Intake-Packet 1.29.24
Intake-Packet 1.29.24
Intake-Packet 1.29.24
Our goal is to help you succeed while on probation, to better your life, and not return through the criminal justice system. Please let
us know if you have questions regarding this process.
Are you a legal U.S. Citizen? ☐Yes ☐No (please explain) _______________________________________________________
Height: _______________ Weight: _______________ Hair Color: __________________ Eye Color: ___________________
Scars/Marks/Tattoos ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a vehicle? ☐Yes ☐No (what is your main transportation method) __________________________________________
Please provide a “personal message contact” of someone (preferably) that does NOT live with you that we may contact
in the case of any emergency in our office:
Date you moved there: ____________________ How long have you lived there: ___________ Type of housing: __________________________
Mm/dd/yyyy (approximate) house, apartment, shelter, etc.
Section 3: Employment
How long have you worked here? __________________ Part time or Full time: ___________ Hours work per week: _____________
Have you served in the US Military? ☐Yes ☐No, If yes: Fill out appropriate information below
Section 5: Family
What is your marital status?
☐ Single ☐ Married ☐ Divorced ☐ Separated ☐ Have a significant other ☐ Widowed
Are you pregnant? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A If yes, how many months: ________
How many children do you have? ____________ How many live with you? ____________
How many are minors? _____________ How many live with you? ____________
Section 6: Demographics
How many times have you been arrested (including Juvenile arrests)?
☐ 10 or more ☐ 4-9 times ☐ 0-3 times
Do you have a high school diploma, equivalent or GED?
☐ yes ☐ no
Please explain highest grade completed or highest degree obtained: ___________________________________________________
Have you ever been charged or arrested for a domestic violence related offense?
☐ yes ☐ no
If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Other than your current probation offense, do you have any other felony or misdemeanor charges in Idaho or a different state?
☐ yes ☐ no, If yes, please list the charge & state:______________________________________________________________
Please briefly tell us about what happened that led to your current probation:
Section 7: Drug, Tobacco & Alcohol Use
Signature:________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________
This consent is valid until the completion of probation supervision and the release of the named individual
from the authority of Bannock County Probation.
This information is being released for the purpose of case planning and monitoring compliance with the
terms and conditions of probation supervision. The information may only be released to:
I release Bannock County, Bannock County Probation, and any party providing the information from any
and all liability regarding the release of information I have agreed to in this document. I have reviewed this
document and am aware that I have the right to revoke this consent through a written request at any time.
_______________________________ ____________________
Probationer’s Printed Name Date of Birth
_______________________________ ____________________
Probationer’s Signature Social Security #
Date of Signature
_______________________________ ____________________
Probation Officers Printed Name Date
Probation Officer’s Signature
Name: Case:
1. VISITS: I understand that visits to my place of residence and/or employment will be conducted by officers of the
Bannock County probation department, police, or other state and local officials for the purpose of ensuring
compliance with the conditions of the AGREEMENT OF SUPERVISION. ________
a. Reporting: I will report as directed by my supervising officer. ________
b. Residence: I will not change residence without first notifying my supervising officer and the courts. I will
maintain a valid, working telephone number and will report any change immediately to my supervising
officer. ________
c. Travel: I will not leave Bannock County without prior approval from my supervising officer. I will provide
timely notice (3 days prior to travel) by providing my supervising officer with a completed travel request
form. I understand that travel requests may be denied based upon circumstances. ________
3. CONDUCT: I will respect and obey all laws and comply with any lawful requests of my supervising officer or any
law enforcement or peace officer. I will immediately report any law enforcement contact to my supervising officer.
4. WEAPONS: I will report possession or access to weapons, explosives or other similar items to my supervising
officer. I understand and agree that any firearms, ammunition, weapons, contraband, etc. may be seized by any
probation department officer. This rule is for officer and public safety and, in most cases, is not intended to
prohibit lawful use of said items. Cases related to domestic violence are regulated by Federal laws which
expressly prohibit the possession of firearms or ammunitions for anyone convicted under the domestic violence
codes, including misdemeanors. ________
(As directed by probation officer) All weapons in my place of person and/or residence must be locked by means of
container and/or trigger lock._________
I own weapons. YES / NO They are stored in my home. YES / NO
As directed by my supervising officer I may not own, purchase, or carry any weapons. _________
5. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: I will not use or possess any controlled substances unless lawfully prescribed to me by a
licensed physician. I will not purchase, use, or have in my possession any mind-altering substances, synthetic or
otherwise illicit. I will not possess or purchase any devices, apparatus, or paraphernalia that is or could be used to
consume or ingest the mentioned prohibited substances nor will I possess or purchase any devise or apparatus
that is or could be used as an attempt to alter drug and alcohol test results. I agree to submit to urine analysis and
breathalyzer testing, at my own expense, as requested by my supervising officer or any staff member of the
Bannock county Probation Department. ________
I understand that I am required to submit to blood, breath or urine testing, that I must provide a sample in a timely
manner as directed by Averhealth or it will be considered a refusal. I understand that any attempt to dilute my
urine sample can and will be considered a positive test result. I further understand that the cost of any test(s)
performed will be at my sole expense and that the said expense shall be paid immediately. ________
6. SEARCHES: As term of my probation I will waive my 4th amendment. I agree and consent as a term and condition
of probation to a search of my person, automobile, residence, and any property under my control, any place,
anytime, by any probation officer or any law enforcement officer acting at the direction of a probation officer. Any
right to the contrary under the United States and Idaho Constitutions is hearby waived by me as a term of my
probation. ________
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7. SEIZURES: I understand that any officer of the Bannock County probation department can and may seize ANY
ILLEGAL property, contraband, or item(s) that are deemed inappropriate for my control or possession. The
supervising officer may release the item(s) back to me – if the item(s) are not illegal in nature and not used as
evidence in any probation violation or new criminal case or proceeding after the successful conclusion of
probation. ________
8. ASSOCIATION: I will not knowingly associate with any person who is involved in criminal activity or who has
been convicted of a misdemeanor OR felony without the approval of the supervising probation officer. ________
9. EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION: I will obtain and maintain appropriate full-time employment and or participate in an
education or vocational program as directed by my supervising officer. ________
10. TRUTHFULNESS: I will conduct myself in a truthful, cooperative, courteous and civil manner at all times with
probation, law enforcement, court staff, Averhealth staff & treatment providers. ________
11. SUPERVISION FEES: I will reimburse the county for the cost of my supervision at the rate of $35.00 a month. I
understand that should I fail to pay the fines and costs ordered by the court in accordance with financial contracts
(enacted with Judicial Enforcement office – room 103), that said fines and fees will be sent to a collection agency.
That said agency will assess an additional 33% of the money owed as a collection fee. ________
12. RESTITUTION: I shall pay restitution and other fees as ordered by the court in the sum of $___TBD ___,
according to my court financial agreement(s). ________
13. JAIL ORDERED: I shall report to the appropriate county detention facility on the dates and times specified on the
Court Order of Commitment. I also understand that if discretionary jail time is ordered by the court, that my
supervising officer may impose those days as an alternative to a probation violation. ________
Reinstate license when eligible (if currently suspended). If I don’t have an Idaho drivers license, I will obtain one as
soon as I’m eligible.
Complete an alcohol/drug evaluation immediately or within ________ days . Ensure that a copy of that evaluation
is provided to my supervising officer immediately after completion. Complete ANY/ALL recommendations made by
the evaluator.
Complete an alcohol/drug program on ___________ or before ___________. Complete ANY/ALL recommendations
made by their facility. Provide proof of completion (and quarterly progress reports) to your supervising officer.
Complete _____ hours of community service at a pre-approved and pre-arranged facility. Pay the community service
fee prior to beginning ANY work performed ($_______). Complete ALL hours of community service on or BEFORE
_____________. Turn in timecard as directed by your supervising officer.
I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by this agreement. If I violated any of the conditions of this agreement or
my sentencing order, the Court may revoke my Probation and take appropriate action against me, and I hereby
acknowledge a copy of this agreement.
I hereby acknowledge that I have discussed, in detail, the foregoing Bannock County Agreement of Supervision – terms
and conditions of Probation with the above listed client.
Probation Officer/Court Officer/Judge
Witnessing Signature
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You have been ordered by the Court to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing as a condition of your probation.
The following instructions will inform you of the testing policies and procedures. Failure to comply and any
positive test result, or refusal to provide a specimen, is a violation of your probation and will be reported to
the Court, which may result in sanctions being imposed and revocation of your probation.
1. The majority of drug testing will be conducted through Averhealth at the office located at 746 E.
Lander in Pocatello, Idaho, or alternatively, at a site designated and approved by your Probation
2. You are required to notify the probation department and Averhealth of any prescription and non-
prescription medication being used; to provide verification of any prescribed medication; and to
provide the name of your physician.
3. You will be tested randomly through Averhealth, and in addition may be required to test at the
discretion of your Probation Officer. Any increase or decrease in the frequency of drug testing will
depend on the results of your drug tests and your overall compliance with the conditions of
probation. The cost of the drug test through Averhealth will be $15.00 (unless otherwise instructed
by your Probation Officer). All costs associated with testing will be due in full on the day of
testing. Averhealth will accept cash, debit or credit card (.50 cent fee will apply to all debit/credit
card payments). If you are requested to test at the discretion of your Probation Officer any additional
testing costs will be at your expense and determined at the time of your testing by your Probation
4. YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED A PIN #: __________________________.
For the duration of your required testing you are instructed to call the drug testing message line at
208-286-4404 or 208-240-9033, you may also log into You must call this
message line or login every day, 365 days per year including weekends and holidays.
You are required to listen to the entire message until you hear a confirmation number. The daily
call in message line hours are 5:00 am – 8:00 am. On the days you are instructed to test you may
show up any time between the hours of 7:00 am – 11:00 am (weekdays) or 7:00 am - 10:00 am
(weekends & holidays).
Report for your first test between 7:00 am – 10:00 am to complete intake
process with Averhealth.
On weekdays, the testing staff will allow you one last opportunity to provide a
sample up to 11:30 am, but not if you came in after the 11:00 am cut off time.
On weekends and holidays, the testing staff will allow you one last opportunity to
provide a sample up to 10:30 am, but not if you came in after the 10:00 am cut off
Failure to report or provide a specimen is equivalent to a REFUSAL and is a violation of your
probation. You must call 7 days a week – including weekends and holidays.
6. If you are instructed to test outside of Averhealth testing your Probation Officer will provide you with
further instruction and any costs that may be associated with this testing.
I, the undersigned, have read the above instructions and reviewed them with my Probation Officer. I
understand that failure to comply with these instructions is a violation of probation and may result in the
revocation of my probation.
_________________________________________________ _________________________
_____________________________________________________________ _________________________
Plaintiff, ) Case No:
vs. )
) WAIVER of 4th
) Amendment Rights
Defendant. )
Dated this__________________________.
Defendant Signature Waiving 4th Amendment Right
Probation Officer / Witness to waiver