Southern States CapSwitcher Instructions
Southern States CapSwitcher Instructions
Southern States CapSwitcher Instructions
Capacitor Switching Device
15.5 kV – 38 kV
Safety Information
The equipment covered by this publication must be handled, installed, operated and maintained by
qualified persons who understand any hazards involved and are thoroughly trained in the handling,
installation, operation and maintenance of high voltage transmission and distribution equipment. These
instructions are meant for only such qualified persons. They are not intended to be a substitute for
adequate training and experience in safety procedures for this type of equipment.
The instructions in this manual are general guidelines for this type of equipment and not specific to the
equipment supplied. Portions of it may not be applicable or may not have complete instructions for your
specific equipment. If you do not understand any part of these instructions or need assistance, contact
Southern States Service Division at 770-946-4562.
Page II
Type CAP
15.5 kV – 38 kV
Page III
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
List of Tables and Figures ................................................................................................................................... IV
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Ratings .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Receiving .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Storage .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Description ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Interrupter .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Control System ................................................................................................................................................ 10
SF6 Gas Handling Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 13
Description of SF6 Gas........................................................................................................................................ 13
Environmental and Handling Warnings ........................................................................................................... 13
Arc Decomposition By-Products ...................................................................................................................... 13
Corrosive Effects of SF6 By-Products ............................................................................................................. 13
How to read the SF6 Density Gauge ............................................................................................................... 14
Procedures For SF6 Gas Handling ................................................................................................................. 15
Installation & Adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 16
Installation Check: ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Post-Installation Testing .................................................................................................................................. 19
Itemized Installation Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 20
Recommended Inspection and Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 23
Patrolling Inspection (6 Months) ...................................................................................................................... 24
Routine Inspection and Maintenance (5 year or 2000 operations) ................................................................ 24
Periodic Inspection and Maintenance (10 year or 5,000 operations)............................................................. 24
The information contained herein is general in nature and not intended for specific application purposes. It
does not relieve the user of responsibility to use sound practices in application, installation, operation, and
maintenance of the equipment purchased. Southern States reserves the right to make changes in the
specifications shown herein or to make improvements at any time without notice or obligations. Should a
conflict arise between the general information contained in this publication and the contents of drawings or
supplementary material, or both, the latter shall take precedence.
Page IV
Tables Page
Table 1: Ratings Table .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2: Cable Pin Out ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3: Recommended Installation and Maintenance Table ............................................................................ 23
Figures Page
Figure 1: CapSwitcher® - (Typical Construction) ............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2: Interrupter Operating Sequence ............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Operating Mechanism ............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 4: Manual Release Button ......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Limit Switch and Trip Arm ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Close Solenoid with Close Arm ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7: Slow Close Prevention Mechanism ....................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Typical Unit Control Setup ................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9: Control Circuit and Auxiliary Contacts (Typical) .................................................................................. 12
Figure 10: Heater Circuit ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 11: Gauge Face ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12: Typical Installation Diagram............................................................................................................... 17
These instructions do not intend to cover all details or variations in equipment, or provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Southern States Representative.
The contents of this instruction manual should not become part of or modify any prior or existing
agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of Southern
States. The Warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Southern
States. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty.
Page 1 of 24
The Southern States Type CAP CapSwitcher® is an outdoor three-phase interrupter device that provides
excellent capacitor switching capabilities. The interrupter is an SF 6 thermal puffer type. During tripping the
gas within the puffer is compressed by the piston and blown at the arc to extinguish it. The mechanism is a
low maintenance spring/spring motor charged mechanism. The key feature of this design is that it is available
with a closing resistor.
Table 1: Ratings Table
Ratings: CapSwitcher®
Maximum Voltage 15.5 kV 27 kV 38.0 kV
Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage
110 150 200
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Continuous Current 600 A
Shunt Capacitor Bank Switching 600 A
Back-To-Back Capacitor Bank 600 A
Breaking Current:
Peak Capacitive Inrush Current: 42 kA @ 8100 Hz
Short-Time Withstand Current and
40 kA
Short-Circuit Making Current
Duty Cycle (see text below) 10 sec - CO
Operating pressure @20ºC 52 psig nom, 32 psig min
Operations 10,000
Interrupter housings contain pressurized SF6 gas. Do not strike, shock, strain
or in any way damage the equipment. Such damage may cause the interrupter to rupture.
Improper handling may result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
The horizontal frame with interrupters center of gravity is above the lifting
eyes. Follow instructions in this book for lifting. Use caution when handling to avoid personal
injury or equipment damage.
SF6 gas is heavier than air. Do not get caught in a low area with SF 6 gas
present. The SF6 can displace the oxygen. Death by suffocation is possible.
Unpack equipment and check for damage and parts shortage. Unit Assembly and Operating Mechanism
drawing bill-of-material should be used for this purpose. If damage or shortage is noted, file a claim with the
carrier immediately and notify the factory.
All components of the CapSwitcher® are suitable for outdoor use. The storage requirements are listed
Inspect all packing material thoroughly prior to handling after storage.
Protect unit from being immersed in water.
Connect the cabinet heaters to appropriate supply to protect the mechanism and control circuit
components from corrosion. (Failure to do so can void the warranty.)
The gas system is sealed at the factory and filled with a positive pressure of dry SF 6 gas. Ensure that
the interrupters remain sealed and filled with 52 psig dry SF6 gas at all times. Do not allow moisture or
dust to enter the gas system. The internal resistors will absorb moisture if exposed to the atmosphere
for more than one hour. Contact factory if the resistors have been exposed for more than one hour.
The mechanism is shipped and should be stored with the close and open springs discharged. This
requirement is for the safety of personnel in handling the CapSwitcher® while in storage and
subsequent installation.
Page 4 of 24
The CapSwitcher® is a three-phase device with a common spring mechanism and three single break SF 6
interrupters designed specifically to switch capacitor banks. When transient suppression is required each
interrupter is available with an internal closing resistor to suppress switching transients on the electrical
The interrupter is an SF6 puffer design. It has been designed specifically for capacitor switching duty. The
contact structure is robust and designed for many low current switching operations.
The closing resistor is made of a stack of carbon block resistors. Spring force holds the resistor disks
together. There are no user serviceable parts in this assembly. If there is a problem in this assembly
contact the factory.
Page 5 of 24
The CapSwitcher® utilizes composite insulators. These insulators require very little maintenance. They
are naturally hydrophobic and generally do not need to be washed.
A brief pictorial description of the interrupter operation is shown in Figure 2.
Open contacts
Resistor contacts
touch first on closing,
pre-inserting the
Operating Mechanism
There are also several distinct sounds during operation which can be
mistaken as the unit closing. Always check the position indicator to see if
the unit has finished closing.
The operating mechanism is a traditional circuit breaker type spring/spring mechanism. It is shipped with
both springs discharged. A motor is used to charge both springs by a cam mechanism. The charge motor
is turned off when the interrupter closes and the cam is in a safe position. Energizing the open solenoid
discharges the opening spring. Discharging the open spring opens the contacts and readies the
mechanism for another cycle.
Immediately upon completion of the closing operation the mechanism is ready to open the interrupters.
There are no user serviceable parts in the mechanism. Side covers can be removed for viewing the
operation counter and for visual inspection of the mechanism. For manual operation there is a manual
release button for interrupter opening. There is no manual charging port. If the CapSwitcher® will not
charge the springs and close, contact the factory for service.
Mechanism Operation
The open and close springs for the mechanism are charged by a single motor. Sending the close signal to
the unit will start the motor, which turns a cam. The cam operates against a charging tube, which
compresses both springs at the same time. The closing latch, which is at the end of the mechanism
attached to the linkage, holds the closing spring until the mechanism is finished charging. The opening
latch, which is located at the opposite end of the mechanism from the closing latch, only closes once the
unit is finished charging.
Once the unit is completely charged, the close arm trigger will operate the close latch via a long rod. This
allows only the closing spring to discharge, closing the mechanism. The opening spring remains charged
until the opening solenoid is fired, moving the open latch out of the way and allowing the open spring to
discharge and open the unit.
Page 7 of 24
Solenoid Motor and Open Spring
Gearbox (Outer) Close Latch
Main Link
Close Spring Assembly
The solenoid close option uses a solenoid mounted to the spring mechanism to pull on the closing rod. A limit
switch is mounted on the charging mechanism to stop the motor in a safe position. These are the two
mechanical changes made to the CapSwitcher®. The remainder of the parts and their functions remain
unchanged. The images below illustrate these changes.
The slow close prevention mechanism uses a sacrificial tab to actuate the slow close prevention latch. This
mounts to the top of the charging plate in the spring mechanism and activates a pushrod that rotates the slow
close prevention latch once the charging springs are fully charged. In the event of a close latch failure, the tab
will deform, the latch will stay in place, and the interrupter linkage will not be able to close. Once the tab is
deformed, the CapSwitcher® will no longer operate and must be removed from service. If a deformed tab is
encountered, please contact Southern States. Only a qualified Southern States service rep is qualified to
repair a CapSwitcher® with a deformed tab.
Attempts to bend the tab back to operate the CapSwitcher will not fix
the mechanism, and could cause the interrupters to short to ground and vent gas.
Bending the tab back to the non-bent state will void the warranty.
Page 10 of 24
Control System
Note: The following is a description of the basic control circuit provided by Southern States. Due to
variations in customer specifications there may be differences in any given circuit. Please see
schematics provided with the product to fully and accurately understand the control system on any given
The CapSwitcher® comes with a cable with which to connect the unit to a junction box. This junction box
can be supplied by Southern States if one is not available. The connector end of the cable plugs into the
CapSwitcher® while the other end of the cable is loose, allowing the wires to be landed on the terminal
block at the junction box. The typical setup is shown in Figure 7. The cable pin out is shown in Table 2.
When the CapSwitcher® is shipped both springs are discharged and the CapSwitcher® is in the open
position, and relays are shown in the state shown in Figure 8.
When signal voltage is applied from the remote close, the motor control relay (MCR) closes, supplying
voltage to the motor. The circuit also applies voltage to the MCR, keeping it closed until the motor is
finished charging and the CapSwitcher® closes. When the mechanism closes, contact 52b opens,
turning off the MCR and charging motor.
When the CapSwitcher® is in the closed position contact 52a closes, allowing the trip coil to receive a
control signal. The trip coil will not operate unless the CapSwitcher® is in the closed position.
Junction Box
SF6 is heavier than air. Do not get caught in a low area with SF 6 gas
present. The SF6 gas can displace the oxygen. Death by suffocation is possible.
Page 14 of 24
(0 – 32 psi) (32 – 80 psi)
Be careful when lifting the CapSwitcher®. Tie the lifting straps as shown to
keep the assembly from falling over, see Figure 11.
After the CapSwitcher® is installed on the foundation and all of the mounting bolts are secure,
remove the shipping 2X4’s from the terminal pads. Do not throw away the terminal pads because
they are to be used later in the installation.
Page 17 of 24
Ensure that the lifting straps go around the shipping braces (2x4’s) to keep the
Horizontal Frame with Interrupters from flipping over during installation.
The center of gravity of the unit is well above the lifting lugs.
Installation Check:
Connect the substation grounds to the provided grounding lugs on the mechanism box.
The terminal pads can be installed on either side of the insulator. To install the terminal pads
apply NO-OX-ID A to the terminal pads and brush through the grease with a stainless steel
brush. Install the terminal pads in the desired position with the supplied fasteners.
Be sure that there is only one terminal pad on the same level on each
interrupter. The interrupter is between the top and middle flange. Failure to do this will short
circuit the interrupter.
Ensure that all knife switches or fuses or circuit breakers are in the OPEN position before
connecting control wiring.
Connect control wiring.
o Check wiring
o Check polarity of the AC and DC supply lines
Ensure that the local - remote switch is in the local position.
Page 19 of 24
Post-Installation Testing
Once installation is complete per preceding instructions installation testing should be conducted.
Please see the next section for the Installation Check-List.
F. Contact Resistance Check: The contact resistance test should be performed. Note: If readings
are abnormal, check the terminal pad connections to ensure that the connection is not adding
any additional resistance. Ensure that No-Ox ID A was used in making the joint.
G. Perform SF6 leak tests per the SF6 section of this instruction book.
H. After performing the above tests (E-G) record the final reading on the mechanical counter and
apply touch up paint if required.
Page 20 of 24
System Voltage kV
Closing Resistor Value Ω
Control Voltage
Heater Voltage
Operating pressure @20ºC 52 psig nom, 32 psig min
C. Receiving Inspections: Check for damage or shortages
Material Comments
Control Cabinet
Support Column
D. Column Checks
Item Done ()
a. Switcher is installed on level columns
b. Foundation bolts secured
c. Ground leads secured to ground pads
Page 21 of 24
F. Cabinet Check:
Item Done ()
H. Operational Tests
K. SF6 Moisture Levels (Optional) (less than 300 ppm): Level _______________ ppm
1. Follow instructions for the 5 year or 2000 operations Routine Inspection and Maintenance Procedure.
2. Perform timing tests and verify that the CapSwitcher® is within specifications.
30 Georgia Avenue
Hampton, Georgia 30228
Phone: 770-946-4562
Fax: 770-946-8106
E-mail: [email protected]