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1.1. Background of Study

Education is the main pillar in the development of a nation. Education provides people
with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to contribute to society. Education not only
gives people the opportunity to improve their quality of life but also directly impacts the
progress and stability of the country. A country can reduce poverty, improve public health,
and encourage innovation. Education is the process of learning about morals, knowledge, and
skills that have become a long-standing habit of a group of people to conduct teaching,
observation, training, or research. (Aprilyanti et al., 2024)
However, access to and the quality of education remain major issues in many countries,
including Indonesia. Especially in rural areas and remote villages, there is still a scarcity of
educational resources, educational opportunities, and teaching quality. In building a nation
and creating superior human resources, the country must certainly pay attention to
fundamental matters, especially by providing access and educational facilities that support
rural areas. This also requires support from cities that have superior resources. More
resources are needed to ensure that all residents in Indonesian cities have the support and
capacity necessary to contribute to the growth and development of their country. (United
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2020)
With the advent of globalization and rapid technological advancements, mastery of the
English language has become increasingly important in education today because it has
become the primary language in various fields of science and technology, in addition to
being the international language used in communication between nations. In this regard, it is
very important to improve the English language skills of students in elementary and
secondary schools. Therefore, educators must be prepared to develop English language
competence as an international language for students through the learning process activities.
(Kusuma, 2019)
The Indonesian government, schools and teachers continue to try to improve English
language learning. The Scientific Approach is one approach that is expected to improve the
quality of English language learning because this approach emphasizes the learning process
which involves observation, questioning, gathering information, association and
communication. Learning is a scientific process, therefore learning should be carried out in
accordance with scientific methods, in the curriculum of 2013 known as a scientific approach
(Alberida, 2020). It is hoped that this approach will help students become more active and
critical in their learning process, as well as build scientific thinking skills that are important
for living in the modern information era.
SMPN 4 Kota Blitar is a school dedicated to improving the quality of education.
However, initial findings at SMPN 4 Blitar City show that many students still have difficulty
to speak English. There are no effective learning modules that meet curriculum needs and
student characteristics. In order to increase student motivation and involvement in learning,
English language learning modules must be created. Because most of the modules currently
available use the Problem Based Learning learning model which tends to be less interesting
and less enjoyable for students.
The aim of this research is to develop an English learning model that suits the needs of
students at SMPN 4 Blitar City. This English learning model is expected to be an effective
and interactive learning resource that can improve students' English language skills. Apart
from that, this research also aims to find the obstacles and difficulties faced by students when
implementing the learning model. It is hoped that the English language learning model based
on a scientific approach will help students understand the material more easily, improve their
English language skills, and increase their desire to learn. In the end, improving the quality of
English language learning at SMPN 4 Blitar City can help achieve national education goals,
namely to make the nation's life smarter and increase competitiveness in the era of