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2 Analysis of The Influence of Trust and Service Quality On Customer Value and It's Impact On Customer Satisfaction in Online Shopping Case Study Lazada Indonesia

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European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org

ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

Analysis of the Influence of Trust And Service Quality on

Customer Value and It’s Impact on Customer Satisfaction in
Online Shopping Case Study: Lazada Indonesia
Magister Management Student,
Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, M.Sc

Senior Lecturer in Magister Management Program, Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Augustina Kurniasih

Senior Lecturer in Magister Management Program, Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia

The internet has increased the growth of Internet users quite significantly, The development of internet users has
pushed public traffic which will create market potential. The potential of e-commerce in Indonesia is large, easy
to see internet access and the population of Indonesia which has begun to be understood and recognizes the process
of buying and selling online. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determination of customer value in on line
shooping. Sampling is 200 respondents using purposive sampling. The population in this study were Lazada
Indonesia customers who had been registered as members of Lazada Indonesia and had transacted at Lazada
Indonesia. The results of this study are significant trust in Customer Values, Increased trust will increase Customer
Value, Significant Service Quality on Customer Values, Trust increases significantly towards Customer
Satisfaction, Service Quality indicates significant Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Value is significant to
Customer Customer Satisfaction.
Keywords: Customer Trust, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Lazada Indonesia
DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-18-06
Publication date:June 30th 2019

1.1. Background
Since 2007, the internet has experienced a significant growth of internet users. The development of internet users
is believed to be a shift in the habits of the people who will create a market potential. With this internet can create
new opportunities for trading business. The internet can provide a place to market products and services without
rental fees. Online shopping is now emerging as a platform called e-commerce, this platform is used by several
types of businesses with the aim of getting one market and profit. The company makes a platform application to
facilitate purchases so that it can be done regardless of the distance from buyers and sellers, because consumers in
one area can easily purchase goods from other areas. Considering, the increasing number of competing platforms,
then every platform that exists must give confidence to consumers who will buy the product, because it will be
something that consumers will consider. Trust exists when a group believes in the trustworthiness and integrity of
partners (Morgan and Hunt, 1994:16)
The introduction of the e-commerce sector in Indonesia is a positive thing, because in total online shopping
in Indonesia has doubled since 2014. This phenomenon occurred on the day of national online shopping commonly
referred to as Harbolnas on December 12, 2014, and on Harbolnas 2017 total transactions amounting to Rp 4.7
trillion. This amount has increased by Rp. 1.4 trillion compared to 2016, it can be concluded that the Indonesian
people have started trying to shop online. The Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), noted,
as many as 85% of Indonesian people access the internet via smartphones and 56 percent of internet users shop
online with smartphones.
The Indonesian Consumers Foundation, reports that, in 2015, there were reports on online shopping platforms,
following a comparison of the ICF case reporting tables table 1.1 Number of Complaints Cases ICF in 2014, which
can be seen in 2014 there were no complaints from consumers harm by online shopping platforms.

European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

Tabel 1.1. Number of Complaint Cases in ICF 2014

Commodity Amounth of Cases
Banking 115
Multimedia 71
Housing 70
Transportation 51
Electricity 48
Leasing 35
Total 391
Source: Communication and Information Technology. 2015
In 2015 there have been changes in complaints reports from the public, namely the entry of e-commerce
platforms in position 4, which is explained in table 1.2
Tabel 1.1. Number of Complaint Cases in ICF 2015
Commodity Amounth of Cases
Banking 176
Housing 160
Multimedia 83
Online shopping 77
Leasing 66
Electricity 58
Total 620
Source: Communication and Information Technology. 2015
Based on data from ICF, platforms that have received complaints from consumers, namely: Lazada as many
as 18 cases, Akulaku 14 cases, Tokopedia as many as 11 cases, Bukalapak as many as 9 cases, Shopee as many as
7 cases and Blibli as many as 5 cases.
Each platform should be able to solve this problem, so that consumers still believe in shopping on that
platform. The first thing to pay attention to is a review of products from consumers who have already purchased
the product therefore it is needed to conduct a study of determinants of customer satisfaction.

1.2. Objectives and Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to develop a model for measuring customer satisfaction online stores in Indonesia that
relates to trust, customer quality and customer value. Based on the explanation above, research research can be
defined and formulated as follows:
1. Is there an influence between trust in customer value
2. Is there an influence between trust in customer satisfaction
3. Is there an influence between the quality of service to customer value
4. Is there an influence between the quality of service to customer satisfaction
5. Is there an influence between customer value on customer satisfaction


2.1 Trust
Trust is the belief that one will find what is desired on the exchange partner. Trusts involve a person of willingness
to behave in a certain way because of the belief that his partner will give what he or she hopes for and has that the
words of someone else's promise or assertion can be trusted by Barnes and Vidgen (2001). According to Kotler
and Pfoertsch (2007) "belief is descriptive idea held by someone about something". Trust is a key element of
relationship success and linkage trends toward various services and satisfaction assessments felt by customers
Arisutha (2005). Trust will occur if someone has confidence in an exchange with partners who have integrity and
can be trusted Morgan and Hunt (1994). Agustin and Singh (2005), as perceptions of the benefits enjoyed versus
the cost incurred in maintaining an exchange relationship: “[...] the trust increases the intentions of loyalty measure
that contributes to the relational value.” Dormas et.al (2014) stated that statistically positive values to the
relationship of trust were found in the line staff ahead of the company’s perceived value, but Laura N (2016)
stated that the trust negatively effects and significant with the customer’s value.
Mahaputra (2017) states in his research that trust partially has a significant effect on customer satisfaction in
the case of BRI Bank. In the process of consumer value formation, Donney and Conno (1997), explain in detail
the factors that influence it such as the company's reputation, size, and whether the company can provide security
for consumers. On the other hand Murni Y (2018) showed her research that consumer confidence is not significant
impact on customer satisfaction, which means that in doing online shopping in Indonesia consumers still lack of
confidence in various things. Many consumers claim that the consumer has been tricked into online shopping, this

European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

could happen as after making a payment for a ordered item never arrives, or the ordered item does not match the
seller informed (Starrup Asia, 2013).

2.2. Service quality

Pawirosumarto and Liestijati (2017) in their research stated that products, prices, and quality affect direct customer
satisfaction. Kotler and Keller (2009) also corroborate this statement, namely by the existence of services that are
in accordance with the expectations of consumers, will lead to customer satisfaction. Andreassen and Lidested
(1997:21) stated that service quality has an influence on consumer value. Lupiyoadi and Hamdani (2006) stated
that one way to create customer satisfaction is to improve service quality, because consumers are the main focus
when talking about customer satisfaction. It is said that, the consistency of the quality of products and services can
contribute to the success of a company in terms of customer satisfaction. Many previous studies have shown that
service quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction (Lee, 2013).

2.3. Customer Value

Kotler (2007) argues that customer value is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost.
Berry, et.al (1988) defines that customer value is a thorough assessment of the usefulness of the product or service
and what is sacrificed. Mahaputra, (2017) in his research stated that partially customer value had an effect on
increasing customer satisfaction of BRI banks. Iqbal et.al (2018) in his research at Mandiri Bank stated that
customer value significantly affected satisfaction. Sugiarti T, et al (2013) found that customer value in customer
satisfaction in South Kalimantan against 150 Hypermarts. Wang et.al. (2004) found the role of customer value to
customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and customer behavior based on CRM performance. Shirazi et.al (2013) found
that perceive value had significant effect to customer satisfactionin in their research at cellular-phone customers
in Iran‟s northeastern city of Mashhad. Furthermore, in separate research carried out by Chitty et al. (2007) and
Cronin et al. (2000), it is shown that the perceived value affects customer satisfaction

2.4. Customer Satisfaction

Kotler, Keller (2016: 138-139), Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of a person arising from
comparing perceived performance of a product (or outcome) to their expectations. According Tipton F (2010: 147)
customer satisfaction is the level of one's feelings after comparing performance he/she felt compared to his/her
expectations. Generally, customer expectation is an estimates or beliefs of customers about what will be received
when he bought or consume a product (goods or services).

2.5. Research Model and Hypothesis

Based on a review of the theories that have been presented before, the research hypothesis is proposed as follows:
H1: Trust affects customer value
H2: Trust influences customer satisfaction.
H3: Service quality affects customer value.
H4: Trust influences customer satisfaction
H5: Customer value influences customer satisfaction

Figure 2.1. Research Framework

This study uses a type of conclusive research that aims to verify the proposed hypothesis and to test certain
correlations. The method of data collection carried out in this study was through questionnaires, interviews and

European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

documentation. In this study, the population is Lazada Indonesia members who transact and use the Lazada
Indonesia platform in the period January 2018 - December 2018. To meet the appropriate sample criteria
determined by using SEM depending on the number of indicators used in all latent variables throughout
representing the population (Hair JF et al, 2010), namely: Number of samples = Number of indicators x 5 = 39 x
5 = 195 respondents and rounded up to 200 respondents. Based on these calculations, the number of samples that
must be used is 200 respondents.
In this study, the researcher determined the sampling of 200 respondents using purposive sampling technique,
namely sampling in accordance with the requirements or sample requirements of certain populations that are most
easily accessible or obtained, namely members of Lazada Indonesia, who have used Lazada Indonesia to shop
online. The data used in this study are primary data taken from the results of filling out questionnaires that have
been distributed to Lazada Indonesia members.


After documentation, the results of the validity test and the results presented in Figure 4.1 are obtained:

Figure 4.1 Standarized Loading Factor

Data Source: Primary Data (2019)
The results of the modification indicate that almost all criteria have been met. For more details the comparison of
values can be seen in table 4.1
Table. 4.1. Results of the SEM criteria suitability criteria
Goodness-of-Fit Cutt-off-Value Results
RMR (Root Mean Square Residual) ≤ 0,05 atau ≤ 0,1 0.068 Good Fit
RMSEA (Root Mean square Error of Approximation) ≤ 0,08 0.051 Good Fit
GFI (Goodness of Fit) ≥ 0,90 0,91 Good Fit
AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index) ≥ 0,90 0.90 Good Fit
CFI (Comparative Fit Index) ≥ 0,90 0,98 Good Fit
Normed Fit Index (NFI) ≥ 0,90 0,98 Good Fit
Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI) ≥ 0,90 0,97 Good Fit
Incremental Fit Index (IFI) ≥ 0,90 096 Good Fit
Relative Fit Index (RFI) ≥ 0,90 0,95 Good Fit
Source: Data processed by SEM Lisrel (2019)
The second stage, namely reliability testing is done to determine the extent to which the measurement results
remain consistent if twice or more measurements are taken of the same object with the same measuring instrument.
Next to find out the reliability of the statements in the questionnaire, the Cronbach's technique was used

European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

Table. 4.2. Validity and Reliability Indicators

Variabel Indikator SLF Ei CR VE
Ablt 0.81 0.35
Benev 0.77 0.41 0,718 0,559
Intgrt 0.92 0.15
Relia 0.80 0.36
Respsv 0.77 0.41
Service Quality
Assrnc 0.85 0.28 0,827 0,594
Empth 0.81 0.35
Tangbl 0.75 0.44
EmotV 0.98 0.03
SocV 0.92 0.15
Value 0,952 0,833
QualV 0.94 0.12
PriceV 0.96 0.07
Customer Laynn 0.81 0.34
Satisfaction Hrpn 0.85 0.27 0,824 0,611
(Z) Keps 0.80 0.36
Source: Data processed by SEM Lisrel (2019)

Table 4.3. Hyphotesis Test

Hyphotesis SLF t calculated
H1 Trust  Customer Value 0.06 2.16
H2 Service Quality  Customer Value 0.16 6.15
H3 Trust  Customer Satisfaction 0.45 11.24
H4 Service Quality  Customer Satisfaction 0.60 16.12
H5 Customer Value  Customer Satisfaction 0.06 2.10
Source: Data processed by SEM Lisrel (2019)


Trust has a significant effect on customer value. This can be seen from Table 4.3 the value of the calculated t
(2.16) greater than t table (1.96). Coefficient of 0.06 means that if there is an increase in Trust (X1) it will be able
to increase Customer Value (Y).
Service quality has a significant effect on customer value. It can be seen from the value of t count (6.15)
greater than t table (1.96). The coefficient of 0.16 means that if the service quality is increased, the customer value
will increase.
Trust has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This can be seen from the value of the t count (11.24)
greater than t table (1.96). Coefficient of 0.45 means that there is an increase in trust (X1), customer satisfaction
will increase.
Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This can be seen from the value of the t count
(16.12) greater than t table (1.96). The coefficient of 0.60 means that if the quality of service (X2) is increased,
customer satisfaction will increase.
Customer value has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. It can be seen from the value of t count (2.10)
greater than t table (1.96). Coefficient of 0.06 means that if there is an increase in customer value, the satisfaction
that consumers feel will also increase.

6.1 Practical Implications
The results show that service quality has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction and also on customer value
which means that by increasing the quality of service, customers will increasingly obtain value and be satisfied to
shop at the online store. The company can improve the quality of its services through various dimensions including
reliability, respect for customers, guarantees, and providing a sense of empathy to its customers.

6.2 Theoretical Contributions

Trust has a positive and significant effect on customer value. This result is in line with Agustin and Singh (2005),
as perceptions of the benefits enjoyed versus the cost incurred in maintaining an exchange relationship: “[...] the
trust increases the intentions of loyalty measure that contributes to the relational value.” Dormas et.al (2014) stated
that statistically positive values to the relationship of trust were found in the line staff ahead of the company’s
perceived value

European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM
Vol.11, No.18, 2019

Trust also has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. This is also in line with the research
of Mahaputra (2017) which states that trust partially has a significant effect on customer satisfaction in the case of
Bank BRI
Service quality has a positive effect on customer value. These results are in line with previous research
conducted by Andreassen and Lidested (1997: 21) stated that service quality has an influence on consumer value.
Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction where this result is also in line
with previous research conducted by Pawirosumarto and Liestijati (2017) in his research stating that products,
prices, and quality affect direct customer satisfaction. Kotler and Keller (2009: 50) also corroborate this statement,
namely by the existence of services that are in accordance with the expectations of consumers, will lead to customer
Customer value has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. This result is in line with
previous research conducted by Rizki Mahaputra (2017) in his research stating that customer value partially affects
the increase in customer satisfaction of BRI banks. Iqbal et.al (2018) in his research at Bank Mandiri stated that
customer value significantly affected satisfaction. Sugiarti T, et al (2013) found that customer value in customer
satisfaction in South Kalimantan against 150 Hypermarts.

6.3 Research Limitations

This study does not include other variables that influence customer satisfaction such as customer loyalty and brand
image. In addition, in this study only one type of online store was examined so that it cannot be generalized to the
entire online store in Indonesia. As a single point in time, whether conclusions still apply to long-term cannot be
determined. A longitudinal study may provide a decisive answer to the question whether the research still applies
in the long term.

6.4 Future Research Direction

In the future this study will be developed not only to examine one online store, but more than one online store so
that the results can be generalized for online stores in Indonesia. This study was conducted at a single point in time.
Longitudinal research will have more moments of measurement over time. Companies need to conduct their own
research in order to know what is expected by consumers so that they can increase the confidence of consumers
when using a product.

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