A Meta-analysis on the Influence of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Adolescents' Social Anxiety

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Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24OCT174

A Meta-analysis on the Influence of Authoritarian

Parenting Style on Adolescents' Social Anxiety
Hiba. P. T
Department of Psychology, Daulat Ram College
University of Delhi


 Aim Family is the first communication source of a person.

To understand the influence of authoritarian Once they enter into the world, they learn every minute things
parenting style in adolescents' social anxiety. by observing their parents. Each parent has their own way of
parenting. The way a parent treats and behaves to their child is
 Methodology determined by how the parent was treated as a child.
Previous research papers and articles published on
this topic were reviewed and comprehended through Parents’ behaviours and actions influence the child’s
google scholar and pub med etc that were previously used perception, attitude and thoughts of everything around them.
by other scholars. After collecting various studies, these A child learns expression of emotions as well as language in
studies were reviewed and reached a conclusion. the early years of their life through observation. Thus,
parenting is a crucial aspect in a child’s growth and
 Literature Review development.
This study comprises various papers conducted by
researchers on the impact of authoritarian parenting on Children evolve and learn things based on their
adolescents’ social anxiety. These studies were assumed to observations, experiences and feedback from their
be the data for this present study. This study was environment. Thus, parenting styles can make children more
successfully completed by discussing the findings of these vulnerable to various mental disorders.
already existing studies.
A. Parenting Styles
 Discussion and Interpretation
Many studies have found that authoritarian  Authoritative Style
parenting has a significant direct effect on social anxiety in Authoritative parents are nurturing and supportive. At the
adolescents. The cold and rejecting parenting enhances same time they set clear boundaries and guidelines for their
fear in the child. As the child grows into adolescence, the children and explain the reasons for these decisions. They
teen may withdraw from social situations and isolate encourage their children to share their opinions.
himself or herself solely because of the fear of being judged
and scrutinized by others.  Authoritarian Style
This parenting style is characterized by imposing strict
 Conclusion rules on children. Parents set high expectations from their
It is suggested that parents should not adopt children and lower in responsiveness. There is one way
authoritarian parenting to upbring the child. Girls were communication, where the parent sets rules and the child must
reported to be higher in social anxiety as compared to obey. They use harsh punishment and emotional
boys. manipulations.

Keywords:- Authoritarian Parenting, Social Anxiety, Gender  Permissive Style

Difference, Cultural Factors. Permissive parenting style involves limited rules. Parents
allow their children to make decisions by themselves and the
communication is very open. They have a low level of
expectations from their children so they use very little

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Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24OCT174

 Avoidant Style Rana and others (2013) conducted a study to observe the
The parents are less responsive to their child’s needs and relationship between various parenting styles and social
concerns. Lack of emotional expressions are very common in anxiety among adolescents. The data were collected from 200
this parenting style. They also set unrealistic expectations for students (100- Boys, 100- Girls) between the ages 18-20 years.
the child and discourage emotional expressions. The questionnaires used to assess were Social Anxiety Scale
for Adolescents and Parental Attitude Inventory. The results of
B. What is Social Anxiety? this study revealed a significant relationship between
Social anxiety is a mental condition where an individual parenting style social anxiety. Authoritarian and avoidant
is afraid of being judged and scrutinized by others. People styles of parenting were found to be significantly related with
with social anxiety find it difficult to maintain eye contact, and social anxiety. Gender differences in social anxiety were also
constantly feel embarrassment in social situations. found, where females were found to be high on social anxiety
as compared to their male counterparts.
C. Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is a mental Parvez & Irshad (2013) conducted a study to understand
disorder where the individual is afraid of being judged and the parenting styles of anxious and non anxious students . The
scrutinized by others and it has a significant impact on their data were collected from 500 students (250- Males, 250-Girls)
social, occupational and interpersonal relationships. from different universities. The scale used to assess social
anxiety and parenting style was Liebowitz Social Anxiety
D. Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder Scale. They found that authoritarian parenting style has a
● Intense fear of being scrutinized by others. consistent relationship with social anxiety. Students who grew
● Fear of being humiliated or embarrassed up under authoritarian parenting style tend to develop social
● Blushing, trembling or sweating anxiety in later life. A significant gender difference was also
● Overcritical of own mistakes in public setting found. Females tend to show social anxiety relatively higher
● Avoidance of social situations as compared to males.
● Physical pain and muscle tension
● Increased heart rate Tabatabaei Rad & Balootbangan (2017) conducted a
● Upset stomach study to analyse how parenting styles contribute to internet
addiction and social anxiety among adolescents in Iran. The
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE data were collected from 400 high school students . The
sampling method used was multi stage cluster sampling. The
Baharshanjani & Taherifar,(2022) conducted a study to scale used to measure internet addiction was Yang’s Internet
understand the relationship between various parenting styles Addiction Test. For measuring social anxiety , the Social
and social anxiety with the emphasis on fear of negative Anxiety Scale was used. The results revealed a significant
evaluation. In which they found that parenting style has a positive relationship between authoritarian and permissive
direct relationship with adolescents’ fear of negative parenting styles with internet addiction and social anxiety. It
evaluation. Where parents who are cold and rejecting and use can be concluded that adolescents who grew up under
excessive controlling will use emotional withdrawal, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles tend to be
transferring others opinions as a punishment. addicted to the internet as well as show higher social anxiety.

Ghosh (2021) conducted a study to understand the effect Janjua (2022) conducted a study to understand the
of authoritarian parenting style on various aspects of relationship between parenting styles and social anxiety . The
children’s development by reviewing existing studies. She study was conducted on 100 students from different
concluded that authoritarian style is a power assertive style universities using convenient sampling method. The research
that should not be used to upbring a child. The reasons stated results revealed that there is a relationship between parenting
that authoritarian parenting style significantly increase the styles and social anxiety among students. They concluded that
chances of various mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, as parental authority decreases, social anxiety will also reduce.
mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, personality Therefore, authoritarian parenting style tends to increase
disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders, Children who social anxiety in children.
grew up in an environment where parents were cold and
rejecting, they tend to be highly shy and lack confidence. They Ilyas & Khan,(2023) conducted a study to understand the
develop poor judgement abilities, or become rebellious against role of various parenting styles and psychosocial factors
authority. contributing to social anxiety among adolescents. In which
they concluded that adolescents are the period of increased
symptoms of social anxiety. In addition, they stated that
authoritarian parenting, low quality of life can increase the
risk of social anxiety in adolescents.

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Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24OCT174

expressing what he or she feels to their thought processes,

 Objectives rights, desires and impose what they think is right for the
 To examine the impact of authoritarian parenting style on child. As a result, the child controls his or her emotions and
the development of social anxiety in adolescents. behaviours to the extent it will explode at a certain point and
 To understand gender differences in social anxiety become any disorder. Children who grew up under such
parents have been molded as a puppet.
Authoritarian as well as uninvolved parenting styles
This present study focuses on the influence of contribute more to the development of social anxiety in
authoritarian parenting style contributing to the development children, Especially, when mother is authoritarian and father is
of social anxiety in adolescents. This study is conducted neglectful (Rana et al,2013). In this context, the mother will be
through an analysis of previously published research papers emotionally cold and make decisions for the child. Whereas
and articles found in various journals and books. the father who is neglectful will avoid the child, thus the child
does not have a support to reach out.
This study was conducted by reviewing various research
papers and articles related to the field. The primary website Constant blaming and guilt expressed by authoritarian
used was google scholar and pubmed. Certain keywords such parents make children believe that they are bad enough to get
as authoritarian parenting , social anxiety were used. disrespect and neglect (Baharshanjani & Taherifar,2022).
Negative self evaluation of children will increase social
 Inclusion Criteria anxiety and decrease self confidence.
The present study includes research papers and articles
that analyze the effect of various parenting styles on students Even in the case of immigrant parents, authoritarian
ages 15-19 years old. Studies conducted in other countries parenting style significantly influenced various aspects of
were also incorporated in this study. children's life. Cold and rejective parents had a significant
impact on how adolescents perceive their surroundings. A
 Exclusion Criteria study conducted by Xu and others (2017) found that in
In the present study, research papers and articles immigrant adolescents, paternal emotional warmth could
conducted on children below 14 years of age are not included. decrease social anxiety. When both parents lack emotional
warmth, the child tends to show coldness in later life.
Adolescents who are socially anxious are assumed to
The aim of this study was to understand the influence of have attention bias for angry faces. They tend to avoid
authoritarian parenting style in adolescents' social anxiety. situations where others become angry or try not to create such
This study was conducted by analysing previously published situations. They escape from undesirable situations where
research papers and articles related to the topic. others may express undesirable emotions . Authoritarian
parenting increases the risk for developing psychopathology
Social anxiety is a mental condition where an individual later in life (Gulley et al, 2014).
is afraid of being judged and scrutinized by others. They fear
negative judgement of others about various aspects of their Punitive and over critical parenting was associated with
behavior and action. Individuals high on social anxiety tend to higher risk for various anxiety disorders (Ilyas & Khan,2023).
be scared of being in social situations, they sweat, shake, Perceiving circumstances beyond one's control, excessive
blush, and heart race in social settings. control of parents, reduces children's perception of the world
in a narrow way and may increase the risk for social anxiety
Authoritarian parenting style is characterized by disorder. As a result, a child who grows up under authoritarian
imposing strict rules on children. Parents set high expectations parents tends to be very rational and use logical thinking in
from their children and lower in responsiveness. They are cold every sphere of their life.
and rejecting. Children who grew up in an authoritarian
parenting environment tend to misjudge punishment and Studies have shown that social anxiety reduces quality of
obedience as an expression of love. life (Ilyas & Khan, 2023). The quality of an individual's life
will be lowered as he or she constantly fears being judged by
Authoritarian parenting may lead to various others and with low self esteem, self confidence and
psychopathology including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, satisfaction in life. They struggle to begin and maintain
personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating interpersonal relationships, which might make them tired of
disorders etc. Authoritarian parenting style contributes to living.
deteriorating quality of human life (Ghosh,2021). Because in
this parenting style, the parents restrict the child from

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Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24OCT174

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deficiency in emotional expression, suppression of negative parenting on adolescents’ social anxiety. But it excludes
emotions such as anger, as well as lack of emotional ways to prevent such parenting as well as treatment
regulation (Cejudo et al,2018). As they fear undesirable methods for social anxiety.
emotions, they try to control their negative emotions that will
lead to psychological distress. REFERENCES

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ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24OCT174

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