How to divided the program in equal size pages to optimized its execusion by replacing the
pages by considering different page replacement algorithms.
Pre-Lab Requisite:-
1. Explain the concept of virtual memory.
2. Define page replacement algorithm: FIFO & LRU
Post-Lab Requisite:-
1. Explain address translation in paging system.
2. Explain Belady's Anomaly.
3. Solve the following string for FIFO & LRU for frame size 3. Also calculate hit
ratio. 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Whenever there is a page reference for which the page needed in memory, that event is called
page fault or page fetch or page failure situation. In such case we have to make space in memory for
this new page by replacing any existing page. But we cannot replace any page. We have to replace a
page which is not used currently. There are some algorithms based on them. We can select appropriate
page replacement policy. Designing appropriate algorithms to solve this problem is an important task
because disk I/O is expensive.