Changes in Body Composition and Nutritional Periodization During The Training Macrocycle in Football-A Narrative Review 2024
Changes in Body Composition and Nutritional Periodization During The Training Macrocycle in Football-A Narrative Review 2024
Changes in Body Composition and Nutritional Periodization During The Training Macrocycle in Football-A Narrative Review 2024
Changes in Body Composition and Nutritional Periodization
during the Training Macrocycle in Football—A Narrative Review
Wiktoria Staśkiewicz-Bartecka 1, * , Marek Kardas 1 , Grzegorz Zydek 2 , Adam Zajac
˛ 3 and Jakub Chycki 3
1 Department of Food Technology and Quality Evaluation, Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Public Health
in Bytom, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, ul. Jordana 19, 41-808 Zabrze, Poland;
[email protected]
2 Department of Sport Nutrition, Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice,
ul. Mikołowska 72A, 40-065 Katowice, Poland; [email protected]
3 Department of Sports Training, Institute of Sport Sciences, Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education
in Katowice, ul. Mikołowska 72A, 40-065 Katowice, Poland; [email protected] (A.Z.);
[email protected] (J.C.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +48-032-275-51-95
In the last few years, concerns about athletes’ diets have received a lot of attention.
A well-balanced diet that considers energy, macronutrients, fluids, and the right supple-
ments can positively impact sports performance [6]. The nutritional aspect constitutes an
important element in an athlete’s training program. International guidelines, grounded in
scientific research, advocate for the appropriate amount, type, and timing of food intake to
ensure effective training, while minimizing the risk of injury and trauma [7]. Achieving
optimal metabolic efficiency requires striking a balance between nutrition, training, and
the recovery process. Providing energy from suitable sources and maintaining a proper
energy balance are crucial for individuals leading active lifestyles, particularly professional
athletes [8].
The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of nutritional periodization
within the football training macrocycle and its efficacy in managing diet to optimize the
athletic performance and body composition of football players. This includes analyzing the
adjustments needed in energy intake, macronutrient ratios, and hydration across different
phases of the training cycle to individual players’ athletic and health objectives.
2. Method
The main aspect that motivated the review work carried out was to look for changes
in body composition occurring during the various elements of the training macrocycle
in the works cited, and to find nutritional recommendations to support these changes.
Unfortunately, the current state of knowledge on the subject, despite the many studies, is
still poor, so the authors decided to conduct a review of the most current knowledge in this
area, to identify those sources that address the described topic and gather in one place the
available knowledge.
physiological and metabolic demands of football depending on the function played on the
field, players’ body compositions varies [26].
The optimal physique of a player, taking into account body fat mass (FM), lean body
mass (LBM), and fat-free mass (FFM), depends on his function on the field and individual
predispositions [22]. There is no single value that is a reference for percent body fat (%FM),
but the average level of it in the body of football players takes values in the range of 8% to
13%, although values deviating from the above have been described [27,28].
Football players may need to make adjustments to the daily ratio’s composition at
different periods during the season to maintain an ideal body composition [18]. This
could happen in the preseason or after an injury. Strength and power can be enhanced
by increasing skeletal muscle mass, which is a desirable training adaptation [29]. In
addition, preserving skeletal muscle mass during injury and immobilization projects a
faster return to full function. Excess body fat negatively affects an athlete’s mass-to-power
ratio, acceleration ability, and total energy expenditure [30]. Athletes may also choose
to consciously alter their body composition to achieve a desired appearance, which can
interfere with athletic goals [11]. Therefore, each football player’s body composition goals
should be agreed upon with a nutritionist or team physician [11,27].
5. Time Structure of the Training Process and Physical Requirements and Changes in
Body Mass Composition
An athlete should view training as a process that prepares them physically, mentally,
strategically, and technically to perform at their best [31]. This multifactorial approach
maximizes the effects of the training stimulus by utilizing established physiology, psy-
chology, and physics concepts [32]. Since the goal of training is to increase performance,
it must include a sufficient stimulus for adaptation, appropriate methods for tracking
improvements, and other pertinent measures like rest, mental support, healthy eating, and
carefully chosen supplements [33].
Maintaining an optimal body mass is essential for overall health [27], particularly for
individuals involved in increased physical activity, like professional athletes. The body
composition of players is influenced by the physical stress caused by professional foot-
ball [13,14]. Research indicates that factors like nutritional knowledge, food preferences,
and level of activity help athletes maintain their ideal body composition [7,34–40]. Ath-
letes’ current training programs are primarily structured according to the periodization
theory [41], which involves the deliberate sequencing of various training units to meet
predetermined goals [42,43].
The amount of work an athlete completes within the examined time frame, training
unit, or training cycle refers to their training load [44]. The concept of load comprises two
values: volume and intensity of effort. Volume represents the quantitative component of
work, expressed in terms of time, distance, weight, and number of repetitions. Intensity,
on the other hand, is the component of work resulting from the speed of the exercise
performed, the number of repetitions in a given unit of time, the number of series, and
the nature of intervals. Therefore, it is expressed by the ratio of power developed to the
maximum power achievable in a particular exercise by a given athlete [43,44]. The variation
in physical loads between athletes is extremely important and is related to the specificity of
the various functions performed on the field during football matches [15–17,23,37,45]. A
direct response to the demands of the function performed is the energy cost to the body,
which modulates the composition of the body during the season [46,47].
An essential tool for getting athletes ready for competition is body composition anal-
ysis, which also shows a player’s nutritional status. Optimal body composition is an
important component of fitness, as excess body fat acts as unnecessary weight in the typ-
ical activities of the game, i.e., running and jumping. It is known that body fat content
influences acceleration capacity, power-to-weight ratio, and energy expenditure [23]. Con-
versely, each functional performance parameter’s value is determined by the percentage of
lean body mass [48].
important component of fitness, as excess body fat acts as unnecessary weight in the typ-
ical activities of the game, i.e., running and jumping. It is known that body fat content
influences acceleration capacity, power-to-weight ratio, and energy expenditure [23].
Conversely, each functional performance parameter’s value is determined by the percent-
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 5 of 20
age of lean body mass [48].
The time structure of football training takes into account various aspects, such as the
development of physical endurance and the optimization of training processes [48]. De-
The time structure of football training takes into account various aspects, such as
pending on the competition calendar, the preparation of players in team sports is carried
the development of physical endurance and the optimization of training processes [48].
out in single-cycle, two-cycle, and three-cycle models. In professional football, a two-cycle
Depending on the competition calendar, the preparation of players in team sports is carried
training model is usually used. The two-cycle model of the training process involves com-
out in single-cycle, two-cycle, and three-cycle models. In professional football, a two-cycle
petitions in the spring and fall system. One cycle is a six-month macrocycle that is known
training model is usually used. The two-cycle model of the training process involves
as the fall round, which runs from July to December, and the other is the spring round,
competitions in the spring and fall system. One cycle is a six-month macrocycle that is
which runs from January to June [48]. In football, three training periods function in the
known as the fall round, which runs from July to December, and the other is the spring
structure of the six-month macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, and transition. Macrocy-
round, which runs from January to June [48]. In football, three training periods function
cle training in football involves planning the entire training process of professional players
in the structure of the six-month macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, and transition.
over a longer
Macrocycle period.inThe
training fundamental
football cycle in professional
involves planning football
the entire training clubs’of
process training is the
macrocycle with the aforementioned periods [41]. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the
players over a longer period. The fundamental cycle in professional football clubs’ trainingtrain-
is macrocycle
macrocycle in with
the aforementioned periods [41]. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the
training macrocycle in football.
Figure 1. Macrocycle training in football (taking into account the two-cycle model) [41].
Figure 1. Macrocycle training in football (taking into account the two-cycle model) [41].
5.1. Preparatory Period
5.1. Preparatory
Fundamental Period
to the construction and stabilization of the team’s sporting form are
the preparation
Fundamental periods, occurring inand
to the construction thestabilization
spring (January
of theand February)
team’s sportingand
are the
(second half periods,
preparation of June and July) [49].
occurring Unlike
in the individual
spring (Januarysports, football’sand
and February) preparatory period
autumn (second
is relatively
half shorter
of June and July) compared to the
[49]. Unlike competitive
individual period,
sports, a disproportion
football’s preparatorythat especially
period is rela-
intensifies when
tively shorter teams participate
compared in international
to the competitive competitions
period, [50]. During
a disproportion this phase,
that especially the
goal of training is to restore athletes’ physical condition following the transition
sifies when teams participate in international competitions [50]. During this phase, the period, with
training loads generally increased compared to the competitive period [51,52]. Intensive
conditioning training, friendly matches, and technical and tactical exercises are scheduled
in parallel during this period, aiming to enhance the body’s ability to exercise, as well
as its technical, motor, and tactical skills [52]. Examples of exercises include passing
drills, dribbling courses, shooting practices, defensive shaping possession games, set-piece
training, and position-specific exercises [11].
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 6 of 20
consumption can lead to fluctuations in body fat and muscle mass, impacting both perfor-
mance and health [63,64]. It is important to note that the organization of training sessions,
both strength and on-field, may not follow a strict sequence, potentially affecting athletes’
varying macronutrient intake profiles [59].
Analyzing body composition during the competitive period, a study by Staśkiewicz
et al. found a decrease in LBM from 71.68 ± 5.85 kg to 71.14 ± 5.93 kg and an increase in FM
from 9.76 ± 2.57% to 10.32 ± 2.77% [56]. A study by Carling et al., involving 30 professional
football players participating in the French League 1, showed an increase in LBM over
the competitive period from 69.41 ± 5.53 kg to 70.1 ± 5.67 kg. FM content, on the other
hand, was reduced from 10.45 ± 1.61% to 10.19 ± 1.75% [23]. A study by Kultu et al.
found a reduction in LBM content from 63.2 ± 6.0 kg to 62.6 ± 6.0 kg and a reduction
in FM content from 10.2 ± 3.0% to 10.0 ± 3.0% [65]. Devlin et al. conducted a study
involving 18 Australian football players and showed a reduction in LBM from 56.8 ± 5.1 kg
to 56.4 ± 5.5 kg on average during the competitive period, and an increase in FM from
8.7 ± 1.4 kg to 9.5 ± 1.7 kg on average [54]. One possible explanation for the concurrent
decrease in LBM content and rise in FM content during the competitive period could be
a reduction in training load. General training and high-intensity conditioning exercises
are part of the training program during the preparatory phase, whereas game tactics, ball
possession, and fixed game passages comprise a significant amount of the competitive
period’s workouts and are associated with lower workloads. These findings imply that the
players’ body composition cannot be maintained by match effort alone [66].
6.2.1. Carbohydrates
The typical pattern of play in team sports involves a ‘stop and go’ style, where players
engage in repeated bouts of brief high-intensity exercise interspersed with lower-intensity
activity. Carbohydrates serve as a primary energy source for athletic performance in team
sports players [90]. As exercise intensity increases, the importance of carbohydrates also
rises. However, due to limited carbohydrate reserves in the body, the depletion of liver
and intramuscular glycogen during prolonged periods of high-intensity exercise signifi-
cantly impacts athletic performance. Carbohydrate depletion resulting from prolonged
high-intensity team sports impairs performance by inhibiting fat metabolism and leading
to the accumulation of metabolites such as ammonia (NH3), lactate, hydrogen ions (H+),
and inorganic phosphates (Pi) [91,92] The body’s capacity to store carbohydrates is compar-
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 10 of 20
atively small, but it can be significantly altered every day by eating foods that are suggested
to help with this [10]. Because they are used in both anaerobic and aerobic pathways,
carbohydrates serve as both a flexible substrate for muscle work and a vital source of
energy for the brain and central nervous system [93]. They can also support exercise at a
variety of intensities. Research indicates that strategies that maintain high carbohydrate
availability can help one perform longer, continuous, or intermittent high-intensity exercise
more efficiently [94]. A depletion of stores is also linked to fatigue, which manifests as a
decreased ability to exercise and a decline in focus. These results serve as the foundation for
some dietary approaches that supply carbohydrates before, during, and following physical
activity [95].
Carbohydrate loading, whether achieved through a high-carbohydrate diet or addi-
tional carbohydrate supplements following the depletion of carbohydrate stores due to
prolonged high-intensity exercise, enhances glycogen synthesis by increasing concentra-
tions of glucose transporter (GLUT-4) and glycogen synthase enzymes [96]. Furthermore,
it elevates the secretion of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and testos-
terone and enhances glucose efficiency through heightened insulin secretion as the blood
glucose concentration increases [90]. Additionally, it lowers levels of free fatty acids (FFA)
and glycerol in the bloodstream. Moreover, the consumption of additional carbohydrate
supplements before exercise enhances carbohydrate metabolic efficiency by activating
the intramuscular pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) [97], leading to an increase
in intramuscular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate (PCr), and glycogen
content through heightened excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) [98]. These
benefits of carbohydrate loading via a high-carbohydrate diet or additional carbohydrate
supplements have been demonstrated to optimize liver and muscle glycogen storage and
improve exercise performance across various athletes [98].
Athletes are advised to up their carbohydrate intake to a value of 6–8 g/kg body
weight the day before, the day of, and the day after the competition, due to the significance
of muscle glycogen in post-match preparation and recovery. It is important to remember
that, even 48 h after the match, the type II fibers’ muscle glycogen content might not fully
recover with an intake of about 8 g per kilogram of body weight [99]. Alternatively, a daily
carbohydrate intake of 3 to 6 g/kg body weight may be sufficient for energy replenishment
and recovery, given the lower daily loads on typical training days (one session per day in
a microcycle with one match day), combined with the fact that athletes typically do not
perform any additional physical activity outside of the club [46]. On training days, the
daily carbohydrate intake should range from 3 to 8 g/kg body weight per day, depending
on the training scenario, match schedule, and player-specific training goals [27,83].
6.2.2. Proteins
The musculoskeletal and tendon tissues are stressed by systematic football training;
therefore, protein-containing structure repair is necessary to preserve and enhance their
integrity and function [94]. Skeletal muscle damage caused by physical exertion (EIMD)
is associated with increased proteolysis and protein breakdown [100], tissue damage at
the membrane and subcellular levels (both within and outside the sarcomeres), and the
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-1 and IL-6) by muscles and other tissues
to mobilize local and systemic immune reserves [101]. Some nutritional interventions
suggest that an increased intake of protein and carbohydrates may mediate regeneration
processes and promote muscle recovery, thus expediting the return to full functionality [46].
Protein supplementation has been shown to accelerate skeletal muscle protein turnover
by disrupting their synthesis and degradation under conditions of increased physiological
stress, such as those experienced during intense football matches [102].
An RDA level of 0.8 g/kg body weight per day is required for the majority of Euro-
peans [94]. According to the available research, 1.6–2.2 g of protein per kilogram of body
weight should be consumed daily to enhance training adaptation [103]. A higher intake
might only make sense during brief bursts of intense training or when consuming less
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 11 of 20
energy [104]. When there is an adequate energy supply to meet training needs, a mixed
diet will enable protein requirements to be satisfied. Athletes typically report consuming
the recommended amount of protein [46]. A balanced diet that includes moderate servings
of high-quality protein spread throughout the day should be the goal for achieving the
recommended daily intake of protein [27]. Most football players can avoid using protein
supplements if they plan their diets properly, but they are a quick and easy way to replace
food, particularly after a workout [27]. An athlete should aim to consume ~0.4 g/kg body
weight of protein per meal, or 3–4 meals a day, to reach a daily total of ~1.6 g/kg body
weight of protein [103]. Leucine content is one of the factors that affect protein quality,
which is a significant concern. Leucine is an amino acid that stimulates the synthesis of
muscle fibers; approximately 2.5 g of leucine should be consumed with each meal [105].
Because of the catabolic environment that the energy deficit creates, protein requirements
rise during energy restriction above the recommended RDA values. Thus, depending on
the training load and other metabolic stresses, such as weight loss or injury recovery, it
makes sense to increase protein intake in this case to a value of 2.0–2.4 g/kg body weight
per day [106].
6.2.3. Fats
A balanced diet must include fat because it gives you energy, forms part of cell
membranes, and makes it easier for you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins [107]. For individuals
who are not physically active, 10% of their total dietary energy intake should come from an
adequate intake of linoleic and α-linolenic acid [108].
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are omega-3 polyun-
saturated fatty acids that play a crucial role in regulating inflammatory processes in the
body [109]. These fatty acids have been suggested to offer benefits to athletes due to their
anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits include replacing arachidonic acid in mem-
brane phospholipids, influencing the release of inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines,
and producing anti-inflammatory lipid mediators. Emerging evidence among athletes
indicates that improving omega-3 status through supplementation can promote muscle
recovery, reduce oxidative stress associated with exercise, and lower levels of neurofil-
ament light, a biomarker for axonal injury, following sport-related subconcussive head
injuries [110,111].
To meet overall energy needs, athletes should modify their fat intake to accommodate
protein and carbohydrate requirements. Guidelines for reducing the consumption of trans
fats and using saturated fats sensibly should also be adhered to. As a result, the daily
calorie value of the food is often consumed as fat, ranging from 20 to 35 percent [107].
Athletes should customize their fat intake according to their exercise load and desired body
composition [27]. Some athletes purposefully consume a smaller amount of fat-containing
products. This causes the consumption of fat to be restricted to less than 15–20% of daily
energy and causes many products that contain important nutrients to be avoided [112].
The popularity of the ketogenic diet is another significant factor. There are currently no
intervention or observational studies on team sports and their applicability [113]. A diet
high in fat and low in carbohydrates is not advised for football players due to a lack of
evidence [112].
6.2.4. Fluids
Athletes sweat 1.5 L per hour, consume 0.7 L per hour, and change in body mass by
1.5% on average [114].
Sweat evaporating through the skin’s surface is the main way that the body loses heat
during increased physical activity [115]. This can result in sweat-induced dehydration
and is a vital mechanism for regulating internal body temperature. A 2% body weight
water deficit is referred to as 2% dehydration. While there are other factors, such as the
loss of water vapor and carbon dioxide with exhaled air, the primary cause of body mass
reduction during intense physical activity is sweating due to thermoregulation [114,116].
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 12 of 20
7. Supplementation in Football
As per the International Olympic Committee’s definition, a dietary supplement encom-
passes any food, food component, nutrient, or non-food substance deliberately consumed
alongside the regular diet to achieve specific health or performance advantages [125].
Athletes engage in supplement use for diverse reasons, often influenced by manufac-
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 13 of 20
turer advertising [126]. The supplement industry is primarily profit-driven and caters
to consumer demand and preferences. Frequently, there is insufficient scientific proof
supporting the efficacy of individual substances and the tangible benefits derived from
supplementation [127].
To streamline information verification for athletes, coaches, and sports organizations,
the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has devised a supplement classification system
with four categories: A, B, C, and D [128]. This system categorizes supplements based on
scientific evidence and practical considerations to ascertain their safety, permissibility, and
efficacy in enhancing sports performance. Category A includes supplements with validated
effectiveness and safety, category B comprises supplements requiring further research to
establish their efficacy, category C encompasses supplements lacking evidence of efficacy,
and the final category, D, comprises substances considered unsafe due to anti-doping
concerns [128].
Footballers’ dietary plans should prioritize natural food sources over supplements,
reserving the latter for specific health or performance targets. The duration and nature of
supplementation should be overseen by a qualified dietitian or sports physician [125]. The
demands of regular training and matches can escalate the need for vitamins, macronutrients,
and micronutrients among professional footballers, crucial for supporting their body’s
metabolic functions [27]. Ensuring a sufficient intake of B vitamins and antioxidants like
vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene, along with vitamin D, iron, calcium, and magnesium, is
paramount [127,129,130].
Under unique circumstances, such as adhering to a low-energy diet for weight loss,
eliminating certain food groups, or having irregular eating patterns, there may be a risk
of inadequate vitamin and mineral intake. In such cases, supervised supplementation
under the guidance of a dietitian may be warranted to meet 100% of the recommended
daily allowances (RDAs) for all essential nutrients. Nevertheless, the primary focus should
remain on obtaining the necessary nutrients from whole foods before considering supple-
mentation [131].
The UEFA experts, in their statement, identify several substances that could offer
potential advantages for soccer players, including caffeine, creatine, ß-alanine, and nitrates,
all categorized as Group A by the AIS [27,128].
The performance-enhancing properties of caffeine are widely recognized, with re-
search confirming its positive effects on performance during intermittent, endurance, and
resistance exercises [132]. There is evidence suggesting that caffeine consumption can
have beneficial effects on outcomes in team sports, with data indicating improvements
in the crucial physical and technical performance aspects required for football. Ingesting
caffeine at a dosage of 2–6 mg/kg of body weight has been shown to enhance performance
in repeated sprints and jumps, reactive agility, jump height, and passing accuracy [73].
Presently, caffeine is under scrutiny by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and there
is the potential for caffeine to be reclassified as a banned substance [133].
Creatine supplementation stands out as one of the most extensively studied and bene-
ficial ergogenic aids for athletes. Increasing muscle creatine stores can enhance exercise
performance and facilitate training adaptation [134]. Research indicates that supplement-
ing with creatine can lead to improved performance in high-intensity exercises, thereby
enhancing overall training outcomes [135]. Moreover, creatine supplementation acceler-
ates glycogen replenishment rates, which can be advantageous for athletes undergoing
prolonged submaximal exercise or engaging in repetitive high-intensity workouts, espe-
cially concerning aerobic and anaerobic metabolism [136]. A typical outcome of creatine
supplementation is a weight gain of around 1–2 kg, primarily attributed to water reten-
tion, with no adverse health effects noted when following appropriate supplementation
protocols [137].
ß-alanine enjoys widespread popularity as an ergogenic aid, with approximately 61%
of team sport athletes incorporating it into their regimen [138,139]. Supplementation with
ß-alanine can elevate muscle carnosine levels, bolster intramuscular buffering capacity, and
Nutrients 2024, 16, 1332 14 of 20
enhance performance in intermittent high-intensity exercises, all while complying with the
regulations set forth by the World Anti-Doping Agency [139]. Its supplementation repre-
sents a viable nutritional strategy to combat fatigue and optimize performance, especially
in scenarios involving intense efforts where glycolytic pathways are prominently engaged,
leading to significant hydrogen ion accumulation [138]. Although temporary paraesthesia
may occur as a side effect of ß-alanine supplementation, it does not pose any adverse health
risks [140].
Nitrates and nitrites have conventionally been viewed as byproducts of nitric oxide
(NO) metabolism. However, recent findings propose that nitrates might act as precursors
to nitric oxide, transitioning from nitrate to nitrite and eventually to nitric oxide [141].
Nitric oxide is synthesized in the body through the oxidation of l-arginine, facilitated by
nitric oxide synthase (NOS). It plays a vital role in regulating skeletal muscle function,
enhancing exercise performance by reducing ATP expenditure for muscle contraction,
improving the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration, and boosting the blood flow to
muscles [142]. Individual optimal dosages vary, but benefits typically manifest within
2–3 h after administering a nitrate bolus containing 5–9 mmol (310–560 mg). Prolonged
periods of nitrate intake (>3 days) may also enhance performance, particularly among
well-trained athletes [141,143].
8. Conclusions
The present study examines the concept of nutrition periodization in the context of
football training, demonstrating the validity of using an individualized approach to man-
aging players’ diets. Crucial to optimizing the athletic performance and body composition
of players is adjusting the amount of energy provided, macronutrient ratios, and hydration
depending on the phase of the training macrocycle and individual athletic and health goals.
During the preparatory period, where the focus is on the development of strength and
muscle mass, increased energy and protein requirements are critical to support anabolic
processes and muscle adaptations. During the competitive period, dominated by match
loads and higher-intensity training, the need for a higher carbohydrate intake to replen-
ish muscle glycogen and support rapid recovery is emphasized. During the transition
period, which often serves a regenerative function, an adequate adjustment of energy and
macronutrient intake can counteract undesirable changes in body composition, such as fat
gain. In the context of fluids, adequate hydration is important during any training phase,
but especially during the competitive phase, where fluid losses are intensified by frequent
matches and training in high temperatures.
An analysis of the impact of nutritional periodization on the body composition of
football players indicates its fundamental importance in modulating SMM, FM, and overall
physical condition. Adapting nutritional strategies, such as meal timing, energy balance,
and macronutrient selection, allows precise control over changes in body composition,
which directly translates into athletic performance and the ability to quickly regain game
An integral part of sports preparation should be close cooperation between coaches,
nutritionists, and athletes to continuously adapt and optimize nutrition, which is as impor-
tant as well-planned training.
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