Lecture 2 Overview of Reproductive Health1
Lecture 2 Overview of Reproductive Health1
Lecture 2 Overview of Reproductive Health1
Reproductive Health
• Reproductive Health Definition
• Components of Reproductive Health
• Reproductive health indicators
• Definitions and key concepts of the
Content of Reproductive System
the lecture • Female Reproductive Cycle
• Global perspective
• In Jordan
• Reproductive health and safe motherhood are
critical aspects of public health, with significant
implications for individuals, families, and societies.
Definition of Reproductive health
• Reproductive health is defined as” A state of complete
physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters related to the
reproductive system and to its functions and process”.
• Reproductive health refers to
the overall well-being of
individuals in all matters related
Definition of to the reproductive system,
Reproductive including access to healthcare
health services, education, and
information. Key components of
reproductive health at the global
level include:
• 1.Quality family planning services
• 2. Promoting safe motherhood: prenatal, safe
• delivery and post natal care, including breast
• feeding
Components of • 3. Prevention and treatment of infertility
Reproductive • 4. Prevention and management of complications
of unsafe abortion
Health • 5.Safe abortion services
• 6.Treatment of reproductive tract infections
• including sexually transmitted infections;
Reproductive Health indicators
• Main Components:
• Ovaries: Function as the primary reproductive organs, producing ova and
• Fallopian Tubes: Transport ova from ovaries to the uterus.
• Uterus: Site for implantation and fetal development.
• Vagina: Birth canal and the pathway for menstrual flow and intercourse.
• External Genitalia: Include structures such as the labia, clitoris, and mons
Key Definitions - Reproductive System
Days befor Days afte
e r
Day Day
1 1
Follicular phas Luteal phas
e e
0 8 12 16 20 24 28
Menstruation OVULATIO
Anim ated ovarian events
0 8 12 16 20 2 28
4 4
Menstruation Progesterone (a
nd oestradiol)
Endometrial Cycle
• Menstrual Phase:Occurs at the start of the cycle (Days 1-5).
• Characterized by the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium) when fertilization does not
occur. This phase involves the discharge of blood, mucus, and tissue.
• Proliferative Phase: Lasts from approximately Days 6-14.
• Driven by increasing estrogen levels, the endometrium thickens and regenerates in preparation
for a potential implantation. Glands and blood vessels proliferate, making the lining suitable for a
fertilized egg.
• Secretory Phase: Occurs from Days 15-28.
• Following ovulation, progesterone from the corpus luteum causes further thickening and
vascularization of the endometrium. If fertilization occurs, the lining will remain to support the
developing embryo; if not, hormone levels drop, leading back to menstruation.
In Jordan
• According to the findings of the Population and Family Health Survey 2017-201824
and priority research the following issues were identified to describe the status of sexual
and reproductive health in Jordan:
• The percentage of women (aged 25-49 years) who married under the age of 18 years is
high and stands at (15%), even though it has decreased compared to previous population
and family health surveys. However, recent specialized studies on child marriage
according to the age of marriage indicate that child marriage among Jordanians tended
to increase in 2012-2015 (from 9.7% in 2012 to 11.6% in 2015), and reached very high
levels among Syrian women, increasing from 35.3% in 2012 to 43.8% in 2015.)
• The percentage of adolescent marriage has increased (10% of married women aged 15
-18 years who have married under the age of 15).
Sexual and Reproductive Health Priorities and Studies based on the Results of the Population and Family Health Survey (2017-2018)
Contraceptive Use:
• Only 29% of married women aged 15-49 use any form of contraception, and just 19% use modern
methods like the IUD or the pill
Higher Population Council
• Among Jordanian women, the most common methods are the IUD (29%) and the pill (13%)
Higher Population Council
Antenatal Care:
• 87% of young mothers sought antenatal care during their pregnancies
Higher Population Council