Navigate (Inter)

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UNIT 1 35.

Item - Narsa, buyum

36. Judgement - Hukm,
8. charge – zaryad qilmoq
9. circulate – tarqalmoq
qaror 10. claim – da’vo qilmoq
1. Ability - Qobiliyat
37. Lately - Yaqinda 11. coincidence – tasodif
2. Able - Qodir
38. Leisure time - Bo‘sh 12. conclusion – xulosa
3. Achievement - Yutuq
vaqt 13. consecutively –
4. Adventure - Sarguzasht
39. Media - OAV ketma-ket
5. Bargain - Kelishuv,
(Ommaviy Axborot 14. create – yaratmoq
arzon bitim
Vositalari) 15. curiously – qiziqarlisi
6. Behave - O‘zini tutmoq
40. Meet up - Uchrashmoq 16. disappear – g‘oyib
7. Charity - Xayriya
41. Membership - A’zolik bo‘lmoq
8. Choice - Tanlov
42. Movement - Harakat 17. escape – qochish,
9. Come face-to-face with
43. Occasional - Vaqti- qutulish
- Yuzma-yuz kelmoq
vaqti bilan 18. evidence – dalil
10. Communication -
44. On credit - Kreditga 19. expect – kutmoq
45. Opportunity - 20. fake – soxta narsa
11. Connect - Ulab
Imkoniyat 21. float – suzib yurmoq
46. Persuade - Ko‘ndirmoq 22. fortunately –
12. Consumer -
47. Process - Jarayon baxtimizga
48. Prove - Isbotlamoq 23. free – bo‘shatmoq
13. Convinced - Ishongan
49. Purchase - Xarid 24. hire – yollamoq
14. Currently - Hozirda
50. Queue - Navbatga 25. hoax – yolg‘on axborot
15. Deal - Bitim
turmoq 26. inform – xabar bermoq
16. Deeply - Chuqur, jiddiy
51. Resources - Resurslar 27. interestingly – qiziqarli
17. Definition - Ta’rif
52. Reunite - Qayta tomoni
18. Develop - Rivojlanmoq
uchrashmoq 28. track – kuzatmoq
19. Digital age - Raqamli
53. Run-up - (Bayram oldi) 29. turn around – orqaga
tayyorgarlik davri burilmoq
20. Effect - Ta’sir
54. Secure - Xavfsiz 30. underwater – suv
21. Expression - Ifoda
55. Security - Xavfsizlik ostida
22. Fall out (with
56. Smartphone - 31. unfortunately – afsuski
someone) - Kim bilandir
Smartfon 32. waste – bekor
urushib qolmoq
57. Socialize - Muloqot ketkazmoq
23. Friendship - Do‘stlik
qilmoq 33. watermelon – tarvuz
24. Get on (well with
58. Special offer - Maxsus 34. interview – suhbat
someone) - Kim bilandir
taklif o‘tkazmoq
yaxshi chiqishmoq
59. Transport - Tashimoq 35. invent – ixtiro qilmoq
25. Govern - Boshqarmoq
60. Trend - Ommabop 36. jaw – jag‘
26. Government -
bo‘lmoq 37. keen – qiziqqan
61. Trust - Ishonmoq 38. keep quiet – jim
27. Guilt-free - Aybsiz
62. Admit - Tan olmoq turmoq
28. Half-price - Yarim
39. knock into – urilib
29. Harmful - Zararli UNIT 2 ketmoq
40. live – jonli
30. Have a lot in common
41. lose contact – aloqani
- Juda ko‘p umumiylikka 1. announce – e’lon
ega bo‘lmoq qilmoq
42. luckily – omadimizga
31. Help (someone) out - 2. appear – paydo bo‘lmoq
43. medical – tibbiy
Kimdirga yordam bermoq 3. attempt – urinish
44. mention – tilga olmoq
32. Improvement - 4. be stuck – tiqilib
45. orchestra – orkestr
Rivojlanish qolmoq
46. ordinary – oddiy
33. In touch (with 5. believe – ishonmoq
47. personally – shaxsan
someone) - Kim bilandir 6. breath – nafas
48. realize – tushunib
aloqada bo‘lmoq 7. cable car – kanat yo‘li
34. Injury - Jarohat vagoni
49. recognize – tanimoq
50. remarkably – 21. flip – aylantirmoq 58. set goals – maqsad
hayratlanarli darajada 22. full-time – to‘liq vaqtli qo‘ymoq
51. remember – eslamoq 23. give in – taslim 59. shocked – hayron
52. remind – eslatmoq bo‘lmoq qolgan
53. report – xabar bermoq 24. good-looking – chiroyli 60. short-sleeved – qisqa
54. responsible – mas’ul 25. hobby – mashg‘ulot yengli
55. sadly – afsuski 26. instructor – o‘qituvchi 61. spare – ajratmoq
56. scream – baqirmoq 27. intelligence – aql 62. stress – stress
57. screen – ekran 28. leader – yetakchi 63. stressful – stressli
58. sharply – keskin 29. left-handed – chap 64. sweat – terlamoq
59. skull – bosh suyak qo‘lli 65. symptom – simptom
60. sour – nordon 30. make an effort – 66. take part in –
61. stream – jilg‘a harakat qilmoq qatnashmoq
62. surface – yuzasi 31. manage – boshqarmoq 67. take responsibility –
63. surprisingly – 32. marshmallow – javobgarlikni o‘z
ajablanarli darajada marshmelo zimmasiga olmoq
64. survive – omon 33. measure – o‘lchamoq 68. talk – nutq
qolmoq 34. multitask – ko‘p ishni 69. technique – texnika
65. system – tizim bir vaqtda qilmoq 70. temptation – vasvasa
66. tell – aytmoq 35. observe – kuzatmoq 71. think ahead – oldindan
67. weak – kuchsiz 36. on impulse – bir o‘ylamoq
68. whisper – pichirlab lahzada 72. turn up – ovozini
gapirmoq 37. overcook – oshirib koʻtarmoq
69. wonder – hayron pishirmoq 73. van – furgon
bo‘lmoq 38. overpriced – ortiqcha 74. work hard – qattiq
narxli ishlamoq
UNIT 3 39. panel – hay’at
40. participant –
75. work well under
pressure – bosim ostida
ishtirokchi yaxshi ishlamoq
1. admire – qoyil qolmoq
41. passion – ishtiyoq
2. attention – diqqat
3. beat – urmoq
42. patient – sabrli
43. pleasant – yoqimli
4. bleach – oqartuvchi
44. polite – muloyim
5. blood vessel – qon 1. all over the place – har
45. precise – aniq
tomiri yerda
46. professional –
6. computerized – 2. artificial – sun’iy
kompyuterlashtirilgan 3. aspiring – intiluvchi
47. resist – qarshilik
7. confidence – ishonch 4. canal – kanal
8. contest – tanlov 5. communal – umumiy
48. respect – hurmat
9. crack – sindirmoq 6. chemical – kimyoviy
10. damage – zarar 7. cliff – qoya
49. responsibility –
11. deadline – muddat 8. cubicle – bo‘shliq
12. deal with – hal qilmoq 9. culture – madaniyat
50. result – natija
13. decision – qaror 10. feel at home – uyda
51. reward – mukofot
14. device – qurilma kabi his qilmoq
52. rise to the challenge –
15. easy-going – erkin 11. ferry service – parom
qiyinchilikka tayyor
16. English-speaking – xizmati
inglizcha so‘zlashuvchi 12. get rid of (something)
53. rub – ishqalamoq
17. experiment – tajriba – (biror narsadan) xalos
54. sandpaper – zımpara
18. expert – mutaxassis bo‘lmoq
19. fail – 13. give off – chiqarish
55. schedule – jadval
muvaffaqiyatsizlikka 14. globalization –
56. scientifically proven –
uchramoq globalizatsiya
ilmiy isbotlangan
20. five-star – besh 15. greenery – yashil
57. second-hand –
yulduzli o‘sish
16. historic – tarixiy 1. absolutely – mutlaqo 41. special effects –
17. hoarder – yig‘uvchi 2. accessible – kirish maxsus effektlar
18. inhabitant – aholi mumkin 42. stunning –
19. inland – ichki 3. action film – jangari film hayratlanarli
20. know 4. action hero – jangari 43. sweep (across) –
(someone/something) like qahramon tarqalmoq
the back of your hand – 5. addicted – qaram 44. tend – moyil bo‘lmoq
(biror narsani) yaxshi bo‘lgan 45. terrific – ajoyib
bilmoq 6. amusing – kulgili 46. terrifying – dahshatli
21. landscape – manzara 7. animated – animatsion 47. thriller – triller
22. luxury – hashamat 8. app – ilova 48. topic – mavzu
23. mainland – materik 9. appeal – qiziqish 49. unexciting – qiziqarsiz
24. make room – joy 10. astonishing – 50. violent – zo‘ravon
bo‘shatmoq ajablanarli 51. voice – ovoz bermoq
25. make yourself at 11. atmosphere – muhit 52. vote – ovoz bermoq
home – uyda kabi his qil 12. authentic – haqiqiy 53. world-wide – butun
26. miles from anywhere – 13. banker – bankir dunyo bo‘ylab
biror joydan uzoqda 14. base on – asoslanmoq 54. falsely – noto‘g‘ri
27. mixture – aralashma 15. brilliant – ajoyib 55. fan – muxlis
28. neat and tidy – tartibli 16. cast – aktyorlar 56. fantasize – tasavvur
va toza jamoasi qilmoq
29. ocean – okean 17. character – qahramon 57. genre – janr
30. packed in like sardines 18. chat – suhbatlashmoq 58. grow apart –
– sardinalar kabi tiqilib 19. classic – klassika uzoqlashmoq
qolmoq 20. clip – qisqa kadr 59. hand-held – qo‘l bilan
31. peak – cho‘qqi 21. dash – shoshilmoq ushlab turiladigan
32. permanent – doimiy 22. dear – qadrli 60. harmless – zararsiz
33. pool – havuza 23. despite – garchi 61. hope – umid
34. reed – qamish 24. difficult – qiyin 62. incredibly – juda
35. rock – tosh 25. disappointing – xafa 63. infuriating –
36. run out of (something) qiladigan g‘azablantiruvchi
– (biror narsadan) 26. disturbing – bezovta 64. interact – o‘zaro ta’sir
tugamoq qiluvchi qilmoq
37. scenery – manzara 27. documentary – hujjatli 65. irritation – bezovtalik
38. season – fasl film 66. log in – tizimga kirish
39. set off – yo‘lga 28. dreadful – dahshatli 67. magically – sehrli
chiqmoq 29. entertaining – ko'ngil tarzda
40. settle down – ochuvchi 68. middle class – o‘rta
joylashmoq 30. essentially – asosan sinf
41. solar power – quyosh 31. exhibition – ko‘rgazma 69. military – harbiy
energiyasi 32. rom com – romantik 70. modern-day –
42. steep – tik komediya zamonaviy
43. suburb – chekka 33. salsa – salsa raqsi 71. moving – ta’sirli
hudud 34. scene – sahna 72. mug – o‘g‘irlash
44. sunset – quyosh 35. set out – yo‘lga 73. novel – roman
botishi chiqmoq 74. on balance –
45. sunshine – quyosh nuri 36. showcase – namoyish muvozanatda
46. trail – yo‘l qilmoq 75. original – asl
47. valley – vodiy 37. silly – ahmoqona 76. performance – ijro
48. wave – to‘lqin 38. skyscraper – 77. plot – syujet
osmono‘par 78. post – joylashtirmoq
39. slavery – qullik 79. pothole – teshik
UNIT 5 40. soundtrack – film
80. predictable – oldindan
aytish mumkin
81. prisoner – mahbus
82. recommend – tavsiya
33. instant messaging -
tez xabar almashish
83. release – chiqarmoq 34. interrupt - to'sqinlik
1. accommodation - turar
84. remake – qayta qilish
ishlanmoq 35. junction - kesishma
2. advertisement -
85. result in – natija berish 36. landslide - tuproq
3. ambition - maqsad
UNIT 6 37. lane - yo'lning bir
4. ambitious - maqsadga
38. meteorological -
1. accident - baxtsiz 5. anthropologist -
hodisa antropolog
39. motorway - avtomobil
2. artificially - sun'iy 6. applicant - arizachi
ravishda 7. apply - ariza berish
40. musical - musiqa
3. at speed - tezlikda 8. aspect - jihat
qobiliyatiga ega
4. automatically - 9. assistant manager -
41. nowadays - hozirgi
avtomatik ravishda yordamchi menejer
5. basically - asosan 10. attend - qatnashmoq
42. overtake - o'zib
6. brake - to'xtatish 11. attitude - munosabat
7. cheerful - xursand 12. award - mukofot
43. park - to'xtatmoq
8. climate change - iqlim 13. behaviour - xulq-atvor
44. possession - mulk
o'zgarishi 14. blame - ayblamoq
45. practical - amaliy
9. cloud seeding - 15. blogger - blog
46. prevent - oldini olish
bulutlarni urug'lantirish yozuvchi
47. protect - himoya qilish
10. commute - ishga 16. branch - filial
48. pulse - impuls
borish 17. bright - yorqin
49. rainfall -
11. confirm - tasdiqlash 18. bubbly - jonli
12. contract - shartnoma 19. champion - chempion
50. replaceable -
13. correspondent - 20. climb - tog'ga chiqmoq
muxbir 21. concentrate - diqqatni
51. seasonal - mavsumiy
14. crew - ekipaj jamlamoq
52. shortage -
15. crop - ekin 22. creative - ijodkor
16. decrease - kamayish 23. criticize - tanqid
53. skill - mahorat
17. disability - nogironlik qilmoq
54. slip out - chiqib
18. driverless - 24. customer care -
haydovchisiz mijozlarga xizmat
55. sociable - muloqotga
19. driving test - 25. decision maker - qaror
haydovchilik imtihoni qabul qiluvchi
56. social - ijtimoiy
20. drone - dron 26. determined - qat'iy
57. speed limit - tezlik
21. drought - qurg'oqchilik 27. director - direktor
22. dusty - changli 28. disagreement -
58. steering wheel -
23. explore - tadqiq qilish kelishmovchilik
boshqarish g'ildiragi
24. extreme - ekstremal 29. dragonfly - mayinqush
59. traditional - an'anaviy
25. fire - o'choq 30. early - erta
60. traffic jam - transport
26. heatwave - issiqlik 31. entertainment - o'yin-
to'lqini kulgi
61. tropical - tropik
27. helpless - bechora 32. entrance - kirish
62. unemployable - ishga
28. imaginative - 33. environmental - atrof-
tasavvurlari boy muhitga oid
63. wages - maosh
29. in charge - 34. executive - ijrochi
64. washable - yuvish
boshqaruvda 35. expanding -
30. in control - nazoratda kengaytirayotgan
65. weather pattern - ob-
31. increase - oshish 36. failure -
havo modelari
32. injure - jarohatlash muvaffaqiyatsizlik
37. fame - shuhrat
38. famous - mashhur 72. school leaver’s 8. be capable of (qila
39. festival - festival certificate - maktab olish)
40. flock - to'da bitiruvchisi sertifikati 9. brave (jasur)
41. get to the top - 73. sick/holiday pay - 10. bring up
yuqoriga ko'tarilmoq kasallik/ta'til to'lovi (tarbiyalamoq)
42. high achiever - yuqori 74. skilled - malakali 11. bully (zolim)
natijalarga erishgan kishi 75. specialist - mutaxassis 12. burning (yonayotgan)
43. humanitarian - 76. standard of living - 13. casual (oddiy)
gumanitar yashash standartlari 14. childcare (bolaga
44. innovative - 77. stay - qolish g’amxo’rlik
innovatsion 78. suited - mos 15. cost of living (turmush
45. job satisfaction - 79. supervise - nazorat darajasi)
ishdan qoniqish qilmoq 16. cosy (qulay)
46. lifestyle - hayot tarzi 80. take risks - xavfga 17. craft
47. lifetime - umr qo'yilmoq (hunarmandchilik)
davomida 81. talented - talantli 18. cultural (madaniy)
48. make progress - 82. team leader - jamoa 19. culture shock
rivojlanmoq rahbari (madaniy zarba)
49. make (someone) 83. temporary - 20. disadvantage
redundant - (biror kishini) vaqtinchalik (noqulaylik)
ishdan bo'shatmoq 84. thoughtful - o'ylangan 21. disaster (ofat)
50. management - 85. travel back in time - 22. dress code (kiyim
boshqaruv vaqt bo'ylab sayohat qoidasi)
51. motivate - qilmoq 23. economy (iqtisod)
rag'batlantirmoq 86. treasured - qadrli 24. educated (ta’lim
52. networking - aloqa 87. unbelievable - olgan)
o'rnatish ishonilmas 25. embarrassed
53. obey - itoat qilmoq 88. unite - birlashtirmoq (xijolatda)
54. occupation - kasb 89. unskilled - malakasiz 26. explode (portlamoq)
55. online community - 90. up to date - 27. extremely (juda
onlayn hamjamiyat zamonaviy 28. eye contact (ko‘z bilan
56. overnight - bir 91. value - qadrlamoq aloqa
kechada 92. visa - viza 29. factor (faktor)
57. pattern - naqsh 93. well known - yaxshi 30. fear (qo‘rquv)
58. point of view - nuqtai tanilgan 31. firefighter (o‘t
nazar 94. wonder - hayrat o‘chiruvchi)
59. position - lavozim 95. work experience - ish 32. first aid (birinchi
60. procedure - tajribasi yordam)
protsedura 96. working conditions - 33. formal (rasmiy)
61. producer - ishlab ish sharoitlari 34. gender (jins)
chiqaruvchi 97. working hours - ish 35. generous (saxiy)
62. prospects - istiqbollar soatlari 36. genius (geniy)
63. quality - sifat 37. have no problems
64. quit - ishni tark etmoq
65. relaxed - tinchlangan
UNIT 8 (muammo bo‘lmaslik)
38. healthcare (sog‘liqni
66. relocation office - saqlash)
1. active (faol)
ko'chirish ofisi 39. hero (qahramon)
2. adapt (moslashmoq)
67. rent-free - ijara 40. heroic (qahramonlik)
3. afraid (qo‘rqmoq)
to'lovisiz 41. heroically
4. appreciate (baholamoq)
68. reputation - obroʻ (qahramonona)
5. appropriate (mos)
69. researcher - 42. heroism (qahramonlik)
6. audience
tadqiqotchi 43. immediate (bevosita)
70. retrain - qayta 44. knitting (to‘qimoq)
7. balanced (muvozanatli)
tayyorlash 45. lottery (lotereya)
71. rule - qoidalar 46. method (usul)
47. misbehave (yomon 9. Closed off - yopiq 51. Side by side - yonma-
xulq-atvor) 10. Come across - yon
48. misjudge (noto‘g‘ri uchratmoq 52. Skate - muzda
baholamoq) 11. Come up with - taklif sirg'alamoq
49. misunderstand qilmoq 53. Sketch - eskiz
(noto‘g‘ri tushunmoq) 12. Consider - hisobga 54. Slim - ingichka
50. neighbour (qo‘shni) olmoq 55. Spiky - tikanli
51. overspend (sarflamoq) 13. Curly - jingalak 56. Stranger - begona
52. physical activity 14. Curtain - pardalar 57. Stubble - tuz
(jismoniy faoliyat) 15. Curve - egri chiziq 58. Suit - mos kelmoq
53. poverty (qashshoqlik) 16. Database - 59. Tap - kran
54. pram (bolalar ma'lumotlar bazasi 60. Tape recorder -
aravachasi) 17. Description - ta'rif magnitofon
55. public transport 18. Detailed - batafsil 61. Teapot - choynak
system (ommaviy 19. Devote - bag'ishlamoq 62. Wear - kiyish
transport tizimi) 20. Double chin - ikkinchi 63. Well-built - yaxshi
56. rarely (kamdan-kam) iyak qurilgan
57. reappear (yana paydo 21. Dye - bo'yamoq
58. reasonable (mantiqiy)
22. Emotion - his-tuyg'u
23. Express - ifoda etmoq
59. redecorate (yangidan 24. Eyebrow - qos
1. Abundance - mo‘l-ko‘l
bezamoq) 25. Eyelash - kirpik
2. Academically -
60. renewable 26. Foreground - old
(yangilanadigan) planda
3. Athlete - sportchi
61. reschedule (qayta 27. Fringe - peshona soch
4. Attraction - diqqat-
rejalashtirmoq) 28. Go bald - sochsiz
62. rescue (qutqarish) qolmoq
5. Back - qo‘llab-
63. risk (xatar) 29. Grey - kulrang
64. risky (xatarli) 30. Historical - tarixiy
6. Bankloan - bankkrediti
65. selfish (o‘zini 31. Honestly - halol
7. Boutiquehotel -
o‘ylaydigan) 32. Hunt - ov qilmoq
66. sensible (mantiqiy) 33. Irritated - asabiy
8. Breakarecord -
67. society (jamiyat) 34. Look forward to -
68. spectacularly (ajoyib intizorlik bilan kutmoq
9. Cheerleading -
darajada) 35. Look up - qidirmoq
69. stay up (uxlamaslik) 36. Make out - ko'rmoq
10. Compete -
70. suffer (azob chekmoq) 37. Moustache - saqich
71. superstar (yulduz) 38. Mysterious - sirli
11. Competitive -
72. undercook (pishirmoq) 39. Old-fashioned -
73. underdressed (sariq) eskicha
12. Crowdfunding -
74. volunteer (ko‘ngilli) 40. Overweight - ortiqcha
13. Dancing - raqs
UNIT 9 41. Phenomenon - hodisa
42. Portrait - portret
14. Decade - o‘n yil
15. Destination - manzil
43. Projector - proyektor
1. Abstract - mavhum 16. Demotivating -
44. Put up - o'rnatmoq
2. Background - fon motivatsiyanipasaytiruvch
45. Reflect - aks ettirmoq
3. Beauty - go'zallik i
46. Reflection - aks
4. Bird-watching - 17. District - tuman
47. Seem - ko'rinmoq
qushlarni kuzatish 18. Dramatically -
48. Seemingly -
5. Blob - dog' keskinravishda
6. Blond(e) - sarg'ish 19. Dominate -
49. Self-described - o'zini
7. Campaign - kampaniya hukmronlikqilmoq
8. Clean-shaven - toza 20. Earplug -
50. Shoulder-length -
qirilgan quloqtirqmoq
yelka uzunligi
21. Entrepreneur - 58. Sophisticated - 14. Cyberbullying -
tadbirkor murakkab kiberzo‘ravonlik
22. Event - voqea 59. State-of-the-art - 15. Delay - kechikish
23. Fashionable - engzamonaviy 16. Escape - qochmoq
zamonaviy 60. Takeadecision - 17. Extension - uzaytirish
24. Field - soha qarorqabulqilish 18. Fine - jarima
25. Figure - raqam 61. Takearisk - 19. Illegally - noqonuniy
26. Guarantee - kafolat xavftug‘dirmoq 20. Inconvenience -
27. Haveaclue(about) - 62. noqulaylik
birornarsadanxabardorbo‘l Takenonoticeof(someone/ 21. Issue - masala
ish something) - 22. Insult - haqoratlamoq
28. Haveafeeling - e'tiborbermaslik 23. Interaction - o‘zaro
hisqilish 63. ta’sir
29. Haveago - Takesomeone'swordforit - 24. Light - yorug‘lik
sinabko‘rmoq kimningdirso‘zigaishongan 25. Match - o‘yin
30. Homestadium - holda 26. Nasty - yomon
uystadion 64. 27. Outlaw - qochqin
31. Hometeam - Takesomething/someones 28. Passionate - ehtirosli
uyjamoasi eriously - jiddiyqabulqilish 29. Permission - ruxsat
32. Investment - 65. Takeadvantageof - 30. Prison - qamoq
investitsiya imkoniyatdanfoydalanmoq 31. Punishment - jazolash
33. Investor - investor 66. Takecareof - 32. Regret - pushaymon
34. Magnificent - ajoyib g‘amxo‘rlikqilmoq bo‘lish
35. Manufacture - 67. Takeout - olibchiqmoq 33. Reportedly - ma’lum
ishlabchiqarish 68. Taketurns - qilinishicha
36. Must-see - navbatlashmoq 34. Rob - o‘g‘rilamoq
ko‘rishkerakbo‘lgan 69. Thrilling - hayajonli 35. Robber - o‘g‘ri
37. Nightclub - kechki klub 70. Tournament - turnir 36. Say (something) to
38. Non-competitive - 71. Trampolining - (someone’s) face -
raqobatsiz trampolindasakrash (kimdandir) yuziga
39. Open-air - ochiqhavo 72. Trendy - zamonaviy aytmoq
40. Padded - to‘ldirilgan 73. Unheardof - 37. Sensation - hissiyot
41. Pledge - va'dabermoq eshitilmagan 38. Sentence - jazoga
42. Popularity - 74. Unrealistic - hukm qilmoq
mashhurlik haqiqiyemas 39. Spare - ortiqcha
43. Present - 75. Vibrant - rang-barang 40. Speak up - ovoz
taqdimetmoq chiqarish
44. Profit - foyda
45. Pullover -
UNIT 11 41. Square - maydon
42. Stolen - o‘g‘irlangan
ustigetortmoq 43. Stop (someone) from
1. Arrest - hibsga olmoq
46. Raise - ko‘tarish (doing) - (biror kimsani)
2. Bandit - bandit
47. Referee - hakam (biror ishni) qilishdan
3. Barefoot - yalangoyoq
48. Renovate - ta'mirlash to‘xtatmoq
4. Blog - blog yozmoq
49. Resemble - o‘xshamoq 44. Submission -
5. Burglar - o‘g‘ri
50. Riot - fojia topshirish
6. Burglary - o‘g‘rilik
51. Rugby - ragbi 45. Suspect - shubha
7. Candidate - nomzod
52. Rundown - qilmoq
8. Capture - qo‘lga olish
yomonahvolgakelgan 46. Theft - o‘g‘irlik
9. Careless - beparvo
53. Self-esteem - 47. Thief - o‘g‘ri
10. Change - o‘zgartirmoq
o‘zigaishonch 48. Unfashionable -
11. Consequence - oqibat
54. Service - xizmat zamonbop emas
12. Crash-land - suvga
55. Setup - o‘rnatmoq 49. Unintended - niyat
qulab tushmoq
56. Short of cash - qilinmagan
13. Criminal - jinoyatchi
mablag‘dan qiyinchilik 50. Unprofessional -
57. Skyline - shahar-silueti professional emas
51. Upload - yuklamoq 31. Soft power - yumshoq
52. Upset - xafa qilmoq kuch
53. Victim - qurbon 32. Stylish - zamonaviy
54. Violence - zo‘ravonlik 33. Switch off - o‘chirmoq
34. Upset - xafa
35. Win over - yutmoq
1. Advert - reklama
2. Associate - bog‘lash
3. Billboard - reklama
4. Brand - brend
5. Bring (someone) round
to - (biror kimsa) fikriga
6. Drawback - kamchilik
7. Effective - samarali
8. Homeless - uy-joysiz
9. Image - tasvir
10. Influence - ta’sir
11. Logo - logotip
12. Make (someone)
aware of - (biror kimsa)
xabardor qilmoq
13. Major - asosiy
14. Memorable - esda
15. Menswear store -
erkak kiyim do‘koni
16. Moth - moshak
17. Negotiator -
18. News agenda -
yangiliklar rejasi
19. Objection - qarshi fikr
20. Objective - maqsad
21. Overcome - yengmoq
22. Pass a law - qonunni
qabul qilmoq
23. Perspective - nuqtai
24. Persuasion -
25. Persuasive -
26. Point of view - nuqtai
27. Poster - plakat
28. Psychology -
29. Rely on - ishonmoq
30. Slogan - shior

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