D&D Adventurers League Players Guide v14.2
D&D Adventurers League Players Guide v14.2
D&D Adventurers League Players Guide v14.2
Effective Date: August 6, 2024. Version 14.2.
• +1 rhythm-maker’s drum (TCE)
WHAT IS THIS? • Bag of holding
This document provides rules for creating and advancing WHAT RULEBOOKS SHOULD I USE?
characters within the D&D Adventurers League (AL), an You can use non-optional rules found in the sources listed below.
official public play program for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Use the latest printing of rules.
Companions to this guide are in D&D Beyond's forum.* • Player’s Handbook (PH, including variant options from Chapter 6:
Customization Options and Variant Human Traits)
• Baldur’s Gate: Decent into Avernus (backgrounds)*
Use the character creation rules from the Player’s Handbook • Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants (BPGG)
(PH), with the following notes. You begin play at 1st level. • Book of Many Things
Unless specified,* see the sidebar for available rules choices. • The Border Kingdoms (backgrounds)*
Step 0: Choose Your Campaign. See the Appendix.* • Curse of Strahd (background, gothic trinkets) *
Step 1: Choose a Race or Lineage. • Durnan’s Guide to Tavernkeeping (backgrounds)*
Step 2: Choose a Class. • Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (feat)
Step 3: Determine Ability Scores. Your ability scores are • Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (FTD)
generated using the standard set (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or • Ghosts of Saltmarsh (backgrounds)*
variant: Customizing Ability Scores (PH) method. • Hoard of the Dragon Queen (background features, bonds)*
Step 4: Describe Your Character. • Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Icewind Dale trinkets)*
• Knuckleheads and Other Curiosities (backgrounds)
• Alignment: Characters must be of* non-evil alignment. • Locathah Rising
• Background: Use any available background or create a • Moonshae Isles Regional Guide (backgrounds, trinkets)*
custom background. If your background does not grant • Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMM)
a feat, you may choose the Skilled or Tough feat. • Out of the Abyss (background features, bonds)*
• Deity: Clerics must and other classes may choose a • Rats of Waterdeep (background)*
campaign’s deity or one not specific to another world. • Rise of Tiamat (background features, bonds)*
• Faction: You may choose one faction from the Basic • Ruins of Mezro (background)*
Rules’ Appendix C or campaign lore* at character • Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (TCE, including Customizing Your
creation or anytime the opportunity arises in the Origin, Custom Lineage*, and Optional Class Features)
adventure. Faction benefits are detailed within • Tomb of Annihilation (backgrounds)*
adventures. You may only have membership in one • The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (races, backgrounds, Feywild
faction at a time and switch whenever you’d like. The trinkets)*
Red Wizards faction is not an available faction.* • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGE)
• Additional rulebooks for your campaign (Appendix)
Step 5: Choosing Equipment. Starting equipment and
gold are determined by your class and background; don’t roll
for gold. You may start with a trinket of your choice from
available rules choices. You can sell starting equipment using You can play one character in a session of any adventure that
the rules in the PH and can buy equipment and spell is available for D&D Adventurers League, provided your
components found in the PH or available rules choices. character meets the campaign and* level requirements for
play (see the tier table below), and your character hasn’t yet
STARTING PLAY AT 5TH LEVEL played the adventure content, including updated versions.*
You may create a 5th level character instead of starting at “ADVENTURE” AND “SESSION” DEFINED
1st level. Receive your standard gear from your class and Adventure. An adventure is a published product designed for
background, 500 gold pieces, 40 downtime days, and one of D&D play, with a story containing a beginning, middle, and end.
the following magic items. Examples include long official D&D adventures such as Icewind Dale:
Rime of the Frostmaiden and shorter D&D Adventurers League
• +1 weapon adventure modules like those found on DMsGuild.com.
• +1 shield Session. A session is an instance of playing an adventure, from
• +1 rod of the pact keeper the time your group begins for the day, until the time your group
• +1 wand of the war mage ends for the day. For most long official D&D adventures, a session
• +1 all-purpose tool (TCE) might last 2 to 8 hours and take multiple sessions to complete. A
• +1 amulet of the devout (TCE) shorter adventure module can usually be finished in one session.*
• +1 arcane grimoire (TCE) Each adventure has a tier associated with it, which tells
• +1 bloodwell vial (TCE) you what level characters can participate in.
• +1 dragonhide belt (FTD)
• +1 moon sickle (TCE)
• Choosing. If an adventure directs you to choose a magic EVENT AWARDS AND OTHER CERTIFICATES*
item, your choice must be a tier-appropriate item from Event Awards. Players might attend an event and receive
the DMG or a rewarded item from the adventure (no a full color* certificate, such as a pet or interesting trinket, as
firearms). When directed to choose the type of magic
FORGOTTEN REALMS them to 3rd level as normal for a FR campaign. Start with an
additional 250 gp and add one uncommon magic item of
your choice from the “Starting Play at 5th Level” list.
The Forgotten Realms (FR) campaign comprises most past
Alternately, start play in Turn of Fortune’s Wheel with an
and current adventures for D&D Adventurers League.
existing FR character. However, your character loses all
Adventurers League Adventures: Adventures on
knowledge of the deeds performed in previous adventures
DMsGuild.com, listed under the D&D Adventures League and
and access to all previously gained story awards, favors, or
Forgotten Realms categories*
contacts, until the character begins chapter 15.*
Select Guild Adept Content. Guild Adept content on
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
DMsGuild.com, identified with the “D&D Adventurers
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
League” logo or descriptive text and set in FR, and Durnan’s
feat: Magic Initiate.
Guide to Tavernkeeping, Encounters in Sharn, Saltmarsh
Additional Rules Sources. Planescape: Adventures in the
Encounters, and Waterdeep: City Encounters*
Adventures in Official Products. Adventures designated
as being in the Forgotten Realms, including Return to the
Glory (6th-8th level), Cloud Giant’s Bargain (5th-7th level), and SPELLJAMMER
The Tortle Package. And The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (1st
level), Ghosts of Saltmarsh (tier 1-3 by chapter limit), Tales Spelljammer (SJ) adventures are considered part of the
from the Yawning Portal (tiers 1-3 by chapter limit), Lost Forgotten Realms campaign.
Laboratory of Kwalish (tier 2)* and Spelljammer and Adventurers League Adventures. “SJ-DC” coded
Planescape adventures adventures on DMsGuild.com
Multi-Campaign Adventures. Keys from the Golden Vault Adventures in Official Products. Light of Xaryxis from
(FR with select adventures playable in EB and RV, tiers 1-3 Spelljammer: Adventures in Space and Spelljammer Academy
by chapter limit), Peril in Pinebrook (FR and DL, 1st level), Character Creation. Refer to the Spelljammer Academy
Giants of the Star Forge (FR and EB, tier 3), Vecna: Eve of series for how a FR character might arrive in Neverwinter. A
Ruin (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tiers 2-4 by chapter), Vecna: Nest of newly created 5th level character uses the “Starting Play at
the Eldritch Eye (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tier 1), Journeys through 5th Level” guidance above, not the additional gold and magic
the Radiant Citadel (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by item from Light of Xaryxis.*
adventure), DDAL00-14 Proxy Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR,
tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and
CR, tier 2), and Age of the Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)* DRAGONLANCE
Default Setting. If it is not clear what campaign world an Adventurers League Adventures. “DL-DC” and “BMG-DL”
adventure is attached to, it defaults to the Forgotten Realms. coded adventures on DMsGuild.com*
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
Adventures in Official Products. Dragonlance: Shadow of
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
the Dragon Queen (tier 1-3 by chapter limit)
feat: Magic Initiate. Multi-Campaign Adventures. Peril in Pinebrook (FR and
Additional Rules Sources. Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide DL, 1st level), Journeys through the Radiant Citadel (FR, EB,
(SCAG), Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, and Planescape: DL, RV, and CR, levels 1-12 by adventure), Vecna: Eve of Ruin
Adventures in the Multiverse, and the optional rules Half-Elf (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tiers 2-4 by chapter), Vecna: Nest of the
and Tiefling Variants and Option: Human Languages (SCAG)
Eldritch Eye (FR, DL, EB, and RV, tier 1), DDAL00-14 Proxy
Hunt (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), DDAL00-15 Deck of
PLANESCAPE Many Worlds (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR, tier 2), and Age of the
Dragon (FR, EB, DL, RV, and CR)*
Planescape (PS) adventures are considered part of the Additional Rules Sources. Dragonlance: Shadow of the
Forgotten Realms campaign. Dragon Queen