Basic Positions and Exercises

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(Arms, Hand, and Standing Positions)

Arms Positions
 Arms Forward
Raise arms forward with palms facing each other. Hands in line with the shoulders,
elbows slightly extended.
 Arms Sideward
Raise arms sideward, palms facing down. Finger tips in line with the shoulder.
 Arms Upward
Raise arms upward, palms facing each other, and elbows touching the ears, the whole
arm in line with the body.
 Arms Oblique
Forward downward, backward downward, sideward downward, upward sideward
 Arms in Lateral
Place both arms on one side of the body either right or left side. It can be done on chest,
shoulders, or waist levels.
 Arms in Reverse “T”
Arms are side horizontal, elbows bent at right angles, forearms parallel to head, palms
forward or facing inward, fist loosely closed.

Arm Movements

 Bicep Curls  Overhead Pull

 Hammer Curls  Arm Circles
 Triceps Kickbacks  Shoulder Punch
 Low Row  Overhead Press
 Upright Row  Peck Press
 Frontal Raise  Double Side out
 Lateral Raise  Slice
 Frontal Pull

Hand Positions
 Hands on Waist
Place hands on waist, fingers pointing front, thumbs pointing backward.
 Hands on Chest
Palms facing down, thumbs touching the chest, elbows in line with the shoulders.
 Hands on Shoulders
Bend arms from the elbow, finger tips touching the shoulders, elbow in line with the
shoulders, rib cage lifted.
 Hands on Neck
Bend arms from elbows, place hands behind the neck, finger tips meeting each other,
elbows in line with the shoulders.
 Hands on Hips
Place hands on hips, thumbs pointing back and fingers pointing front.

Standing Positions
 Feet together
The feet are about one (1) inch apart, toes pointing forward, Arms at the sides.
 Stride
The feet are apart about 12 inches wide. May be made wider than 12 inches.
 Lunge
Bend one knee forward, the other leg backward straight. Weight on both feet, hands on
 Half-knee bend
Feet together, bend knees to about 45-degree angle; feet flat on floor, body erect,
hands on hips.
 Full-knee bend
The knees are fully bent; sit on the heels of the feet. The weight of the body on the balls
of the feet.


 Forward/Backward Shoulder Circles
 Side Bends
 Shoulder Circles with elbows bent
 Toe touches
 Chest Stretch
 Hip Swing Stretch
 Radio Calisthenics
 Alternating Basic
 V Step
 Knee Lift
 Hamstring Curl
 Kicks
 Side Lifts
 Hip/Glute Lift


Chest Stretch
1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms of the hand
facing forward.
3. Stretch the arms back as far as possible.
4. You should feel the stretch across your chest.

Bicep Stretch
1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms of the hand
facing forward.
3. Rotate the hands so the palms face the rear.
4. Stretch the arms back as far as possible
5. You should feel the stretch across your chest and in the biceps.

Upper Back Stretch

1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart knees slightly bent.
2. Interlock your fingers and push your hands as far away from your chest as possible,
allowing your upper back to relax.
3. You should feel the stretch between your shoulder blades.

Shoulder and Triceps Stretch

1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Place both hands above your head and then slide both your hands down the middle
of your spine.
3. You will feel the stretch in the shoulders and the triceps.
Side Bends
1. Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands
resting on the hips.
2. Bend slowly to one side, come back to the vertical position and them bend to the
other side.
3. Do not lean forwards or backwards.

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