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Mila Kunis

Workout Routine

Bonus PDF File

By: Mike Romaine
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The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only.

I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice.

The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences

as well as my interpretations of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults
only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this
course are appropriate for your individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please

consult with your physician before implementing any of the information
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This product is for informational purposes only and the author does
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Mila Kunis
Workout Routine:
Training Volume:

3-5 days per week


Kunis steps it up to a consistent 5 when she’s training for a role,

but the majority of the time she’s working out 3 days a week, and
staying active the rest.

Day One: Stretch, Strength,

Circuit, De-Stress

10-15 min of stretching or yoga

10-15 min of preferred cardio

(HIIT, Treadmill, Bike, Stairmaster, Elliptical, etc.)



Military Press


Weighted Step Ups

3×20 (10 each leg)

Light Shoulder Front Raises



3 Rounds for Time

10 Front Squats@65

10 Pushups

10 Arnold Presses@10

10 Jump Squats
1 minute plank

Break 30 seconds and start next round


5-10 min of yoga or meditation

Day Two: Activity Day

Like I mentioned earlier, Kunis stays active a lot and cuts back on
her training days the majority of the year (when not prepping for
a role).

For that reason, you could add in another day of this routine on
your activity days, OR you can GET ACTIVE!

Hiking, sports, MMA training (which so many of our celebs love),

and so many more options.

Day Three: Kunis and Trainer

Workout from
You’ll Need: A box/step or other raised surface, a TRX
Suspension Trainer, a dumbbell, an olympic bar and a medicine
How it Works: This workout combines strength and endurance,
consisting of six movements done in a circuit for 40 minutes with
no rest.

STEP 1: Walkover Pushups

How to do it: Start in a plank position with both hands on a box,
step or other raised surface. Step off with one hand moving to
the floor and one hand remaining on the box. Do a full pushup
and then return to the first position and alternate to the other
side. Complete six reps on each side.

Tip: If you’re a beginner, try these on your knees.

STEP 2: Mountain Climbers

How to do it: Start in a plank position and then pull one foot up
and underneath you so that your knee is at chest level. Alternate
foot position rapidly, as if running in place. Complete six reps on
each side.

Tip: Keep your butt level and don’t bounce up and down.


How to do it: Grab the handles of your TRX (palms turned
inwards) and walk down into an inverted prone position. With
your back straight and ribcage up, pull your hands to your ribcage
from the extended position. Complete six reps.

Tip: You can also lower a bar on a smith machine or a squat rack,
climb underneath and do the same thing.
STEP 4: Bootstrapper Squats
How to do it: Take the handle of a dumbbell in both hands so that
they are in an overlapping baseball bat grip. Straighten your arms
and forward fold, keeping your legs straight. With both your arms
and legs straight, set your elbows on your knees and maintain
contact throughout the motion. As if dragging the weight, drop
your butt toward your heels and bring the lagging weight up and
under your chin. Still with us? That is one rep. Complete six reps.

STEP 5: Stir the Kettle

How to do it: Hold an olympic bar with both hands and place one
end of the bar on the floor into a corner of a wall. Raise the other
end of the bar up to chest level and lean into it slightly, still
holding it with both hands. Make a big full circle, as if stirring a
large kettle (hence the name). Complete six reps in each

Tip: Use a towel so that you don’t damage the wall.

STEP 6: Medicine Ball Slam

How to do it: Hold a non-bouncing medicine ball with both hands
over your head. With arms fully extended and feet hip-width
apart, slam the ball into the floor. Drop as you go into a full deep
and proper squat and catch the ball as it comes off the floor.
Bring the ball back to the raised position. Complete six reps.

Tip: If you don’t have a medicine ball, a tough basketball or

soccer ball will help you learn the movement. Make sure you slam
the ball a few inches in front of your feet so the ball doesn’t
rebound and hit you in the face.
Day Four: Activity Day
Like I mentioned earlier, Kunis stays active a lot and cuts back on
her training days the majority of the year (when not prepping for
a role).

For that reason, you could add in another day of this routine on
your activity days, OR you can GET ACTIVE!

Hiking, sports, MMA training (which so many of our celebs love),

and so many more options.

Day Five: Stretch, Strength,

Circuit, De-Stress

10-15 min of stretching or yoga

10-15 min of preferred cardio

(HIIT, Treadmill, Bike, Stairmaster, Elliptical, etc.)



Dumbbell Bench Press


Dumbbell Rows


Light Chest Flyes



3 Rounds for Time

10 Incline Dumbbell Press

10 Pullups

10 Kettlebell Deadlift

10 Dips

1 minute plank
Break 30 seconds and start next round


5-10 min of yoga or meditation

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