Efectos Del Ejercicio
Efectos Del Ejercicio
Efectos Del Ejercicio
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of multiple disorders that predispose an individual to risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular
diseases (CVDs), cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), and insulin-resistance. Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent metabolic disorder
causing obesity, followed by hypercortisolism and hypogonadism. Hence, this study aimed to determine the effects of various exercises
on thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in obese patients with metabolic syndrome. The study conformed to the preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) standards. The PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Medline, and
Biomed Central databases were searched using the keywords exercise, aerobic, rehabilitation, etabolic syndrome, and thyroid stimu-
lating hormone. Studies in English language published between 2010 and 2021 and that examined the efficacy of physical therapy
management with sham treatment on TSH levels in patients with obesity were included. The meta-analysis comprised of 526 patients
with metabolic obesity from 10 randomised controlled trials. The analysis revealed that when compared with the control group, exercise
had a moderate pooled effect on lowering TSH levels, with an effect size standardised mean difference (SMD) of -0.56 (95% Confidence
Interval (CI), -1.09−0.02) estimated using a random effects model, with an I2 of 86.61% (95% CI, 77.31–92.10) in the interventional
group. It was concluded that although a pooled moderate effect of training on TSH levels was observed when all the studies were anal-
ysed using a continuous measure analysis SMD model, an individual analysis of the studies revealed a mild effect, with many studies
also revealing the negative impact of training on TSH levels. Nonetheless, exercise-based intervention strategies are safe and effective
as a management strategy for hypothyroidism and obesity due to hypothyroidism.
Key Words: Thyroid hormone, Exercise, Metabolic syndrome, Obesity, TSH level.
How to cite this article: Hassan B, Ansari B, Farooqui S. Effects of Physical Activity on Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Levels in Obese
Metabolic Syndrome Patients: A Meta-Analysis. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2023; 33(11):1293-1298.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2023, Vol. 33(11):1293-1298 1293
Batool Hassan, Basit Ansari and Sumaira Farooqui
nearly doubled among the adult and childhood population and indicated low, medium, and large effects, respectively.
tripled among adolescents. This had led to healthcare practi- Cochrane’s Q statistic and the percentage of heterogeneity
tioners and policymakers devising strategies to manage the were used to determine the level of heterogeneity. I2 was calcu-
menace of worldwide diseases. Owing to the increasing risk of lated by dividing the number by Cochrane’s Q value and
obesity, all individuals, irrespective of age, gender, and demo- removing the degrees of freedom (Df) to obtain a percentage
graphic characteristics, are now susceptible to this condition. 2
value (I = Q-Df/Q) of 0–100% (p<0.05), where 0% denoted no
Hence, researchers are shifting their focus from devising heterogeneity between the studies and higher values denoted
preventive strategies to treatment approaches for obesity.11 a higher degree of variability.
Several guidelines from the Obesity Society had been prepared
to guide healthcare professionals in treating obesity; they RESULTS
outlined multiple therapies, such as lifestyle modifications, A total of 7230 articles were retrieved in the initial searching
increased physical activities, dietary changes, and medica- through six database searches. Nine hundred and thirty original
tions.12 articles were evaluated based on their titles and contents. The
Surgery is recommended in some cases. Several pieces of liter- relevant full-text articles were sorted and selected after
ature related to the effects of exercise in managing obesity are screening of abstract, n=526 and finally, n=10 studies met the
available. In these reports, aerobic or resistance exercises or inclusion criteria to be included in the study. The flowchart of
combinations of conditioning forms are emphasised. However, study inclusion is illustrated in Figure 1.
to the best of the authors’ knowledge, to date, no studies have
evaluated the exercise dose and associated response.13 The
study aimed to determine the effects of different exercises on
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels among patients with
The PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Medline, and Biomed
Central databases were searched using the keywords exercise,
aerobic, rehabilitation, metabolic syndrome, and thyroid stimu-
lating hormone, to obtain studies on the effect of exercise on
TSH. The inclusion criteria was studies published in English
between 2010 and 2021 that examined the efficacy of physical
therapy management with a sham treatment on TSH levels in
patients with obesity. Trials without a control group or condi-
tion and participants with comorbidities were excluded.
Studies for which full-text articles were unavailable or those
that were published in a non-preferred language were
excluded. Obesity was defined as BMI > 30 kg/m . Physical
activity included aerobics, resistance training, and yoga.
Data abstraction and quality evaluation were performed using
the inclusion and exclusion criteria under a uniform method- Figure 1: PRISMA flowchart of studies.
ology. A data mining form was designed by extracting study
information, such as author’s name, publication year, targeted
population, and treatment duration (Table I). This study
followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.
The risk of bias for random allocation, allocation concealment,
blinding of participants and outcome assessors, insufficient
outcome data, and selective reporting was evaluated using the
Cochrane tool.
Data were examined using MedCalc statistical software,
version 18.11.3. In a random-effects model, the pooled impact
was calculated using the continuous measurement stan-
dardised mean difference (SMD) method (I2 at 95% CI). The
data were evaluated using Hedges’ g statistics, SMD tables,
and forest plots. The findings were interpreted using Cohen’s Figure 2: Forest plot of continuous measure standardised mean differ-
rule of thumb, which stipulated that values of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 ence (SMD) for determining effect size.
1294 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2023, Vol. 33(11):1293-1298
Effects of physical activity on thyroid stimulating hormone levels in obese metabolic syndrome patients
Table II: SMD on random-effects model within 95% of CI and statistical heterogeneity.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2023, Vol. 33(11):1293-1298 1295
Batool Hassan, Basit Ansari and Sumaira Farooqui
Table III: Cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias of included studies.
Author & Year Random Allocation Blinding of Blinding of Incomplete Reporting Bias
Sequence Concealment Participants and Outcome Outcome Data
Generation Personnel Assessment
Abbas et al., 202115 + + ? ? + +
Berahman et al., 202116 + + ? ? + +
Ebrahemi et al., 202117 + + + ? + +
Pancar et al., 202018 + + ? ? + +
Kiani et al., 202019 + + ? ? + +
Sefat et al., 201920 + + ? ? - +
Rani et al., 201621 + + + + + +
Chaturvedi et al., 201622 + + ? ? + +
Bansal et al., 201523 + + - - + +
Onsori et al., 201524 + + _ - + +
+ Low risk of bias, - High risk of bias, ? Unknown risk of bias.
1296 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2023, Vol. 33(11):1293-1298
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