D&D Adventurers League Players Guide v14.2

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Effective Date: August 6, 2024. Version 14.2.
• +1 rhythm-maker’s drum (TCE)
WHAT IS THIS? • Bag of holding

This document provides rules for creating and advancing WHAT RULEBOOKS SHOULD I USE?
characters within the D&D Adventurers League (AL), an You can use non-optional rules found in the sources listed below.
official public play program for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Use the latest printing of rules.
Companions to this guide are in D&D Beyond's forum.* • Player’s Handbook (PH, including variant options from Chapter 6:
Customization Options and Variant Human Traits)
• Baldur’s Gate: Decent into Avernus (backgrounds)*
Use the character creation rules from the Player’s Handbook • Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants (BPGG)
(PH), with the following notes. You begin play at 1st level. • Book of Many Things
Unless specified,* see the sidebar for available rules choices. • The Border Kingdoms (backgrounds)*
Step 0: Choose Your Campaign. See the Appendix.* • Curse of Strahd (background, gothic trinkets) *
Step 1: Choose a Race or Lineage. • Durnan’s Guide to Tavernkeeping (backgrounds)*
Step 2: Choose a Class. • Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (feat)
Step 3: Determine Ability Scores. Your ability scores are • Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (FTD)
generated using the standard set (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or • Ghosts of Saltmarsh (backgrounds)*
variant: Customizing Ability Scores (PH) method. • Hoard of the Dragon Queen (background features, bonds)*
Step 4: Describe Your Character. • Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Icewind Dale trinkets)*
• Knuckleheads and Other Curiosities (backgrounds)
• Alignment: Characters must be of* non-evil alignment. • Locathah Rising
• Background: Use any available background or create a • Moonshae Isles Regional Guide (backgrounds, trinkets)*
custom background. If your background does not grant • Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMM)
a feat, you may choose the Skilled or Tough feat. • Out of the Abyss (background features, bonds)*
• Deity: Clerics must and other classes may choose a • Rats of Waterdeep (background)*
campaign’s deity or one not specific to another world. • Rise of Tiamat (background features, bonds)*
• Faction: You may choose one faction from the Basic • Ruins of Mezro (background)*
Rules’ Appendix C or campaign lore* at character • Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (TCE, including Customizing Your
creation or anytime the opportunity arises in the Origin, Custom Lineage*, and Optional Class Features)
adventure. Faction benefits are detailed within • Tomb of Annihilation (backgrounds)*
adventures. You may only have membership in one • The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (races, backgrounds, Feywild
faction at a time and switch whenever you’d like. The trinkets)*
Red Wizards faction is not an available faction.* • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGE)
• Additional rulebooks for your campaign (Appendix)
Step 5: Choosing Equipment. Starting equipment and
gold are determined by your class and background; don’t roll
for gold. You may start with a trinket of your choice from
available rules choices. You can sell starting equipment using You can play one character in a session of any adventure that
the rules in the PH and can buy equipment and spell is available for D&D Adventurers League, provided your
components found in the PH or available rules choices. character meets the campaign and* level requirements for
play (see the tier table below), and your character hasn’t yet
STARTING PLAY AT 5TH LEVEL played the adventure content, including updated versions.*
You may create a 5th level character instead of starting at “ADVENTURE” AND “SESSION” DEFINED
1st level. Receive your standard gear from your class and Adventure. An adventure is a published product designed for
background, 500 gold pieces, 40 downtime days, and one of D&D play, with a story containing a beginning, middle, and end.
the following magic items. Examples include long official D&D adventures such as Icewind Dale:
Rime of the Frostmaiden and shorter D&D Adventurers League
• +1 weapon adventure modules like those found on DMsGuild.com.
• +1 shield Session. A session is an instance of playing an adventure, from
• +1 rod of the pact keeper the time your group begins for the day, until the time your group
• +1 wand of the war mage ends for the day. For most long official D&D adventures, a session
• +1 all-purpose tool (TCE) might last 2 to 8 hours and take multiple sessions to complete. A
• +1 amulet of the devout (TCE) shorter adventure module can usually be finished in one session.*
• +1 arcane grimoire (TCE) Each adventure has a tier associated with it, which tells
• +1 bloodwell vial (TCE) you what level characters can participate in.
• +1 dragonhide belt (FTD)
• +1 moon sickle (TCE)

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TIER BY CHARACTER LEVEL Wish. This spell must be cast in the presence of a Dungeon
Character Level Tier Master (DM) during the session and only affects characters
1–4 1 at your table. Downtime days cannot be used to recover
5 – 10 2 from stress and losing the ability to cast wish can only be
11 – 16 3 undone by wishing for a reroll. The effects of any wish made
17 – 20 4 for something outside the bulleted list in the spell’s
description are at the DM’s discretion, using that guidance.
All the effects of your character’s simulacrum casting wish
PLAYER AND DM ETIQUETTE are experienced by your character. If that results in the
inability to cast wish, it extends to any future simulacrum
In addition to following the group’s code of conduct, be they create, as well as wish cast by deities via Divine
respectful, share the spotlight, pay attention, be ready for Intervention or similar class features.
your turn, ask for consent when needed, and check in on the
enjoyment of others. Be respectful of player characters as
well. For example, a character’s disability shouldn’t be used PLAYER’S USE OF DM MATERIALS
as a reason to stop or limit them from acting.
A player’s use of information from the Dungeon Master’s
Guide (DMG), Monster Manual, MPMM, Beast of the Jungle Rot
CLASS ABILITY ADAPTATIONS (Guild Adept), or an adventure’s DM information, is limited
to what is needed for their character’s class abilities and
ARTIFICER found in the magic item description or stat block.*
Artificers use rules from their Magic Item Adept ability to
create one item at each of the following levels—10th, 12th, LOGGING PLAY
14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th. Use XGE’s “Crafting an Item” section
for costs, material inspiration (DM discretion), tools, You must keep* a character log to track rewards and note
proficiency, and time. The item created must be tier any other important information from play of adventures.
appropriate and as found within the Dungeon Master’s Guide
and available campaign player’s sources (no firearms, no
additional features or sentience).*
Repeating Shot. The item being infused must be of a type You gain a level at the end of each play session that
available for purchase in the campaign (no firearms). completes an Adventurers League adventure module* or a
part of an official D&D adventure, at your discretion. If you’d
WIZARD like to continue playing at your current level, you can decline
The Order of Scribes wizard “Wizardly Quill” optional to gain a level. You keep any rewards earned (see “Rewards”
feature allows you to copy 10 spells of 4th level or lower, or 5 below). You gain hit points listed as the fixed value for your
spells of 5th level or higher, for 1 downtime day. class (plus any modifiers) when you level up.
Once you achieve 5th level, you may choose a magic item
as presented in “Starting Play at 5th Level” above.
SPELL ADAPTATIONS A campaign may allow you to “leave” an official D&D
adventure between sessions to play other adventures
Most instantaneous spells without listed durations, except allowed within your campaign, but you may be ineligible to
for spells such as raise dead, restoration, and reincarnation, return if you level out of the adventure you left. Consult with
expire at the end of the adventure, using the spell's your DM if you’re going to play those adventures.
description and DM’s discretion.* Some spells require
downtime days (see “Downtime” below). For a spell feature
that needs to complete a timed task before the character can REBUILDING YOUR CHARACTER
use it (like “cast every day for a year”), spend 1 downtime
day for each day the spell description needs. Spells requiring You may rebuild any aspect of your character between
the caster to make a save must be cast in front of the DM. sessions using their most current campaign guidelines.*
Clone. A vessel cannot grow another clone until the first However, you only retain your campaign,* equipment and
clone is utilized. magic items earned from play, and lose feature and class
Find Familiar. Other than the familiars listed in the spell’s items from aspects* your character no longer possesses.
description, only familiars with specific class and campaign When a wizard is rebuilt to a different class, in addition to
documentation are available (see also “Event Awards and removing the class equipment spellbook, the player also
Other Certificates”). removes the spells learned from leveling, but keeps
Simulacrum. A simulacrum can’t cast simulacrum or any purchased spellbooks and spells copied using downtime.*
spell duplicating its effect.
Teleportation Circle. Permanent teleportation circles can REWARDS
be at the specific location of the character’s owned building
or business, established temple of their faith, or permanent The following provides information on rewards you could
headquarters of an official organization where they‘re a earn—magic items, coins and other treasure, story awards,
member. See “Downtime” for trading location information. and Event Awards and other certificates.*

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MAGIC ITEMS item (longsword, studded leather, etc.), choose a type
available for purchase as described in “Buying and
Before the Session. If you or your character obtained Trading Gear,” below.
magic items from play or events, you* must limit the • Persistent Effects. If your character has already
number of magic items you bring to play sessions based on benefitted from a magic item that bestowed a persistent
the table below. Any item carried by a creature under your effect (ex: manual of golems), they cannot benefit from
control counts against your carried limit (attunement is the same persistent effect given by a second item.*
subject to DM discretion).
If your character currently benefits from a persistent Destroyed, consumed, lost, or abandoned items, blessings,
effect, include the magic item that bestowed that benefit in boons, and charms are removed from your character and
your carried limit, by the item’s rarity. cannot be reacquired unless rewarded again through play.
Your character may carry one of your rewarded Event Unless the item’s destruction is specifically stated in the
Awards into a session, counting it as a common magic item adventure or D&D Adventurers League Adaptation Guide,
towards your carried item limit (a mundane mount or non- permanent magic items can’t be destroyed. If your multiclass
mechanical trinket doesn’t count toward the carried limit).* character loses an item and its loss renders them ineligible
for one of their classes, you must rebuild your character to
CARRIED MAGIC ITEMS BY TIER qualify or remove the class.*
Tier Uncommon+ Common Consumable At the End of a Session. Each character keeps any magic
1 1 5 5 items, blessings, boons, or charms the party or a character
2 3 5 10 within the party obtained that wasn't consumed or
3 6 5 10 destroyed during the session. However, some adventures
4 10 5 15 offer each character in the party an identical reward or their
choice of a similar reward. For example, if everyone in the
Uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, and unique party obtained identical magic weapons or, alternately, each
permanent magic items are included in the “Uncommon+” chose a different weapon type, at the end of the session, each
column. If the rarity is unspecified, use the rarity of a like character only keeps the reward obtained as an individual.*
item in the DMG with no additional mechanical properties or Characters of lower tiers that encounter a legendary
only those from Special Features tables, otherwise it is magic item as a reward may possess it, but it remains
unique.* Legendary magic items may only be used in tier 4 unavailable for use until 17th level.
Common permanent magic items are included in the COINS AND OTHER TREASURE
“Common” column. Artificer infusions do not count as
Whenever your party finds treasure of a monetary value,
carried magic items.*
they can keep it with them to use during play. Any remaining
Consumable items include magic ammunition and any
treasure unused at the end of the adventure is converted
non-attunement* magic item that isn’t rechargeable and
into gold pieces and divided evenly between all the
must be* consumed if used (potions, scrolls, etc.); this
includes single-use items (elemental gem, etc.). Multi-use characters. The DM can assist in this process.
Mundane items, such as found equipment, are divided
consumables (Keoghtom’s ointment, etc.) up to the maximum
however the party chooses at the end of the play session.
uses normally found count as one consumable each toward
Firearms. If rewarded in an adventure, firearms may be
your carried limit.* Smokepowder and magical ammunition
kept. Characters proficient with martial weapons are
count as one consumable per 5 shots, rounded up.
Blessings, boons, and charms are similarly limited. proficient with firearms. Bullets are required for firing and
can be rewarded in an adventure, purchased from the DMG,
or crafted by a character proficient in smith’s tools (PH).
CARRIED BLESSING, BOON, AND CHARMS Outside the adventure where gunpowder was acquired, it is
Tier Boon Blessing Charms treated as smokepowder and found or purchased for 50 gp in
1 0 1 2 packets of five shots. Unless specified in the adventure,
2 0 1 5 smokepowder can’t be used as an explosive device.*
3 0 1 5
4 1 1 5
Items, blessings, boons, and charms not carried into a Some adventures reward characters for an accomplishment
session remain in your inventory.* with a story award that may only* have significance in future
During the Session. Whenever your party finds one magic adventures in the same storyline. When applicable, the DM
item or only one blessing, boon, or charm is awarded to one may ask if characters possess a story award. In certain
player character,* the party determines who uses it for the circumstances, such as the case of story items, the party
remainder of the adventure, even if it is not tier-appropriate determines who has it for the purposes of that adventure.
for that character. During this session, it does not count Story awards are sometimes presented as a handout or
towards your carried limit. The following also applies. certificate, and might not use the term “story award,”*

• Choosing. If an adventure directs you to choose a magic EVENT AWARDS AND OTHER CERTIFICATES*
item, your choice must be a tier-appropriate item from Event Awards. Players might attend an event and receive
the DMG or a rewarded item from the adventure (no a full color* certificate, such as a pet or interesting trinket, as
firearms). When directed to choose the type of magic

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a reward for event participation or engaging in a specific Loan. Equipment and consumable items can be lent to
activity. In the past, they were called “Legacy Awards.” other characters during play but must return at the end of
Unlike other rewards, these* are attached to the player, not a the session (unless it’s been consumed or lost). Characters
specific character. from different campaigns, playing a multi-campaign
Awards for Rules Options. Past certificates that allowed adventure together, may share magic items in this way.*
players to create a character with a non-Adventurers League Trade. Permanent magic items, except for Unique and
rules option are still valid (except the Oathbreaker paladin character-created* magic items, can be traded with
subclass), but the conditions specified on the certificate must characters in your character’s assigned campaign. Trading
be followed, using the most current source information. permanent magic items with other characters is on a one-
Trading Post Items. Events with D&D Adventurers for-one basis of equivalent rarity. Certificates (if present)
League support (see the D&D Adventurers League must also be traded or destroyed. Event and Trading Post
Organizer’s Guide) allow players to trade for other items, magic items must include their documentation.*
including limited run items not available from adventures.
Non-AL Awards. Some non-AL D&D adventures (like
Infernal Machine Rebuild) include rewards, specifying what
can be transferred to a D&D Adventurers League character.* You earn 10 downtime days between each session of play.
Your character can participate in downtime activities
DEATH, DISEASE, AND CURSES between sessions as listed under “Downtime Activities” in
the PH. The following additional downtime activities are
During sessions of play, if you die, are subject to a lingering available. Adventure activities are available only once, unless
effect such as a disease or curse, or are removed from the specified otherwise.*
adventure, you deal with the consequences for the duration Catching Up. Spend 10 downtime days to gain a level.
of the session of play. At that session’s conclusion, you may Copying Spells. If you can copy spells, you may use the
choose the following fate: rules presented in the “Your Spellbook” sidebar in the PH to
copy spells found in adventures, except it costs 1 downtime
• You return your character to life or remove the negative day per spell up to 4th level and 2 downtime days per spell
effect. If you were removed from the adventure, you 5th level and above. If you’re copying spells from another
gain rewards earned until removed. You may gain a character’s spellbook, you may do so immediately after a
level. session of play in which both characters were present.
• You retire the character, succumbing to your fate. You’re always successful at copying spells from scrolls.
Brewing Potions. Spend 5 downtime days per workweek
If you are returned to the adventure before the conclusion of to brew potions of healing as presented under “Crafting an
the session of play, you may earn all the rewards offered to Item” (XGE). You do not suffer a complication for this
the party, including during your absence. activity. Potions brewed count towards your consumable
item carried limit.
DUNGEON MASTERS AND REWARDS Scribing Scrolls. Spend 5 downtime days per workweek
to scribe spell scrolls as presented under “Scribing a Spell
Your DM may have additional guidance through Scroll” (XGE). You do not suffer a complication for this
documentation on adjudicating specific rewards and can be activity. Scrolls scribed count towards your consumable item
asked about using a particular reward during play. carried limit.
Trading Magic Items. Whenever you trade a magic item,
you spend 5 downtime days.
BETWEEN PLAY SESSIONS Trading Teleportation Circle Locations. After playing a
session together, each character who created a teleportation
BUYING AND TRADING GEAR circle and is of the same campaign spends 10 downtime days
to trade knowledge of one circle location and sequence. The
Sell and Buy. You can sell and buy equipment and spell downtime cost is halved when the circle shared is at a
components using the rules in the PH. Spell scrolls and temple location they have the same faith in or an
potions can be purchased for prices listed under Appendix A: organization of the same membership.*
Shared Campaigns in XGE in addition to any component
costs. Gear must be from an available player’s source for the
character’s campaign.* Characters can purchase spell scrolls QUESTIONS AND MORE INFO
during an adventure if the NPC has access to the spell; lower- The following resources are available to you to keep up with
level (1st and 2nd level) spell scrolls may have multiples all the latest Adventurers League news and discussion!
available for purchase; higher-level spell scrolls (3rd to 5th
level) are limited to one spell scroll maximum for each spell • D&D Beyond AL Article Hub. News and updates
listed, subject to your discretion. See Appendix A: Shared • D&D Beyond AL Forum. Resources and links
Campaigns (XGE) for spell scroll purchase prices. Spell scrolls
above 5th level are not available for purchase in this
• Official D&D AL Discord. Discussions and early access
manner. Any player character can purchase a spell scroll, to guides, for community review before posting to D&D
even if they aren’t the intended caster, but they may not Beyond.
purchase them upcast (e.g. 5th level cure wounds).*

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D&D Adventures League groups adventures into campaigns, Adventurers League Adventures. “PS-DC” coded
usually by setting. Official D&D adventures list their setting adventures on DMsGuild.com*
or campaign information in places like the “Adventure Adventures in Official Products. “Turn of Fortune’s
Overview” section. Unless noted below, third party Wheel” from Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse
adventures are not available; only the following campaign Character Creation. A FR or PS character can be created
settings are available for public play. D&D Adventurers to play Turn of Fortune’s Wheel and, afterwards, any FR
League adventure modules can be found on DMsGuild.com adventure. Or they can play any FR adventure without
under the “D&D Adventurers League” and campaign playing Turn of Fortune’s Wheel. Turn of Fortune’s Wheel is
categories. intended to be played to completion, with PS Dungeoncraft
Adventures listed below note which campaign characters adventures and Adventure Atlas: The Mortuary run as
can play them and level requirements for starting play.* supplemental content. Characters ending their play before
Choose one campaign for your character to play within. They completion may not return to Turn of Fortune’s Wheel.
may not play outside their assigned campaign.* To create a character who will play Turn of Fortune’s
Wheel, use the rules above to create a character and advance

FORGOTTEN REALMS them to 3rd level as normal for a FR campaign. Start with an
additional 250 gp and add one uncommon magic item of
your choice from the “Starting Play at 5th Level” list.
The Forgotten Realms (FR) campaign comprises most past
Alternately, start play in Turn of Fortune’s Wheel with an
and current adventures for D&D Adventurers League.
existing FR character. However, your character loses all
Adventurers League Adventures: Adventures on
knowledge of the deeds performed in previous adventures
DMsGuild.com, listed under the D&D Adventures League and
and access to all previously gained story awards, favors, or
Forgotten Realms categories*
contacts, until the character begins chapter 15.*
Select Guild Adept Content. Guild Adept content on
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
DMsGuild.com, identified with the “D&D Adventurers
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
League” logo or descriptive text and set in FR, and Durnan’s
feat: Magic Initiate.
Guide to Tavernkeeping, Encounters in Sharn, Saltmarsh
Additional Rules Sources. Planescape: Adventures in the
Encounters, and Waterdeep: City Encounters*
Adventures in Official Products. Adventures designated
as being in the Forgotten Realms, including Return to the
Glory (6th-8th level), Cloud Giant’s Bargain (5th-7th level), and SPELLJAMMER
The Tortle Package. And The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (1st
level), Ghosts of Saltmarsh (tier 1-3 by chapter limit), Tales Spelljammer (SJ) adventures are considered part of the
from the Yawning Portal (tiers 1-3 by chapter limit), Lost Forgotten Realms campaign.
Laboratory of Kwalish (tier 2)* and Spelljammer and Adventurers League Adventures. “SJ-DC” coded
Planescape adventures adventures on DMsGuild.com
Multi-Campaign Adventures. Keys from the Golden Vault Adventures in Official Products. Light of Xaryxis from
(FR with select adventures playable in EB and RV, tiers 1-3 Spelljammer: Adventures in Space and Spelljammer Academy
by chapter limit), Peril in Pinebrook (FR and DL, 1st level), Character Creation. Refer to the Spelljammer Academy
Giants of the Star Forge (FR and EB, tier 3), Vecna: Eve of series for how a FR character might arrive in Neverwinter. A
Ruin (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tiers 2-4 by chapter), Vecna: Nest of newly created 5th level character uses the “Starting Play at
the Eldritch Eye (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tier 1), Journeys through 5th Level” guidance above, not the additional gold and magic
the Radiant Citadel (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by item from Light of Xaryxis.*
adventure), DDAL00-14 Proxy Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR,
tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and
CR, tier 2), and Age of the Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)* DRAGONLANCE
Default Setting. If it is not clear what campaign world an Adventurers League Adventures. “DL-DC” and “BMG-DL”
adventure is attached to, it defaults to the Forgotten Realms. coded adventures on DMsGuild.com*
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
Adventures in Official Products. Dragonlance: Shadow of
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
the Dragon Queen (tier 1-3 by chapter limit)
feat: Magic Initiate. Multi-Campaign Adventures. Peril in Pinebrook (FR and
Additional Rules Sources. Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide DL, 1st level), Journeys through the Radiant Citadel (FR, EB,
(SCAG), Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, and Planescape: DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by adventure), Vecna: Eve of Ruin
Adventures in the Multiverse, and the optional rules Half-Elf (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tiers 2-4 by chapter), Vecna: Nest of the
and Tiefling Variants and Option: Human Languages (SCAG)
Eldritch Eye (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tier 1), DDAL00-14 Proxy
Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of
PLANESCAPE Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), and Age of the
Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)*
Planescape (PS) adventures are considered part of the Additional Rules Sources. Dragonlance: Shadow of the
Forgotten Realms campaign. Dragon Queen

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tiers 2-4 by chapter), Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye (FR, DL,
EBERRON EB, and RV, tier 1), Journeys through the Radiant Citadel (FR,
EB, DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by adventure), DDAL00-14
Adventurers League Adventures. Eberron (EB) Proxy Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck
adventures can be found under the D&D Adventurers League of Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), and Age of
and Eberron categories on DMsGuild.com.* The Eberron: the Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)*
Oracle of War storyline adventures and associated Salvage
Character Origins. You may choose to be a Ravenloft
Missions do not need to be played in a specific order, and
native from a Domain of Dread or a traveler entering the
characters can freely move between those adventures and
mists from another world. However, your character must
newer Eberron Adventurers League adventures, provided
choose options available only within the Ravenloft campaign
they meet the level requirements for specific adventures. no matter your origin.
Select Guild Adept Content. Guild Adept content on
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
DMsGuild.com, identified with the “D&D Adventurers
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
League” logo or descriptive text and set in EB, Encounters in
feat: Magic Initiate.
Sharn* Additional Rules Sources. Van Richten’s Guide to
Adventures in Official Products. The “Forgotten Relics” Ravenloft (VRG)
adventure from Eberron: Rising from the Last War
Multi-Campaign Adventures. Giants of the Star Forge (EB
and FR, tier 3), Keys from the Golden Vault (FR with select
adventures playable in EB and RV, tiers 1-3 by chapter limit),
Vecna: Eve of Ruin (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tiers 2-4 by chapter), Adventurers League Adventures. None.*
Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tier 1), Adventures in Partnered Products. Adventures that are
Journeys through the Radiant Citadel (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, playable in the Critical Role (CR) campaign include
levels 1-12 by adventure), DDAL00-14 Proxy Hunt (FR, EB, adventures in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (1st level)* ,
DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of Many Worlds (FR, “Frozen Sick,” and Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep (3rd
EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), and Age of the Dragon (FR, EB, DL, level). Earn levels as usual but if you play sections that have
RV, and CR) a higher or lower-level requirement, you must temporarily
Character Creation. Only the following sources are used level your character to the appropriate level before
for this campaign, PH, XGE, TCE, MPMM, BPGG, and Eberron: beginning.
Rising from the Last War (EBR). If building an orc, bugbear, Multi-Campaign Adventures. Journeys through the
goblin, or hobgoblin character, use the statistics and traits Radiant Citadel (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by
from EBR so they are specific to Eberron. Note that where adventure), DDAL00-14 Proxy Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR,
applicable, the artificer class and subclass rules use the most tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and
recently published source (TCE) in the case of rules CR, tier 2), and Age of the Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)
changes.* Lycanthropy. This is not an available character option.*
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds Deity. You may choose any deity to worship from
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting official rulebooks that is specific* to Exandria as
feat: Magic Initiate. presented in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount or is not
Additional Rules Sources. Other resources may be particular* to another world. Clerics must choose a
opened by campaign documentation such as Adventure deity.
Records or special event certs. Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron Heroic Chronicle. You may roll randomly or choose each
is not a legal source.* item from the tables listed in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount.
If you begin play with a magic item, it counts on your carried
magic item limit.*
RAVENLOFT Additional Rules Sources. Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount,
Tal’Dorei Reborn
Adventurers League Adventures. The Ravenloft: Mist
Hunters storyline adventures are considered part of the
Ravenloft (RV) campaign. Characters earn levels as usual,
but these adventures* do not need to be played in a specific
order, and characters can freely move between them and
newer Ravenloft Adventurers League adventures by
temporarily leveling your character to the appropriate level
before beginning. The “DDAL04” coded adventures are*
available for play, and characters earn levels as usual. They
may freely leave and return to play the adventures in any
order you choose, provided they meet the level
requirements. Other Ravenloft campaign adventure modules
include those with the “RV-DC” code on DMsGuild.com.*
Adventures in Official Products. Curse of Strahd and the
adventure ”House of Lament” in Van Richten’s Guide to
Multi-Campaign Adventures. Keys from the Golden Vault
(FR with select adventures playable in EB and RV, tiers 1-3
by chapter limit), Vecna: Eve of Ruin (FR, DL, EB, and RV,

© 2024 Wizards. All rights reserved. Not for resale.

June 2024 (14.1) July 2024 (14.2)
Entire document – Entire document – corrected typos and consolidated text
• Merged information from previous guides into this while adjusting for layout to keep this document to no
one, which required editing, consolidating, more than 7 pages.
reformatting, and shifting the layout What Rules Should I Use – added the missing WBW
• Grammar edits and updated links Playing Adventures – added that a player can only play
• Removed adventure codes, leaving abbreviations “one character in a session.”
for repeated references within the document Downtime – added missing “per workweek” to Brewing
• Replaced “unique” (one of a kind) with synonyms Potions and Scribing Scrolls.
• Removed conflicting and unnecessary information Class Ability Adaptations –
“Creating a Character”—Added that Red Wizards are not • Clarified that the item crafting must come from
an available faction. the Magic Item Adept ability and be tier
“What Rulebooks Should I Use”—Added missing sources appropriate, not a firearm, and not additions can
and alphabetized the whole list (merging the digital and be made.
physical books lists). • Clarified that the Order of Scribes wizard is the
“Playing Adventures”— class with “Wizardly Quill”
• defined “adventure” and “session” Spell Adaptations – clarified spell effect expiration, find
• Added the campaign requirements and that familiar class list as a source, simulacrum singular
characters can only play an adventure once wording, and wish.
• Added “Player Etiquette,” “Class Ability Magic Items –
Adaptations,” “Spell Adaptations,” “Player’s Use of • Added that items giving persistent effects count
DM Materials” toward the carried limit by the item’s rarity
“Leveling Up”—moved leveling information from the • Moved and clarified info on items a creature
“Playing Official D&D Adventures” sidebar to here under your control carries.
“Rebuilding Your Character”—Added clarifying At the End of the Session – reworded for clarity
information on what’s kept and lost Story Award – edited for clarity
“Magic Items”— Event Awards – edited for clarity and added rarity
• Added information about persistent effects Non-AL Awards – added information
• Moved the legendary information to the Appendix –
Uncommon column description • Clarified the meaning of adventure’s
• Added that Artificer Infusions do not count as a parenthetical information
carried magic item • Added Saltmarsh Encounters as a Guild Adept
• Added clarification on multi-use consumables and The Age of the Dragons as a multi-campaign
carried information adventure.
• Added Character-Created Magic Item information • Corrected Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon
“Logging Play” Queen campaign information
• Changed “should” to “must” use a character log
• Created a blessing, boon, and charms table
• Added missing information about “choosing” magic
items, “persistent effects,” and “Lost Magic Items”
that affects multiclassing
• “At the End of a Session”—Clarified singularly
awarded and multiple reward distribution
• Added missing information on “Firearms”
“Event Awards and Other Certificates”—Added missing
information on Legacy Awards, “Awards for Rules Options,”
and “Trading Post Items”
“Buying and Trading Gear”—
• “Sell and Buy”—Added missing source information
and purchasing spell scrolls
• “Loan” —Added clarification for characters from
different campaigns who are playing a multi-
campaign adventure.
• “Trade”—Clarified trading restrictions
• Added how often adventure activities are available
• “Trading Teleportation Circle Locations”—Added
missing information
Appendix – Added relevant player info from the ALAG

© 2024 Wizards. All rights reserved. Not for resale.

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