380288-Fires of Dis - The Caged Conversion
380288-Fires of Dis - The Caged Conversion
380288-Fires of Dis - The Caged Conversion
The Caged Conversion
by Igor Comunale
Fires of Dis - The Caged Conversion
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The Caged Conversion
Requires the AD&D Planescape
Adventure Fires of Dis, to play
by Igor Comunale
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Planescape, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
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INTRODUCTION the lawful fiends prefer to outwit their enemies and
ensnare them in subtle traps.
Dispater's got just such a trap laid out for Daneel. From
his conversion updates to the fifth edition of
Anarchist spies who've wormed their way into the ranks of
Dungeons & Dragons the AD&D Second Edition the Harmonium, Dispater learned that Daneel's making a
Fires of Dis adventure set in the Planescape setting. trip to Sigil to meet with Factol Sarin just a few days before
This adventure is suitable for characters from 5 th to 9th the Ascension. The archduke's arranged for a gang of
level. This conversion assumes a four 7 th level characters baatezu to waylay the paladin, lift his prized holy sword,
party. and bring it back to the Iron Tower on Dis. When righteous
bashers come after the sword, Dispater'll let 'em have it
Adventure Summary back without too much fuss - primarily because the
sword'll be tainted by then, inscribed with a secret gate
The plane of the Outlands is theoretically shaped spell designed to open a path between the planes.
somewhat like a ring, and along its outer edge lie sixteen A blood can probably guess what'll happen next. The
gate-towns, so named because they were built around or holy avenger'll be returned to Daneel, and the Hardheads'll
near gates leading to the sixteen surrounding Outer start the Ascension just as quick as they can. But as soon as
Planes. For the most part, the attitudes and beliefs of the Fortitude starts to shift, the sword'll open a gate to Dis,
folks in each town mirror the nature of the plane the burg's allowing the spirit of a fiend to come through and take
associated with. So the town of Plague-Mort, for example, control of Daneel. The fiend'll make the poor sod spill
built around the gate to the Abyss, is about as chaotic and innocent blood and turn stag on his faith in front of the
evil a gate-town as a body'd ever want to see. Excelsior, on whole town. Daneel's career as a paladin'll be cut short, and
the other hand, poised at the base of Mount Celestia, is a he'll spend the rest of his days in base humiliation, if he
town that literally glows, full of sods so pleasant they ain't killed outright. What's more, the sight of such a
might drive a visitor barmy. Fact is, if the folks in a gate- respected hero of legend abandoning his noble ideals'll be
town get so worked up that it becomes too much like its enough to disillusion the gathered masses and make the
next-door plane, the whole place goes sliding right off the Harmonious Ascension grind to a spirit-shattering halt.
Outlands and becomes part of the plane. Fact is, it's a pretty clever scheme, and all it'll take to
Well, berk, the chant is Fortitude's finally ready to make work itself out is a bunch of cutters brave enough, greedy
the big leap into Arcadia. The Harmonium - the faction enough, or addle-coved enough to venture into Baator and
with the strongest influence in the gate-town and the plane steal the holy avenger back from Dispater's Iron Tower...
as well - has been whipping the folks of Fortitude into a
fevered pitch of order, harmony, and good, hoping to push
the town's alignment to the point where it'll start to slide. Running the Adventure
What few know, though, is the dark of the faction's zeal: To manage the adventure using this conversion, you need
they want to make up for land they lost from Arcadia. See, the main rules of Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition (Player’s
they brought chaotic types into the lawful plane to turn Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual)
them into "proper citizens," but the influx of chaos caused and Monsters of the Multiverse. Further, you'll need Planes-
a whole layer of Arcadia to slip into another plane. cape: Adventures in the Multiverse to have all the informa-
To usher Fortitude into Arcadia, the faction's planned a tion about the setting and the new rules in the current
sparkling ceremony - dubbed the Harmonious Ascension - D&D edition.
and they've arranged for a much-venerated paladin from Non-player characters and monsters that are not present
Arcadia to preside. This paladin, known as Daneel the in these sources are presented in this conversion.
Smiter of Fiends, has cut such a noble swath through the
forces of evil with his famous holy avenger sword Guardian
that he's practically the living embodiment of law and Characters' Progression
order. With a bit of luck, his presence and guidance at the If the characters are at 7th level, they level up during the ad-
ceremony'll stir up the citizens of Fortitude just enough to venture with an event-based progression as follows:
push the town over the edge.
Daneel's legendary campaigns against evil have earned • At the end of Chapter III: Red Journey the charac-
him a few enemies, not the least of which is the archduke ters should reach 8th level.
Dispater, ruler of Dis on the plane of Baator. Practically a • At the end of the adventure, the characters should
power, Dispater could kill the paladin easily enough - if reach 9th level.
that's how the baatezu went about their business. However,
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his section describes the necessary updates to
play the adventure with the rules of Dungeons &
Dragons 5th Edition. The updates follow the same
order and have the same title as the parts in the original
adventure. If a reference to a part of the adventure is ab-
sent, then it means that it does not require any modifica-
tion and can be used in its original form.
DM NOTE: Most of the monsters that appear in this ad-
venture are extraplanar creatures that in AD&D 2 nd Edition
had the ability to use teleport at will. All the demons, devils,
and other extraplanar creature in this conversion are sup-
posed to be able to do so.
Nonplayer Characters
Four main non-player characters are recurrent in this ad-
venture: Daneel, Smiter of Fiends; Flamen Therma; Her-
fik the Silent; and Kri'Ik.
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Chapter 1: The Sting characters inside. Any player characters who belong to the
faction should also be able to help get the party inside.
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Back to the Barracks Magic Item: Scabbard of Holding
Wondrous item, uncommon
A day or so after the encounter with Tonat Shar at the Bar-
This dagger-sized scabbard has an interior space consid-
racks, the party is contacted by a Harmonium pacekeeper.
erably larger than its outside dimensions. It can hold
She tells the party that Shar's got a few more questions for multiple melee weapons in an extradimensional space,
them, and escorts them to the Barracks. Once there, they're including weapons that would not normally fit in any
taken into a meeting room where Shar sits with a dark-vis- kind of scabbard or sheath. It can hold up to four two-
aged dwarfsmith introduced as Grimbrech Stonehammer handed weapons, eight one-handed melee weapons, or
(champion; dwarf, lawful good; Monsters of the Multiverse) mixed weapons in any combination (a two-handed
of Mount Clanggedin in Arcadia. weapon counts as two one-handed weapons). Only
weapons designed to be used by creatures the same size
as the wearer can be kept in a scabbard of holding.
Sweetening the Deal When you draw a weapon from the scabbard, if you
The dwarfsmith Stonehammer's come with magical items don't lose you grip on it (keeping it in your hands at all
that might prove useful to the characters in their journey, times), as a bonus action you can have it switch places
offered one at a time (possibly in trade for items the char- with another weapon in the scabbard. If you lose your
grip on a weapon drawn from the scabbard, that weapon
acters already have), if the party seems reluctant to go after
can’t switch places with another weapon until it has been
the sword.
sheathed in the scabbard of holding and drawn again.
The dwarfsmith's bag contains:
If the scabbard is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it rup-
• A scabbard of holding. Right now, it won't accept tures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in
any sword but Guardian, but if the party is success- the Astral Plane.
ful, the dwarves will remove this limiting enchant- Placing a scabbard of holding inside an extradimension-
ment. al space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or
similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a
• An arrow of sure direction currently set only to find
gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the
the sword. As with the scabbard, if the party is suc-
one item was placed inside the other. Any creature with-
cessful, the dwarves will remove the restriction.
in 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random
• An iron rod of rulership. location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The
• Two rings of resistance (fire). gate is one-way only and can’t be reopened.
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DM Note: If the characters wander around the inn be-
fore tumbling to the portal, throw in a few encounters with
other guests for atmosphere.
• A gnome asks them for directions to someplace in
Sigil while his partner, an halfling bandit (Dex 16,
Sleight of Hand +5), tries to pick the characters'
• Visitors to the Great Bazaar, who feel they were
bobbed by a merchant there, loudly share their
gripes with the characters.
• A githyanki mage, wise to the portals, asks the
party where they're headed, then shuts his bone-
box upon realizing the characters don't know the
• A cloth merchant (commoner) tries to interest the
party in "special discounts" on his goods.
A patrol of 5 Harmonium pacekeepers lead by an Har-
monium captain finds the characters sooner or later, most
likely in a public area; if the party's retired for the night in
an inn, they're awakened by a pounding on the door.
The commander's using his ring of human influence as a
charm person spell to get the party to accompany him
peacefully. What's more, the guards make no threatening
moves - at least, not until they see how the party reacts.
If the characters go along with the guards, they're escor-
ted to the Barracks, where events transpire as they do in
"The Barracks" and "Back to the Barracks".
Straight to Baator
If the characters think to nose around the Hive, asking
questions about the portal or the fiends, sooner or later
they run into one of the drunks (commoner). He offers to
show them the hole "fer jes' a bit o'jink fer some bub,"
though he takes a few wrong turns along the way.
DM Note: If the characters go through the portal to
Baator, skip Chapter II and proceed with the party landing
on Avernus in Chapter III.
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Chapter 1I: Under Getting the Chant
The barkeep (commoner; elf) is a bit taken aback if the
the Ribs characters don't seem to know about the Gymnasium of
Steam, but he briefly describes the resort and tells them
Getting Help
Arrival Ribcage has a few folks that can help the characters get
Ribcage is tucked within the curving peaks. The residents through the gate to Baator and survive the trip through
have blocked off gaps in the mountains with a 20-foot-tall that evil plane.
iron wall, but the characters will find a towered gate near
their end of the valley (the Spire Gate).
Fighting: If the characters fight the guards, the tower
sentry shoots arrows at the party. A troop of five more
guards (humans or tieflings) and a captain (veteran;
tiefling) appear every third round, trying to either kill the
characters or force them into the mountains.
Using Another Gate: The characters may try to snoop
around the mountains for another entrance to town; if
they follow the iron wall, they'll eventually find the Rigus
Gate and the Steam Gate. However, you should require
each character to make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check at some point during the trip to see if any tumble
(suffering 1d6 slashing damage from sharp rocks).
Other Locations
All plot-related encounters are described later in this
chapter. However, while the characters are making their
way around the city, they should run into some or all of the
• Five soldiers of the Blackguard (veterans) try to
shake down a merchant in one of the Gate Markets
for "taxes." If the characters intervene, the guards
demand that the party cough up the jink instead,
fighting if not paid.
• A bandit tries to sell the party chunks for 1 gp
each. Unfortunately, he bobbed them from other
visitors over a week ago, and the chunks are no
longer valid.
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Taking a Bath
The Gym's owner, Shandrala (priest; tiefling, lawful evil),
doesn't let any berk just walk around for free. Private meet-
ing rooms cost 50 gp per group, a soak in a common spring
costs 100 gp per person, and magical springs that cure skin
diseases run 1,000 gp or more.
Meeting Sharpsplinter
Bashers who simply demand that Sharpsplinter (bard;
tiefling, neutral evil; Monsters of the Multiverse) help them
get into Baator get nowhere. The tiefling wants to know the
dark of their purpose, and, though he accepts most any
story, the truth works best - he knows that Lord Paracs
likes anything that works against the baatezu. Fact is,
Paracs allows Sharpsplinter to run his little operation in
return for a split of the take.
If the characters pay, Sharpsplinter tells them to return
to the spring room at the same time the next day. At that
time, he'll introduce them to their new guide - Herflk the
Silent - and take them to the Citadel, where they'll get a
pass and go through the gate.
Dark Secrets
Getting Help: One of the clergymen wiping the altar is
Flamen Pontifus, leader of the temple. He's received in-
structions from the pit fiend Kri'ik to cooperate with any-
one who asks about the holy avenger.
Pontifus asks the characters to return at dark, when he'll
have a guide ready to escort them through the plane. If the
party returns, they're introduced to Flamen Therma, The Baron
who'll take them on a one-way trip to any particular spot.
However the characters enter the Citadel, they're immedi-
ately brought to see Lord Paracs. You should emphasize the
Into the Citadel difficulty of a body finding his way through the halls on
his own - the place is like a maze, mainly as a defence in
Once the characters have finished their business in Rib-
case any baatezu pop in through the gate.
cage, the next step is to head into the first layer of Baator.
To do this, they've got to visit Lord Paracs in the Citadel,
give him a good reason for going through the gate, and get Through the Gate
a pass of safe conduct through the plane. Once the characters have received a pass from Lord
'Course, the first problem is just getting past the Black- Paracs, a crew of Blackguard escort the party to the gate.
guard at the Citadel's entrance. There's a group of 6 Black- The guards take the characters back through the maze of
guardsman (veterans) at the gate at any time, day and hallways, eventually reaching the room with the gate.
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Chapter 1II: Red Variant: The Lord of Avernus
This adventure takes place during Bel's rulership over
Avernus. In the actual storyline, the plane has been taken
Journey back by Zariel (see Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus).
You can use the adventure as it was intended, at the time
he party starts this chapter having just landed on of Bel's rulership, or make Zariel the lord of Avernus, as
Avernus, the first of Baator's nine layers. They ap- you wish. There's no substantial difference in the devel-
pear in the ruined gate-town of Darkspine, and opment of the adventure, but you should substitute ref-
from there the goal is simple: get to the gate that leads to erences to Bel in the original adventure using the name
the second layer, Dis. 'Course, on this dangerous wasteland, Zariel.
that's easier said than done. During their journey, the char-
acters stumble across sights both strange and hideous, and the centre of the explosion to the party.
there's no lack of fiends, planars, and petitioners that'd • Roll 1d3 to determine the number of d4 of fire
love to kill the sods or trap 'em in a dark bargain they just damage to anyone caught in the blast (half damage
can't wriggle out of. Cutters can try to parley their way on a successful Dexterity saving throw).
through, but they'd better be ready to back up their words Pervasive Evil: Evil pervades the Nine Hells, and visitors
with brains - or with steel. to this plane feel its influence. At the end of each long rest
taken on this plane, a visitor that isn't evil must make a DC
The Guard 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's
alignment changes to lawful evil. The change becomes per-
The guard, a horned devil named Montelado, once served manent if the creature doesn't leave the plane within 1d4
as a retainer to a pit fiend general in the Blood War, but days. Otherwise, the creature's alignment reverts to normal
was demoted to gate duty for two centuries after losing after one day spent on a plane other than the Nine Hells.
several battles to the tanar'ri hordes. Casting the dispel evil and good spell on the creature also re-
stores its original alignment.
A View of the Wasteland
The oppressive heat and the fireballs are two consistent Ladmarks
dangers that characters crossing Avernus face. The evil
The Road of Good Intent takes the characters past certain
nature of the plane is also a concern, and the characters
landmarks that can help them chart their progress through
are affected by the pervasive evil rule.
the endless rocks and fireballs; some may also serve as
Oppressive Heat: Avernus's combination of oppressive
backdrops for various encounters (your decision).
heat and supernatural malevolence weighs on the bodies
and souls of those who are not evil. A non-evil creature
treats normal travel through Avernus as a forced march The River of Blood
and must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of
A body can hear the din of the Pillar of Skulls before he
each hour of travel. The DC is 10 + 1 for each hour of travel.
gets there, but the first assault of this flow is its sickening
On a failed saving throw, a creature suffers one level of ex-
stench. A slow river of warm, partially clotted blood
streams down through the wasteland, its slippery, scabby
Fireballs: As the party crosses the layer, fireballs of vari-
banks pulling in any berk who comes too near - DC 15 Dex-
ous sizes might explode nearby. Every 10 minutes, there's a terity (Acrobatics) check to avoid taking the plunge.
10% chance that one explodes near the group, blinding
each character for 1d4 + 1 rounds unless they succeed on a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. The River Styx
You can use fireballs for dramatic effect, to direct the
This dark, rancid waterway cuts right through Avernus on
party's path of travel, to throw wild cards into a fight, etc. If
its winding passage through the Lower Planes. A character
the characters are of high levels, you may choose to have
caught in the wasteland without drinking water might be
fireballs explode near enough to cause damage if saving
tempted to ignore the foul stink and take a sip, but the oily
throws are failed. If so, you can:
liquid's got a lot more potency than just its smell. Drinking
• Roll 2d20 to determine the diameter (in feet) of the the water or touching it with bare skin means the charac-
fireball's explosion. ter loses all memory of his past life. Both Herfik and
• Roll 1d100 to determine the distance (in feet) from Therma know the danger of the river.
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Unless immune to the river's effects, a creature that
drinks from the Styx or enters the river is targeted by a
feeblemind spell (save DC 20). A creature must repeat the
saving throw whenever it starts its turn in the river, until it
fails the save. A feebleminded creature can drink from the
Styx and swim in its waters without suffering any addi-
tional deleterious effects.
If a creature fails its saving throw and remains under the
spell's effect for 30 consecutive days, the effect becomes
permanent (no save) and the creature loses all its
memories, becoming a near-mindless shell of its former
self. At that point, nothing short of a wish spell or divine in-
tervention can undo the effect.
Water taken from the River Styx loses its potency after
24 hours, becoming a harmless, foul-tasting liquid. How-
ever, arcanaloths, night hags, and other fell creatures
might know rituals that can prolong the water's potency, at
your discretion.
The next pages present details of the baatezu, planars, and
other creatures that the party may run into while journey-
ing from Darkspine to the Maggot Pit. Unless specifically
stated otherwise, these encounters can occur at any time
and in any order - whatever you think is best for the pacing
of the party's trip. If the characters are led by Herfik or
Therma, they should run into most or all of these encoun-
However, without a guide keeping them to the path, the
party's sure to have more encounters than are given here.
Every third round of travel without a guide, there's a 15%
chance of a wandering monster attacking the party; you
should first roll 1d6 to determine the type of creature en-
countered, and then roll the indicated die to determine the
number of creatures.
1d6 Creatures
1-2 2d4 lemures
3-4 2d6 nupperibos (Monsters of the Multiverse)
5 1d3 barbed devils
6 1d2 black abishai
Bel's Legion
The flying black abishai get a good view of the legion's sur-
roundings (passive Perception 16). If they spot the charac-
ters, 4 black abishai veer off from the army to pursue and
attack the party, breaking off if they haven't caught the
characters in three rounds.
The Hunters
Avernus is a wide-open stomping ground, a perfect field for
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greater baatezu to amuse themselves by hunting prey. assault, and then teleports away (the bearded devils fight to
Sometimes fiends release an especially feisty petitioner or the death and try to summon further bearded devils, if ne-
captured paladin, and sometimes they just chase down any cessary).
berk or beast unlucky enough to be roaming about. One of
the latter type of hunting parties - 4 yeth hounds driven by
an amnizu (Monsters of the Multiverse) - spots the characters
Return of the Free League
while crossing the plain. Karris (Diviner Wizard; human, chaotic neutral, he has a
pair of boots of speed and a wand of lightning bolts; Monsters
of the Multiverse) recognizes the characters; he's already
Osyluth Patrol warned his band (5 veterans) about a possible fight with
This patrol's scouring the layer for lawbreaking baatezu - the party, and they're ready to attack on his signal. Al-
especially deserters of the Blood War. The bone devils po- though he's tried to alter his physical appearance with dif-
lice Baator with broad disciplinary powers granted by the ferent clothing and facial markings, the smartest charac-
Dark Eight, and these two currently command a violent ters can make DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) checks to see if they
batch of 4 bearded devils. recognize Karris as the "apprentice" they met in Sigil. If re-
cognized, Karris tries to talk his way out of trouble; if at-
Lost Petitioners tacked, he directs his band to fight.
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round, suffering 1d8 acid damage - those too weak can 4. Blue Consort's Lair: The blue dragon won't make a
plead for a reduced time in the pit. move unless the characters try to cross the abyss to its
peak. It then takes to the air and attacks, trying simply to
Tiamat's Lair drive the intruders away, but the wyrm gladly slaughters
any sods leatherheaded enough to stick around. If any
One tunnel leads to the Cave of Greed and the gate to Dis. characters fall into the abyss, you should roll 1d6 to de-
The others lead to Tiamat, the power of evil dragonkind, termine their rate of descent. On 1-2, they fall only a few
and her five dragon consorts - the most powerful male an- yards per round and can be rescued by other party mem-
cient dragons of each chromatic colour (red, black, green, bers; on 3-4, they fall at normal speed; on 5-6, they fall at
blue, and white). Each consort resides in its own cave and double speed. Any berks who do plunge into the pit die of
revels in its own horde of treasure. The treasure hasn't old age long before they hit bottom.
been specified - the characters shouldn't muck around with
it - but you are free to fill the lairs with any coins or objects 5. Tiamat's Lair: As the characters pass this cavern, a ter-
desired. rible aura of fear prevents them from approaching the
Currently, the red and green consorts are not on Baator, dark entrance. Every character is frightened and must inch
and only the black, blue, and white dragons rest in their its way along the wall until it has passed the entrance to
lairs. Tiamat's Lair and entered the tunnel leading to the Cave of
Greed, at which point the aura of fear subsides.
1. Red Consort's Lair: Each character suffers 3d6 fire
damage for each round spent in the cave after the first. 7. The Cave of Greed: As the party takes the southern
Touching any of the red-hot treasure horde causes 1d10 fire branch out of the huge central cavern, the tunnel splits
damage per round (the items won't cool down unless taken again, leading to the Cave of Greed and the gate to Dis.
from the cavern for three days, with the character sustain- Each visitor to the cave that sees the pile of treasure
ing damage during each round spent in contact with the must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw; beings of
object). evil alignment have disadvantage on the saving throw, and
those of neutral alignment have a - 2 penality on their roll.
2. Black Consort's Lair: Liquid and gaseous acid fills the Any sod who fails the check is seized with greed and be-
home of the black dragon. For every round spent in the comes determined to get to the other side of the pond, no
cave, all armour or shields (even magical armour and matter what his companions say or do to stop him.
shields) take a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to ar- Here's the catch: a wader Wisdom score is reduced by 1d4
mor class. If this reduces an armour to armor class 10 or every round spent in the water. The target dies if this re-
worse or a shield is reduced to +0 armor class bonus, it is duces its Wisdom to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until
destroyed. Common weapons are destroyed in 1 round, the target finishes a short or long rest. The drain goes un-
while magic weapons lose one plus each round. If this re- noticed until the character emerges on the opposite bank.
duces the weapon magic bonus to +0, that weapon is des- A party member who sticks his hand in water to test it
troyed. In addition, each character suffers 2d8 acid damage won't feel anything; the draining effect only occurs when a
from breathing the air. The pool of clear acid has similar character is fully immersed.
effects on equipment and causes 2d10 acid damage to bare
skin for each round of immersion. While in the cave, all 8. The Gate to Dis: The characters need only pull open
characters are unable to keep their eyes open (they are con- the doors by the handles, which requires a successful DC
sidered blinded). 20 Strength check. The handles're ten feet off the ground:
unless a character figures out a way to stand solidly in
3. Green Consort's Lair: Every round after the first, hun- front of the handle, all Strength checks for opening the
dreds of flying insects attack each character, stinging and doors are made with disadvantge. However, the doors can
biting through everything 1d8 piercing damage; only cold- also be opened by a knock spell or similar means.
based attacks fend them off. Also, the oppressive humidity A giant spider hiding in a side tunnel 20 feet along leaps
cuts each basher's movement rate to half and the character at the first character to pass the camouflaged opening; if
can't make more than one attack per round (even bonus ac- the character can't spot the hidden spider, it is surprised.
tions count towards this limit). The party won't be able to On a successful attack, the spider tries to grab and drag the
move very far through the swampy foliage (or find any- character into its lair, where 2 other giant spiders wait. If
thing of consequence), and damage from the growing num- the victim is not dragged into the lair, the two spiders with-
ber of insects doubles each round. in emerge to join the attack on the party.
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Chapter 1V: A City Magic Item: Flower of Holes
Wondrous item, very rare
and the fiends within don't often have the inclination to
n this chapter, the characters must make their way to
play chaperone to the mortal sods. Thus, Dispater allows
and through the searing city of Dis, eventually worm- one official means by which visitors can move from room
ing their way inside the mutating Iron Tower of Lord to room: the flower of holes. Each black flower, grown
Dispater. But Dis is a tricky place, even for Baator. The from the distilled spirit of a petitioner unfit for the work
town's full of fiends and planars eager to bob or bully visit- crews, sports twelve petals. On each petal is a small, red
ors out of their jink, and slave crews of the condemned mark - a symbol for one of the rooms in the tower. The
endlessly destroy and rebuild everything in sight. What's petals act much like portable holes; however, you can step
more, a body who doesn't watch where he's going just through a hole and instantly be transported to the room
might get burned - in more ways than one. designated by the petal's symbol.
To use it, you pluck one of the rubbery petals from the
flower, which causes the petitioner's spirit to inhabit that
Down the Slope leaf. The black petal immediately begins to grow, becom-
ing a four-foot wide circle in two rounds. Then, you just
The guards (3 green abishai) were warned by the pit fiend
slap the petal against a wall, ceiling, or floor - any solid
Kri'ik of the party's potential arrival; he commanded them boundary of the room large enough to accommodate it.
to let the characters by unmolested. The leader, the red It sticks in place, and for the next two rounds opens a
abishai Jal'haya, makes a good show of checking the passage: anything that goes through the hole ends up in
group's pass (if any) and questioning their intent, but even- the room represented by the petal's symbol. The hole
tually lets the characters through. only allows one-way travel; after two rounds it disinteg-
rates, sending the petitioner's spirit back into the flower.
The spirit can only inhabit one petal at a time; you can-
The Road to Dis 't pluck another petal until the first has grown and disin-
The heat from the outcroppings is more than uncomfort- tegrated (whether it's used for passage or not). Once all
twelve petals have grown and disintegrated, the spirit
able; contact sets cloth afire and burns exposed skin for
moves into the centre of the flower, turning it into a thir-
1d8 fire damage. The iron also heats metal armour, baking
teenth petal inscribed with the symbol for the garden
any character within: the armour causes no damage the
(Area 16). When that final petal is plucked, it grows into a
first round of contact, 1d2 fire damage the second, 1d3 the hole that provides access to the garden.
third, 1d4 the fourth, 1d6 the fifth, and 1d8 the sixth and A flower of holes can be damaged by magical means (it
every round thereafter. Metal removed from contact with is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing dam-
the iron continues to cause damage as it cools (the reverse age from nonmagical attacks). However, the petitioner's
of heating sequence). spirit within can't be communed with, summoned, or
Creatures with a natural Armor Class bonus +3 or better driven out before the flower's used up.
aren't burned by the hot iron, and certain magical items
can spare a victim from harm.
The City of Dis
With Friends Like These Without warning, the road of skulls abruptly deposits the
party deep within the city itself.
The pit fiend Kri'ik reappears to the characters at some
point during their journey along the skull path. Having
polymorphed into a petitioner from a work crew in Dis,
A Warm Welcome
Kri'ik sits atop an iron outcropping a few yards from the All of the buildings and walls in the city are made of the
path, unnoticed until he calls out to the party. Characters same hot iron as the outcroppings. The sheer amount of
who specifically indicate they're keeping an eye on the smouldering iron makes the temperature in Dis almost un-
spurs can make a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to see if bearable; characters in metal armour move at half speed
they spot him first. and suffer disadvantage to all attack rolls and Strength
He offers the characters a crystal sphere about one foot checks. Characters in padded or leather armour suffer no
in diameter that contains a magical flower of holes - a black such restrictions, but their armour may burst into flame if
flower with closed petals. it comes into contact with any iron (successful DC 15
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Dexterity check to avoid damage). Any exposed skin that
contacts the iron suffers 2d6 fire damage. What's more, the
narrow streets of Dis make it likely that the characters
brush up against some iron sooner or later (10% chance per
Getting Around
The constant construction/destruction might lead a body
to rule out walking as a means of travel, but in Dis it's the
only way to go. Flight only attracts the attention of 1d3 + 2
black abishai guards, who arrive in one round to make
sure the flyer isn't an invading tanar'ri, and then angrily
pummel the berk back down to the ground - hard.
Work Crews
As the characters move through the streets of Dis - whether
they're trying to get to the tower or just looking around -
they should see (and hear) a good number of commoner
petitioner work crews constructing or tearing down build-
ings and roads. They can also have any of the following en-
counters with such crews. Each crew below contains 1d10 +
10 lemures, and if so indicated, 1d6 shadows, all driven by
a spined devil foreman. In each case, the spined devil acts
with great bluster and bravado unless he's on the losing
end of a fight, in which case he tries to escape.
Swept Away
Behind the crew, a spined devil with a military fork is
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driving the lemures to their next work assignment (the
crew's movement rate is 20 ft.) Each character must suc-
ceed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw to attempt to re-
main where he stands; failure indicates that he's swept
along with the crew for one round, at which time he can
make another check to see if he breaks free. After three
rounds, the crew reaches its destination.
Mistaken Identity
The spined devil foreman believes that one of the charac-
ters is a member of his work crew trying to slip away by
blending into a pack of other humanoids.
A Hot Time
Each character must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw
to see if he can push through the blobby lemure horde;
failure forces the sod to remain at "ground zero" for that
round, suffering 1d4 slashing damage from the jagged,
scalding stones haphazardly torn up and tossed around.
Party members who've broken free can stall the lemures'
destruction by attacking the fiends, in which case the
spined devil foreman directs the mass to respond in kind.
The Fugitive
The man grabs at the characters' ankles if they try to walk
on, delaying them until the foreman - a comely erinyes
named Sauraphine - strides up to the party. She's charmed
many mortals to Baator, where they're quickly made into
petitioners and put to work in her crew. However, one
laborer - Rubbio Finncleve of Waterdeep (bandit), the man
who rushed toward the characters - is truly still alive, hav-
ing so far survived the horrors of Baator and staved off pe-
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This encounter should be run only if the party's posing as
supplicants and is being led by Flamen Therma.
Part of the Scheme: The bone devil, Izea, recognizes
the characters from Therma's description. No matter how
the characters answer, Izea demands they prove their
obedience by slaying each other - now. If the characters
hesitate or argue - proving they're not true supplicants at
all - the baatezu attack. The bone devil and the 6 bearded
devils summon in reinforcements and teleport away if ne-
cessary, but the battle shouldn't rage long: after a few
rounds of fighting, a spined devil messenger from Dispater
appears in the fray.
Old Debts
At some point while the characters walk the streets of the
city, one of the elves - Khula Chombrice - spots the cow-
ardly githzerai among them. She and the other elf, her sis-
ter Naella Chombrice, follow and confront the group.
Optional Encounters
If you desire, the characters can run into any or all of the
following while wandering through Dis:
Supplicants: A handful of 2d6 supplicants (commoners;
lawful evil), in a gesture of respect to the powers of Baator,
strike themselves, tear apart their robes, and wail loudly
for deliverance into the hands of the baatezu.
Guvners: A group of 2d4 scholars from Automata (com-
moners; gnome, lawful neutral) follow petitioner work
Outside the Tower
crews from one job to another, intent on observing, record- The party's goal in Dis is to reach and gain entrance to Dis-
ing, and mastering the laws that govern their pater's Iron Tower. If they haven't already teleported inside
construction/destruction assignments. with a baatezu patrol, they must get to the tower on their
Hawkers: 3 spined devils, running a cheap-looking mar- own (by clearing their minds or closing their eyes).
ket stall, try to interest the party in several items: a "recent"
street map of the city for 10 gp (useless due to the constant
renovations) a pair of "nonflammable" work gloves for 50
Over the Wall
gp (they ignite upon their third contact with hot iron), and If a character tries to fly or levitate over the top, several
a "magical" frog in a corked glass bottle that can commune stone gargoyles spring to life and attach themselves to the
with the Lower Planes for 100 gp. offender, causing him to plummet to the ground,
The frog's actually a transformed quasit, kidnapped whereupon they return to their posts (gargoyles keep piling
from the tanar'ri and magically imprisoned in a bottle that on a character until the combined weight finally brings
can only be opened (or broken) by a nonfiend. If freed, the him down). The gargoyles don't attack or defend them-
quasit assumes its true shape and attacks any sod standing selves against attack - their sole function is to prevent visit-
nearby. ors from flying over the top of the wall. There are 80 stone
Bullies: A gang of 1d4 + 6 bearded devils prowling the gargoyles perched on the wall around the tower.
streets in search of trouble "accidentally" knocks the char- The characters can climb over the wall; the stone gar-
acters over, then demands apologies from the party. If the goyles can support a rope and won't attack a climber. How-
characters react calmly, the fiends also demand financial ever, as before, the hot iron burns skin, cloth, and leather,
compensation for their inconvenience. and heats metal armour. What's more, the outward slope
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Getting into the Tower
Once the characters have climbed over the wall or made it
past the guards, a short, rubble-strewn courtyard is all that
lies between them and the ever-shifting tower.
Walking Through: If any visitor to the tower indicates
that she's concentrating on Dispater's magnificence, on a
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check, it can simply
walk right through the wall of the tower, appearing in the
Pit of Patience (Area 1) no matter where the tower was
breached. Any being of lawful evil alignment suffers no
damage from passing through the scorching iron; however,
those of neutral alignment suffer 1d8 fire damage, and
those of good alignment suffer 2d8 fire damage. A being of
chaotic evil alignment can't pass through the tower in this
manner at all - a magical safeguard designed to prevent
tanar'ri from getting inside.
Climbing Up: Carved into the outer surface of the tower
is a continuous tableau of various greater baatezu gleefully
torturing mortals, making it possible for a skilled charac-
ter (or one using a heat resistant rope) to climb up the
ridged iron on a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
check. About 60 feet up, a small ironwork balcony opens
onto the City Vista (Area 2), and characters can enter the
tower at that point.
Of course, climbing a tower that constantly changes its
shape is quite hazardous. Every other round, the tower
melts and reshapes itself into another form, and any char-
acter attempting to climb it must succeed on a DC 18 Dex-
terity saving throw a successful Dexterity check or fall to
the ground (suffering 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10
feet fallen). Any character who tries to fly or levitate to the
balcony gets yanked back down by the stone gargoyles.
The hot iron of the tower also causes the usual damage
to skin and other materials.
of the wall imposes disadvantage on all Strength (Athletics)
If the party takes longer than six rounds to get over the
wall (or four rounds if any gargoyles come to life), the
horned devil from the gatehouse confront them as in
Through the Gatehouse, below.
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Chapter V: The Lord remain free. However, they can't free their captured com-
rades by any means short of a wish spell.
Only the two humans in the torture devices know how to
of Dis free sods who get strung up in the chains. Supplicants of
Baator who accept and enjoy their anguish, the humans
aving gained entrance to Dispater's dreaded Iron are sure the baatezu'll grant them wishes for their fealty.
Tower, the characters are free to explore the vari- They've heard their fiendish torturers use the command
ous locations laid at their feet by the magical word vaxalpo to release other prisoners from the chains,
flower of holes. Powers willing, they'll survive the tower's in- and they'll reveal the word to the characters - if persuaded
sidious assaults on mind and body and recover the stolen to do so on a successful DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
holy avenger sword Guardian. But they may also discover If the characters search the other torture devices before
that things aren't always what they seem, and find out the leaving, they find manacles that still contain a severed
hard way why a body should never bargain with a fiend. hand wearing a ring of animal influence.
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untie their heads (though they risk to be bitten for 1d6 pier-
cing damage and forced to succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage if they try the lat-
ter; the snakes attack with a +5 bonus on the attack roll).
However, the characters can sever a snake with magic
weapons (by inflicting 20 damage to AC 5), or dissolve it
with holy water (using one full vial per serpent). In order to
free a prisoner, the characters must destroy all four ser-
pents restraining him.
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15. The Heart: The deafening heartbeats prevent the con-
centration needed to cast spells and cause 1d4 thunder
The Fiend's Assault
damage per round (successful CD 18 Constitution saving It's possible that the characters simply refused to make any
throw to avoid damage). If a character stabs a weapon into deal whatsoever with Kri'ik, ignoring his threats and prom-
the heart, the beating stops, and a geyser of scalding blood ises during their first two encounters. In that case, Kri'ik's
erupts from the wound, flooding the chamber in ten not prevented from attacking them and claiming the sword
rounds. for his own purposes.
Going Home
If the characters accepted the sword from Dispater, they
now have Kri'ik as an escort to the city; if the characters es-
caped from the tower, you should have Kri'ik appear to
them at the edge of the city.
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Chapter VI: Hearts
and Minds
I n the concluding chapter of Fires of Dis, the party pre-
sumably returns the holy avenger to Fortitude in time
for the Harmonious Ascension. Before long, however,
the characters realize that Dispater's got more tricks up his
sleeve than they might have thought, and they must fight
to ensure that their quest ends in success. What's in the
balance? Not much, berk - just the life of a paladin, the spir-
it of a fiend, and the fate of an entire gate-town.
Optional Encounters
After turning over the sword, the characters can explore
the town at their leisure until the Ascension ceremony,
having any or all of the following encounters:
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The Dark of it All
Dispater empowered Zaggutch to take the form of a dis-
tilled spirit, charging him with ruining Daneel's career as a
paladin by committing evil acts that'll be attributed to the
Smiter of Fiends. If Zaggutch also stops the Harmonious
Ascension - perhaps permanently, if the townsfolk remain
emotionally shattered – he'll be up for promotion in the
archduke's ranks.
Zaggutch's Powers: While in a host body, Zaggutch re-
tains his own spellcasting ability, mental faculties (Intelli-
gence, Wisdom and Charisma), languages, damage im-
munities and resitances, condition immunities, saving
throws, fear aura, magic resistance, and alignment. The
body retains the host's hit points, armor class, and physical
strengths and weaknesses (though no special abilities of
the host). Zaggutch always can make three melee attacks
while inside a host.
Note that because Fortitude is stuck between planes, Zag-
gutch can't summon reinforcements or teleport beyond the
surrounding wall of the town - fact is, all methods of entry
or exit (physical or magical) are cut off until Fortitude
settles in either Arcadia or the Outlands.
Driving Zaggutch Out: The death of a host inflicts no
damage on the fiend but forces him from the body. If the
characters use magic, you should follow these guidelines:
• Spells/effects like dispel evil and good or dispel ma-
gic merely force Zaggutch to spend the rest of the
round regaining full control of his host body; the
fiend can't attack, and attacks on him are made
with advantage.
• Spells/effects to send Zaggutch back to his own
plane or on another plane (like dispel evil and good
and banishment) merely drive him out of the host
body; no one leaves the town while it's stuck
between planes.
• Spells/effects that bind a host or affect his mind
(charm person, hold person, sleep, etc.) drive Zaggutch
from the body.
Capturing Zaggutch: While in his spirit form, Zaggutch
can't pass through any solid magical substance. Thus, the
characters may be able to trap him within a magical hel-
met, a suit of sealed magical armour, or some other magic-
al container.
Reign of Madness
Zaggutch intends not to physically destroy Fortitude or its
residents, but to undermine their faith by committing acts
of evil. With each successful act, Fortitude slides a bit closer
to the Outlands; the gate's green flame dwindles and the
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surrounding mountains and trees become more airy. Ob-
servant characters can note the changes and realize what's
False Alarm
happening. At some location in the city, Zaggutch summons an illusion
to make it look like a number of aasimon - devas and plan-
etars - emerged from a gate to rescue the town, but imme-
March of the Undead diately caught fire and fell to the ground, writhing help-
Zaggutch appears in the Babbling Boneyard and begins lessly in agony.
raising 3 skeletons and 2 zombies each round until the The frightened townsfolk hover nearby but don't ap-
characters arrive or until he's raised 30 skeletons and 10 proach the aasimon. The characters must prove the illuso-
zombies, at which time he teleports away. The undead pur- ry nature of the spectacle to the assembled crowd. Any
sue and attack the townspeople unless destroyed by the character who actively try to disbelieve the illusion must
characters. succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw; a successful dis-
believer may influence other viewers, each of whom can
A Sky Afire then save with advantage. A character who succeeded on
the saving throw can try to convince the crowd they are as-
Zaggutch teleports to the top of the Orb of Day and Night, sisting to an illusory scene succeeding on a DC 20 Charis-
where he uses fireballs to create frightening explosions of ma (Persuasion) check. On a success, all the townsfolk that
fireworks and flame across the sky, blinding and scattering can hear the character successfully disbelieve the illusion.
the townsfolk.
Zaggutch casts wall of fire 20 feet high and 20 feet in dia-
meter, to surround three citizens (commoners) in a ring of
Gentle Persuasion
flame, then teleports away. The ring dissipates in one Zaggutch uses suggestion to convince citizens to do their
minute, but the screaming sods within die from the heat if part against the "wrongheaded" forces of harmony. Desper-
not rescued within three rounds. ate to place their foundering faith in what they still see as
the paladin Daneel, the poor sods can't resist the spell: They
begin tearing up the white tiles of the roads, shouting out
rude slogans against the Harmonium, and breaking into
By the time the characters arrive, Zaggutch is directing a
citizen to rip up a flowerbed; the fiend immediately tele-
ports away, leaving eight dwarves (commoners) under his
influence, all of whom act independently of the others. The
PCs must give each dwarf - one at a time - a good reason to
stop performing his or her particular action and make a
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check with disadvantage. A
failed check means the victim immediately attacks the
characters (victims also fight back if attacked first).
A character who tries to dissuade an attacking victim
can make a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check; success in-
dicates the sod stops fighting, but resumes the action sug-
gested by Zaggutch. A successful dispel magic frees a victim,
and any who are bound or held for 1 minute also shake off
the effects of the spell.
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attention as a result. Any character who enter the Confes-
sional must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or
Remaining Silent
become enthralled themselves (characters save with advan- If the characters do nothing, the Harmonium - not realiz-
tage because they don't share the crowd's natural reverence ing the consequences of their actions - successfully con-
for Daneel). Enthralled individuals take no action until 1d8 vinces the crowd that Daneel did, indeed, turn stag. The
rounds after Zaggutch stops speaking, and the fiend won't Hardheads persuade the crowd to call for the former palad-
stop unless forced. However, enthralled characters can be in's death - the final straw in their loss of faith that propels
roused by comrades who make a successful DC 15 Charis- the town back to the Outlands.
ma (Persuasion) check with disadvantage.
Defending Daneel
Rallying the Crowd If the characters speak in Daneel's defense, they can try to
A character can try to convince the crowd to tumble to convince the Harmonium and the crowd of Daneel's inno-
what's really happening and give their hearts and minds cence in the matter, and even inspire the townspeople to
back to Daneel. greater heights of solidarity by rallying them against the
If the character's argument is sound, the cutter gets to defeated forces of evil.
make a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Success indi- You should try to make a decision based on the quality of
cates that a few audience members shout out support to the role-playing. If the characters vigorously defend Da-
Daneel, reminding him of his devotion to peace and har- neel and rouse the crowd into a state of lawful harmony,
mony. Failure indicates the audience remains unmoved. the scales tip and Fortitude slides into Arcadia. However, if
If the character succeeds in rallying the first members of you want to measure the success of the arguments more
the crowd, its next attempt to do so is DC 15, thanks to the exactly, you can require the characters to make an initial
cumulative effect on the audience. successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check and lower
For each round in which the audience calls out to Da- the difficulty of subsequent Charisma (Persuasion) checks
neel, the paladin's subjugated spirit gains strength, and by 2 for each bit of "evidence" presented to the crowd.
Zaggutch must focus on reasserting his control over the You can role-play the delight of the townspeople to make
body. During that round, Zaggutch can make no attacks, clear what's happening to characters still in the dark, then
and all characters make their attack rolls with advantage. proceed to Aftermath.
DM Note: If the characters killed Daneel during their
battle, the Hardheads simply drag his corpse to the Town
Zaggutch's Tactics Square and posthumously charge him with the crimes. The
The fiend won't teleport away from the fight, figuring he characters can still try to explain the dark of the situation
wins either way: If he kills the characters, the crowd loses and rally the crowd toward lawful harmony, but they have
even more faith in the paladin; if the characters kill Da- a much harder time. You can insist on top-notch role-play-
neel's body, Zaggutch can just jump to another host. ing or saddle the characters with an initial DC 25 Charisma
If Daneel's body is reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, (Persuasion) check.
Zaggutch's spirit really does leave the body and relinquish
control to Daneel - intending for the paladin to be fully
conscious of his imminent death. Any character who make
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check see a small If the characters helped push Fortitude into Arcadia, Tonat
red ball of light emerge from Daneel's head. Shar gives them the full amount of the promised reward
and can even be talked into upping the jink another 2,500
gp for the party's rescue of the town. The dwarfsmith
The Fate of Fortitude Stonehammer escorts the characters to the halls of Mount
Not knowing the dark of Dispater's plan, the Harmonium Clanggedin, where each character gets to choose one magi-
simply thinks that Daneel's turned stag on the faction, be- cal item from the dwarves' vast armories.
lieving he's been driven barmy by the vicious attack in BACK TO THE OUTLANDS: If Fortitude slid back to
which he lost both his arm and Guardian. The Hardheads the Outlands, since the characters did return the holy
want Daneel scragged, tried, and executed for blowing the avenger to Fortitude, Tonat Shar delivers the promised jink
Harmonious Ascension. and Stonehammer allows each character to choose a ma-
At this critical juncture, the characters can decide the ul- gical item from Mount Clanggedin. However, the Harmoni-
timate fate of Fortitude. um blames the characters and treats them with hostility.
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