W30 - TUTORIAL - (Solutions) Tutorial 2

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5ENT2054 Aircraft Technical, Air Law and Operational Procedures

[Solutions] Tutorial 2 – Air traffic management & aerodromes

Make sure you know the following:

• Interception manoeuvres and meanings

• Aerodrome markings and signals (including light signals!)
• Marshalling signals

1. In the UK, which airspace classes are controlled and which are uncontrolled?

Controlled: A, C, D, E
Uncontrolled: G

2. When is VFR flight permitted in Class A airspace?


3. If flying day VFR in UK Class G airspace at 2500 ft and 90 kts, what is the
applicable legal weather minima?

Clear of cloud, surface in sight, visibility 1500 m.

4. Explain the difference between a CTR, CTA and TMA.

CTR – Control Zone. Extends from the surface to an altitude (or FL)
CTA – Control Area. From one specified altitude (or FL) to another, e.g. an airway
TMA – Terminal Control Area. Controlled airspace with a high volume of traffic, e.g.
around London (LTMA)

5. The callsign suffix ‘TOWER’ applies to which type of air traffic service?

Air Traffic Control

6. What is the difference between QFE and QNH?

If QFE is set, the aircraft’s altimeter will indicate height above the surface (typically
an airfield). If QNH is set, the aircraft’s altimeter will read altitude above mean sea
level (AMSL).
5ENT2054 Aircraft Technical, Air Law and Operational Procedures

7. With the aid of a sketch, explain what is meant by TORA, TODA, ASDA and

TORA – Takeoff Run Available. The length of runway declared available and suitable
for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

TODA – Takeoff Distance Available. The length of the takeoff run available (TORA)
plus the length of the clearway, where provided.

ASDA – Accelerate-Stop Distance Available. The length of the takeoff run plus the
length of the Stopway, where provided.

LDA – Landing Distance Available. The length of the runway which is declared
available by the appropriate Authority and is suitable for the ground run of an
aeroplane landing.

8. An aerodrome has two runways, one of length 2250 m and the other 1670 m.
What are the lateral and vertical dimensions of its ATZ?

Lateral: a circle of radius 2.5 nm from the centre of the longer runway.
Vertical: surface to 2000 ft AGL.

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