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Types of Entrepreneurs

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An entrepreneur is someone who starts and operates a business, typically taking on

financial risks in order to do so. They are often seen as innovators, identifying
opportunities in the market and creating new products, services, or business models to
capitalize on those opportunities. Entrepreneurs are characterized by their willingness to
take initiative, their creativity, and their ability to adapt to changing circumstances. They
play a crucial role in driving economic growth and innovation in societies around the world.

Characterstics of Entrepreneur

• Passion and Self-Motivation: Entrepreneurs are driven by a strong passion for

their ideas and ventures. They have a deep-rooted enthusiasm for what they do,
which fuels their motivation and keeps them focused and dedicated to achieving
their goals.
• Risk-Taking and Tolerance for Uncertainty: Entrepreneurs are comfortable
with taking risks and are willing to embrace uncertainty. They understand that
starting and running a business involves inherent risks and are prepared to face and
manage them to pursue their entrepreneurial vision.
• Creativity and Innovation: Creativity and innovation are the lifeblood of an
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are often creative thinkers who can generate new
ideas and think outside the box. They are adept at identifying gaps in the market
and developing innovative solutions to address them.
• Adaptability and Flexibility: Entrepreneurs must be adaptable and flexible in their
approach. They can adjust their strategies and plans based on changing
circumstances, market conditions, and customer feedback. They embrace change
and view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
• Vision and Goal-Orientation: Entrepreneurs possess a clear vision of what they
want to achieve and a long-term perspective. They set ambitious goals and create
actionable plans to bring their vision to life. They maintain focus on their objectives
and continuously work towards realizing them.

Types of

On the Basis of Economic Development:

a) Innovating Entrepreneurs: This type of entrepreneurship is characterized by
aggressive assemblage of information and the analysis of results deriving from
novel combination of factors of production. Entrepreneurs falling in this class are
generally aggressive in experimentation and exhibited shrewdness in putting
attractive possibilities into practice. They are the entrepreneurs who have creative
and innovative ideas of starting a new business. Innovative entrepreneurs thus,
results in the creation of something new. They are the contributors to the economic
development of a country. Innovating entrepreneurs played the key role in the rise of
modern capitalism, through their enterprising sprit, hope of moneymaking, ability to
recognize and exploit opportunities, etc.

b) Adoptive or Imitative Entrepreneur: There is a second group of entrepreneurs

generally referred as imitative entrepreneurs. The imitative entrepreneurs copy or
adopt suitable innovations made by the innovative entrepreneurs. They does not
innovate the changes himself. They only imitates technology innovated by others.
Imitative entrepreneurs are most suitable for the developing regions because in
such countries people prefer to imitate the technology, knowledge and skill already
available in more advanced countries. Imitative entrepreneurs help to transform the
system with the limited resources available. However; these entrepreneurs face
lesser risks and uncertainty then innovative entrepreneurs. While innovative
entrepreneurs are creative, imitative entrepreneurs are adoptive.

c) Fabian Entrepreneur: The third type is Fabian entrepreneur. By nature these

entrepreneurs are shy and lazy. This type of entrepreneurs have neither will to
introduce new changes nor desire to adopt new methods of production innovated
by the most entrepreneurs. They follow the set procedures, customs, traditions and
religions. They are not much interested in taking risk and they try to follow the
footsteps of their predecessors. Usually they are second generation entrepreneur in
a business family enterprise.

d) Drone Entrepreneur: The fourth type is Drone entrepreneurs who refuse to

copy or use opportunities that come on their way. They are conventional in their
approach and stick to their set practices products, production methods and ideas.
They struggle to survive not to grow. They may be termed as Laggards. In such
cases the organization looses market, their operations become uneconomical and
they may be pushed out of the market.
On the Basis of Type of Business:

a) Business Entrepreneurs: They are the entrepreneurs who conceive an idea for a
new product or service and then create a business to materialize their idea into
reality. They tap the entire factor of production to develop a new business
opportunity. They may set up a big enterprise or a small scale business. When they
establish small business units they are called small business entrepreneurs. In a
majority of cases, entrepreneurs are found in small trading and manufacturing

b) Trading Entrepreneur: There entrepreneurs undertake trading activities and are

not concerned with the manufacturing work. They identifies potentiality of their
product in markets, stimulates demand for their product line among buyers. They
may go for both domestic and overseas trade. These entrepreneurs demonstrated
their ability in pushing many ideas ahead which promoted their business.

c) Industrial Entrepreneur: Industrial entrepreneur is essentially a manufacturer

who identifies the needs of customers and creates products or services to serve
them. He is product-oriented who starts through an industrial unit to create a
product like electronic industry, textile unit, machine tools.

d) Corporate Entrepreneur: These entrepreneurs used his innovative skill in

organizing and managing a corporate undertaking. A corporate undertaking is a
form of business organisation which is registered under some statute or Act like a
trust registered under the Trust Act, or a company registered under the Companies
Act. These corporate work as separate legal entity. He is thus an individual who
plans, develops and manages a corporate body.

e) Agricultural Entrepreneur: Agricultural entrepreneurs are those who undertake

agricultural activities as through mechanization, irrigation and application of
technologies to produce the crop. They cover a broad spectrum of the agricultural
sector and include agriculture and allied occupations.

According to the Use of Technology:

a) Technical Entrepreneurs: With the decline of joint family business and the rise of
scientific and technical institutions, technically qualified persons have entered
the field of business. These entrepreneurs may enter business to commercially
exploit their inventions and discoveries. Their main asset is technical expertise.
They raise the necessary capital and employ experts in financial, legal- marketing and
other areas of business. Their success depends upon how they start production
and on the acceptance of their products in the market.

b) Non-technical Entrepreneur: Non-technical entrepreneurs are those who are not

concerned with the technical aspects of the product or service in which they deal.
They are concerned only with developing alternative marketing and promotional
strategies for their product or service.

c) Professional Entrepreneur: Professional entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who is

interested in establishing a business but does not have interest in managing it after
establishment. A professional entrepreneur sells out the existing business on good
returns and starts another business with a new idea. Such an entrepreneur is
dynamic and conceives new ideas to develop alternative projects

According to Entrepreneurial Activity

a) Novice Entrepreneur: A novice is someone who has started his/her first
entrepreneurial venture. A novice entrepreneur is an individual who has no prior
business ownership experience as a business founder, inheritor of a business, or a
purchaser of a business. It is not similar to early starter; a novice can also be a 50
year old with over 25 years of experience in the industry.

b) Serial Entrepreneur: A Serial Entrepreneur is someone who is devoted to one

venture at a time but ultimately starts many. It is the process of starting that
excites the starter. Once the business is established, the serial entrepreneur may
lose interest and think of selling and moving on.

c) First-Generation Entrepreneurs: This category consists of those

entrepreneurs whose parents or family had not been into business and was into
salaried service. The booming economy of India has led to a multitude of business
opportunities, and with deregulation, it has become easier to set up businesses.
Also, with a change in the mindset of the middle class, it is now more acceptable
to become an entrepreneur. A first-generation entrepreneur is one
who starts an industrial unit by means of an innovative skill. He is essentially an
innovator, combining different technologies to produce a marketable product or

d) Modern Entrepreneur: A modern entrepreneur is one who undertakes those

businesses which go well along with the changing scenario in the market and
suits the current marketing needs.

e) Women Entrepreneurs: Women as entrepreneurs have been a recent

phenomenon in India. The social norms in India had made it difficult for women to
have a professional life. Now this has changed. Progressive laws and other
incentives have also boosted the presence of women in entrepreneurial activity in
diverse fields. In 1988, for the first time, the definition of Women Entrepreneurs’
enterprise was evolved that termed an SSI unit/industry-related service or business
enterprise, managed by one or more women entrepreneurs in proprietary
concerns, or in which she/they individually or jointly have a share capital of not
less than 51 per cent as partners / shareholders / directors of a private limited
company / members of a cooperative society, as a Woman Enterprise.

f) Nascent Entrepreneur: A nascent entrepreneur is an individual who is in the

process of starting a new business. E. Habitual Entrepreneur: A habitual
entrepreneur is an individual who has prior business ownership experience. The
nascent entrepreneur can either be a novice or a habitual entrepreneur.

g) Lifestyle Entrepreneurs: Lifestyle entrepreneurs have developed an enterprise

that fits their individual circumstances and style of life. Their basic intention is to
ear an income for themselves and their families.

h) Copreneurs: It is related to the married couples working together in a business.

When a married couple share ownership, commitment and responsibility for a’
business, they are called “copreneurs”. As copreneurs, couples struggle in ventures
to establish equality in. their relationships. Such couples represent the dynamic
interaction of the systems of work and personal life.
i) Social Entrepreneur: Social entrepreneur is one who recognizes the part of
society which is stuck and provides new ways to get it unstuck. Be it dedicated
efforts for child upliftment, fighting for the conservation of environment, working
for the betterment of the blind or initiatives to empower women, the entrepreneur’s
passion is very strong. Freedom, wealth, exposure, social mobility and greater
individual confidence are driving this huge wave of social innovation and
entrepreneurship. After all are tired with the Inefficiency of governments and the
indifference of corporate, and want to make a change and this is the case

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