1. Have you achieved all your goals and met the defined expectations? Please elaborateon what's going well and what isn't?Achieved most goals and met management expectations:
● Took strong initiative for IIH EXPO in June (branding, standees, and videos).● Updated brochures delivered on time, including TDS brochure.● As per the urgent requirements i have Created product video for GBP and TB Blackedition video for Mercedes.● Effectively used creativity and design tools for impactful designs and Made significantimprovements in design quality by my inputs that helped with Continuously enhanceddesign presentations.● Improved video animation quality.● Prepared and delivered ID cards within the timeline.
Areas for improvement:
● Need of 3D Animator artist that will help me to create more realistic videos of productsfor better visibility of products as that will help the sales team as well in their sellingprocedure.● Improved communication with the design team about new products for Enhancingefficiency to prevent mid-project disruptions.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Looking back, if you had the opportunity to change or improve anything, what wouldyou do and why?
● I would focus on improving coordination between departments.Often, we don't receive correct technical information or product updates in a timelymanner, which impacts our work. For instance, changes to old products aren't alwayscommunicated properly. We need a better process to ensure everyone gets updatedinformation, allowing us to create higher quality designs on time.Currently, the marketing team spends too much time gathering information fromdepartments, and even then, changes are often needed. This slows down and affectswork quality.● By paying more attention to pre-production, we can save time in the final stages andcomplete projects on schedule.
3. When you think about your long-term goals, how does your current role contribute toyour professional development?
● My current role significantly contributes to my professional growth by allowing me towork with advanced design tools and software, enhancing my skills to meetmanagement's expectations promptly. My creative input and graphic design abilitiesposition me well to lead a team in the future, aligning with my career goals.● Being a graphic designer requires me to multitask and manage several aspectssimultaneously. Although challenging, I have consistently overcome these hurdles withstrong decision-making skills and a clear understanding of how to meet expectationseffectively.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Which aspects of your work align most with your career aspirations, and how can webuild on these strengths?
● The work that best aligns with my career aspirations includes advanced designing,video editing, and multitasking. I am an active problem solver and can work effectivelyin both large and small teams with the right attitude.● To further develop these strengths, I seek more leadership training and advancedcourses in design and video editing.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Could you discuss experiences or skills you hope to acquire soon to support your career path?
● I desire for more training in advanced designing and 3D video editing tools that willenhance my expertise in the field of graphic designing.● Additionally, I aim to gain experience in pre-production and strategic planning to makebetter plans before starting any design.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. What specific tasks or behaviors do you believe are necessary to align your performance with the organization's goals and expectations?
● I wish for clear communication with seniors, setting measurable goals, and maintainingan ongoing feedback loop. (Monthly, Quarterly or Half yearly by setting standards)● For example, when the design team completes a new design and obtains approval, it ispromptly shared with the sales team. However, the marketing team remains unaware of these developments until issues arise or an urgent need for infographics or modificationsarises.● This operational approach poses challenges for the marketing team, as timelyinformation is lacking. It's important to ensure that the marketing team receives advancenotice from the design department regarding new products, enabling them to effectivelyinform the sales team.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. How can we ensure a clear understanding of performance standards?
● Regular and transparent communication about performance expectations is essential.This can include formal performance reviews, as well as ongoing feedback sessionsthroughout the year. Feedback should be constructive, specific, and focused on areasfor improvement as well as strengths.● Recognize and reward team members who consistently meet or exceed performancestandards.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. How can I assist you, and what resources do you need from the organization (such astraining, regular feedback, check-ins, etc.)?
● I would benefit greatly from advanced courses in design software and video editing toolsto stay updated with industry trends and techniques.● Constructive feedback on my work will help me understand areas for improvement andrefine my skills.● Providing access to relevant design resources, such as stock images, fonts, andsoftware plugins, would enhance the quality and creativity of my work.● By addressing these points, I believe we can contribute to both my personaldevelopment and the success of the organization.—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------