Indoor Air Quality in A Wooden House
Indoor Air Quality in A Wooden House
Indoor Air Quality in A Wooden House
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This paper contains a short summary of laboratory, field and numerical studies of the indoor
temperature, humidity, comfort and indoor air quality in wooden houses. Wood and wood-based
materials have hygroscopic properties that are favourable for producing good indoor climate. The
results show that the conditions in a room improve significantly when the hygroscopic materials
replace non-hygroscopic materials. Furthermore, the diffusion of gases through a permeable
building envelope can significantly increase the effective ventilation rate for poorly ventilated
rooms. Hygroscopic buffering may also result in energy savings. International activities are on
going to produce standardized properties of materials and products and design principles.
Keywords: Indoor air quality, humidity, mass transfer, sorption, hygroscopic materials, tracer gas,
ventilation, air change rate
1. Introduction
Low levels of indoor pollutants (volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), radon, dust, bacteria, mould,
odors, etc.) and acceptable temperature and humidity are important for indoor air quality (IAQ) and
occupant health. Since occupants and buildings produce carbon dioxide (CO2), moisture, VOC's
and other gases, which affect the quality of indoor air, outdoor ventilation is necessary. Typically
outdoor ventilation rates are set with the assumption that the building envelope and furniture are
sources of contaminants. However, for carefully selected components, it is possible that the
building envelope and furniture can act as contaminant sinks and actually improve the indoor air
quality [1]. If a building envelope is made from permeable materials, the diffusion of pollutant
gases through the envelope can reduce the indoor concentration of pollutants. Therefore, it may be
possible to provide a comparable indoor environment with a lower outdoor ventilation rate when a
permeable and hygroscopic building envelope is applied.
Also, since the perception of IAQ is closely linked to the humidity of indoor air, moisture transfer
between the indoor air and building structures could reduce the needed ventilation rate. Reducing
the ventilation rate could have a significant impact on energy consumption because up to 50% of
the energy consumed in buildings is used to condition ventilation air [2].
Some research on the interactions between the indoor air and the building envelope has been carried
out already decades ago but the phenomena has received increased attention in the past few years.
Workshop 10 that was arranged at the Healthy Buildings 2000 conference in Helsinki dealt with the
effect of wood based materials on indoor air quality and climate. Experts from many different
countries agreed that the moderating effect of wood based materials on the indoor climate is likely
to improve human comfort conditions compared to non hygroscopic and vapour retarding envelope
materials. It was felt that more research is necessary in order to quantify and optimise the passive
indoor climate control. Quite recently new research projects have been started on these issues. The
new Nordtest project “Moisture buffering of building materials” is to provide a standardized
method to determine dynamic moisture properties of materials and products. The IEA’s
(International Energy Agency) new Annex 41 “Whole building hygrothermal performance”
involves participants from approximately 20 countries. Meanwhile research on indoor climate of
wooden buildings has been ongoing in Finland. The following chapter summarises some of the
latest results.
RH 10
W (g/kg)
10 8
6 0%
4 0%
2 0% 2
10 15 20 25 30
T (°C)
Figure 1. Simulated hourly values of indoor temperature and humidity during the entire year in the
hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic case in Espoo (Finland).
This research also shows the connection between the moisture removal capacity of ventilation and
hygroscopic materials. For example, the increase in humidity during the night was the same in the
hygroscopic bedroom with a ventilation rate of 0.1 ach as in the non-hygroscopic bedroom with a
ventilation rate of 0.9 ach. Since the indoor conditions at the beginning of occupation are often the
same regardless of the night-time ventilation rate (due to airing or air exchange with the rest of the
house during the day), a room with a permeable and hygroscopic structure will have a similar
moisture performance at a significantly lower ventilation rate than a room with an impermeable or
non-hygroscopic structure. This and other results suggest that the ventilation rate could be
decreased slightly in a room with hygroscopic materials without degrading the indoor humidity,
comfort and air quality conditions. The possible decrease typically ranges from 20% to 50%
depending on the variables and criteria chosen.
3. Conclusions
Moisture transfer between indoor air and structures is important and several wood based materials
are appropriate. One of the most important findings is that the vapour resistance of the interior
coating and the active area are very important and can be used to compensate each other. This
means that in new and retrofit buildings it may be possible to apply surface texturing to increase the
active area or small but highly active modules. These modules could employ natural or forced
convection and could take up a small fraction of the internal surface area of the room, but have an
internal surface area that would be comparable to the entire surface area of the room. Since the
local airflow and mixing will have a large impact on the performance of very small modules, large
rooms with poor mixing may need several modules distributed throughout the room.
Moisture is an important comfort and indoor air quality parameter and the comfort and perceived
indoor air quality can be improved when applying permeable and hygroscopic materials. It appears
possible to provide similar indoor climate and perceived air quality conditions with a smaller
ventilation rate when permeable and hygroscopic materials are correctly applied. To quantify the
amount that ventilation can be reduced when applying wood based materials in real buildings
would be a long and difficult task, but future research in the area of indoor climate and air quality
could focus on defining appropriate ways to quantify the effect of humidity on IAQ. It is expected
that health affects would create additional arguments for the application of hygroscopic wood based
It is known that the durability of building materials and the risk of mould growth are affected by
moisture. Results show that it is possible to design a permeable envelope with good moisture
performance. In fact a permeable envelope made of wood based materials is less susceptible to
condensation and mould growth at the internal surface of thermal bridges because the peak indoor
humidity is lower when applying hygroscopic wood based materials.
The commercial application and exploitation of the moisture buffering effect requires the
introduction of the phenomenon with correct argumentation and solid design methods.
Demonstration of the designed performance in real and occupied buildings is still needed.
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