Assessment Task 3
Assessment Task 3
Assessment Task 3
Lal Babu Shah (GT07138)
Task 1: Major stages in the change management process:
Answer: The three major stages in the change management process are unfreezing, change,
and refreezing.
1. Unfreezing: It is the first stage and most important stage in the change management process
which involves making people know of the changes that are needed for accepting new ways of
working for the best results by improving their motivation. Role of communication is very
essential during this stage to get the desired support. It includes providing realization to the
people for moving from their comfort zone to a transformed situation.
3. Refreezing: This stage is called the state of equilibrium because people move from one stage
of transition to another stable state. People accept the new ways of working in this stage as they
accept it as a part of their life. They establish a new relationship and employees are awarded,
provided positive reinforcements, supporting policies as they reinforce the new changes or
Lal Babu Shah (GT07138)
(e) Evaluate the communication plan: Final step is always to evaluate the communication
plan. If the plan is not working effectively, then we need identify the loopholes and change
the change communication plan.
Answer: The external environment can impact change strategies. This external environment
consists of market conditions, technology, climate change, market competition, legal, media,
politics, and demographic. The five ways these can impact change strategies are as follows:
·Economic factors of the organization are interest rates, unemployment, and inflation. These
factors affect the change in strategies as because of inflation, the company needs to pay more
for the resources. With higher interest rates, people are less willing to borrow money which
leads to changes in strategies as there are fewer buyers of products.
Policies and legal are an external factor that forces organization or impact change in strategies.
As government introduces the policy such as taxation policy, export policy, investment policy,
consumer policy, and others, it can influence the strategies to change that is needed.
Technology plays a vital role in any company or business. It includes the internet, information
technology, and so on. The change in strategies is influenced by technology if there is no stable
technology then the company cannot run properly as it is connected to the operation of the
company. The entire industry might need to be transformed because of new technology use. It
creates a massive impact on strategies.
Market competition plays an important role in the change in strategies. As any business can
possess market competition from its competitors, so it is necessary to have a change in
strategies to deal with that situation and be on top of the game all time. Rival company success
can lead to change in strategies for giving competition and survival on business on the long run.
Lal Babu Shah (GT07138)
Task 5. Components of change management project plan:
Answer: The two components of a change management project plan are as follows:
· Readiness Assessments: It is the tools that anticipate the level of change resistance the
company through analyzing as there are various aspects of the business that is needed to be
considered such as employees, sponsors, culture and history, and organization.
· Communication Planning: It is very important for a change management strategy that requires
ongoing attention as effective change requires communication planning. Every time when there
is communication, audience, message, and timing are important variables. ERP communication
plan specifies how you can address change with various members of the company such as
managers, employees, and executives.
Lal Babu Shah (GT07138)
6 Barriers to Organizational Change, and How to Overcome Them - Kadabra | Leadership Teamwork
Change (
Lal Babu Shah (GT07138)