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NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V.

Tsvetkov, Fall 2006


Fall Semester, 2006 Instructor Dr. Pavel V. Tsvetkov Zachry 122D, (979) 845-7078, [email protected] Office Hours: MW 09 a.m.11 p.m. & TR 13 p.m.15 p.m. Welcome to stop by!


Tuesday, Thursday, 11:10 a.m. 12:25 p.m., Zachry Engineering Center, 128A

Texas A&M Graduate Catalog Data Credits: NUEN 601 (3-0) Nuclear Reactor Theory. Credit 3. Description: Neutron-nucleus interactions; neutron energy spectra; transport and diffusion theory; multigroup approximation; criticality calculations; cross-section processing; buildup and depletion calculations; modern reactor analysis methods and codes. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor Text 1. Notes: Nuclear Reactor Theory, lecture notes (The main information source for course subjects is a set of comprehensive course notes written by the instructor and distributed to the class. The course notes provide complete and consistent coverage of the course topics) 3. References: W. M. Stacey, Nuclear Reactor Physics, John Wiley & Sons, 2001 (ISBN: 0471-39127-1) J. R. Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory, Addison-Wesley Pub., 1966, (ISBN: 0-894-48040-5) J. R. Lamarsh, A. J. Baratta, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 3d ed., Prentice-Hall, 2001 (ISBN: 0-201-82498-1) J. J. Duderstadt, L. J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1976 (ISBN: 0-471-22363-8) K. O. Ott, W. A. Bezella, Introductory Nuclear Reactor Statics, American Nuclear Society, Revised edition (1989), 1989 (ISBN: 0-894-48033-2) K. O. Ott, R. J. Neuhold, Introductory Nuclear Reactor Dynamics, American Nuclear Society, 1985 (ISBN: 0-894-48029-4) D. L. Hetrick, Dynamics of Nuclear Reactors, American Nuclear Society, 1993 (ISBN: 0-894-48453-2) E. E. Lewis, W. F. Miller, Computational Methods of Neutron Transport, American Nuclear Society, 1993 (ISBN: 0-894-48452-4) J. K. Shultis, R. E. Faw, Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2002 (ISBN: 0-824-70834-2)

2. Textbook:

Course Objectives NUEN 601 is a 1st-year-level graduate course. Within the Master of Science degree curriculum, it relates the fundamental physical principles, concepts and modeling techniques to analysis and design of nuclear reactors. It prepares to study nuclear systems including aspects of performance, dynamics and safety and to either develop new designs or to assess existing or proposed designs based upon fundamental understanding of reactor physics. This course is intended to provide the graduate students with description of the computational methods for nuclear engineering applications. By the end of the course, the graduate students will be able to perform analytical and numerical calculations necessary in nuclear system research and development starting with processing nuclear data and multigroup cross section library preparation up to 3D whole-core calculations including criticality, core composition changes, dynamics and safety. The focus is on the theory behind applied nuclear engineering code systems and computational technologies currently available for reactor physics, studies.

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

Desirable Background Knowledge by Topic 1. Basic nuclear physics 2. Systems of linear equations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors 3. Ordinary differential equations (ODE) 4. Partial differential equations (PDE) Topics Covered 1. Fundamentals of nuclear systems 2. Mathematical description of physical phenomena: neutron transport, diffusion, and Monte Carlo 3. Nuclear data and cross-section processing 4. Neutron moderation 5. Multigroup method 6. Perturbation theory 7. Reactor kinetics and dynamics 8. Core composition changes during reactor operation 9. Modern reactor analysis methods and codes 10. Nuclear reactor design principles and applications of the introduced modeling techniques Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete this course should be able to: 1. Discuss quantitatively and qualitatively fundamentals of nuclear systems 2. Analyze nuclear reactor performance in terms of quantities describing neutron-nuclear reactions 3. Process nuclear data and prepare multigroup cross section libraries 4. Discuss deterministic and stochastic approaches of nuclear reactor modeling and introduce neutron transport and diffusion equations as well as Monte Carlo method (define all related terms and discuss their meaning, discuss areas of applicability and overview advantages and disadvantages of each method, and etc.) 5. Derive neutron transport equation 6. Derive neutron diffusion equation 7. Derive quantities related to Monte Carlo method 8. Derive the first-order perturbation theory expression for the change in reactivity due to changes in cross sections 9. Derive the point reactor kinetics model and inhour equation 10. Analyze bare homogeneous reactors and design a system with specified characteristics (analytical solutions of 1D, 2D, 3D time-dependent and time-independent problems) 11. Develop the one-group diffusion models for multiregion reactors and solve problems within the framework of one-group diffusion theory for multiregion reactors 12. Compute neutron distributions and multiplication factors in steady-state heterogeneous reactors using multigroup diffusion method 13. Analytically and numerically solve simple neutron transport problems 14. Compute dynamics and safety characteristics using the point reactor kinetics models (simple analytical and numerical solutions) 15. Compute effects due to the core composition changes during reactor operation (depletion and fission product buildup) 16. Discuss modern reactor analysis methods and codes, nuclear reactor design principles and applications of the introduced modeling techniques 17. Develop models for nuclear reactor analysis and neutronics design 18. Design heterogeneous reactors with specified characteristics Computer Usage The course assignments require analytical and numerical solutions. Appropriate use of the general software packages (for example, MATLAB, etc.) is encouraged. Numerical solutions assume use of the existing nuclear engineering codes and development of algorithms followed by implementation in the form of a computer program. A working knowledge of at least one programming language is expected.

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

Course Structure

This course consists of the academic elements as defined below. The purpose and content of each
academic element are: 1. Lectures and lecture notes Lectures and lecture notes will cover the course topics and will be made as self-sufficient as reasonably achievable 2. Homework problem (HW) sets Homework problem (HW) sets will be assigned and graded weekly. See the Course Policy, Assignment Submission Guidelines and Grading Policy defined later in this syllabus 3. Simplified reactor design problem (RDP) Simplified reactor design problem (RDP) will be assigned in addition to the regular homework assignments. The problem is intended to enhance familiarization with the course topics. Depending on the course material covered, it will be given within 4-5 weeks before the final examination (after 2nd midterm examination) 4. Short express quizzes Short express quizzes will be given to facilitate and enhance the learning process. Each quiz will consist of theoretical questions based on the material from the preceding lectures and will be designed for approximately 15 min of class time (open book). The short express quizzes will be given randomly and without any prior notice 5. Performance assessment meetings Individual performance assessment meetings will be scheduled with each student following individual student schedules. The purpose of these meetings is to give a student an opportunity to discuss his progress with instructor, share concerns and suggestions about the course, as well as to receive the detailed feedback and performance assessment from instructor. The meeting attendance is mandatory. 6. Two major midterm examinations Two mandatory midterm examinations will be given (closed book & notes, no calculators) as following: Exam 1 Written midterm examination (see the course schedule provided later in this syllabus); Exam 2 Oral midterm examination (each student will be assigned a 30 minutes time lot, see the course schedule provided later in this syllabus). The oral exam will be conducted by a committee of several professors from the department chaired by the course instructor. Both exams will be comprehensive with respect to the corresponding preceding material. Depending on the actual progress, the midterm exams are planned for the beginning/middle of October and November. 7. Final examination options: Option 1 Oral Exam Prerequisite course score: 91%-100% by the last day of classes. Oral final exam (closed book, closed notes, no calculators) will be comprehensive with respect to the entire course material Mandatory written final examination (closed book, closed notes, no calculators) will be comprehensive with respect to the entire course material. The optional comprehensive oral exam will be offered following the mandatory written exam to facilitate fairness of the assessment. The decision of taking the optional oral exam is entirely up to a student.

Option 2

Written Exam Optional Oral Exam

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

Course Outline (all dates and topics are subject to change depending on the actual course progress)
Week 1/15 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2/15 3. Course overview Fundamental concepts Nuclear energetics Radioactivity Binary nuclear reactions, neutron-nuclear reactions Principles of nuclear reactors, nuclear power 2/26 08.31.06 (R) Characteristics of the fission reaction, neutron moderation, practical fission fuels Reactor power, fuel burnup, and fuel consumption Neutron chain-reacting systems Homogeneous and heterogeneous cores, reflectors Reactor kinetics and dynamics, reactivity feedback Core composition changes during reactor operation, nuclear system lifetime September 3/26 09.05.06 (T) HW #1 Due HW #2 Topic Lecture - Date August 1/26 08.29.06 (T) Task HW #1


MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA: NEUTRON TRANSPORT, DIFFUSION AND MONTE CARLO 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. General considerations about reactor physics, engineering requirements Description of the neutron distribution: fluxes, currents, and sources Nuclear data, cross sections, and reaction rates Basic scheme of nuclear system modeling methods Deterministic modeling of nuclear systems 3.5.1. Neutron balance (conservation) equations 3.5.2. Integro-differential neutron transport equation (Boltzmann equation) 3.5.3. Integral transport equation (integral form of the Boltzmann equation) 3.5.4. 3.5.5. 3.5.6. Neutron diffusion equation Interface, boundary and initial conditions Fundamental neutronics problems Source-sink problems, distributed and localized sources Subcritical reactors with an independent source Critical reactors Equivalent critical reactors, multiplication factor Time-dependent problems Estimates of criticality One group diffusion theory, bare homogeneous reactor One-dimensional two-region reactor Reflected reactor; reflector savings

4/26 09.07.06 (R)


5/26 09.12.06 (T) HW #2 Due 6/26 09.14.06 (R)

HW #3 -



7/26 09.19.06 (T) HW #3 Due

HW #4


Stochastic modeling of nuclear systems 3.6.1. Probability distribution functions 3.6.2. Analog Monte Carlo method, error estimates 3.6.3. Non-analog Monte Carlo method 3.6.4. Tracking in phase space 3.6.5. Monte Carlo criticality eigenvalue calculations Cross-section data Evaluated nuclear data files Introduction to the data formats and procedures of the ENDF-6 system NJOY nuclear data processing system, multigroup cross section libraries Separation of space and energy dependencies Scattering processes, resonance absorption: resolved and unresolved resonances Slowing-down balance equations Neutron moderation in infinite homogeneous media 5.4.1. Moderation without absorption 5.4.2. Moderation with infinitely massive absorber 5.4.3. Moderation with real materials Neutron moderation in finite homogeneous media 5.5.1. Continuous slowing down theory 5.5.2. Moderation without absorption, fast non-leakage probability 5.5.3. Moderation with absorption, resonance-escape probability

8/26 09.21.06 (R)




9/26 09.26.06 (T) HW #4 Due

HW #5



10/26 09.28.06 (R)

6/15 5.4.

October 11/26 10.03.06 (T) HW #5 Due

HW #6


12/26 10.05.06 (R)

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

Week 7/15 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 6. Topic Neutron moderation in heterogeneous systems Temperature-dependent resonance absorption Resonance cross section processing Lecture - Date 13/26 10.10.06 (T) HW #6 Due 10.12.06 (R) 14/26 10.17.06 (T) HW #7 Task -

Exam 1 Written midterm examination (closed book & notes, no calculators) 8/15 MULTIGROUP METHOD 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. Problems posed by the solution of the Boltzmann equation, multigroup method Multigroup diffusion method Spectrum calculations and cross section averaging Numerical solution of the multigroup equations, multigroup iteration methods Simple applications of the multigroup diffusion model 6.5.1. Modified one-group (one-and-one-half-group) diffusion model 6.5.2. Two-group diffusion problems 6.5.3. Zero-dimensional multigroup diffusion problem Motivations for a perturbation theory Adjoint problem First-order perturbation theory Applications of first-order perturbation theory General considerations about reactor dynamics, classification of time problems Delayed neutrons The transport equation with delayed neutrons Reactor kinetics equations under diffusion approximation Point reactor kinetics equations Solution of the point kinetics equations, inhour equation, period-reactivity relations Spatial effects in reactor kinetics Temperature coefficients of reactivity Response of a reactor to reactivity changes, reactivity feedback Reactivity control, control system feedback

15/26 10.19.06 (R)



PERTURBATION THEORY 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4.

16/26 10.24.06 (T) HW #7 Due

HW #8


REACTOR KINETICS AND DYNAMICS 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6.

17/26 10.26.06 (R)


6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10.

18/26 10.31.06 (T) HW #8 Due

HW #9



Special Meeting #1 Special Meeting #2 Special Meeting #3 CORE COMPOSITION CHANGES DURING REACTOR OPERATION 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Core composition changes Nuclide production-destruction equations, adiabatic fuel depletion modeling Equilibrium fuel cycle Solution of the nuclide production-destruction equations Reactivity effects of fuel composition changes Core management, reload pattern optimization Reactor properties over life estimating core life, nuclear fuel management Fission product buildup (fission product poisoning) 9.8.1. Samarium 9.8.2. Xenon

November 11.01.06 (W) 11.02.06 (R) 11.03.06 (F) 19/26 11.07.06 (T) HW #10 HW #9 Due 20/26 11.09.06 (R) 21/26 11.14.06 (T) HW #10 Due 22/26 11.16.06 (R) HW #11


9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8.

Exam 2 Oral midterm examination (closed book&notes, no calculators, 30min, schedule TBD) 13/15 10. MODERN REACTOR ANALYSIS METHODS AND CODES 10.1. 10.2. 14/15 10.3. System for standardized computer analyses for licensing evaluation (SCALE) ANL code system for fast reactor modeling (MC2-II, DIF3D, REBUS) THANKSGIVING Monte Carlo n-particle transport code 10.3.1. System overview 10.3.2. Sources and criticality calculations 10.3.3. 10.3.4. 15/15 11. Tallies and variance reduction Examples

10.17.06 (Friday) 10.18.06 (Saturday) 23/26 11.21.06 (T) HW #11 Due 11.23.06 (R) 24/26 11.28.06 (T) HW #12 Due 25/26 11.30.06 (R) December 26/26 12.05.06 (T) HW #13 & RDP Due HW #12 RDP

HW #13

NUCLEAR REACTOR DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE INTRODUCED MODELING TECHNIQUES 11.1. 11.2. Nuclear reactor analysis and design, neutronics and thermohydraulics coupling Computational analysis capabilities for Generation IV systems

FINAL EXAM (Closed Book, Closed Notes, No Calculators)

3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 12.08.06 (F)

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

Course Policy, Assignment Submission Guidelines and Grading Policy 1. Academic Integrity Statement: An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. For additional information please visit http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor 2. Professional Behavior: An important attribute of your professional development is that you act and speak in a manner that will not offend others giving particular care to diversity issues. 3. Assignments (HW solution sets and RDP report): Preparation: Each HW solution set: (1) give assignment number and attach assignment as a cover, (2) use only front side of each page, (3) provide brief problem statements, (4) be neat and legible and present work logically to allow easy follow-up, (5) if asked for a numerical result, give formula and number with units, (6) staple your set RDP report and materials: (1) up to 5 pages (no handwriting) including contents, lists of figures and tables, introduction, problem description, model development, results, conclusions, etc., (2) if you created auxiliary materials list them in the Appendix and Email actual materials, (3) provide the list of references at the end of your report Submission of the HW solution sets and the RDP reports and materials: HW solution sets, RDP report and materials: Work together is encouraged. The participating classmates must be listed on the first page. However, the final submitted assignments must be individual work efforts. If blatant copying is detected, the score will be 0 for all students involved ALL assignments are due at the start of class on the due date! NO late assignments accepted without creditable excuse/explanation for delay! NO assignments will be accepted after the last day of classes! (see the course schedule provided in this syllabus) LATE SUBMISSION (1 WEEK TO EXPLAIN AND ASK FOR A NEW DUE DATE): If a student cannot submit his work by the due date, he has 1 week after the due date to explain the reasons for the delay and ask for a new due date. Depending on the provided explanation and the assignment submission history of a student, the new due date will be assigned or denied (the delayed work will not be accepted in this case). NO GRADE PENALTY. If the student fails to contact instructor within 1 week after the due date, the delayed work will not be accepted. No exceptions! Re-submission of HW sets and RDP reports and materials: If you re-do your assignment, you can increase your grade by at least 10% of the original worth (up to 100% depending on the originality). ONLY ONE RESUBMISSION OF EACH ASSIGNMENT IS PERMITTED.

NUEN601 Nuclear Reactor Theory, Pavel V. Tsvetkov, Fall 2006

4. Structure of final course score: Course Element Class meeting attendance and participation Homework Problem Sets Simplified Reactor Design Problem Short Express Quizzes Exam 1 (Written Midterm Examination) Exam 2 (Oral Midterm Examination) Final Exam TOTAL Final Course Score 5. Final course grade ranges: Final Course Score 90% and above 80 - 89.5% 70 - 79.5% 60 - 69.5% Prepared by: Dr. Pavel V. Tsvetkov. Date: August 28, 2006

Element Score 3% 25% 10% 10% 20% 10% 22% 35% 30% 100% 38%


Final Course Grade A B C D

Scholastic Dishonesty and the Aggie Honor Code: "An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do." The Code forbids the following: Cheating: Attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices or materials in any academic exercise. Fabrication: Making up data or results; submitting fabricated documents. Falsification: Manipulating results such that research is not accurately represented in the research record. Multiple Submissions: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit more than once without authorization from instructors. Plagiarism: Using another persons ideas, work, processes, results, writings, words, etc. without giving appropriate credit. Complicity: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. If you have questions regarding scholastic dishonesty and the Aggie Honor Code, please visit http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor for the Honor Council Rules and Procedures, and http://studentrules.tamu.edu for the Texas A&M University Student Rules. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please tell your instructor or contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall, or call 845-1637. Religious Holidays: If you are a member of a religious faith that has one or more holidays which require you to be absent from any class listed above, please tell your instructor at least two weeks in advance of your absence and make arrangements to make-up the class. Copyrights: The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts" we mean all materials generated for this class, which include but are not limited to syllabi, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless the author expressly grants permission.

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