Introduction of Process Management - GeeksforGeeks
Introduction of Process Management - GeeksforGeeks
Introduction of Process Management - GeeksforGeeks
In this article, we will discuss process management in detail, along with the
different states of a process, its advantages, disadvantages, etc.
Characteristics of a Process
A process has the following attributes.
States of Process
A process is in one of the following states:
Process Operations
Process operations in an operating system refer to the various activities the
OS performs to manage processes. These operations include process
creation, process scheduling, execution and killing the process. Here are the
key process operations:
Process Operations
Process Creation
Once a process is ready to run, it enters the “ready queue.” The scheduler’s
job is to pick a process from this queue and start its execution.
Execution means the CPU starts working on the process. During this time,
the process might:
After the process finishes its tasks, the operating system ends it and
removes its Process Control Block (PCB).
A mode
Aptitude switchMathematics
Engineering occurs when the Mathematics
Discrete CPU privilege levelSystem
Operating is changed,
DBMS for example
Computer Networks
when a system call is made or a fault occurs. The kernel works in more a
privileged mode than a standard user task. If a user process wants to access
things that are only accessible to the kernel, a mode switch must occur. The
currently executing process need not be changed during a mode switch. A
mode switch typically occurs for a process context switch to occur. Only the
kernel can cause a context switch.
In conclusion, process management is a important function of an operating
system, ensuring that multiple programs can run smoothly and efficiently. It
involves creating, scheduling, and terminating processes, as well as
managing resources and handling communication between processes.
Effective process management optimizes the use of system resources,
maintains system stability, and enhances the overall performance and
responsiveness of the computer. Understanding and implementing robust
process management strategies are crucial for maintaining an efficient and
reliable computing environment.
Answer: (B)
Q.2: The time taken to switch between user and kernel modes of
execution is t1 while the time taken to switch between two processes is
t2. Which of the following is TRUE? (GATE-CS-2011)
(A) t1 > t2
(B) t1 = t2
(C) t1 < t2
(D) nothing can be said about the relation between t1 and t2.
Answer: (C)
GeeksforGeeks 243
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