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Laayoune Sakia Elhamra Regional Training Center for the Education Profession

Action research submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

teacher-training program

How Can I Enhance My

Students’ Engagement in
(Common Core and 1st Year
Baccalaureate Students in
Salah Eddine Al Ayoubi high
school in Akhfennir)

Presented by : Latifa Nait Badout

Supervised by : Mohamed Lehjef

Table of content:
The problem :........................................................................................................3
The objectives :.....................................................................................................3
Part one : exploration............................................................................................4
I. Exploration methodology :..........................................................................4
II. Review of the literature :..............................................................................4
Definition of learner engagement :.................................................................4
Factors that influence learner engagement :...................................................5
Ways to increase the level of student’s engagement :....................................5
III. Data analysis and interpretation :............................................................10
Part two : action...................................................................................................11
I. Action for change :.....................................................................................12
II. After the action : observation.....................................................................13
III. Reflection : lesson learnt.........................................................................14
Conclusion :.........................................................................................................15
Appendices :........................................................................................................18


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impacts non-formal online learning outcomes through value co-creation: an
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Education, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-022-00341-x

Appendices :

 Questionnaire :
Dear students,
 In this questionnaire, you are kindly asked to answer the following
questions about learner engagement.
1- I am :
 Male
 Female
2- I am :
 A common core student.
 A 1st baccalaureate student.
3- How often do you participate in class activities?
 Always.
 Sometimes.
 Rarely.
 Never.
4- Do you feel motivated when you participate in class activities?
 Highly motivated.
 Somewhat motivated.
 Not motivated at all.
5- What is the main factor that influences your engagement in class
 Interesting and relevant content.
 Clear instructions.
 Teacher’s encouragement and support.
 Peer interactions.
 Engaging teaching methods.
 Use of technology.
 Other :
6- What is the main challenge that you face in staying engaged during class
activities ?
 Lack of motivation or interest in the content.
 Difficulty of understanding the material being taught.
 Lack of encouragement from the teacher.
 Lack of access to technology.
 Boring teaching methods.
 Other: …………………………………………………………………
7- How often do you feel that the material being taught is relevant to your
interest ?
 Always.
 Sometimes.
 Rarely.
 Never.
8- Do you feel that your teacher encourages and supports you ?
 Yes.
 No.
9- what type of classroom activities do you find interesting ?
 Group discussions .
 Individual assignments.
 Debates.
 Presentations.
 Online quizzes.
 Other: …………………………………………………………………

10- What do you think your teacher can do to make the classes more
engaging and interesting for students like you ?

 The warm ups and wrap ups I used :
Warm ups Tongue twister : “she sells Riddle : : “it is something that
seashells in the seashore” belongs to you but others use it
more than you do.”
Wrap ups Spelling bee : I would Word chain : the aim of this activity
usually do this activity to is to help improve the students’
revise the spelling of the vocabulary mastery
vocabulary the students
have learned.

 Examples of lessons in which I had the students work in pairs or

groups :
Class/ Level : CC Unit 3 : Food Lesson : Ordering a meal in a restaurant
This is what I did in the practice stage :
-T. asks Ss to work in close pairs (one student is the waiter and the other one is the customer).
-Ss look at their own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with their partner”
-T. moves around to listen to different pairs and correct pronunciation.
-T. asks Ss to act out their own conversations in front of the class.

Level : 1st Bac Unit 3: media Lesson : vocabulary related to media

This is what I did in the practice stage :
Activity B p.40:
 Ss do the task individually (read the words in the columns and think about their meaning).
 Ss are asked to work in pairs and check with their partner (discuss with each other).
 T asks the pairs to share their answers.

Level : 1st bac Unit 2 : education Focus : brain storming and note taking.
 T draws a word web about cheating on exam.
 Ss come up with ideas related to the topic to complete the word web.
 T asks the Ss to read the scrambled paragragh in page 32, and put them in the correct order.
 T shows the Ss a picture and asks them to describe it.

 Brainstorm ideas about the topic of the picture.
 T draws a word web about dropping out of school.
 Ss come up with ideas related to the topic to complete the word web.
 T introduce the outline of an essay.
 Ss complete the outline using the ideas from the web.
 Teacher asks the students to write a four paragraph essay about dropping out of school.
 T devides the Ss to three groups and assign each group a paragraph.
 Students write their first draft.
 The groups exchange their draft .(highlight the mistakes) while the teacher is monitoring.
 Students make some changes in if necessary.
 Students reconsider the grammar structure and vocabulary items based on the teacher’s feedback.
 Students write a final draft.

 Some of the pictures I used to teach lessons :

These are some pictures I used to introduce some
food vocabulary to my common core students.

I used these pictures in a reading comprehension

lesson (unit 5: celebrations) to introduce the
reading text that talks about Imlchil festival.

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