigation of BIM interfaces. According to decentralised supply chains is at the top of the agenda for European
a study of construction project work carried out by Styhre et al. (2006), institutions, industries and multinational consulting firms. Xiong et al.
the authors argued that nature of construction practise is largely [91] developed a process specification language to improve supply chain
dependent on direct verbal and symbolic communication for sharing communication for offsite construction.
expertise and information. Perhaps, this may be because speech is un­ This study calls for the development of a decentralised supply chain
doubtedly, one of the oldest and most natural form of communication knowledge management and monitoring system. The advantages of
(Dutoit, 1997; Furui et al., 2004; Taylor, 2009). The integration of voice blockchain to ensure transparency and legitimacy of transactions,
interaction with BIM will make it feel more natural and truer to the combined with the advanced analytics powered by AI has the potential
nature of construction. Other studies have also combined AI and BIM to solve the organisational trust and communication issues in con­
with other industry 4.0 tools such as Internet of Things (IoT) (Zhou & struction supply chain. For example, Mondragon, et al. [62] explored the
Ding, L.Y., 2017), smart cities [84], augmented reality [87], blockchain applicability of blockchain to enhance manufacturing supply chain and
[60] and quantum computing [50] (Please see Table 3). results show a tamper-proof history of product manufacturing and
storage. AI can be used to manage the whole supply chain process to
4.3.3. Supply chain management (SCM) detect potential issues and ensure timely and quality project delivery.
A recent study by Luo et al. [113], to explore factors affecting supply Also, the creation of AI chatbots for supply chain management system to
chain excellence and outcomes, revealed issues such as SCM knowledge harness relevant information in a simple manner.
education and supply chain culture. The major barriers found are lack of
top-level buy-in and general understanding of supply chain. The litera­ 4.3.4. Health and safety analytics
ture also revealed that the high cost of advanced IT for SCM, lack of Health and Safety analytics (HSA) makes use of advanced data an­
unique and regional specific performance measurement frameworks, alytics techniques to predict and prevent occupational accidents in the
lack of organisational trust and effective communication channels be­ workplace. The construction industry records a signifcantly higher rate
tween partners had been a major hindering factor [114,115]. AI tech­ of occupational injuries and deaths than other industries [116]. This is
niques can play a significant role in solving these issues that are because construction work is highly risky due onsite dangers like
hindering excellence in the supply chain. working from heights, getting trapped, falling objects, equipments and

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

Table 3
State-of-the-art and potential opportunities of AI in the construction industry.
S/ Construction industry State-of-the-art Potential opportunities
N sub-domain

Resource and waste Data analytics for waste management and collection [71] - AI-driven holistic waste analytics tool
optimisation BIM-based 3D model for construction waste quantification [72]
BIM-based construction waste minimzation framework [73]
BIM for waste minimisation design [74]
Value-driven Services
2a Estimation and BIM for cost and time estimation [75] - Deep learning for cost and time estimation
2b Construction site Project control on construction sites [76] - AI-driven BIM-based construction site analytics
analytics Construction perfromance analytics [77] - AI chatbot for site information
Site layout planning [78]
2c Job creation BIM jobs and competences [79] - Construction automation tools developer
Green jobs [80] - Systems trainers
Effects of robot automation on Jobs [81] - Systems testers
2d AI and BIM with Industry 4.0 Tools
AI with Internet of Things Intelligent building energy monitoring [52] - AI-driven IOT platform
(IoT) IoT-enabled BIM platform for prefabricated construction [54] - AI-enabled BIM for IoT
IoT for safety warning on construction sites (Zhou & Ding, L.Y., 2017)
AI with Smart Cities (SC) Smart home energy consumption management [82] smart city development and urban - AI-driven built environment analytics
planning using sensors [83] - Interoperable building management systems (BMS)
Metadata schema for smart building infrastructure [84]
Urban energy performance using BIM and CIS [85]
AI with Augmented Defect management using BIM, AR and ontology-based data collection [86] - AI enabled visual exploration system
Reality (AR) mobile-based virtual reality and augmented reality for health and safety education - AI and AR based virtual site exploration
[87] - AI for As-planned vs As-built
Application areas of AR in construction [88]
AI and Blockchain RFID combined with blockchain for materials logistics [60] - Secure and transparent AI-driven solutions to
Integrating IoT, blockchain and BIM for managing building lifecycle data [61] improve trust
Blockchain-driven manufacturing supply chains in composite materials industry
AI and Quantum Quantum computing [50] - QC optimisation of exisitng AI solutions
Computing (QC) - QC and AI-driven BIM data
- analytics
Supply chain Risk monitoring system [89] - AI with blockchain for construction supply chain
management Mobile supply chain [90] management
Process specification language for improving supply chain communication [91] - AI-driven holistic supply chain management system
- AI chatbot for supply chain
Health and safety BIM-based fall hazard identification and prevention [92] - Deep learning for predictive health and safety
analytics Design-for-safety knowledge library for BIM-integrated safety risk reviews analytics
Wearable technology for personalised construction safety and monitoring [93] - Holistic health and safety management tool for
Integration of sensor technologies with BIM to improve safety [94,95] monitoring, visualisation, notification and action.
Construction contract Construction contract management using value packaging systems [96] - AI-driven construction contract analytics
management Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies for database management in - Blockhain driven holistic constract management
construction engineering [97]
Voice user interfaces Voice-assisted key-in building quantities estimation system [98] - AI-driven voice user interfaces for use in design,
Integrating voice recognition and gesture control for augmented reality interaction to onsite and offsite construction activities
enhance design practice [99]
Audit systems for 5D BIM solutions for construction cost management [100] - AI-driven audit system for construction financials
construction financials Blockchain-based big data model for BIM modification audit [101]

tools, dust and toxic materials, and loss of hearing due to noise [110]. potential to be solved using AI technologies such as robotics, computer
These dangers could result in longterm health issues, disability or even vision, advanced data analytics and optimisation techniques, especially
death for the workers [117]. For employers, this could mean loss of when integrated with other digital technologies. Also, the health and
reputation, reduced productivity, increased insurance premiums, liti­ safety management process will benefit from a more holistic system that
gations and claim costs. Hence, the need to take a proactive approach by integrates monitoring, visualisation, notification and action-taking.
using digital technologies like AI to envisage accidents or health risks
before they occur and to prevent them. 4.3.5. AI-driven construction contract comprehension
Some recent uses of AI in health and safety include BIM-based fall Construction contract management can be very complex, involving
hazard identification and prevention [92]; integration of sensor-based bulky and multiple contracts where mistakes often have huge implica­
technologies with BIM to improve construction safety [94,95]; and tions [96]. Some of these implications include litigation costs, claims,
wearable technology used in construction safety monitoring [93]. project delay and loss of reputation. A major challenge is that current
Based on the aforementioned, it can be inferred that data from contract management is heavily dependent on humans such as contract
different digital technologies like IoT sensors, UAV and wearable devices managers or legal team, which makes it prone to errors and mistakes.
are used in the different construction stages with BIM to prevent and This calls for the automation of the contract management with AI to
mitiage safety risks. These inevitably calls for the application of augment the efforts of contract managers or legal teams by ensuring
advanced AI techniques (e.g. deep learning) to make relevant use of processes are faster and more accurate [118]. This will allow for easy
these data for predictive and proactive safety management. Winge et al. querying of contracts to retrieve relevant information, contract sum­
[116] identified seven most common factors causing construction acci­ marisation, contracts drafting, identification of dispute prone clauses,
dents to include worker actions, risk management, immediate supervi­ contract negotiation and dispute-resolution, con­
sion, usability of materials or equipments, local hazards, worker tract-obligation-enforcement and closure.
capabilites and project management. All of these factors have the One major challenge with developing an AI-driven tool for contract

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

management is implementing text summarisation, which is required to usually very noisy [122], which puts unwanted information in the
retrieve succinct but important information from contracts. This is a speech signal. This could generate too many errors which may frustrate
difficult task that calls for the attention of researchers because con­ the users and eventually lead to discontinuity of use. Other challenges
struction contracts are different from general contracts, and as such include speaker variability, voice enhancement, homophones, ambigu­
requires construction-specific training. Another challenge is machine ity, amount of data and search space. Solving these challenges could
reading comprehension (MRC), which is the ability of computers to potentially lead to the seamless use of VUIs in the construction industry.
understand a given text, formulate questions against it and generate To this end, development of a robust dataset of common voice com­
well-formed answers. MRC is a very challenging task that researchers mands in different situations on the construction site needs to be
are working on rigorously. There are several datasets specific to some collected. This can be used to train construction voice application
domains have been made publicly available for benchmarking and models.
training MRC models e.g. MS MARCO [119], NewsQA [120], SearchQA.
However, there are no datasets unique to the construction industry, 4.3.7. AI-driven audit system for construction financials
which are essential to train construction MRC models. This presents an Despite the huge economic outputs generated by the construction
opportunity for further research that could improve MRC in construction industry, the rate of insolvency of firms in still is very high [123]. This
and ultimately, contract management. may be partly because most construction businesses find it hard to
manage their finances due to the uniqueness and long duration of pro­
4.3.6. Voice user interfaces jects, which is critical for project success [124]. Construction firms often
The hands-busy and eyes-busy nature of construction work makes have multiple projects running simultaneously involving the movement
voice-enabled user interfaces (VUI) a viable alternative to the current of employees and equipment between projects [125], with thin profit
modes of communication with devices on construction sites [99]. Con­ margins due to competitive bidding and overhead costs that are not
struction workers often have to communicate with software applications properly accounted for [126]. Hence, it is important to ensure projects
e.g., BIM on the construction site, but typing on devices to retrieve in­ and general overhead costs are effectively tracked [127]. The focus
formation could lead to safety hazards. This has led to considerations for should not only be on delivering quality work, but proactive manage­
other means of communication with digital tools such as speech. This is ment of financial resources [128]. Currently, there are no AI-driven
further amplified by the rising popularity of speech-enabled user in­ financial audit tools to effectively track project costs and predict po­
terfaces sometimes employed as automated assistants e.g. Alexa, Siri, tential financial problems before they arise [129]. Accordingly, financial
Cortana [121]. The findings in this study reveal that speech in con­ managers can proactively respond when a project is overspending or
struction research has not garnered much attention by researchers. underspending and measure its overall effect on other projects and the
Even though there has been a lot of recent improvements in VUIs, its entire business in real-time. This will guide the decisions of the firm’s
use is still hindered by some challenges, especially those specific to the stakeholders and save the firm from bankruptcy.
construction industry. One major challenge is that construction sites are

Fig. 3. Opportunities, emerging trends, challenges and open research issues.

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

5. Challenges sector to build custom solutions targeted at solving the many problems
in the industry. This can be mitigated by government spending more on
So far, this study has identified the opportunities as well as emerging science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) education. Also,
trends in AI application in construction processes. To further strengthen construction experts are needed to collaborate with researchers and
this area of knowledge, it is important to identify and discuss the key industry experts in the AI field to merge ideas and birth new innovations
challenges. Fig. 3 shows the opportunities, emerging trends, challenges that truly meets the needs of the construction industry.
and open research issues of AI in the construction industry.
Six main challenge areas affecting the adoption of AI in construction
are presented below. 5.4. High initial costs

5.1. Cultural issues and explainable AI The benefits of AI-driven solutions in the construction industry are
indisputable. However, the initial costs required to invest in such AI
It is a known fact that the construction industry is one of the least- solutions e.g. robotics are usually very high. The maintenance re­
digitized industries, and slow to adopt new technologies [1]. This quirements of such solutions also need to be considered. This may be
could be due to the risky and costly nature of most construction pro­ unaffordable for the vast majority of subcontractors and small firms that
cesses, where little mistakes often have huge implications. In construc­ make up the bulk of the construction industry [1]. Therefore, it is
tion, traditionally known ways of doing things are favoured above the important for firms to determine the cost savings and return on invest­
new but un-trusted technologies promising to deliver great rewards ment of such technologies to determine whether to invest or not.
(Babič & Rebolj, 2016). This means that the construction industry is Additionally, as these technologies become more accepted and prevalent
slow to adopt innovative technologies. Unlike sectors like in construction, prices are expected to drop, making it affordable for the
manufacturing, construction sites are mostly unique and different which smaller firms.
requires AI that can learn and adapt fast in changing environments. This
means that AI technologies to be deployed in the construction industry 5.5. Ethics and governance
must be useable in different construction projects or sites and tested
thoroughly to convince construction contractors and businesses to use Winfield and Jirotka [136] elucidated that establishing and main­
them. This may include taking advantage of other digital technologies taining public trust in AI technologies is dependent on an inclusive,
like blockchain to improve trust and transparency. transparent and agile governance. This is a crucial issue that is of great
Additionally, most machine learning systems follow a black-box importance to the society at large. The competences of AI technologies
approach, which means that they do not explain the reasons for reach­ while promising great outputs, could also be dangerous if not properly
ing conclusions. To build trust in such systems, it is essential for con­ regulated. For example, a big construction site robot that malfunctions
struction practitioners to understand how the system makes its and has to fall down in a busy construction site with plenty of workers.
decisions. As such, this calls for the use of explainable AI (XAI) to pro­ How does the robot make the decision of falling left or right, depending
duce explainable models and enable humans to understand, trust and on the number of workers on each side, knowing fully well it could mean
manage the systems. Some popular approaches of XAI include local death for the workers? The use of some AI solutions could also lead to
interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) [130] and layer-wise unfair advantage for some firms in the construction industry, which
relevance propagation (LRP) [131]. needs to be regulated.
Yu et al. [137] classified building ethics into AI in four areas:
5.2. Security exploring ethical dilemmas, individual ethical decision frameworks,
collective ethical decision frameworks and ethics in human-AI in­
Despite the capability of AI to strengthen security and detect in­ teractions. While some researchers have proposed that ethics be built
trusions [132], it is also a main target for exploitation by hackers, into AI [58], some others e.g. Ref. [138] have said the approach is wrong
cybercrimes and privacy intrusion. This is a critical issue with huge and proposed a new field called “AI safety engineering”. Notably, the
economic and financial implications. Little mistakes in construction development of AGI and ASI, where machines can supersede human
processes often lead to huge quality, cost and time implications, with a thinking could be disastrous if the issue of accountability is not properly
roll-over effect to the overall project plan (time, cost, supply chain and governed. This could affect the uptake of AI technologies in the con­
logistics, procurement, etc.) [133]. Most importantly, the safety of struction industry. However, most governments including the UK gov­
construction workers may be compromised which could lead to ernment are working earnestly towards setting the proper regulations
life-threatening accidents or loss of lives. For example, a computer vision for AI governance.
system that identifies automated construction equipment may be tricked
to mislabel a construction worker working at height. The use of AI to
take full control of some processes or to augment the activities of con­ 5.6. Computing power and internet connectivity
struction workers needs to be done with minimal or no security risks.
This calls for the mitigation strategies like the use of adversarial machine Construction sites are mostly remote and lacking power, telecom­
learning. Adversarial machine learning (ML) is the study of effective munications and internet connectivity [139]. Sometimes, even con­
machine learning techniques against an adversarial opponent [134]. struction activities lead to interruptions in power and internet
The use of adversarial ML stems from a security defence perspective and connectivity. This poses a serious problem in the use of AI tools on
the need to design algorithms that can resist high-level attacks. Also, construction sites whose operation relies mostly on good internet con­
further research needs to be carried out in this area especially for nectivity and power supply e.g. robots, site monitoring systems, etc
technologies that are emerging in use for construction research such as [139]. For example, sensors and actuators communicate information
computer vision and robotics. that needs to be computed in real-time during construction. It is perti­
nent to look for ways to solve this problem efficiently and effectively.
5.3. Talent shortage The use of 4G (LTE/max) communication technologies have been able to
solve this problem to a considerable extent. The emergence of 5G offers
Currently, there is a global shortage of AI engineers with the requi­ even greater reliability for construction sites due to its high data rate,
site skills to spearhead serious developments across industries [135]. It reduced latency, energy saving, cost reduction, higher system capacity,
is quite difficult to get AI engineers with experience in the construction and massive device connectivity.

S.O. Abioye et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103299

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