Hra Sarena 2021
Hra Sarena 2021
Hra Sarena 2021
César Queral
April 2021
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
The Main Control Room is the onsite location from which the nuclear power plant
is operated.
It contains the instrumentation, controls, and displays for:
• Nuclear systems,
• Reactor coolant systems,
• Steam systems,
• Electrical systems,
• Safety systems (including engineered safety features), and
• Accident monitoring systems.
Each shift of the Main Control Room (MCR) is composed by (it depends on the
country and/or NPP, see IAEA-TECDOC-1502):
• The Shift Manager (SM) or Senior Shift Supervisor (Spain: Jefe de turno),
who is licensed as a SRO. The SM may have management authority of more
than one reactor plants at the same plant complex and their presence is not
always required in the MCR. The SM functions depend on the country (e.g.
Spain: to manage emergencies with the CSN, organize evacuations, etc).
• The Shift Supervisor (SS) or Control Room Supervisor (CRS), (Spain: Jefe
de sala o supervisor de sala o ayudante del jefe de turno), who is licensed as
a SRO and is present in the MCR during the entire shift. The CRS is
responsible for reading the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).
• Reactor operator (RO), who is licensed as RO. The RO has a responsibility
for operations related to the primary side (i.e. nuclear island).
• Balance of Plant (BOP) Operator or Turbine Operator (TO), who is licensed
as RO. The TO has a responsibility for operations related to the secondary or
the BOP.
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2. Main Control Room Personnel
• There are also other possible members of the shift personnel in the MCR
depending on the country and technology:
• Shift Technical Advisor (STA) whose function is to provide engineering and
accident assessment advice to the CRS/SS and not to operate the plant like
the SROs and ROs. The STA function stems from the Three Mile Island
nuclear event in the USA in 1979. The STA could hold an SRO license but
this is not required. There is no STA in the Spanish MCRs.
• In some countries the shift personnel also includes mechanical and electrical
attendants (AT-M, AT-E). e.g. in Cofrentes NPP the MCR shift personnel
includes an AT-E.
• Multi-module control rooms for SMRs could require that a single RO manages
several SMRs.
• There are also a large number of unlicensed auxiliar operators (AO) and
maintenance personnel outside the MCR who generally depend on the
operators who are in charge of setting up and calibrating the equipment and
components of the plant systems.
MCR Communication
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
• Operator errors
• May occur before or after or be a cause of the initiating event
• Reduce the availability of safety systems
• Are the source of incidents leading to an initiator
• Do not avoid accident progression
• Worsen accident conditions
• Human Error is a Significant Contributor to Risk (From: D.I. Gertman & H.S.
Blackman, Human Reliability & Safety Analysis Data Handbook,
Wiley-Interscience, 1994):
• Accidents at Sea 90% Chemical Industry 80-90% Airline Industry 60-87%
Commercial Nuclear Industry 65%
• Human error has been shown to contribute from 50 to 70% of the risk at nuclear
power plants (From: T.A. Trager, Jr., Case Study Report on Loss of Safety System
Function Events, AEOC/C504, US-NRC, 1985).
• Education/Training
• Design considerations, ergonomic
• Supervision
• Procedures
• Self-verification and cross-verification techniques
• Human Factors Engineering
• Working Environment
• Tasks analysis
• Equipment needed
Type 1 (Category A)
• Human errors occurring before initiating events
• Contribute to system or component unavailability
• Modeled as basic events in system Fault Trees
Type 2 (Category B)
• Human errors that cause an initiating event
• Increase the probability of initiating events
• Modeled within the initiating event model
1 Operator failure to startup and alignment of the ESW stand-by train, leading
to high temperature at the RCS main pump bearings so that they have to be
tripped and has the consequence of a reactor SCRAM
2 Instrumentation personnel error when performing the calibration of the high
neutron flux reactor trip channel, producing a reactor trip
3 Maintenance personnel error while making the change from A to B service air
system that provokes a loss of service air causing the closure of MFW
isolation valves that in turn leads to a reactor trip on low-low SG level
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
SHARP Methodology
• It does not include the dependency analysis between several human errors.
• In the screening step the HA is classified (available time, stress,
procedures...) and then a first quantification is performed.
• The detailed analysis is performed only if the human error has impact in the
CDF equation.
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
SHARP. Screening
Screening values
Cognitive part
Tavail Skill Rules Knowledge
Very short 0.1 0.5 1
(< 5min)
Short 10−3 3 · 10−2 0.3
(> 5min y < 1h)
Long 3 · 10−4 3 · 10−3 0.01
Manual part
3 · 10−3 3 · 10−2 0.3
• The values used in different NPPs could be different because there are
several sources/references.
• There is no specific threshold value for detailed analysis to be mandatory.
• It was developed by Alan Swain (SNL) for the US NRC at the beginning of
the 80s.
• Human action broken down in tasks (NUREG/CR-1278)
• Standard values for the probability of error in each task
• Examples:
• Location of an indicator at the control room panels
• Reading of the indicator
• Location of the handle/actuator
• Operation of the handle
• Control of a process (flow control)
• Elementary tasks where quantification exists
• Sequential breakdown tree, mimicking the procedure
• Possibility of recovery:
• CRS: while reading and following procedures
• SM: while performing communication tasks
• Stress correction factor(s)
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5. HRA Quantification Methodologies. THERP and TRC-SAIC Methodologies
Feed and bleed. Critical Tasks: steps 9-16 of FR-H.1. Labeled as tasks A-F
A Step 9: Loss of heat sink criterion (Low Steam Generator Level or Pressurizer
B Step 10: Safety Injection actuation
C/D Step 11: Verification of the feed path
E Step 15: Opening of two PORVs
F Step 16: Verification of the bleed path
Breakdown into tasks
A Error of commission reading wide range SG level instruments, HEP= 6 · 10−3
B Error of commission locating the handles, HEP= 1 · 10−3
C Error of commission locating the flow meter, HEP= 1 · 10−3
D Error of commission reading the flow meter, HEP= 2 · 10−3
E Error of commission in the selection of the valves, HEP= 1 · 10−3
F Error of commission opening valves indicator lights, HEP= 1 · 10−3
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5. HRA Quantification Methodologies. THERP and TRC-SAIC Methodologies
• Sub-task analysis
1 Basic HEP estimation
2 Shift recovery actions (0.05; 0.15)
3 Stress level assignment (2)
4 Error factor assignment (10)
Tables from NUREG/CR-1278
F1 = 6.E-3×0.05×2
F2 = 1.E-3×1.E-3×0.15×2
F3 = 1.E-3×2.E-3×0.15×2
F4 = 1.E-3×1.E-3×0.15×2
Pm = i=1 Fi = 6.02 · 10−4
There is also a model for Cognitive Part in THERP methodology, but is not
applied in Spain.
• Φ is the normal cumulative distribution.
• Tmargin = Tavail − Texe . Ussually, Tmargin ≈ Tavail − Treqd .
• µ = LN (kC · 4 · 21−2·SLI ) is the mean diagnosis time.
√ 2 +[LN (1,68)]2 )
• σ = ([LN (fR )]1,645 is the distribution variance.
• kc = 1 No procedures (general diagnosis & recovery)
0.5 Procedures (ruled based)
• fR = 3.2 No hesitation
6.4 Hesitation (e.g. the crew recieves many signals)
Success Likelihood Index (SLI) is a factor affecting operator response time: in the
best case (SLI=1) response time is halved (2 minutes); for the worst case (SLI=0)
it is doubled (8 minutes).
• Assigns importance (Ii ) and quality (Qi ) to the following Performance
Shaping Factors:
• Procedures
• Training/Experience
• Man/Machine Interface
• Relationship/Size of the Operating Crew
• Communication
• Workload
• Stress
• SLI is obtained as the sum over all PSFs of the products of relative
importance (Ii ) times quality (Qi )
1 i Ii · Qi
100 j Ij
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
Dependency: Process
Dependency level
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
• Modelled in PRAs
• Operating crew structure
• Tasks distribution
• Training and experience
• Workload and stress level
• Quality of man-machine interface (tools, control room design)
• Quality of procedures
• Operation aids (alarms, parameter display systems, communication systems
Conclusion: Results
Conclusion: Results
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
• Where Treqd = Treqd j=1 (1 + kj ). Modified required time using 3 PSFs
((1 + kj ), 300% upwards and 40% downwards). These PSFs are related to
stress, experience and human/machine interface.
• (a, b, c) are behaviour-type-specific coefficients. There are values for skill,
rule and knowledge based behaviour:
• Skill-based: (0.7, 1.2, 0.407)
• Rule-based: (0.6, 0.9, 0.601)
• Knowledge-based: (0.5, 0.8, 0.791)
PSFs Coefficients ki
ln(Tavail /Texe )
Pc (t) = 1 − Φ
• Φ, standard normal cumulative distribution.
• σ, Logarithmic standar deviation. σ values are based on cue-response
structure. 3 cues groups exist, and they do differ beetween PWRs and BWRs.
The Standardized Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)
method is a simplified HRA approach intended to be used in conjunction with the
development of SPAR PSA models.
• Decomposes probability into contributions from diagnosis failures (cognitive)
and action failures (execution, manual).
• Accounts for the context associated with human failure events (HFEs) by
using PSFs, and dependency assignment to adjust a base-case HEP.
• Uses pre-defined base-case HEPs and PSFs, together with guidance on how
to assign the appropriate value of the PSF.
• Employs a beta distribution for uncertainty analysis, which can mimic normal
and log-normal distributions, but it has the advantage that probabilities
calculated with this approach range from 0 to 1.
• Uses designated worksheets to ensure analyst consistency.
SPAR-H Bases
1 Available time. Amount of time that the operator has to diagnose or act
2 Stress/Stressors. Level of undesirable conditions and circunstances that
prevent the operator from easily completing a task
3 Complexity. How difficult the task is to perform in the given context.
Includes the enviroment
4 Experience/Training. Experience and training of the operator(s)
5 Procedures. Existence and use of formal operation procedures for the task
under consideration
6 Ergonomic/HDI. Equipment, displays and controls, layout, quality of
information available from instrumentation and the interaction of the
operator(s) with the equipment.
7 Fitness for duty. Whether or not the individual is physhically and mentally
fit to perform the task
8 Work Processes. Inter-organizational, safety culture, work planning,
communication and management support and policies
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8. Appendix A: Other HRA methodologies
Calculate the Task Failure Probability Without Formal Dependence (Pw/od) by adding the Diagnosis Failure
Probability from Part I and the Action Failure Probability from Part II. In instances where an action is required
without a diagnosis and there is no dependency, then this step is omitted.
If there is a reason why failure on previous tasks should not be considered, such as it is impossible to take the
current action unless the previous action has been properly performed, explain here:
Using Pw/od = Probability of Task Failure Without Formal Dependence (calculated in Part III):
SPAR-H: Quantification
NHEPj · PSFc If less than 3 PSFs > 1
HEPj =
j = c, m NHEPj ·PSFjc
NHEPj ·(PSFjc −1)+1
If 3 or more 3 PSFs > 1
• PSFc = PSFj
• NHEPc = 1E-2; NHEPm = 1E-3
A software tool that facilitates the use of several HRA methods (not a method
itself) for quantifying pre and post-initiator human actions. Relies on SHARPI for
guidance on many elements of the HRA process (e.g., modeling HFEs).
• Automates the use of any of five methods for performing HRA (i.e., THERP,
• Allows for analyst changes to some of the modeling (e.g., change decision
trees or use other PSFs) using judgment, although this is not recommended.
• Version 3 of the software includes a means to facilitate analysis of a variety of
dependency issues.
6 Dependency
7 Conclusion
• In L2PSA the emergency teams follow SAMGs instead of EOPs. SAMGs are
guidance, not procedure, and the emergency team may not follow verbatim
the instructions. They may not perform a recommended task because they
have evaluated a negative consequence. Thus the impact of the evaluation
process and potential outcome when using new documents shall be taken
into account.
The following consideration towards each human action type should be taken into
account in L2PSA:
Type Description Impact on PSA L2PSA Aspects
1 HA before the IE during Miscalibrations, misalign- L2PSA may include some
normal operation that de- ments explicitly modelles in systems not considered in
grade system availability the PSA (system FTs) L1PSA
2 HA that contribute to initi- Not explicitly modelled in Not relevant in L2PSA
ating events the PSA for full power
mode . Treated at IE data
level. Explicitly considered
3 HA during the accident HFE explicitly modelled Main task in HRA for
following the correct pro- in the PSA (ETs and L2PSA. Includes analysis
cedures FTs) of actions made by op-
erators and TSO usings
4 HA during the accident Identified EOC explicitly Critical to identify erro-
that, due to the inade- modelled in the PSA (ETs neous actions that may lead
quate recognition of the sit- and FTs) to the containment failure,
uation or the selection of e.g due to the wrong timing
the wrong strategy, make it of the action
5 HA during the accident, Recovery actions explictly As in L1PSA important, to
trying to recover the situa- modelled in the PSA (in se- be consistent to what ex-
tion; for example repairs of quences) tent and under which con-
equipment ditions recovery actions are
accounted for
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9. Appendix B: HRA applied to Level 2 PSA