Recess and School Violence: (Case of Tunisia) : Anouar Bettaieb, Yasmine Fekih, Salha Chelbie Snene

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Recess and school violence: (Case of Tunisia)

Anouar Bettaieb, Yasmine Fekih, Salha Chelbie Snene
Institute of applicated human sciences of Mahdia, University of Monastir, Tunisia

Abstract: This paper tries to explain through a study about Julie Delalande (2005), considers the schoolyard as "a
school violence during recess in primary schools. The basic common place, frequented for generations by all the children
objective is to comprehend the ways of regression of this of our country, several times a day and over many years.
particular violence. Otherwise, creating new pathways to fight Recess, a moment of life divided into segments according to
against this phenomena. This research, conducted in the
the school system's timetable, is part of the child's heritage
"Zgana" primary school in Mahdia, is based on an observation
of this phenomena within the school playground for two weeks. because it is a moment of transmission of a child's culture.
In addition, it is carried out through a questionnaire intended for From one generation to the next, students learn games, but
these school teachers and a semi-structured interview with the also a way of being, allowing their integration into their peer
school director. The aim being to reflect on the climate that group. 1.
reigns during recreation. The results show that recreations are
routinely and not enthusiastic as active recreations. In order to It is clear to us that recreation is a subject that raises passions
have an effect on Tunisian recreation climate in particular by the and emotions. Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of
hypothetical decrease of the violence, recommendations which the Child states that recess is a right, not a privilege. The
affect all actors in the education system, are proposed. journal Pediatrics also points out that recess is a critical
element in the development of learners.
Keywords: Primary school, violence, Active recreation, education
system Neuroscience has also shown that memory and attention are
I. INTRODUCTION improved when learning is spaced out by breaks rather than
done all at once. Since these breaks, introduced between

V iolence is a phenomenon that affects all of us and we are

all concerned. Even children in schools are subject to
violence and humiliation and this can usually affect their
sessions, allow for a better distribution of effort and improve
the learner's cognitive performance.

personality, their learning and their future prospects. Attention begins to wane after 40 to 50 minutes of successive
mental work, and sometimes less. Based on this premise,
In Tunisia, for example, more than 34,000 cases of verbal or recess should be scheduled at regular intervals throughout the
physical violence within schools were reported during the school day. In this way, children are energized and better
2016-2017 school year. An increase of more than 57% prepared to learn. Indeed, the length and frequency of recess
compared to the year 2015. should be sufficient and the location appropriate for children
to mentally decompress. For example, in one elementary
This school violence takes place during learning time in the
school in Texas (USA), students have four 15-minute recesses
classroom and especially during recess in the schoolyard.
daily. This school is modeled after Finland, where their
Violence in the schoolyard is becoming a worrying
overall recess time has increased from twenty minutes to one
phenomenon, and rightly so.
hour each day. According to the teachers at this school,
The recreation area is an open space, surrounded by walls students are also less distracted, more attentive and less
and/or buildings, which is part of a home, an administrative disruptive in the classroom. In fact, although they were
building, or a school. It is also the time given to learners to nervous about falling behind on their curriculum, the teachers
play or relax. In other words, recess should be considered a found that the breaks helped them get ahead of the curriculum
break from the conventional school setting in which children by the middle of the school year, contrary to what they had
are confined to a small environment and spend between 50% originally thought. 2
and 70% of their time sitting.
During this moment of relaxation and release in the school
The playground is defined as a specific area within a school day, the pupils invest their games and weave "sociabilities3"
where learners can relax and move freely in the open air as Julie Delalande (2003) specifies. Indeed, the interaction
during breaks in the day (recess). In fact, in an elementary between children during recess is a unique complement to
school playground, children are most often seen running
around, playing ball, etc., while in a middle school or high
school, children are more likely to be seen playing with their Delalande,J.(2005), La cour d'école : un lieu commun remarquable,
parents. The playground has a social mission where each Recherches familiales,n°2,pp.25-36.
https://apprendre-reviser-memoriser.frconsulté on March 11, 2021.
learner can situate himself or herself in relation to others. 3
Delalande,J.(2003), La récré expliqué aux parents, Sciences Humaines, n°
143, p54. Page 28
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

what happens in the classroom and necessarily contributes to a high likelihood of resulting in, injury, death, emotional
the achievement of one of the missions of the school: to harm, maldevelopment, or deficiency. 7
socialize in order to learn to live better together in a favorable
No category of society is beyond the reach of this serious
climate. The skills that are acquired there (sharing, conflict
phenomenon. The suffering of children injured by people who
resolution, communication, negotiation...) not only form the
should protect them, of women mistreated or humiliated by
basis for healthy development, but also become essential
aggressive partners, of the elderly mistreated by their
elements in making the school experience more enjoyable. In
caregivers, of young people threatened by other young people,
addition, recess time should allow children to socialize and
of people of all ages who inflict violence on each other. In
develop positive relationships with their peers. In addition, we
elementary school, "Violent behavior at this age takes the
also see the development of friendships during recess, as this
form of shoving, bullying, hitting and biting. In elementary
time is a special time that also allows them to interact
school, the manifestations of violence are multiple; they can
differently with other peers than they can in the classroom. So
range from simple discipline problems (disobedience, teasing)
a very important part of education and socialization is missed
to physical aggression, verbal threats, physical threats and
when they are not allowed to enjoy these break times. 4
vandalism (Day, Golench, McDougall and Beals-Gonzaléz,
In fact, during recess, students become more agitated when 1995).7' Violence can occur in both individual and collective
they are tired, very bored, or are required to make ways and includes a long list of behaviors from which it can
considerable efforts to stay focused on the lesson. Disruptive be comprehensively divided into seven categories.
behavior, which interferes with the flow of the session,
1) Physical violence:
decreases when students get enough breaks. Also, if fidgeting
is becoming more of a problem in the classroom, recess is an According to the definition of Larousse, physical violence is
appropriate solution, since learners who have regular break a "direct act that affects the physical integrity (blows, rackets,
times and during which they are notably active are then less rapes ...), life or freedom of an individual. It is the whole of
fidgety, which predisposes them to success and better the acts characterized by abuses of the physical force"8.
academic performance.
This type of violence is quite common in the school
In the face of a highly structured school timetable, recess environment. "Physical violence, rarely directed at teachers, is
appears to be one of the rare moments of freedom during carried out in transit areas (stairs, schoolyard...) and usually
which pupils can extricate themselves from their role as outside of adult supervision9.
children, in a specific space and time. The playground appears
2) Verbal abuse:
to be the ideal place for students to play freely, without any
adult supervision. It has a special dimension and is seen as "a Verbal violence is defined as all the words, insulting remarks
relative space of freedom, a call to real life, a place beyond and shouts (threats, nasty nicknames, sexist remarks, racist
the school"5. Considering the above, if recess lasts 15 minutes, insults, obscenities, disrespect, blackmail...) and devaluing
students should have 15 minutes of play. which aim at attacking and humiliating an individual.
We have also focused our interests on the concept of violence, This type of violence can be experienced inside or outside the
which adopts different definitions as it affects several classroom as a phenomenon exerted by the teacher on the
elements of society, since the world in which we live seems to learners or by the learners on their teachers or by the students
be more and more violent. Thus, this term depends on the among themselves.
values and criteria in force in a society or a group, at a given
time. 3) Behavioral violence:

Dictionaries define violence as:(a) the act of acting on Behavioral violence is defined as any type of unwanted
someone or making them act against their will by using force behavior, perceived as hostile and harmful, that affects the
or intimidation;(b) a natural disposition to brutal expression of physical or psychological integrity of another person, their
feelings;(c) the irresistible force of a thing;(d) the brutal rights or their dignity. It includes insolence, insults,
character of an action. 6 disrespect, rudeness, lack of punctuality, lack of attendance,
as well as improper dress or dress that does not conform to the
According to the WHO-World Health Organization, the internal rules of a school.
definition of violence is "the deliberate use or threat of
deliberate use of physical force or power against oneself, 7
Romano, H. (2016). Pour une école bien traitante Preventing school
another person, or a group or community that results in, or has psychosocial risks. Malakof(France),Dunod
7' Turcotte,D. Lamonde,G. (2004) La violence à l'école primaire : les auteurs
et les victimes, Université Laval, volume XXXII:1, Spring 2004 Canada.
4 8 accessed on March 11, 2021. Larousse, PA. (1905). Le petit Larousse, France: Claude Augé.
5 9
Barrere,C. (2016.). La cour de récré, éditions Midi-Pyrénéennes. Debarbieux, E. (1999). La violence en milieu scolaire Tome 2- Le désordre
Ibid, p. 3. des classes. Paris, Esf éditeur. Page 29
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

4) Psychological abuse: II. METHODS

This type of violence is sometimes called mental cruelty, and In order to highlight this phenomenon of school violence, we
is characterized by the adoption of words and attitudes aimed rely on data collected using a double methodological
at denigrating a person by the marks and injuries left on the approach: a quantitative approach through observation and a
victim. questionnaire was administered.
According to Stevens (1996), any act of violence includes These quantitative data are supplemented by data from
components of psychological violence, because any type of qualitative research through a semi-structured interview with
violence suffered causes psychological consequences in the the school principal.
victim of aggression.
A description of the framework of our field study is necessary.
5) Harassment: This research has for essential object the elementary school of
"Zgana" in Mahdia. This school allows students two breaks,
Bullying is considered to be repeated physical, verbal or
one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. These two
psychological violence. This violence also exists within the
moments constitute the time devoted for our research.
school. It is committed by one or more students against a
victim who cannot defend himself or herself. When a child is From the outset, it was necessary to systematize the
threatened, insulted, beaten, shoved or repeatedly receives observations in order to create a climate of trust with the
abusive messages, it is called bullying. children and to progressively erase the double dissymmetry
inherent in the researcher-actor and adult-child relationship
School bullying affects all social backgrounds: girls and boys,
through several visits to the school. A new relationship was
village and inner-city schools, primary and secondary schools.
10 thus established between the students and the researcher,
opening the way to a climate of trust conducive to data
6) Indiscipline: collection.
It represents one of the most dominant forms of violence in Our study is spread over the second week of March and the
the school environment. It is the act of breaking the rules and first week of April 2021 and took place in a state elementary
rituals that constitute the school order by disobeying the school in Mahdia "Zgana". The latter is located in a rather
norms of the school's internal regulations. urban environment that covers 2000 square meters. The
school has 390 students and 26 teachers. In this school, there
7) Sexual violence:
are 10 classrooms and 7 small gardens in each of which there
Sexual abuse includes "unwanted touching, sexual is a chair for children. The data collection of our research is
intimidation, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual done during the recesses that take place twice a day and each
coercion through sexual jokes, and rape perpetrated by the of them lasts twenty minutes.
teacher, or a school staff member." 11 This research is based on a methodological principle which is
"Violence is not always striking but it always hurts", the observation of an elementary school playground. Thus, all
proclaimed the slogan of an information campaign on cycles and classes can be covered. The research is based on an
violence against women. This formula perfectly embodies observation grid to report student behaviors, which will allow
violence in schools, whose most well-known facts are for tracking of student violent acts during recess over the
propelled to the forefront by the media, unlike the others course of two weeks. According to Hawkins, "the main
which are passed under silence, as if invisible and yet appear component of all observation systems is the design of an
just as painful. We also aim to answer the following question observation grid that illustrates the different behaviors to be
through this study: Is the recreation in the Tunisian school observed. 12
qualified as a recreation of happiness?
This tool allows first of all to observe the behaviors and
The guidelines in Tunisia are not available, neither the attitudes of the individuals, it thus allows to complete
ministry of education without any considerable efforts. Also descriptive and qualitative data, to observe the evolution of a
the pedagogic committees in primary schools don’t debate group in time and to observe essentially the exchanges
such a fundamental question. between the individuals.
Our study aims to identify aggressive behavior among
students in an elementary school during recess. The

Romano.H,(2015), "Chapter 1:Understanding," Harassment in the School
Environment, Dunod, pp.21-70.
11 12
Komenandagou.D et al. (2015), Les violences sexuelles en milieu scolaire Bettaieb, A. (2015), Réforme LMD, professionnalisation et pratiques
ivoirienUne étude descriptive d'un échantillon représentatif de 2 200 élèves, didactiques des ISSEP (cas de l'issep de Sfax). Doctoral thesis defended at the
Perspectives Psy, EDP Sciences, pp.263- 274. Higher Institute of Education and Continuing Education. Unpublished. Page 30
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

observation grid is divided into forms and types of violence III. RESULTS
and the categories of actors of each type. Table 1:
We also opted to make a questionnaire directed to the teachers Overall distribution of different forms and sub-forms of violence of all
students by day.
of the elementary school studied, in order to understand their
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 Totals
points of view on the phenomenon of violence in this school
during the recess. Physical violence
Hustle 7 6 5 8 3 5 4 38
✓ Conduct of the experiment:
Hit 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 11
 Observation: Fights 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 6
Observational data collection was done through the following Pinch 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6
Bite 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
o The first step: Tearing an
object out
This step is essentially dedicated to obtaining an access 3 2 1 2 1 4 2 15
of your
authorization from our institute and another one from the hand
administration of the elementary school to attend different Self-
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 4
recesses. Physical
15 12 11 13 10 13 8 82
o The second step:
Verbal abuse
This stage is devoted to discovering the research environment,
Insults 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 4
exploring the working conditions and infrastructure of the
institution, and consulting on the time spent on recreation. Mockery 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 11
o The third step: 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 5
This stage is devoted to direct observation in the field by the Threats 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
assistant in the playgrounds to get to know the process better Vulgar
0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4
and to ensure a certain familiarity with the context of the work
Roughness 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
being addressed.
Yelling at
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 17
o The fourth step: someone
Da Day Day Da Day Day Da
This is the stage of videotaping student behavior during Totals
y1 2 3 y4 5 6 y7
recess. Total
forms of 24 19 16 20 16 20 12 127
According to these recordings and our observations during the violence
different recesses alternating between those of the morning
from 09:50 to 10:10 and those of the afternoon from 14:50 to Table 2:
15:10, we determined the main axes of observations which Distribution of totals for different forms of violence among all students by
guided us to elaborate a grid which categorizes the types of observation days
violence, the acts and the actors of these types of behavior.
The grid is made up of two main parts: physical violence and Day Day Day Day Day Day Day total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s
verbal violence with their various indicators, as well as the Physical
different categories of student actors (girl/boy - grade 15 12 11 13 10 13 8 82
1/degree 2/degree 3). Verbal
9 7 5 7 6 7 4 45
When reviewing the footage filmed during recess, each time a Total forms
24 19 16 20 16 20 12 127
violent action is detected, a cross is placed in the box of violence
corresponding to the act (type and form) and the child actor of
this act (gender and degree). Table 3:
Distribution of violent acts by gender of students
The questionnaire is a measurement tool
For further investigation, we also tried to find out the opinions Girls Boys Total
of the teachers in the school studied regarding recess and Physical violence 22 60 82
violence during recess.
Verbal abuse 24 21 45
Total 46 79 127 Page 31
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Chart 1: Representation of the total percentage of all forms of violence we wanted to know if violence during this break time between
according to the days of observation.
learning sessions is higher or lower than violence during the
other times of the school day (the time of arrival and departure
Total percentage
of all
from school). For this, 85% of the teachers answered "yes",
forms of violence according to i.e. they noticed that school violence increases during recess.
of the days While 15% of the teachers in this school do not see that
of observation violence is higher during recess.
Jour3 Recess in schools cannot be called a happy recess. This is
15% Jour4
because there are no clubs in the schoolyard during recess. In
15% other words, recreation does not correspond to the nature of
13% the child who likes to play with his friends and to experience
activities in which the student positively releases his energy.
15% 13%
Since the child always needs to release this cumulative
energy, he or she automatically resorts to violent acts.

During the seven days of observation, there were a total of We also point out that students who do not participate in
127 acts of violence. Physical violence and verbal violence recess and do not come to an enthusiastic, active,
were respectively 82 and 45 (Table 2). Thus, physical organized, and safe recess may have more difficulty
violence represents 66.13% of violent acts and verbal violence focusing on specific classroom tasks, are more tired, and
represents 33.87% of violent acts. If we look at the violent may be more easily distracted. Thus, ironically,
acts day by day during the whole week of observation, we see depriving students of recess to punish them for bad
that these acts represent respectively for the seven days: 19%, behavior or to get them to finish their schoolwork can
15%, 13%, 15%, 13%, 15%, 10% of the total acts of violence. become pedagogically counterproductive since recess not
It can be seen that the first day of observation was particularly only promotes children's physical health and social
marked by acts of violence (19%) while the last day had the development, but also plays an important role in their
lowest rate of violent acts (10%). During this day, the students cognitive performance.
in the highest grade do not have class. For the rest of the Managing time and schedules in a school can quickly
week, the percentages are almost equal. become a complex task. Taking into account the
Thanks to precedent table, we notice that from the 127 acts of particularities of the environment (number of students
violence, the girls realised acts of violence against 79 acts for attending the school, size of the schoolyard, specific
the boys (Table 3). Hence, on the period of the observation ( 7 problems), it is up to each school to put in place
Days), 37% of the acts were generated by the girls and 63% measures that will create a harmonious climate that
by the boys. These difference between the genders can be respects the needs of all (students and school personnel).
explained by the socialisation who stands for a masculinist For example, if too many students are in the schoolyard
traditional ideology. at the same time, it may be appropriate to schedule
several recess periods to allow them more space to move
Following the questions reserved for the identification of the around and release their excess energy.
interviewed teachers, the teachers were asked about the
presence of activity clubs in this school, the majority of the Other more subtle forms, such as denigration, contempt and
answers affirm that there are no clubs within the school, these rejection, go unnoticed. Moreover, little is known about the
answers contain 88% of the total of the answers of the profile of students who are perpetrators of this violence and
interviewed teachers whereas 12% of the answers show that the profile of students who are victims of it. According to the
there are clubs in this school, among which a sports club and a data from this study, contrary to what is sometimes believed,
theater club. This question is followed by another one that is there are no perpetrators on one side and victims on the other.
specifically related to the existence of different clubs during Rather, the data indicate that some students live in a context
recess, most of the responses show that there are no clubs of violence while others stay away from this type of behavior.
(96%) while 4% of the responses reveal the presence of a These results highlight the importance of making students
music club that takes place during recess. In this question, aware of the different forms of violence, the one they express
teachers were asked if they noticed aggressive behavior and the one they are victims of, and their harmful
during recess. In response to this question, 88% of the consequences. We must also act on students' beliefs and
teachers said that there is violence between students during opinions so that they realize that they are victims of violence
recess. While 12% of the teachers said that there is no violent and that it can cause significant harm.
behavior between students during recess. Following the
previous question about violence during recess specifically, Page 32
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

We propose the introduction of co-education mechanisms The works:
favorable to the development of the child. The introduction of [1] Barrere,C. (2016.). La cour de récré, éditions Midi-
rules allows for the regulation of the playground and the Pyrénéennes.
management of harassment. On the other hand, when the rules [2] Debarbieux, E. (1999). La violence en milieu scolaire Tome 2- Le
are unclear or concern notions that are not very precise and désordre des classes. Paris, Esf éditeur.
[3] Delalande, J. (2005), La cour d'école : un lieu commun
likely to be discussed. The teaching team constantly reminds remarquable, Recherches familiales, n°2, pp.25-36.
the students of rules such as "no pushing", "no teasing", Items:
"respect each other", etc.
[4] Delalande,J.(2003), La récré expliqué aux parents, Sciences
Every school should have a prevention system. In an operative Humaines, n° 143, p54.
way, such as the regulation of the playground space based on [5] Komenandagou. D et al (2015), Sexual violence in the Ivorian
school environment A descriptive study of a representative sample
a set of rules aimed at controlling visible violence on the of 2,200 students, Perspectives Psy, EDP Sciences, pp.263- 274.
playground. The establishment of formal mediation spaces [6] Romano, H. (2016). For a well-treating school Preventing school
aimed at resolving conflict situations experienced during psychosocial risks. Malakof (France),Dunod
recess in order to reduce the psychosocial suffering associated [7] Romano.H,(2015), "Chapter 1:Understanding," Harassment in the
School Environment, Dunod, pp.21-70.
with it. [8] Turcotte,D. Lamonde,G.(2004) La violence à l'école primaire : les
auteurs et les victimes, Université Laval, volume XXXII:1, Spring
2004 Canada. PP15-37

[9] https://apprendre-reviser-memoriser.frconsulté on March 11, 2021.
[10] accessed on March 11,
2021. Page 33

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