Works Pmgsy MPR

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Month Reporting Format for Physical and Financial Progress under PMGSY
State: Maharashtra Reporting Month: December 2010 (Length in km, Amount in Rs. Lakhs)

New Connectivity Upgradation Total CumulativeAm

# Phase ount Released
Habitations to be connected Habitations to be connected by MoRD
Nos. Length Value Nos. Length Value Nos. Length Value
999- 499-250 Incide 999- 499-250 Incide
1000+ 1000+
500 eligible ntal 500 eligible ntal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
District : Gondia

Phase I

Phase II 10 32.75 457.83 7 3 16 41.53 436.24 14 1 1 26 74.28 894.07 863.00

Phase III 2 1.90 29.21 1 1 5 11.65 127.76 4 1 7 13.55 156.97 235.00

Phase IV 10 44.75 632.32 3 1 6 10 44.75 632.32 480.00

Phase V 3 6.70 130.17 1 2 70 204.25 2610.63 52 30 5 73 210.95 2740.80 2700.00

Phase VI 18 138.55 3682.68 29 21 10 18 138.55 3682.68 3700.00

Phase VII 26 107.26 2696.53 41 21 12 26 107.26 2696.53 2508.00

Phase VII-1

Phase IX 72 259.39 5622.73 39 48 57 72 259.39 5622.73 2836.00

Total 25 86.10 1249.53 10 6 9 207 762.63 15176.57 175 125 86 232 848.73 16426.10 13322.00

Page 1

Progress During the Month

New Connectivity Habitations Connected Upgradation Habitations Connected Total

Length of Length of Length of
Works 499- Works 499- Works
Completed Expen 999- Completed 999- Completed
Compl 1000+ 250 Total Compl Expenditure 1000+ 250 Total Compl Expenditure
Road diture 500 Road 500 Road
eted eligible eted eligible eted
Works Works Works
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

505.43 505.43

505.43 505.43

Page 2

Cummulative Progress

New Connectivity Habitations Connected Upgradation Habitations Connected Total

Length of 499- Length of 499- Length of
Works Works Works
Completed Expend 999- 250 Incid Completed Expenditu 999- 250 Incid Completed
Compl 1000+ Total Compl 1000+ Total Compl Expenditure
Road iture 500 eligib ental Road re 500 eligib ental Road
eted eted eted
Works le Works le Works
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

10 26.68 430.30 7 3 10 16 32.79 419.36 14 1 1 16 26 59.47 849.66

2 2.00 25.83 1 1 2 5 11.40 125.99 4 1 5 7 13.40 151.82

10 48.00 348.41 3 1 6 10 9 48.00 348.41

3 6.70 125.12 1 2 3 70 200.85 2542.71 52 30 5 87 73 207.55 2667.83

18 138.55 3797.67 29 21 10 60 18 138.55 3797.67

26 107.26 2651.01 41 21 12 74 26 107.26 2651.01

0 0.00 2393.32 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2393.32

25 83 929.66 10 6 9 25 135 491 11930.06 136 77 29 242 159 574.23 12859.72

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