Chapter 2-EDUC 7 Reviewer
Chapter 2-EDUC 7 Reviewer
Chapter 2-EDUC 7 Reviewer
A. Cognitive Domain
-involves knowledge and the development
of intellectual skills
- includes recall or recognition of scientific
facts, procedural pattern and concepts
C. Affective Domain
B. Psychomotor Domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973)
E. Simpson, Dave and A.S. Harrow - includes dealing things emotionally,
- in early years of 70‘s, such as feelings, values, appreciation,
- recommended categories for the enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.
Psychomotor Domain ( Five major categories simplest behavior to
- included physical movement, coordination, the most complex)
and use of the motor-skill areas
Psychomotor skills
- rage from manual tasks, such as digging a
ditch or washing a car, to more complex
- contributed 7 categories
- gave 5 categories
- had 6 categories.
Their contributions were re-organized and
● Extended abstract
- The previous integrated whole may be
conceptualized at a higher level of
abstraction and generalized to a new topic
or area—the learner is now able to create
new ideas based on her mastery of the
A.Structure of Observed Learning Outcome
- one model that might prove more useful
- describes levels of increasing complexity
in learner's understanding
- aids both trainers and learner
● Uni-structural
SOLO not only shows the instructors how
- learner's response only focuses on one
the learners are progressing, but also
relevant aspect
the learners themselves. It does this by
- learner has only a basic concept about the
putting the processes in squares.
You start in the center square
(Uni-structural) and work outwards
● Multi-structural
(Multi-structural, Relational, and finally
- learner's response focuses on several
Extended Abstract).
relevant aspects but they are treated
- Assessment of this level is primarily
Robert Marzano
- educational researcher
- proposed what he calls A New
● Relational
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
- different aspects integrated into coherent
● whole— learner mastered the
Marzano‘s New Taxonomy
complexity of the subject by being
- is made up of three systems and the
able to join all the parts together.
Knowledge Domain which are significant for
- level is what is normally meant by
thinking and learning.
an adequate understanding of a
The rows on the left side of Table 6 depict
The three systems are : the three systems of thought
● Self-System and, in the case of the cognitive system,
-decides whether to continue the current four subcomponents of that system. The
behavior or engage in the new activity; columns depicted on the right-hand side
● Metacognitive System depict three different types or domains
-sets goals and keeps track of how well they of knowledge: information, mental
are being achieved procedures, and psychomotor procedures.
● Cognitive System In effect, Marzano‘s Taxonomy is a
- processes all the necessary information two-dimensional model with six categories
and Knowledge Domain provides the of mental processes represented by one
content. dimension and three domains of
knowledge represented by the other
a. Information
- is the what‖ of knowledge. It consists of
organizing ideas, such
as principles, generalizations, and details,
such as vocabulary terms and facts.
b. Mental Procedures
- can range from complex processes, such
as writing a term paper to simpler tasks
such as reading a map, computing long
division, and single covering capitalization.
c. Physical Procedures
- The degree to which physical procedures
figure into learning varies greatly by subject
Lesson 3.
Unpacking Learning Competencies
-refers to the process of deconstructing
student learning outcomes
- importance of unpacking is to get a clear
idea of what are the big ideas and essential
Steps in unpacking learning competencies: KNOWLEDGE
1. Identify the concepts, knowledge and - identifies the facts, people, dates,
skills vocabulary, information and definitions.
- One must define /understand what
learners are expected to know, understand, UNDERSTANDING
and be able to do. - refers to principles, generalization,
theories and big ideas of the discipline.
- guide us on the content standards DOING
(concepts that we are about to teach) - pertains to what the learners can do to
Verbs demonstrate his or her understanding.
- guide us on the performance standards
(skills we need to develop among learners). PERFORMANCE
- product or output can be categorized
2. Identify the content complexity under doing.
-Identify the level in the Revised Bloom‘s
Taxonomy (Anderson) to define
expectations and deeper understanding.