Law Ba BSC Bcom Optional Subject N

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| | | oe @ o @ ovooees ~V 0080 Board of Studies (LAW) Resolution A meeting of the Board of Studies in law convened today on 3.6.2021 at 4 P.M. online at Zoom App. The following resolution has been passed unanimously that 1. The syllabus provided by the State Government for the subject Law to ba opted by the students taking admission in 8,4/B.Sc./8. Com.fother UG courses as @ major subject Is passed by the Bourd of Studies except few necessary and relevant amendments. The copy of amended syllabus is attached herewith. 2. The course titled “Road Safety: Laws, Policies and Practices” Course Code: ..., can also be chosen by the students a5. a minorfelective subject during UG course. The syllabus of ‘this subject is also attached here with. 3. The course titied "Right to Information and Consumer Protection Laws” Course Code ..., can also be chosen by the students as a minor/elective subject during UG course. The syllabus of this subject Is also attached here with, 4, The course titled “An Intraduction to Indian jurists” can be chosen by the student as a minor/clective subject during UG course, The syllabus of this subject Is also attached here with, 5. The course titled "An Introduction to the Constitution of indis® can be chosen by the student as @ minor/elective subject during UG course. The syllabus of this subject Is also attached here with, Note: Courses offered under the point no. 2, 3,4 and 5 are available as @ minor subject for those students only who have not chosen taw as @ major subject. The new codes for the minor/clective courses will be pravided by the University. The syllabus of the minor/elective courses are attached with the proceedings. teats wed 4 Dr. Aree Ks Whe Dr Vaishali Gupta Dean Convener Member Member Dr Reema Agarwal Dr Manisha Saini Prof. SC Gupta Prof.KPS Mahalwar Member Member Member Member llega Prof. RK Gupta Prof.AS Bhatnagar Prat. $8 Jaswal Qe, Member Mepiber Memier ke \ | oe vyvyuvF OCGHOHOBGHGHGHOHVHASHSHBOOSBDSO ~ Semester-wise Titles of the Papers in BA/B.Se.]B.Com (Law Year|Sem. [Course | Paper Title Theory/ Code | Practical T 1 | GOIOIIT [Introduction to the Indian Legal |” Theory | System | : 1 | ti G010207T | General Principles of Law Theory 2_| iil | G010307T | Introduction to Indian Constitution Theory 2 | W |G010401T [Road Safety: Laws, Policies and | Theory | Practices - a V | G0i0501T | Introduction to Indian Laws-I_ Theory 3 | ¥ | Got0s02T | Right to Information & Consumer | Theory Protection laws _ - 3 [_V_GOi0503R | Project Work-1 Project 3_| Vi_]G01060!T Introduction to fadian Laws-Il Theory | 3_ | wr |-G010602T Theory [3 {Wi [G030603R [ F Project Histol Minch /elechve Sutgeds . 4. FapesTitee: Theerg/Pachal. Cred 4. Road thaws, Sobieien Theony. mel Ond Mach cok ! | © Ugh dufetnahin dnd * eon Preteen dows Then ipsa dient Sudvaw 4 & be Son ‘ony Le Aw Sidroduehinto Gruhn oe me YO @ s vy “WY UYU YY o@od0 FIRST YEAR: FIRST SEMESTER Propramme/ Class: , a Semesti ‘st | _ Certificate ade tad caenren Subject: Law Course Code: Go10101T | Course Title: Introduction to the Indian Legal System ‘Course outcomes: : F a By the end of the Course, the student wonld he able to~ + Understand the outline of various legal systems. Know the institutions of the Indian legal and justice system. Be acquainted with various components of criminal justice. mechanisms that exist in India. Know about constitutional and statutory provisions relating to legal aid. Have knowledge about access to legal aid and alternate dispute redressall Credits: 06 Core Compulsory 1 Max. Marks: 25+75 | Min. Passing Marks: 33 Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical {in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0 | of Lectures, oncept of Dharma and Role of Smritikaras such as Manu] \ Brihaspati, Yagyavalakya and Chanakya,, Evolution of Legai { System in India from 1600 to 1947, Constitutional Developments} | 1 [Government of India Act, 1909 Government of India Act, 1919, 12 yovernment of India Act, 1935 and The Indian Independence Act, 1947, Role of Reformers and thinkers in the development in la kis Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Swami ‘State and ifs Organs" rgans of State-Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, place vo! ministration; panchayat institutions; Hierarchy of yy Courts/Tribunals and their jurisdiction; High Courts and Supreme Court of India, Writ jurisdiction. un No. justice System in India: judicial System in Ancient, Medieval and Moder tndia; Justice mw ‘litical, Social and Economic; Civil and Criminal Justice n system: Principles and Theories. — ] nishment: } leaning, purpose, nature, and theories of punishment; Kinds o' —— 2 | ivekanand, Jyotihhn Phule, Dr BR Ambediar ete 4 nishment in ancient times; Relevancy of Punishment in| |! t odern age, Modes of punishment. | = | ‘riminal Legal System: v_ Provisions relating to Ming an FIR, Arrest, Bail, Search and 12 {| __Seizure; Important principles of Byidence Law-rule agains! 3 Oo o@g eoe eo” oovogouege 09OoOYD yo oo www ww Thearsay, best evidence nile and dying declaration. | ] vrocedure in Criminal Cases: utline of procedure in Cr.0.C, ane related laws, Role of Potice in vi investigation;Prosecutionagencies; Jail and prison] 11 dministration. \ ‘Alternate Dispute Redreseal: Introduction to UNCITRAL Model Law; Law of Arbitration i India; Types of Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation an Negotiation; Appointment of Arbitrators~ Procedure; Judicial Vu | intervention; —Verme-Commencement; Awayd-Time limit, 11 Enforceability, Interest; Recourse against Award-Appeals| Conciliation “and Compromise, International Commercial Arbitration ; Foreign Awards. Legal Aid: Concept of legal aid; Constitutional and statutory provisions; vm __| Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and its provisions;Nation Legal Services Authority of India-Constitution, functions an } role. Stiggested Readings: Minnatur, Joseph, “The Legal System", Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, 2008] 2nd ed. 2. Sankaran, Kamaie and Singh, Ujjwal Kumar, “Towards Legal Literacy”, Oxford) University Press,New Delhi, 2008. 3. Mathew, P.D, “Your Rights if you are Arrested”, Indian Socialinstitute, Ne Delhi, 2003, 1st ed. 4. Pillai, P.S.A., “Criminal Law’, LexisNexis, Gurgaon, 2012, 11th ed. 5. Kempin, Frederick G., ‘Legal History: Law and Social Change”, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1963, Ist ed. 6 Singh,Mahendra Pal and Kumay,Niraj, “The Indian Legal System: An Enquiry’ | Oxford University Press, 2019, 7. David, René& Brierley, John F. C:, “Major Legal Systems in the World Today! An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law’, Free Press, New York, 1978. 8, ade a EN, TES Teri ee aiden See TTA ae Ise Mt RES, ET 9, Jaan, Dr M.P. Uuthne of the Indian Legal and Constitutional History, Wadhwa. and Co. Nagpur, New Delhi, 2006 10. Pandey, J.N., Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency, Prayagraj| 2020 (Hindi and English) Suggestive digital platforms web links- { This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open | for all Suggested Continuous Evaluation Mcthoda: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the studeni-10 Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks, ~VUGSFvUCFCFG GCSOHOHYURDH Ho HODHSHHHOBABSBODS [ ‘Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class /12"/ certilleate diploma. Suggested equivalent oaline courses: + Coursera = Swayam ®e ev Og oo vvuvOoBeODOEBAHSESA vw o @ Programme/Class: oT YEAR: SECOND SEMESTEI Year: First iL Subject: Law Certificate | Ry the end of the Course, the student would be able to- Comprehend the meaning, nature, essentials anc objectives of law. Be acquainted with the sources of law Understand the approaches to law and the balance between Law, Rights| andJustice. Know the different legal concepts, their meaning, nature, classification. Understand the rules of interpretation of laws. Course Title General Principles of Law Semester: Second | | ee oo kind and] Credits: 06 Core Compulsory ks; 25+75 Max, Mark Min, Passing Marks: 33 6-0-0 Total No. of Lectures-Tuturials-Practical {in hours per week): L-P-P: 7 i No. of Unit Topics Lectures Taw - Nature, Characteristics and Functions: Normative Character af Law, Binding and Persuasive Force of Law; I | Elements of Law, Authority, Utility, Objectivity of Law and Rule of | 10 aw Taw and Morality: ~ | | Relation between law and Morality; Constitutional Morality; Law | 4, and Society; Law and Value Judgments. Sources of Law: Sources of Law and their Classification; Essentials and validity of Customs; Judicial Precedent, Theories of Precedent, Stare Decisis, | Ratio-Decidendi,Obiter Dicta; Legislation, Constitution, Statute, | 13 Act, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations,Parent and Subordinate Legislation Legal Concepts: | 1 __ | Kinds and Classifications of Law; Rights and Duties, their nature, |) kinds and relationship. ‘Legal Concepts: To ~) yy | exal Person, its nature, importance and theories; Possession and | 4 Ownership, their nature, Inds and relationship. Interpretation of Law: — Vi | Principles of Natural Justice, Kinds of Justice with reference to the 12, Preamble tothe Constitution of India; Concept of Equality, Law and| 6 oO @9ee@gv @dIOO Faw: vu | Principles and theories of Equity, Fairness and Good Conssienced [Principles of interpretation of law; Methods and aids for the ___J interpretation eflaw and jdicias decisions { c Rules of Statutory Interpretation: { 1. Interpretat vm _ | Primary Rules-Literal or Grammatical Rule, Golden Rule, Mischie! | | Rule, Purposive Rule; Secondary Rules-Noscitur a Sociis, Ejusder __| Generis, ReddandoSingulaSingulis. | Suggested Readings: | 1. Lakshminath, A., “Judicial Process and Precedent”, EastemmBook Company, Lucknow, 2016, 4th ed. | | 2. Gupta, N.C. Sen, “Bvolution of Ancient Indian Law’, Probsthain & Co., London 1953. 3. Singh, G.P., “Principles of Statutory Interpretation”, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Wadhwa, Nagpur, 2010, 12th ed. | 4. Allen, C.K., “Law and Orders", Universal Law Publishing, Delhi, 2009. 5. Smith, A.T.H. (ed.), “Glanville Williams: Learning the Law”, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2016, 16th ed 6. Cotterretl,Roger, “The Politics of Jurisprudence, OxfordUniversity Press, New York, 2011. 7. Tripathi, B.N. Mani, “Jurisprudence (Logal Theory)’, Allahabad Law | Agency, Faridabad, 2020. (Hindi) 8. ate, eed, Gaeelarduas dececifeahiea, Tar, 2018, } 9. 9, Paranjape, N.V., Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (fattenea wd fafa & Rigia), Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 2016 (Hindi and English} { | Suggestive digital platforms web links- cs at i This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following Subjects: Open | for all | | { ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Oriemtation of tie studentLO Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks J Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class/12t/ certificate/diploma. Sugecsted cquivalent online courses: » Coursera | Swayam 9oo teeeoecndeeoeesevad w ov ww SECOND YEAR; THIRD SEMESTER [Programme /Class: Year: Second Semester: Third Certificate | a Second | Subject: Law 1 course Code: GO10301T y Course ‘litle: Introduction ta Indian Constitution ‘Course outcomes: By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- « Understand the system of government and the basic principles governingits organization providedunder the Constitution of India. + Understand the intent of the Constitution framers, its interpretation inthe, context of balancing Justice, Rights and Governance. * Realize the status and importance of fundamental rights, fundamental duties anddirective principles of state policy. + Know about the remedies available under the Constitution of India Be acquainted with emerging issues in constitutional law. Credits: 06 | Core Compulsory Max, Marks: 26+75 | Min. Passing Marks: 33 Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week: L-T-P: 6-0-0 lap . Na. of | Unit Topics 7 Concepts of Constitution: Constitution, Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism; Variou: i models of constitution, Framing of Constitution of India, Natur — 10 ofConstitution of tadia. ‘Making of Indian Constitution: Constituent Assembly-Constitution, Meetings and Debates; Role of W various committees; Role of B. N. Ran and Dr Amberkar; Sources WL of Indian Constitution, Features of Indian Constitution: ft | ny | Salient features of the Constitution of India; Preamble and thd; Constitution of India } Fundamental Rights: y 7 Fundamental Rights and their Classification-Right to equality, | 1 | Right toPreedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Religion) 5 Right to EstablishMinonity Educational Institution; Constitutional Remedy-Enforcement of Hundamental Rights, WritJurisdiction. Directive Principles of State Policy: Directive Principles of State Policy and their Relationship with; v FundamentalRights. M1 Fundamental Duties enshrined under the Constitution of India, a ( o0oO8Bonsd @eee@ 3 ? 2 2 | Role of the Judiciary: Powers and Functions of the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India; Judicial Independence and Accountability, and ensuring | ‘! \complete justice; Judicial Review and Constitutional | Amendnieuts, Ewergency Provisions under the Constitution of __ | Undia. y i Federalism, Exccutive, Legislative and Financial Relations: { | Concept of Federalism and essentials of a Federal Structure; | vm Union State Relations- Exccutive and Aduiitistiative Relations, 4), | Legislative and Executive Powers of Union and State; Federalism | in the Contemporary Era: Issues and Chaitenges. ' | fee orders ie 3 = a a 1 vit Yudicial Activism, Public Interest Litigation and Concept of Locus |, Standi. | i | } Suggestive digital platforms web links- [Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject Sugersted Readings: . Sharma, B.K.,"Intreduction to the Constitution of India”, PH! Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011 \ 2. Mama, Rao, “Constitutional Law’, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. | 9. Pandey, J.N., “Constitution of India”, Central Law Agency, Allahabad (Hindi And English) | 4. Bakshi, P.M., “Constitution of India”, Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi 5, Basu, D. D., “Constitutional Law of India", LexisNexis, New Delhi. (Hindi And English) 6. Reddy, 0. Chinappa, “The Court and the Constitution of India", OUP, New) Delhi, 7. Secrvai, H. M., “Constitutional Law of India-A Critical Commentary, Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. This course can be opted as an elective by the Students of following subjects: Open. | for all Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Googie Form-10 Marks in class/12""/ certificate/diploma. Suggested equivalent online courses: © Coursera * Swayam | | 1 | { | | SECOND YEAR: FOURTH SEMESTER Programme/Class: Year: Second Semester: Fourth a a ae ay ®GPeeweege & € £ wd DBE ss Oo www U ~ Certificate Ty Ty. ~ po _ | Subject: Law = Title: Road Salety: Laws, Policies and Prartices, Course Code: GO10401T Ce | Course outcomes: — By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- Understand various concepts related to road safety. + Know about road signs, signals and safety measures. + Be acquainted with increasing cases of road accidents and its effects on nation Have knowledge about nuisance on roads resulting in road accidents. Understand the phenomena of High Security Registration Plates. \ Road Design and Road Equipment, Road Maintenance; Trafli Control, Road Signs - Arm Signals, Prohibitory Signs| I Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs, Road Safety} 10 Understanding road safety; Importance of road safety} Hurdles in Road Safety; Salety Devices, Credits: 06 Core Compulsory, | Max. Marks: 25+75 I Min, Passing Marks: 33 | Total No, of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical {in hours per week): L-T-P: 6-0-0 | No. of Unit Topics Lectares Road Safety Measures: | Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act, 2019 Provisions related to Motor Accident, Accident Claims an: 0 settlement, Insurance of Motor Vehicles, Procedure of making) 11 motor vehicle insurance claims, Grievance sedressah Mechanism - Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal. Rules regarding ‘Hit and Run‘ Motor Accidents, Road Rage uw Cases, Vandalization and destruction to public transport vehicles during agitations and protests uM \Sefe and Responsible Driving, Physical and Mental Alestnes yy __ fluting Driving, Speed and its Effect on Road Crashes, Kno our Vehicle and Rules regarding Dark, Black and Reflective Hasses [Driving Rules - Driving Licence, Categories of licence, Revoking v f License, Suspension or cancellation of licence, Under agq B riving, Age Limit of Vehicles and Recall of Vehicles [Registration Rules and Process - Unified Vebicle Registratio System, High Security Registration Plates, Responsibility a wacr in case vehicle i¢ unfit for use, Cancellation of 1a ‘egistration, Certificate of fitness. i wi 10 @®@eoeomvqeaoeQdos o © oO @ UU OO j Stray Cattle on Indian Roads: | var Bir for Stray Animals, Tortions Negligence, Responsibility in| i tray Animal Accidents, Role of Juciciary in controlling stray, _ nimals. Ps . re f law relating fo Pedestrian, Salety Assessment Tests ai vit nas Alternative Vehicle Fucls, Effects of Technology on ___Road safety and Vehicles. —_ Suggested Reading: | Publishing Limited, India, 2009, 2°eq 2. Proctor, Steve, Belcher, Martin, Caok, Phil, “Practical Road Safety Auditing’ 3. Rajvanshi, Gargl, “Transportation Law", LexisNexis, New Dethi,(Hindi And English) 4, Road Transport Year Book, Ministry of Road Transpart and Highways, Gof. | 5. E-Book of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Got | ‘Thomas Telford, London, 2001. Suggestive digital platforms web links- This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open _ | for all 1. Elvik, Rune, “The Handbook of Road Safety Measures’, bmerald Group, Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks Presentation-6 Masks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form 10 Marks ‘Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class/ 4gf"/ certificate/ diploma. © Coursera | Bregesied equivalent online courses: |- Swayam \ u 1 ®ee@svHeeHKoBABDDOS vvuv @©VULOBHABO DBD v [7 Propramme/Class [. Yeas. Third ] "Semester: Fifth: ___ Certificate _ eed | Subject: Law Course Code: G010501T | Course Title: Introduction to Indian Laws-I THIRD YEAR: FIFTH SEMESTER ‘Course Gutcomes: By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- + Understand various principles of administrative law. Know about the offences and its punishmcuts as provided in IPC. Be acquainted with various concepts in tort and family laws. Have knowledge about the contract, e-contract and property laws. Understand the different concepts of company law. Credits: 05, | Core Compulsory Max. Marks: 25+75 | Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T- Min. Passing Marks: 33 0-0 Unit Topics No. of Lectures Principles of Administrative Law: Rule of Law; Separation of Powers;DroitAdministrati Remedies Under Administrative Law; Judicial review of T administrative discretion; Legitimate expectation; Public accountability; Proportionality, Ripeness; Exhaustion 0! administrative remedies. 09 | Introduction to Indian Penal Code: Jt Crime and punishment in ancient, medieval and mode: India; Definition and nature of crime, Pre-colonial notions ofcrime as teflected in Hindu, Muslim and tribal) laws,Elements of Crime; Stages of crime; General exceptions} 1 Specific crime-ahetment, conspiracy, unlawful assembly] rioting, affray, murder, attempt to murder, burt, grievou: hurt, wrongful restraint and confinement, acid attack, sen harassment, voyeurism, stalking, rape, theft, extortion robbery, davvity. og introduction to Tort Law: Origin and evolution of tort law; Definition of tort; General Wm defeticer in (orls; Suicl and absalute ltabilily; Specific Wort battery, assault, False Imprisonment, Trespass, Conversion} Negligence, Nuisance, Defamation 09 Tatroduction to Family Law: Need and importance of family law; Sources of family law: Vv Marriage; Divorce; Restitution of conjugal rights; Adoption! Maintenance; Uniform Civil Code; Surrogacy; New challenge: | before family law. 09 rtd oo @®@ooeg?do oO ) ee | es : = | General Principles of Contract: : | Concept, seed and significance of contract; Essentials of | Valid Contract; contracting parties; proposal, acceptance} | promise, agreement, void, voidable and valid contract & Standard form contracts-nature, advantages, unilateral yg | character, principles of protection against possibility of exploitation,judicial approach to such contracts, exemption | clauses, clash between two standard form contracts; Breach] of contract-concept, types and remedies; Quasi contract. [b-——hesege— = | Kinds of E-Contracts-email, web contracts, Standard form, contracts; Formation of ‘E-contracts-application of th NI Contract Act, 1872 and Information Technology Act; United! 10 Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications, | in International Contract, | { { f ie Property Law: Ieee Meaning, concept and types of property; Transfer of property. |v [subject and method; Essentials for a Valid Transfer; Rul fa Against Perpetuities; Doctrine of Election; Doctrme of Li | | Pendens; Sale, Mortgage, Charge, Lease, Gift. I Tntradnetion to Company Law: ve of i} History of company laws in India; Meaning and Nature o} vul | Company; Promotion and Incorporation of a Company; 10 Familiarization with theConcept of Board of Directors] | |__| company Mectings:; Corporate Governance.) | | Suggested Readings: 1, Jain, M, P. and Jain, S.N., “Principles of Administrative Law", LexisNexis, New, Delhi. | 2. Massey, I.P., “Administrative Law”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.(Hindi i And English) | 3. Takwani, C.K., “Lectures on Administrative Law”, Eastern Book Company, | Lucknow. | 4. Singh, Avtar, “Company Law’, Eastern Book Company, lucknow.(Hindi And English} | | 5. Pilléi, IK. N. Chandrasekharan, “General Principles of Criminal Law", EBC| Lucknow, | 6. Lal, Ratanand Lal, Dhiraj, “Indian Penal Code”, LexisNexis, Gurgaon. 7 Singh, Avtar, “Mercantile Law", EBC, Lucknow,(Hindi And English) | &, Sinha, R.K., “The Transfer of Property Act”, Central Law Agency, Allahabad.(Hindi And English) 9. Singh, Awtar, The Transfer of Property Act, Universal Publications 10. Shukla, $.N., The Transfer of Property Act, Allahabad law Agency | | 11, Dangia, R.K., Principles of Mercantile Law, Allababad law Agency ive digital platforms weblinks _| 13 908 G9oeogdgesesoaeeadeé G oG ODODE So DHO YD v ‘This course can be opted as an elective by the Students of following subjects: Open | for all | ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) \ Project: Writing/ Research Griewtation of the stuen!-10 Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks | { | Course prerequisites: To study tiis course, a student must have had the subject . in class/12'/ certificate /diploma. wgested equivalent online course: | + Swayam uM @oe@eood ® so G@@Oes 3 3 | | } | f TT Course outcom =a . Fae YEAR: FIFTH SEMESTER _ " Programme; Class: ae “Semester: Fith eats Year: Third | Subject: Law Course Code: Go1oso2r] ©¥ _Laws By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- + Understand the procedure and mechanism of accessing information under RT! Act. Know about the role and functions of Public Information Authorities Be acquainted with various concepts of consumer protection law. Have knowledge about the consumer movement in India Understand the organizational set-up under the consumer protection law, Credits: 05 | Care Compulsory Max. Marks: 25+75 \ Min. Passing Marks: 33 Total No, of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical jin hours per week]: L-T-P: 6-0-0 a No. oF Unit Topics en Introduction to Right to Information: Origin of RT! at Global Level; Evolution of RTI as fundamental right in India; History, Background, Objectives, Preamble of 1 Right to Information Act, 2005; Right to Information: Concept, 09 Meaning, Scope and Nature; Right to Information: Need and Importance. | Public Authority: Role and Obligations ~ Public Authority: Definition; ‘Public Authority’ vis-a-vis ‘State inl 0 Article 12"; Obligations of Public Authorities under Act. 09 Right to Information: Institutional Framework | Central Information Commissian: Constitution, Pligihility, Appointment and Removal; State Information Commission: M1 Constitution, Eligibility, Appointment and Removal; Judicial 09 Review of the Committee’s Recommendation; Powers end Functions of Information Commissions. | Aceessing Information atider the Right to Information Act: Making Application: Procedural Requirements; RTI Application. 1v__| Contents and Limits; Response from Public Information Officer 99 Exemption from Disclosure; Appellate Procedure: First and Second Appeal; Penalties and Remedies Consumer and Markets: “Concept of Consumer, Nature of markets: Liberalizatios 09 35 e Title: Right to Information and Consumer Protection - _| _| s © oe ® &6CGeeosetoO G»2sF OVMVOVH og oO uw G ¢ % find Globalization of markets with special reference t 1 indian Consumer Markets, F-Commerce with reference t {ndian Market, Concept of Price in Retail and Wholesale, | jaximum Retail Price (MRP), Kair Price, GST, labeling and| | ackaging along with relevant laws, Legal Metrology, ‘Consumer Movement in India: Fvalution of Consumer Movement in India, Formatio’ ofeonsumer organizations and their role in consume! protection, Misleading Advertisements andsustainab! consumption, National Consumer Helpline, Comparative Product testing,Sustainable consumption’ and ener ratings. vi 10 Consumer Protection Law in India: djectives and Basic Concepts: Consumer rights and U! ; uidelines on consumer protection, Consumer goods. VIL dvertisement, defect in goods, spurious goods an services, service, deficiency in’ service, unfair tradd ractice, restrictive trade practice. 10 Consumer Protection Council; Central Consume: vit |Pietection Authonty; Consumer Disputes Redressal 49 Commission; consumer mediation; Product liability Offences and Penalties | ‘Organizational Set-up: | Suggested Reading: Paranjape, N.V., “Right to Information Law in India", Lexis Nexis, NewDelhi. 2 vada A S., “Right to Information Act, 2005: ‘An Analysis”, Centralla Publications, Prayagraj.(Hindi And English) 3. Naib, Sudhir, “The Right to Information in India”, Oxford UniversityPress, Ne eli i 4, Gambhir, Cheena, “Consumer Protection Administration: Organisation andl Working”, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi >, ‘tripathi, S. C., “Consumer Protection Act”, Centrallaw Publications, Prayagraj. (Hindi And English) Suggestive digital platforms web links- TiS courte can be opted as an elective by the eladents of following subjecls: Open for all Suggested Continuous Bvaluation Methods: @8 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks | Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks 16 = ElmrlUlULSSElO 7 =e” Course prerequisites: To study this course, @ student must have had the subject in class/12"/ certificate/diploma. suggested equivalent online courses: © Coursert > Swayam wv wvvWt0tvOoOOVTO OCH HOGF OHHH DOSeD DY THIRD YEAR: FIFTH SEMESTER | ~~ Programme/Class: | Year: Third | Certificate _ re eh ee Subject: Law \ Course Cod 3010503R | Course Title: Project Work 1 | {Course outcomes: | As the project works play important role in developing the essential attributes ol | research, by the end of the Course the student would be able to lear tools; techniques and sldlis, under the continuous guidance of faculty members| | Souudang research oriented acvitie, Semester: Fitth t— at L Credits: 03 } Core Compulsory Max, Marks: 25+75, {- _ Min, Passing Marks: 33 | Suggested Topics No. ofLectures project work, on any particular topic havin, oo \socio-legal relevancy, may be given. ‘The illustrative fist is- 1 Efficacy of punishment, Theories punishment, Regulation of administrativ. } authorities at _village/block/alisil/distv ie 30 level, Uniform Civil Code, ease of doi | business, Challenges before RT! authorities, | Recovery of fine under RTI Act, Efficacy of remedies under Consumer protection Act ete. re list may be enriched by respective facull embers. , Total No. of Lectures-Tulorials-Practival (in houts per week): L-T-P; 0-0-3 | 18 ®@@eeood THIRD YAR: SIXTH SEMESTER Year; Third | Programme /Cla Semester: Sixth Certificate | By the end of the Course, the student would be able to «Understand various concepts of environmental law. Know about cyber law, intellectual property and competition law. Be acquainted with fundamental concepts of Criminal Procedure. Have knowledge about the basic concepts of Civil Procedure and limitation law. Understand the principles oJ Evidence Law. jee ee eae Te Credits: 05 Core Compulsory | E Total No. of Lectur T ene — Unit Topica [introduction to Bavironmental Law: Meaning, Definition and Concept of Environment; Components of Environment; Biosphere and Ecosystem: Types of Environment; Concept of Pollution Sources of Pollution, Type: of Pollution, and Bilects of Pollution; Nature and Scope of Environmental Law, Law as a tool for ertvironment protection; Concept’ of Sustainable Development and Bi Diversity; ‘Law Relating to Prevention and Control of Ai, | Pollution’ and Water pollution; Environment (Protection) Act, | 1986; National Green ‘Tribunal; Appearance — before _ Boviroament Tribunal/Authonty | | information Technology Act, 2000: pire | Need and importance; use of computers to store, retrieve, | fensmit and manipulate data; nderstanding cyberspace internet, e-mail and world wide web, use of informatio: WU [ wechnology-academics, e-commerce, social networking by 09 individuals; current challenges ~ mobiles, cyber security, clond computing and data privacy, misuse of social media, cyber | crimes t troduction to Intellectual Property(IP) Law: | Meaning and concept of IP; Main forms of chee } Trademarks, Patents, Designs, Trade Secrets, Plant Varieties, \ Geographical Indications; International instruments on IP; | Justification and Rationale for Protecting Intellectual Property } Balancing the Protection of [PR and Public Policy Objectives, \ WIPO-Constitution and its role in protecting TPR. i Bol Sa oO evo oO @ 3 a e a vu oewv o vwvwv wv introduction to Competition Law: Concept of Competition; Development of Competition Law: | Competition Policy: Anti Competitive Agreements, Abuse o Dominont Position; Combination, Competition Commizeion Thdia; Appeatance before Commission, Compliance 0} Competition Law, introduction to Criminal Procedure led and importance of procedure code; Bailable and non ailable offences; cognizable and mnon-cognizable offences; Criminal courts and olfices-constitution, powers, jurisdiction] jecucity for keeping the peace and for good behavior; ronal 09 .ction of the police; Arrest; Investigation, confession, remand, jail and anticipatory bail-procedure; Charge; Trial; Pi argaining; Judgement; Appeal, Reference and revision \ [introduction to Civil Procedure Code: | Civil courts-constitution, jurisdicition and powers; Res sub | judice, Res judicata; Filing of suit-Plaint, Written Statement Parties; Summons; Judgement; Decree-concept, types and its 10 execution; Caveat; Suits by or against Government; Settlement of disputes outside the Court; Summary Proceedings. vu Introduction to Limitation Act, 19632 1 Purpose of Limitation Law; Computation of the Period o} Limitation; Bar of Limitation; Effect of acknowledgment] Acquisition of ownership by Possession; Classification o} Period of Limitation. vill introduction to Evidence Law: Need and importance of evidence law; Statements about th facts to be proved; Relevancy of facts connected with the fac to be proved; Opinion vf Third Persons ; Facts of whicl evidence cannot be given; Oral, Decumentary an Circumstantialvidence; Burden ot prool;_ Presumpuons} \ Estoppel; Witness;improper admission é rejection of evidence Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4 pao + Talowani, CI “Civil PLoccdure with Limitation Act, 1963", Exsteus Book! Lal, Batuk, “The Law of ividence’, Ventral Law Agency, Allahabad. | Singh, Avtar, “Principles of The Law of Evidence”, Central Law Publications, Allahabad. (Hindi And English) Shastri, 5.C., “Environmental Law", Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. Company, Lacknow.(Hindi And English) Kelkar, RV., “Lectures on Code of Criminal Procedure", Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. Sharma, Vakul, “Information Technology”, Universal Law Publishing, Nei Delhi Bhandari, M.K., Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights, Central Law | Publication Wadhere, B.1., Law Relating To Patents Trademarks Copyright Designs And Geographical Indications, Universal Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd., Delhi, 2001. 20, o 0 a Ss 9. Parthasarathy, Srinivasan, Competition Law in India, Kluwer gl International, Netherlands, 2017. 2 5 Suggestive digital platforms web links- This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open e for all e ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-16 Marks Presentation-5 Marks e Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Forni-10 Marks @ Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class/12"*/ certificate /diploma. uggested equivalent online courses: 2 © Coursera ° © Swayam ¢ @®¢égoeo9o d® oo 2 ver @boeod 6 ¢G& O88 8 OO ® vvw vv OVO THIRD YEAR: SIXTH SEMESTER “Programme/Class: | voarThind |) SSsSamester: Sixth Certificate | Year Thine Le Subject: Law L Course Code: A010101 LL Course Title: General and Legal English 4} | Course outcomes: After completion of this course, the students will be able to learn the basics of leg language, phraaca and terma uscd in the field of legal writing. 1 Credits: 05 _ Core Compulsory _ [_ Max. Marks: 25975 Min. Passing Marks: 33 | Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week) L-T-P: 6-0-0 Unit Topics - Parts and Types of the Sentences; Parts of Speech; Tenses: Forms and Uses; ‘Transformation of sentences; Synthesis 1 sentences; Active and Passive Voice; Direct and Indirect Speech; Homophones. [English Composition; Phrasal Verbs, Idioms. 0 low to write Letter/ Application /Email/ Notices in English? Legal Writing: Concept, Types, Sousces-Primary and Secondary, Technique: Ww of writing a legal report, Precautions tobe adopted in lege writing, Problems in legel writing; The Form, the Content an Style of the Legal Report, Analysis of the Report, iegal Maxims & Phrases: Actin persona lis moritur cum persona, Action nan datir non| damnificato, Ad Litem, Consensus ad aidem, Custodia Legis| De die in diem, Dura lexsedlex, Ejusdem Generis, Enventresa mere, Yoid , ignorantia juris non excusat, Ipse dixit, Ju: Cogens, Jus in personam, Lex Arbitri, Lex estnorma recti, Le tallienis, Tocus Standi, Mutatis Mntandis, Necessitos non! Vv habetlegem, Nemo debetbispuniti pro uno delicto, Nem debetessejudex in causa —propriasua, | Nem: morituresproesumiturmentin, Nemo potestessesimul actor et judex, Per incuriam, Qui facit per aliumfacit per se, j Gestae, Res ipsaloquitor, Respondent superior, Saluspopul suprema lex, Sic Uteretuoutalienum non laedas, Sine Proble| Sui generis, Uberrima fides. 1 Use of Legal terms: 9 v Abatement, Accused, Acquittal, Adjown, adjudication) 0 Affidavit, Aggrievedperson, Bail, Bankrupt, Bicameral 22 | | : GOoVE vu Oo Blaspheray, Bond, Breach, Burden of proof, Caveat, Cheque] . Client, Code, Codicil, Coercion, Collusion, Compound, Conju rights, Consumer, Dominjum, Doom, Dower, Duress, va declaration, Easement, Bjectment, Embezzlouent, Emoluments, Enactment,Encroacher, Endowment, Facapc) \Escheat, Eviction, Exchequer,Excise, Ex-post-facto., Eye witness, Felony, Fiat, finaljudgement, Firm, Forfeiture, Forgery, Franchise, Gamishee,Genocide, Golden rule, Homicide, Identification parade, IMlegal,lilegitimate child, |Inalienable, Indemnity, Infant, Infringement, Injunction; |Innuendo, Insanity, Interlocutory, Moratorium, Murder Seizure, Servitudes, Shoplifting, SingleWomen, Slander, Solitary Imprisonment, Solus Agreement, Solvent, Special acceptance, Stakeholder, Stateless, Statement ofclaim Statement of defence, Stay of execution, Stipulation, Street, offence, Sub-lease, Sub-etting, Succession, Sue, Suilrage| Surrogate, Testimony, Tied house, Tort, Tort feasor, Treason, Unlawful, Vendee, Vendor, Venue, Whip, Writ. Shae VI___Précis Writing in English 10 va heasay Writing in Buglish on Topics of General Importance, | | ene | vu Transation of passages from Hindi to English. | 1.0 | | Suggested Readings: | 1. “Legal Glossary”, Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs, Govt. of India. 2. Sridhar, Madabhushi, “Legal Language”, Asia law House, Hyderabad. 3. Prasad, Anirudh, “Outlines of Ieyal language in ‘India’, Central Lav} | Publications, Allahabad. | 4, Wren, P.C.,"é Martin, H., “English Grammar & Composition”, Blackie EL) Books, New Delhi | 5. Mishra, S.K., “Legal Language and Legal Writing’, Allahabad Law! Agency, Faridabad | 6. Thomson, A oJ and Martinet, A V, “A Practical English Grammar’, Ones NewDelhi. 7. Legal Glossary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India. | Suggestive digital platforms web links- This ease ean be opted an anieiesionliy theianidents of nlawingmabjestas Open” | for all n Methods : (25 Marks) tation of the student-10 Marks | Suggested Continuous Eval Project Writing/ Research O¢ Presentation-5 Marks Course prerequisites; To study this courae, | | Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks | | wens in class/12"Y/ certificate/diploma. vww vv WOuUOoVveTOCEeOeSHSASeHCTOOV E&Y a: possess equivalent online courses: © Coursera * Swayam 24 ®@eOoGoO ®@ y ® oO 3 ? ny ? © oO Be THIRD YEAR: SIXTH SEMESTER Year: Third Subyeut. Law sce TY ne ee Course Code: GO10603R Course Title: Project Work II | “Programme/Clas | Semester: Sixth Certificate L a tl | Coursd outcomes: As the project works play important role in developing the essential attributes of research, by the end of the Course the student would be abic to learn tools, techniques and skills, under the continuous guidance of faculty members| | regarding research oriented activities La 4: © ea Credits: 63 {. | Core Compulsory t Max. Marks: 100 tC Min, Passing Merks: 33 t Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical {in hours per weeld; L-T-P: 0-0-3 Suggested Topics | | A project work, on any particular topic havin, eres relevancy, may be given. The illustrativi list is- | Pollution, Sustainable development, Cybe crimes, ‘Rights of mobile phone users, Regulation of cyber café, Copyright, Pater ‘Trademark, Geographical indications 20 (Banarasee Saree, BanaraseePaan ea Efficacy of competition law, Anticipatory bail] | Plea bargaining, Compensation to victims, | aherent” powers of civil courts, Dyin; declaration, Expert opinions. trnis “ist miags Ge enriched tnd “eathrged ta respective faculty members. | Pl QO Ce VN YY vo 8 UVF ou Wo © www wo YU Minos /Blective Course Subject: Law urse Title: Koad Galely. Laws, Policies and Practices Course Code Course outcome: By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- Understand various concepts related to road safety, + Know about road signs, signals and satety measures. + Be acquainted with increasing cases of road accidents and its effects on nation. + Have knowledge about nuisance on roads resulting in road accidents. « Understand the phenomena of High Security Registration Plates. Credits: 04 Minor/ lective Course ‘| ‘Max. Marks: 25+75 Min, Passing Marke: 33 | ‘Total No, of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical {in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0 No. of | unit | Topics Lectares { Road Safety Measures: i Road Design and Road Equipment; Road Maintenance; Traffic Control, Road Signs - Arm Signals, Prohibitory | Signs| 1 Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs, Road Safety oy Understanding road safety; Importance of road safely, Hurdles in Road Safety; Safety Devices. Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act, 2019 Provisions related to Motor Accident, Accident Claims and W settlement, Insurance of Motor Vehicles, Procedure of makin; o7 motor vehicle insurance claims, Grievance redressal | Mechanism ~ Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal. Rules regarding Hif and Run’ Motor Accidents, Road Rage “| ul Cases, Vandalization and destruction to public transport 08 vehicles during agitations and protests. Safe and Responsible Deiving, Physical end Mental Alerines: tv luring Driving, Speed and its Kilect on Road Crashes, Kno 08 our Vehicle and Rules regarding Dark, Black and Reectivd lasses. [Driving Rules - Driving Licence, Categories of licence, Revokiny Vv f License, Suspension or cancellation of licence, Under age| 8 riving, Age Limlt of Vehicles and Recall of Vehicles. egistration Rules and Process - Unified Vehicle Registration] System, High Security Registration Plates, Responsibility. o Mi wner in case vehicle is unfit for use, Cancellation o! ov ‘egistration, Certificate of fitness. at L 26 lo WUOUVYVY OUD DO i Stray Cattle on Indian Roads: Had | vu ws for Stray Animals, Tortious Negligence, Responsibility in| | Road safety and Vehicles ‘Suggested Readings: 1. Bivik, Rune, “The Handbook of Road Safety Measures", Emecld Group Publishing Limited, India, 2609, 2%4ed, 2. Proctor, Steve, Belcher, Martin, Cook, Phil, “Practical Road Saiety Auditing”, Thomas Telford, London, 2001. 3. Rajvanshi, Gargi, “Transportation Law”, LexisNexis, New Delhi, (Hindi And English) 4. Road Transport Year Book, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Gol. 3. E-Book of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Gol |__ Suggestive digital platforms web links- Bae This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-20 Marks Stray Animal Accidents, Role of Judiciary in controling stray 9B __ bnimals. ad Beet | aw relating to Pedestcan, Safely Assessment Tests ol vin Vehicles, Alternative Vehicle Fuels, Effects of Technology on) 07 | Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class/124h/ certificate/dipioma, Suggested equivalent online courses: © Coursera + Swayam Fa] wu Ww wwuvuodcuvedecvwseo eeovvev | Course outcomes: By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- Minor/Elective Course Subject: Law uirse litle” Right to Information and Consuzmer Protection Laws \ Tt Course Code: Understand the procedure and mechanism of accessing information under RTI Act. Know about the rele and functions of Public Information Authorities. Be arquainted with various concepts of consumer protection law. Have knowledge about the consumer movement in India. Understand the organizational set-up under the consumer protection law. | = —_______- Credits: 04 ‘Mimor/Elective Course Max, Marks; 25+78 Min, Passing Marks: 33 Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 4-0-0 a ecture i) Unit | Topics | ed Introduction te Right to tafermation: Origin of RTI at Global Level; Evolution of RTI as fundament right in India; History, Background, Objectives, Preamble o \ Right to information Act, 2005; Right to Information: Concept] 08 Meaning, Scope and Nature; Right to Information: Need an: | Importance. Public Authority: Role and Obligations Public Authority: Definition; Public Authority’ vis-a-vis State int Hl | Asticle 12”; Obligations of Public Authorities under Act. o” ‘Right fo Information: institutional Framework Central Information Commission: Constitution, Eligibility, Appointment and Removal; State Information Commission: uw Caustitvtion, Bligibiliiy, Appoiniment and Removal; Judick 08 Review of the Committec’s Recommendation; Powers an Functions of Information Commissions. ‘Accessing Information tinder the Right to Information Act: Making Application: Procedural Requirements; RTI Application: Tv | Contents and Limits; Response from Public Information Officer} 07 Exemption from Disclosure; Appellate Procedure: First an Second Appeal; Penalties and Remedies, Consumer and Markets: _ v \Concept of Consumer, Nature of markets: Liberalization nd Globalization of markets with’ special reference td, @®3c00 G » eco 2 ) «indian Corisumer Markets, E-Commerce with reference ( indian Market, Concept of Price in Retail and Wholesale, Maximum Retail Price (MRP), Fair Price, GST, labeling an ackaging along with relevant laws, Legal Metrology 1 os “| Goncamer een a | Evolution of Consumer Movement in India, Epapation | o7 1 5) | ( } { jf ofconsumer organizations and their role in consume! { a protection, Misleading Advertisements andsustainable | |eonsumption, National Consumer Helpline, Comparativ | Product testing,Sustainable consumption and ener; | ratings. ~ | Consumer Protection a | (Objectives and Basic Concepts: Consumer rights and UN | finidelines ‘on consumer protection, Consumer goods, | | i Commission; consumer «iediation; Product liability; Offences and Penalties. vu advertisement, defect in goods, spurious goods and 07 ervices, service, deficiency in service, unfair traded | fpractice, restrictive trade practice. | | | Organizational Sei-1 =y | Consumer Protection Council; Central Soares | vu Protection Authority; Consumer Disputes Redressal os. | Suggested Readings: | 1. Paranjape, N.V., “Right to Information Law in India”, Lexis Nexis, Sewat 2, Yadav, A. §., “Right to: Information Act, 2005: An Analysis”, CentralLay { Publications, Prayagraj (indi and fngtish) 3. Naib, Sudhir, “The Right to Information in India’, Oxford UniversityPress| New Delhi. 4, Gambhir, Cheena, “Consumer Protection Administration: Organisation and Working”, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi | 5. Tripathi, S. C., “Consumer Protection Act”, CentrallLaw Publications| Prayagraj.(Hindi And English) { | Suggestive digital platforms web links- \ | esis | ‘This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open | for all | Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks Presentation-§ Marks | | Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks Na ees =i 29 VEUCUDCCHEOPV*COCHCeCHHOBOROGCeBTSO Couise prerequisites: To study this coarse, a student must have had the subject in class/12""/ certificate /diploma. Suggested equivalent online courses: = Coursera © Swayam ve keuw ¢ Qe 2 3 Minor/Elective Course Subject: Law T a ae Programme Clana \ Certificate Course Code: \ Course Title: An Introduction to Indian Jurists Course outcomes! By the end of the Course, the student would be able- *¢ To understand the Contribution of the Indian Jurists ¢ To know about their work towards the development of the [ Credits: 04 Minor/Blective Max. Marks: 25+75 Min, Passing Marks: 33 Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per weeks): L-T-P: 4-0-0 = No. of Lectures Unit Topics janu: Significance of Manu Smriti, Comparison with other ‘ [Dharmasastras, Contribution in the development of law. | ‘ajnavalkya as an ancient Indian jurists and his contribution to tthe Indian legal world | \Dr BR Ambedkar: as a philosopher, jurist, economist, social} reformer and politician, His contribution as the chairman of th ‘omamittee for drafting the Constitution of India IMC Setalwad: His contribution as the first Attorney General o! lindia, His role as an eminent jurist of India in the development of law. Uustice” PB. Gajendragadkar: His works, few important | Pronciincements, contribntion to the legal world, ur justice Krishna lyer: His contribution as a pioneer of judici: 15 ctivism and Legal Aid Movement in India, few important ipronouncements. y justice P.N. Bhagwali: His contribution as a ploneer of Public Interest Litigation in India, few important pronouncements hi na ‘ole as a. champion of human rights. Prof. Upendra Baxi: Indian jurist known for his contributions nd writings on human rights in Indian legal world ‘Suggestive Readings: 1. Jois, Justice Mandagadde Rama, Ancient Indian Law: Eternal Values in Manu Smriti, Universal Law Publishing, New Dell, 2015. 2. Olivelle, Patrick (Ed.j, Yajnavalkya: A Treatise on Dharma, Harvard University Press, New Delhi, 2019 3. Gajendragadkar, Justice P.B., To the best of my Memory, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 4. tyet, Justice Krishna, From the Bench to the Bar, Universal Law Publishing Co. an Goo9 YToovodevogooeeceoevweeqgeeoeseseveeaos oO 2 @ Bhagwall, Juslice P.N., Law Justice and Judhoial Power, Oak Bridge; My Tryst with Justice 6. Setalwad, M.C., My Life: Law and other Things by LEXIS-NEXIS 7. Ambedkar, B.R., Making of India’s Constitution, Lastern Book Co. 8. Baxi, Upendra, The Crisis of Indian Legal System, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Lee, This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student-10 Marks Presentation-8 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject . in class/12th/ certificate /diploma. Suggested equivalent online courses - © = Coursera © Swayam po a 32 Minor/Elective Course QQ) Subject: Law | Programme /Cinas: | a - ] Semvster S Certificate nin ea i | — ——| ! Course Code: Course Title; An Introduction to Constitution of India 6 | Course o - By the end of the Course, the student would be able to- & + ‘To understand the concepts of Constitution and system of Government, + To understand the importance of fundamental rights and duties e@ + To know about the constitulional authorities _ Credits: 0¢ Minor/Elective oo - as = S Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: 33 é Total No, of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week}: Unit Topics ) 1 framing of the Constitution, Preamble of the Constitution and e INature of the Constitution | | 0 Fundamental Rights and Duties - Status and importance! j, | _ irective Principles of State Policy “| mt Organs of the Government ~ Executive, Judiciary and, Legislature. 2 | Vv lElection Commission — Superintendence, Direction and Control 5 "__pf Elections = = v Bmergency Provisions and Amendment of the Constitution 2 | | ‘Suggested Readings: a Pr 1, Sharma, B.K., “Introduction to the Constitution of India’, PHI 2 Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. 2. Mamta, Rao, “Constitutional Law”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. 3. Pandey, J.N., “Constitution of India”, Central Law Agency, Allahabad.(Hindi And English) 4, Bakshi, P.M., “Constitution of India", Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi, 5. Basu, D. D., “Constitutional Law of India", LexisNexis, New ) Delhi. (Hindi And English) 7 6. Reddy, OU. Chinappa, “Ihe Court and the Constitution of India*, OUP, New Delhi. 7. Seervai, H. M., “Constitutional Law of Indi Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd., New Deli . Suggestive digital platforms web links- A Critical Commentary This course can be opted as an elective by the otudente of following subjects: Opa for all | 33 g 9 Poed ’O2@GeEe Vea HOVWABE|G Le &€oddevuvod Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks) Project Writing/ Rescarch Orientation of the cudent-10 Marks Presentation-5 Marks Online (MCQ) Examination preferably wit Google Form-10 Marks Coursé prerequisites. To study this course, a student must have had the subject in class/12'"/ certificate/diplome. Suggested equivalent online courses: © Coursera © Swayam 34 ¢ + ay 9g LAW AS AN OPTIONAL SUBJECT IN B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Bre ar | Sem Paper I | Paper It Paper iit Research | Total Tr este } Project | Credits 4 1 GOLOLOIT: 7 6 Certificate in Introduction to B.A./B.Sc./B ea the Indian Legal | Com.with Lay System 4 | Credits-6 _—___| : I GO1020i7: e | General ~ Principles of Law _| Credits-6 1 ul G01030T Diploma in” | Introduction to B.A/B.Se./B Indian Com.with Lax > Constitution L | Credits 6 I @ W G01040iT: 6 1 Road Safety: a Laws, Policies - and Practices Credits-6 _ aii |v | Go10soiT: 0105027" GoI0s0sR: | 13 | BA/B.Se/B I Introduction to Right to Project Com.with Lax L, Indian Laws-1 | Information & Work-I ¥ Credits-5 Consumer Credits-3 | Protection } 3, Credits 5 | _ r Vi GOi060iT: 0106027: GoIoGOaR: | 13 pS Introduction to | General and Project 3 Indian Laws-Il | Legal English Work-l 6 Credits-5 Credits-5 | Lredits-3 2 2 Dr. Prashant Mishra Dr. Satish Chandra Dr. Pradeep Kumar Pandey Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor BUR Institute of Law Faculty of Law Department of Law > Bundelichand University, University of Lucknow, Brahmanand College, Kanpur Jhansi Lucknow o Py ~ 3 35 3

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