Introduction of Process Management - GeeksforGeeks

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Introduction of Process Management

Last Updated : 12 Jul, 2024

A process is a program in execution. For example, when we write a program
in C or C++ and compile it, the compiler creates binary code. The original
code and binary code are both programs. When we actually run the binary
code, it becomes a process. A process is an ‘active’ entity instead of a
program, which is considered a ‘passive’ entity. A single program can create
many processes when run multiple times; for example, when we open a .exe
or binary file multiple times, multiple instances begin (multiple processes
are created).

In this article, we will discuss process management in detail, along with the
different states of a process, its advantages, disadvantages, etc.

What is Process Management?

Process management is a key part of an operating system. It controls how
processes are carried out, and controls how your computer runs by handling
the active processes. This includes stopping processes, setting which
processes should get more attention, and many more. You can manage
processes on your own computer too.

The OS is responsible for managing the start, stop, and scheduling of

processes, which are programs running on the system. The operating system
uses a number of methods to prevent deadlocks, facilitate inter-process
communication, and synchronize processes. Efficient resource allocation,
conflict-free process execution, and optimal system performance are all
guaranteed by competent process management. This essential component
of an operating system enables the execution of numerous applications at
once, enhancing system utilization and responsiveness.

How Does a Process Look Like in Memory?

A process in memory is divided into several distinct sections, each serving a
different purpose. Here’s how a process typically looks in memory:

Text Section: A Process, sometimes known as the Text Section, also

includes the current activity represented by the value of the Program
Stack: The stack contains temporary data, such as function parameters,
returns addresses, and local variables.
Data Section: Contains the global variable.
Heap Section: Dynamically memory allocated to process during its run

Characteristics of a Process
A process has the following attributes.

Process Id: A unique identifier assigned by the operating system.

Process State: Can be ready, running, etc.
CPU Registers: Like the Program Counter (CPU registers must be saved
and restored when a process is swapped in and out of the CPU)
Accounts Information: Amount of CPU used for process execution, time
limits, execution ID, etc
I/O Status Information: For example, devices allocated to the process,
open files, etc
CPU Scheduling Information: For example, Priority (Different processes
may have different priorities, for example, a shorter process assigned high
priority in the shortest job first scheduling)
All of the above attributes of a process are also known as the context of the
process. Every process has its own process control block(PCB), i.e. each
process will have a unique PCB. All of the above attributes are part of the

States of Process
A process is in one of the following states:

New: Newly Created Process (or) being-created process.

Ready: After the creation process moves to the Ready state, i.e. the
process is ready for execution.
Running: Currently running process in CPU (only one process at a time
can be under execution in a single processor).
Wait (or Block): When a process requests I/O access.
Complete (or Terminated): The process completed its execution.
Suspended Ready: When the ready queue becomes full, some processes
are moved to a suspended ready state
Suspended Block: When the waiting queue becomes full.

Process Operations
Process operations in an operating system refer to the various activities the
OS performs to manage processes. These operations include process
creation, process scheduling, execution and killing the process. Here are the
key process operations:
Process Operations

Process Creation

Process creation in an operating system (OS) is the act of generating a new

process. This new process is an instance of a program that can execute


Once a process is ready to run, it enters the “ready queue.” The scheduler’s
job is to pick a process from this queue and start its execution.


Execution means the CPU starts working on the process. During this time,
the process might:

Move to a waiting queue if it needs to perform an I/O operation.

Get blocked if a higher-priority process needs the CPU.

Killing the Process

After the process finishes its tasks, the operating system ends it and
removes its Process Control Block (PCB).

Context Switching of Process

The process of saving the context of one process and loading the context of
another process is known as Context Switching. In simple terms, it is like
loading and unloading the process from the running state to the ready state.
When Does Context Switching Happen?

Context Switching Happen:

When a high-priority process comes to a ready state (i.e. with higher

priority than the running process).
An Interrupt occurs.
User and kernel-mode switch (It is not necessary though)
Preemptive CPU scheduling is used.

Context Switch vs Mode Switch

A mode
Aptitude switchMathematics
Engineering occurs when the Mathematics
Discrete CPU privilege levelSystem
Operating is changed,
DBMS for example
Computer Networks
when a system call is made or a fault occurs. The kernel works in more a
privileged mode than a standard user task. If a user process wants to access
things that are only accessible to the kernel, a mode switch must occur. The
currently executing process need not be changed during a mode switch. A
mode switch typically occurs for a process context switch to occur. Only the
kernel can cause a context switch.

CPU-Bound vs I/O-Bound Processes

A CPU-bound process requires more CPU time or spends more time in the
running state. An I/O-bound process requires more I/O time and less CPU
time. An I/O-bound process spends more time in the waiting state.

Process planning is an integral part of the process management operating

system. It refers to the mechanism used by the operating system to
determine which process to run next. The goal of process scheduling is to
improve overall system performance by maximizing CPU utilization,
minimizing execution time, and improving system response time.

Process Scheduling Algorithms

The operating system can use different scheduling algorithms to schedule
processes. Here are some commonly used timing algorithms:

First-Come, First-Served (FCFS): This is the simplest scheduling

algorithm, where the process is executed on a first-come, first-served
basis. FCFS is non-preemptive, which means that once a process starts
executing, it continues until it is finished or waiting for I/O.
Shortest Job First (SJF): SJF is a proactive scheduling algorithm that
selects the process with the shortest burst time. The burst time is the
time a process takes to complete its execution. SJF minimizes the average
waiting time of processes.
Round Robin (RR): Round Robin is a proactive scheduling algorithm that
reserves a fixed amount of time in a round for each process. If a process
does not complete its execution within the specified time, it is blocked
and added to the end of the queue. RR ensures fair distribution of CPU
time to all processes and avoids starvation.
Priority Scheduling: This scheduling algorithm assigns priority to each
process and the process with the highest priority is executed first. Priority
can be set based on process type, importance, or resource requirements.
Multilevel Queue: This scheduling algorithm divides the ready queue into
several separate queues, each queue having a different priority.
Processes are queued based on their priority, and each queue uses its
own scheduling algorithm. This scheduling algorithm is useful in
scenarios where different types of processes have different priorities.

Advantages of Process Management

Running Multiple Programs: Process management lets you run multiple
applications at the same time, for example, listen to music while
browsing the web.
Process Isolation: It ensures that different programs don’t interfere with
each other, so a problem in one program won’t crash another.
Fair Resource Use: It makes sure resources like CPU time and memory
are shared fairly among programs, so even lower-priority programs get a
chance to run.
Smooth Switching: It efficiently handles switching between programs,
saving and loading their states quickly to keep the system responsive and
minimize delays.

Disadvantages of Process Management

Overhead: Process management uses system resources because the OS
needs to keep track of various data structures and scheduling queues.
This requires CPU time and memory, which can affect the system’s
Complexity: Designing and maintaining an OS is complicated due to the
need for complex scheduling algorithms and resource allocation methods.
Deadlocks: To keep processes running smoothly together, the OS uses
mechanisms like semaphores and mutex locks. However, these can lead
to deadlocks, where processes get stuck waiting for each other
Increased Context Switching: In multitasking systems, the OS frequently
switches between processes. Storing and loading the state of each
process (context switching) takes time and computing power, which can
slow down the system.

In conclusion, process management is a important function of an operating
system, ensuring that multiple programs can run smoothly and efficiently. It
involves creating, scheduling, and terminating processes, as well as
managing resources and handling communication between processes.
Effective process management optimizes the use of system resources,
maintains system stability, and enhances the overall performance and
responsiveness of the computer. Understanding and implementing robust
process management strategies are crucial for maintaining an efficient and
reliable computing environment.

GATE-CS-Questions on Process Management

Q.1: Which of the following need not necessarily be saved on a context

switch between processes? (GATE-CS-2000)

(A) General purpose registers

(B) Translation lookaside buffer

(C) Program counter

(D) All of the above

Answer: (B)

In a process context switch, the state of the first process must be

saved somehow, so that when the scheduler gets back to the
execution of the first process, it can restore this state and continue. The
state of the process includes all the registers that the process may be
using, especially the program counter, plus any other operating
system-specific data that may be necessary. A translation look-aside
buffer (TLB) is a CPU cache that memory management hardware uses
to improve virtual address translation speed. A TLB has a fixed
number of slots that contain page table entries, which map virtual
addresses to physical addresses. On a context switch, some TLB
entries can become invalid, since the virtual-to-physical mapping is
different. The simplest strategy to deal with this is to completely flush
the TLB.

Q.2: The time taken to switch between user and kernel modes of
execution is t1 while the time taken to switch between two processes is
t2. Which of the following is TRUE? (GATE-CS-2011)

(A) t1 > t2

(B) t1 = t2

(C) t1 < t2

(D) nothing can be said about the relation between t1 and t2.

Answer: (C)

Process switching involves a mode switch. Context switching can occur

only in kernel mode.

Frequently Asked Questions on Process Management –


Why process management is important?

Process management is important in an operating system because it

ensures that all the programs running on your computer work
smoothly and efficiently.

What is the main difference between process manager and memory

Processes in the system are manage by processor manager and also it
is responsible for the sharing of the CPU. whereas, memory in the
system is managed by memory manager and it is responsible also for
allocation and deallocation of memory, virtual memory management,

What is the difference between a process and a program?

A program is a set of instructions stored on disk (passive), while a

process is an instance of the program in execution (active). A single
program can be associated with multiple processes.

GeeksforGeeks 243

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