CH 2 - 241013 - 003141
CH 2 - 241013 - 003141
CH 2 - 241013 - 003141
According to Section 2(h) of the Act, ‘An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.’
Section 10 states.
All agreements are contracts
if they are made by the free consent of
parties competent to contract,
for lawful consideration and with a lawful object,
And are not hereby expressly declared to be void.
1. Plurality of parties. There must be at least two persons or parties. One of them is
known as ‘proposer’ or ‘promisor’ and other one is known an ‘offeree’ or ‘promisee’.
4. Contractual Capacity. Only legally competent persons can make valid agreement.
The law presumes that every person is competent to enter into contract if he fulfills the
following conditions:
(i) He is a major.
(ii) He is of sound mind; and
(iii) He is not disqualified from contracting by any law of the land to which he is a
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6. Free consent. Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by (i) coercion, or
(ii) undue influence, or (iii) fraud, or (iv) mis-representation, or (v) mistake.
Determine In The Following Cases Whether The Consideration Is Lawful Or Unlawful?
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definite without further agreement of the parties. If, however, the meaning of agreement
can be made certain from the facts and circumstances of the case, it will be a valid
11. Agreements not declared void. An agreement, which possesses all the
essential of a valid agreement, is generally a valid contract. However, if any such
agreement is expressly declared void by the law of the land, it is void.
Agreements having unlawful object or consideration, agreements without consideration,
agreement in restraint of trade or marriage, etc. are some of the expressly declared void
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4. Voidable contract: According to Sec.2 (i), “An agreement which is
enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties
thereto, but not at the option of the others, is a voidable contract.”
Therefore, a voidable contract is an agreement, which is voidable at the option of the
aggrieved party. Voidable contracts may be of two types:
(i) Voidable from beginning. There are certain contracts, which are voidable from
the very beginning. It is so when the consent of the party is caused either by
(a) coercion,
(b) undue influence,
(c) fraud or
(d) mis-representation.
(ii) Voidable subsequently. There are certain cases where one part may treat a
contract as voidable. In other words, when one of the parties to the contract
elects to treat the contract as void, then such a contract becomes voidable
subsequently. A contract becomes voidable subsequently in the following three
(a) On refusal of performance: When a party to a contract has refused to
perform his promise in entirety, the other party may put an end to the
contract, unless he has signified by words or conduct, his consent to its
(b) When a party prevents another from performing. When one party to the
contract prevents the other from performing a reciprocal promise, the
contract becomes voidable at the option of the party so prevented. [Sec.53].
(c) When a party fails to perform within a specific time. When a party to a
contract promises to do a certain thing at or before a specific time and fails to
perform it at or before such time, the contract becomes voidable at the option
of the promisee, if the parties intended that the time should be of essence of
the contract.
(i) Voidable at the option of aggrieved party.
(ii) Valid till rescinded. A voidable contract continues to be valid till the aggrieved
party rescinds it.
(iii) Other party relieved from performing. When aggrieved party rescinds the
contract, the other party need not perform any promise therein contained. (Sec.64)
(iv) Restitution / Compensation is allowed if aggrieved party rescinds the contract..
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A contract is voidable when the
Any agreement is void when it
consent of the party is caused by
is made with incompetent
coercion or undue influence or
parties or for unlawful objects
5.Causes fraud or misrepresentation.
and consideration or it is
Moreover, parties can treat the
expressly declared to be void
contract voidable under the
under the law.
provisions of Secs.39, 53 and 55.
The party obtaining goods under
voidable agreement can transfer a
The party obtaining goods
good title to the third party if the
6. Transfer of under void agreement cannot
third party obtains it in good faith and
title transfer a good title to the
for consideration and the aggrieved
third party.
party has not avoided the contract
before such transfer.
Parties do not have right to
restore the benefits passed on
If the party rescinding the contract
to the other unless the parties
has received may benefit under the
were unaware of the
7. Restitution contract from other party, he must
impossibility of performance at
restore such benefit, so far as may
the time of agreement or the
be, to the other party.
party to the agreement was
If a party rightfully rescind (i.e. puts
No party has a right to get
an end) the contract, he can claim
compensation for damages
8. Damages compensation or damages
because such agreement has
sustained by him due to non-
no legal effects.
fulfillment of the promise.
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(iv) it involves or implies, injury to the person or property of another; or
(v) The Court regards it as immoral; or
(vi) The court regards it apposed to public policy.
Thus, the term unlawful agreement is wider in its scope that the term illegal agreement. All
the agreements covered under the above stated six heads are not illegal agreements. Only
the agreements forbidden by law, agreements opposed to public policy, agreement of
criminal or immoral nature are included in illegal agreements. Therefore, it is true that
every illegal agreement is unlawful but every unlawful agreement is not
necessarily illegal.
(i) Void agreement. The agreement is void ab initio.
(ii) Collateral agreement void. Every collateral agreement to an illegal agreement is also
void. It should be noted that if the main agreement were void but not illegal, its
collateral agreement would not be affected.
(iii) Legal part enforceable. If any part of a single agreement is illegal, the whole
agreement will be illegal and void. However, where the agreement consists of two parts,
one legal and the other illegal, and they are severable or separable from each other, the
legal part is enforceable and the illegal part will be void.
(iv) Punishment. The parties to an illegal agreement are punishable as per the law of the
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Classification according to enforceability
PARTY void)
3. Tacit Contract: tacit contracts are those which are inferred from the conduct of the
parties. For example cash withdrawn by a customer from the bank ATM.
2. Executory contract. A contract in which the parties to the contract have still to
perform their side of the contract, it is known as executory contract.
Where in a contract, one party has performed the contract but the other is yet to perform
his part of the contract, the contract will be known as partly executed and partly
executory contract.
On the basis of extent of execution or performance, the contracts can also be classified as
1. Bilateral contract. A bilateral contract is one in which both the parties exchange a
promise to each other. One party promises to perform some act in the future in exchange
for the other party’s promise to perform some act. In such a contract, obligations on part
of both the parties are outstanding at the time of formation of the contract.
Thus, it is similar to an executory contract. It is also known as contract with executory
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Unilateral contract. It is a one-sided contract in which one party has already performed
his obligation at or before the point of time when the contract comes into existence
and the other party remains liable to perform his obligation after the contract comes
into existence.
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