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Symantec Enterprise Vault Technical Note

Backing up Enterprise Vault

8.0 and later

Symantec Information Foundation

Symantec Enterprise Vault: Backing up Enterprise Vault

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Backing up Enterprise Vault

This document includes the following topics:

About Enterprise Vault backups Enterprise Vault backup mode Backing up Enterprise Vault data SQL stored procedure Backup mode cmdlets Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

About Enterprise Vault backups

Note: This document contains updated information about Enterprise Vault backups, and replaces the chapter called Backing up Enterprise Vault in the Administrators Guide. Enterprise Vault requires an effective backup strategy to prevent data loss, and to provide a means for recovery in the event of a system failure. When you plan this strategy, remember that Enterprise Vault components can be distributed across multiple systems. The resources on which Enterprise Vault depends may be remote from Enterprise Vault services and tasks. This document describes:

Enterprise Vaults backup mode which lets you place vault stores and index locations in backup mode while you take backups. The databases you must back up. The data locations and index locations you must back up.

Backing up Enterprise Vault Enterprise Vault backup mode

A SQL stored procedure, which you can use to back up your Enterprise Vault databases. The use of Enterprise Vaults backup mode PowerShell cmdlets in your backup scripts.

If your Enterprise Vault system is in a clustered environment, refer to the following document on the Symantec support web site: http://entsupport.symantec.com/docs/285839 The document provides supplementary information on performing backups of Enterprise Vault systems that are clustered using VCS or Microsoft server clusters.

Enterprise Vault backup mode

Enterprise Vault lets you place vault stores and index locations in backup mode for the duration of a data backup. Enterprise Vault does not write any data into vault store partitions or index locations while they are in backup mode. However, services to users are maintained while vault stores and index locations are in backup mode. Users can continue to search, and retrieve items from their archives. You can set backup mode on vault stores and index locations in the Enterprise Vault administration console. You can also use PowerShell cmdlets in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell to set, clear, and report on vault store and index location backup mode. See Backup mode cmdlets on page 8. To manage backup mode on vault stores and index locations, your user account must be assigned the storage administrator role. In the administration console, you can set and clear vault store backup mode in the following places:

The context menu on the Enterprise Vault site The context menu on any vault store group The context menu on any vault store

You can set and clear index location backup mode in the following places:

The context menu on the Enterprise Vault site The context menu on any Enterprise Vault server The index service properties page

When you set and clear backup mode on index locations and vault stores, events are written to the Enterprise Vault event log. The indexing service also writes an

Backing up Enterprise Vault Backing up Enterprise Vault data

event when it starts, if any indexing locations are in backup mode. This event lists all the indexing locations that are in backup mode. The following examples show how to use backup mode in the administration console. The first example is a procedure to set backup mode on all the vault stores in a vault store group. The second example is a procedure to find the current backup mode settings for index locations on a server called 2003SRV.domain1.local. To set backup mode on all the vault stores in a vault store group

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In the left pane of the administration console, expand the Vault Store Group container. Right-click the vault store group whose vault stores you want to place in backup mode, and click Set State > Set Backup Mode on all Vault Stores.

The Backup Mode column in the right pane now shows that backup mode is set on all the vault stores in the vault store group. To see the current backup mode settings for index locations, and to change these settings

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In the left pane of the administration console, browse to Enterprise Vault Servers > 2003SRV.domain1.local > Services. In the right pane, right-click Enterprise Vault Indexing Service and click Properties. Click the Index Locations tab. The Backup Mode column shows the current backup mode settings for all the index locations on the server. You can change the setting for any of these locations.

Backing up Enterprise Vault data

You must back up the following Enterprise Vault data and databases:

Enterprise Vault system databases Fingerprint databases Vault store partitions and vault store databases Index locations

Backing up Enterprise Vault Backing up Enterprise Vault data

Enterprise Vault system databases

To make a complete Enterprise Vault system backup, you must back up all the following system databases if you have them:

EnterpriseVaultDirectory EnterpriseVaultMonitoring EnterpriseVaultAudit EnterpriseVaultFSAReporting

The EnterpriseVaultAudit and EnterpriseVaultFSAReporting are present only if you have configured Enterprise Vaults auditing and FSA reporting features. Note: Every Enterprise Vault server must also have a complete system and file backup. This backup must include the registry because all Enterprise Vault services store information in the registry. You should consider taking this system and file backup at the same time you back up the Enterprise Vault system databases.

Fingerprint databases
Each vault store group usually has a fingerprint database which holds the data that enables Enterprise Vault single instance storage. Each fingerprint database is called EVVSG_vaultstoregroup_n_m, where vaultstoregroup is the name of the vault store group with its spaces removed. n and m are internally generated integers. You should also set backup mode on the corresponding vault store group, and back up all its vault stores at the same time you back up the fingerprint database. See Enterprise Vault backup mode on page 4.

Vault store partitions and vault store databases

Each vault store has a database which is called EVvaultstore_n, where vaultstore is the name of the vault store with its spaces removed, and n is an internally generated integer. You should back up the vault store databases at the same you as you back up the vault store partitions. Before you back up the vault store databases and vault store partitions, you should place the vault stores in backup mode. See Enterprise Vault backup mode on page 4.

Backing up Enterprise Vault SQL stored procedure

Index locations
Each Enterprise Vault indexing service can store its indexes in multiple locations, and you must back up all these locations. The index locations are listed on the Index Locations tab of the Enterprise Vault Indexing Service properties page. The following procedure shows how to find the index locations you need to back up on a server called 2003SRV.domain1.local. Note: To find a complete list of all the index locations to back up, you must complete this procedure on all the Enterprise Vault servers that run an indexing service. To find a complete list of the index locations you must back up

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In the left pane of the administration console, browse to Enterprise Vault Servers > 2003SRV.domain1.local > Services. In the right pane, right-click Enterprise Vault Indexing Service and click Properties. Click the Index Locations tab and note the index locations that you must back up.

Before you back up index locations, you should place them in backup mode. See Enterprise Vault backup mode on page 4.

SQL stored procedure

This section describes two SQL scripts which you should run to update the Enterprise Vault directory database, and to create a SQL stored procedure and view which you can then call from your backup scripts to back up all your Enterprise Vault databases. You can download these two scripts from the following page on the Symantec support web site: http://entsupport.symantec.com/docs/316647 To update the Enterprise Vault directory database, and create the new view and SQL stored procedure:

Run view_VaultStoreBackup.sql on the Enterprise Vault directory database on your SQL server. This creates a new view in the directory database, called view_VaultStoreBackup which contains details of all the Enterprise Vault databases that must be backed up.

Backing up Enterprise Vault Backup mode cmdlets

Run aspa_BackupEVDatabases.sql. on your SQL server. This creates a SQL stored procedure called aspa_BackupEVDatabases, which you can call from your backup scripts to back up your Enterprise Vault databases.

Backup mode cmdlets

Enterprise Vault provides a set of PowerShell cmdlets which you can use to set and clear backup mode on the following:

Vault stores Vault store groups Index locations

You can run these cmdlets directly in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell, and use them in your backup scripts. For example, use the cmdlets in a pre-backup script to set backup mode on index locations and vault stores before the backup is taken. After the backup has completed, use the cmdlets in a post-backup script to clear backup mode when the backup has completed. To run PowerShell cmdlets directly, first run the Enterprise Vault Management Shell

Click Start > Programs > Enterprise Vault > Enterprise Vault Management Shell.

PowerShell opens and loads the Enterprise Vault snap-in which makes the backup mode cmdlets available in the shell. The Enterprise Vault Management Shell provides the following backup mode cmdlets: Cmdlet

Reports the current backup mode settings on index locations. Sets backup mode on index locations. Clears backup mode from index locations. Reports the current backup mode settings on vault stores. Sets backup mode on vault stores. Clears backup mode from vault stores.

Set-IndexLocationBackupMode Clear-IndexLocationBackUpMode Get-VaultStoreBackupMode

Set-VaultStoreBackupMode Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode

Backing up Enterprise Vault Backup mode cmdlets

Help is available for all the cmdlets. For example, the following command shows the detailed help for Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode:
Get-Help Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -detailed

Index location cmdlets

The syntax is the same for all three index location backup mode cmdlets. For example:
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode [-EVServerName] <String> [[-IndexRootPath] <String>] [-EVSiteName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

The following examples show how Set-IndexLocationBackupMode is used to set backup mode on index locations:

Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer-Win2k3

This command sets backup mode on all the index locations that are associated with server EVServer-Win2k3.

Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer-Win2k3 -IndexRootPath f:\indexing\index0

This command sets backup mode on index location f:\indexing\index0.

Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer-Win2k3 -EVSiteName Site1

This command sets backup mode on all the index locations in Site1. In all cases, you must specify the name of the server that owns the index location or site so the cmdlet can find its ID. If you know the ID of the index location, site or server, you can use the following syntax to set backup mode:
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode [-EntryId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

For example:
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode -EntryId 1F3C7910CD579234AB8EB207F0ECEBCE912100002003SRV.Domain1.local

This command sets backup mode on the object that has the specified ID. Specify the ID of an index location to set backup mode on that index location. Specify the ID of a server or a site to set backup mode on all its associated index locations.
Clear-IndexLocationBackupMode uses the same syntax to clear backup mode

from index locations. Get-IndexLocationBackupMode also uses the same syntax to report current backup mode settings.


Backing up Enterprise Vault Backup mode cmdlets

Vault store cmdlets

The syntax is the same for all three vault store backup mode cmdlets. For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode [-Name] <String> [-EVServerName] <String> [-EvObjectType] <EVObjectType> [<CommonParameters>]

The following examples show how Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode is used to clear backup mode from vault stores and vault store groups:

Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode VS1 EVServer-Win2k3 VaultStore

Clears backup mode from vault store VS1.

Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode VSG1 EVServer-Win2k3 VaultStoreGroup

Clears backup mode from all the vault stores in vault store group VSG1.

Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode Site1 EVServer-Win2k3 Site

Clears backup mode from all the vault stores in Site1. In all cases you must provide the name of the server that owns the vault stores or site, and specify the object type. These parameters allow the cmdlet to find the correct ID. You must provide the parameters in the order that is shown if you omit the parameter names. However, if you provide parameter names, you can use them in any order. For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EVServerName EVServer-Win2k3 -EVObjectType VaultStore -Name VS1

If you know the ID of the vault store, vault store group or site, you can use the following syntax to clear backup mode:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EntryId <String> [<CommonParameters>]

For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EntryId 1F3C7910CD579234AB8EB207F0ECEBCE912100002003SRV.Domain1.local

This command clears backup mode from the object that has the specified ID. Specify the ID of a vault store to clear backup mode from that vault store. Specify the ID of a vault store group or a site to clear backup mode from its associated vault stores.
Set-VaultStoreBackupMode uses the same syntax to set backup mode on vault

stores. Get-VaultStoreBackupMode also uses the same syntax to report current backup mode settings.

Backing up Enterprise Vault Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts


Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

Enterprise Vaults backup mode PowerShell cmdlets are designed to be used to control backup mode from within your backup scripts. For example, you can set backup mode on vault stores and index locations before you take a backup, and clear backup mode again after the backup is complete. This section describes how to use Enterprise Vaults backup mode PowerShell cmdlets in your backup scripts. Note: Symantec Enterprise Vault and Microsoft Windows PowerShell 1.0 must be installed on your server to run these cmdlets. In your backup scripts, you can use a single command to:

Run a new instance of Windows PowerShell Load the Symantec Enterprise Vault PowerShell snapin Run the appropriate cmdlet to control backup mode

For example, you can use the following command at the start of your backup script, or in a pre-backup script, to set backup mode before you take a backup. This command runs PowerShell and loads the Symantec Enterprise Vault PowerShell snapin, then runs the set-vaultstorebackupmode cmdlet, to set backup mode on the vault store group called Express Vault Store Group:
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {set-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Express Vault Store Group' -evservername server1 -evobjecttype vaultstoregroup}"

After your backup is complete, you should run a similar command in your script to clear backup mode. For example:
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {clear-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Express Vault Store Group' -evservername server1 -evobjecttype vaultstoregroup}"


Backing up Enterprise Vault Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

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