Present Simple Çevi̇ri̇ Çalişmasi-Açiklamali
Present Simple Çevi̇ri̇ Çalişmasi-Açiklamali
Present Simple Çevi̇ri̇ Çalişmasi-Açiklamali
1) The body regenerates the cells that make up the nails.
Vücut tırnakları oluşturan hücreleri yeniler.
2) Researchers have found that practising yoga for just 25 minutes a day is good for
Araştırmacılar, günlük sdece 25 dakika yoganın iyi geldiğini buldular.
3) Findings of a recent study suggest that green tea and carrots play a part in fighting
Alzheimer’s disease.
son çalışmalar, yeşil çay ve havucun alzheimer hasytalığı ile savaşmada bir rol
oynadığını gmstermektedir.
4) Excessive bleeding is the most common cause of anaemia.
aşırı kanama, aneminin en yaygın sebebidir.
5) Mental and social health are just as important as physical health for elderly
yaşlı kadınlar için, zihinsel ve sosyal sağlık, fiziksel sağlık kadar önemlidir.
6) Patients recovering from amputations often report that during healing, they feel
pain or itching from the lost limb.
Amputeden iyileşen hastalar, iyileşme esnasında, kaybettikleri uzuvlarından kaşıntı
yada acı duyduklarını sıklıkla bildirmişlerdir.
7) Exercise is recommended by many therapists and physicians because it provides
relief and improves mobility.
Egzersiz, bir çok terapist ve hekim tarafından tavsiye edilmektedir
çünkü rahatlama sağlar ve vücut hareketliliğini iyileştirir.
8) Potassium decreases tension in blood vessel walls and helps keep blood pressure in
potasyum kan damarı duvarlarındaki tansiyonu düşürür ve kan basıncını
kontrol altında tutmaya yardımcı olur.
9) Some anti-migraine drugs are known to pass into breast milk and this may cause
serious problems in nursing babies.
bazı anti-migren ilaçlarının anne sütüne geçtiği bilinmektedir, bu bebek
emzirmede ciddi problemelere sebep olabilir.
10) Tiny hairs in our inner ears, called cochlear hair cells, are vital to our natural
perception of sound.
koklear kıl hücreleri olarak adlandırılan iç kulağımızdaki minik
kıllar, doğan ses algısı için hayatidir.
11) All species of plants and animals tend to produce more offspring than the
environment can support.
12) The Amish originate from a relatively small founding population.
13) Tour operators occupy a significant role in the tourism industry.
14) The biological basis for variations in human intelligence is not well understood.
15) Philosophy occurs in all cultures and daily life.
16) Fear is defined as an emotional state and it is triggered by genuine danger that is
in front of you.
17) Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole, its structure, composition,
history, and future.
18) Historians look for rational explanations for the events.
19) The human understanding of the universe changes.
20) The tension in Britain between modernism and the bourgeois theatre is a subject
that historians like to discuss.
21) Asian sea bass feed initially on small crustaceans and later switch to fish as they
grow up.
22) Life expectancy at birth is the number of years a newborn infant can live.
23) Dogs look and listen to interpret their surroundings, just as humans do.
24) Today, people with rare conditions could be diagnosed quicker thanks to the
advances in technology.
25) Ecology is the study of certain environmental connections.
26) Many of the mechanisms rely on different sections of molecules either working
well with water or not mixing with it.
27) Proteins have to fold into particular shapes to carry out their roles.
28) Mountains rarely occur as isolated individuals; instead, they are usually found in
circular groups.
29) The human brain creates consciousness consisting of thoughts and feelings.
30) Astronomers have yet to find anywhere in the universe that remotely resembles the