英語會話 2024秋

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法鼓僧伽大學 113 英語會話(一) 講義 20240911

Online Study Resources

Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/

Merriam-Webster Dictionary https://www.merriam-webster.com/

史嘉琳 回音法 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQEWEPIHLzQ

Kevin 大人如何自學英文 https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab https://www.esl-lab.com/

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism http://www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb/

1. Personal Information
1. What's your name?
I'm _______. / My name is _____.
2. Where're you from?
I'm from .
3. Are you a student?
Yes, I'm a student at Dharma Drum Sangha University.
4. Why did you decide to become a Buddhist and follow the
Buddha’s teachings?

5. Why did you choose to study at this school?

6. What year are you? (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
I'm a sophomore.
7. What is your favorite class?
(precepts, philosophy, history, chanting, meditation, Chinese calligraphy, etc.)
My favorite class is
, because
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8. What do you usually do in your free time?

I don't have much free time (with a busy training schedule).
But if I do have any (free time), I usually .
( relax / sleep / do homework / practice chanting / recite sutras / do prostrations /
clean up my room / practice mindful walking)

9. What do you plan to do in the future?

● I don't think much about it; I try to live here and now / in the
● I want to be a good religious teacher.

● I want to share the Buddha's teaching / Chan practice with others

(to benefit myself and others).
Brief self-introduction: Sample
● My name is 怡蓉 . I'm from Taipei. I'm an English teacher at Dharma

Drum Sangha University. I like my job very much because the school
is located in a beautiful and serene place, most people there are
kind and friendly, and we are all interested in learning and practicing
the Buddha’s teachings. Most of my time is spent on preparing for
my classes and checking my students' homework. I read books
about Buddhism or watch online Dharma talks, too. As a Buddhist, I
do repentance prostrations and practice Buddha recollection as my
daily practice. I have no special plan for the future; all I try to do is
to be mindful, kind and helpful in each and every present moment.
Follow the example above and write YOUR own self-

2. Classroom1
Match objects with English expressions.

講義圖片來源:Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries; Oxford Picture Dictionary; American English at State; 《Word
by Word 》; 法鼓山僧伽大學 FB; 其他網路圖片。
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blind2 board pen (video) cable corridor

eraser laptop light
microphone notebook pencil case pointer
projector screen textbook

12 13 14 15

16 17 18

1 poster 10

2 11

3 12

OR “(window) shade”
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4 13

5 14

6 15

7 16

8 17

9 18

Common Prepositions:

Oral practice: Choose 10 items from the pictures above and

say what they are in English.

3. Classroom Activities
Match objects with English expressions.

Ask and answer questions. Re-peat the word.

Check your answers. Say the word.

Correct your mis-takes. Share with the class.

Dis-cuss a ques-tion. Spell the word.

Erase the board. Take notes.

Hand in your home-work. Take out your pencil.

Look at the screen. Work alone.

Look up words in the dictionary. Work in a group.

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Put away your pencil. Work with a partner / in pairs.

Raise your hand. Write on the board.

1 2
3 three

4 5

7 8

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10 11

12 13

15 16

18 19 20
Oral practice: Choose 10 activities from the pictures above
and describe them in English.

Other Common Classroom English Expressions

Listen, pause and repeat.
What is the meaning of the word? / What does it mean?
Share your ideas with the class.
Let’s take a break (for 10 minutes).
That’s it for today.
Remember to email your assignment on time.
See you next week.

4. Places at the Campus

Match objects with English expressions.
computer room conference hall dining hall

dormitory (dorm) Grand Buddha Hall library

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meditation center student lounge

1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8
Oral practice: Say what these places are in English.

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5. Telling Time

Listening practice: Fill in the blanks according to the recording on

the web page provided in the footnote.3

1. Our class begins at .

2. My mother left this morning at .
3. I’m going to catch my bus at .
4. Let’s get together at .
5. The store closes today at .
6. The movie starts at .
7. She called this morning at .
8. Their plane arrives at .
9. Please come to my office at .
10. I have to work at .

Oral practice: Say the above sentences.

參見 Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab http://www.esl-lab.com/eslbasic/clocks-watches-1.htm
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6. Daily Routine at Dharma Drum Sangha U-ni-ver-si-ty

1. We get up at 4:20 in the morning.

2. We do moving meditation from 4:40 to 4:55.
3. The morning sitting begins at 5:00.
4. We have breakfast at 6:50.
5. Our morning class begins at 9:00.
6. We go to bed at 10:00 p.m.
Match pictures with English expressions.
Before 6:00 a.m.

brush the teeth do moving meditation / exercise

get dressed do prostrations

get up sit in meditation

go to the bathroom wake up

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make the bed wash the face

1 2 3

5 6

8 9
Purifying Practice Verses4
141. 睡眠始寤,當願眾生:一切智覺,周顧十方。
When I wake up, I pray
That all beings awaken with (infinite) awareness and insight,
Seeing everything in all directions.
Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
And to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.
“Purifying Practice,” The Flower Ornament Scripture, trans. Thomas Cleary (Boston: Shambhala, 1993),
313-329, https://terebess.hu/english/Flower-Ornament.pdf ;
“Pure Conduct,” The Flower Adornment Sutra. trans. City of Ten Thousand Buddhas,
http://www.cttbusa.org/avatamsaka/avatamsaka11.asp ;
“Pure Conduct,” The Flower Adornment Sutra An Annotated Translation of the Avataṃsaka Sutra
With a Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornment Sutra. trans. Bhikshu Dharmamitra.
現代仿效之作,節錄自 Thich Nhat Hanh, Present Moment Wonderful Moment: Mindfulness Verses for Daily
Living (New Delhi: Full Circle, 1997).
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35. 若舉於足,當願眾生:出生死海,具眾善法。
Lifting my foot (or Taking a step), I pray
That all beings leave the sea of birth and death
And have all wholesome qualities.
46. 以水洗面,當願眾生:得淨法門,永無垢染。
Washing my face, I pray
That all beings attain the pure Dharma
And are free from defilement forever.
Water flows from high in the mountain.
Water runs deep in the Earth.
Miraculously, water comes to us,
And sustains all life.

40. 手執楊枝,當願眾生:皆得妙法,究竟清淨。5
Taking my toothbrush, I pray
That all beings get the wonderful teaching
And are ultimately pure.
41. 嚼楊枝時,當願眾生:其心調淨,噬諸煩惱。
Brushing my teeth, I pray
That all beings are harmonious and pure in mind,
Removing all afflictions.
Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth,
I vow to speak purely and lovingly.
When my mouth is fragrant with right speech,
A flower blooms in the garden of my heart.

42. 大小便時,當願眾生:棄貪瞋癡,蠲除罪法。
Going to the bathroom, I pray
That all beings get rid of greed, anger and delusion,
Cleansing themselves of unwholesome deeds.
45. 以水盥掌,當願眾生:得清淨手,受持佛法。
Washing my hands, I pray
That all beings have clean hands
To receive and uphold the Buddha’s teachings.
《》CBETA 2024.R2, T35, no. 1735, p. 616b21-23。

《》《》CBETA 2023.Q3, T36, no. 1736, p. 264c12-16

後,皆以之擦洗牙齒,使之清潔。《》 161。
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Putting on these clothes,

I am grateful to those who made them
And to the materials from which they were made.
May everyone have enough to wear.

6:00 a.m. ~ 10:00 p.m.

Match pictures with English expressions.

attend the morning / evening service go to class

do daily chores / the cleaning relax

go to bed / take a nap study / do homework

have a meal (breakfast / lunch) take a shower

1 2

3 4

6 7

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Purifying Practice Verses

124. 從舍出時,當願眾生:深入佛智,永出三界。
Leaving a place, I pray
That all beings deeply enter the Buddha’s wisdom,
And get out of the three realms forever.
27. 若入堂宇,當願眾生:昇無上堂,安住不動。
Entering a hall, I pray
That all beings enter the supreme hall
And stay calm and still.
131. 諦觀佛時,當願眾生:皆如普賢,端正嚴好。
Looking carefully at a Buddha, I pray
That all beings look like Samantabhadra,
Dignified and majestic.
129. 諷誦經時,當願眾生:順佛所說,總持不忘。
Reciting sutras, I pray
That all sentient beings follow the Buddha’s teachings,
Keeping the Dharma in mind all the time.
110. 若見空鉢,當願眾生:其心清淨,空無煩惱。
Seeing an empty bowl, I pray
That all beings are pure in mind
And empty of afflictions.
111. 若見滿鉢,當願眾生:具足成滿,一切善法。
Seeing a full bowl, I pray
That all beings are fully endowed with all wholesome dharmas.
120. 若飯食時,當願眾生:禪悅為食,法喜充滿。
Having meals, I pray
That all beings get nourishment from meditative bliss
And are filled with the joy of Dharma.
121. 若受味時,當願眾生:得佛上味,甘露滿足。
Tasting the flavor [of the food], I pray
That all beings get the supreme flavor of Buddhahood
And are filled with the elixir of immortality.
122. 飯食已訖,當願眾生:所作皆辦,具諸佛法。
Having finished the meal, I pray
That all beings accomplish all their tasks

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And fulfill the Buddha’s teachings.

126. 洗浴身體,當願眾生:身心無垢,內外光潔。
Taking a shower, I pray
That all sentient beings remove all dirt in body and mind,
And become bright and clean inside and out.
139. 若洗足時,當願眾生:具神足力,所行無礙。
Washing my feet, I pray
That all sentient beings have supernatural powers,
Traveling freely without hindrance.
140. 以時寢息,當願眾生:身得安隱,心無動亂。
When it’s time to sleep, I pray
That all (sentient) beings enjoy physical ease and mental peace.
As I carefully sweep the ground of enlightenment,
A tree of understanding springs up from the Earth.

Cleaning Bathroom
How wonderful it is to scrub and clean.
Day by day, the heart and mind grow clearer.

Throwing out the Garbage

In the garbage I see a rose.
In the rose I see the garbage.
Everything is in transformation.
Even permanence is impermanent.

Regular Activities
Match pictures with English expressions.

do the dishes do summer & winter internships

do the kitchen duty help in Dharma services

do the laundry practice chanting

do mindful walking

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1 2

4 5

6 7
Purifying Practice Verses
Walking Meditation
The mind can go in a thousand directions.
But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.
With each step, a gentle wind blows.
With each step, a flower blooms.

Washing the Dishes

Washing the dishes
Is like bathing a baby Buddha.
The profane is the sacred.
Everyday mind is Buddha’s mind.

Washing Vegetables

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In these fresh vegetables

I see a green sun.
All dharmas join together
To make life possible.

Turning on the Light

Forgetfulness is the darkness;
Mindfulness is the light.
I bring awareness
To shine upon all life.

A Day in a Monastery (PRESENT routine)

Fill in the blanks.

We live a simple life of study and religious practice. Each day

(begin) early for us. Long before the sun (rise), we start to
exercise, prostrations and in meditation. Then, we
the morning service in the Grand Buddha Hall. We mantras
or parts of the Buddha's teachings.

During the day, we class. We learn more about

Buddhism and how to good monks or nuns. We
care of our monastery, too. We all need to do daily .
For example, some the cleaning in the Buddha hall, the dining
hall, or classrooms, and some the kitchen duty. Sometimes we help
in Dharma .

As Sangha members, we uposadha6 (the ritual of

precept-recitation) twice a month, on the full and new moon days.
There are meditation at both the beginning and the
end of a semester. During summer and winter breaks, we work at
different departments or branch monasteries as .

uposatha%20princeton%20%22PRATIMOKSA%22&f=false (pp. 943b-944a) 20211118
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A Day in the Temple of Great Enlightenment7 (PAST experience)

Fill in the correct form of each verb.

As a Chinese monastic, wherever you are, your daily routine is

always the same. I got (get) up at 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. for the morning
service, (have) breakfast, and (clean) up. If I (have) English
class, I (go). If not, I (tidy) up the basement. If there
(be) visitors, I (take) care of them. If I (be) tired, I (take) a
rest. Because it (be) not a big organization, my schedule (be)
flexible. After lunch, I (rest) and (take) care of the building and
grounds. I (be) often alone; very few people (come) during the
day to worship. If I (have) time, I (do) sitting meditation.
I (hold) evening service early, around 5:00 p.m., and then (have)
dinner. Evenings, I (shower), (write), and (do)
prostrations and sitting meditation. On Saturday mornings I (teach)
meditation class to a small group of Western and Chinese immigrant
students. Saturday afternoons I (prepare) the monastery
for the Sunday lecture, given by a senior monk. I (have) to sweep
indoors and out.

As the only monk living at the monastery, I (do) all the work
except for the administrative duties, which were (take) care of
by Rev. Ri-chang Fa Shi, whose English (be) better than mine. I
(consider) the housekeeping (to be) exercise and a kind of
practice. It (not bother) me.
Follow the above examples and write YOUR description of
students’ life at DDSU.

7. Cleaning
Match pictures with English expressions.
dust sweep the floor

dry the dishes take out the garbage

empty the wastebasket vacuum the doormat

mop the floor wash the dishes

Sheng Yen, Footprints in the Snow: the Autobiography of a Chinese Buddhist Monk, NY: Doubleday,
2008, pp. 153-154.
法鼓僧伽大學 113 英語會話(一) 講義 20240911

put away the toys wash the windows

recycle used paper wipe the counter

scrub the floor

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cleaning supplies
Match pictures with English expressions.

broom rubber gloves

dishwashing liquid8 scrub sponge, scouring pad

bucket / pail scrubbing brush

dust cloth / rag squeegee

duster stepladder

dustpan trash bag

mop vacuum cleaner

recycling bin wastebasket / trash can

OR “dish detergent”
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21 22

Please fill out the following chart with the cleaning tasks
and supplies for each area:

area tasks supplies






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