Zeroshot Fewshot (Concepts)
Zeroshot Fewshot (Concepts)
Zeroshot Fewshot (Concepts)
2 2
3 Course Title: Introduction to 3 Course Title: Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
4 Course Code: AI101 4 Course Code: AI101
5 Credits: 3 5 Credits: 3
6 Prerequisites: Basic programming 6 Prerequisites: Basic programming
knowledge (Python preferred) and data knowledge (Python preferred) and data
structures. structures.
7 Instructor: [Instructor Name] 7 Instructor: [Instructor Name]
8 Email: [Instructor Email] 8 Email: [Instructor Email]
9 Office Hours: [Office Hours] 9 Office Hours: [Office Hours]
10 10
11 Course Description
12 This course provides an introduction to
the fundamental concepts and techniques
of artificial intelligence. Students
will explore various AI domains,
including machine learning, natural
language processing, and computer
vision. The course emphasizes practical
applications, hands-on projects, and
the ethical implications of AI
16 Understand the key concepts and 13 Understand the fundamental concepts and
terminology of AI. terminology of artificial intelligence.
17 Implement basic AI algorithms and 14 Implement and evaluate supervised and
models. unsupervised learning algorithms.
18 Analyze and evaluate AI solutions in 15 Apply deep learning techniques to solve
various applications. complex problems.
19 Discuss ethical considerations and 16 Utilize natural language processing
societal impacts of AI technologies. methods for text analysis and
20 17
55 Week 12: Final Project Presentations 96 Week 12: Final Project Presentations
57 101
58 Assessment Methods 102 Assessment Methods
59 Participation: 10% 103 Participation: 10%
63 107
64 Required Texts 108 Required Texts
65 Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2021). 109 Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2021).
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach. 4th Edition. Pearson. Approach. 4th Edition. Pearson.
66 Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & 110 Chollet, F. (2018). Deep Learning with
Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. Python. Manning Publications.
MIT Press.
112 Software and Tools
113 Programming Language: Python
114 Libraries: NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn,
TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK, spaCy
115 Development Environment: Jupyter
Notebook or any preferred IDE (PyCharm,
VS Code)
117 Course Policies
118 Attendance: Regular attendance is
expected and will impact your
participation grade.
119 Late Work: Assignments submitted late
will incur a penalty unless prior
arrangements have been made.
120 Academic Integrity: Students are
expected to uphold academic integrity.
Any form of cheating or plagiarism will
result in disciplinary action.
122 Contact Information
123 For any questions or concerns regarding
the course, please reach out via email
or during office hours.
125 This syllabus provides a comprehensive
framework for teaching an AI course
with a focus on the specified topics.
Feel free to adjust any sections to fit
your specific needs or institutional
67 126