Class IX, HOLIDAY HOMEWORK, 2024-25 - 1

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1. Creative Crossover (Art Integration): Choose a character from a story in "Beehive"
(e.g., Margie from "The Fun They Had"). Design a costume that reflects the
character's personality and social status. Write a short monologue (1-2 pages)
from the character's perspective expressing their hopes and fears about the
future in their world. (Combines character analysis, creative writing, and costume
2. Modern Twist on a Classic (Open-ended): Select a well-known myth or legend
(e.g., Greek, Roman, Indian). Imagine this story taking place in a modern setting
(e.g., a high school, a city). Write a short story (2-3 pages) retelling the myth with
modern characters and technology, while still capturing the essence of the
original story.
3. Literary Passport to India (Reading & Multimedia Presentation):

Explore Indian Literature: Choose a book by a renowned Indian author (from the
list suggested Ruskin Bond,Sudha Murthy,R.K Narayan,or one you discover on
your own).
1. Unveiling the Story: Read the book and analyze its plot, characters, themes, and
literary devices.
2. Creating a Multimedia Passport: Design a digital or physical "Literary Passport to
India" focused on the book. Include:
* Information about the author and their background.
* A synopsis of the story.
Images or illustrations depicting key scenes or characters.
* Quotes or excerpts that resonate with you.
* A map highlighting the location where the story is set (if applicable).
NOTE: Complete five Grammar Worksheets ,Assignments, Reading
Comprehensions posted in the Google Classroom.(In English Class Notebook)

िदए गए िवषय म िक दो बं ओं पर गृह एवं प रयोजना काय िनम ण

क जए।

1. आगे बढ़ती भारतीय मिहलाओं क पु क पढ़कर उनसे संबं धत च का

सं ह क जए एवं स
ं जानकारी ा करके ल खए ।

2. या ा वृत त के अ
ं तगत अपनी िकसी या ा का वणन करते ए उसका

अनुभव एवं जानकारी बताते ए ' ै वलॉग' बनाइए।(2 से 3 िमनट)

3. भि कालीन किव कबीर दास ,गु नानक, नामदे व और मीराबाई क रचना

रचनाओं का स
ं कलन करते ए प रयोजना काय क जए।

4. 'जीवन संघषमय है इससे घबराना नह चािहए' इस िवषय पर अपना अनुभव

बताते ए अनु े द ल खए।

5. भारत के िकन-िकन वै ािनक को नोबेल पुर ार िमला है, िव ान म उनका

योगदान बताते ए सच जानकारी एकि त करते ए प रयोजना काय

क जए।

6. तेन जंग शेरपा एवरे पर चढ़ने वाले भारतीय पवतारोही थे । एवरे पर चढ़ने

वाले भारतीय पवतारोिहय क सूची तैयार कर उनके अनुभव को स

ं क लत


7. हंदी सािह को िकतने कालख

ं ड म िवभा जत िकया गया है ? ेक काल

का नाम लखते ए उस काल के मुख लेखक और किवय क रचनाओं क

सूची तैयार क जए ।

8 अपने आसपास पाए जाने वाले जीव ज

ं तुओं और प य के खान-पान, रहन-

सहन िव भ ऋतुओं का उनके जीवन पर पड़ने वाले भाव आिद बं ओ के

आधार पर जानकारी एक कर प रयोजना/ वीिडयो तैयार क जए

9. पशु प ी एवं व -स
ं र ण केदो म जाकर पशु प य क सेवा सु ुषा के संबंध

म जानकारी ा कर प रयोजना/वीिडयो तैयार क जए।

10. कहानी और स
ं रण म ा अ
ं तर है? कुछ कहानीऔर सं रण क सूची

तैयार कर प रयोजना पु का म ल खए।


1- अकार त, इकारा ,ईकार त उकारा ,ऋकार त पु ँ गप लखे।

2- अ और यु के श प का िह ी अथ लखे।

3- शेमुषी ch-2 से 10कत -ि या,10िवशेषण-िवशे लखे।

4- भगवदगीता के ि तीय ाय के लोक 13,20,22,23,2738,47काशु ध वाचन

करे, ा ा सिहत लख

5- वस ऋतुः या िकसी स धतीथ या ी कालीन अवकाश म या ा वणन

च ं सिहत प च वा का वणन करे।


1. Find 10 solids(cube, cuboid and cylinder only ) around you. Prepare an

observation table under the following headings.
a. Name of Solid
b. Image/Photo of the solid
c. Dimensions (length, breadth, height, radius)
d. Total surface area Curved surface area and Volume..
2. Represent root 23 on the number line using the Square-root spiral method.

3. Solve 80 exercise questions from chapter Number Systems on the topic

rationalisation and its application from R.D. Sharma OR R.S. Agrawal
4. Solve 80 exercise questions from chapter Number Systems on the topic laws of
exponents and its application from R.D. Sharma OR R.S. Agrawal.
5. Prepare a table under the following headings.
Name of any 10 Indian mathematicians
(ancient or modern)
*Date of birth
*place of birth and
*contribution in maths.

Identify a problem in your society and prepare a solution in write up form (PDF
format) according to the theme and sub- theme mentioned below:
Theme -“ Science and technology for Society.”
Sub- theme :
● Health
● LIFE (Lifestyle for environment)
● Agriculture
● Communication and transport
● Computational thinking.

1. Prepare a creative clay model on Animal cell or a plant cell.
1. Prepare a comic strip on the topic “ Contribution of Scientists in the study of
2. Complete the Biology Practical lab manual (Term-1 Practicals).
Q3). Solve the competency based worksheet in your copy .( Worksheet will be posted
in science Google classroom)

Q1). a). To study diffusion in our day to day Life - Explore, observe and perform
activities related to diffusion and categorize them like -solid in liquid
,liquid in liquid etc
b). Also study the effect of temperature on the rate of diffusion while
performing the activities .write down your observations in a scrap book
and also paste pictures while performing the activities.
Q2). Complete the lab manual ( practical copy) for term I practical of chemistry
experiment no - 1(a,b),2,3(a,b,c,d)
Q3). Solve the competency based worksheet in your copy .( Worksheet will be posted
in science Google classroom)
Q.1) Represent Distance-time and velocity-time graphs on A4 size- coloured sheets.
You cannot Use pen or pencil to draw the graphs. Use your creativity to display
the graph with different materials (like cotton matchstick, Ice cream stick, Pulses
etc or any other material you can think of).
Q2) Write down the applications of Physics in our day-to-day life. (In at least 200
Q2) Newton’s law of motion are an inherent property of our everyday life. Starting
from the beginning of the day, till the end, Newton’s law finds their application in
a number of activities we do.Make a project report on coloured A4 size sheet,
giving examples, showing applicability of these laws in everyday life
situations.Think in reference to walking, playing, driving, etc, Also paste
preferably real life relevant pictures of yours or surroundings.
Q3). Complete the lab manual ( practical copy) for term 1 practicals of Physics.
Q4 Complete the below worksheet of Physics :
1. What can you say about the motion of a body if :
(a) its displacement-time graph is a straight line ?
(b ) its velocity-time graph is a straight line ?
2. A body is moving uniformly in a straight line with a velocity of 5 m/s. Find
graphically the distance covered by it in 5 seconds.

3. A body is moving along a circular path of radius R. What will be the distance
travelled and displacement of the body when it completes half a revolution ?

4. If on a round trip you travel 6 km and then arrive back home :

(a) What distance have you travelled ?
(b) What is your final displacement ?
5. A body travels a distance of 3 km towards East, then 4 km towards North and
finally 9 km towards East.
(i) What is the total distance travelled ?
(ii) What is the resultant displacement ?
6. A boy walks from his classroom to the bookshop along a straight corridor towards
orth. He covers a distance of 20 m in 25 seconds to reach the bookshop. After
buying a book, he travels the same distance in the same time to reach back in the
classroom. Find (a) average speed, and (b) average velocity, of the boy.
7. A car travels 100 km at a speed of 60 km/h and returns with a speed of 40 km/h.
Calculate the average speed for the whole journey.
8. Name the type of motion in which a body has a constant speed but not constant
9. What can you say about the motion of a body if its speed-time graph is a straight
line parallel to the time axis ?
10. Name the two quantities, the slope of whose graph gives :
(a) speed, and (b) acceleration
INSTRUCTION - Holiday Homework should be done in project file and hard copy of
Home work should be submitted when school reopens.


1. Prepare a project work on 'Disaster Management' to create awareness about

different disasters,their consequences and management.Students can choose any
disaster like tsunami,earthquake,flood,epidemic etc. The project should be based on
following heads:-

-measures/mitigation steps

2.Prepare an interdisciplinary project on Geog.ch5. " Natural vegetation and wildlife"

and History ch 4."Forest, society and colonialism"
i) Forest types found in India
ii) Importance of forest
iii) Effects of forest acts on villagers
v) Critically analyse the reasons for rebellion in Bastar and in Java.
Note: The project work should be handwritten and may include inquiry based
learning,cooperative learning,research based learning,experiential learning and various
forms of art integration.

3. Map work: Students will complete map assignments for Term 1 (as mentioned in
CBSE curriculum) in their map books.

AI :
Q1 Write a Python Program to input your details like Name, Surname , Age , Address
, Contact No. and Display them as shown below :
Name : XYZ
Surname : ABC
Age : 14
Address : H.No. - 17/235 , Street - 20 , Near Haldiram Showroom
Contact No : 9039020000
Q2 Explore a game Rock, Paper, Scissors. Satisfy your curiosity and find out how our
AI works by playing against Afiniti.To Explore this game, follow this link -

Link for Game (Rock, Paper and Scissors):

Make PPT to represent this game and how AI works.

Q3 Design a layout of a floor plan of your dream Smart home. Include any gadgets or
devices that you think which make it unique or smart. Use any word processor
application or any other application to design floor plan.

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