YLP Form 5 Mathematics

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WEEK NO. Week 1 TOPICS NUMBER BASES LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Understand and use the concept of number in base two, eight and five. LEARNING OUTCOMES Student will be able to i. State zero, one, two, three,, as a number in base : a) two b)eight c)five ii. State the value of a digit of a number in base : a) two b)eight c)five iii. Write a number in base : a) two b)eight c)five in expanded notation. iv. Convert a number in base: a) two b)eight c)five (v) Convert a number in a certain base to a number in another base. Week 2 9.1.1213.1.12 (vi) Perform computations involving: a) additional b) subtraction of two numbers in base two. Cooperative Grateful VALUES

Cooperative Careful Patient

Patient honour Cooperative Careful systematic

WEEK NO. Week 2 9.1.1213.1.12

TOPICS 2. Graphs Of Functions II

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2.1 Understand and use the concept of graphs of functions

LEARNING OUTCOMES Student will be able to i) Draw the graph of a: a) linear function: y = ax + b , where a and b are constants b) quadratic function: y = ax 2 + bx + c , where a , b and c are constants, a 0 c) cubic function: y = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d , where a , b , c and d are constants, a 0 d) reciprocal function:

VALUES Systematic Accuracy Careful

a where x a 0. y=

a is a constant,

ii) Find from a graph: a) the value of y , given a value of x b) the value(s) of x , given a value of iii) Identify: a) the shape of graph given a type of function b) the type of function given a graph. c) the graph given a function and vice versa iv) Sketch the graph of a given linear, quadratic, cubic or reciprocal functions.


Systematic Accuracy Careful Patience Systematic Accuracy Careful Patience

2.2 Students will be taught to: Week 3 16.1.1220.1.12 2. Graphs Of Functions II Understand and use the concept of the solution of an equation by graphical method

(i) Find the point(s) of intersection of two graphs. (ii) Obtain the solution of an equation by finding the point(s) of intersection of two graphs. (iii) Solve problems involving solution of an equation by graphical method. (i) Determine whether a given point satisfies: y = ax + b or y > ax + b or y < ax + b. (ii) Determine the position of a given point relative to the equation y = ax + b. (iii) Identify the region satisfying y > ax + b or y < ax + b.

Systematic Patience Accuracy

2.3 Understand and use the concept of the region representing inequalities in two variables

Careful Efficient Neat

WEEK NO. Week 4 23.1.1227.1.12

TOPICS 3. Transformations III

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 3.1 Understand and use the concept of combination of two transformations.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Student will be able to i.) Determine the image of an object under combination of two isometric transformations. ii.) Determine the image of an object under combination of : two enlargements. b.) an enlargement and an isometric transformation. iii.) Draw the image of an object under combination of two transformations. iv.) State the coordinates of the image of a point under combined transformation. v.) vi.) Determine whether combined transformation AB is equivalent to combined transformation BA.

VALUES Accuracy Self Confidence Independent Patient

Week 5 Chinese New Year Holiday

Week 6 06.2.1210.2.12 3. Transformations III vii.) Specify two successive transformations in a combined transformation given the object and the image . Specify a transformation which is equivalent to the combination of two isometric transformations. Solve problems involving transformation.



WEEK NO. Week 6 06.2.1210.2.12


LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4.1 Understand and use the concept of matrix

LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to: i) Form a matrix from given information. ii) Determine : a) The number of rows b) The number of columns c) The order of a matrix iii) Identify a specific element in a matrix. Students will be able to: i) determine whether addition or subtraction can be perform on two given matrices ii) find the sum or the difference of two matrices iii) perform addition and subtraction on a few matrices iv) solve matrices equations involving addition and subtraction Students will be able to: i) determine whether two matrices are equal. ii) solve problems involving equal matrices. Students will be able to: i) multiply a matrix by a number ii) express a given matrix as a multiplication of another matrix by number.

VALUES Careful Systematic Rational

4.2 Understand and use the concept of equal matrices

Cooperative Rational Tolerance Problem Solving

4.3 Operation on matrices


4.4 Perform multiplication of matrix by a number

iii) perform calculation on matrices involving addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication. iv) solve matrix equations involving addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication

Careful Independent rational

Week 7 13.2.1217.2.12


4.5 Perform multiplication of two matrices.

Students will be able to: i) determine whether two matrices can be multiplied and state the order of the product when the two matrices can be multiplied. ii) find the product of two matrices. iii) solve matrix equations involving multiplication of two matrices.

Cooperation Patient

4.6 Understand and use the concept of identity matrix.

(i) Determine whether a given matrix is an identity matrix by multiplying it to another matrix. (ii) Write identity matrix of any order. (iii) Perform calculation involving identity matrices.

Systematic Cooperation

Week 7 13.2.1217.2.12


4.7 Understand and use the concept of inverse matrix

(i) Determine whether a 2 X 2 matrix is the inverse matrix of another 2 X 2 matrix. (ii) Find the inverse matrix of a 2 X 2 matrix using : (a) The method of solving simultaneous linear equation. (b) A formula.

Patience Systematic Careful

i) Write simultaneous linear equations in matrices form. 4.8 Solve simultaneous linear equations by using matrices

(ii) Find the matrix

p q


Goodwill Honour Independent Cooperative

a cp h c d q k

using the inverse matrix.

(iii) Solve simultaneous linear equations by the matrix method. (iv) Solve problems involving matrices.






Week 8 & 9 20.2.1202.03.12


5.1 Understand and use the concept of direct variation.

(i) State the changes in a quantity with respect to the changes in another quantity, in everyday life situations involving direct variation. (ii) Determine from given information whether a quantity varies directly as another quantity. (iii) Express a direct variation in the form of equation involving two variables. (iv) Find the value of a variable in a direct variation when sufficient information is given. (v) Solve problems involving direct variation for the following cases :

Cooperative Careful Patient Efficient

yx; yx ; yx ; yx
2 3

1 2

5.2 Understand and use the concept of inverse variation.

(i) State the changes in a quantity with respect to changes in another quantity, in everyday life situations involving inverse variation. (ii) Determine from given information whether a quantity various inversely as another quantity. (iii) Express an inverse variation in the form of equation involving two variables. (iv) Find the value of a variable in an inverse variation when sufficient information is given. (v) Solve problems involving inverse variation for the following cases: Grateful Careful Accuracy Systematic Patience

1 ; x

1 ; x2

1 1 ; y 1 x3 x2 9

5.3 Understand and use the concept of joint variation.

Students will be able to: i. Represent a joint variation by using the symbol for the following cases: a) two direct variations b) two inverse variations c) a direct variation and an inverse variation. ii. Express a joint variation in the form of equation. iii. Find the value of a variable in a joint variation when sufficient information is given. iv. Solve problems involving joint variation. - cooperative - efficient - careful


WEEK NO. Week 10 05.03.1209.03.12

TOPICS 6 Gradient and Area Under a Graph

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 6.1 Understand and use the concept of quantity represented by the gradient of a graph

LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to; (i) State the quantity represented by the gradient of a graph. (ii) Draw the distancetime graph, given: a) a table of distance-time values. b) a relationship between distance and time Find and interpret the gradient of a distance-time graph. Find the speed for a period of time from a distance-time graph. Draw a graph to show the relationship between two variables representing certain measurements and state the meaning of its gradient. State the quantity represented by the area under a graph. Find the area under a graph. Determine the distance by finding the area under the following types of speed-time graphs: a) v = k (uniform speed) b) v = kt c) v = kt + h d) a combination of the above. Solve problems involving gradient and area under a graph.

VALUES Careful Patient Rational Cooperative

(iii) (iv)


6.2 Understand the concept of

quantity represented by the area under a graph. (i) (ii) (iii)

Careful Patient Rational Cooperative

Week 11 19.3.1223.3.12 (iv)


WEEK NO. Week 11 19.3.1223.3.12


LEARNING OBJECTIVES 7.1 Understand and use the concept of probability of an event.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (i) Determine the sample space of an experiment with equally likely outcomes. (ii) Determine the probability of an event with equiprobable sample space.

VALUES Systematic Working out mentally Cooperation Fair Systematic Independence

7.2 Understand and use the concerpt of probability of the complement of an event.

Students will be able to (i)State the complement of an event in: a) words b) set notation. (ii) Find the probability of the complement of an event.

Week 12 26.3.1230.3.12

7.3 Understand and use the concept of probability of combined event.

(i) List the outcomes for events a) A or B as elements of set A B b) A and B as elements of set A B. (ii) Find the probability by listing out the outcomes of the combined event: a) A or B b) A and B (iii) Solve problems involving probability of combined event




LEARNING OBJECTIVES 8.1 Understand and use the concept of bearing.

LEARNING OUTCOMES i) Draw and label the eight main compass directions: a) North, South, East, West b) North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West ii) State the compass angle of any compass direction.

VALUES Systematic Rational Cooperative

Week 13 02.4.1206.4.12

iii) Draw a diagram of a point which shows the direction of B relative to another point A given the bearing of B from A. iv) State the bearing of point A from point B based on given information. v) Solve problems involving bearing.


WEEK NO. Week 14 09.4.1213.4.12

TOPICS 9. Earth as a Sphere

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 9.1 Understand and use the concept of longitude.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (I ) Sketch a great circle through the north and south poles. (ii ) State the longitude of a given point. (iii) Sketch and label a meridian with the longitude given. (iv) Find the difference between two longitudes.

VALUES Efficient Independent Careful Rasional

9.2 Understand and use the concept of latitude

( I ) sketch a circle parallel to the equator. (ii) State the latitude of a given point. (iii) Sketch and label a parallel of latitude. (iv) Find the difference between two latitudes.

Careful Patient Cooperative ratoinal





LEARNING OBJECTIVES 9.3 Understand the concept of locations of a place.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to (i) State the latitude and longitude of a given place. (ii) Mark the location of a place. (iii) Sketch and label the latitude and longitude of a given place.

VALUES Rational Efficiency Cooperation

Week 15 16.4.1220.4.12

9.4 Understand and use the concept of distance on the surface of the earth to solve problems.

Students will be able to (i) Find the length of an arc of a great circle in nautical mile, given the subtended angle at the centre of the earth and vice versa. (ii) Find the distance between two points measured along a meridian, given the latitude of both points. (iii) Find the latitude of a point given the latitude of another point and the distance between the two points along the same meridian. (iv) Find the distance between two points measured along the equator, given the longitudes of both points. (v) Find the longitude of a point given the longitude of another point and the distance between the two points along the equator. (vi) State the relation between the radius of the earth and the radius of a parallel of latitude.

Careful Rational

(vii) Week 16 23.4.1227.4.12 (viii) (ix)

State the relation between the length of an arc on the equator between two meridians and the length of the corresponding arc on a parallel of latitude. Find the distance between two points measured along a parallel of latitude. Find the longitude of a point given the longitude of another point and the distance between the two points along


WEEK NO. Week 17& 18 03.5.1211.5.12


LEARNING OBJECTIVES 10.1 Understand and use the concept of orthogonal projection.

LEARNING OUTCOMES i. Identify orthogonal projection ii. Draw orthogonal projection, given an object and plane. iii. Determine the difference between an object and its orthogonal projection with respect to edges and angles. i. Draw the plan of a solid object ii. Draw a. The front elevation b. Side elevation of a solid object iii. Draw a. The plan b. The front elevation c. The side elevations

VALUES Systematic Accuracy Efficient

10.2 Understand and use the concept of plan and elevation

Systematic Accuracy Careful

Systematic Accuracy Careful Cooperative


Week 19 & 20

SPM Revision

Semester I Break
Week 21 & 41 Week 42

SPM Revision SPM EXAMINATION (8.11.10 19.11.10)


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