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Generator Shade 29.07.2024

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Date of 3RD Submission: 03.07.2024

Name of the Submitting Engineer: Factory ID: 9930

Thank you with regards 1st Submission:
Engr. Pabitra Chandra paul Revision-1 :
B.Sc in Civil Engineering (KUET)
MIEB-2438 27.07.2023
2nd Submission:
Engr. Shahin Khan 8.05.2023
B.Sc in Civil Engineering ((DUET) Revision-2 :
Sl No Description
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope of Work
3.0 Methodology
4.0 Codes and Standards
5.0 General Load Data
5.1 Dead Load
5.2 Live Load
5.3 Wind Load
5.4 Earthquake Load
5.5 Load Combination
6.0 Material Data
7.0 Analysis Method and Software Used.
8.0 Serviceability check
8.1 Lateral Displacement Check
9.0 Structural adequacy check
9.1 Foundation Adequacy check
9.2 Steel Member Adequacy Check Before retrofitting
9.3 Steel Member Adequacy Check After retrofitting
9.4 RCC Column Adequacy check
9.5 RCC Grade Beam Adequacy check
10.0 Conclusion & Recommendation

Existing Single Storied Generator Steel Shed of Shishir Knitting & Dyeing ltd
is located at Tongi, Gazipur, Dhaka. The primary purpose of the assessment
was to confirm the structural integrity, risk and to determine the necessary
steps for retrofitting of the factory. Detail Engineering Assessment Included-

 Preparation of As-built drawings

 Structural analysis to assess safety and serviceability against loading as set
out in BNBC2020. According to the need of assessment our Engineers have
done the assessment.

The following findings have been identified during assessment:

 We have prepared as-built structural drawings to conduct the structural
 We have considered 36Ksi for all members.

A 3D finite element model has been developed to check the actual

superstructure using STAAD.Pro V8i SS5 & RCC Grade Beam, Short Column
analysis by STAAD.Pro V8i SS6(ACI- 318-08). Geometry, Loading and
design Codes are followed as per BNBC2020. Material properties such as
element-wise compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength of rebar is
strictly followed according to the site investigation. The prepared As-built
drawings are taken into consideration in developing the model. In the entire
structure, critical structural elements such as transfer column or very long span
beam are not found. The analysis has been run for different load combination
and load cases as per BNBC2020 for day-to-day loading. Based on actual
drawing as per site inspection, analysis and design of superstructure are
performed. Separate hand calculations are also conducted for verification
where necessary. Using the model and hand calculation, the key findings may
be illustrated as follows:

Existing Single Storied Generator Steel Shed of Shishir Knitting & Dyeing
ltd is located at Tongi, Gazipur, Dhaka. Has been re-analyzed for different
loading conditions & different load combinations accordingly. This structure
Consist by Steel Truss with Steel Column. Structure Analyzed by
STAAD.Pro. This report summarizes the analysis and design related data
which indicates whether the building is safe or not in current loading
condition. In addition to these, the report recommends the remedial
measures and actions for the structural defects.


The design work of this Project has carried out following the design criteria
and BNBC Code. The scope of the work is as follows-

 Prepare As-Built Drawing of existing structure.

 3D model Analysis for existing structure & proposed structure
 Prepared construction drawing of proposed structure.


Based on the As-built Drawing it has recommended by WASO Engineers &
Consultants (BD) Ltd. that existing structure is an engineering shed. So,
considering BNBC2020 standard Load of super structure has been
transferring by RCC pedestal column & individual column footing to sub-


1) Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC-2020).
2) American concrete Institute (ACI 318-08)
2) American Institute of steel construction (AISC 360-05)
3) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

Structural Parameter
a) Ridge Height of structure= 7.62meter
b) Eve Height of structure=6.25 meter
c) Length=38.87 meter
d) Width=3.14 meter
e) No of story=one
f) Type of the Structure= Steel Truss Frame

Fig: Frame Type (Truss)

5.1 Dead Load:
Dead load is the vertical load due to the self-weight of the permanent structural
and non-structural component of a building, e.g., Foundation, column, rafters,
steel joists, purlins and fixed service equipment.
 Self-weight of structure.
 Partition wall= varies in different portion of the floor
 Line Load=450 lb/feet for 5” Wall on beam
 Line Load=850 lb/feet for 10” wall on beam
 For steel shed Roof Dead load has considered as 5 psf for roof shed.

Unit weight of materials and the calculation of design dead loads are according
to section-2.2, Chapter-2, part-6, BNBC-2020

5.2 Live Load:

Live load is the load superimposed by the use or occupancy of the building not
including the environmental loads such as wind load, rain load, earthquake load
or dead load.
Floor live load taken according to the live load table in BNBC2020 Article 2.3,
Table 6.2.3. In addition, roof live loads taken according to the live load table in
BNBC2020 Article 2.3.8 and Table 6.2.4 For this project only the roof live load
taken as 20 psf

However, it should be not less than the minimum floor live load. (BNBC2020,
Part-6, Chapter-2, Sec-2.3.3)

5.3 Wind Load:

The calculation of wind load confirms the sub-clause 2.4, Chapter 2, Part-6 of
BNBC202. The following equation has used to calculate sustained wind
pressure of the structure.
Velocity pressure evaluated at height Z shall be calculated by the following
q z / h=0.000613 K z K zt K d V I ; ¿

Low-Rise Buildings and Buildings with ℎ≤18.3 m: Design wind pressures on

component and cladding elements of low-rise buildings and buildings with
ℎ≤18.3 m shall be determined from the following equation.
P=qh [(G C p)−(GC pi )](kN /m ).............................. Eq :6.2 .24

Wind load applied in two orthogonal directions X and Y.

Wind Normal to Ridge
9.00 m 38.36 m 0.235

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-1)

Roof Con-1, +GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 0.639 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
6.1 0.62 1.438 0.717 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
7.6 0.66 1.531 0.780 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
9.1 0.70 1.612 0.835 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
12.2 0.76 1.753 0.931 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
h 0.63 1.451 0.726 -0.878 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-2)

Roof Con-2, +GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 0.639 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
6.1 0.62 1.438 0.717 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
7.6 0.66 1.531 0.780 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
9.1 0.70 1.612 0.835 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
12.2 0.76 1.753 0.931 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
h 0.63 1.451 0.726 -0.878 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-3)

Roof Con-1, -GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 1.162 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
6.1 0.62 1.438 1.239 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
7.6 0.66 1.531 1.302 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
9.1 0.70 1.612 1.357 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
12.2 0.76 1.753 1.453 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
h 0.63 1.451 1.248 -0.356 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-4)

Roof Con-2, -GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 1.162 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
6.1 0.62 1.438 1.239 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
7.6 0.66 1.531 1.302 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
9.1 0.70 1.612 1.357 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
12.2 0.76 1.753 1.453 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
h 0.63 1.451 1.248 -0.356 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039

Wind Parallel to Ridge
38.36 m 9.00 m 4.262

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-9)

Roof Con-1, +GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 0.639 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
6.1 0.62 1.438 0.717 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
7.6 0.66 1.531 0.780 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
9.1 0.70 1.612 0.835 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
12.2 0.76 1.753 0.931 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631
h 0.63 1.451 0.726 -0.508 -1.125 -1.371 -1.371 -0.878 -0.631

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-10)

Roof Con-2, +GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 0.639 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
6.1 0.62 1.438 0.717 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
7.6 0.66 1.531 0.780 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
9.1 0.70 1.612 0.835 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
12.2 0.76 1.753 0.931 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483
h 0.63 1.451 0.726 -0.508 -1.125 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483 -0.483

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-11)

Roof Con-1, -GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 1.162 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
6.1 0.62 1.438 1.239 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
7.6 0.66 1.531 1.302 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
9.1 0.70 1.612 1.357 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
12.2 0.76 1.753 1.453 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109
h 0.63 1.451 1.248 0.015 -0.602 -0.849 -0.849 -0.356 -0.109

Wind Pressure, KN/m2 (Case-12)

Roof Con-2, -GCPi
Wall Roof
Z(m) Kz qz/qh Windward Leeward Side Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4
4.57 0.57 1.324 1.162 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
6.1 0.62 1.438 1.239 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
7.6 0.66 1.531 1.302 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
9.1 0.70 1.612 1.357 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
12.2 0.76 1.753 1.453 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
h 0.63 1.451 1.248 0.015 -0.602 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039

5.4 Earthquake Load:
As per specifications of BNBC2020, Part-6, Chapter-2, section-2.5, Equivalent
Static Force Method applied to calculate the earthquake force of this structure.

 Soil Site Classifications: SC (Sec:, Eq: 6.2.32, Table:6.2.13)

 Seismic Zone (Table:6.2.14)
 Importance Factor (Table:6.2.17)
 Seismic Design Category of Building: C (Table:6.2.18)
 Response Reduction Factor, Deflection Amplification Factor and Height
Limitations for Different Structural Systems (Table:6.2.19)

Design Base Shear, V=Sa W………………………………………. Eq:6.2.37

(Ref. Sec2.5.7.1, Chapter-2, Part-6, BNBC2020)

W= Total seismic weight of the building defined in (Sec

Sa= Lateral seismic force coefficient calculated using Eq. 6.2.34 (Sec
2 ZI
Sa = Cs .......................................................... Eq :6.2.34

Z=Seismic Zone coefficient factor, (Sec:
I=Importance factor, (Sec:
Cs=Normalized acceleration response spectrum
R=Response Modification factor, R= 3.5, Ordinary Steel Moment Frame

Soil Site Class Calculation (Sec:, Eq: 6.2.32, Table:6.2.13)

10 | P a g e
Avarage N Value Calculation
Depth N d d/N Nav
5 4 5 1.25
10 12 5 0.42
15 13 5 0.38
20 8 5 0.63
25 10 5 0.50
30 17 5 0.29
35 22 5 0.23
40 28 5 0.18
45 30 5 0.17
50 11 5 0.45
55 12 5 0.42
60 10 5 0.50
65 21 5 0.24
70 27 5 0.19
75 30 5 0.17
80 33 5 0.15
85 36 5 0.14
90 42 5 0.12
95 45 5 0.11
100 48 5 0.10

100 6.63 15.09

11 | P a g e
The following load combination has used for frame analysis as per
1. 1.4DL
2. 1.2DL+1.6LL
3. 1.2DL+1.0LL***
4. 1.2DL+0.8W
5. 0.9DL+1.6W
6. 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.6W***
7. 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.0E+EV***
8. 0.9DL+1.0E-EV

(SDC Cand D) Orthogonal seismic Effect Should be consider

1. 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.0EX+0.3EY+EV
2. 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.0EY+0.3EX+EV
3. 0.9DL+1.0EX+0.3EY-EV
4. 0.9DL+1.0EY+0.3EX-EV

DL= Dead Load
LL=Floor live load
W= Wind Load
E= Earth quake load
Ev= Vertical Earth quake load

Note:” ***” Marked load combination live load coefficient will be modified as per
live load intensity.

 (-)


The following strength parameter has considered for proposed structure
01 Flexural strength of Steel Section 36 kis
02 Yield strength of reinforcement 60 ksi
03 Concrete of strength (As Per Core Test 2.187ksi
04 Concrete of strength (Retrofitting) 3.5 ksi

12 | P a g e
We used 3D computer modeling of existing structure to simulate the effect of Dead
Load, Live Load, Wind and Earthquake load. We used STAAD Pro V8i for analysis

13 | P a g e
8.1 Lateral displacement Check
Before Retrofitting

After Retrofitting

Eave Height=6300mm
Allowable lateral displacement=6300/60=105 mm, So OK, (Ref: Serviceability Design Consideration
for Steel Building, 2nd Edition, ASIC Steel Design Guide)

14 | P a g e
9.1 Foundation Adequacy Check

Fig: DL+LL

15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e
9.2 Steel Member Adequacy Check (Before Retrofitting)

9.3 Steel Member Adequacy Check (After Retrofitting)

17 | P a g e
Table: Steel Member Adequacy Check
Analysis Design Actual Commen
Beam Clause L/C
Property Property Ratio t
460 Taper Taper 0.259 Eq. H1-1b 43 OK
458 Taper Taper 0.094 Eq. H1-1b 68 OK
400 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.295 Eq. H1-1a 65 OK
399 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.092 Sec. E1 49 OK
398 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.134 Sec. E1 69 OK
397 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.089 Sec. E1 69 OK
396 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.079 Sec. E1 69 OK
395 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.097 Sec. E1 69 OK
394 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.127 Sec. E1 69 OK
393 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.09 Sec. E1 69 OK
392 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.324 Eq. H1-1a 65 OK
391 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.111 Sec. E1 49 OK
390 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.155 Sec. E1 73 OK
389 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.124 Sec. E1 73 OK
388 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.154 Sec. E1 73 OK
387 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.142 Sec. E1 73 OK
386 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.191 Sec. E1 73 OK
385 TUB1001005 TUB1001005 0.129 Sec. E1 73 OK
381 Taper Taper 0.143 Eq. H1-1b 43 OK
379 Taper Taper 0.259 Eq. H1-1b 43 OK
377 Taper Taper 0.02 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
376 Taper Taper 0.584 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
374 Taper Taper 0.584 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
366 Taper Taper 0.584 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
365 Taper Taper 0.584 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
364 L50X6 L50X6 0.227 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
363 L50X6 L50X6 0.35 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
362 L50X6 L50X6 0.328 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
361 L50X6 L50X6 0.625 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
360 L50X6 L50X6 0.226 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
359 L50X6 L50X6 0.35 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
358 L50X6 L50X6 0.328 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
357 L50X6 L50X6 0.625 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
356 L50X6 L50X6 0.02 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
355 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
354 L50X6 L50X6 0.01 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
353 L50X6 L50X6 0.011 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
352 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
351 L50X6 L50X6 0.013 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
350 TUBE TUBE 0.102 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
349 TUBE TUBE 0.099 Eq. Sec. D2 47 OK
348 TUBE TUBE 0.089 Eq. Sec. D2 47 OK
347 TUBE TUBE 0.234 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK

18 | P a g e
346 TUBE TUBE 0.089 Eq. Sec. D2 47 OK
345 TUBE TUBE 0.099 Eq. Sec. D2 47 OK
344 TUBE TUBE 0.1 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
343 TUBE TUBE 0.139 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
342 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
341 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
340 TUBE TUBE 0.163 Sec. E1 51 OK
339 TUBE TUBE 0.163 Sec. E1 51 OK
338 TUBE TUBE 0.072 Sec. E1 70 OK
337 TUBE TUBE 0.072 Sec. E1 70 OK
336 TUBE TUBE 0.207 Eq. H1-1a 47 OK
335 TUBE TUBE 0.093 Sec. E1 74 OK
334 TUBE TUBE 0.093 Sec. E1 74 OK
333 TUBE TUBE 0.183 Sec. E1 55 OK
332 TUBE TUBE 0.145 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
331 TUBE TUBE 0.26 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
330 TUBE TUBE 0.573 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
329 TUBE TUBE 0.207 Eq. H1-1a 43 OK
328 TUBE TUBE 0.183 Sec. E1 55 OK
327 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
326 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
325 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
324 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
323 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
322 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
321 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
320 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
319 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
318 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
317 L50X6 L50X6 0.003 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
316 L50X6 L50X6 0.006 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
315 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
314 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
313 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
312 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
311 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
310 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
309 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
308 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
307 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
306 TUBE TUBE 0.45 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
305 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
304 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
303 TUBE TUBE 0.626 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
302 TUBE TUBE 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
301 TUBE TUBE 0.469 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
300 TUBE TUBE 0.47 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
19 | P a g e
299 TUBE TUBE 0.318 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
298 TUBE TUBE 0.469 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
297 TUBE TUBE 0.469 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
296 TUBE TUBE 0.622 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
295 TUBE TUBE 0.45 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
294 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
293 L50X6 L50X6 0.039 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
292 TUBE TUBE 0.318 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
291 TUBE TUBE 0.633 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
290 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
289 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
288 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
287 L50X6 L50X6 0.625 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
286 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
285 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
284 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
283 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
282 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
281 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
280 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
279 L50X6 L50X6 0.002 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
278 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
277 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
276 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
275 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
274 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
273 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
272 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
271 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
270 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
269 TUBE TUBE 0.45 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
268 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
267 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
266 TUBE TUBE 0.648 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
265 TUBE TUBE 0.639 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
264 TUBE TUBE 0.487 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
263 TUBE TUBE 0.488 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
262 TUBE TUBE 0.335 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
261 TUBE TUBE 0.487 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
260 TUBE TUBE 0.487 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
259 TUBE TUBE 0.641 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
258 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
257 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
256 L50X6 L50X6 0.009 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
255 TUBE TUBE 0.336 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
254 TUBE TUBE 0.641 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
253 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
20 | P a g e
252 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
251 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
250 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
249 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
248 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
247 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
246 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
245 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
244 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
243 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
242 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
241 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
240 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
239 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
238 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
237 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
236 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
235 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
234 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
233 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
232 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
231 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
230 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
229 TUBE TUBE 0.649 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
228 TUBE TUBE 0.648 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
227 TUBE TUBE 0.495 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
226 TUBE TUBE 0.495 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
225 TUBE TUBE 0.343 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
224 TUBE TUBE 0.495 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
223 TUBE TUBE 0.494 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
222 TUBE TUBE 0.647 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
221 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
220 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
219 L50X6 L50X6 0.007 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
218 TUBE TUBE 0.343 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
217 TUBE TUBE 0.659 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
216 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
215 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
214 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
213 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
212 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
211 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
210 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
209 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
208 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
207 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
206 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
21 | P a g e
205 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
204 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
203 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
202 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
201 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
200 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
199 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
198 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
197 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
196 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
195 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
194 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
193 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
192 TUBE TUBE 0.649 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
191 TUBE TUBE 0.643 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
190 TUBE TUBE 0.489 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
189 TUBE TUBE 0.489 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
188 TUBE TUBE 0.337 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
187 TUBE TUBE 0.489 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
186 TUBE TUBE 0.489 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
185 TUBE TUBE 0.642 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
184 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
183 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
182 L50X6 L50X6 0.007 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
181 TUBE TUBE 0.337 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
180 TUBE TUBE 0.653 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
179 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
178 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
177 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
176 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
175 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
174 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
173 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
172 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
171 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
170 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
169 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 25 OK
168 L50X6 L50X6 0.001 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
167 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
166 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
165 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
164 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
163 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
162 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
161 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
160 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
159 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
22 | P a g e
158 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
157 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
156 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
155 TUBE TUBE 0.603 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
154 TUBE TUBE 0.596 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
153 TUBE TUBE 0.443 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
152 TUBE TUBE 0.443 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
151 TUBE TUBE 0.304 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
150 TUBE TUBE 0.443 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
149 TUBE TUBE 0.443 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
148 TUBE TUBE 0.596 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
147 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
146 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
145 L50X6 L50X6 0.007 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
144 TUBE TUBE 0.304 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
143 TUBE TUBE 0.606 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
142 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
141 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
140 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
139 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
138 L50X6 L50X6 0.225 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
137 L50X6 L50X6 0.349 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
136 L50X6 L50X6 0.329 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
135 L50X6 L50X6 0.623 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
134 L50X6 L50X6 0.03 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
133 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
132 L50X6 L50X6 0.003 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
131 L50X6 L50X6 0.006 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
130 L50X6 L50X6 0.09 Sec. E1 25 OK
129 L50X6 L50X6 0.024 Eq. H1-1b 77 OK
128 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
127 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
126 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
125 TUBE TUBE 0.676 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
124 TUBE TUBE 0.6 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
123 TUBE TUBE 0.599 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
122 TUBE TUBE 0.451 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
121 TUBE TUBE 0.45 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
120 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
119 L50X6 L50X6 0.117 Sec. E1 25 OK
118 TUBE TUBE 0.626 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
117 TUBE TUBE 0.619 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
116 TUBE TUBE 0.466 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
115 TUBE TUBE 0.466 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
114 TUBE TUBE 0.314 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
113 TUBE TUBE 0.466 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
112 TUBE TUBE 0.466 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
23 | P a g e
111 TUBE TUBE 0.619 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
110 TUBE TUBE 0.45 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
109 TUBE TUBE 0.677 Eq. H1-1a 25 OK
108 L50X6 L50X6 0.039 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
107 TUBE TUBE 0.314 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
106 TUBE TUBE 0.629 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
105 L50X6 L50X6 0.113 Sec. E1 25 OK
104 L50X6 L50X6 0.169 Sec. E1 55 OK
103 L50X6 L50X6 0.166 Sec. E1 25 OK
102 L50X6 L50X6 0.309 Eq. H1-1a 51 OK
101 L50X6 L50X6 0.113 Sec. E1 25 OK
100 L50X6 L50X6 0.169 Sec. E1 51 OK
99 L50X6 L50X6 0.166 Sec. E1 25 OK
98 L50X6 L50X6 0.309 Eq. H1-1a 55 OK
97 L50X6 L50X6 0.011 Eq. H1-1b 78 OK
96 L50X6 L50X6 0.046 Sec. E1 25 OK
95 L50X6 L50X6 0.007 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
94 L50X6 L50X6 0.008 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
93 L50X6 L50X6 0.046 Sec. E1 25 OK
92 L50X6 L50X6 0.009 Eq. H1-1b 67 OK
91 TUBE TUBE 0.06 Sec. E1 55 OK
90 TUBE TUBE 0.046 Sec. E1 74 OK
89 TUBE TUBE 0.046 Sec. E1 74 OK
88 TUBE TUBE 0.128 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
87 TUBE TUBE 0.046 Sec. E1 74 OK
86 TUBE TUBE 0.046 Sec. E1 74 OK
85 TUBE TUBE 0.059 Sec. E1 55 OK
84 TUBE TUBE 0.072 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
80 L50X6 L50X6 0.06 Sec. E1 25 OK
79 L50X6 L50X6 0.06 Sec. E1 25 OK
75 TUBE TUBE 0.11 Sec. E1 51 OK
74 TUBE TUBE 0.11 Sec. E1 51 OK
73 TUBE TUBE 0.064 Sec. E1 70 OK
72 TUBE TUBE 0.064 Sec. E1 70 OK
71 TUBE TUBE 0.103 Sec. E1 74 OK
70 TUBE TUBE 0.073 Sec. E1 74 OK
69 TUBE TUBE 0.073 Sec. E1 74 OK
68 TUBE TUBE 0.111 Sec. E1 55 OK
67 TUBE TUBE 0.076 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
66 TUBE TUBE 0.142 Eq. H1-1b 75 OK
65 TUBE TUBE 0.307 Eq. H1-1b 76 OK
64 TUBE TUBE 0.094 Eq. Sec. D2 47 OK
63 TUBE TUBE 0.111 Sec. E1 55 OK

24 | P a g e
25 | P a g e
9.4 RCC Column Adequacy check

26 | P a g e
9.5 RCC Grade Beam Adequacy check

27 | P a g e
Connection Design
Base Plate Design

28 | P a g e
Given Data
Load 4 KIP
Moment 563 kip-in
Column Data
depth,d 300 mm 11.8 inch
bf 225 mm 8.9 inch

tf 12 mm 0.5 inch
Materials Data
Base Plate fy 36.0 ksi
Concrete Strength f'c 3.5 ksi
base Plate Size
Edge Distance of Anchor 1.0 inch
Length,N 450 mm 17.7 inch
Width,B 325 mm 12.8 inch
Thickness,t 25.0 mm 1.0 inch

Check the thickness using Va

29 | P a g e
Large Moment

݂ൌ െͳǤ
ͷൌ 7.9 inch

ሺ݂൅ ሻ ൌ
279.4 inch^2

ଶ ௣ ೠ ሺ௘ ା௙ ሻ Inequality Satisfy
௤ ೘ೌೣ
= 48.17588782
Dimension Okay

‫ ݍ‬ሺ௠ ௔ ௫ ሻ ൌ24.7 kip-in

Determine Bearing Length Y:

e= 134.0 inch ecrit= 8.77 inch

േ ሺ݂൅ ሻ ଶ െ
ʹ ܲ௨ ݁൅ ݂
‫ݍ‬௠ ௔௫
ܰ ܰ 31.9 inch
ܻൌ ݂൅ ൌ 1.5 inch
ʹ ʹ
ܶ௨ ൌ ‫ ݍ‬௠ ௔ ௫ ܻെ‫݌‬ 33.1 kip

Determine Minimum Plate Thickness:

m 3.25 inch
y 1.5 inch
݂௣ ሺ௠ ௔ ௫ ሻ ൌ 1.9 ksi
‫ݐ‬௣ ǡ௥ ௘ ௤ ൌ ͳǤ ݂݅ ܻ֜ m

௙ ೛ ǡ೘ೌೣ ௒ ሺ௠ ି ሻ
‫ݐ‬௣ ǡ௥ ௘ ௤ ൌ ʹ Ǥ మ
݂݅ ܻ൏ m

‫ݐ‬௣ ǡ௥ ௘ ௤ ൌ 0.948618
At tension intterface:

െ ൅
ܰ ݀ ‫ݐ‬௙ 1.7 inch
ܺൌ െͳǤ
ʹ ʹ ʹ
‫ݐ‬௨ ‫ݔ‬
‫ݐ‬௣ ǡ௥ ௘ ௤ ൌ ʹ Ǥ
ͳͳ ൌ 0.74 inch

‫ ܤ‬െͲǤͺ ܾ௙
݊ൌ 2.85 inch

‫ݐ‬௣ ǡ௥ ௘ ௤ ൌ ͳǤ
Ͷͻ݊ ൌ 0.99 inch


30 | P a g e
31 | P a g e
End reaction, R = 3.67 kips
Yield stress of steel, Fy = 36 ksi
Depth of Girder/Column on which beams to be connects, d 1 = 300 mm 11.81 in
Thickness of Girder/Column on which beams to be connects, t1 = 6 mm 0.24 in
Depth of connecting beam, d 2 = 200 mm 7.87 in
Thickness of connecting beam, t2 = 6 mm 0.236 in
Shank diameter of bolts, d bA325
= 0.63 in 16 mm
Allowable shear stress for A325 (bearing type), F v = 21 ksi (From table 7.1, pp~185)
Specified minimum tensile strength, F u = 58 ksi (From Table 2, App. A, AISC)

1) Determination of limiting bolt value for the connecting leg:
Shear type of bolt, (Use 1 for single and 2 for double shear) 1 (Single shear)
i) Area of one bolt, Av = pdb2/4 = 0.312 in2
ii) Bearing area, Ab = dbt2 = 0.149 in2
iii) Bolt value in shear for connected leg, BV s = Fv Av = 6.55 kips (For Single shear of bolt)
iv) Bolt value in bearing, BV b = FpAb = 1.5F uAb = 12.96 ksi
Hence governing bolt value per bolt, BV c = 6.55 ksi
2) Number of bolts required for connecting leg, n = R/BV c = 1 Nos

3) Determination of limiting bolt value for the outstanding leg:

Shear type of bolt, (Use 1 for single and 2 for double shear) 1 (Single shear)
i) Area of one bolt, Av = pdb2/4 = 0.312 in2
ii) Bearing area, Ab = dbt1 = 0.151 in2
iii) Bolt value in shear for outstanding leg, BV s = Fv Av = 6.55 kips (For Single shear of bolt)
iv) Bolt value in bearing, BV b = FpAb = 1.5F uAb = 13.14 ksi
Hence governing bolt value per bolt, BV o = 6.55 ksi
4) Number of bolts required for outstanding leg, n = R/BV o = 1 Nos

5) Required thickness of the connecting angle, t ] 2(R/n)/(F uLe) = 0.06 in (End distance, Le = 1.25 in)
2 mm

6) Check for tear failure:

distance from center of hole to beam end, lh = 2.4 in 60 mm

distance from center of hole to edge of web, lv = 2.6 in 65 mm
no. of bolts, n = 2
bolt dia = 0.63 in 16 mm
From Table I-G :
C1= 2.2
C1= 1.48
beam web thickness = 0.25 in
Resistance to block shear [=(C1+C2)*Fu*t] R BS = 53.36 kips

joist shear force, R1 = 13.488 kips 60 kN should < RBS

32 | P a g e
1. As built drawing has been prepared by site investigations of
various members.
2. Existing Condition Serviceability of this structure is not meet
with code reference.
3. Existing structure is an engineering structure. Several Elements
required to retrofit to resist lateral and vertical load.
4. All structural elements (both RCC & steel) are designed
according to Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC2020).
5. After Retrofitting all Serviceability is under control.
6. After Retrofitting All RCC and Steel Member are adequate to resist
vertical and lateral load.
7. No Vertical Expansion without Further Assessments.
8. No Horizontal Expansion without Further Assessments.

Thanking You

33 | P a g e

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