Preserving Our Internet History - Websites On Arch
Preserving Our Internet History - Websites On Arch
Preserving Our Internet History - Websites On Arch
The World-Wide Web has developed into an immense international complex of hyperlinked
information. While some of the information available today simply mirrors that found in
existing print publications, an enormous amount of information cannot be found anywhere
but on the Web. Significant historical information and other information, such as that found
on medical Web sites may be of long term scientific value. The uniqueness of the
information, combined with the ephemeral nature of digital information, has resulted in a
growing perception that there is a need for mechanisms to preserve at least some of that
immense volume of information for the longer term (Charlesworth 2003).
Our final journey in the footsteps of an information professional delves into the tangibility of
archiving Internet content.
Information services and archives have traditionally preserved and provided access to
society’s cultural artifacts. In this era of digital technology, a new breed of information
services has sprung up, namely digital archives. These archives, like all services, foster
education, scholarship and creativity through access to information. But digital archives
excel in providing access to the ephemeral, the ‘grey’ material, the lost classics, material that
is difficult for traditional libraries to locate, acquire and store. To serve their mission of
preservation and access, digital archives depend on volunteers, donations and on the public
The overall purpose in establishing an Internet archive is therefore to ensure the preservation
of this contribution to the cultural heritage and thereby the source materials that will provide
the foundation for future research not only into the Internet’s own history but also into all the
ever more comprehensive cultural, institutional and business activities that take place,
especially and in some cases exclusively, on the Internet (Christensen-Dalsgard et al. 2003).
Digital technology allows us the opportunity to build a universal library out of these
materials. This library will expand our understanding of public access. It will make
information accessible. At the same time, digitization will eliminate deterioration caused by
the physical handling of cultural artifacts.
The task of preserving Web-based information is not, however, an easy one. Aside from the
technical difficulties inherent in preserving transient digital resources, the legal environment
in many countries is also often inhospitable to, or unappreciative of the role of the would-be
Web archivist. These projects face one significant limitation – copyright. Because of
copyright concerns, groups are effectively limited to make available only works no longer
under copyright. Hazards also lurk in the form of defamation law, content liability and data
protection laws (Charlesworth 2003). Creating an archive of informal and personal
information has many difficult legal and social issues, even if the material was intended to be
publicly accessible at some point (Kahle 1996).
The Internet Archive was founded in 1996 in order to build a digital library with the purpose
of offering permanent and free access to researchers, historians, scholars and the general
public. The Internet Archive is working to prevent the Internet, a medium with major
historical significance, and other digital material from disappearing into the past.
Collaborating with the institutions such as the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian, the
Internet Archive is working to permanently preserve a record of public material. The Archive
holds a collection of archived Web pages, dating from 1996 and, since 1999, it has expanded
its collection to include a September 11 television and online catalogue, an Election 2000
online library and archived movies from 1903 to 1973. As well as Web pages, it also
archives moving images, texts and audio.
In addition to developing their own collections, they are working to promote the formation of
other Internet libraries in the United States and elsewhere.
The Wayback Machine ( provides users of the Internet Archive (the largest
known database in the world) the facility to search over 10 billion pages and see what a
particular page looked like at various periods in Internet time. A search yields a list of pages
that are available as far back as 1996. The Wayback Machine is a repository of more data
than that contained in the world’s largest libraries including the Library of Congress.
Several different strategies and methods of acquiring materials from the Internet are
practised. Harvesting strategies include the following:
The method of harvesting refers to the method whereby the material is acquired. The various
methods are as follows:
z Pull, that is, the material is gathered manually or automatically either by using a
harvester or by some other method. Manual harvesting is when individual files are
gathered and put into an archiving system. Automatic harvesting refers to materials
that are harvested automatically on the basis of criteria such as domains or a series of
manually or automatically generated URLs that are automatically included in an
archive. Examples of this include the archiving project Kulturarw3 in Sweden
( and the Internet Archive in the USA (
z Push refers to material that is delivered or donated to the archive. Delivery is through a
publisher, where the manner of delivery of material is agreed in advance. The
materials delivered to the State Archives are an example of this. The National Archives
of South Africa can be located at ( Donations refer to a
collection of material that is donated and, in many cases, may have to be structured for
Internet archiving.
Two important parameters in connection with the strategy for the acquiring of Web materials
is the frequency of updating and the complexity of the interactivity of the Web site.
Depending on these factors, different strategies of harvesting should be chosen (Christensen-
Dalsgard et al. 2003).
In continuation of the pilot project, the Royal Library and The State University Library
started working on the second phase of the project with the objective to refine the strategy
from the pilot project and to investigate the possible need for any amendments to the legal
deposit law.
The Royal Library’s special focus is snapshot harvesting, whereas The State and University’s
Library will concentrate on selective and event-based harvesting and delivered material. The
two libraries work closely together on the establishment of the whole archive and develop in
collaboration strategies and software for the collection, archiving, preservation and access of
Digital archives allow us to preserve our cultural heritage, preserve copyrighted works and
prevent their permanent loss, promotes full public access to our cultural heritage, support
rich and diverse use of our cultural heritage, extend our cultural heritage and make
preservation and access more economical.
Christensen-Dalsgaard, B., Fonss-Jurgensen, E., von Hielmcrone, H., Ole Finneman, N.,
Brugger, N., Henriksen, B. and Vejrup Carlsen, S. 2004. Experiences and conclusions from a
pilot study: Web archiving of the district and county elections 2001. [Online]. Available:
Charlesworth, A. 2003. Legal issues relating to the archiving of Internet resources in the UK,
EU, USA and Australia. [Online]. Available http://
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ISSN 1560-683X
Published by InterWord Communications for the Centre for Research in Web-based Applications,
Rand Afrikaans University