The Heavy Light Medium System
The Heavy Light Medium System
The Heavy Light Medium System
C.S. Sloan For many years now, I've felt that the best all-around system of training is the heavy/light/medium system. It's great for beginning strength athletes since it teaches them how to properly regulate intensity and volume (and how to handle 3 full-body workouts in a training week). It's also great for anyone interested in not just developing strength and power, but also developing the muscle mass to go along with it. Add in the fact that it's capable of getting lifters in great condition, and I think it's hard to argue against its effectiveness. The best-known advocate for this style of training is probably Bill Starr, who made the system popular through his classic book "The Strongest Shall Survive" (published in the '70s), and in many subsequent articles for Iron Man Magazine. Of course, Starr didn't invent the program. Before his book was published, many bodybuilders and powerlifters from the '60s and '70s used it. (Some of these lifters did prefer a medium/light/heavy system of training, however, thinking it best to save the heavy stuff for the last training day of the week.) The purpose of the article is to show how to properly use a heavy/light/medium system. Although many people advocate this program as a good means for gaining both size and strength (a search of the many internet forums should attest to this fact), I have found that many lifters don't understand how to utilize it correctly. Since I have trained many others and myselfusually either powerlifters or football playersusing the system, I believe I understand its nuances better than most. I have also used this system for extended periods of time (as long as six months), which is something that needs to be done in order to really understand any training methodology. What follows is a week of workouts designed for anyone that's new to this style of training. Pay close attention to all of the details, and read the training plan several times before you attempt the program. After I have finished going over the program in detail, I will offer a few pointers so that you can properly tweak the system based on your goals and your level of strength fitness. Day One Heavy Day The first training day of each week is the "heavy" day. Rememberand this is an aspect of the program that many lifters don't "get"that "heavy" refers to the total workload for a session; workload being weight lifted times number of sets times number of repetitions. It does not mean that you simply train with heavier weights on this day compared to the other days. Squats 5 sets of 5 reps. The cornerstone of the heavy/light/medium system is usually the squat. This is for good reason; the squat is an exercise that you can train 3 days a week and not overtrain the movement pattern. Being capable of utilizing the same exercise on all three training days makes it easy for a lifter to calculate workload for each training day; a big plus with this system. It's also the cornerstone of the system