Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
At the end of the lesson, the pre-service teacher should be able to:
1. examine the constructivist view of learning; and
2. discuss and apply the process-oriented guided-inquiry methodology of science
Constructivism as a Theory for Teaching and Learning
Principles of Constructivism
This prior knowledge influences what new or modified knowledge an individual will
construct from new learning experiences (Phillips, 1995).
The second notion is that learning is an active rather than a passive process. The
passive view of teaching views the learner as ‘an empty vessel’ to be filled with
knowledge, whereas constructivism states that learners construct meaning only through
active engagement with the world (such as experiments or real-world problem solving).
Information may be passively received, but understanding cannot be, for it must come
from making meaningful connections between prior knowledge, new knowledge, and
the processes involved in learning.
For example, Vygotsky (1978), believed that community plays a central role in the
process of "making meaning." For Vygotsky, the environment in which children grow up
will influence how they think and what they think about.
Thus, all teaching and learning is a matter of sharing and negotiating socially
constituted knowledge.
For example, Vygotsky (1978) states cognitive development stems from social
interactions from guided learning within the zone of proximal development as children
and their partner's co-construct knowledge.
Each individual learner has a distinctive point of view, based on existing knowledge
and values. This means that same lesson, teaching or activity may result in different
learning by each pupil, as their subjective interpretations differ.
This principle appears to contradict the view the knowledge is socially constructed.
The principle argues (a) that although individuals have their own personal history of
learning, nevertheless they can share in common knowledge, and (b) that although
education is a social process, powerfully influenced by cultural factors, nevertheless
cultures are made up of sub- cultures, even to the point of being composed of sub-
cultures of one.
Cultures and their knowledge-base are constantly in a process of change and the
knowledge stored by individuals is not a rigid copy of some socially constructed
template. In learning a culture, each child changes that culture.
5. Learning exists in the mind.
The constructivist theory posits that knowledge can only exist within the human
mind, and that it does not have to match any real world reality (Driscoll, 2000). Learners
will be constantly trying to develop their own individual mental model of the real world
from their perceptions of that world.
As they perceive each new experience, learners will continually update their own
mental models to reflect the new information, and will, therefore, construct their own
interpretation of reality.
Typically, this continuum is divided into three broad categories: Cognitive constructivism
based on the work of Jean Piaget, social constructivism based on the work of Lev
Vygotsky, and radical constructivism.
Every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level
and, later on, on the individual level; first, between people (inter-psychological) and then
inside the child (intra-psychological).
The humanly constructed reality is all the time being modified and interacting to fit
ontological reality, although it can never give a ‘true picture’ of it. (Ernest, 1994)
Tam (2000) lists the following four basic characteristics of constructivist learning
environments, which must be considered when implementing constructivist teaching
Teacher-centered. Student-centered.
Brooks and Brooks (1993) list twelve descriptors of constructivist teaching behaviors:
2. Use raw data and primary sources, along with manipulative, interactive, and physical
3. When framing tasks, use cognitive terminology such as “classify,” analyze,” “predict,”
and “create.”
4. Allow student responses to drive lessons, shift instructional strategies, and alter
5. Inquire about students’ understandings of the concepts before sharing [your] own
understandings of those concepts.
6. Encourage students to engage in dialogue, both with the teacher and with one
7. Encourage student inquiry by asking thoughtful, open-ended questions and
encouraging students to ask questions of each other.
8. Seek elaboration of students’ initial responses.
11. Provide time for students to construct relationships and create metaphors.
12. Nurture students’ natural curiosity through frequent use of the learning cycle model.
The biggest disadvantage is its lack of structure. Some students require highly
structured learning environments to be able to reach their potential.
It also removes grading in the traditional way and instead places more value on
students evaluating their own progress, which may lead to students falling behind, as
without standardized grading teachers may not know which students are struggling.
The Inquiry Approach
The inquiry approach in teaching science also learned discovery approach or
problem-solving approach puts a premium on the processes that children employ in
obtaining scientific information. It likewise stresses discoveries and understanding
science concepts through activity-based lessons. As such, all learning activities are
designed to provide direct experiences with natural phenomena and nature as a whole.
As a classroom methodology, it revolves around the child’s daily interaction with his
environment, more specifically on the questions he asks, the information he receives,
and what he does with his new learnings.
Piaget theorized that children at the elementary level are in the concrete stage of
their intellectual development. They learn best by coming in direct contact with concrete
materials in the environment and/or by witnessing scientific phenomena. Inquiry
teaching is, therefore, in agreement with such a sound theory since it requires that
learning be derived through direct experiences gained. It takes into consideration the
nature of the child and his unique learning characteristics at certain stages of his mental
The current knowledge explosion in all fields of study does not warrant a
content-tied approach in teaching. After all, it is impossible to teach all there is to learn
in science during their six-year stay in the elementary grades. Moreover, the fast
accumulation of scientific information brought about by unabated experimentations in
various laboratories all over the world, may render the current findings obsolete by the
time the children complete their elementary schooling. Rather than emphasize the
learning of content per se at such an early age present teaching methodologies are
geared instead towards the development of scientific thinking, internalization of
desirable values, and eventually close adherence to a scientific and systematic way of
doing things. It is a truism that one with a scientific attitude will always employ the
science processes whether it is for simple verification or for seeking new information.
The discussion, question and answer, and other methods become subsidiary
when the discovery approach is used. The child learns by observing and experiencing
from the day he is born. He develops techniques of discovery which will help him meet
the challenge of his environment. The method is so natural that pupils find it enjoyable
and teachers find it rewarding.
Types of Self-discovery
Self-discovery as a learning process is figuring out things for oneself. The
teacher, in employing this process as he provides the proper learning situation within
which the pupils can discover solutions to their problem, actually resorts to the use of
two types of discovery –the guided discovery and the pure discovery.
Guided Discovery is an approach to instruction by which the teacher tries to
draw out from his pupils certain bits of information through properly organized questions
and explanations leading them to the eventual discovery of particular concepts or
Competent teachers and specialists in learning theory have recognized the value
of self-discovery by pupils. The techniques of discovery developed by pupils will enable
them to meet the needs of our technological age, which requires more than mere
mastery of information and skills.
The advantages of the discovery method when consistently and carefully used
are as follows: (1) more permanent, meaningful, and useful learning is achieved when
pupils are actively involved than the learning brought about as a result of teacher
direction and control; (2) a sense of freedom prevails as children are encouraged to
discover and test generalizations and to search out new ways of solving problems; (3)
new topics become new opportunities as children are encouraged to approach new
topics with confidence rather than apprehension. This confidence comes with the
knowledge that they have at their command techniques for discovering new ideas or for
applying old ideas in new situations; and (4) excitement pervades the classroom. The
discovery has high motivating effects on the learner. It releases the pupil’s energy and
enthusiasm and helps develop in him a more favorable attitude toward work.
The discovery approach is an important classroom tool. Like all tools, it must be
carefully used. Its use does not rule out the other valuable tools for the following
1. It is not feasible as a primary means of teaching subject matter content because of
the time and cost involved.
2. Children can be subjective in their evaluation of external events and are likely to
jump to conclusions.
3. Few learners of average ability can discover solutions to problems by themselves.
The following sample lesson shows how the discovery approach is utilized in
organizing learning activities in arithmetic.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupil should be able to
A. Use correspondences in making comparisons between two sets
B. Express ratios by using the colon, number pair, and fractional term
C. Demonstrate how to form proportions
D. Interpret and solve problems involving ratio and proportion
II. Subject Matter
Ratio and Proportion
Div. Bul. 14, s. 1962
Elementary Mathematics and Curriculum Guide (rev. ed.), pp. 60-65
McSwain, et al., Arithmetic, pp. 187-197
Tangco, et-al., Mathematics for Children of Today, Grade VI, pp.
III. Activities
A. Drill
1. Basic combinations in subtraction-group X
2. Subtraction exercises with regrouping
B. Cumulative Review
1. Checking of homework
2. Opener: What two correspondences are suggested by each pair of
A. xxx xxx
B. xxxx xxxx
A. xxxx xxxx
B. xxxxx xxxxx
A. xxxxx xxxxx
B. xx xx
C. Main Lesson-Preparation
1. Comparing equivalent fractions
2. Reviewing
a. concept of ratio
b. terms
c. equivalent ratios
3. Expressing ratios in fractional form
a. 20 boys to 35 girls in a class
b. 3 red balls to 7 green balls
c. 2 atis for P1.20
d. 24 seats to 30 passengers
e. 50 kilometres per hour
F. Fixing Skills
Make the following proportions true:
1. 12/48 60/S
2. 150/10 n/100
3. 12/5 x/25
4. 14/16 t/48
G. Application
Last Christmas vacation, Jaime worked for 3 days in a bicycle repair
shop. Mario worked for 2 days. If Jaime’s share was 180 pesos, how
much was Mario’s share?
IV. Assignment
Solve for N.
1. 32/24 N/ 72
2. 27/ 18 9/N
3. 27/ 18 N/54
4. 21/14 N/28
5. Dante can run 35 meters in 8 seconds. If he goes at the same speed,
how long will it take him to run 140 meters?
The-basic philosophy of the discovery method is that the child learns by firsthand
experience and progresses at his individual rate of learning while he finds out concepts
for himself.
In view of the many new discoveries and inventions which have caused the
proliferation of knowledge, it is impossible to learn everything in one’s field of
specialization. This knowledge explosion poses the problems of what science concepts
to teach and how to teach them effectively.
Process and intellectual development. The interrelated nature of intellectual
development is explicitly recognized in the kinds of activities undertaken in the different
grades or years, sometimes referred to as integrated processes. These processes
include controlling variables, defining operationally, formulating hypotheses, interpreting
data, and as an ultimate form of such integration, experimenting. These processes can
be used in other subjects on all levels of education. A brief description of the expected
sequence of development in both simple and integrated process categories follows:
1. Observation
Observing is the process of noting the characteristics of an object or objects. It
involves sensory perceptions such as taste, sight, hearing, smell, and touch. Lessons
should start from simple observation to more complicated empirical observations.
2. Description or communication
Describing or communicating is the process of veiling what was perceived. It
requires precise verbal and written communications. The children should be taught
enough descriptive vocabulary to enable them to give accurate description of colors,
shapes, sizes, weights, volumes, etc.
3. Classification
Classifying is the process of sorting and arranging objects into meaningful-
groups. The aim of providing experiences in classification is to develop the skills in
showing relationships, identification and noting similarities and differences.
4. Measurement
Measuring is the process of determining length, weight, depth, width, area,
volume, time, and temperature of objects or things. Mathematics is the language of
science. The aim of providing experiences in measurement is to develop the skills in the
use of different methods of measuring and to give the children the idea of standard
5. Inference
Inferring is the process of arriving at a tentative conclusion. Inferring is thinking
about a fact based on observations or experiments. The aim of providing experiences in
inferring is to train the children in suspended judgment, which is a characteristic of a
scientific mind.
6. Hypotheses
Hypothesizing is the process of giving a tentative explanation, which is yet to be
tested for validity. A hypothesis is an educated guess. Hypotheses are often followed by
7. Prediction
Prediction is the process of foretelling probable consequences based on
observable and patterned facts. The process itself is projection or prognosis. Prediction
develops analytical thinking and guessing approximately what will happen next.
8. Control of variables
Controlling variables is the process of setting up the same conditions, properties,
or factors which may influence the end result of the experiment. To develop the skill in
identifying the cause of errors in the procedures of the experiment, variables may be is
the form of size, time, distance, kind, and weight.
9. Experimentation
Experimenting is the process of discovering concepts, principles, conclusions, or
testing hypotheses.
Selected materials, living and nonliving are brought into the classroom for
children to observe or manipulate in their own way or under the guidance of the teacher.
The nature of the material and the objective of the experiences determine to what extent
the pupils’ activity will be guided.
The teacher introduces the scientific concept that describes or explains what the
pupils have observed. This is called the invention lesson. This is necessary because
one cannot expect children to produce out of their minds the concepts that have been
invented by the scientific “greats" of the past.
Discovery lessons are provided to present further examples of the concept. Here
the child is expected to recognize that the new concept has applications to situations
other than the initial example presented. In short, these experiences reinforce, refine,
and enlarge the content of the content.
The process approach is presented in the lesson plan that follows.
by Arlyne B. Dungca. Legarda Elementary School
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupil should be able to
A. Interpret meaningfully the data on growth in the height of plants provided
in graph/graphs
B. Identify correctly the manipulated and controlled variable which may affect
the conduction of heat 1n different materials
C. Gather evidence on the expansion and contraction of solids by
experimenting on given materials
D. Predict with some degree of accuracy the height of the rising and falling of
weights based on recorded observations.
E. Plot carefully the results of an experiment in a graph
II. Subject Matter
Unit: Matter, Energy, and Motion
Concept: Solids expand when heated and contract when cooled.
Activity 2, pp. 2-5, Elementary Science Curriculum Guide, Grade Six
Processes stressed: Prediction, controlling variables, communication, and
Materials: Timepieces, gas lamps, a board with a copper wire fastened to it,
observation charts, suspended washers, matches
III. Activities
A. Sharing period
1. Health inspection-appraisal of the proper grooming of the class
2. Weather report---giving observations about the weather ‘ conditions of
the day
3. Science news-giving data on the Voyager
B. Drill: interpreting data recorded in graph/graphs
C. Review: Identifying the controlled and manipulated variables in a given
situation Directions: Read the situation carefully and be able to answer the
question below it.
An experiment was devised to test which kind of material (glass, steel,
or copper) conducts heat the fastest.
Thumbtacks were attached to each rod with a drop of wax held above a candle flame
for 58 seconds.
Which of the following variables should be controlled? Indicate your answer by
writing the number of the correct responses only.
1. place where the experiment was performed
2. diameter and length of rods
3. amount of wax
4. weight and number of thumbtacks used
5. distance of thumbtacks from the end of the rods
6. time of heating
7. part of the flame it is held kind of material rods are made of
8. sex and age of person performing the experiment accuracy of
D. New lesson
1. Motivation: Recall the result of the experiment performed during the
previous lesson.
2. Getting acquainted with the materials on the table
3. Involvement activities
a. Stating the problem-identify the problem relevant to the situation
b. Making inferences and hypotheses about identical problems
c. Naming the variables that could affect the result of the experiment
and identifying those that should be controlled and those that
should be manipulated
d. Performing the experiment to gather evidence to determine the truth
or falsity of hypotheses
e. Recording results on individual and group observation guides
f. Plotting data on individual and group graphs
g. Formulating generalizations on the expansion and contraction of
solids based on their findings
4. Extension activities: Children solve some problems on the expansion
and contraction of solids applying the concepts learned.
a. Why is space provided between the rails of railroad tracks?
b. How are you going to open a tightly sealed bottle?
5. Evaluation: Children rate themselves, using the checklist for evaluation.
IV. Assignment: Look around your community. Find out how the contraction and
expansion of solids is applied in the construction of cemented streets and the
putting up of telephone wires.
Guide Questions
1. What is constructivism as a theory for teaching and learning?
2. What is Inquiry Approach?
Arends, R. I. (1998). Resource handbook. Learning to teach (4th ed.). Boston, MA:
Brooks, J., & Brooks, M. (1993). In search of understanding: the case for constructivist
classrooms, ASCD. NDT Resource Center database.
Elliott, S.N., Kratochwill, T.R., Littlefield Cook, J. & Travers, J. (2000). Educational
psychology: Effective teaching, effective learning (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill
Phillips, D. C. (1995). The good, the bad, and the ugly: The many faces of
constructivism. Educational researcher.
Louis I. Kuslan and A. Harris Stone, Teaching Children Science: An Inquiry Approach
(California: Woodsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1968)
Salandanan, Gloria G.,, (1996). The Teaching Of Science And Health,
Mathematics, And Home Economics, And Practical Arts. (Teaching Strategies III).
Quezon City: Katha Publishing Co., Inc.