Television 2006 08 S OCR

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AUGUST 2006 £3.75

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Broadcasters Commonwealth
loin forces m TV Trial

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gfu Gesellschaft flir

Unterhaltungs- und
Kommunikationselektrdn ik 111111 Messe Berli

August 2006 Vol. 56 No.10
Boris Sedacca
BEng (Hons) MIEE
01322 611270
[email protected]

Production Editor
571 Comment 615 EMEA Desktop Tania King
Monitor Market 01322 611271
572 News Struggles Production
GB Rowing goes for gold with The EMEA desktop monitor Executive
Panasonic market showed a larger than Dean Turner
expected decline in sales in 01322 611206
578 Broadcast Live 2006 Q1 2006 Display Sales
A new event on the content Executive
creation, management and 616 Alexandra Palace Matthew Dawe
delivery industries TV Heritage Faces 01322 611 261
Destruction Fax 01322 616 339
587 Letters TV history may be destroyed by Editorial Assistant
the Alexandra Palace Trustees' Caroline Fisher
594 50 Years Ago actions 01322 611 263
by Keith Wilson Managing Editor
618 Sibelius 4 Svetlana Josifovska
596 BAE Systems Pioneers A comprehensive package for 01322 611 250
Wireless TV Studio composing, editing and
Publishing Director
A new wireless system spares TV arranging written music of all
Tony Greville
cameras the cable kinds
Note that we are unable to answer

597 Fault Reports 620 Whatever Happened technical queries over the telephone and

to Telstar? cannot provide information on spares

other than that given in our Spares

605 DXTV The 171 -pound Telstar was Guide.

used to transmit the first

608 Test Report transatlantic television signal
We work hard to ensure that the
Featuring Peak Atlas Enhanced via satellite information presented in Television
is accurate. However, Television's
digital ESR meter publisher - Nexus Media

622 Samsung Introduces Communications - will not take

responsibility for any injury or loss
610 Broadcasters Join Advanced Displays of earnings that may result from
applying information presented in
Forces BBC, ITV, Channel 4 3.5" LCD with embedded touch - the magazine. It is your
responsibility to familiarise yourself
and Five have joined forces to screen, and the first -ever 7" LCD with the laws relating to dealing
launch the UK's first high driven by a single chip with your customers and suppliers,
and with safety practices relating
definition (HD) trial broadcasts to to working with electrical/

terrestrial aerials 624 Commonwealth electronic circuitry - particularly as

regards electric shock, fire hazards
TV trial and explosions.

612 Blue LEP's Lifetime The DVB H - put to the test

A set of design rules can help
choose interlayer properties to 626 One For All Next issue, dated
provide optimum lifetime for RGB Single -chip TV tuners support
September, on sale
materials in LEPs multiple mobile TV standards
September 22

TELEVISION August 2006

Missing pages: 607-610 569



\Pi 1-1 D IFJ 111-- r=" ECEIVING THEIR

2-3 WE
CBER: 7.1E-4
-5 -4 -3 -2

ONLY FREQ: 794.00 MHz H C/N:

-15 kHz POWER:
18.2 dB
75.1 dBpV
MER: 26.8 dB

1 .9kg CH: 61



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6 -9 7 ABC 8 DEF CHI 0 JKL 4--




ex VAT


(Alban) TEL
6 Caxton Centre, Porters Wood, St. Albans, Herts, AL3 6XT.
01727 832266
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[email protected]
© Nexus Media Communications Ltd. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in
any form or by any means without the written
permission of the publishers.
The indoor aerial conundrum
All reasonable precautions are taken by
Televisionto ensure that the advice and data You wouldn't think that a £4 indoor TV aerial from Argos would
published are reliable. We cannot however outperform one costing £30, would you?
guarantee it and we cannot accept legal
responsibility for it.
There is a news item this month about the best -performing aerial
costing a mere £9.99, and scoring 85% in its overall performance
All correspondence regarding advertise- However, the most expensive one, the Philex SLx 27746R, sells
ments should be addressed to the
Advertisement Manager, Television, Nexus
for a relatively exorbitant £29.99 but scores a pathetic 40%. This is
Media Communications, Media House, lower than the cheapest aerial tested, the Argos 534/2859, which
Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8HU. sells for £3.99 and scores 50%.
Editorial correspondence should be Out of a total of 32 indoor TV aerials tested by Consumer Group
addressed to Television, Editorial Ricability, three had the lowest score (30%) and two of these sell for
Department, Nexus Media Communications, £14.99.
Media House, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent, It looks like some manufacturers are exploiting the maxim: "You
BR8 8HU.
pay your money and you make your choice". In the absence of any
BINDERS hard data, some people will just buy the most expensive item
Binders that hold twelve issues of Television are available in the hope that they will be getting the best.
available for £6.50 each from Modem This is why Ricability's report is to be welcomed. Indeed, both
Bookbinders, Pringle Street Blackburn, BB1 1SA.
Telephone: 01254 59 371.
Digital UK and Trade Minister Margaret Hodge welcomed the
Make cheques payable to "Television Binders".
results as helping consumers to choose the best equipment for the
digital switchover.
Newstrade Enquires According to Ricability, 30% of households in the UK today use
by Seymour Distribution Ltd., an indoor aerial. If so, it is most likely for a second or even third
86 Newman St, London, W1T 3EX.
TV. But for a few people, it will be the only way to receive a TV
ISSN 0032-647X
If you can't have an aerial on the roof, you might be able to fit a
Newstrade Hotline big enough roof aerial in your loft. You probably won't get such a
If you are experiencing problems getting strong signal as you will with a rooftop aerial, but it could be
copies through your newsagent, please call stronger than with an indoor one.
Debbie Jenner on 01322 611210.
Surrounding houses and trees might block it, and obstacles like
SUBSCRIPTIONS roof tiles and that big water tank will cut back the signal. The
Television, signal strength may also be more vulnerable to weather conditions,
800 Guillat Avenue, for instance.
Sittingbourne, Kent, Many indoor aerials also had other problems, like cables that
ME9 8GU. were too short to put an aerial up high for better reception, or weak
Telephone 0870 4287950 joints or loose screws. A few tended to topple over because they
Fax 0845 4567143 were top heavy or had heavy cables.
Subscription rates: There is no guarantee that any of the indoor aerials tested will
UK 1 year £39.00 enable you to receive digital TV in every room in your home. You
2 years £70.00 may get some groups of stations but not others; or some groups with
3 years £90.00 the aerial in one position, and others by moving it a bit.
Mainland Europe 1 year £57.00 Whether or not you get a really good picture will depend on
2 years £100.00 several things, such as where you live, where your windows are and
3 years £135.00 where in the room you put the aerial.
There is one rule of thumb. If you currently get a good, clear
Rest of World 1 year £74.00
2 years £130.00
analogue picture with an indoor aerial, you stand a fairly good
3 years £175.00
chance of doing so for digital. If you do not currently get a good
clear signal, you are unlikely to with digital TV either. Instead of
Cheques should be made payable to the snowy picture you sometimes get with analogue signals, with
digital you can go from a good picture to none at all very quickly.
If available issues are £4.50 each.

Boris Sedacca

TELEVISION August 2006 571

GB Rowing goes for Pixel Power
gold with Panasonic graphics to
IN Play
Panasonic UK has joined Pixel Power is helping to
GB Rowing's support team provide what is thought to be
at this year's remaining live TV gaming's most
World Cups and at the intensive and dynamic
World Championships. graphics to ITV Play.
As an Official Supplier to Pixel Power is customising
GB Rowing, Panasonic its semi -automated Clarity
equipment will now be used character generators with
extensively to video and software from Clarity
play back training and specialist Mobyjoe, to output
racing sessions. real-time information on
"This is an absolutely thousands of players for the
vital coaching tool and will gaming channel.
help us refine technique as While viewers play the
well as racing plans", said games, the system collates
GB Head Men's Coach, will be a huge benefit". Director Panasonic UK, real-time data on their
Jurgen Grobler. "We are proud that stated: "We are proud to be progress for display on-
"We video as much as we Panasonic has chosen to working with GB Rowing screen.
can of each session and become associated with our and are especially pleased This data, plus lower -third
analyse the results. This is squad", added GB that our products will be graphics including animated
then fed back to the rowers. Performance Manager, assisting the team in their logos, contact details, tickers
To have state-of-the-art David Tanner. quest for medals at the and live chat, and graphics in
equipment at our fingertips Cyril Wood, Managing Beijing Olympics 2008." centre -screen for the games
themselves, are all under the
control of just a single
TI Simplifies Audio/Video Synchronization operator using a custom-built
control interface.
Texas Instruments has configuration. required for The new graphics system
introduced the TPA5050 Audio/video (A/V) synchronization depends launched with the debut of
digital audio delay with synchronization issues upon the type of A/V ITV Play's Coronation Street
IIC control. arise because video signals and the current quiz. Pixel Power's two high -
Designed for high processing is more video mode. end Clarity 500 character
definition and flat panel intensive than audio Synchronization also generators host the tailored
TV applications, the processing. As a result, plays a role in wireless software from Mobyjoe.
TPA5050 digital audio audio is ready for playback multi -channel speaker "ITV Play is possibly the
delay provides cost- before the video. applications. Given the fastest paced and most
effective synchronization of Without inherent processing delays content -rich gaming channel
audio and video in a single synchronization, what of wireless transmission, it in terms of the gamer data it
integrated package that viewers hear will not takes more time for processes and broadcasts in
conserves board space and match what they see on the transmitted channels than real time," says ITV
simplifies channel screen - where the timing non -transmitted channels Production's, head of studios
of lips moving is off from to output audio. and location services, Paul
the words being heard, for The non -transmitted Bennett.
example. channels, therefore, must 'Without Pixel Power and
Also known as have additional delay to Mobyjoe, we simply couldn't
"lip sync," A/V synchronize them with the handle so much data and
synchronization transmitted channels. produce the UK's leading
is maintained by "There is a real need in gaming channel with just one
delaying the market for lip sync operator."
playback of the devices that can be easily The deal follows ITV News
audio stream, until implemented," says Kevin Regions' rollout of Pixel
the video stream has Belnap, marketing Power's Clarity 500 graphics
finished processing. manager for Home Audio, solution across its regional
The actual delay Texas Instruments. UK news stations.

572 August 2006 TELEVISION

Sony seeks new supplier for
LCD TV screens
(Reuters) Sony is seeking a Taiwanese manufacturers.
new supplier of liquid Securing enough panels
crystal display (LCD) to meet strong growth in
panels for TV screens to flat television demand is
make up for a possible crucial for any TV makers.
shortage. Sharp lost its position as
Sony said its panel the No.1 LCD TV maker in
supplies from S -LCD, its the final quarter of 2005,
venture with Samsung, mainly due to supply
would not be enough to shortages.
meet its plan to sell 6 Sharp said in March it
million LCD televisions had begun procuring LCD
this business year to
panels for televisions from BSkyB purchases
Taiwan's Quanta Display,
Sony's Bravia brand
LCD TVs have been selling
marking the first time that
the Osaka -based company encoders for HD
well since their launch, bought LCD panels for
and the company is now televisions from another BSkyB has purchased expansion options will
the world's fourth -biggest company. seven Snell & Wilcox help us maintain the
LCD television maker AU Optronics, the Memphis encoders to status of digital satellite
when measured in units, world's third -largest flat master content for its new services as the home of the
and the world's top LCD panel maker, said in April HD services. highest -quality viewing
TV maker when measured it would acquire Quanta BSkyB will use the experience."
in revenue - due to the Display. Memphis systems to BSkyB's premium
higher average selling Global demand for TV - create high quality HD services are launching
prices of its sets. use LCDs is expected to Long GOP MPEG-2 now with a set of
Sony mainly procures grow 70% this year to 48.4 streams, which will then dedicated HDTV channels
32 -inch or larger panels million units, according to be stored on Omneon featuring sports, movies,
from S -LCD while buying DisplaySearch. Spectrum servers, with entertainment and factual
smaller panels from which Memphis has been programming ? plus access
fully integrated. to select events produced
The Omneon servers in HDTV.
Samsung executives honoured will then playout HD "BSkyB's HDTV launch
content in SD, HD (720p is among the most
Samsung executive Vice or 1080i) or both. The significant events in the
President Jun Hyung integration of Memphis advancement of the
Souk, head of the Samsung encoders and Spectrum European broadcast
LCD Business Research servers gives BSkyB industry, and we're
Center, was presented flexible interoperability pleased that our Memphis
with a Special Recognition for both playout and encoder has been chosen
Award from the SID archiving applications. to support the network's
(Society for Information "Quality of image is transition to HD
Display) Board of critical to the success of broadcasting," said Joe
Directors at the 2006 SID any HD service, and we Zaller, vice president of
International Symposium conducted extensive marketing at Snell &
and Exhibition, while testing in selecting Wilcox.
Samsung Electronics Vice systems for our HDTV The Snell & Wilcox
President Brian Berkeley infrastructure," said Chris Memphis encoder accepts
(pictured right) was named one of four officers of the Johns, director of SD and HD 1080/720
SID Secretary and a Society, and will also serve technology at Sky. format inputs, as well as
member of Board of as a member of SID's "Thanks to Snell & uncompressed PCM,
Directors. Board of Directors. Wilcox motion estimation MP1L2, Dolby E and AC -3
Berkeley, an executive He has been in the technology the Memphis audio. It has been
involved in LCD display industry for thirty encoder provides the installed by a wide variety
technology development, years, working at Apple superior picture quality of leading broadcast
has been elected to serve Computer, and he played we require for MPEG customers and integrated
as Secretary of the Society an important role in mastering, and the with a wide range of
for Information Display. establishing the use of system's flexible automation systems and
Berkeley will serve as LCDs in the IT industry. interfacing and easy playout servers.

TELEVISION August 2006 573

Single chipTVTuner EEI BA
modules the freedom to
adjust the tuner modules The EEIBA's powerBall
to the various receiver 2006, will take place on 10
system power November in the
requirements. magnificent Great Room at
System power Grosvenor House, Park
consumption is further Lane, London.
reduced with the built-in Following last year's
stand-by mode function centenary Ball, our
and bus controlled power - industry charity's
down mode. challenge has been to
All major analogue and stage an evening even
digital standards for more spectacular.
terrestrial and cable This year's theme is
applications like PAL, Simply powerBall, which
SECAM, NTSC, DVB-C, will feature the colour,
Infineon Technologies has manufactured using a bi- DVB-T, T-DMB, DAB, spectacle and splendour of
introduced a low power polar CMOS process and is ISDB-T and ATSC are the lavish Simply
tuner IC, Taifun TUA6039. well -suited for stationary supported by TUA6039. Ballroom, performed by a
The TUA6039 broadcast receivers where Infineon has introduced cast of outstanding world -
integrates the complete RF both low cost and lower several generations of class ballroom dancers,
(Radio Frequency) and IF power consumption are tuner ICs, which have including celebrity hosts
(Intermediate Frequency) major design been designed into more Anton Du Beke and Erin
functions on a single chip, requirements. than 60% of the worldwide Boag from TV's Strictly
leading the evolution of TUA6039 is a full 3 - digital terrestrial Come Dancing,
smaller and more cost band RF tuner IC with receivers. It claims its accompanied by a live
effective digital TV tuner integrated IF AGC tuner ICs are used in one orchestra and singers.
ICs without compromise to (Automatic Gain Control) of every four TV tuners in Following a 5 -star
performance. amplifier and PLL. the world. dinner, the guests will
It offers a 50% This low power tuner IC "The latest trends in enjoy this glittering
reduction in board space operates between 3-5V developing digital cabaret but will not just be
and power consumption supply voltage with a television receivers are to watching a tremendous
compared to the previous power consumption of only reduce the footprint of the show, they will be able to
generation, currently 330mW (typical) compared tuner module while participate with the
using Infineon's two -chip to about 600mW for delivering higher experts and even compete
solution, consisting of similar competing performance," said with them.
TUA6034 (RF multimedia solutions. Giuseppe Calarco , Such energy and
tuner) and TUA6192 (IF The supply voltage General Manager of the excitement can only be
amplifier). flexibility allows Tuner Systems business matched by a special
The TUA6039 is manufacturers of tuner unit at Infineon. performance of The Red
Hot Chilli Pipers.
Fund-raising will of
course form a major part of
Broadband television for islands the event with Tombola,
Stand -Up Bingo, Auctions
Broadband technology is to Hebrides TV. access to broadband and the Raffle.
be used to give islanders The project's backers services, had been
access to locally produced believe a wide range of completed.
television programmes local activity, events and Over eight months some
through their PCs. local news could be filmed 378 remote and rural
Western Isles Council, and made available online. telephone exchanges - a
Western Isles Enterprise Consultants will liaise third of the Scottish total -
and other project partners, with community groups have been upgraded.
have received funding from and voluntary sector to The executive said the
Europe's Leader+ identify and encourage scheme would bring "far-
initiative. content for the site. reaching" business and
A pilot service will be Last December, the educational benefits.
run between 2006/07 to Scottish Executive The project was part of
gauge the level interest announced that a project, the executive's £24m
from residents. A website which aimed to give every broadband initiative, run in
will provide a link to community in Scotland partnership with BT.

574 August 2006 TELEVISION

National Grid Wireless kicks off
switchover in Wales
Technical work on digital for completion by the end
switchover in Wales has of 2012.
moves a step forward with National Grid Wireless
the construction of a 200m is working closely with
high temporary Digital UK, the
transmitter mast at organisation responsible
Wenvoe, west of Cardiff, to for digital switchover in
host equipment currently the UK, to ensure the
installed on the existing seamless transition from
structure. analogueue to digital
This equipment transfer television in Wales.
will enable technical work National Grid Wireless'
to be undertaken to CEO Steven Marshall
upgrade the mast at (right) and Emyr Hughes,
Wenvoe as part of the Digital UK Regional Co-
preparations for digital ordinator, were at the
switchover in the region in Wenvoe site as part of the
2009. ceremony to mark the
National Grid Wireless beginning of work.
owns and operates the Steven Marshall said:
Wenvoe site and will "Once the switchover
oversee work at a number programme in Wales is
of other key broadcast complete everybody will
sites around Wales. have access to digital TV -
The Wenvoe through their aerial, cable getting underway. "Upgrading Wenvoe is
transmitter is the first of or satellite." "Wales already leads the just the start of a
1,154 sites across the UK Emyr Hughes of Digital UK in the take up of digital nationwide programme
that will be upgraded as UK, said: "It is fantastic to TV, and we will be the first which will bring the
part of the switchover see the technical work for UK Nation to complete the benefits of digital
programme, which is due switchover in Wales switchover process. television to everyone."

Snell &Wilcox provides BBC

switcher forWorld Cup
The BBC used the Snell & simultaneously in both in Munich, both provided
Wilcox Kahuna SD/HD formats. and installed by
multiformat production "The BBC originated GearHouse Broadcast,
switcher to enable SD and HD broadcasts allowed the BBC
standard definition (SD) from multiple venues production team and
and high definition (HD) across Germany, and our switcher operators to The Snell & Wilcox
coverage of the 2006 FIFA Kahuna production choose from a variety of switcher offers
World Cup from studios switcher were key to the sources - SD and HD simultaneous SD and HD
and facilities in both integration of SD and HD cameras, VTRs, and operations, and it enabled
Munich and Berlin. sources into production graphics systems - operators to allocate M/Es
Kahuna systems and to the creation of regardless of their format. to either SD or HD
installed at both sites simultaneous SD and HD Kahuna's sources, or to mix the two
allowed production staff to transmission feeds," said FormatFusion technology together on a single M/E.
work with both SD and Joe Zaller, vice president enabled the seamless Snell & Wilcox provided
HD sources in the same of marketing at Snell & integration of SD sources support in designing the
mainframe, integrate Wilcox. into high -quality HD system and in the training
them seamlessly into A 4-M/E (mix/effects productions without the of freelance operators
production, and supply banks) Kahuna system in need for outboard prior to the opening
transmission feeds Berlin and 2-M/E system upconversion. match.

TELEVISION August 2006 575

C4 to simulcast
Radioscape again chosen for on the web
mobileiN broadcast systems Channel 4 is to simulcast
its main channel on the
web, according to chief
executive Andy Duncan.
RadioScape has been Studio Site Programmes will be
selected to provide the streamed live via
broadcast technology for a as part of
Mobile TV trial. its "now media" strategy.
The Centre of Excellence Later, a video -on -demand
for Digital Broadcasting version of FilmFour will be
(CoEfDB) in the offered.
Netherlands has just "Public service
implemented a similar television provides the
service on one of its four sturdiest bridge we have
RadioScape Multiplexes. from the old analogue
Willem Toerink of world of the mass viewing
CoEfDB said: "RadioScape experience to the rapidly
uses a very stable emerging future of
architecture of Internet trial in in the UK that was companies such as consumer -led, made -to -
Protocol (IP) to control announced on the 5th of Microsoft at the 2006 measure media and the
content and internal June 2006, for which 3GSM conference as being opportunities of a digitally
communication within the RadioScape is supplying a key enabling technology connected society," said
multiplex. broadcast systems for T- for Mobile TV deployment Duncan.
"This has proved to be DMB and DAB-IP as well as it is proven in the field, "The transitional period
very reliable and has served as an L -band COFDM DAB robust and there are between the comfortable
us well over the past year encoder. frequencies already certainties of the analogue
on our four RadioScape "This Mobile TV available in most era and the apparently
DAB multiplexes. solution is based on the countries." limitless possibilities of a
"We are now taking DAB well proven Eureka 147, The RadioScape digital future can look
on to its logical next step of DAB standard with an Broadcast System can be chaotic, anarchic and
delivering Data and Mobile additional layer of configured to support both frightening, but we are not
TV reliably to mobile algorithms to ensure DAB-IP and T-DMB via facing a technological fait
handsets using DAB-IP." robust signal protection simple software selectable accompli over which we
RadioScape already has and is called DMB (Digital options. have absolutely no control.
over nine DMB Multimedia Broadcast) or, T-DMB is typically "Ensuring public value
installations in major specifically, DAB-IP (DAB configured to provide means much more than
Chinese conurbations and Internet Protocol)," added H.264 QVGA sized pictures what the BBC does with
is providing equipment for Phil Smith, RadioScape's at a frame rates from 15-30 public money. If we think
various trials around the Senior VP of Sales and fps using 192-512 kbps and we have fixed the future
world. Operations. higher bit rates, while the just by renewing the
This includes the "DAB-IP was cited by Windows Media format licence fee until 2016, we
DMB/DAB-IP Mobile TV many leading technology focuses on lower bit rates. are mistaken."

Multi -channel scope from single USB port

The pocket -sized Elan synchronized in multi- waveform
USBscope50 is easy to use channel mode and also generator,
in multi -channel offers galvanic isolation, pulse
applications. which protects both generator
Users who need a multi- equipment and users from and pulse
channel scope have usually electrical shock or damage. counter.
needed to use separate The USBscope50, All these
USB ports on their PCs. together with the USB hub products
Elan offers a two- or means that all the features share the
four -port USB hub with of a powerful oscilloscope same
flying leads, allowing come in a small and miniature
multiple USBscopes to be convenient form factor at a package,
operated from a single fraction of the price. are powered by USB and USBscope family can all be
USB port. Other members of the are fully isolated. used in conjunction with
USBscope50 is USBscope family are a The members of the the USBscope50.

576 August 2006 TELEVISION

A sharper has been a 30% year on
year decrease in the price of
standard DVD players in
Best indoor
aerial costs £9.99
picture the UK since 2005.
Sharp DV-SV97H key
Independent tests have
found that an indoor aerial
costing just £9.99 is the
HDMI (High Definition most effective set -top
Multimedia Interface) device for receiving digital
digital audio and video terrestrial television.
output Consumer group
Video upscaling up to Ricability tested 32 aerials
Sharp has announced the technology to offer 1080i resolution and found that more
DV-SV97H, a DVD/CD improved video quality on 570p (PAL mode only), expensive models were not
player with HDMI digital DVI- and HDMI-equipped 480p (NTSC mode only), always the best
output and DivX video HDTVs. 720p and 1080i resolution performers.
compatibility. "This unit has a Official DivX® certified The Telecam TCE2000
The player has contemporary design with product; plays all costing £9.99 scored
progressive scanning and blue lights, and its slim versions of DivX® video highest at 85% in the
video upscaling features up frame will fit into any home (including DiVX®6 with Ricability performance
to 720p and 1080i, and is theatre space." standard playback of table, matched only by the
compatible with a full range Gary Pearson, European DivX® media files TCE2001 costing twice as
of audio and video formats projects manager, Sharp, Progressive scan much.
including DVD-RW/-R*, said: "Thanks to its HDMI component video output However, You can't beat
DVD+RW/+R*, CD-RW/-R, upscaling technology, the DVD-RW/-R*, a good rooftop aerial for
VCD/SVCD playback Sharp DV-SV97H offers the DVD+RW/+R* and CD- TV reception says
capability, consumer a more future - RW/CD-R playback Ricability. This is true for
MP3/JPEG/MPEG-4 proofed DVD solution that capability both analogue and digital
decoder and DTS/Dolby is more likely to retain its VCD/SVCD playback TV. In fact, even more so
Digital/MPEG Audio value. capability for digital.
Stream Output. "This is particularly MP3/JPEG decoder That old grainy
Ning Ning Cheang, beneficial considering that MPEG-4 decoder compromise you may have
product manager, Sharp, the prices of standard DVD DTS/Dolby Digital/MPEG settled for in the past
said: "The Sharp DV- players have fallen so audio stream output could simply translate into
SV97H is part of a new rapidly in the last 12 Coaxial and optional no picture if your signal is
wave of DVD players that months." audio outputs too weak. Rooftop aerials
use a digital HDMI According to GfK User-friendly multi - are also less susceptible to
connection and upscaling Marketing Services, there language OSD traffic.

Full surround promises better viewing

The 42PF9831D is Philips' improving perceived dramatically reduce scanning effect of a CRT.
first LCD TV to feature picture detail and motion blur: Overdrive Rather than all pixels
the ClearLCD system, contrast, adds Philips. Control and Dimmable, receiving the same amount
Ambilight Full Surround, Clear LCD introduces Scanning Backlight. of light, at the same time
and Pixel Plus 3 HD innovations addressing Overdrive Control and for the same duration,
processing. motion -blur and black increases voltage to Scanning Backlight allows
The 42PF9831D is level performance. accelerate the reaction of for the progressive lighting
Philips' only F1atTV to Motion blur is the the liquid crystals, and of pixels for a far shorter
feature Ambilight Full result of the slow response therefore a more rapid duration.
Surround, projecting light of liquid crystals and the panel response time of This removes the
independently from all `sample and hold' effect, 6ms. `sample and hold' effect.
four sides of the screen. where images are Scanning
In utilising Philips' refreshed in 'steps'. Backlight
proprietary colour analysis Limitations of the technology
software, the ambient human visual system in uses new Hot
light output matches only being able to monitor Cathode
dominant colours on the objects by continual Fluorescent
screen. tracking, makes the Lamps -
This use of backlighting `stepped' images appear rather than
is also scientifically proven blurred. the usual
to reduce eye -strain, while Clear LCD uses two CCFL - to
at the same time technologies to mimic the

TELEVISION August 2006 577




Red Bee laid on a complimentary fleet of rickshaws to ferry visitors to and from public transport.

Broadcast Live, is a new event focussed on the content creation,

management and delivery industries and took place from 20th to
22nd June 2006 at Earls Court 2 London.

The event was divided into theme of the stand was 'Tapeless Hive offering, Red Bee Media's
three zones - Create, Manage and HD Production', showcasing the stand in the Delivery area allowed
and Deliver - each with its many benefits of both workflows. visitors to preview how consumers
own interactive feature areas. The Ian Lowe, General Manager, will interact with new platforms.
central area of the exhibition Panasonic UK commented: The stand was designed to
featured an auditorium with "Broadcast Live is an important explain how rights holders and
conference sessions focussing on all show to us for the UK market. platform owners can make more
issues related to broadcasting from "With its high-level of visitors money out of content, and to
HD to IPTV, and desktop editing to from production companies to illustrate ways to deliver content to
Digital Cinema. broadcasters we have chosen it as new platforms.
Panasonic took a 60m2 stand in the only UK event to showcase our "Since becoming an independent
the Create area of the show to latest products from NAB." company in August last year we
promote its P2 and HD range of Following announcements earlier have grown significantly and
products and to feature new this year about the development of established our position in the
products announced at NAB. The its Sherpa technology and Digital market as experts in helping

578 August 2006 TELEVISION

consumers navigate, find and watch navigate video content
content," said Pam Masters, CEO of in a multi -channel
Red Bee Media. environment.
"Broadcast Live is a great A case study of how
opportunity to showcase our new Red Bee Media has
products and services." helped a broadcaster
enhance its
Hybrid HD STB delivery
A preview of the hybrid HD set -top of linear
box and service that Red Bee Media channels
is developing with Microsoft and was
Netgem using Sherpa navigation featured Bal's latest product
was on the stand. in another in the Multiviewer
The service and set -top box will area of range is the Prism
be available in the UK through ISPs the stand.
by the end of the summer and will Red Bee Media has Broadcast Centre in
give consumers navigation to video - helped Flextech keep creativity at West London, the most
on -demand services, access to the heart of its business by advanced playout and media
FreeView channels in High installing Quantel creative desktops management facility in Europe.
Definition, PVR functionality, that make it easy for creatives to Canopus, a part of the Grass
electronic programme guide and edit promos themselves right up to Valley business within Thomson
interactive programme guide. the point of transmission, while showed its Edius HD workstation.
Visitors saw how Red Bee handling digital media management Edius HD is a professional real-
Media's Sherpa technology has been and playout itself in its Broadcast time HD/SD online content creation
used to allow consumers to navigate Centre. system for broadcast studios built
online content services designed At the Broadcast Live conference, with a combination of innovative
especially for Windows XP Media John Pink, Commercial Director at hardware and software yielding
Centre Edition PCs. Red Bee Media presented a paper real-time capabilities that are said
Sherpa will help consumers entitled 'To delivery and beyond: to be unrivalled by NLE systems
navigate through the large range of The newest delivery and navigation costing ten times the price.
free, premium and subscription - methods'. Edius HD systems comprise of
based products and services three components: Edius Broadcast
available on Media Centre. It will Broadcast Centre NLE software; the innovative, high
also lead them to products and In another session entitled 'The quality Canopus software video
services that will be of interest to chief engineer's new agenda: A codecs including Canopus HQ,
them. changing role in a changing Canopus HD and Canopus Lossless;
Digital Hive is a one stop shop for environment', Chris Howe, CTO at and the RX-E1 input/output
rights holders and platform owners Red Bee Media talked about hardware card with its companion
to get content onto new platforms designing and managing the HD -SDI I/O module.
and make it work on different
Visitors to the stand saw how
Red Bee Media can make content
available on all platforms including
mobile phones, video iPods and
PS2s. There were also examples of
how content can be repurposed for
these emerging video platforms.
Red Bee Media's graphic services,
including its Piero technology, add
context and new meaning to
content. Piero is used to analyse
sports coverage with 3D graphics
and can enable play to be viewed
from angles that cameras cannot
Visitors could browse and search
the electronic programme guide on
mobile phones using Sherpa and see
how their favourite programmes
could be booked to record from their
mobile handset.
Red Bee Media boasts that it was
the most awarded company at the
recent Promax Europe industry
event. Examples of its winning
promos and channel branding were
on the stand, demonstrating how to
market and help consumers

TELEVISION August 2006 579

Canopus showed its Edius HD workstation.

The HD system is fitted with an including DVD-video. for these market -leading systems
internal Rev Pro drive that accepts Marquis Broadcast, specialist in that are already used worldwide, a
the newly recorded media directly broadcast workflow studies and greater number of broadcasters can
from the camera. Playout can be via software solutions, demonstrated its benefit from the advantages of a
the same Rev Pro media or via Medway media mover software for cost-effective and highly efficient
Ethernet connection to the Turbo digital broadcasting environments, universal media highway."
playout device or in cases where K2 supporting an extended range of Medway's new functionality will
server is present to GFX format via manufacturers' platforms. enable broadcasters to move media
Ethernet directly. at full capacity network speeds and
Edius Broadcast is designed to Increased interoperability with complete reliability in any
meet the requirements of higher - Unveiled at NAB 2006, this format including DV and 50-Mbps
end broadcast and post -production increased interoperability will give IMX, between content creation,
environments, including support for broadcasters more freedom to ingest, encoding, transcoding,
newer, non -tape forms of video choose best of breed solutions for indexing, asset management,
editing and storage. their broadcasting workflows editing, graphics, broadcast
Incorporating all the real-time without the worry of data transfer automation, finishing and master
editing capabilities and features bottlenecks due to file control playout servers and other
included with Edius Pro 3 NLE incompatibilities. systems used in digital
software, Edius Broadcast also Medway was shown at Broadcast broadcasting.
provides additional support for Live working with a range of Medway already supports Leitch
industry standard formats, broadcasting systems, including for and Omneon servers, Harris
including DVCPRO 50 and the first time, Apple's Final Cut Pro Invenio, TMD and Konan Mam
DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO P2, 5 and Sony's XPRI editing systems, systems, and Avid Technology's
VariCam, XDCam and Windows Grass Valley's ProfileXP video Media Composers, Unity and
Media. server, and FrontPorch's DIVA LanShare.
Featuring real-time video range of archive management Medway is a universal media
transcoding technology, Edius solutions. mover solution that enables media
Broadcast performs conversion "Broadcasters want maximum files from multiple sources to be
between different HD and SD productivity from their workflow moved seamlessly between vendor
resolutions, aspect ratios and frame processes and need to ensure data is platforms.
rates in real-time. being transferred between systems Medway also includes powerful
Edius Broadcast also features as fast as possible but also that it is EDL and metadata functionality.
real-time playback and DV output of delivered in an easy to use format," Designed specifically to meet the
all effects, keyers, transition and said Granby Patrick, CEO, Marquis demands of the most challenging of
title, and can export projects to any Broadcast. broadcasting environments,
format or medium required, "By adding support to Medway Medway eliminates file

580 August 2006 TELEVISION

ILI '%1
compatibility issues that occur when one form or another.
media and its associated metadata "Operal v3 employs Task timeline
move between target devices, comprehensive methodology Version 3 also includes a task
providing speedy and invisible enabling broadcasters to design timeline, which covers all details of
format conversion as required. processes and analyse how their activities, inputs and processes for
Marquis also demonstrated a new proposed digital workflows will each workflow.
version of The Drain at Broadcast operate to ensure maximum This provides easy identification
live. The Drain is a software utility efficiencies are achieved." of operator levels and tools,
for broadcasters that allows video Operal v3 features new workflow including hardware, software and
sequences created on Avid editing modelling and graphics -based task networks, along with descriptions of
systems to be transferred quickly analysis tools that provide full each resource's availability and
and easily to a server for immediate graphical representation of high capabilities, including for example,
playback. level processes. encoding rates and bandwidths.
Version 2 has a redeveloped Links to external objects, for Operal v3 is built on a new
architecture enabling it to share example systems diagrams, architecture that allows easy access
software modules with Marquis' performance statistics, screenshots to multiple process databases. For
Medway media mover software. from existing configurations, larger broadcasters who use forms -
The Drain is compatible with manufacturers' operator manuals or driven process monitoring, this
DV25 PAL and NTSC with stereo training videos, can be inserted provides enhanced integration
audio, and PC -based Avid systems, using a simple drag and drop capabilities with BPM (business
and supports Leitch Nexio and .AVI interface. process management) systems.
PC -based servers. Version 2 adds Broadcasters can run real-time Bal's latest product in the
support for Omneon Quicktime and operational simulations of new Multiviewer range is the Prism,
360 Systems, and other servers as digital workflows, and generate a which can accept up to 16 auto -
they are added to Marquis' range of system process map to which sensing SDI and Composite inputs
supported servers. various scenarios can be applied and assemble a picture output at
The process of sending a finished based on resource allocation and high -resolution SXGA and SDI. The
programme from an Avid editing workflow design. unit also compromises Electronic
systems to a playout server usually Operal v3 will perform the Audio Meters and housed in a 19"
involves the laborious process of simulation over a given time period unit.
outputting to tape and re -ingesting to calculate throughput and loading. Dynamic text/tally capability and
or transcoding. These results are displayed Ethernet control further enhance its
graphically to allow the user to functionality. Another Multiviewer
Plughole track performance during the study available is SVMV010, an SDI quad
With The Drain, Avid editors can period. split housed in a Balbox.
drag and drop finished material Any potential problems or areas The SVMV010 accepts four SDI
onto a desktop "plughole" without where productivity is reduced inputs and displays them in quad
needing to worry about where it is because of overloaded components, format. The unit provides outputs
going or how it is formatted. operational bottlenecks or under- as SDI with analogue component
The plughole automatically utilised tools and resources are (YPbPr) or RGB only. A genlock
initiates a fast transfer from the highlighted. input allows synchronisation with
Avid system to the target Adjustments can be made other equipment. Indents are
destination server in the selected accordingly to ensure the optimum provided for channel identification,
format. performance levels are identified. which can be inserted if required.
The Drain is ideal for budget
conscious broadcasters who wish to
build a system with perhaps two or
three Avid Xpress editors and a low
cost video server.
The Drain v2 will be available agination to Creatn
world wide via Marquis Broadcast's
distribution network from Q3 2006
at a cost of £800 per licence.
Marquis launched a new upgrade
to Operal, its process design and
documentation tool.
Operal v3 introduces new
features that allow broadcasters to
design, simulate and measure
productivity for new digital
workflows prior to implementation.
"Despite the continuing rapid
adoption of file -based workflows,
many still fail to deliver the desired
level of operational efficiency,"
added Patrick.
"There are undoubtedly several
factors involved but inadequate
planning is usually the culprit in

TELEVISION August 2006 581

Gearhouse Broadcast announced 11ca it has become a uoilie added reseller for Tektronix.

The unit is controlled either through system problems and result in the include support for HD -SDI and SDI
switches local to the unit or via GPI. loss of a recoverable digital signal. inputs and drive high resolution
The space saving Balbox stand- HD -SDI serial digital signals displays up to 1080p.
alone range of video and audio transmissions at 1.485Gb/s over a With an extensive feature set, as
multi -function modules with cable contain a range of frequencies standard, including audio and video
integrated power supply and robust and are subject to analogue type monitoring, UMD & Tallies, clock
steel case, continues to be extended distortions, like induced noise, as display, and LAN control, the HD
and the latest additions are well as digital distortions related to MultiViewers have numerous
CAEM010, providing convenient sampling and quantizing. control options including the
solutions for converting a composite Unlike analogue systems the intuitive Z-Configurator layout
video, PAL/NTSC and an analogue digital signals do not degrade editing software, On -Screen
stereo audio signal into a component gracefully but are subject to a knee Display, GPI, and ZRP remote
SDI digital signal with embedded effect and sudden crash. Using the panel.
audio and SCAA010, for conversion HD -SDI Ground Loop Eliminator Additional functionality is
of SDI digital signal to composite the potential for this type of data available with the Predator HD8,
video with the extraction (de - loss can be greatly reduced. HD12 and HD16 MultiViewers
embedding) and conversion to The four transmission rates of which feature the ZdH Zandar Dual
analogue of the embedded digital SMPTE 259m and SMPTE 292 Head display capability as
audio. 1.485 Gb/s HD SDI are supported. standard.
All the products can be can be The device is housed in a metal box ZdH seamlessly converts the
operated remotely via the fitted with BNC connectors. Power Predator HD MultiViewer into a
automation port with varying is not required so making it wall processor, capable of driving
degrees of sophistication. The units convenient to insert in any position two displays as one virtual super -
are stand-alone, occupy not more within a cable run. screen. With the ability to display
that 1U of rack space and can easy Hum Eliminators and Isolation any input on either output, images
be installed with plug and play ease. Transformers are also available for can also be spanned across both
standard SDI, S -Video, Analogue displays to add further flexibility.
Hum eliminators Composite, Analogue Component Predator HD8 can display eight
Bal Broadcast has also extended its and audio. images on one ultra -high resolution
range of broadcast hum and noise Zandar Technologies introduced display or be easily mode -switched
eliminators by the addition of a enhanced HDTV capabilities in its to DualQuad for display across two
product suitable for use in serial MultiViewer range. screens, making it particularly
digital high definition systems. Addressing the challenges of HD suitable for space -saving OB truck
Interconnects in a High monitoring, all MultiViewers are installations.
Definition Broadcast chain can enhanced to support genuine HD Also on display was the modular
result in ground loops and the output resolutions (1080p), FusionPro+ MultiViewer which also
introduction of induced noise. automatic aspect ratio management supports high definition resolutions
Even though SDI is more and auto -sensing of HD and SD up to 1080p.
immune to extraneous noise and low signals. Available in either 1RU or 3RU,
frequency component (hum), The compact HD4 and HD8 this combines multiple inputs in all
problems can still exist as often MultiViewers are now common formats such as analogue
seen in a smearing of the eye complemented by the higher video, SDI, HD -SDI, RGBHV
pattern. capacity Predator HD12 and computer sources, DVI sources, and
As with analogue signals once Predator HD16. The new 2RU audio, all in one system.
there is noise in the system it is systems accept 12 or 16 inputs for Like the Predator HD range,
extremely difficult and costly to HDTV monitoring in a variety of FusionPro+ is easily set up and
remove. Jitter caused by induced applications. managed using the intuitive Z-
noise effects can compound other All Predator HD MultiViewers Configurator layout software and

582 August 2006 TELEVISION

_ -
features ZdH Zandar Dual Head as In the critical production area "During the design stages we
an option to achieve significant of the vehicle is a monitoring demonstrated our capability by
cost -savings. stack where production crews can developing some innovative new
view up to 66 sources in either display features specifically for
HDTV OB truck SDI or HDTV formats. In total this pioneering truck.
Switzerland's largest TV there are 17 Predator HD4 "The versatility of Zandar
production company, tpc, has MultiViewers feeding a bank of MultiViewers allowed us to
installed multiple Predator HD4 Sony LCD displays. effectively emulate a CRT monitor
MultiViewers to drive a large The combination of multi wall on the Sony LCD display wall
production monitor wall inside format LCD panels and auto - just as the client wanted it - it
their HDTV OB truck; while sensing SDI & HDTV MultiViewer was important that we offered a
FusionPro+ MultiViewers are technology not only reduces display solution that would allow
used in a brand new sports weight and equipment size to less the tpc production crew to easily
playout facility and news studio at than half of a traditional CRT distinguish each picture source."
Norway's TV 2 and in Maori TV's monitoring wall equivalent but Various control options
control room. also provides much greater comprise Z-Configurator layout
Designed and built by Sony flexibility as the truck can be editing software for quick and
Professional Services, this new reconfigured. seamless arrangement of inputs
vehicle uses the very latest in "For the most complete, end -to - on a display device, on screen
digital technology to set new end monitoring and dynamic display (OSD), GPI, and the ZRP
standards in OB vehicle design. control systems, Zandar has Zandar remote panel. System set-
Fully HDTV and SDI capable, this further strengthened the Predator up and configuration can also be
new tpc vehicle is claimed to be Series range to cater for the achieved manually by using the
one of Europe's largest and most seamless display of pristine front panel On Screen Display
advanced OB trucks and hits the quality HDTV and SD video (OSD). Supported protocols
road this winter with Zandar images," comments Deirdre Smith, include RS232/422 and TCP/IP.
Predator HD MultiViewers. CEO at Zandar Technologies. For the presentation of images
over more than one display device,
Zandar offers the ZdH Zandar
Dual Head display capability.
Miranda highlighted multiple
new products at Broadcast Live,
including a more powerful
Imagestore Intuition+ HD/SD
channel branding processor with
multiple clip playout, a new
up/down/crossconverter with
automatic aspect -ratio conversion,
12 -bit miniature interfaces, and a
new HD -Bridge DEC+ for HDV to
HD/SD interfacing.
HD signal monitoring
The HD monitoring range is also
strengthened with new features
for the Kaleido-Alto-HD and
Kaleido-K2 multi -image display
processors, as well as a new HD
signal monitoring probe.
The new Imagestore Intuition+
HD/SD channel branding graphics
processor can play out multiple
full -frame or partial -frame
video/audio clips.
The clip capability is ideal for
junction graphics with upcoming
program previews and moving
character generator backgrounds,
and it can also be used for
interstitials, emergency material
and commercials.
The clips play with 8 -channel
audio (six channels with SD
version), which can feed the audio
mixer of an associated Imagestore
HDTV/300+ processor.
Imagestore Intuition+ also
features an advanced character
ed multiple new products. generator for high -quality display

TELEVISION August 2006 583

A Dolby E metadata insertion
capability provides efficient
distribution of audio information
across a plant, including dialogue
level and dynamic range control
Additional key features include
frame synchronization, video proc
amp, and audio processing with
The XVP family comprises a
range of HD/SD interfaces that
can be easily upgraded in the field
to the full XVP-811i specification,
thereby simplifying
The HD -Bridge DEC+ is a new
version of Miranda's HDV to HD -
SDI interface with multiple new
features for news gathering,
editing, and transmission.
The interface's ASI to HD -SDI
conversion capability allows long-
range monitoring during HDV
news gathering, as well as easy
recording and transmission, when
it is combined with Miranda's
The HD -Bridge DEC+ also
features a genlock input for
broadcast applications, as well as
720p24 HDV to 1080p24 HD -SDI
conversion for native 24p
production and editing.
Other new features include an
HDV downconverter for SD
editing and a simultaneous
composite video output for low-
cost monitoring.
Multiple new HD monitoring
capabilities have been added to
the Kaleido-Alto-HD and Kaleido-
K2 multi -image display
The Kaleido-Alto-HD is an
affordable, high -quality 10 -input
multi -image display processor
Zandar Technologies introduced can with auto -sensing HD-
HDTV capabilities in its MultiView ny,
SDI/SDI/analog video inputs.
of Latin- and non -Latin -based of the automation system. Alarms
text, including Arabic, Japanese, Full manual control is also For effective operations in master
Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi, Chinese available with the PresStation control environments, the
scripts, Hebrew, Thai, Korean, master control and channel Kaleido-Alto-HD now offers
Greek, and Russian. branding panel. advanced video and audio probing,
These new graphics capabilities Miranda's XVP HD interfacing including signal black, freeze and
can be combined with almost family has been enhanced with luminance too high, audio
unlimited animation playout to the new XVP-811i HD/SD presence, overload, mono, and out -
provide high -impact promotional up/down/crossconverter. of -phase alarms.
and branding graphics. This new interface features These alarms can be reported
Engaging graphics are easily automatic aspect -ratio conversion on -screen or via SNMP to other
prepared and controlled using using the Active Format monitoring devices such as
advanced templates with Description (AFD) standard, Miranda's iControl for logging and
embedded control. based on embedded control strategic monitoring views.
This allows a graphics team to signaling. The Kaleido-Alto-HD can also
maintain full control over the look The XVP-811i also offers 5.1 to provide highly cost-effective
of a channel, without having to left/right downmixing for easy remote production monitoring
worry about complex schedules, audio monitoring of over IP when it is combined with
secondary events, and the limits downconverted HD signals. Miranda's new Allegro RGB real -

584 August 2006 TELEVISION

time MPEG-4 streaming encoder. 1080i/720p HD and provides This allows SD or HD video
This configuration can deliver streaming video to allow operators input to be branded, DVE'd,
high -quality 10 -channel remote to see the signals they are scaled, and simultaneously aired
monitoring, and this can monitoring from a remote on both SD and HD outputs. The
significantly reduce production location. The HD Control Probe bidirectional VxScaler is ideal for
staffing requirements and costs also provides distribution stations simulcasting SD and HD
for major events. amplification, with four HD -SDI channels.
Many new monitoring features outputs and de -embedding of 16 The Xmedia Suite offers
have also been added to the audio channels. powerful applications for
advanced and highly robust Miranda has also launched two automatically creating, managing,
Kaleido-K2 multi -image display new picoLink 12 -bit miniature and playing out dynamic real-time
processor, including the decoding interfaces: the ENC-291p SDI to television graphics.
and on -screen display of Dolby composite (NTSC/PAL) encoder Miranda's line-up included new
Metadata information, such as and the DEC -291p composite HDV interfaces, including the HD -
channel lineup and the dialog (NTSC/PAL) to SDI decoder. Bridge DEC+ HDV to HD/SD
normalization value. Miranda highlighted its new converter, the ASI-Bridge CAM
In addition, advanced new VertigoXmedia range of high -end HDV to ASI interface, the ADC -
aspect -ratio control capabilities graphics automation software and 800 CAM A to D converter, and
include on -screen reporting of the platforms. the AMX-800 CAM embedder.
Active Format Description (AFD), Miranda Technologies acquired The HD -Bridge DEC+ is a high -
and automatic reconfiguration of VertigoXmedia in May, which adds quality HDV (MPEG-2) decoder
the video windows' aspect ratios a powerful suite of graphics interface with multiple output
from the AFD information. platforms and workflow software to formats for news gathering,
The new Densite Series HD -SDI Miranda's existing playout recording, monitoring, and on -air
Control Probe (HCP-1801) branding systems. playout.
operates with Miranda's iControl Key new products include the HD -Bridge DEC+ features two
end -to -end facility monitoring VertigoXG, a full -featured HD/SD HDV IEEE -1394 ports (iLink,
system to provide highly effective graphics system. The VxScaler FireWireR), an ASI input, and a
signal measurement, with option for the VertigoXG represents genlock reference input. Dual
detection of video freeze, Dolby E what is said to be the world's first digital video outputs provide
metadata, and the AFD. integrated SD/HD crossconverter in either HD -SDI or SDI with
The probe operates with a graphics platform. embedded audio and time code.
Time code burn -in
One output is a clean feed, and
the other features time code burn -
in and aspect ratio markers.
The HD -Bridge DEC+ also
provides composite, SD/HD
component video, AES and analog
audio, and LTC outputs. A RS -422
port is available for VTR control,
and a built-in crossconverter

Digital Hive

Red Bee gave visitors a preview

of its hybrid HD set -top box.

TELEVISION August 2006 585

allows 1080i/720p HD power supply. aspects of the broadcast chain are
crossconversion. The ASI-Bridge CAM can also investing in the highest quality &
The interface can also perform be combined with the HD -Bridge performance test and monitoring
720p24 HDV to 1080PsF24 HD - DEC+ to create a highly effective solutions."
SDI conversion for high -end 24p long-range HDV news gathering "Tektronix is the leading brand
production, and there is also a system, which overcomes the in the industry and has an
1080i/720p HD to SD short-range limits of FireWireR extensive product range which
downconverter. cable and allows more flexibility addresses the needs of the market
A lower cost version, called HD - in the field. place," said Eamonn Dowdall,
Bridge DEC, is identical except Gearhouse Broadcast Managing Director, Gearhouse
that it does not include the ASI announced that it has become a Broadcast.
and genlock inputs. value added reseller for Tektronix. "For Gearhouse Broadcast's
The ASI-Bridge CAM is a Gearhouse Broadcast has been sales business this is a unique
camera -mounted HDV to ASI selected by Tektronix to sell and partnership which will allow us to
converter, which is ideal for HDV support its baseband video test offer another first class product
news gathering and for direct and monitoring products to a range along with other leading
MPEG-2 recording on a server for client base inside the M25. brands including Sony, to our
cost-effective preparation of "Tektronix is delighted to have target audience of broadcasters,
dailies. selected Gearhouse Broadcast, a post production companies,
The use of ASI cabling from the company recognised as having a outside broadcasters and
camera means the dailies' strong understanding of the corporate clients.
recording device can be located broadcast market needs, "There is real value in
farther away from the camera. exceptional customer Gearhouse Broadcast becoming a
The ASI-Bridge CAM accepts HDV relationships and an excellent reseller for Tektronix," Dowdall
via an IEEE -1394 connection, and reputation in the industry," said continued.
converts it to standard MPEG- Nicki Fisher, Video Sales Director "As a company with a strong
2/ASI format. EMEA, Tektronix. engineering base, we understand
This compact interface mounts "Working with Gearhouse the value of test and measurement
discretely between an HDV Broadcast will enhance equipment and we frequently
camcorder and a tripod, and Tektronix's presence and coverage require a significant amount of
accepts power from the camera beyond its existing business in the Tektronix product for our Project
battery or from a dedicated in -line London area, to ensure that all Solutions business."


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586 August 2006 TELEVISION

e ers
Send letters to Television, Nexus Media Communications,
Media House, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8HU
Email - [email protected]
using subject heading Television letters'

Ekco U29 small table set Now maybe Chas considers all To answer the question about how
I read with interest Chas Miller's this to be just trade myth and many old caps I have had fail when
reply to my letter regarding the use nonsense - and perhaps he's right - voltage was applied, I would not like
of a variac in a modern workshop. I but I am not about to change my to put a number on it, but certainly a
have to say that I was somewhat working practices to find out. There few over the years have gone short
disappointed in his 'Grumpy Old are enough reputable engineers out circuit or leaky, as I have brought up
Men' responses, and was actually there who do believe in it, and that's the voltage across them.
astounded at some of the comments. good enough for me. I would not pretend, by any
It is all very well for him to say As I said, I really don't know what stretch of the imagination, that it is
that the seal end of an electrolytic caused the capacitor in question to a common occurrence, and I have not
capacitor should be pointed away fail. Perhaps I was told at the time, had one explode as a result, but I
from you when servicing, and to but I simply don't remember. It may like to think - perhaps wrongly, of
comment that he has emphasised be that it had been replaced, and course - that this is because I have
this fact to people attending his wired in wrongly by that engineer. not applied full voltage to them
restoration workshops, but no such It was easy enough immediately.
wisdom was imparted in the to do as I recall, I have also had
article that appeared other failed
in Television. components,
As far as the such as solid
experience state
of my rectifiers
colleague which have
all those been located
years ago as a result of
goes, the the item
reason for the failing to
explosion of respond
the cap is correctly as
neither here the voltage is
nor there, in brought up, no
this particular other damage
context. I used the having then been
example only to caused.
emphasise the potential for It could of course
personal injury, which I be argued that in this
witnessed at first hand, sort of case, a fuse will
from this exploding blow if full power is
capacitor. applied, but in the time it
From the time I was originally takes the fuse to blow,
apprenticed to the radio and TV repair with unnecessary stress may still
trade, I was taught that electrolytic multi -section be placed on other
capacitors were potentially dangerous caps where the tag colour coding was components.
and fickle devices that should not be not always very clear. Perhaps in using the word
stressed or abused. By the same token, perhaps the `catastrophically', I was being less
I was also taught that electrolytic cap was a replacement that had been than clear. I did not necessarily
capacitors that had remained unused sitting for a long time in the spares mean that in all cases, a failed
for a considerable time, would drawers and perhaps, if it had been capacitor would actually blow out,
require reforming before being put reformed by gently ramping up the merely that it might.
into service, to avoid potential voltage, the problem would not have Personally, I consider a short
catastrophic failure. occurred. circuit failure to fall into the

TELEVISION August 2006 587

e ers
category of catastrophic, but that is I would say on this point that it is aerials, on the rented properties,
just a matter of semantics. impossible to repair discrete output therefore relay was the answer.
While I accept that a short circuit stage failures on these, without the Some years later the problem was
capacitor is unlikely to explode, a use of a variac. solved by installing communal aerial
glass HT fuse might well, and the Replacing (often expensive) output systems that overcame the need for
flying glass fragments could be just devices and then just reapplying full individual UHF aerials.
as dangerous to unprotected eyes. power in the fond hope that all is Moreover, another great natural
Moving on to Chas's comments now well, is a recipe for repeat force in the sales anomaly was the
about "appropriate repair methods", failure, so if for no other reason, any introduction of 625 lines. No extra
if he is truly the well respected workshop that repairs these items, aerial was required, so BBC 2 was
professional that we have all come to will certainly possess a variac, and almost an instant extra for their
believe over the years, it should not have engineers with the necessary viewers. The new channel started in
be necessary for me to explain that skill and expertise, to use it April 1964, transmitted in black and
responsible repair methods are those appropriately. white, and continued so until the
which do not put yourself or your This being the case, I don't see onset of colour in 1966.
work colleagues into any kind of where the difference comes in. If it is The Rediffusion Company was
potentially dangerous or hazardous there and it has the potential to also big in cable television, and ran
situation, or compromise the make a safer repair environment, alongside the Rank Organisation.
reputation or legal position of the why not use it? Cities and towns such as Blackpool
company that you are working for. Clearly, we are never going to and Liverpool were connected to the
Any engineer over the age of agree on this, and I have no desire to cable systems. However, because of
about 40, will have been guilty of turn this into one of those long - the rise of customer ownership, cable
these bad practices in the past. It running internet-style threads, but I rental companies started to
was the 'way of the workshop', but felt that some of the comments that disappear in the eighties.
times have moved on, and health and Chas levelled at me required a Radio Rentals was the giant of
safety legislation is now a significant response. rental in those days. It actually paid
factor in our trade, and we should all Geoff Darby, Proprietor, field staff to use their own cars.
take serious responsibility for the Monitech. Mileage and an allowance for the
well being and safety of anyone we wear and tear of the car was paid.
work with. On to Retirement Virtually all work was completed
Whilst I have not been in the It was nice to read about the in the customers' home - even tube
trade for the 55 years that Chas has, experiences of John Royce changes. Engineers carried common
I have nevertheless clocked up over (Television letters, March 2006) who spares with them, and should a
35 years, and I take exception to the recently hung up his AVO after 50 specific part be required a trip back
comment about "before I was born". I years in the trade. It was so different to the depot was necessary.
would certainly consider myself just then; the trade was alive and well, Thorn Industries owned DER and
as qualified as Chas, and equally and respected too. Radio rentals, which included
able to offer considered opinions and I do hope the new breed of service Ferguson and Ultra Manufacturing
advice. engineers study the nostalgia and try Companies. That is the reason the
On the point that Chas makes to understand the history of their sets were Ferguson - it made it
regarding a capacitor having to be trade. easier of course for the engineer
working under its normal conditions The television trade in the sixties having only one make to deal with.
for trouble to commence, I would and seventies was really split by Stock faults were in abundance and
absolutely dispute this. There is no about 70 to 30, the greater amount for anything more complicated the
reason that an old capacitor should being rented sets, which the big boys set was taken into the branch for the
not commence to fail at a voltage such as Radio Rentals and DER bench engineers to deal with.
much lower than its rated value. without doubt dominated. It was quite common for the rental
The comments regarding an There were of course plenty of company engineers to be called bottle
engineer being vigilant for tell tale medium sized and small firms all changers in the valve days. If it was
signs of impending capacitor failure, trying to get into what was not a 'bottle' fault, then in it came.
are of course, good common sense, considered a lucrative business. Inevitably, as circuits advanced,
but running a unit on reduced Television sets were very and colour came about, technical
voltage, is likely to give a longer expensive to purchase. The Ferguson ability was called for. Semiconductor
period to spot such warnings, than 436T retailed in 1958, costing the knowledge was needed and indeed
going ahead and just applying full princely sum of £53.16.9 in old taught by the large companies. The
voltage. money. A builder's labourer earned City and Guilds courses were
Despite all of the negative around £11 per week. Therefore, for extended to include colour, and
comments that Chas makes about the working classes at that time swarms of engineers returned to
the use of a variac, I still stand by rental was the only option. college to obtain their colour
my original contention that it is a British relay was a dominating endorsement.
useful workshop tool. Perhaps Chas factor in large cities, especially in The trade went through the colour
is actually so stuck in the past, that London where they had their relay side, passed through the Baird all -
he has not caught up with modern wiring piped into most blocks of flats. valve beast, including the decoder,
DC coupled amplifiers. Local councils objected to arrays of then the hybrids, running alongside

588 August 2006 TELEVISION

e ers
the wonderful Thorn 3000 chassis, We carry out service work for a will bill you and you can take my bill
which like Marmite you loved or number of local dealers and rental into Argos and see if they will pay."
hated. companies and all are reporting "No way am I going to do that.
Then somewhere we stumbled dramatic drops in trading this year. What if they refuse to pay me?"
across the Philips G6, which must be Many, sadly, have gone out of "Well madam what if they refuse
bringing tears to some ageing business and great characters in the to pay me?"
engineers. Then along came the G22 trade have been lost. By now I was losing interest. It
chassis. One engineer who owned a nearby was beginning to become one of those
Nineteen seventy to nineteen shop has closed down and now works all -too -regular 'circular
eighty was reported to be the height for Tesco. The reasons for the drop in conversations.'
of the boom era for sales of colour business are many, not least the fact I asked: "Incidentally have you
sets. Rediffusion stated at that time that a lot of people are 'upgrading' to contacted Argos to see if they can
they could not get enough of them to an LCD screen when their present help you at all?"
satisfy waiting customers. Rediffusion CRT equipment fails. Also there is "Of course I have," she snapped
had its own Mark 1 model. It had a the constant degradation in the sale back, "and they are not in the
Hybrid line stage, easy to fix and price of AV equipment. slightest bit interested. And you are
reliable. The public wanted them all That said there is still business to no better. Just forget it. I will get my
in place for November 14th 1973. be done and a living to be scratched neighbour to do it for me."
That was the day of the royal wedding out there. However, this month I With that down went the
of Princess Anne and Mark Phillips. dedicate my letter to all those who telephone.
After that some rental firms went come through my shop door or Another day, and into the shop
by the wayside. That was the rise of through the earpiece of my telephone bustled an unpleasant character,
the cheap set brigade, which started and have absolutely no intention of whom I will call Mr Nasty, clutching
in the early 80s and rental companies paying me any money whatsoever for two instruction books - one for an
steadily experienced a slow decline in services rendered. Alba set top box and one for an Alba
their customer base. One day, the first telephone call of DVD Recorder.
With the onset of Dixons and the day was from a lady I will call "Just got these at Argos," he said,
Currys, more customers were Mrs No -idea. "and I am having a bit of a problem
purchasing their own television sets. "We have just been to Argos and connecting them up. I would like you
With buying power and their own my husband has got us a new TV to show me how to do it."
brands, these discount stores made thingy and a DVD whatsit and one of Now I hate it when people come in
buying electrical goods easier than those Free box things you see off the street wanting this kind of
ever before. advertised on the TV every night. advice. We get about three or four of
A change in people's attitude "Thing is we do not really know them a day. I guess it is due to the
towards the conventional style of the how to set it up. Would you like to close proximity of an Argos Xtra
sitting room has already begun. At come round and do it for us". store.
present, a room normally has the "Lot of kit there," I thought. We used to spend hours with
seating arranged around the main "Yes, that would be no problem," I people explaining to them how to
focal point: the television set. said. connect their various pieces of new
Focal points will change; perhaps "We charge £35.00 for the call out. equipment. We just can't afford to do
there will be two focal points. The This covers the first half hour and as that anymore. Most people
daytime one and one that appears long as there is no stand to put up, I understand but this man did not.
when the curtains are drawn in the would think we would probably be The conversation went as follows:
evening, thanks to a clever idea of able to sort it all out inside that "I'd like to help sir but I am afraid
putting a TFT LCD screen into a time." we are not familiar with these
mirror. There followed a silence for a few particular devices.
Selling at around £2,700 it is not seconds. Then Mrs No -idea piped "I would be happy to arrange a
for everybody at present. When back in a stunned voice: "But why call out for you, and our engineer will
today's service engineer retires, should we have to pay anything? It is be able to help I'm sure, but I can't
hanging up a digital voltmeter does all brand new equipment - we have stand here with you and take you
not have quite the same ring about it, only just bought it." through the whole set up procedure."
has it? "Yes but now you need help in He was undeterred: "I don't want
Alfred Holt, setting it all up and you will an engineer I would have to pay for
Pinxton, Notts. obviously have to pay me to come that. Just draw me a picture on this
and do that for you." piece of paper," he said as he
A week in the life "No absolutely not! It is new unfolded an A4 sheet from his
There can be little doubt that times equipment. Why should we pay you?" pocket.
in our industry are hard - very hard "Well if you want me to set it up "I'm sorry sir I just cannot do that.
in fact. for you I'm afraid that you will have I do not have any idea what TV you
Our own business is based among to pay." have, what leads you are using, or
the dreaming spires of Oxford and we Another Silence. "Well why can't anything else about your setup. If
have noticed a dramatic drop in the you send the bill to Argos - they will you are having a problem you need to
level of trade since Christmas of this have to pay." take it up with the people you bought
year really. "No, I have a much better idea. I the kit from.

TELEVISION August 2006 589

"Don't be so beep stupid: it was out." An argument followed. I won, manufacturer produced an
Argos. They know even less than I and got my £35. I'm glad this week attenuator that consisted of a coil,
do. Just draw the picture will you?" is over. which resonated at around 45MHz,
Now I was angry too. I do not like Andrew Lyon, Vision tech, fitted with an adjustable iron dust
being sworn at, so I stood my ground: Wootton, Oxford. core, all housed in a neat square
"No I will not draw the picture." aluminium box.
"Do you treat all of your 50 years ago The modus operandi was to
customers like this?" he asked. I found reading Keith Wilson's adjust the core to give the
"No, I do not treat any of my article, '50 years ago', very nostalgic. appropriate amount of attenuation
customers this way," I replied. The problems we had with the at band 1 without affecting the
"I help my customers to the best of opening of the new Crystal Palace band 3 signal - so far so good.
my ability. However you are not my transmitter were quite different to The problem was though, that
customer. You are a customer of the ones he describes. the bandwidth of the tuned circuit
Argos and if you are having a Having the previous year spent was insufficient to fully attenuate
problem with something you got from many a late night fitting band 3 both vision and sound signals at the
them, then you need to go back to converters to the wide array of sets same time, so in very strong signal
them." that were in use at the time, both areas, the sets suffered from either
He turned and walked out superhet and TRF, we were hoping sound -on -vision or vision -on -sound
swearing and shouting all the way to for at least a less hectic year, but it type interference, so we had to
his car. was not to be. resort to detuning the band 1 coils
Yet another day, and another call: We were located on a hill in Kent, in the tuner, and other foul tactics.
"Could you come and set up my DVD in direct line -of -sight to Crystal This was a great time to be in the
player for me? My son got it from the Palace. The new transmitter, being trade though, because as technology
Co-op and we are having problems more powerful, with a taller mast improved you could actually see and
setting it up. There won't be a charge and so visible, caused a tremendous understand what was happening.
will there?" increase in signal strength. When a component failed you
"Well yes there will be a charge. Fitting an attenuator was the could not only isolate it, but very
You wouldn't expect me to call out obvious course of action, but it often see what had mechanically
for nothing would you?" I asked. naturally also attenuated the ITA gone wrong with it. I still repair a
"Well my neighbour always does signal. We got quite a good signal few TVs but diagnosis is largely a
these things for me - he never from Beulah Hill, but being on the matter of guesswork in the small
charges" `super high' band frequencies, was signal sections of a set.
"Right, but he's not doing it for a nothing like as strong as the BBC There obviously are people out
living is he? That's the difference signal, so wouldn't stand much there who understand exactly what
you see? I am. This is how I pay my attenuation. is going on inside a particular chip,
bills. Perhaps you could get your Many of the sets we converted but I am afraid I am not one of
neighbour to set the DVD up for you were made by Bush, which as I am them.
if he is willing to do it for nothing." sure numerous readers will recall, Peter Nutkins,
"Well I don't like to keep had separate aerial inputs for BBC Charmouth, Dorset.
bothering him you see. No, no, I will and ITA. These did not pose much of
pay your call out charge and get you a problem. Neither did their early Electrical Safety
to come and do it." multi -channel sets, which for some Recently, I had a phone call from an
The call was duly arranged for reason used 300 ohm twin feeder for elderly customer who sounded quite
the following day. When I got there the band 3 input. worried. An engineer from a security
the DVD Player was in fact a DVD Most other sets of course were firm had been fitting an outdoor
Recorder. Not that this mattered, as fitted with turret tuners, which had camera to the man's bungalow, and
when I plugged it into the mains, just one aerial socket. To cater for had received an 'electric shock' from the
there was a horrible grating sound this problem, an ingenious VCR.
and the unit died. When the engineer had checked
I said: "I am sorry to say with a meter, there had been over 100
that this DVD recorder is volts on the machine's metal casing. He
faulty madam. You will need advised the customer to have it
to take it back and get it checked over, which was where I
exchanged." came in.
"Oh no," she said, "I don't The VCR in question was fairly
believe this. Oh I don't think modern - one of the JVC HRJ
I want one anymore. I don't series. It worked normally, but
even know what it is really. I checks with a digital meter
only got it because my son said produced a reading of 107V
I needed one. I'll just take it between the VCR's metal casing
back. At least I won't have to and the customer's aerial lead.
pay you will I? Resistance checks showed that there
"Well yes, of course you have to was no fault with the machine's
pay me. You have to pay for the call insulation, in fact it was working as the

590 August 2006 TELEVISION

e ers
manufacturers had intended it to. VCR and DVD player. `tingle' test!
The vast majority of modern VCRs The potential difference between How can this situation be allowed to
and TVs using switch mode power metalwork and earth is the same, but a exist in today's safety conscious world?
supplies are fitted with a two -core much greater current is available as Surely appliances with metalwork or
mains lead. To prevent metalwork and five of the aforementioned resistor and external connectors should be earthed.
external connectors floating at a high capacitor networks are effectively I notice that the new generation
potential above earth, a resistor and a connected in parallel. How many plasma screen TVs are fitted with
high voltage disc capacitor connected in appliances connected to each other three -core mains connectors and leads.
parallel are fitted between the mains would result in a safety hazard? Recently an elderly relative had his
bridge rectifier negative and the I decided to carry out a (somewhat rented bungalow modernised by the
chopper transformer secondary unscientific) check with my own local council. Electricians spent two
windings earth connection. Typical viewing equipment at home - a Bush days knocking holes in walls and
component values are 4.7 megohms TV fitted with the 11AK19 chassis is ceilings so that earth wires could be
and 4.7nF. used with a Sky digibox and an LG connected from a new consumer box to
This arrangement means that the combined VCR/DVD player. There is every metal fixture and fitting in the
metalwork of such an appliance can be no fault with the insulation of any of property.
at a potential of around 120V above these appliances. These included hot and cold water
true earth. In fact very little current With everything switched on, pipes, central heating radiators and
can be drawn, and if the easing is running my hand along the top of the even the gas meter. I understand this
touched with one hand and an earthed digibox produced a disconcerting is to comply with current safety
object touched with the other, the vibration effect as though the legislation.
voltage drops to a much lower level. metalwork was 'live'. I am not an expert on electrical
Sometimes a mildly unpleasant 'tingle' My neon screwdriver lit up brightly safety, but how can the people
can be felt, but the powers that be do when touched against any metal part responsible for these rules and
not consider this to be hazardous. of the digibox, while sparks could be regulations consider it acceptable to be
However consider the situation produced by unplugging the cable able to light a neon mains tester from
when five such appliances are from the outside aerial and touching the aerial socket of a domestic TV set?
connected up together, for example a the co -ax plug against the box's aerial Martin McCluskey,
TV, satellite receiver, freeview box, socket. I decided not to carry out the Bishop Auckland, Durham.


HP 1827 with 8557A 10kHz.350MHz 03002400 HP 8165A Programmable Signal Source HP 5316A Universal Counter 0-100MHz HPIB £95
OSCILLOSCOPES HP 140T with 8555A 10MHz.18GHz £500 1MHz.50MHz (Pulse) Function) £325 THANDAR TF810 Frequency Counter 5Hz-200MHz Battery £60
ADVANTESTTR4131 10kHz-3.5GHz £950 HP 3325A Synthesised Function Gen 21MHz £350 THANDAR TF200 Frequency Meter 10Hz-200MHz 8 deft £40
TEKTRONIX 2247A 4 Channel 100MHz WAYNE KERR SSA1000A 150kHz-1GHz E'950 HP 3312A Function Gen 0.1Hz.13MHz AMIFM BLACK STAR Meteor 100 Counter 51-tz..100MHz £50
Counter/Timer/ Voltmeter £275 MARCONI 2382 200Hz.400MHz High Resolution £1250 Sleep/Tri/Burst etc. £200 BUCK STAR 1325 Counter Timer 1300MHz £150
TEKTRONIX 2335 Dual Trace 100MHz Delay Sweep £125 MARCONI 2370 30Hz.110MHz £500 WAVETEK 21 Stabilised Function Gen 11MHz £225 BECKMAN UC10A Universal Courser 120MHz
TEKTRONIX 485 Dual Trace 350MHz Delay Sweep £300 HP 8754A Network Analyser 4.1300MHz £500 WAVETEK 23 Synthesised Function Gen 12MHz £275 LEADER LDC9043 Digital Counter 100MHz £125
IWATSU SS5711 4 Channel 100MHz Delay Sweep £150 MARCONI 6500A Amplitude Analyser with head £750 EXACT 529 AMIFM Function Gen 20MHz £150
PHILIPS 3065 241 Channel 100MHz Dual TB/DeMy -Autoset £200 HP 3340 Distortion Analyser 5Hz-600kHz £100 ANALOGUE 2030 Synthesised Multi Function Waveform £250
PHILIPS 3055 2+1 Channel 60MHz Dual TB/Delay -Autoset £150 THANDER TG503 Pulse/Function Gen 5MHz £195 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS ETC
PHILIPS PM3217 Dual Trace 50MHz Delay Sweep £125 THANDER TG502 Sweep/Function Gen 5MHz £195
KIKUSUI COS6100 5 Trace 100MHz Delay £150 SIGNAL GENERATORS KRON-HITE 5200A Sweep Func Gen 0.00003Hz-3MHz £150 SOLARTRON 7150 61/2 digit True RMS IEEE £75
TEKTRONIX 475A Dual Trace 250MHz Delay Sweep 0175 HP 33108 Info as 3310A etc. £120 SOLARTRON 7150Plus As Above +Temp Measurement £100
TEKTRONIX 475 Dual Trace 200MHz Delay Sweep £150 HP 83509 Sweeper with 835926 10MHz-20GHz 21500 HP 3310A Furc Gen 0.005Hz-5MHz ShelSciaiiiRamp/Putse .£80 DATRON 1065 514 digit Aulocal AC/DC Resistance IEEE £95
TEKTRONIX 465B Dual Trace 100MHz Delay Sweep 1125 HP 83500 Sweeper with 83592A 10MHz-20GHz £1250 PHILIPS PM5132 Function Gen 0.1Hz-2MHz £95 FLUKE 77 31/2 digrt Handheld £35
TEKTRONIX 465 Dual Trace 100MHz Delay Sweep £95 HP 83508 Main Frame Only 125 PHILIPS PM5131 Function Gen 0.11-M.2MHz £75 FLUKE 77 Series 2 31 digit Handheld £45
PHILIPS PM3209 Dual Trace 40MHz Delay £125 HP 8352.513 RF Plug-in for 8350 0.01-8.4GHz £503 FEEDBACK FG601 Fun° Gen 0.001Hz-1MHz £60 FLUKE 8060541 digit True RMS Handheld £75
PHILIPS PM3215 Dual Trace 50MHz £75 HP 83590A RF Plug-in for 8350 2-20GHz £800 HP 8112A Pulse Gen 50MHz £750 BECKMAN HD110 31/2 digit Handheld in Carry Case £30
KENWOOD CS4035 Dual Trace 40MHz £50 HP 8660C Sig Gen 1.3GHE £450 HP 8111A Pulse Generator 20MHz £400 711905A 51/2 digit Bench 260
PANASONIC VP5.664A Dual Trace 40MHz £50 HP 86600 Sig Gen 2.6GHz £750 LYONS PG73N Pulse Gen 20MHz £50 SOLARTRON 7045 41/2 digit Bench £30
HITACHI 0525 Dual Trace 50MHz Cusors £95 HP 866030 RF Plug-in for 8660C 1-2600MHz LEADER LAG12013 Sine/So Audio Generator 1CHz4IMHz 260 AVO DA116 31/2 digit with Batteries & Leads 220
HITACHI 0523 Dual Trace 50MHz Delay £80 HP86631B Aurigae/ Section for 8660C FARNELL LFM4 Sine/Sq Osc. 10Hz-1MHz Low Distortion, AVO 8 Mk6 in Ever Ready Case with Leads etc £75
HITACHI V425 Dual Trace 40MHz Cursors £75 HP8663213 Modulation Section for 86600 1TL Output. ArnplCutde Meter £60 AVO 8 Mk5 with Leads etc £50
HITACHI V422 Dual Trace 40MHz £60 MARCONI 2017 0.01.124MHz Low Phase Noise £500 GOULD J3B Sine/Sq Osc 10Hz.100M1z Lox Distortion ..f50-275 RACAL 93015 True RMS RF Millivoltmeter £125
HITACHI V223 Dual Trace 20MHz Delay £60 MARCONI 2019 Synthesised AM/FM 80kHz.1040MHz £325 FARNELL LF1 Sine/Sq Oscillator 10Hz-1MHz £50 RACAL 9300 True RMS Millivolimeter 5Hz-20MHz
HITACHI V222 Dual Trace 20MHz £50 FLUKE 60608 AWFM Syn Sig Gen 10eHz.1050MMHz 2300 MARCONI SANDERS 60550 Signal Source 850-2000MHz £125 usable to 60MHz £30
HITACHI 0212 Dual Trace 20MHz £50 LEADER LSG221B Sig Gen 25-950MHz £200 MARCONI SANDERS 605513 Signal Source 850-2150MHz £125 RACAL 9300B as 9300 £45
FARNELL 01012.14 Dual Trace 12MHz £40 HP 86568 Synthesised 0.1.990MHz £500 MARCONI SANDERS 60568 Signal Source 2-4GHz £125 GOODWILL GVT427 Dual Chan AC Millivoltmeter 10mV In
HP 8656A Synthesised 0.1-990MHz £400 MARCONI SANDERS 60578 Signal Source 4.5-8.5GHz 0125 12 ranges 10Hz-1MHz Unused £75
STORAGE HP 8640A AMIFM 500kHz-512MHz £150 MARCONI SANDERS 60590 Signal Source 12.18GHz .1125 KENWOOD VT176 Dual Chan MillivoltmMer £40
PHILIPS PM3320 Dual Trace 200MHz 250Ms/S £300 HP 86200 Sweep Osc with 862908 2.18.6GHz £500 MARCONI SANDERS 6070A Signal Source 400-1200MHz 1125
LECROY 9400 Dual Trace 125MHz £325 HP8620C Sweep Osc with 8622213 0.01-2.4GHz £400 FLUKE 6011A Synthesised 11MHz £125
TEKTRONIX 468 Dual Trace 100MHz Delay Sweep Digital HP8620C/B/A with any of the following plug -ins 1504E200 PHILIPS 55140 Colour Bar Generator Video 2195 POWER SUPPLIES
Storage £200 HP 86220A Plug in 10-1300MHz BLACK STAR ORION Colour Bar Gen £50
VELLEMAN HPS5 1MHz 5MHz Sampling. Handheld Unused £60 HP 8623013 Plug in 1.5-4GHz BLACK STAR ORION Later Version Metal Case £75 FARNELL XA35.2T 03500-25 Twice Digital £95
HP 86235A Plug in FARRELL LT30-2 0-305 0.25 Twice £110
HP 862400 Plug in 2-8.5GHz FARNELL 530120 305 200 Variable No Meters £110
ANALYSERS HP 86240C Plug in 3.6-8.66Hz
FREQUENCY COUNTERS/TIMERS FARNELL 91010 30V 10A Variable No Meters £55
HP 86245A Plug in 5.9-12.4GHz FARNELL LT30-1 0-305 0-1A Twice £75
ADVANTEST R3265A 100Hz-8Gilz £4500 HP86250B Plug in 8 12.4GHz EIP 371 Source Looking Microwave Counter 10Hz-18GHz £325 FARRELL L30.2 0.30V 02A £55
TEKTRONIX 492P 50kHz-21GHz £2250 HP 86250D Plug in 8-12.4GHz EIP 331 Autohet Microwave Counter 825MHz-I8GFIz £195 FARRELL L30.1 0-30V 0-tA £40
HP8560A 50Hz.2.9GHz Built In Traeleng Gen £3250 HP 862606 Plug in 12.4.18GHz HP 5386A Counter 10HzSGHz £350 FARNELL E3500 -350V 0-200mA £125
HP 8560A 50Hz-2.9GHz £2950 MARCONI TF2015 AM/FM 10-520MHz £95 FEEDBACK SC230 Counter 13GHz £75 FARRELL 030-2T 0-30V 0-2A Twice Digital £95
HP 8569A 10MHz-22GHz £950 MARCONI TF2016 AM/FM 10kHz.120MHz £95 RACAL 9916 Counter 10Hz-520MHz £75 THURLBY PL330 0.320 0-30 Digital (Kenwood badged) . £75
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HP 853A with 8559A 100kHz-21GHz £1100 200MHz Freq Counter IEEE £225 RACAL 9904 Counter Timer 50MHz £50 THURLBY PL320 0.300 0-2A Digital £55
HP 182T with 8559A 100kHz.21GHz £750 PANASONIC VP8117A AM/FM 100kHz.110MHz RACAL 1991 Counter/Timer 160MHz 9 digit £195 TAKASAGO GM035-3 0.35V 03A 2 Meters £45
HP1827 with 8558B 100kHz.1500MHz £600 FM 0.100kHz Digital Display etc. Unused £225 MARCONI 2431A Frequency Meter 200MHz £50 TAKASAGOTM03542 0-350 0.2A 2 Meters £35
MARCONI 2437 Counter/Timer 100MHz £75 ISOLATING TRANSFORMER - Yellow - 50005 with

STEWART of READING HP 5340A Automet Microwave Counter 1014z-18Gliz £250

Used Equipment - GUARANTEED. Manuals supplied

13Amp Socket £35

17A King Street, Mortimer, Near Reading RG7 3RS

Telephone: (0118) 933 1111. Fax: (0118) 933 2375 vf."4 This is a VERY SMALL SAMPLE OF STOCK. SAE or Telephone for lists. Please check availability before ordering.
Open 9am-5 00pm Monday to Friday (other times by arrangement) CARRIAGE all units £16. VAT to be added to Total of Goods and Carriage

TELEVISION August 2006 591

distribubr of electronic compone
Vestal 11AK37 Vestal 11AK19 Vestal 1AK19
PSU Repair Kit 4.3 Chassis PSU a EW Kit 16.9 Chassis PSU LW Kit
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Order Code Order Code Order Code

Simplated MODKIT55 Simulated
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Price : £15.00 + vat Price : £ 15.00 + vat Price : £ 12.00 + va

Philips L 01.1E Philips M03.1E We stock the

PSU a Upgrade IUt PSU and Upgrade Kit Full Range of
Phoenix Kits.
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Picture MODKIT56 MODKIT57 Please call for
Price : £ 15.00 + vat Price : £ 17.00 + vat any kits that are
not listed.
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105595.6 LOT1814 £14.00 1142.5057 LOT1164 £15.00 40348A-09 LOT2184 £16.00 3128 138 21921 LOT2376 £14.0C
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105936.4 LOT1148 £19.00 1142.5079 LOT1164 £15.00 40348A-12 LOT2184 £16.00 OV 2076/21921 LOT2376 £14.0C
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10612280 LOT1814 £14.00 1352.5008 LOT1167 £12.00 29221.029.63 LOT1987 £15.00 SHARP
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10655220 LOT1545 £19.00 1342.0006 A LOT1148 £19.00 RTRNFA014WJZZ LOT2374 ....£20.0C
106699 LOT2184 £16.00 1342.0006 B LOT1148 £19.00 HITACHI
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10669900-P1 LOT2184 £16.00 1342.006 LOT1148 £19.00 BW02862 LOT2374 £20.00 1-453-308-11 LOT2196 £17.00
106966.6 LOT2184 £16.00 1352.0052 LOT2262 £15.00 FA 014 WJ-H LOT2374 ...120.00 1-453-308-21 LOT2196 £17.0C
10696660 LOT2184 £16.00 1352.0052 A LOT2262 £15.00 FA014WJH LOT2374 120.00 1-453-308-31 LOT2196 £17.00
10696660.P1 LOT2184 £16.00 1352.5006 LOT1814 £14.00 1-453-310-11 LOT2196 £17.00
11030936351000 LOT2262 £15.00 1352.5006 A LOT1814 £14.00 L.A. 1-453-314-21 LOT2196 £17.00
11030936351136 LOT2262 £15.00 1352.5006 0 LOT1814 £14.00 057.834 TR 2 LOT2238 £15.00 1-453-372-11 LOT2196 £17.00
11040102331136 LOT2262 £15.00 1352.5006 R LOT1814 £14.00 058.434 TR 4 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-00 LOT2196 £17.00
1352.5008E LOT1167 £12.00 058.834 TR 1 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-10 LOT2196 £17.00
BRK0 1352.5036 LOT1545 £19.00 058.834 TR 2 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-20 LOT2196 £17.00
057.834 TR 2 LOT2238 £14.00 1352.5036 A LOT1545 £19.00 058.834 TR 5 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-30 LOT2196 £17.00
058.434 TR 4 LOT2238 £14.00 1352.5036 F LOT1545 £19.00 3311159 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-40 LOT2196 £17.00
058.834 TR 1 LOT2238 £14.00 1352.5037 LOT2184 £16.00 3311167 LOT2238 £15.00 8-598-834-50 LOT2196 £17.00
058.834 TR 2 LOT2238 £14.00 1352.5037 A LOT2184 £16.00 3311187 LOT2238 £15.00
058.834 TR 5 LOT2238 £14.00 1352.5037 D LOT2184 £16.00 3313110 LOT2238 £15.00 THOMSON
3311159 LOT2238 £14.00 1362.5001 LOT2262 £15.00 58.834 LOT2238 £15.00 105009.8 LOT1505 £19.00
3311167 LOT2238 £14.00 1362.5001 A LOT2262 £15.00 M 12-130 LOT2238 £15.00 10500980 LOT1505 £19.00
3311187 LOT2238 £14.00 1362.5002 LOT2262 £15.00 M 12-133 LOT2238 £15.00 10500980.P1 LOT1505 £19.00
3313110 LOT2238 £14.00 1362.5002 A LOT2262 £15.00 M 12-138 LOT2238 £15.00 10531460 LOT1505 £19.00
58.834 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0052 LOT2262 £15.00 M 12-157 LOT2238 £15.00 105660.6 LOT1505 £19.0C
M 12-130 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0052 A LOT2262 £15.00 M12130 LOT2238 £15.00 10566060 LOT1505 £19.00
M 12-133 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0052 B LOT2262 £15.00 M12133 LOT2238 £15.00 10566060.P2 LOT1505 £19.0C
M 12-138 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0062 LOT2262 £15.00 M12138 LOT2238 £15.00 105660060 LOT1505 £19.00
M 12-157 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0062 A LOT2262 £15.00 M12157 LOT2238 £15.00 105880.8 LOT1505 £19.00
M12130 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.0066 LOT2262 £15.00 RO 682 LOT2238 £15.00 10588080 LOT1505 £19.00
M12133 LOT2238 .£14.00 1372.0066 A LOT2262 £15.00 RO 685 LOT2238 £15.00 10588080.P2 LOT1505 £19.00
M12138 LOT2238 £14.00 1372.00662 LOT2262 £15.00 TR 682 L0T2238 £15.00 151128140 LOT1505 £19.00
M12157 LOT2238 £14.00 40313-16 LOT1814 £14.00 TR 685 LOT2238 £15.00 151281.4 LOT1505 £19.00
RO 682 LOT2238 £14.00 40348-02 LOT1148 £19.00 15128140 LOT1505 £19.00
RO 685 LOT2238 £14.00 40348-06 LOT1545 £19.00 PHILIPS 153144.6 LOT1505 £19.00
TR 682 LOT2238 £14.00 40348A-02 LOT1148 £19.00 21921 LOT2376 £14.00 15314460 LOT1505 £19.00
TR 685 LOT2238 £14.00 40348A-03 LOT1814 £14.00 13821921 LOT2376 £14.00 1531447 A LOT1505 £19.00
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Tel : (020) 8900 2329 Fax : (020) 8903 8128 Email : sales'riPgrandata.c
50 years ago By Keith Wilson

Taking televisions apart on the as an oscillator or

kitchen table must have been amplifier at
a popular pastime 50 years frequencies up to
ago, if the picture on the cover of 2MHz.
our August 1956 issue is anything This made it
to go by! potentially useful
Given the very high cost of sets in AM radios but,
at that time, you might have as far as I know,
thought that servicing was best left point -contact
to the experts, but the earnest transistors were
young man in the picture has never used
clearly decided to the contrary. commercially in
His worried expression, however, domestic
does rather suggest that this is a equipment.
decision he may live to regret! The other
We will pass over the delights of transistors in the
the features mentioned on the cover advertisement
and move on to an intriguing were the more
advertisement from Brimar, the familiar junction
valve manufacturing division of types which,
Standard Telephones and Cables during the 1960s
(STC). and 1970s, rapidly
But this advertisement was not ousted valves in
for valves - it was for transistors, most applications.
which at the time were very much a All the devices
novelty. were, of course,
Eight types were on offer, and it germanium - it
is interesting to see that the TP1 was not for
and TP2 versions were point - another decade or
contact devices. While the TP1 is so that silicon
recommended for switching and semiconductors
control applications, the TP2 is became common.
described as being suitable for use As well as the
point -contact
Who remembers Rivington Moor? "My wife's going to kill me!"
another long-time contributor, Les Lawry -
MCOR 211lay=lal csOlt
away rod,* circu,
almost - Johns.
forgotten At first glance, the circuit
device put in diagram shows the line oscillator to
TELEVISION OCNTROL an appearance be a triode and, indeed, it is. But,
in the August as the cross -hatching reveals, it's a
LTD.. Circuit, on
1956 issue of gas -filled triode, alternatively
Television. known as a thyratron. This was
Wry Muhl
ceble ciradr This time, it's used as a relaxation oscillator,
BIRMINGHAM LICHFIELD in the circuit which meant that the timebase
end 5 Orevirs on reavisoN HOUSE RANSMIT7) diagram for could be built with few components
BRITISH ONEMAS coie/ cal* 227.1' the line and a very simple circuit.

a Way radio
timebase of the Unfortunately, thyratrons had
Ekco model short lives, and they were prone to
STUDIOS TS46 erratic triggering that gave rise to
television, line jitter. They were, therefore,
MUSEUM EXCHANGE which was quickly superseded by hard valves
featured in the and more conventional, if more
,DO wits CC
b.Wenced Pee
"Servicing complicated, timebase circuits.
LTD. coaria/ cable LTD.
Television Turning from reception to
Receivers" transmission, the magazine
series featured a diagram showing the
authored by new ITA network used for routing

594 August 2006 TELEVISION

Brimar transistors were immune from the effects of noxious atmospheric conditions!
programmes from the studios to
the various transmitters then in
operation or under construction.
raim4libitors It is surprising how many of the
links used radio circuits - indeed,
save space power & weight the article specifically mentions
that the vision link between

These long -life transistors in your circuits will save space and power and London and Birmingham operated
incidentally save weight. Exhaustive tests by our unique triple -test process at 900MHz.
have proved their reliability over a long period.
Most of the once -familiar
Their small size and low consumption permit the design of light, compact
equipment and, since the cases are of metal, there is little danger of programme company names, like
accidental fracture. Associated Rediffusion and ATV,
&ea, The BRIMAR TP1 and TP2 are point contact n type, germaoium transistors.
Type TP1 may be used in control and switching circuits at frequencies up
have long since disappeared, but it
to 100 Kc/s and will work consistently and reliably within this range. was another small anomaly that
Type TP2 may be used as an amplifier or oscillator at frequencies up to caught my eye.
2 Mc/s. Collector dissipation 150 mW max. at 20° C. The BRIMAR.
TSI, TS2 and TS3 are p.n.p. alloyed junction transistors intended for use The transmitter for the North
in low frequency applications up to 500 Kc/s. These transistors are fully
hermetically sealed. They are thus immune from the effects of humidity West is shown as Rivington Moor,
Types Tll, TI2 & 113
and noxious atmospheric conditions. The collector dissipation of these whereas I had always believed it to
types is 50 mW at 20° C. The TJI, TJ2 and TJ3 are similar to the TSI,
TS2 and TS3, but have a collector dissipation of 200 mW at 20° C. and be Winter Hill. A little research on
Send for data sheets of these transistors to
are somewhat larger in size. the web suggests that Rivington
Standard Telephones and Cables Limited FOOTSCRAY, SI DCUP, KENT Footscray 3333 Moor was originally the official
name for the transmitter site.
However, the winter of 1955 in
Line timebases really were this simple in 1956. this bleak location was
particularly severe and, as a
result, the engineers working on
the transmitter dubbed the site
Winter Hill, the name which has
been used ever since.
It may come as a surprise to
6D2 some but, as early as 1956,
Sync. Sep.
enthusiasts were already finding
ways of generating their own
GIS television pictures.
.50pF A Mr CM Sweet, working in
India, reports his success with a
closed-circuit flying -spot scanner
constructed almost entirely from
war -surplus radar equipment.
Using a 931A photomultiplier as
a light sensor, this was capable of
producing 400 -line pictures from
photographic transparencies or
Problems with synchronism
V /4 were neatly avoided by using
timebases which were common to
Mr Sweet's flying -spot scanner. the scanning and receiving CRTs,
although this must have severely
limited the distance over which
pictures could be transmitted.
Let's conclude with a whinge
from the letters page. Mr B
Filmer, of Kilburn in London,
comments: "Some of the ITA
programmes are very interesting
but, just when you relax to look at
the show and enjoy yourself, what
"A gaudy advertisement
accompanied by a stupid song
suddenly takes one's interest
Not much has changed - except,
of course, that these days, the
adverts are often more interesting
than the programmes!

TELEVISION August 2006 595

BAE systems pioneers
television studio

A new wireless system allowing television studio cameras to be operated with-

out the need for clumsy trailing cables has been developed by BAE Systems.

The same technology can be so as not to interfere with recording. performed at TV Studios in
applied to military This limits the degree of movement Teddington to determine multi -path
communications with several and can pose real problems for fast- effects. A low bandwidth video link
battlefield and platform applications. moving action. Freed of their was successfully demonstrated in the
Project ROFMOD (Radio on Fibre burdensome connections, camera lab and further operational system
mobile data network demonstrator) operators can freely move around to tests are planned at the TV studios in
has solved the problem of moving find the best shooting positions. the near future.
cameras quickly and silently around Through its Advanced Technology Four patents have resulted for
the cluttered environment of a TV Centre in Filton, BAE Systems has BAE Systems from this work and the
studio, and brings fibre optics and designed and patented a special team is now working on ways to
broadband radio together in this mushroom shaped antenna to achieve exploit the technology for defence and
setting for the first time. this. security purposes.
BAE Systems, alongside partners Once safely encoded in the optical The unique mix of mobile, short
from the broadcasting industry, has fibre, the signals can be relayed range radio and long range fibre optic
developed wireless links attached to through great distances - kilometres if links that cannot be intercepted or
the cameras which relay video signals necessary - without risk of too much degraded, offers several potential
via a microwave transmitter into a degradation or interference. military applications.
fixed, fibre optic network carrying BAE Systems' Mohammed Nawaz Amongst them are naval ship
broad bandwidth data to fixed comments: "The studio cameras have communications below and above
receivers in the studio ceiling. The two-way communication using 60 deck, ship to ship links, and
receivers then pipe the signals along GHz, suitable for high bandwidth and communications for rapid military
optical fibres - without loss of quality - capable of supporting high definition deployment of vehicles with mobile
over many metres to the control room. TV channels. headquarters.
Currently, the demands of high "These signals are short range as Other ROFMOD partners are
definition picture quality mean that they only need to reach the fibre optic Broadcast Project Research, Shell and
TV cameras use lengthy, heavy cables network in the ceiling, and they don't Wilcox, and the University of Leeds.
that need to be manhandled in interfere with the studio next door." The project is part -funded by the DTI
absolute silence by studio technicians Single frequency tests have been LINK programme.

596 August 2006 TELEVISION

TV and DVD Faults
Test Case 524

Philip Salkeld Heil Baker John Parker

Martin McCluskey John Coombes

Sony 1(11-X2182U [BE -311 CHASSIS) -

Solution Test Case 524

111C AV-28VM1EK
Sony KV-36FS70
Sony KVE2532U (AE -2 CHASSIS)
Wel!tech 40136 Hitachi C2886TN (A7)
Bush RF6683VPL MAK49 chassis) Bush DVD142TV [AK46)
Ferguson D78N [ICC9 chassis) Hitachi C2114 TE
Panasonic NVI10605 VCR Hitachi C2856TN
Bush 2867NTX AK19 Hitachi C28WD2
LB DVC8100 Sony KD32DX50
LB RE28FI1OPX CTV Thorn P1465
Panasonic T1(25MD3 CTV Sanyo CB 5156 (EC3 - A21 chassis)
Hitachi C2916TN DVD Recorder BNI 1000R
Ferguson FTV28WN1 [AK37) Sony model KV32R)(16U [chassis AE6B111
Sony KDF-E50Al2U Samsung model SP42W5HF1
Philips HTS3500 DVD PLAYER Funai model L5100U
LB 42PX3RV Panasonic model TC14B3R
Philips 32PW8718/05 [EM2 CHASSIS) Panasonic model TC14S3R
Sony 1(1132F1(65U Toshiba model VTV1402
Philips 32PW6006/05 [1.01.1E1 Naiko model N1003
Panasonic T1132-PM1 [GP4 Chassis) Naiko model N2866
Grundig TVR5120 Hitachi model 37PD5200 Plasma TV
Goodmans 285NS [Daewoo CP775) Sony model 1(1120WS1A
Bush WS 6611 MAXIM Goodmans model GTV14DVII
Black Diamond BDS2851S MAK37-8) Panasonic TX-W28R4 [Euro4 chassis]

TELEVISION August 2006 597

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Philip Salkeld JVC AV-28VM1EK into standby. As the standby light
Six of these sets came in from a was not blinking, I knew it was in no
Sony KV-112182U [BE -3B CHASSIS) working men's social club, but one in kind of protect mode. Heating the
This set was stuck on standby and particular had a lack of width, with power supply brought the set back to
with Sony sets it is never obvious what east -west bowing. A dry joint on life. I decided to replace all the
is causing the problem. A phone call to C528 was noticed and resoldered, electrolytic capacitors around IC
Sony Technical was most helpful. He fully expecting it would cure the 6651, but the fault persisted. The
advised me to disconnect the fault. To my surprise the fault next step was to replace IC6651
protection line by removing D505, and persisted. Checking the east -west TOP209P Part Number 875946889,
the set fired up. Replace C613 (100mF circuit showed nothing. My thoughts and to my surprise this put matters
160V). The set did exactly that and turned to C528 where its pin had right.
C613 put matters right. been arcing. Could it have possibly
destroyed IC401 TDA8350Q? This Sony KVE2532U [AE -2 CHASSIS)
Bush 2051 incorporates some east -west This old timer brought back
This set belonged to an old lady, and circuitry. After replacement there memories. The customer was
when she phoned me, she mentioned was still no change. Next step was to connecting up a new Freeview box
that her eyes were poor but she could remove C528, which looked perfect, when he suddenly noticed that the
see black strips down the side of the but it was open circuit. Replacement picture had shrunk. When these sets
screen. When I called out the fault was of C528 (470nF 250V) corrected the were in their prime, what used to
striations, a problem you had when the picture size. happen is that the tube flashed over,
1k resistor across the line linearity coil corrupting the microprocessor. This
was open circuit in the old days. I Sony KV-36FS70 resulted in lack of height. All that
decided to have a quick look and my This was a heavy set and because it was required was to go in to the
attention was drawn to C424 (10mF had an intermittent fault, had to be service menu as follows: press the
250V), which was bulging. brought in to the workshop. The set CH+ and CH- at the same time and
Replacement removed the striations. would try to start up and then go press the on/off switch on. TT comes

Test Case 524

A24 -inch screen TV is perhaps the biggest Technician all watching the parts in the line output
which can safely be carried out by one big stage, the set was switched on again. But now there
and healthy person, and Todd is big and was no smoke, no burning, just the gentle pumping
healthy. So when he got a call to one such, claimed action of the power supply.
to be 'dead', he carried out a quick confirmation of After the lads had dispersed Sage found that he
the symptom then checked that the mains fuses in was now getting a resistance reading varying with
the power plug and in the set were OK before time from 9Q to about 15Q, both ways across the
loading it into the van in exchange for a loan set. It 135V line. Again he examined all the components
was just as well that he did, because so far from its connected across this feed and the line output
being amenable to a field repair, it was only with transistor for burn marks but there were none to be
difficulty that the lads in the workshop were able seen. His best guess, then, was that the puff of smoke
to get a diagnosis on it! This set was a Samsung had come from within the flyback transformer which,
widescreen model WS24W63V, fitted with the perhaps, had now broken down completely. With
KS3A(P) chassis, dubbed by Samsung dream great difficulty because of the rivets used on the
chassis - the comments of the lads, on hearing this, printed board, he isolated pins 1 and 3 (primary
were certainly not suitable for publication here! winding) of the transformer. An ohmmeter test
Initially the job seemed straightforward enough. proved that the transformer was innocent, and that
The power supply section was inaudibly pumping, the low -resistance reading was still present - at the
revealed by an oscilloscope connected to the chopper collector of the line output transistor. Can smoke
transformer. This suggested some kind of current come from such a component when it had no visible
overload, so attention was turned to the line scan mark on it? He isolated the transistor's collector leg,
stage, where meter checks showed, initially at least, again cursing the PCB rivets, and the low resistance
no problems with the 'usual suspects', things like the reading on the 135V line disappeared. To be sure,
scan -output transistor, scan -modulation diodes etc. Sage disconnected the e and b legs and checked the
The next time the set was switched on there was more (now completely isolated) transistor for inter -
activity in the line scan stage: a sort of burp on each electrode leaks. There were none!
power -supply pump cycle and then - wow -a wisp of What was happening here? And where had the
smoke from somewhere in the region of the flyback smoke come from? Finally Sage found the cause of the
transformer. The man on the job, Sage, hastily trouble, and in fact did not have to replace any of the
switched the set off, but could not immediately locate components in the set. What? He just had to fit an
the burning part in spite of careful 'cold' examination additional part, though this repair was, perhaps, a
of every relevant component. With Ted, Sage and Real little unorthodox. What? The solution is on page 604.

TELEVISION August 2006 599

up. Then press menu, followed by the Neil Baker John Parker
up/down buttons on the remote
control to Demo. Press OK, from
CXD2018 on the screen, press OK Panasonic NE111605 VCR Hitachi C2916TN
again, then select vertical size. Using We took a customer's repaired TV This relatively old Hitachi was
the right and left buttons adjust the back only to find he had unplugged stuck in standby. HT was present at
correct height. Then press OK. his VCR and this was now Dead. the line output transistor but the
Finally switch the set off to store Taking it back to the workshop, we switched voltages were missing. I
setting. At the time, we had a few found that the two capacitors C15 could not initially find any shorts on
complaints about this height problem and C16 in the power supply were the secondary HT rails. I decided to
and in my wisdom I phoned Sony low in value. 47uF 63V ground the collector of Q952. This
Technical who promptly told me replacements got the machine up immediately brought up the
there was a modification to prevent and running. switched voltages. My line drive
the micro from corruption, but appeared momentarily, then the set
because it was quite involved it was Bush 2867NT11 AK19 shut down. I could not restart the
not worth doing. He went on to say to Dead. No standby LED. There was set. I found the line output
inform the customer that if this only 43V on the collector of the line transistor had gone leaky (Q751).
would happen the first time, it could output transistor. This led us a song This was due to C704 (2.2nF) being
happen a second time, but would not and dance for a while until we found virtually short circuit. Also C703
happen a third. To make this last a safety resistor o/c - it is R867, (10nF) tuning cap was stressed.
statement he must have obviously which is 0.33R. It is found just in Replacing these parts got the set
given it a bit of thought. front of IC804. Also check for the running, with a narrow picture and
usual dry joints in the EW area. with no east -west correction.
Welitech 40136 Studying the circuit, I found R618
You never know what chassis will be LG DVC8100 (47R) to be open circuit. Replacing
inside these type of sets, but once We have had a couple of these in IC601 (TDA8350Q) and R618, and
again it was a Beko. The Beko recently. With one, the drawer then switching on rewarded me with
chassis is also in the Watson would stay open and would not go in a field (frame) collapse. I rechecked
FA7175TS (supplied by Makro). A unless pushed and then it would my soldering but this was OK, so I
very common fault on this chassis is come straight back out. The other isolated R618. Up came the frame,
`stuck on standby', and when brought just would not open but in the so a fault still existed in the line
out of standby, starts to trip. Look no display it was getting the correct stage. I next disconnected the east -
further than the line output command. In both cases it turned west coil L751. A puff of smoke
transformer, shorted turns. The out to be the open/close switch that came from the LOPT stage. I could
number on the side of the was faulty. It is on the small PCB not see exactly where it came from.
transformer is 13525048A and can be with the tray loading motor. It can My HT rail was still present but my
supplied by most distributors. be taken apart and cleaned, but it is line drive was missing at the base of
best to replace. the line output transistor. It was
Bush RF6683VPL MAK49 chassis) OK at the line driver collector Q701.
Power supply faults in the earlier LG RE28F110PX CTV I disconnected the base of the line
11AK45 seem to have slowed down. The customer struggled in with this output transistor and scoped the
The dead fault symptoms are now large TV, which kept going off print to see if the drive was now
appearing in this chassis. Instead of intermittently. This showed up present: it was not. Luckily I had a
replacing D808 it is now D817 instantly for a change. Looking scrape panel. I removed the line
UF5407. Up to now, one component around for dry joint on the driver transformer and fitted it to
replaced, and the set works. Nice regulators, I noticed that in fact the the set. I also noticed R730 was dry
little earners. The Silvercrest model dry joint was on pin 1 of the line out jointed (emitter resistor of line
CT2805 has the same chassis. put transformer. This was very output transistor). Resoldering this
crusty. Resoldering all the and fitting the drive transformer got
Forguson1118N EICC9 chassis) transformers pins cured this the set working. A long soak test
This set lived in a country pub, monster, just in time for the showed everything was OK. I
mounted on a shelf. I was grateful England match. measured the suspect transformer.
when two strong helpers came to my It appeared to be short circuit on its
aid; what a weight. The landlord said Panasonic TI125M113 CTV secondary. (Strange?)
the picture was curved, obviously an The job card reported that this set
east -west fault. Racking my memory, could take 20 minutes for sound and Ferguson FTV28WN1 (AK37)
I recalled a capacitor used to cause picture to appear. Once there the This set had no tuning. The field
this fault. Due to the layers of dust picture could take on a very smeary engineer had replaced the tuner,
on it, no way was it going into the effect. The usual cause is the tuner but fortunately he sent the original
car. Off with the back and after a few unit and this was no exception. one with the set. The tuner he had
minutes' study, I went for CL42 Taking out the tuner and fitted was an incorrect one there
(4.7mF 63V), which cured the fault. resoldering most of the connections were no option codes in the service
Needless to say I was not involved in cured this TV, with excellent manual for the tuner. I decided to fit
putting it back on the shelf. pictures still being the original tuner. I was rewarded

600 August 2006 TELEVISION

with a very noisy picture. All the (185V). It was present at one side of line collapse, i.e. no line scan. This
option codes were correct for the the fuse on the Y sus panel but not was very unusual. On removing the
tuner. I found the supply voltage, the other. Obviously the fuse was back, I found the wire on the scan
serial clock and serial data present open circuit. A direct short circuit coil had come away. After
at the tuner pins. There was however was present on the Y sus panel. I resoldering, I was rewarded with a
no AGC voltage at pin 1. I measured suspect the module block was short picture with an east -west fault. I had
pin 1 resistance to earth: it showed a on the Y sus panel. Unfortunately, EW drive at Q701 gate but not at its
direct short existed. Isolating pin 1 individual parts are not available. I drain. I found Q701 (2SK2049) to be
showed the fault was not in the wonder when manufacturers are leaky along with R706 (10R) open
tuner. Studying the circuit diagram going to allow us to repair panels to circuit. L704 (8.2mH) had shorted
and lifting links found capacitor the component level. turns and R713 (8R2) open circuit.
C201 (47uF electrolytic capacitor) Once these parts have been replaced,
was short circuit. This is an I was rewarded with a normal
extremely rare fault. I have seen Philips 32PW8718/05 lEM2 CHAS- picture.
large power supply electrolytics go SIS)
short in amplifiers, but I cannot This set had an east -west fault. Grundlg TVR5120
remember seeing a small electrolytic There was no e -w drive at 7480 This TV/VCR combi came in dead
cap go short. drain, but east -west drive was with a short circuit line output
present at its gate. The drain had no transistor. The usual cause of its
Sony KI1F-E50Al2U DC. Studying the circuit diagram failure is a dry jointed line driver
This new DLP projector had no showed nothing obviously amiss. I coil. However in this case, the LOPT
picture with 11 flashes of the replaced 7480 to be greeted with the was faulty. Replacement provided a
standby LED. According to Sony same fault. Looking physically at the complete cure.
service bulletin 06TV078, three circuit, I found a 200mA fuse
diodes - D5701, 5703 AND 9616 - connected between 7480 drain and
need to be replaced. However when I the junction of D6422 and D6423. martin McCluSkey
did this, the fault was still the same. The fuse was open circuit. Replacing
I decided to go back to basics and this cured fault. Goodmans 285NS Mann CP1151
check the supply voltages. I found `No picture' was the customer's
the supply on the AG board, which Sony KV32F1165U complaint with this 28" TV. Sound
feeds the ballast PCB, was missing. This set would switch on then was present at switch on, but there
The 17V, 11V and 33V were also immediately shut down with the was no rustle of EHT and the tube
missing. I had a power supply fault. I standby light flashing twice. heaters appeared not to be lit. In fact
found R6618 (0.1R, 2W) open circuit According to the service manual, this the line output stage seemed to be
due to the chopper FETs D1606 and means over -current protection. The inactive, but a faint spark was
D1607 being short circuit. I replaced HT appeared to come up and shut produced when a meter probe was
these along with IC1601 and the opto down. You could feel the static on the applied to the collector of the line
coupler PH1601. This provided a screenline drive was present briefly, output transistor. The line stage was
complete cure. I was rewarded with a but the frame drive did not come up. working but with reduced efficiency.
lovely picture. I initially replaced the frame IC6700 I found the scan coils sub -panel to be
STV9379, but this did not cure the dry -jointed. There was no damage to
Philips HTS3500 DVD PLAYER fault, so I checked supplies during the plug or socket, and re -soldering
This DVD player had no fluorescent start up. The voltages seemed a little provided a complete cure.
display. All other functions worked. I low to the frame IC. By sheer luck I
checked voltages to the display. At noticed the main reservoir cap C6661 Bush WS 6671111101191
first glance these appeared to be OK. (470uF, 450V) had a bulged top, so I The set appeared to be dead. The
I checked drive signals to the removed it and measured it. It was standby LED was out, but a faint
display: they appeared to be present open circuit. Replacing C6661 cured tripping sound came from the power
and correct. I then noticed the fault. supply area, accompanied by a
display was now working, so there clicking from both speakers. The HT
was the possibility of a dry joint. Philips 32PW6006/05 [1.01.1E) voltage measured 80V and the other
Resoldering the display electrodes After replacing the CRT due to the secondary supplies were very low.
did not cure the fault. A thorough set cutting out, I had to tune the set Much time was wasted checking for
search in the adjacent area of the in the workshop generator. I did an overloads before I discovered that the
display using my magnifying glass auto tune. The set found the local TV HT smoothing capacitor C813 was
showed that C2721 was dry jointed channels, but the image, not the open circuit. A new 47mF 250V
on its negative leg. It is part of the workshop generator around restored normal operation.
VGL voltage generator circuit. 696.25MHz. The image was very
Resoldering cured the fault. noisy. I replaced the tuner. this Black Diamond BI)S2851S
immediately cured fault. The tuner MAK31-81
LG 421,131111 had gone low gain at its higher end. When powered up, the set would
This plasma display had no picture. revert to standby after two seconds.
The standby light went green. All the Panasonic TX32-PM1 (GP4 Chassis) There was no rustle of EHT but
voltages came up except for VS When I switched this set on, I got a during the few seconds the set was

TELEVISION August 2006 601

on, a field buzz was audible from the Hitachi 028W112 Samsung model SP42W5HF1
scan coils. I found that R817 (130k) There was no sound or vision - just a No start-up. If the set does not start
in the HT feedback regulation circuit faint blank raster was visible. If the up, check ICZ103 (STK392040)
had risen in value to over 170k. I screen control on the line and/or resistor R127 (3.9R) and
made up a replacement using 120k transformer was turned up and down R128 (3.9R). check for open circuit.
and 10k components and this a few times, a picture appeared, but
brought the set to life again. in green and blue only. A meter Funal model L510011
check on the tube's red cathode pin Dead. If the set is dead but the
Hitachi C2886TA (All produced a reading of about 90V. power LED is lit, check the start-up
When switched on, there was a There should have been a bright red resistors R7 (270k) and/or R8 (270k)
squeal from the line output raster but the tube had an internal for open circuit.
transformer, then the set reverted to fault. Another one for the scrap heap
standby. I have had this fault before (It has probably been covered in Panasonic model TC14B3R
and went straight to C717, a blue shrink wrap by now and sold from Dead. If the set is completely dead
disc capacitor near the transformer. the back of a plain white van!) and the mains input fuse F801 (4A)
It checked OK using a digital meter, has blown, along with resistors
but showed a very slight leakage Sony 11113211350 R806/R807 being both badly burnt,
when measured with an old- There was a click from a relay when check capacitor C406 (471nF) for
fashioned AVO meter on the high the set was brought out of standby, short circuit.
resistance range. A replacement 1nF but no sign of life, though the HT
1kV capacitor cleared the fault. voltage rose to about 100V, then Panasonic model TC14S3R
dropped to zero. Replacing the line LED flashing. If the set is not
Bush 1IVD142TV 1118461 output transformer cured the starting -up and the LED is flashing,
`No sound' was the customer's problem. The part number is 8 598 check resistor R811 (220k 0.5W) for
complaint with this 14" TV DVD 834 40, and a pattern one is open circuit. If still in trouble then
Combi unit. The picture was perfect available for a reasonable price. check R804 (220k 0.5W) for open
but there was indeed no sound, circuit.
though a plopping noise came from Thorn P1465
both speakers when the set was in Dead was the complaint with this Toshiba model IITV1402
standby. On test with the back Tatung -based portable TV. The Intermittent start-up. If there is
removed, I noticed a heatsink at the power supply is based on the TDA intermittent start-up with no
back of the main circuit board 4605 control IC and replacing the voltage supply to the line driver,
became very hot after only a few series -connected startup resistors check the feed resistor R504 (270k)
minutes. Further investigation R802 and R803 (15k) cleared the to the switching transistor for open
revealed this to be the audio output fault. circuit.
IC. A new TDA7496 restored the
sound. This chassis is also used in Sanyo CB 5156 (EC3 - A21 chassis) Nalko model 111003
some Goodmans models. When the auto tuning facility was Shuts down after a short time. If
used, the set would not stop when switching the set on, the
Hitachi C2114 TE searching after a channel had been picture comes up with AUX
Field flyback lines covered the top found. If the stations were stored appearing on the blank screen, but
three inches of the picture: also the manually, they constantly went off then quickly shuts down, this is due
Teletext and on screen displays tune. Replacing the TDA 8361 jungle to faulty capacitors Cl and/or C2 (2
rolled. All was well once the TA8247 IC cured both faults. x 150uF 30V). Check by
field output chip and boost capacitor replacement.
C605 (100mF 35V) were changed. DVD Recorder BNI100011
This machine was completely dead. I Nalko model N2866
Hitachi 02856TN had no service information so started Stuck in standby mode. If the set
The set was 'dead' with the red LED with a visual inspection of the will not start-up from standby mode,
pulsing slowly. There was a 75 -ohm separate power supply panel. Two check transistor TD02 (BU2525AF)
short circuit measurable from capacitors C46 and C47 (1F 16V) had and also capacitor CD64 (2.2nF 2kV)
collector to emitter of the line bulging tops, and new replacements by replacement.
output transistor, though this brought the machine to life again
component was not faulty. The Hitachi model 37PD5200
culprit was C704 (2.2nF 2kV), a Plasma TV
blue disc capacitor in parallel with John Coombes Dead. If there is no power on the AC
one of the E/W diodes. That was not section, then check the photo coupler
the end of the story: there was a Sony model K1132F011611 [chassis PC001 (PC123) for short circuit. A
bowed picture because the TDA AE6BA1 replacement will restore normal
8350Q field and E/W output chip No start-up. If the set does not start- operation.
had been damaged by the other up and the LED flashes three times, If the set is dead but the relay
fault. Once this component had been check transistor Q8121 (2SK2679) switches are on and off continuously,
changed, the set produced a first- for short circuit on the east/west check the diode D114 (ERA91-02) for
class picture. PCB. short circuit.

602 August 2006 TELEVISION

TU Faults

Sony model 10120WS1A stage fails to start, this can be due to Line stage faults
Dead. If the set is dead and after the fusible HT feed resistor R877 If there is no picture, no audio, and
checking all the power supply (47R 2W) having gone open circuit. the power supply keeps pulsating,
outputs are low, check IC602 If the set is stuck in standby check the line output transistor Q551
(SE135N) by replacement. mode with the standby LED lit, (BU2508) for short circuit.
check for faulty SMD transistor If the line transistor Q551 that is
Goodman model GTV14DVD Q854 (BC847B) by replacement. If fitted is a BU2508, be sure to replace
Lack of height. If there is lack of there is no start-up and capacitor with a 2SD1577. Also be sure to
height and it cannot be adjusted, C871 proves to be OK then check check resistor R507 (100R 1W) for
check transistor Q603 (BC848) for diode D867 (IN4001) by open circuit or by replacement.
short circuit. replacement. If the line output transistor Q551
If all this proves negative but the keeps going short circuit, check the
Panasonic TI -W28114 (Euro4 set still remains dead, check the HT voltage and volts on the collector
chassis) error amplifier IC850 (SE140N). of the line output transistor Q551
Check by replacement or DC and if they are varying from 140-
Power supply faults conditions. This could however be a 160V, suspect a faulty error
Dead. The first and most obvious fault in the line stage. amplifier IC850 (SE140N). Check by
check is the mains input fuse F802 Check also diode D853 replacement.
(3.15A) check for open circuit or if it (MA2180BLFS) for short circuit, or Originally there was a line stage
has violently blown. The state of the if not reading faulty, check by kit (TZS9EK001) but this has now
fuse can help to decide how serious replacement. If however this proves been discontinued and replaced by
the fault is or give a clue in which to be OK but the set will not start- line transistor (2SD1577LB). On the
area to start fault finding. up, check diode D867 (IN4001) for other models TX28MD4, TX28MD4L,
If the input fuse has just gone leaky condition. TX28LD4DP, TX28LD4DPL,
open circuit, replace with an In a few cases the set will switch TX28XD4/A, TX28XD4L/A with
upgrade fuse of 5A advised by into a standby mode randomly, but Q551 (BU2508AXLB) is replaced
Panasonic and retry as it may have it will then switch back on. Suspect with 2SD1577LB and resistor R507
failed due to old age or just slack a faulty diode D868 (1N4150T-27). (270R 1W) to (100R 1W).
tension on the wire, so parting The diode is situated near the If however the line transistor
company from the fuse cap. standby relay (RL801) and feeds the Q551 is a 2SD1577LB and it is short
If however the fuse has blown, 12V supply to the relay. circuit, check for dry -joints on the
then check the Power regulator At this point it is also worth line driver transformer T501.
IC801 (STR-F6654LF51) for short mentioning that IC801 (STR- Resoldering will normally restore
circuit. If this proves to be negative, F6654LF51) can also cause the same normal operation.
check the degauss thermistor inside fault condition. On a few sets we If still no line drive to the base of
the posistor case. have found that intermittently the the line output transistor Q551,
If the fuse proves to be OK then set will trip, which is usually caused check capacitor C509 (47uF 35V) for
check transistor Q853 (BC847B) for by transistor Q857 (2SA1018QTA). short circuit. If this proves negative
open or short circuit. Check also the Check by replacement because it then check the line driver transistor
opto coupler D805 (TLP621GR-LF2) is difficult to read a fault on the Q503 (2SD2398-M2). Check for dry
by replacement. transistor, both DC or resistive. If joints or open circuit.
If any of the power supply there is intermittent remote control If none of these faults eliminate
components are at fault, always function, check the power supply the problem but staying in the line
replace as a block of components in transistor Q852 (2SC1383QRS) by stage and the set remains dead, then
the power supply to avoid a further replacement. check transistor Q552 (2SD1877) for
power supply problem later costing In a few rare cases, if the set is short circuit.
time and money. dead we have found resistor R877 If in some cases the mains input
If this all proves to be negative (0.47R) to be open circuit. If the fuse F602 is open circuit, then check
then check capacitor C869 (100uF mains input fuse F802 has gone the line output transformer T551.
25V) for low capacitance or high open circuit, do not forget to check Check for shorted turns in windings
ESR. If this capacitor proves to be the bridge rectifier diode D801 between pins 2 and pin 7.
OK check capacitor C871 (1mF 16V) (RBV-608LF-B) for short circuit. The line output transformer T551
for short circuit. This is the If all else proves to be negative can be responsible for several
decoupling capacitor on the collector but the fuse keeps going open problems, one of which can be
of Q852 (2SC1383-S) but also ensure circuit or intermittently blows, excessive brightness caused by a
the transistor Q852 is not short check the chopper transformer faulty G2 screen control. Also there
circuit. T801, or this maybe due to maybe incorrect focus, which can also
If this proves to be OK check for intermittent breakdown in the be caused by the focus control inset in
open circuit on pins 5 and 6 of the windings, or a more permanent the line output transformer T551.
chopper transformer T801. Also fault would be shorted turns in the If the picture is dark or there is no
check for dry -joints on all the pins to transformer. picture, this can be the cause of low
avoid further trouble at a later date. If all in the power supply proves G2 voltage from the line output
If the power supply powers down to be negative then it may be transformer. Check DC conditions or
just after switch on, and the line necessary to check the line stage. by replacement.

TELEVISION August 2006 603

If there is intermittent loss of If still in trouble with no start- prove to be OK on fame and line
picture then check pin 11 and pin 7 up or dead set then check IC601 coils, check the plug/socket (E4) for
for dry joints. If this proves to be (VDP3120BPPB1) for dry joints or dry -joints or high resistance
negative, then check the incorrect DC conditions. connections.
plug/socket (E3) pin 4 and pin 5 for If however the frame output
dry joints. If still in trouble then Frame stage faults IC451 (LA7845N) has gone short
suspect a faulty line output The most common of the frame circuit, then the set will not start
transformer T551 and check by faults is frame collapse, giving a up from a standby mode, choosing
replacement. horizontal white line or in some to go into protection mode.
If the power supply voltage is cases no picture - just a rainbow If however the set switches to
correct to line stage and the line effect. standby mode after start-up, check
driver components are correct, If there is frame collapse then diode D558 (ISR124-4AT82) for
check the 8V supply to IC601 check the frame output IC451 short circuit. If there is no start-up
(VDP3120BPPB1) pin 50. If this is (LA7845N) by replacement. If this and the LED blinks check resistor
missing, then check coil L606 proves to be negative then check R559 (0.33R) for open circuit.
(4.7uH) for open circuit. diode D557 (EU02) and/or resistor If the set intermittently shuts
If there is excessive height and R555 (0.33R) for open circuit. down, check for faulty capacitor
width, which also gives a dark If still in trouble then check C454 (220nF) by replacement. If
picture due to G2 voltage down to diode D558 (ISR124-4AT82) and/or however the frame output stage
200V, replace coil L554 and resistor R559 (0.33R) for open proves to be operating correctly
resistor R702 (8.2R). circuit. If there is still frame then check IC601
In a few cases we have found collapse, then check the diode (VDP3120BPPB1) for dry joints or
east/west faults due to faulty diode D454 (ERA15-02V3) for short check pin31 for a frame drive
D701 (ISS133T-77). Check by circuit. waveform.
replacement. If it is difficult to If all proves to be negative then If the frame drive waveform is
centre the picture, then check and check the scanning coils (FRAME) missing then suspect IC601 and
replace IC701 (TEA2031A). for open circuit or they maybe dry - check by replacement. In a few
If the picture is shifted jointed or at worst then may have cases if the set switches to standby
vertically and there is a line jitter, shorted turns. mode intermittently check for dry -
replace the video processor IC601 If the latter, then there maybe joints on resistor R601 (100R) in
(VDP3120BPPB1). This IC601 can smoke or arcing from the point of the frame protection circuitry.
also cause flashing picture and line contact were the windings go short To be continued in the
tearing. circuit. If the DC resistance checks September issue

Solution to Test Case 524

Avery odd fault was present in that Samsung puff of smoke had come from. We have never
TV chassis! The low resistance reading in encountered this type of failure in a transistor
the line output section at one stage came before.
and went by itself, and certainly went when the With the transistor mounted on the print side of
line output transistor was taken out of circuit. the PC board - and without a heat sink - the set
But the transistor, when electrically isolated by worked perfectly well, and the device did not get
unsoldering all its legs, showed no internal faults very hot.
on test with an ohmmeter. Now the workshop semiconductor equivalents
What had happened was that the insulation at books did not list type KSD5703, and there was no
the rear plastic face of the device had broken down such thing in the stores.
such that there was a discharge through it to the Had the set been the customer's property a new
grounded heatsink. transistor would have been required. This was a
This had made a small puncture and burn mark rental one, however, so the transistor was re -used,
on the transistor case and a spot -burn on the backed up (literally) by a stout mica washer. It
metal of the steel heatsink. That was where the worked!

We welcome reader's fault reports.

Send your reports to: [email protected]
Preference will be given to reports emailed as Word.doc attachments, and reports submitted on CD. Send to:
Television Magazine, Fault Reports, Nexus Media Communications, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent BR8 8HU
Please do not send handwritten reports. Payment will be made after publication

604 August 2006 TELEVISION

Long distance terrestrial DX reception [Sporadic El
has been remarkable from May into June. Good to
see that the long promised closures of the Spanish
TVE-1 transmitters on chs. E2 and E3 haven't gone
ahead - and the TVE ch.E4 Guadalcanal transmitter is

also confirmed as still on -air! The latest close down date
for Band 1 TVE is now pencilled in for this coming
autumn. Good news from Garry Smith (Derby) that the
Cameroons in West Africa is thought to have up to 12
Band 1 analogue transmitters in use with at least 3 on ch.
E2 with powers around 5kW ERP. The German
manufacturer Kathrein has been involved with the
installation of the transmitter system.
A quick summary of identified Band 1 reception in the
South UK follows:
26 May TVE (Spain) chs. E2, 3
31st TVE E2 Terrestrial DX and satellite 1111 reception
2 June TVE E2,3
3rd RAI (Italy) chs. IA, B; Italian Privates chs. R1, IA, reports.
E4; SVT (Sweden)
chs. E2,3; NRK (Norway) ch.E4; LTV (Lithuania) ch. Broadcast and satellite TV news.
(Portugal) ch. E2 Roger Bunney reports
6th RAI IA,B; Privates ch.E2-; Canal Plus (France) chs.
F2,3,4; TVE E3
7th RUV (Iceland) ch. E4; TVE E3; HRT (Croatia)
ch.E4; RAI IA,B;
Private ch. E2 -
9th TVE E2
10th C+ F3
11th RAI IA; Private E2-; SVT E2,3; TVE E2,3; HRT E4
12th TVE E2; RAI IA,B; ETV (Estonia) ch.R2; SVT E3
13th RAI IA; Privates E2,3,IA; RUV E4; C+ F4; HRT
E4; Arabs incl. Syria
(STV) chs. E2,3
14th. SVT E2,3,4; NRK E3
15th RAI IA; Private E2 -
17th ARD (Germany) ch.E2; Nova (Czech Rep.) Ch.R2;
HRT E4; C+ F4
19th TVE E2; SVT E2,3,4; ETV R2
20th C+ F4; RAI IA
TVDX has been available most days with many intense
and long duration SpE openings - on several occasions
`just like the old days'! Cyril Willis (Kings Lynn) using a
software radio received 2 American TV video carriers on
May 21st - ch. A3 around 1300 hrs; June 9th with 3 x ch.
A2 and 3 x ch.A3 video carriers. Software operated radio matched by the government. Estimated DTT coverage
receivers allow signal frequencies to be measured down to figures are end July 2007 85% of landmass; by July 2008
a few Hz enabling all transmitter offsets to be located and 88%; by 2009 93% and 100% by mid 2010, a few months
often identified. These signals were too weak to display after the analogue closure. Broadcasters had been seeking
any video images though TV-DXers in N. Ireland and a delayed analogue switch -off due to a fall in DTT box
Scotland have received North American video this past sales.
month. Korea -South. The Korean Broadcasting Corporation
(KBS) have received a massive shipment of digital
Broadcast News equipment from Toshiba to upgrade the TV networks into
Spain. The government has sought co-operation from digital, including 72 transmitter systems both main and
the nation's broadcasters in timetabling the close down of relay along with studio equipment. DTT with at least 3
analogue and introduction of digital TV across the channels is now available in 12 main cities reaching over
country. The digital migration will be conducted 'region the nation. Interesting that North Korea sought technical
by region, city by city' in closing analogue totally by April help from KBS in providing World Cup football content
2010. Broadcasters must provide the government with into Pyongyang for distribution to their TV network,
detailed plans of their analogue closure process/DTT take- which is still based on VHF analogue and lacks adequate
over. The Government will instruct cable companies to funding to move into DTT at this time. KBS is increasing
pay for digital channels carried over their networks, up to involvement with DMB - digital multimedia broadcasting
now all digital carriage has been free. In separate moves, - which up to now has been a local Seoul experimental
the government is organising an El8million budget to pay service and by summer 2006 most of Korea can access to
for digital development and promotion, 50% of this video content via DMB terrestrial base stations.
funding being derived from the broadcasters and the rest France. The 'Conseil Superieur de l'Audiovisuel' -

TELEVISION August 2006 605

NTSC test pattern from PAS -12 (45° East)
similar to the UK's OFCOM - gave the OK for HD -TV
test transmissions end -May to mid July and a later period
after September 2006. Atlantic Bird -3 @ 5o West is
providing the programme feed to the terrestrial
transmitters in Lyons, Marseilles and Paris, the test
programmes being a compilation of content from Canal+;
TF1, M6 and France Televisions.
New Zealand. After a long period of 'non -decision' over
the introduction of digital TV into NZ, the government
has come down in favour of their version of `FreeView', a
mix of both satellite and terrestrial distribution. The NZ
government are to budget $NZ25 million up to 2011 in
aiding the move into digital with the broadcasters
providing most of the funding - which will allow the
continuance of FTA TV across the country - the first DTI'
transmissions will commence during 2007. Hopefully the
Optus B1 replacement satellite (Optus Dl) will be in orbit
before NZ's DTT opens, see sat news.
USA. We've previously reported on the activities of
Marti TV and Radio Marti, a propaganda broadcasting
operation, targeting Cuba with propaganda programming
from a C-130 aircraft of the `Psyops' unit - this being
funded by the CIA. Discussions are in progress to replace
the 10kW analogue TV transmitter with a digital
equivalent though the digital viewers in Cuba must be
negligible! [note:Psyops = the Airborne Psychological
Luxembourg. DTT transmissions have opened across
the Duchy offering 6 TV channels in a single multiplex.
There are 3 French language channels - RTL-TVI; RTL
Club and Plug TV) and 3 Dutch channels (RTL4; RTL5;
RTL7). A 7th channel - `RTL Tele Letzebuerg' - has been
running a six-month test period. All programmes are FTA
in MPEG-2 and all analogue services of RTL, TVI, RTL4
and RTL5 have been closed down. 16:9 into squeezed into 4:3 of World Cup German street,
Austria. DTT will be launched October 2006 with a note sat uplink truck (W2, 16° East)
50% population coverage by mid 2007 and 90% in Spring
2009 of the Multiplex -A containing the ORF channels + its correct position should it drift away) on B1 means that
ATV. A 2nd Multiplex -B will expand more slowly with if the satellite goes on another 'walkabout' it may be
60% coverage early 2008. Analogue switch -off will be mid impossible to adjust the bird back into the correct slot
2010. which in turn will take out various Sky and Australian
UK. Despite the lack of DRM receivers in the UK, VT TV/comms services. The new Dl satellite will be launched
Communications have proceeded with test transmissions out of French Guyana during August/September this year
in the 11 metre Short Wave band in the London region - and could in theory be operational by October. [info - the
check 25.700MHz where will be found 2 radio channels NZ 'SatFACTS1
within a 20KHz bandwidth. VT are suggesting that the At the time of writing the floating 'Sea Launch'
current minimal use of the 11 metre band would make platform now positioned on the Equator @ 154o West in
this spectrum ideal for local radio services as available the Pacific is preparing to launch the PanAmSat 'Galaxy
FM spectrum has been used up in many city areas. 16' satellite. The C and Ku band satellite will slot into a
Crystal Palace, London is transmitting the 25MHz local 990 West orbit providing TV programming into North
tests and at Woofferton VT is also carrying out high America, Mexico and the Hawaiin island group.
power Short Wave DRM tests. Noting the above launch for PanAmSat, there are
VHF -UHF Digital Boxes. Of interest to TVDXers is further commercial changes in the air with Intelsat
news from reader Kevin Hewitt (Chatham) who whilst on merging with the PanamSat satellite system end May,
holiday in Cadiz, Spain notes that the Roadstar DVB having been given the clear by the US government. This
2005T' (cost E65) covers input frequencies from 50- will increase the Intelsat fleet and further enhance
858MHz and the Belson BST 1001 (cost E60) also coverage across the globe - it may well lead to a renaming
includes VHF/UHF coverage. With paralleled of satellite, the 45o East Europe*Star-1 became PAS -12
analogue/digital, VHF/UHF TV transmissions in the and now may change again!
United States, our American DX friends are enjoying low If you're reading this as an exile from the UK, you can
band digital DX, check out the WWW.WTFDA website for now pick up high quality BBC radio programming - both
information, pictures etc. English and Arabic - from the ArabSat 26o East slot,
check 11.861GHz-V [SR 27500+FEC4 ?].
Satellite News TV channel distribution for the Russian `RTR' and
Following the recent difficulties with the ageing Optus `Channel One' national networks that's distributed over
B1 satellite @ 160o East, fingers are crossed that it'll stay satellite such as the Express AM -1 have both been
operational until the replacement Optus Dl is launched. encrypted from the end of May, this to prevent the `lifting'
The shortage of hydrazine manoeuvring fuel (the fuel of material for retransmission by other TV stations for
powers the small jet motors to nudge the craft back into copyright protection. The Russian International TV

606 August 2006 TELEVISION

Aspecially selected 450 -strong specials Death on the Nile and Murder Wireless has a strong position in the
audience sample collect their in Mesopotamia, documentaries such as growing digital television market,
trial HD set top boxes this Jean -Michel Cousteau's Ocean owning two of the six digital terrestrial
week (beginning 5 June 2006) for the Adventures and classic films including television licences and providing
closed technical digital terrestrial All Quiet on the Western Front and The infrastructure services to all the
television (DTT) technical trial which is Big Sleep. Freeview channels, the BBC and BSkyB.
due to last six months. Channel 4's BD trial broadcasts will NGW is also the leading independent
High definition is a step change in include hit US drama series Lost and provider of infrastructure to the mobile
television technology which provides far Desperate Housewives, FilmFour films telecommunications operators in the UK
clearer and more detailed pictures than and other Channel 4 programming. Red Bee Media provides the
normal standard definition TV. Each Five will be showing episodes of distribution and promotion of
picture contains up to five times as much popular US series CSI, plus multimedia content, offering a
digital information as an ordinary TV commissioned programmes such as Tim comprehensive range of services to
picture. Marlow at MOMA and movies such as playout, publish, promote and provide
The trial will offer participating Cocktail. media access for content across all
broadcasters and their technical Research company TNS Media is media, from television to mobile phones.
partners valuable lessons about conducting the panel research. The Red Bee Media is owned by Creative
delivering HD broadcasts on a digital audience panel was selected from online Broadcast Services, which is in turn
terrestrial network and also research volunteers who registered on a website owned by Macquarie Capital Alliance
how the audience enjoys this new in April. All had existing HD Ready Group (65%) and Macquarie Bank
format. television sets and will be supplied with (35%).
It will help to discover whether there special DTT BD set top boxes. Siemens Business Services is an
could be HD broadcasts on Freeview in Recruitment is closed. international leading IT service provider.
future. This Siemens Group offers services all
The trial is being conducted under an 1 million STBs along the entire value chain - from
Ofcom licence which strictly limits the Advanced Digital Broadcast provides a consulting to systems integration, right
number of receivers and forbids range of high -quality products and through to the management of IT
reception of the trial stream by general services to the digital television market infrastructures.
members of the public. worldwide and has deployed more than Siemens Business Services is among
Humax and ADB (Advanced Digital seven million set -top boxes since 1997. the top ten providers of outsourcing
Broadcast) have supplied the HD set top ADB is headquartered in Geneva, worldwide. With around 39,000
boxes for the trial. Switzerland with main offices in Poland employees, the Group posted sales in
The DTI' HD trial consists of low and Taiwan and representation in eight fiscal 2005 (ending 30 September 2005)
power transmissions from Crystal other countries around the world of EUR 5.4 billion, 75 percent of which
Palace in London on frequencies that are including the UK was achieved outside the Siemens
not suitable for high power broadcasting. Arqiva has a 50 -year history in organization.
National Grid Wireless (NGW) is transmission and has helped pioneer the
transmitting the BBC's HD stream, technologies of the digital age. Hollywood Studios
which went on air last month, and Red The company's Terrestrial Media Thomson's Systems and Equipment
Bee Media provides play -out services. Solutions division provides national division develops video and film
Arqiva is transmitting the multiplex transmission for UK commercial technologies, products and services sold
shared by ITV, Channel 4 and Five, with television including ITV, Channel 4, Five to all major Hollywood studios, all major
Grass Valley, a business within and associated digital multiplexes, television, satellite, and cable
Thomson, providing broadcast playout playing a leading role in the run-up to broadcasters under the Grass Valley
and video encoding equipment. digital switchover. brand -name for the delivery of analogue
Siemens Business Services is Transmission services also provided and digital entertainment.
providing technical support for the to vast majority of UK independent radio The division also includes Thomson's
BBC's HD trial. stations, both analogue and digital. Access Platforms and Gateways
Humax is one of the world's largest Business, which develops technologies
NOM manufacturers of digital set -top boxes, and products for broadband and
The test broadcasts will use MPEG4 exporting its products to over 90 telecommunication networks to deliver
video coding, 8K carriers and 64QAM countries across the globe. The company digital entertainment and data to
modulation at launch - different is a leading supplier of high quality, consumers and businesses. The Group
parameters may be tested during the feature -rich digital TV products, includes the Technicolor, Grass Valley,
trial period. including Personal RCA and Thomson brands.
The BBC's trial DTI' HI) stream will Video Recorders (PVRs) and HD - TNS is a market information group.
offer identical programming to its HD Ready Integrated Digital TVs. The It is the world's largest provider of
trial broadcasts on satellite and cable company headquarters and R&D facility custom research and analysis, a leader
over the trial period. are based in Korea, with offices in Dubai, in political and social polling and a major
That includes the BBC's World Cup Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the UK supplier of consumer panel, media
coverage, major Wimbledon matches and and the US. intelligence and TV and radio audience
programming highlights such as Planet National Grid Wireless is a wholly measurement services.
Earth and Bleak House. owned subsidiary of National Grid and TNS operates across a global network
ITV will offer its own World Cup one of two UK providers of terrestrial in over 70 countries, allowing it to
coverage in HD, completing the full line- infrastructure for the transmission of provide internationally consistent, up-to-
up of World Cup games, as well as analogue and digital television and radio the-minute and high quality information
drama such as Agatha Christie's Poirot broadcasts in the UK National Grid and analysis.

TELEVISION August 2006 611

The role of the transport
properties of the interlayer
in blue IIP's lifetime
Natasha Conway, Clare Foden, Matthew Roberts, Ilaria Grin! of Cambridge Display Technology present a
at yields a set of design rules for choosing interlayer properties to provide optimum lifetime for
ROB materials in UK
It has been reported previously that excitons, leading to a reduction in
efficiency and lifetime in RGB light - exciton quenching by PEDOT, as has been
emitting polymer diodes can be observed experimentally before. This is
considerably improved by the incorporation of illustrated in Figure 1.
an interlayer between the hole transport layer Previous work has linked the degradation of
(often formed from PEDOT) and the emission the polymer -LED to the growth of an insoluble
layer. We believe that the presence of the layer from the PEDOT/LEP interface.
interlayer increases device efficiency in two Experimental data using electrical and optical
ways: firstly, with an increased confinement of models suggests that the exciton formation
electrons in the region where the hole density zone is peaked close to this interface, and
is also high, and secondly, by blocking that the inclusion of an interlayer moves the
peak away from the LEP/PEDT interface.
It is found that the growth rate of the
insoluble layer is considerably slowed and
that the device's lifetime is increased by
including an interlayer.
Cathode Other approaches to solving this problem,
such as changing charge balance to move
the exciton formation zone away from the
Electrons and Holes anode, have resulted in very low device
Recombine efficiencies, consistent with an increase in
forming cathode quenching.
Excitons The work described above illustrates the
importance of keeping the exciton formation
Emission Zone
zone away from both the anode (PEDOT) and
Holes are injected into the LEP layer
cathode interfaces, in order to achieve high
efficiency and long lifetime, and the role of the
exciton and electron blocking properties of the
interlayer in achieving this. However, the
interlayer acts as exciton block, reducing
exciton quenching by PEDOT
impact of the LEP and interlayer transport
Interlayer acts as properties on the device performance has not
electron block been reported in detail. The work related here
(electron is a systematic study of the effects of varying
accumulation) the interlayer electron and hole currents on
the efficiency and lifetime of a blue LED. The
results are then related to our current
understanding of device performance.
Electron -Blocking- Layer
The introduction of an interlayer does not
benefit all LEP materials. Figure 2 shows the
Emission Zone variation in DC lifetime as we modify the
Holes travel through the interlayer structure of a blue LEP so that the
recombination zone is broader and moved
towards the cathode. When the recombination
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of LEP structure (a) (top) without and (b) zone broadens and the exciton density at the
(bottom) with interlayer. interlayer interface is reduced, we do not

612 August 2006 TELEVISION

RZ near anode
E 1200 4.5
8 1000

600 No
i ntcrlaycr

Increased RZ broadening 2

Figure 2: As the recombination zone broadens towards Decreasing electron current of interlayer
the cathode, the effect of the interlayer on the display
lifetime is reduced (The distribution of the
recombination zone was inferred from EL spectra
measurements fitted using an optical model).
Note: 'lifetime' is defined as the time to half initial
brightness from a defined start point.





0 2 a 10 80
0 60
L2 40
LS 0

Decreasing electron current of interlayer

Vapp-Vbi (V)

Figure 3: J -V characteristics of electron -only devices Figure 4: Variation of (a) (top) EQE and (b) (bottom)
as a function of internal voltage lifetime with respect to the electron -only current
density of the interlayer at 3V Note: EQE is defined as
observe a lifetime enhancement due the proportion of electrons passing through the device
to the interlayer. which are converted to photons (light).
Note that, for broader emission zones away
from the anode, the lifetime of the device is quantum efficiency (EQE) is shown in
generally much lower. This is due to a Figure 4(a). As the electron current in the
combination of charge imbalance and increased interlayer is decreased, the efficiency of the
cathode quenching, which reduces device structure is improved up to IL4. Figure 4(b)
efficiency and, as a result, the device has to be shows that the behaviour with respect to
driven at very high current to achieve the lifetime roughly matches this trend, with IL4
desired brightness. giving the best lifetime.
The interlayer was modified in order to vary As previously discussed, in the longest lived
its hole and electron currents and the blue PLED devices, the recombination zone is
magnitude of variation was measured in single near the anode. By reducing the interlayer
carrier devices (with modified electrodes). electron conductivity with respect to the LEP
The electron only J -V characteristics of the conductivity we expect that electrons will
series of interlayer materials (coded ILl accumulate within the LEP layer at the
to 5) are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that interlayer interface. The interlayer can further
the electron conductivity decreases improve the device performance if, in addition
from IL1 to IL5. to the electron accumulation, the hole currents
Each of these interlayer materials was in LEP and interlayer were such as to also
tested in the following device structure: promote hole accumulation at the interface.
ITO/PEDOT (65nm)/ interlayer (10nm)/ The increased accumulation of both electrons
CDTblue (65nm) /Ba (5nm) /Al. and holes would result in an improved exciton
The variation in the maximum external formation efficiency and increased confinement

TELEVISION August 2006 613

accumulation of charges at the it-LEP interface
800 would be expected
N 1L3
Figure 5 shows that IL6 improves the device
E lifetime by a similar amount to that seen for
700 1L6
other interlayer materials which also act as an
- no iL exciton block. There is however a decrease in
8 600 efficiency observed with IL6 compared to IL3
(Table 2), consistent with some of the
500 generated excitons being able to diffuse
through the interlayer and become quenched
J by the PEDOT. This demonstrates how both
400 LEP and interlayer transport properties are
0 100 200 key in determining device lifetime by confining
Time [hrs] the recombination zone
at the interlayer-LEP interface. The exciton-
Figure 5: Lifetime from 800cd I m2, DC at room blocking character of the interlayer can,
temperature however, add a further improvement to the
device efficiency.

Balancing charges
This work identifies the importance of
balancing charges in the interlayer and LEP
layers. This ensures that the exciton formation
zone is confined within the LEP at the
interlayer/ LEP interface, and is neither
near the interlayer/PEDOT interface nor close
to the cathode.
of recombination zone at the interlayer/LEP Furthermore, the results with IL6 show that
interface, giving the observed improvement in lifetime can still be improved when the
efficiency. The lifetime improvement could be interlayer is not exciton-blocking but the
related to this improvement in efficiency as it recombination zone is still at the interlayer/
roughly follows the same trend. LEP interface, due to tuning of the electron
The decrease in performance for IL5 cannot and hole currents of the interlayer such that
be explained by the small difference in electron electrons and holes accumulate at the
current compared to IL4 (Figure 4(b)). A interlayer/ LEP interface. This is the first
possible explanation for this result could be evidence to suggest that exciton quenching by
the larger hole current exhibited by IL5 PEDOT does not play a significant role in
compared to IL4 (i.e. approximately three device degradation and, therefore, implies that
times higher than in IL4). This suggests that the role of the interlayer transport properties
there may be an optimum current for is of key importance.
maximum lifetime. These results provide a set of design rules
for choosing interlayer properties to provide
Improving efficiency optimum lifetime for RGB materials. It
The gathered data suggests that optimising demonstrates that the transport properties of
the electron and hole currents in the interlayer the LEP and interlayer need to be matched in
is of key importance to achieve high efficiency a way that ensures the recombination zone is
and lifetime. However, the presence of the confined near the interlayer/LEP interface.
interlayer may also improve lifetime and This understanding of the underlying
efficiency by reducing the probability of parameters governing device performances
excitons reaching the PEDOT layer. IL1 to IL5 should also enable the tailoring of the LEP to
all have a deeper HOMO and shallower LUMO ensure that we can achieve best performances
than the LEP so that the electrochemical whilst keeping the manufacturing process as
band gap of the interlayer is wider than the simple as possible (e.g. by using a single
LEP's band gap (by more than 0.5eV). interlayer material for RGB).
Therefore, a further interlayer, IL6, was In addition, the fact that improved lifetime
examined in order to try and decouple the can be achieved where the interlayer need not
effects of exciton blocking from that of varying be exciton-blocking is of key significance to
the transport properties. blue where it may not always be possible to
IL6 has a similar optical band gap to the use an interlayer with an increased band gap,
LEP layer and, therefore, will not act as an particularly for deep blue LEP materials.
exciton block. However, the electron and
hole currents are such that an This feature first appeared in Electronics World May 2006

614 August 2006 TELEVISION

EMEA Desktop Monitor
Following over -supply into the more or less throughout the is a luxury some of the other
channel in Q4 2005, the market", noted Pete Gamby, suppliers have not been able to
EMEA desktop monitor research director at Meko. afford or to follow", remarked
market showed a larger than "The company with the biggest Gamby.
expected decline in sales in Q1 challenge in Q1 amongst the top
2006. ranking suppliers was Acer", he HP Best Performer
According to preliminary data added. HP performed well in third place
compiled by Meko, shipments of The company was named by in the table with sales dropping by
CRT and LCD monitors exceeded some sources (along with Benq and only 3% compared to the previous
12.9 million units for the period LG) as amongst those that had quarter.
but this reflects a more than 22% excess stock in the channel going "HP was the best performer in
sequential decline in sales. into the start of the new year. the top ten in terms of the change
There was the usual seasonal in sales compared to Q4", said
decline for some vendors but others Samsung Tops Gamby.
saw shipments drop much more By vendor, it was again Samsung "There was only one account
than is usual in the first quarter that ranked as the top supplier by amongst those that we track in
as a result of the over -supply in volume with sales of more than EMEA to see sequential growth
the last period of 2005. 2.9m units. Sales were down and that was Gateway/eMachines
"We had expected to see some compared to Q4 but by less than which is benefiting from a renewed
problems for a few of the suppliers the overall market. interest in the European PC
who over -stocked their channels at An indication of the strength of market", he added.
the end of last year but the the Korean monitor maker was The top five vendors accounted
problems seem to have extended that it was able to grow its sales for over 55% of shipments in Q1
sequentially in the German- leaving the rest of the suppliers to
speaking countries and also in the battle to obtain a more than 6%
Benelux countries. Both of these share each.
Desktop Monitor Shipments - EMEA regions would normally be
expected to see a seasonal drop in
Vendor 01 06 Share
Samsung 2,399,979 18.50% In second place, Dell was also LCD Monitor Shipments - EMEA

Dell 1,486,060 11.45%

able to continue to out -perform the Vendor Q106 Share
overall market with shipments of Samsung 1,702,114 15.06%
HP 1,298,000 10.00% more than 1.5m units and a Dell 1,402,965 12.41%
LG 1252,036 9.65% seasonal decline of just 7%, HP 1,192,000 10.55%
according to Meko's preliminary Acer 914,265 8.09%
Acer 928,310 7.15%
data. LG 892,741 7.90%
Philips 870,289 6.71% "As always, Dell has been able Philips 670,120 5.93%
Benq 519.000 4 00°0
to move its pricing quickly to Benq 519,000 4.59%
respond to market conditions - this Fujitsu -Siemens 432,450 3.83%
Fujitsu -Siemens 494,000 3.81%
Maxdata 337,840 2.99%
Maxdata 340,822 2.63% ViewSonic 255,000 2.26%
Others 2,982,853 26.39%
ViewSonic 286,643 2.21% Desktop Monitor Shipments - W Europe
Total 11,301,348
NEC Displays 232,421 1.79% Vendor 01 06 Share Source: Meko Preliminary data only
Hyundai 225,660 1.74% Dell 1,136,000 13.76%
CRT Monitor Shipments - EMEA
AOC 220,891 1.70% Samsung 1,081.888 13.11%
Vendor 01 06 Share
) AG Neovo 215,959 1.66% HP 1,049,000 12.71% Samsung 697,865 41.66%
Proview 203,000 1.56% LG 359,295 21.45%1
Acer 735,823 8.92%
Philips 200,170 11.95%
NEC CI 189,682 1.46% Philips 572,000 6.93% HP 106,000 6.33%
Sony 188,205 1.45% Dell 83,095 4.96%
Fujitsu -Siemens 384,000 4.65%
IBM 162,000 1.25% Proview 56,059 3.35%
LG 373,679 4.53%
Fujitsu -Siemens 40,956 2.45%
Ingram 158,545 1.22% Benq 366,320 4.44% ViewSonic 31,640 1.89%
Medion 95,793 0.74% Maxdata 262,550 3.18% Hyundai 26,515 1.58%
AOC 193,068 2.34% AOC 19,108 1.14%
Others 1,209,042 9.32%
Others 2,098,622 25.43% Others 54,286 3.24%
Total 12,976,337 Total 8,252,950 Total 1,674,989
Source: Meko Preliminary data only Source: Meko Preliminary data only Source: Meko Preliminary data only

TELEVISION August 2006 615

Alexandra Palace TV heritage
faces destruction
John Thompson.
k_vV\10cia Back issues of
V/ S/ Television are on
display in the
Palace museum.

Group's museum,
believes the single
most important place
in world TV history may
be destroyed by the
Alexandra Palace Trustees'

For many years Alexandra Palace and is due for completion and signing Thompson was
has been presenting a financial at the end of July 2006. surprised and frustrated
burden to its Trustees, which when Holder advised him that the
comprises exclusively of councillors Petition representation would not be
from the London Borough of A period of one month for submitted to the Trustees in full, as
Haringey. representations by interested parties he would summarise the petition.
The Trustees made a decision was required under the Charities Holder suggested that there might
several years to seek permission Act, Section 36/6. The Alexandra have been data protection issues
from the Charity Commission to Palace Television Group, along with with regard to submitting the names
issue a lease on the whole of the others, submitted its representation, and addresses of petitioners to the
Palace, including the Television including a petition with around Trustees. Thompson finds this
wing, to a third party developer. 1,600 signatures. absurd, as petitioners signed
In 2001, the Charity Commission The petition read as follows: "We expressly for that purpose.
promoted a Parliamentary scheme to are concerned that any alterations Thompson believes this weakened
provide the trustees with the power may be detrimental to the building the representation, because none of
to lease the Palace for up to 125 and its broadcasting history, which the numerous comments within the
years. The scheme was approved and would mean the loss of the single petition were reported to the Trustees.
since then the Trustees have invited most important site in the world Holder selected one sheet from the
bids from prospective lessees. marking the beginning of the first petition as an example of its contents,
In November 2005, a shortlist of high definition public television but not a full summary of the
three was selected: service. comments.
1. Business Design Centre "If any scheme is put in place, we At an Alexandra Palace
2. Earl's Court & Olympia Group consider it vital that the historic consultative committee meeting in late
3. Firoka (Heythrop Park) areas of the Palace must be June, Thompson raised the issue of
Earlier this year, Firoka's bid was preserved." inappropriate analysis by Holder. At
selected as the preferred developer. The Group submitted its the meeting, two of the Trustees, Cllr
The lease is now under final representation to Alexandra Palace's Sheila Rainger and Cllr Robert Hare,
negotiation by the parties concerned, general manager, Keith Holder. requested sight of the full petition from

616 August 2006 TELEVISION

2 November
Thompson, which he provided. 1936
"So far, there appears to be no
protection of this historically
important site within the lease,"
Thompson argues. A waxwork mock-up of an early TV studio.

"The management and Trustees
appear to have a single-minded
objective to offload their
responsibility for the Palace, with no
regard to its world heritage. There
have been no reassurances
whatsoever from the Trustees or
management team, that there will be
some form of protection."
Firoka's initial proposal
indicated that museum space
may be available elsewhere
within the Palace. Thompson
believes this highlights the
complete lack of understanding
of the significance of this historic
"After all, this is where it
actually happened in 1936. The
pioneers like Baird, EMI and the
BBC all contributed to the birth
of high definition television at
Alexandra Palace," concludes
Since the consultative
committee's meeting Thompson
has made the petition available
to any Trustee of Alexandra
Palace who would like sight of it.
Readers who would like to
make their views known to the
Trustees should write to:
Cllr Charles Adje, Chairman,
Alexandra Palace and Park
Board, River Park House, 225
High Road, Wood Green,
London, N22 8HQ.
Contact: John Thompson, Curator,
Alexandra Palace television Group,
5 Prospect Place, London N17 8AT.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07947 507340 Thompson was suprised and frustrated.

TELEVISION August 2006 617


Sibelius is a comprehensive
4 Ifiltp . I ag sOkan,akt
Figure 1

package for composing, editing and 1).....eillabearavabeeg,x,,te/
t. Sm. - p - , -

arranging written music of all kinds. Irt - - - iarmar *--1

Following on from the introductory

feature on Sibelius 4 in Television
April 2006 'Sibelius helps you score',
which looked at the role of Sibelius
in film and TV soundtracks, John
Chandler takes it through its paces.

John Chandler has been a guitar teacher

and composer for over thirty years with Figure 2
3 03 Note inpL,, Interne' I v p.,er prIntlee 4 nano
Honours in theory exams and much hands-
Sibelius !untitled/ 74:3
on experience in sound mixing both live
? rvg
and in studios. Other instruments he plays
include keyboards and bass guitar.
One of his compositions, which he recorded
on a four -track analogue studio setup, has
been used in an industrial film as an
ambient factory background. Before using
Sibelius, he was working with Finale
notepad and Finale songwriter. He takes
up the story from here.

There is a 'culture' or habit by I'm afraid I must plead guilty here) pages) is very thorough, and it
some computer users of - it is pretty well essential. It is seems every conceivable problem
launching into a program and through watching the videos that you could encounter is covered.
relying on previous experience and you get the full picture of the
`intuition' to get to grips with it, in capabilities of Sibelius. Music theory
a sort of muddling through way. Sibelius comes with 19 excellent Sibelius is a written music
This applies even more if that tutorial videos and help is notation software programme,
experience is with similar available from Sibelius reference, which means you need to know
programs to the new one you're the handbook or the online help some basics of music theory - just
looking at. You may well have centre, which also has a chat page up to say Grade 1 or 2 to get
worked with other music notation for Sibelius users. Help is also started.
programmes. available by phone (first 90 days So, assuming you have read or
It is not just advisable to watch free after registration), email and are reading the manual, or have
the tutorial videos and read at fax. watched the first couple of videos,
least some of the handbook (yes, The reference handbook (560 you can now start writing music.

618 August 2006 TELEVISION

You need to choose which a part can be
your input and extracted for editing
playback method, but, unlike other
which can be your notation programs,
computer's soundcard what is altered in the
or Sibelius's Kontact extracted part is also
player as shown in altered in the original.
Figure 1 or a midi
connection to a Dynamic markings
keyboard. It can be further
Input can be with a tweaked to tidy up
mouse, the keypad or dynamic markings in
from a midi the parts without
instrument. From a changing the original, as
midi instrument the Figure 4 shown in Figure 4.
notes can be put in 3 O [lynx+, fbirlY /A,. F, ion-, i rpb,e, provided by Warbydoo Individual parts can
`one at a time' or be arranged through
played directly in real Me Wee Create May Ldydyt Iteueenete Pbeerre `auto layout' to have
time. page turns at
Sibelius has a Minn ..- takgitiT a " convenient rests, or
`flexi-time' input Horns I X: 3 in F. Saxo laid out four bars per
method, which follows Saxophon ....-15a stave. Printing out
your tempo and can Eterglco (.=152)
(me an. ? 1-F r '.5 I-.1 separately with
also quantise to multiple copies for each
correct timing errors.
Keypad note entry
tt i_ q , . . ;_ - t_ I_ ;

-rf r.---4 ' Lb: I.

part is just a few clicks
away. A lot of laborious
has been especially 33
f 4 i , I.
work has been
designed for ease and eliminated with this
efficiency - the left -----EM-----
part of Sibelius.
hand for the notes A Another feature of
to G and the right 30 3 Sibelius is 'focus on
Ilmis 1 a 1

hand on the numeric

NnvkiatOr CI
Br 4 ea 3 staves'. In a large score

keypad for note v.,... 7 I - i 7....a this feature can let you

values like sharps, ,:- t work simultaneously on

flats, etc. See Figure - - -- -*--
14,, 11 ,1, ,,, Ni M. i ___. . o-Al
staves that are far
2 for an explanation. apart, by hiding the
There is even a special colour with options for grouping beamed other staves.
coded keypad cover available to notes. Add a key signature and This is also helpful for showing
highlight the relevant keys. then title, composer, lyricist and just a lead part but having the
Your first choice when you start copyright details, and your first accompaniment play along. In
with Sibelius is from over sixty page is ready for inputting your addition there is 'hide empty
manuscript templates; everything music. staves' feature within the layout
from jazz band to choir, and piano It is with copying, arranging menu.
to full orchestra. There is also a and editing that Sibelius shows its Creating a layout is easily done
blank template for making your mettle. It is recommended that with Sibelius and with a little
own selection of instruments. when you first input notes, you more tweaking, can be quite
Next is the choice of include with them any details of distinctive. Everything is alterable
instruments - over 400 from the tenuto, accent or slurs - and this is - size of staves, notehead shapes,
familiar to the obscure. Selecting a the best way, but it is often only and space between staves, as well
category such as jazz instruments, after a playback or two that you as text fonts, dynamic markings
common instruments or orchestral would want to change things. and page layouts.
instruments, can help your choice. Thus editing and re -arranging Just a small part or the entire
are fundamental to any notation score can be changed with just a
Heckelphone software and is a real measure of few clicks. Once this work is done
I couldn't resist selecting its usefulness. on one score it can be exported to
instruments from the all It is straightforward and easy to another score as a 'house style'.
instruments category to try writing add in lyrics and dynamic You can also 'import' a house style
score for heckelphone, ophicleide, markings. There is even a pop up to a score you are working on.
anvil, handbells, qanoon and hurdy- menu with often -used words (such Your music can be published
gurdy, as shown in Figure 3. as pizz, mute and arco) and and distributed on the World Wide
Further choices are from a symbols. Web with Sibelius. Two clicks take
standard manuscript style, or a There is a large collection of you to where
more handwritten appearance. Any symbols, lines and clefs to use. you can upload your music to sell
type of time signature is possible Sibelius has 'dynamic parts' with or give away free. You could upload
Continued on page 621
TELEVISION August 2006 619
NASA launched
Telstar 1 aboard a
Delta rocket from
Cape Canaveral on
July 10, 1962.1t
inspired a smash hit
composed by Joe
Meek, originally
performed by The
Tornados, and
t'sed with covered by The
permission of
Lucent Ventures among
Bell Labs many others.

Whatever happened to Telstar?

The 171 -pound Telstar satellite owned satellite. Belonging to telecoms executive. GTB's
was used to transmit the first AT&T, the original Telstar was Networks in the 21st Century two-
transatlantic television signal part of a multi -national agreement day executive summit aimed to
via satellite. between AT&T, Bell Telephone educate the industry on the
Viewers in Europe saw a picture Laboratories, NASA, the British business benefits of NGN. This
of the American flag at Telstar's General Post Office, and the invitation -only event was held
US earth station in Andover, French National PTT (Post & exclusively for 70-90 senior
Maine. Then, similar images of the Telecom Office) to develop satellite executives, which allowed for
British and French flags were communication. effective communication between
transmitted to the US from the two Telstar was equipped with a delegates.
European earth stations in helical antenna, which received
Pleumeur-Bodou, France and microwave signals from a ground
Goonhilly Downs, Cornwall, station, then amplified and re-
England. broadcast the signal. Today, there
Before Telstar, transatlantic are several Telstar satellites in
communication was achievable orbit, launched and operated by
only over telephone cables linking Loral Skynet, in geosynchronous
France and the United States, and orbit 23,000 miles above the
these had a limited capacity of 36 equator.
voice channels and no capability to
transmit video. Modern Telstar fleet
The only way to show a Patrick Brant, Loral Skynet's
European audience a television president (pictured right) talked
program produced in the US, or about the modern Telstar fleet at
vice versa, was to record it on a Networks in the 21st Century, the
magnetic tape and send it by 2nd Annual Conference by Global
airplane courier - live Telecoms Business (GTB), held in
intercontinental broadcasts were London late June.
non-existent. This was a unique, bottom -line
Telstar was the first privately focussed summit for senior

620 August 2006 TELEVISION

access, high levels of
6000 security and
Global FSS Industry - 1980-2010 availability/reliability
5000 backed by SLAs, and
seamless interconnections
4000 IP Data with terrestrial services.
Brant elaborated on the
3000 success of multi -site
applications such as
2000 interactive distance
1000 learning, corporate
Voice communications, training,
and broadcast video services
like 'digital signage' and
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 business television (BTV).
Source: Euroconsult, Paris Forecast IP data is the key growth
driver in the fixed satellite
Brant's presentation was world, not just those with limited services (FSS) Industry Today.
entitled: 'Gaining Competitive telecom infrastructure," he said. Voice, the mainstay of the early
Advantage through Today's North America accounts for the industry that peaked with Y2K, is
Satellite IP Networks.' greatest number of IP broadband now in decline.
"In today's world of advanced IP satellite sites today with around Telcos around the world are
networking and converged 50% of the Global Total. main customers for backup and
communications, corporate and There are several growth drivers some trunking. Video is the
government customers increasingly of broadband satellite IP networks. number 1 source of FSS revenue
rely on broadband satellite Greatly improved performance and profitability. Broadcasters,
solutions to deliver high levels of from global standardisation on IP cable and DTH providers are key
performance and reliability to their satellite can now offer 'near customers, spurred on by growth
offices and facilities and it's terrestrial' experience for from HDTV and increasing content
growing in every region of the LAN/WAN extension and Internet choices for viewers.

R E V I EW continued from page 619

it to your own website and have which In conclusion, with its wide range
`scorch' - a free downloadable plug-in has more material and some videos of instruments, manuscript
from Sibelius. that you can download to make templates and rearranging/editing
Synchronising music to video is music with. You can even download capabilities, Sibelius is an excellent
very easily done. The makers claim more worksheets and share your investment for any composer, music
that Sibelius has a unique feature in own. teacher or student.
its capacity to sync the music directly Figure 5
with hit points, which enable you to
shift the tempo and stay in sync. I W s
I found this worked very well with
a short homemade video, to which I
added some music that I composed
with the range of instruments I
mentioned earlier as shown in JOHN CHAD

Figure 5.
For education there is a wealth of
material to use. Worksheets can be . -
configured to give random questions
every time so that a teacher would lade PI _
-15E1: ...

never run out of material. These

worksheets can be for a class or for
an individual.
p 1 .FD n- .77 - ns 'El' Li
Flash cards and posters give
descriptions of all instruments and
ea. 4,, 111-7P - - -
their ranges, and music from African
drumming and European classical to soon 4, 1 t If I of , of , kor,
r; ,
American jazz. Teaching aids and
material fit key stages and GCSE turdyYJ
- - -,----,--,,,,,,_fri-p .- w-, ,

There is a dedicated website

TELEVISION August 2006 62

SAMSUNG introduces
Samsung Electronics, which
claims to be the world's
largest provider of thin-film
transistor, liquid crystal
display (TFT-LCD) panels, will
introduce a 3.5" LCD with
embedded touch screen, and
the first -ever 7" LCD driven by a
single chip, at the 2006
Society for Information Display
International Symposium and
Exhibition(SIDI in San
Francisco, California, USA.

Also at SID, one of the world's largest
events dedicated to displays, Samsung is
unveiling widescreen versions of 24", 27"
and 30" monitors for specialty -market, digital
information displays, as well as a 21.3" black -
and -white monitor with clearer X-ray viewing
for medical applications.
The new 3.5" LCD, referred to as the 3.5"
hTSP (hybrid Touch Screen Panel), features
qVGA resolution and a built-in touch screen.
Normally, an LCD panel with touch screen
must have a separate printed circuit board
(PCB) attached to the top of the LCD panel
that contains sensor circuitry.
Now, Samsung has eliminated this
requirement by including all sensor circuitry
within the panel. As a result, mobile devices
designed with the new 3.5" display can be
thinner and lighter, while maintaining a

August 2006 TELEVISION

bright, high contrast image.
Adding to production cost
efficiencies, the company produced the
touch screen circuitry inside the new
panel using the same thin-film
transistor (TFT) processing that it uses
today in mass production at existing
LCD facilities. Samsung pixel configuration, the medically applicable
The new LCD panel can be applied to a wide range display can be used as an alternative to X-ray film.
of portable applications that require a touch screen, The new Samsung monitor, with its ultra -high
such as navigation terminals for vehicles, and resolution, provides clearer, easier to discern X-ray
personal media players (PMPs). images than those produced today.
Future applications will include smart phones, Also at SID, Samsung is showing the world's
PDA phones, ultra -mobile PCs and other multimedia largest (7") plastic LCD, using amorphous silicon. The
mobile products. flexible LCD suggests many possibilities for displays
that are both wearable and fashionable.
7" LCD with single chip Samsung will also provide the first public viewing
Samsung also is showcasing the industry's first 7 inch of its prototype 8th -generation glass substrate at the
single -chip LCD display at SID 2006. The new display, SID exhibition, which runs through June 8 at the
completed in May, boasts a high (WVGA) resolution of Moscone convention center in downtown San
800x480 pixels. Francisco.
The display uses Samsung's proprietary amorphous
silicon gate technology, which allows the gate IC
function to be built directly onto the glass panel. Terminology
The time controller function also is built into the
driver IC, reducing the circuitry footprint and the Amorphous silicon gate (ASG): a system -on -
number of parts by about one-third. This allows glass technology that allows integrated circuit
engineers to design finished mobile products that are (IC) gate functions to be placed directly on a
simpler in how they function and thinner in shape. glass substrate.
The embedded digital LCD chip also simplifies the
task of circuit design in the finished product. Seven Amorphous silicon (a -Si): non -crystalline silicon
inches is now the most common size LCD screen used
for digital multimedia broadcasting handsets, PMPs
and car navigation systems. Gate: an electrode that controls electrical flow
The new monitors that will be exhibited by in a TFT
Samsung at SID 2006 are wider than most of the
standard -aspect -ratio panels available today and offer Timing controller (T -Con): a component that
increased functionality, which is helping to blur the synchronizes the output times of the source
distinction between consumer electronics and IT driver IC and gate drive IC
network products.
The monitors have a widescreen aspect ratio of Display resolution
16:10 in 24", 27" and 30" diagonal sizes. - qSVGA: 300 x 400 pixels
- VGA: 640 x 480 pixels
Medical monitor - WVGA: 800 x 480 pixels
Samsung also anticipates a great deal of interest at SID - SVGA: 800 x 600 pixels
in a 21.3" black -and -white monitor that will be used in
medical applications. nit: unit of brightness equal to lcd/m2
Featuring greatly enhanced brightness and a
2000:1 contrast ratio, made possible by a unique

TELEVISION August 2006 623

Commonwealth TV trial

There are an increasing number of mobile broadcast TV trials of

the different technologies competing to provide services, and
the World Cup was predicted by some to showcase mobile Was
never before. But there has already been one major sporting
event this year where one of those technologies - DVB-H - was
put to the test, albeit in trial conditions.

n March 2006 the Commonwealth

Games had a new participant -
DVB-H (digital video broadcasting -
handheld) mobile television. In a
landmark showcase, the emerging
technology, supported by leading
broadcast infrastructure group
Broadcast Australia, was demonstrated
to the broadcasting and
telecommunications industry at the
Melbourne Games. The showcase
tested the strength of DVB-H mobile
television at large broadcasting events,
with up to seven channels of live
Commonwealth Games television
broadcast from 15 to 26 March.
The DVB-H showcase was the
product of a cooperative effort between
Broadcast Australia, Microsoft and Collins Street, in the heart of the modelling tools to design the service to
Telstra. As a pioneer in digital Melbourne CBD. cover as many Melbourne 2006
terrestrial broadcasting technologies, Talking about the detailed effort to Commonwealth Games venues as
Broadcast Australia was responsible meet the targeted coverage possible. Our team was responsible for
for the successful design, installation requirements, Broadcast Australia field strength measurements and
and commissioning of the RF Product Development Manager, David performance verification; the planning
transmission component of the Hilliger revealed, "In the planning work was verified through field testing,
showcase system, located at 120 phase, we used specialised computer which showed good correlation between
the predicted model and achieved signals, Broadcast Australia achieved stream. This equipment was located in
coverage." the required coverage using a Telstra's facility at the Melbourne 2006
distributed antenna system, by taking Commonwealth Games International
Distributed antennas advantage of the particular Broadcasting Centre.
The Broadcast Australia component of characteristics of OFDM modulation According to Clive Morton,
the DVB-H system incorporated an during system design. The antenna Broadcast Services Director at
800 -watt transmitter plus QPSK system delivered up to 7.5 kW of Broadcast Australia, Broadcast
modulation and monitoring effective radiated power. Australia's participation in the
equipment. Broadcast Australia, Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth
Telstra and Finland's Cardinal Special receiver Games DVB-H showcase
Information Systems worked together To view the DVB-H mobile television, a complemented the company's one-year
to deliver the DVB-H transmission specially equipped mobile receiver was trial of DVB-H technology underway in
stream to the inner city broadcast site required. The receiver, provided by Sydney. "The Melbourne system used a
using optical fibre. DiBcom, was integrated into an eTEN number of different technologies
Broadcast technology group Radio Windows Mobile Smartphone that also compared with the Sydney trial," he
Frequency Systems (RFS) provided the acts as a Personal Digital Assistant said. "This has allowed us to build upon
UHF antenna system, which (PDA). The showcase DVB-H system our foundation of DVB-H knowledge.
comprised multiple antenna panels utilised Microsoft Windows Media DVB-H is still an emerging technology.
mounted on different faces of the Video 9 compression technology It's important to look at all the options
Collins Street building. Whereas (Microsoft's implementation of the VC - available and explore their various
conventional broadcast panel arrays 1 codec), plus a DVB-H head -end from capabilities."
must be mounted close together, back Cardinal to encapsulate IP data and This article first appeared in Television's
to back, for tight alignment of RF perform the time -slicing of the data sister publication. Mobile Europe. May 2006.

Nokia's releases results from DVB-H trials across Europe

If Nokia is to believed, Pricing Models lunchtime viewing peak higher pilots claimed to mainly watch
results from pilots on The potential commercial than the normal TV pattern, mobile TV at home. For almost
broadcast (DVB-H) mobile benefits of mobile TV for the suggesting that viewers are a third of participants in the
TV services amongst industry are made clear by enjoying their favorite TV UK pilot, this represented
consumers in Finland, the these pilots with such a high content while on their lunch their first taste of multi -channel
UK, Spain and France have proportion willing to pay for break. In France, participants TV.
revealed clear consumer the service. The most popular watched mobile TV for 20 The overwhelming message
demand for certain pricing model to emerge is a minutes on average per day from these pilots is that
services as well as monthly subscription for a with early morning, lunchtime consumers want both a wide
important indications over package of channels. In the and mid evening representing range of channels but also
future business models for Helsinki pilot, half of those that the periods of highest use. The content that is suitable for
commercial mobile TV took part thought 10 per Spanish pilot also reveals watching on mobile devices.
services. month was a reasonable price mobile TV viewing spread The most popular
Each of the pilots involved to pay, while in France, 68% throughout the day with early types of content were news,
Nokia and a range of companies, were willing to pay 7 per evening representing peak sports, music, soaps and
including broadcasters, mobile month for mobile TV services. viewing. documentaries. Interactivity
operators and broadcast An interesting aspect of all was also an important
network provider. Each pilot When to view the pilots was that many users functionality with over half of
also involved broadcasts of live New prime times for watched mobile TV within Spanish users (58%) saying they
digital TV content over DVB-H broadcasters and advertisers their homes. wanted specific, interactive
networks to the Nokia 7710 also emerge from the pilots. Almost half of those taking content adapted to shorter
smartphone. The UK results reveal a part in the French and Spanish viewing times.
Consumer demand for
mobile TV Interim Finland UK Spain France ..-

results from the pilot in

Oxford, UK, revealed 58% believe services 83% are satisfied with 75% would recommend 73% were satisfied with
that 83% of participants Response would be popular the service the service the service
were satisfied with the
service and over three Willingness to pay
76% 55% 68%
quarters (76%) said they
would take up the
service within 12 Acceptable fee 10 n/a 5 7
months. In France, 68%
said they would pay for
Average viewing 5_30 minutes 23 minutes per session,
mobile TV services while 16 minutes 20 minutes
time 1-2 sessions per day
over half (55%) in Spain
were willing to do so. Morning/ lunchtimes,
n/a 7-8pm 9-10am, I -2pm, 8- I Opm
Nearly 75% of Spanish Peak times early evenings

participants would
Local Finnish TV News, music,
recommend the service Popular content News, soaps, sports News, series ad music
programmes entertainment, films .....)
to friends and family. ---

TELEVISION Xxxxxx 2005 625

New single -chip TV tuners now support multiple mobile TV
standards. Microtune CEO James Fontaine has revealed his
company's product strategy t hat aims to meet the needs of these
worldwide standards.
leveraging our patented Hutchison (3) launch. ATSC, DVB-T and DVB-H-based
MicroTuner architecture, coupled "As additional mobile TV networks products to develop universal tuners.
with our market leadership in are introduced worldwide, we believe
silicon TV tuner -chips and digital TV
expertise, our product plan is to that multiple mobile TV standards, as Dual -tuner
develop new multi -standard, poly - with other digital TV standards, will They will be engineered as miniature
band, universal TV tuners that can co -exist across regions or countries. single chips that support multiple
help drive the development of the "We intend to support these mobile TV standards, while also
global market for mobile and portable multiple standards with our advanced easily enabling compact dual -tuner
TV," said Fontaine. tuner technology. configurations for personal video
"We expect the commercial rollouts "Our goal is to provide high- recording and diversity applications.
for the 2006 FIFA World Cup to serve performance tuners to as wide a Anticipating the convergence of
as an excellent proving ground for market as possible, while permitting digital TV broadcast, multimedia and
mobile TV services. They will rigor- our customers to cost effectively connectivity as part of the evolution of
ously test the entire broadcasting develop multi -market end products. handsets and portable devices, the
system, while spurring interest, "In the process, we expect to company also plans to investigate
demand and deployments. solidify a leadership position as the strategies to bridge its current tuner
"We are proud that our DVB-H preferred RF supplier to major portfolio with expanded RF functions.
tuner technology is deployed in the consumer electronics manufacturers." As the first initiative in its
LG Electronics' LG-U900 handsets According to Fontaine, Microtune strategy, Microtune plans to expand
that will be used in the Italian plans to expand upon its existing its Mobile MicroTuner product family

626 August 2006 TELEVISION

costly development investments, while tuners enable greater miniaturisation,
maintaining the very high level of RF a key requirement anticipated in
performance and silicon integration future of mobile TV products.
associated with current Microtune DVB-H, T-DMB, DMB-TH, and
products. ISDB-T are various worldwide digital
As examples of the company's terrestrial standards, using different
successful multi -standard approach, allocations and/or bands of the
Fontaine cited the recently announced frequency spectrum, which enable
Mobile MicroTuner MT2266, a dual - reception of mobile TV on handheld
standard (DVB-T and DVB-H), dual - and portable devices.
band (UHF and VHF -Band III) chip Commercial services based on DVB-
that receives and tunes both digital H have launched in Italy and are
terrestrial TV and mobile broadcast expected to roll out in the US later this
TV signals. year while DVB-H trials have begun
Microtune's first Mobile in Germany and other countries.
MicroTuner product, the MT2260, was Korea and parts of Germany have
the industry's first multi -band initiated mobile TV services based on
(UHF/L-Band) DVB-H tuner to be T-DMB. Major handset manufacturers
introduced, sampled and put into have announced product line-ups
production. This chip is currently supporting both standards.
deployed in LG's LG-U900 mobile Based on patented technology and
phone. advanced architectural designs,
As the most rigorous example of the Microtune's RF products function as
for the DVB-T, DVB-H, T-DMB, ISDB- company's multi -standard broadband universal RF 'gateway' components
T and DMB-TH specifications. expertise, Fontaine noted that earlier in delivering video, audio and data to
When implemented into consumer this year the company announced a 3 - TVs, digital TVs, TV peripherals, set -
multimedia devices, the new tuners in -1 analogue/digital/cable TV tuner. top boxes, VoIP cable modems, PC -
will enable users to access a variety of This tuner, the MT2131, is TVs, automotive entertainment
content - digital TV broadcasts, engineered to deliver benchmark - systems and handheld devices.
mobile TV broadcasts, digital radio setting performance that exceeds the They are engineered to deliver
and Teletext - while roaming across RF requirements of the most superior channel selectivity, image
countries that offer differing demanding standards in the world: rejection, impedance matching, and
standards. ATSC, NTSC and Digital Cable Ready wide dynamic range input
Combining standards with (DCR). amplification, outperforming
expanded RF functions, Microtune traditional TV tuners across
expects that its future tuners will System -in -chip stringent digital performance
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They will help to accelerate a available in multiple form factors. and stable pictures under varying
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covers the fundamentals of digital television different transition methods - terrestrial, satellite and provides explanations and practical guidance,
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Radio Society of ELECTRONICS, Lewis 8 Sinclair EQUIPMENT
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electronics is assumed for this COMMUNICATIONS necessary information to carry
A practical hands-on
guide for service
collection of electronics projects, and it is ideal for Mat E Van Valkenburg; Edited by out work on domestic electronics
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all electronics and DIY enthusiasts and equipment. The coverage ranges from satellite
students, this text emphasises the practical
experimenters. Designed by the RSGB, the UK Written by professionals for professionals, this is reception to NICAM. Both analogue and digital
business of fault diagnosis and repair of TV,
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IC DATA FILES J Edwards GUIDE Morgan Jones rr'r";
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The author's

Microprocessor ICs are the most complicated part straightforward approach,

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of TV equipment and present special problems to A distillation of the most -
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GUIDE J Edwards iir, SERVICING Keith Jack
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used fault reports from 11 convenient method of fault- AMC OS Steve Beeching television, datacasting,
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