Matrices: Senior Secondary Course Learner's Guide, Mathematics
Matrices: Senior Secondary Course Learner's Guide, Mathematics
Matrices: Senior Secondary Course Learner's Guide, Mathematics
A rectangular arrangement of numbers in rows equal, then it is called a Square Matrix.
and columns, is called a Matrix. This arrangement Thus A = [aij]m × n is a Square Matrix if
is enclosed by small ( ) or big [ ] brackets. A m=n
matrix is represented by capital letters A, B, C etc.
and its element are by small letters a, b, c, x, y etc.
Singleton Matrix :
Order of Matrix If in a Matrix there is only one element
A matrix which has m rows and n columns is then it is called Singleton Matrix. Thus
called a matrix of order m × n. A = [aij]m × n is a Singleton Matrix if m =
A matrix A of order m × n is usually written in the n = 1.
following manner-
Null or Zero Matrix :
a 11 a 12 a 13 ...a 1 j ...a 1n If in a Matrix all the elements are zero
a a 23 a 23 ...a 2 j ...a 2 n
21 then it is called a zero Matrix and it is
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... generally denoted by O.
A= or
a i1 a i2 a i3 ...a ij ...a in
Thus A = [aij]m × n is a zero matrix if aij =
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
0 for all i and j.
a m1 a m2 a m 3 ...a mj ...a mn
Diagonal Matrix :
i 1, 2,......m If all elements except the principal
A = [aij]m × n where
i 1, 2,......n diagonal in a Square Matrix are zero, it
Here aij denotes the element of ith row is called a Diagonal Matrix. Thus a
Square Matrix
and jth column.
A = [aij] is a Diagonal Matrix if aij = 0,
Types of Matrix
when i ≠j
Row matrix :If in a Matrix, there is only
Scalar Matrix :
one row, then it is called a Row Matrix.
If all the elements of the diagonal of a
Thus A = [aij]m × n is a row matrix if m =
diagonal matrix are equal , it is called a
scalar matrix. Thus a Square Matrix A =
Column Matrix : [aij] is a Scalar Matrix is
If in a Matrix, there is only one column, 0 i j
then it is called a Column Matrix. aij = where k is a constant.
k i j
Thus A = [aij]m × n is a Column Matrix if
Unit Matrix :
n = 1.
If all elements of principal diagonal in a
Square Matrix If number of rows and
Diagonal Matrix are 1, then it is called
number of column in a Matrix are
Senior Secondary Course
Learner’s Guide, Mathematics (311)
Transpose of a Matrix
Scalar multiplication of matrix
Let A = [aij]m × n be a matrix and k be a The matrix obtained from a given matrix A
number then the matrix which is by changing its rows into columns or
Senior Secondary Course
Learner’s Guide, Mathematics (311)
(iii)(AB)T = BT AT
(iv) (kA)T = k(A)T
Symmetric Matrix : A square matrix Check Your Progress
A = [aij] is called symmetric matrix if aij =
aji for all i,j or AT = A
1 If A is a matrix of order 3 × 4, then
Skew - Symmetric Matrix : A square each row of A has-
matrix A = [aij] is called skew -
(A) 3 elements (B) 4 elements
symmetric matrix if aij = – aji for all
(C) 12 elements (D) 7 elements
i, j or AT = – A
2 In the following, upper triangular
Every square matrix A can uniquelly be
matrix is-
expressed as sum of a symmetric and skew
1 0 0 5 4 2
symmetric matrix i.e. 0 2 0 0 0 3
(A) (B)
1 1 3 0 3 0 0 1
A = (A A T ) + ( A A T )
2 2
2 1
0 2 3
Inverse of Matrices (C) (D) 0 3
If A and B are two matrices such that 0 0 4 0 0
AB = I = BA 3 In the following, singular matrix is-
then B is called the inverse of A and it is 2 3 3 2
(A) (B)
denoted by A–1, thus 1 3 2 3
A–1 = B AB = I = BA 1 2
(C) (D)
2 3
adj A 1 0 4 6
A–1 =
Stretch Yourself
4 7
1. Find the inverse matrix of
1 2
1 2 3
2. If A = 2 3 4 , then find the value
0 0 2
of adj (adj A) is-
1 2 1 0
3. If A = ,B= and X is a
3 5 0 2
matrix such that A = BX, then find
the value of X
1B ,2 B, 3 D, 4 B, 5 D, 6 B, 7C,
8 A, 9C, 10 D, 11 D ,12 D ,13 C ,14 C
,15 D,