Frank-Michael Schleif, Matthias Ongyerth and Thomas Villmann - Sparse Coding Neural Gas For Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectros

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Sparse coding Neural Gas for analysis

of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Frank-Michael Schleif, Matthias Ongyerth, Thomas Villmann
University Leipzig, Dept. of Medicine, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
is a technique for the analysis of complex
biochemical materials. Thereby the iden-
tication of known sub-patterns is impor-
tant. These measurements require an accu-
rate preprocessing and analysis to meet clin-
ical standards. Here we present a method
for an appropriate sparse encoding of NMR
spectral data combined with a fuzzy classi-
cation system allowing the identication of
sub-patterns including mixtures thereof. The
method is evaluated in contrast to an alterna-
tive approach using simulated metabolic spec-
tra. keywords: data analysis, nuclear mag-
netic resonance, sparse coding
1 Introduction
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec-
troscopy (NMR) is a technique for the
analysis of complex substances such as cell
extracts. One prominent NMR application
is metabolite proling in stem cell biology
[3]. NMR spectra are high dimensional
functional signals consisting of a multitude
of peaks. The peak positions describe the
presence of specic chemical compounds in
the analyzed material while the area of the
peaks are quantitative with respect to the
amount of this analyte in the substrate.
To meet clinical standards and high
throughput demands a full automatic eval-
uation is required. Hereby, an accurate pre-
processing of the NMR spectra and identi-
cation of metabolites in a set of NMR spec-
tra are key issues. High level analyses such
as metabolite identication still requires a
lot of manual interaction to t expected pat-
terns against the measured signal. Typically,
some assumptions are incorporated to sim-
plify the tting. The NMR signal consists
of multiple peaks of specic shape, thereby
the shape is approximated by a Lorentzian or
some type of Gaussians, giving a bias in the
analyses. Here we present a method which
estimates data specic basis functions such
that an appropriate compact representation
of the NMR spectra becomes possible. This
helps to reduce two of the mentioned prob-
lems, namely the high dimensionality of the
analyzed data and the approximation prob-
lem in the tting approach.
The paper is organized as follows. First
we present the used methods, including a
short description of the basic preprocessing
of the NMR spectra and how the simulated
metabolites are obtained. Subsequently we
present the method of sparse coding in a
specic variant tailored to the analysis of
functional data. The introduced approach
is applied on sets of simulated pure NMR
metabolites as well as of mixtures of such
metabolites. We close the paper with a dis-
cussion of the obtained results and an out-
look on further extensions.
2 Methods
We consider simulated
H NMR spectra
recorded at 700.15 MHz with 20K complex
data points. The simulations are done us-
ing the gamma-System as given in [13]. It is
assumed that each sample is solved in D
with an additive of DSS as a standard refer-
ence at 4.7 ppm. All spectra were Fourier
transformed with 1.5 Hz line broadening.
The NMR spectra are phased and baseline
corrected, the signal range of the water peak
f unct i on [ vBL] = bas e det ( vSi gnal , dDSSPoints )
% Si gnal s i z e , Window width
ns = s i z e ( vSi gnal , 1 ) ; w = dDSSPoints ;
% Empty windows whole s i g na l
temp = z e r os (w, c e i l ( ns /w))+NaN;
% Fi l l i n over windows , min s per window
temp ( 1 : ns ) = vSi gnal ; [m, h ] = min( temp ) ;
g = h>1 & h<w; % mins , not at bor der s
% c al c minima po s i t i o ns wi th r es p . to xaxi s
h = w [ 0 : numel ( h)1]+h ;
% get val i d minima and i n t e n s i t i e s
m = m( g ) ; h = h( g ) ;
% i nt e r po l a t e
vBas el i ne = i nt e r p1 ( h ,m, 1 : ns , pchi p ) ;
Figure 1. Matlab code for baseline correction by
piecewise cubic interpolation using a problem ade-
quat segment width.
is eliminated and all spectra are aligned to
the DSS reference. For comparison the data
are analyzed by a standard approach em-
ploying peak lists, thereby its recommended
that the used peaks show a SNR 5. While
the presented results are given for simula-
tions only, the method is applicable for a
wide range of settings in real NMR exper-
2.1 Preprocessing of NMR spectra
Phase correction is a necessary step [4]
made by use of the approach given in [2] fol-
lowed by a Fourier transformation. Next, the
known region of the water peak is removed
and the DSS peak is identied, located at
4.7 ppm. The DSS is used as a reference to
align multiple spectra and to specify the typ-
ical peak shape including a typical width and
height of a peak. Due to underground arti-
facts in the signal a baseline correction has to
be applied. This involves two steps: baseline
estimation and subtraction [1, 17]. In gen-
eral baseline correction algorithms dene a
sequence of simple e.g. polynomial functions
connected by some support points estimat-
ing the underground of the signal. Thereby
the critical point is the number and position
of the support points as well as the chosen
functions constructing the baseline. If some
additional information is available about the
specic nature of the data, the baseline cor-
rection can be made problem specic. Here
we use information about the DSS signal
width to dene the width between two sup-
porting points and obtain an eective and
fast algorithm depicted in Figure 1. The
baseline is subtracted from the signal and
negative values are truncated to zero. Fol-
lowing the basic preprocessing an optional
encoding step can be applied, to reduce the
dimensionality of the data. In general the
identication of patterns in NMR data is
realized by a dierence matching approach.
This requires complicated tting procedures,
sensitive to model assumptions such as the
peak shape in the signal. For dierence
matching an additional encoding is omitted
and the processing takes place on the whole
dimensionality of the data. Taking this ap-
proach in an automatic analysis one obtains
concentrations for each pattern, thereby it is
not always obvious if small values are due
to a missing pattern, wrongly identied, or
due to small concentrations of a truly present
pattern. An alternative is a principal compo-
nent analysis (PCA) based representation as
suggested in [14]. However, if the data space
is non-linear, PCA may be suboptimal. Fur-
ther the application of the PCA on an ex-
tremely high dimensional input space may
give inappropriate results due to an increas-
ing inuence of noise [15]. While the PCA
does not take much knowledge into account a
more technology aware approach is available
by a peak based analysis. Thereby the high
dimensional NMR spectra are reduced to its
peak lists (line spectra). These peak lists are
obtained by application of a peak picking al-
gorithm on the spectra. This algorithm iden-
ties the peaks including attributes such as
start/end/center position, width, area, max-
imal intensity and context information e.g.
if the peak belongs to a set of peaks (dou-
blet, triplet, . . .) or is a single peak. Here
we focus on the spectral peak detection and
tracking approach given in [11]. Thereby a
rough peak picking is done considering neg-
ative and positive slopes of the spectrum.
Adapted to NMR we use the peak structure
information provided by the DSS signal. The
negative magnitude threshold is xed to 0
and the positive magnitude threshold is de-
ned as the minimal peak height assumed as
10% of the DSS height. Subsequently the
identied peaks are further screened using
a second analysis step. Thereby for each
peak the start and end positions are deter-
mined which is done in accordance to the
DSS characteristics. Each peak is limited
to a minimal peak width assumed as 20%
of the DSS width (DSSw) and a maximal
width of 1.5 DSSw. Each peak list of a
spectrum constitutes its line spectrum and
can be considered as a dense representation
of the original signal. While the peak pick-
ing approach is promising, e.g. an analysis
of noise free data is possible, there are also
some problems. First the peak picking be-
comes complicated in case of stronger noise,
partially resolved peaks and overlapping sig-
nals, second the quantication of the iden-
tied patterns based on the peak lists may
be biased due to slightly incorrect start/end
positions of the peaks and hiding eects due
to overlapping peaks. As a positive point
the peak shape becomes less crucial and one
gets a natural measure about the safety of
a pattern match, considering the number of
matched peaks in the pattern. In conclusion,
the dierence approach always gives a match
and concentration value, sensitive to the t,
the PCA method may potentially lead to in-
correct results due to the huge number of di-
mensions or failed constraints, the peak pick-
ing on the other hand is promising to achieve
most of the requirements but is also sensitive
with respect to noise and signals with poor
resolution. To overcome some of these prob-
lems an alternative is proposed which can be
seen as a compromise between all the dier-
ent approaches.
2.2 Sparse coding for functional data
Sparse coding refers back to the work
given in [10], which has shown that images
in the primary visual cortex of mammals are
encoded by sparse representations of the im-
age data such that a set of sparse codes is
obtained. Here we focus on a special vari-
ant of sparse coding applied on sets of func-
tional spectral data. This encoding can be
seen as a natural compact representation of
the data balancing dimensionality reduction
and information preservation.
2.2.1 Minimum sparse coding
We suppose that N functional data f
are available, each containing D values, i.e.
and |f
| = 1. A set of M, maybe
overcomplete and/or not necessarily orthog-
onal, basis function vectors
be used for representation of the data in form
of linear combination:


being the reconstruction error
vector and
are the weighting coecients
[0, 1],


= 1 and
, . . . ,
). We dene a cost function
for f
= |
which has to be minimized. It contains a
regularization term S
. This term judges the
sparseness of the representation. It can de-
ned as

g (
) (3)
whereby g (x) is a non-linear function like
, log
, etc.. Another choice
would be to take
= H (
) (4)
being the entropy of the vector
. We re-
mark that minimum sparseness is achieved i

= 1 for exactly one arbitrary j and zero
elsewhere. Using this minimum scenario, op-
timization is reduced to minimization of the
description errors |
or equivalently to
the optimization of the basis functions
The span for a set of data vectors, consists of
chosen as principal components.
Minimum principal component analysis re-
quires at least the determination of the rst
principal component. Taking into account
higher components improves the approxima-
tion. However, as mentioned above, if the
data space is non-linear, principal compo-
nent analysis (PCA) may be suboptimal. In
NMR spectroscopy, one possible way to over-
come this problem is to split the data space
into continuous patches, building homoge-
nous subsets on these patches and to cary
out a PCA on each subset taking only the
rst principal component. The respective
approach to determine the principal com-
ponent is a combination of adaptive PCA
(Oja-learning, [9]) and prototype-based vec-
tor quantization (neural gas [8]) called sparse
coding neural gas.
2.2.2 Sparse coding neural gas (SCNG)
We now briey describe the basic vari-
ant of SCNG according to [7]. In SCNG N
prototypes W =w
approximate the rst
principal component p
of the subsets
. A
functional data vector f
belongs to
i its
correlation to p
dened by the inner prod-
uct O(w
, f
) = w
, f
) is maximum:

[i = argmax
, f
The approximations w
can be obtained
adaptively by Oja-learning starting with ran-
dom vectors w
for time t = 0 with |w
| = 1.
Let P be the the probability density in
Then, for each time step t a data vector

is selected according to P and the
prototype w
is updated by
, f
) (f
, f
) w
) (6)
> 0,

0 ,


= and

< which is a converging stochastic
process [6]. The nal limit of the process is
= p
Yet, the subsets
are initially unknown
but requires the knowledge about their rst
principal components p
according to (5).
This problem is solved in analogy to the orig-
inal neural gas in vector quantization [8]. For
a randomly selected functional data vector f
(according P) for each prototype the corre-
lation O(w
, f
) is determined and the rank
is computed according to
, W) = N

, f
) O(w
, f
counting the number of pointers w
which the relation O(w
, f
) < O(w
, f
) is
valid [8]. (x) is the Heaviside-function. All
prototypes are updated according to

(v, W, i) O(w
, f
) (f
, f
) w

, W, i) = exp

, W)

is the so-called neighborhood function with
neighborhood range
> 0. Thus, the up-
date strength of each prototype is correlated
with its matching ability. Further, the tem-
porary data subset
(t) for a given proto-
type is

(t) =
[i = argmax
, f
For t the range is decreased as
and, hence, only the best matching proto-
type is updated in (8) in the limit. Then, in
the equilibrium of the stochastic process (8)
one has
for a certain subset con-
guration which is related to the data space
shape and the density P [16]. Further, one
gets w
= p
in the limit. Both results are
in complete analogy to usual neural gas, be-
cause the maximum over inner products is
mathematically equivalent to the minimum
of the Euclidean distance between the vec-
tors [5],[8].
2.2.3 Classication with Fuzzy Labeled
Self Organizing Map
The sparse coded spectra have been fed
into a special variant of a self organizing
map, called Fuzzy Labeled Self Organizing
Map (FL-SOM) as given in [12]. We do not
detail FL-SOM here but mention that it gen-
erates a classier and a topological mapping
of the data. The parameters of the FL-SOM
are: map size 5 10, nal neighborhood
range 0.75 and with remaining parameters
as in [12]. The map has been trained upto
convergence as specied in [12]. To obtain
the sparse coding on NMR data, the spec-
tra were splitted into 90 so called patches,
which are fragments of the NMR signal (see
[7]), with a width of 200 points, motivated by
the DSS width. For the SCNG algorithm 30
prototypes have been used, determined by a
grid search over dierent values. We would
like to mention that the number of proto-
types did not signicantly inuence the re-
sults but should be chosen in accordance to
A G Y S 12 13 14 23 24 34
A .9 .1
G .8
Y 1 .2
S 0.9 .2
12 1
13 .9
14 1
23 .8
24 .8
34 1
Table 1. Classication of metabolites using peak
lists. Simulated metabolites are almost perfectly re-
covered (A,G,Y,S) whereas for the unknown mix-
tures some miss identications can be observed.
the diversity of the substructures expected in
the overall dataset. The sparse coding got a
dimensionality reduction by a factor of 10.
3 Experiments and Results
Here we compare the peak picking encod-
ing and sparse coding for a set of simulated
metabolite spectra. We consider four types
of metabolites, relevant in metabolic studies
of the stem cell: Alanine (Ala), Glutamine
(Gln), Gycine (Gly) and Serine (Ser), sim-
ulated at 39 dierent linear increased con-
centration levels (1 39). Hence we obtain
156 spectra simulated using the prior men-
tioned NMR system parameters. Addition-
ally we generated mixtures of these metabo-
lites by combining two metabolites up to all
combinations, with 39 concentration levels.
This gives 6 39 mixture spectra, which are
not used in subsequently training steps but
used for external validations. All spectra are
processed as mentioned above and either en-
coded to peak lists or alternatively encoded
by sparse coding. The results for the peak
based approach are collected in Table 1 and
the sparse coding in 2 (Alanine - A, Gua-
nine G, Glycine - Y, Serine - S). Thereby
the peak lists of the patterns are directly
matched against the peak lists of the mea-
surement using a tolerance of 0.005 ppm.
For the peak lists we observe a very good
recognition as well as prediction accuracy.
In average the recognition (on the 4 train-
ing classes) is 91% and on the unknown 6
mixture classes 90%. It should be noted
that the fractions in a column of Table 1 do
not necessary accumulate to 1.0 = 100% be-
cause, the peak based identication is not
forced to identify one of the metabolites in
A G Y S 12 13 14 23 24 34
A .8
G 1 1 .4 1
Y 1
S .8
13 .2 1 .7
14 .3
23 .2 1
24 .6
Table 2. Classication of metabolites using sparse
coding. Pure metabolites are almost perfectly re-
covered (A,G,Y,S) whereas for the unknown mixture
data stronger miss identications are observed.
each analysis
The sparse coded data have been analyzed
using the FL-SOM and the obtained map
(which was topological preserving, topo-
graphic error < 0.05). The model has been
trained with 4 classes of metabolites. The
FL-SOM model generates a fuzzy-labeling
of the underlying prototypes and hence is
also able to give assignments to more than
one class. Using a majority vote scheme
to classify the data the training data have
been learned with 100% accuracy. But we
also wanted to determine the 6 new mixture
classes. To do this we dened prototypi-
cal labels for each class such as 1, 0, 0, 0
for class 1-Alanine and 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0 for a
mixture class of Alanine and Glycine. Spec-
tra where assigned to the closest prototype
and labeled by the label which was closest
to the labeling of the data point using Eu-
clidean distance. For example let a data
point v have a fuzzy label 1, 0, 0, 0 which
assigns it to class 1 or Alanine. Let further
be some prototype w be the winner (closest
prototype) for this data point with a fuzzy
label of 0.6, 0.4, 0, 0. Then two classi-
cations are possible. Using majority vote
the prototype label becomes 1, 0, 0, 0 and
hence the data point is assigned to class 1
- Alanine, which is correct. Using the al-
ternative scheme the fuzzy label 0.60.40, 0
is closer to 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0 then to 1, 0, 0, 0
and hence the prototype is labeled as a mix-
ture of alanine and glutamine, consequently
the data point is assigned to the 1/2 or Ala-
nine/Glutamine class leading to a (in this
case) wrong classication because the data
point was labeled as Alanine. Using this
scheme and considering the receptive elds
At least 75% of the peaks had to match to count
the classication
Figure 2. FL-SOM (bar plot) for the 4 metabolite
classes. The map is given as a 510 grid and for each
grid 4 bars are depicted indicating the fuzzy values
for the respective classes. As shown in the picture
(indicated by manually added closed regions - e.g.
ellipsoids in the corners) the map contains receptive
eld with high responsibility for a single class, but
there is also a region in the map responsible for data
points which are topologically located between dif-
ferent classes - in our case metabolite mixtures.
of the prototypes of the FL-SOM the pic-
ture is a bit dierent as shown in Table 2.
In average the recognition (on the 4 training
classes) becomes 87% and on the unknown 6
mixture classes we obtain 50%. However,
it should be noted that the used FL-SOM
classier did never see the mixture classes
during training but also learned prototypes
which are located between dierent classes
in a topology preserved manner. The er-
ror for the mixtures Ala/Gln and Gly/Ser
are caused due to the fact that no prototype
were learned on the map representing these
mixtures as depicted in Figure 2.
4 Conclusions
We presented a method for the sparse
coded representation of functional data ap-
plied in NMR spectroscopy and compared it
to an alternative peak based approach. All
approaches were able to recognize the plain
metabolite spectra at dierent concentration
levels. For the analysis of mixtures the peak
picking approach performed better but this
result is potentially biased because the simu-
lated data always show a perfect peak shape.
For the SCNG approach, we found promising
results, the metabolic information encoded
in the spectra could be preserved and a sig-
nicant data reduction by a factor of 10 was
achieved. The SCNG provided a sucient
and accurate data reduction such that the
FL-SOM classier method could be used in
a topology preserved manner. The SCNG
encoding also allows the application of other
data analysis methods, such as dierent clas-
siers or statistical tests, which need a com-
pact data representation. The SCNG gener-
ated a compact and discriminative encoding.
Future directions of improvement will focus
on a better combination of sparse coded data
and the FL-SOM, the additional integration
of NMR specic knowledge and an advanced
determination of the patches. In a next step
all methods will be analyzed on the basis of
real NMR metabolite and NMR cell extract
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Acknowledgment: We are grateful to Thomas Riemer IZKF,
Leipzig University

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