Tax Remedies
Tax Remedies
Tax Remedies
Thursday, October 17, 2024 9:04 PM TRAIN law - effective 2018
- Remedial action for the government (to enforce BIR found something MISSING CREATE - effective 2021
collection on unpaid taxes) and taxpayer (legal action to
avail / seek relief from undue burden / opressive effect
• Any tax assessment issued without an LOA is a violation of the taxpayer's right to due process and is Return filed is Three (3) years from:
therefore “inescapably void”. NOT 1. Actual filing of return
FRAUDULENT 2. Deadline for filing (whichever Is later)
1. Involving civil or criminal tax fraud If return filed is Ten (10) years from discovery
2. Policy cases under audit by special teams in the National Office. FRAUDULENT
- During the three (3) years, a tax return filed by taxpayer may be
amended. However, when LOA or investigation has been conducted,
amendment shall no longer be allowed, and thus, shall await remedy.
- If taxpayer did not file a return, prescriptive period for issuance of FAN
During investigation/audit, if RO found deficiency in tax liability:
is 10 years from discovery
- Shall consists of the initial report of RO in the investigation and his findings of such discrepancies.
- Allows taxpayer to discuss his side on the discrepancies found
Make voluntary payments of probable deficiency taxes and penalties prior to the issuance of PAN (Audit is closed)
Discussion to present valid documentary support against the discrepancies Issuance of PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTICE (PAN)
(within 5 DAYS to reply from receipt of NOD and may be EXTENDED to 30 DAYS) - Sec. 228 of the NIRC. States that PAN shall inform taxpayer in writing of law and facts which the
assessment is based as part of due process. Sec. 3 of RR (#12-99) shall show in detail the proposed
assessment is based, otherwise void.
Failure to reply / present valid documentary - Issued when:
If reply is valid, then all goods! support: • after review and evaluation by the Commissioner or authorized rep.
• after determining that there exists sufficient basis to assess the taxpayer for any deficiency tax.
• Taxpayer fails to file a return. Additionally, taxpayer files a return but fails to pay the tax
• Taxpayer Pays the tax but insufficient
NOT REQUIRED IN THE FF deficiency due to:
1. mathematical error
2. Discrepancy between tax withheld and actually remitted by withholding agent
3. unpaid excise taxes
4. When article (vehicles, capital equipment, machineries, spare parts) locally PURCHASED or
imported by an EXEMPT person, HAS BEEN SOLD TO NON-EXEMPT PERSONS (meaning the
items purchased/impported by EXEMPT sold to NON-EXEMPT)
~ ASSESSMENT 5. A claim of refund or tax credit of excess (CWT) determined to have already carried over or
- Written notice and demand by BIR for settlement of due tax automatically applied against tax liabilities for the succeeding taxable year.
liability that is exisitng currently and fixed. (e.g. PAN, FAN)
The REPLY to the PAN and PROTEST to the FAN are submitted to Chance to reply contesting the PAN (15 DAYS)
the office of the signatory, (Commissioner or Auth. Rep.)
otherwise, as if no REPLY or PROTEST is filed.
If reply is valid, then
all goods! Failure to reply / reply found to be without merit
- Issued by the Commissioner or authorized rep
- It is a calling of payment of taxpayer's deficiency.
- Shall state the facts, law, rules and regulations, on which the ASSESSMENT IS BASED, otherwise, VOID
Pays the assessment - Issued when:
(Audit is closed) ○ Taxpayer failed to respond to the PAN
○ Reply to the PAN was found to be without merit.
Plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis of existing Plea of re-evaluation on the basis of newly, discovered or File civil case for
records w/o need of additional evidence. addtl. Evidence that taxypayer intends to present in the collection
Direct Denial of Protest Indirect Denial of Protest CIR fails the act on the protest
- If CIR or auth. Rep. fails to act on
taxpayer's protest w/in 180 days
from submission, protest may be
considered denied.
w/in 3O DAYS from
receipt of Letter of Denial Await decision of CIR
- BIR may avail of the remedy of collection when the assessment becomes final, executory and demandable.
○ Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed Within prescribed period MAY BE COLLECTED by DISTRAINT or LEVY W/IN 5 YRS following the assessment of the tax.
○ In the case of frauduient return, tax may be assessed WITHIN 10 YRS after discovery provided, that assessment has become final and excutory and the fact shall be judicially taken
cognizance (notice or consider)
1. Distraint - seizure of the government of personal property, tangible or intangible to enforce payment of tax.
a. Actual - personal property Is physically seized by the BIR and offered " for sale at public auction. The proceeds is then used for the payment of taxes
i. Garnishment - distraint of bank accounts
Note: When BIR's decision affirming an assessment is appealed to the CTA, the BIR's power to gamish is NOT SUSPENDED since the continued existence of government depends on tax revenues.
a. Constructive - person in possession is made to signed a receipt to preserve the property and not to dispose unless authorized by BIR.
• retiring from any business subject to tax.
• intends to leave the Philippines.
• removes his property therefrom.
• performs any act tending to obstruct the proceeding for collecting tax due
2. Levy - seizure of the government of real property, its interest or rights to enforce payment of tax.
- 1 year from date of sale, property may be redeemed by the taxpayer. He is not then deprived of its possession nor of its fruits, rents and other income from it until the expiration of
redemption period. If failed to redeemed, a final deed of sale is executed in favor of the buyer.
Note: Collection of a deficiency tax assessment by distraint and levy may be repeated, if necessary, until the full amount due, including all expenses, is collected;
3. Judicial Proceedings
a. Filing of civil case for collection
b. File a criminal case (Tax Evasion)
- Only in the grounds of:
○ There exist a reasonable doubt in the validity of the claim against the taxpayer.
○ The financial position of the taxpayer shows CLEAR inability to pay the assessed tax.
For financial incapacity, Minimum compromise rate = 10% of basic assessed tax.
For other cases, min. compromise rate = 40% of basic assessed tax.
□ 4 Deputy Commissioners
○ Approval of the Evaluation Board is required:
Where basic tax EXCEEDS 1,000,000
1. Surcharge - a fee, charge, or tax added.
a. 25%
- In any of the following cases:
Simple neglect, if taxpayer voluntarily files the return after deadline without notice from BIR
Failure to file any return and pay the tax due on time.
Filing a return with an internal revenue officer instead with whom the return is required to be filed, unless authorized by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. (wrong venue filing)
Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of assessment.
Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on any return, or the full amount of tax due for which no return is required to be filed.
b. 50%
- In any of the following cases:
Willful neglect to file the return ontime.
□ There is willful neglect if the taxpayer files only after prior notice in writing from the "BIR.
□ Fraudulent return
2. Interest - increment on any unpaid amount of tax, assessed from the date prescribed for payment until the amount is fully paid.
Prior to TRAIN - 20% per year
Upon effectivity of TRAIN - 12% per year
2. Delinquency
- interest imposed on the failure of the taxpayer to pay the following:
Amount of tax due on any return required to be filed
Amount of tax due which no return is required, or
A deficiency tax, surcharge, interest on the due date in the notice and demand of CIR or auth. Rep. until it is fully paid.
(interest shall form part of the tax)
Note: Upon effectivity of TRAIN, in no case shall deficiency and delinquency be imposed simultaneously.