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DW Module 26:

Ultraviolet Disinfection
Answer Key


If you need to achieve 2.0- log inactivation of Giardia through UV disinfection and the
active Giardia concentration before disinfection is 0.05 cysts/L, what is the maximum
allowable concentration of active cysts remaining after the UV disinfection process?

Ans: Rearrange the formula in the following manner:

N0/N = 10(log inactivation)
(log inactivation)
N = N0 / 10
Replacing 'N0' with 0.05 cysts/L and 'log inactivation' with 2, we have:
N = 0.05/(102)
N = 0.05/100
N = 0.0005 = 5 x 10-4 active Giardia cysts/L.


1. The transmittance of some water that will be disinfected using UV light has been measured
at 95%. The UV intensity 1 cm away from the UV lamp must be 25 mW/cm2 to adequately
disinfect the water. What must the UV intensity be at the surface of the lamp? What must
the UV intensity be at the surface of the lamp if the UV intensity needs to be 25mW/cm2 at
a distance of 2 cm from the lamp?

Ans: Transmittance is typically reported for a pathlength of 1 cm, so for the first question, the
distance from the lamp is the same as the pathlength the transmittance was measured at.
To solve, rearrange the equation for transmittance to solve for the initial intensity:
T = 100 * I/I0
I/I0 = T/100
I0 = (100 * I)/T = (100 * 25)/95 = 26.3 mW/cm2

To determine how what the initial intensity would be 2 cm away, the transmittance (or
absorbance) must be determined for a pathlength of 2 cm:
A1 = -log(T/100) = -log (95/100) = 0.0223
A2 = A1*P = 0.02228 * 2 = 0.0446
A = log (I0/I)
10A = I0/I
I0 = I * 10A = 25 mW/cm2 * 100.0446 = 27.7 mW/cm2
Note: This could also be solved by converting A back into T and then solving as was done
for the first part of the question:
T = 100*10-A = 100 * 10-0.0446 = 90.24%
I0 = (100 * I)/T = (100 * 25)/90.24 = 27.7 mW/cm2

Unit 1 Exercise

True or False:

1. Ultraviolet Disinfection is one method of treatment that destroys or reduces the growth of
harmful microorganism. T F (TRUE)

2. Ultraviolet light is measured with a volt-meter. T F (FALSE)

3. Ultraviolet light disinfects DNA or RNA. T F (TRUE)

4. Bacteria and Protozoan are made up of a single strand on DNA. T F (FALSE)

5. Ultraviolet light at wavelengths of 300nm will break the existing bond between the nitrogenous

Multiple Choice:

1. Disinfection regulations target three types of microorganisms for disinfection, which one does
not apply.
a. Cryptosporidium
b. Filamentous Bacteria
c. Giardia
d. Viruses

Answer: B

2. The log removal for Giardia is:

a. 1-log
b. 2-log
c. 3-log
d. 4-log

Answer: C
3. Cryptosporidium is found in the:
a. Surface water
b. Ground water not under the direct influence of surface water
c. After disinfection
d. In the distribution system where the resident time is high.

Answer: A

4. One benefit to UV disinfection is that it does not cause Disinfection Byproducts. Which
statement is not correct:
a. UV does not have a residual.
b. UV is not an oxidant.
c. UV can be used a sole source of disinfection in a plant that treat GUDI.
d. UV is one option for providing additional inactivation required under the LT2ESWTR.

Answer: C

5. Two common terms used to relate water quality to UV light are:

a. Adsorption and Deflection
b. Absorption and Transmittance
c. Reflection and Refraction
d. Pathlength and Pressure

Answer: B

6. If the light intensity of a UV lamp is 20.0 mW/cm2. Three centimeters away from the lamp, the
UV intensity is measure as 15.2 mW/cm2. What is the absorbance of the water for the
pathlength of 3 cm?
Where A= log (I0/I)
I0 = 20 mW/cm2
I= 15.2 mW/cm2
a. 0.76 for the measured pathlength of 3 cm
b. 0.76 for the measure pathlength of 1 cm
c. 0.1192 for the measure pathlength of 1 cm
d. 0.1192 for the measured pathlength of 3 cm

Answer: D

7. What is the absorbance for a pathlength of 1 cm above?

Where A2=A1*P
a. 0.0397
b. 0.2533
c. 0.3576
d. 2.28

Answer: A
8. If a lamp UV intensity out put is 35 mW/cm2, what UV intensity will be measured for 1 cm from
the lamp surface if the lamp is submerged in water with a UVT of 93%?
Where T(%) = 100* I/I0
a. 37.6 mW/cm2
b. 0.0266 mW/cm2
c. 32.55 mW/cm2
d. 0.0307 mW/cm2

Answer: C

Unit 2 Exercise

Fill in the blank:

1. Reactors are found in two basic configurations _________channel and ________channel.

Answer: Open and Closed

2. UV lamps fall into three categories; low pressure, low pressure-high output and _________

Answer: Medium

3. All three use _____________ vapor to produce UV light.

Answer: Mercury

4. Position the lamp in the ___________ ____________ can affect the UV does reaching the

Answer: Lamp Sleeves

5. UV lamps require power at specific ______________, ___________ and frequency to

maximum the efficiency of UV light.

Answer: Current, Voltage

6. Ballasts are used to limit the current flow through the lamp. The two classification of ballasts
are: _________ and ____________.

Answer: Magnetic, Electronic

7. A UV _________sensor measures the __________ of the UV light at some distance away
form the UV lamp.

Answer: Intensity

8. A UVT monitor measures the _____________________ of the water flowing through the

Answer: Transmittance

9. The major components of a UV disinfection systems are: controls and _____________, the
____________system and the _____________ components and the UV ______________.

Answer: Instrumentation, Electrical, Piping and Reactors.

Unit 3 Exercise

Multiple Choice:

1. UV _____________ increases the dose will increase, as ____________________ increase,

the dose will decrease. As UV ______________________decreases, dose will decrease.

a. flowrate, transmittance, intensity,

b. intensity, flowrate, transmittance
c. transmittance, flowrate, intensity

Answer: B

2. When a reactor is tested at various UV intensities and flowrates is called a ________


a. reactor validation
b. reactor calibration
c. reactor standardization

Answer: A

3. ________ will scatter the UV light, decreasing the intensity of the UV light reaching the

a. Algae
b. Coagulates
c. Particles
Answer: C

4. When particles and substances dissolve in the water deposit onto the surface of the lamp
sleeve is called ___________________________.

a. fouling
b. deposition
c. lamp coating

Answer: A

5. Improving operations of the UV system by increasing the UVT of the water can be
accomplished by ________________ __________________.

a. upstream treatment
b. water treatment
c. taking off-line

Answer: A

6. Water _________________ has little effect on the disinfection effectiveness of the UV light but
can affect the fouling rates.

a. pH
b. temperature
c. color

Answer: B

7. Algae growth can be ___________; it can cause taste and odors problems in the finished

a. beneficial
b. overlooked
c. a nuisance

Answer: C

8. The intensity of the UV light and UVT _________________ as a lamp and lamp sleeve age.

a. decrease
b. increase
c. remain the same

Answer: A
Unit 4 Exercise

1. The following data is collected during validation testing of a reactor using UV Intensity Setpoint
control. What would the UV intensity setpoint be for a flowrate of 7 mgd and 2.5-log
inactivation using:

Flowrate (mgd) UV Intensity (mW/cm2) Log Inactivation Credit

6 3.6 2.0
6 5.3 2.5
6 6.7 3.0
8 4.9 2.0
8 7.3 2.5
8 9.7 3.0
10 6.1 2.0
10 9.3 2.5
10 13.0 3.0

a) A Single Setpoint operational strategy. __________________________

b) A Variable Setpoint operational strategy __________________________

Answer: a) 9.3 (max dose for 2.5 log inactivation for all flow rates)
b) 7.3 (max dose for flowrate range 6 to 8 mgd and 2.5 log inactivation)

2. Assuming a linear interpolation, the Setpoint Interpolation Operational Strategy would be:
Where: y2 = (y1 +slope) (x2-x1)
Slope= 1 mW/cm2 per mgd
The liner interpolation = 6.3
The Flowrate (x2) = 7 mgd
Answer: Rearrange to solve for y1, which is the required UV intensity:
y2 = (y1 + slope) (x2 - x1)
y2 = (5.3 + 1) (7-6)
y2 = (6.3) (1)
y2 = 6.3 mW/cm2

3. Match the UV control/operational strategies with their definitions.

___E_ 1. A UV intensity or dose setpoint is used for all A. UV Intensity Set point
flowrates and UVTs within the validated ranges.

___F_ 2. UV intensities would be set at a different intensity B. Setpoint Interpolation

for each flowrate.
___F_ 2. UV intensities would be set at a different intensity B. Setpoint Interpolation
for each flowrate.

___B_ 3. An equation would be developed that describes C. UV Transmittance (UVT)

the relationships between flowrate and UV intensity.

___A_ 4. Control method to make sure the UV intensity D. UV Dose

sensors control the reactors.

___C_5. Water quality parameter that has the greatest E. Single Setpoint
impact on the operated of the UV system. It is monitored to
control the reactor.
___D_ 6. UV intensity, UVT and flowrate are used to F. Variable Setpoint
calculate this.

Multiply choice:

4. Potential problems in the UV disinfection process are: (may be more than one correct answer)
a. Low UV intensity
b. Low UVT
c. Split flow
d. Validated limits
e. Unreliable sensor readings
f. Power Interruptions

Answer: A, B, E, F

5. UV intensity, flow rate and ______________ must be monitored and recorded every four hours
as proposed by the LT2ESWT.
a. UV Dose
b. Lamp outage
c. UV Residual
d. Lamp Breakage

Answer: B

6. Working with UV disinfection has it share of safety related issued to be concerned with. Which
of the below does not apply to UV disinfection:
a. UV exposure
b. Chlorine Feed line leakage
c. High temperatures
d. Lamp Breakage

Answer: B
Unit 5 Exercise

True of False:

1. Calibrating of the UVT monitors should be increased if performance records indicate consistent
weekly results. T F (False)

2. Intensity sensors do not have to be calibrated monthly but can wait for the annual
manufactures calibration. T F (False)

3. Pressure gauges may confirm spilt flow when individual flow meter to the reactors are not
T F (True)

4. Discoloration of the sleeves is one indicator of fouling. T F (True)

5. The cleaning system includes the wiper blades, drive mechanism, cleaning fluid reservoir and
flow meter. T F (False)

6. A GFI circuit breaker will trip when there is a problem with the ballast cooling system.
T F (False)

7. Flow meters should be taken off-line if the uncertainty of the flow meter is less than the
uncertainty of the validation testing of the UV reactor. T F (False)

8. UVT monitors should be check against a laboratory spectrophotometer. T F (True)

9. When manually cleaning the sleeves, you should not use latex gloves because the latex will
melt on the sleeve. T F (False)

10. After replacing the lamp, you will be able discard the old lamp in the regular municipal trash it
you roll it in bubble wrap or heavy paper so it does not break in handling. T F (False)

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