Computer Class 2 Ok

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New Faisal Model High School for Boys & Girls (Recognized)

Khurram Colony, Muslim Town, Rawalpindi.Tel: 051-4473768,

2nd Term Exams, Oct-Nov, 2024
Class: Two Paper: Computer M.Obtd:______ Ch.By: _________
Name:___________________ Date:12-06-2024 T.Marks: 40+10 R. Ch.By: _______
Q#1. Fill in the blanks. /6
1. Computers are used in schools to maintain___________.
2. A computer also helps withdraw money from __________.
3. Computer helps in creating the _________ shown in films.
4. In __________ computers are used to maintain the records of patients.
5. When the __________ is an all the letters you type appear as capitals.
6. The _________ key is used to type the upper symbol on a key.

Q#2. Write “T”for True or “F” for false ones. /6

a. Computers are used in creating animation for films. ___________
b. You cannot design clothes using computers. ___________
c. The cursor is a vertical line. ___________
d. There are 2 cursor control keys. ___________
e. Computers are used by architectures to design buildings and houses. ___________
f. There are 6 arrow keys in keyboard. ___________
Q#3. Write the missing letters. /8
1. T___cket 2. Shi___t 3. Er___sier 4. L___ft
5. Pri___ter 6. Em___il 7. Desi___n 8. Arr___ws
Q #4 Re- Arrange words. /8
1. Lofdre _______ 2.Treinpo_________ 3. ottubns __________ 4. roscll _________
5. itgrh _______ 6.boledu__________ 7. serps ____________ 8. acple _________
Q#5. Match the column. /4
a. Fee details Railway stations
b. Booking tickets Schools
c. Banks accounts Publishing
d. Designing Bank

Q#6. Answer the following questions. /8

1. How are computers used in airports?
2. Why is email used for? What is email also called?
3. Name the machine used to withdraw money from bank accounts?
4. Name any two mouse actions?
Q#7. Practical /10

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