987-Article Text-2248-1-10-20220701
987-Article Text-2248-1-10-20220701
987-Article Text-2248-1-10-20220701
Radioisotopes play very important roles in nuclear medicine for imaging and therapeutic applications. In the
present studies, model calculation of excitation function for production of 67Ga radioisotope was performed
using the EXIFON code, a nuclear reaction cross sections theoretical model code, for the reaction 65Cu(α,
2n)67Ga. The work was performed in the incident alpha energy range of 0 - 40 MeV. Similarly, the Q-value
software (interface) was used for the calculation of reaction threshold and Q-value energies of the reaction of
interest and were respectively found to be 14.97 MeV and -14.10 MeV. The calculated excitation function has
a peak value of 1025 mb around 25 MeV incident energy. The results from the EXIFON code were compared
with the experimentally measured cross sections data retrieved from IAEA database, the EXFOR database, as
well as the theoretical data from Talys code via its library, the TENDL-2019. Our results partially agree with
the theoretical data from Talys code (via the TENDL-2019 library) within the investigated energy region. The
results however overestimated the measured (experimental) data and only agree in shape of the excitation
function. The present work does not consider the effect of shell structure during the execution of the EXIFON
model code. This work could be of importance to the developers and users of nuclear reaction model codes for
new developments and enhancements of the existing codes, as well as to serve as a rough guide for
experimentalists during production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine applications.
Keywords: Cross sections, Excitation function, 67Ga, Nuclear reaction, Nuclear reaction model
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118
comprises of both statistical multistep (SMD) and statistical calculation with or without shell effect corrections. For the
multistep compound (SMC). The code can make calculations present study, the calculations were performed with default
for incident energies up to 100 MeV in a very fast mode and settings of the code. Other parameters, such as decay
has the capacity to predict cross sections using global properties, relevant to the investigated radioisotope are
parameter set, with its output capable of being arranged in summarized in in Table 2.
ENDF-6 format (Kalka, 1991).
To properly run the program, the first important step is to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ensure that the existing Exifon code version on a system is The output results for the Exifon calculation can be found as
working efficiently. The code is usually used or installed on the output data in the Exifon output directory as OUTEXI.
a 32-bit computer operating system. In addition to specifying Similarly, other DATA files such as A2N, ALF and AP (for
the target of material, the parameters of inputs as well as the Alpha-Neutron, Alpha-Alpha, and Alpha-Proton) in same
outputs were properly defined. The input parameters for this output directory, each representing an exit channel or decay
study include use of alpha particles as projectile or incident channel for production of a radioisotope, depending on the
particles, and the (65Cu) isotope of copper as the target bombarded target.
material. This is usually followed by prompt selection of The calculated cross section data were plotted as a function
‘excitation function’ in the general option of the code. The of alpha energy and the excitation curve obtained was
investigation was performed in the medium energy range of compared with the Talys code data obtained from TENDL
0 to 40 MeV. The incident energies of the bombarding alpha 2019 library (Koning et al., 2019), as well as the experimental
particles were specified in steps of 1 MeV in the present work. literature data from EXFOR Data Library (Otuka et al., 2014).
There exists a modification option, where one can make the The results are discussed in the subsequent section.
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118
Cross Section δ (mb)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Incident Energy E (MeV)
Figure 1: Excitation Function for the 65Cu (α, 2n) 67Ga Reaction
Evaluated cross section of Ga-67 energy. Generally, this work predicts higher cross sections up
Table 1 shows numerical values of the evaluated cross to around 27 MeV incident alpha energy. As indicated in Fig.
sections of 67Ga from alpha bombardment of 65Cu using 1, the fine shape of the excitation function has its Ga-67
Exifon model code. The prediction of the cross sections by production peak at about 25 MeV and corresponding cross
the code in the present work shows partial agreement with the sections values of 1025 mb, which indicates that the possible
advanced Talys code data from TENDL 2019 library, region of the higher yield production prospect. Both Exifon
especially up to about 20 MeV, beyond which the estimated and Talys codes (TENDL-2019) could not accurately
cross sections from the Exifon code look larger than the reproduce the experimental work of Navin et al. (2004), even
TENDL-2019 data, up to about 26 MeV. A sharp decrease or though all the three (3) share similar shape rather than
fall in magnitude of the present cross sections relative to those magnitude.
reported in TENDL-2019 are observed beyond the 26 MeV
Table 2: Decay Data of Ga-67 Retrieved from Nudat 2.6 (NuDat 2.6, 2011)and Q-Value Software (QCalc, 2016).
Nuclide Half-Life Decay Eγ Iγ Contributing Q-Value Threshold
(Hours) Mode (KeV) (KeV) Reaction (MeV) (MeV)
67Ga 65Cu (α,2n) 67Ga
78.3 EC 93.31 39.2 -14.102 14.971
(100) 184.5 21.2
300.2 16.8
393.5 4.68
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118
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FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 3, June, 2022, pp 113 - 118