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Topic 2 Lighting Protections-1

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Specific Objectives
By the end of this topic the trainee(s) should be able to;
a) Define terms used in lightning protection
b) Describe types of lightning strokes
c) Explain the effects of lightning strokes
d) Explain factors considered for lightning protection
e) Describe the components of lightning protection system
f) Explain the tests to be carried out on lightning protection system
g) Explain the maintenance required for lightning protection system
h) State the areas of applications of lightning protection system

A lightning protection system provides a safe pathway for energy from a lightning strike to find its way to earth, encouraging the
bolt to bypass building components that might otherwise be damaged. So its job is both to provide a path for the lightning strike
to reach ground (instead of reaching the ground through the building or its components), and to avoid damaging the building as
the electrical current of the lightning bolt flows through the protection system components. In other words, a lightning rod and
its components do not prevent a lightning strike; rather they give it a safer pathway to earth than would occur if the energy
passed through building components on the way down.


1. Air terminal: The lightning rod or intended attachment conductor placed on or above a building, structure, tower, for the
purpose of intercepting lightning.
2. Air-termination system: Part of the external LPs which is intended to intercept lightning flashes.
3. Down-conductor system: Part of the external LPS which is intended to conduct the lightning current from the air-
termination system to the earth-termination system.
4. Zone of protection: The presumed volume of space adjacent to a lightning protection system that is substantially immune to
lightning strikes
5. Arrester: Components, devices or circuits used to attenuate, suppress or divert excess electrical (surge and transient) energy
to ground. The terms arrester, suppressor and protector are used interchangeably except that the term arrester is used herein
for components, devices and circuits at the service disconnecting means.
6. Earth electrode system (grounding electrode system): A network of electrically interconnected rods, plates, mats, piping,
incidental electrodes (metallic tanks, etc.) or grids installed below grade to establish a low resistance contact with earth.


Definition: Lightning stroke is the direct discharge of an electrical charge between the atmosphere and the object of earth. It is a
sudden flow of electric charge between the electrical charge area of a cloud also called intra-cloud and another cloud called (CC
lightning) or between the charged cloud and the ground (CG lightning).
The charge region of the cloud is equal to the electric discharge. When the cloud charge is discharged on the ground, then it is
called a strike, and if the discharge is hit on the object, then it is called flash. The lightning occurs in the form of the plasma and
sound in the form of thunder.
The lightning strike is likely to happen any time and is the root cause of over voltage fault in electrical system. The lighting
strike can be divided in to two groups;
1. Direct lightning strike/Direct stroke/Stroke A
2. Indirect lightning strike/Indirect Stroke/Stroke B

1. Direct lightning strike/Direct Stroke/Stroke A

In the direct lightning strokes, the cloud attains a large amount of charge and induces an opposite charge on taller objects such as
temple, churches or mosques. When the intensity of electrostatic field becomes sufficiently great to ionize the neighbouring air,
the air breaks down and discharge takes place between the cloud and the object. Such types of discharge take a long time to
produce, and it strikes the highest and the most sharply pointed building in the neighbourhood.
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2. Indirect stroke/Electrostatic Induction Stroke/Stroke B

Consider the three clouds, clouds 1 and 3 are positively charged, and cloud 2 is negatively charged as shown in the figure below.

The potential of cloud 3 is reduced due to the presence of the charged cloud 2. On the flash over from Cloud 1 to Cloud 2, both
these clouds are discharged rapidly, and class 3 assumes a much potential and flashes to earth very rapidly. It is the most
dangerous strokes because it ignores taller building and reaches directly to the ground. This stroke is called the induces strokes.


Some of the main hazards presented by a lightning strike to a building include:

i. Fire caused by lightning igniting flammable materials or overheating electrical wiring.
ii. Side flashes, when lightning jumps through the air to reach a better-grounded conductor.
iii. Building components can be damaged by explosive shock waves, glass shattered, concrete and
plaster fragmented, and so on.

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iv. Any electrical appliance plugged into a circuit may be badly damaged.
v. The air inside porous materials such as masonry may expand rapidly.
vi. Materials containing moisture from humidity or rain may flash to steam.
vii. Other materials can reach their plastic limit and melt or ignite.


i. Frequency of lightning strikes in the area (a number taken from a published map),
ii. Degree to which the facility is likely to catch fire, if hit by lightning (e.g., materials of construction, types of materials
stored inside),
iii. Physical size and shape of the facility or building,
iv. Value that is placed on the facility and its contents (i.e., a hospital would have a higher value than a fast food restaurant
or a warehouse).


A lightning protection system should include all of the following elements, which work together to prevent lightning damage.
• Air Terminals (Lightning Rods)
• Braided Conductor (Cable)/down conductors
• Bonds to metallic bodies
• Ground Rods or Ground Plates/earth electrode
• Surge Arrestors

A lightning rod or lightning conductor is a metal rod mounted on a structure and intended to protect the structure from a
lightning strike. If lightning hits the structure, it will preferentially strike the rod and be conducted to ground through a wire,
instead of passing through the structure, where it could start a fire or cause electrocution. Lightning rods are also called finials,
air terminals or strike termination devices.
In a lightning protection system, a lightning rod is a single component of the system. The lightning rod requires a connection to
earth to perform its protective function. Lightning rods come in many different forms, including hollow, solid, pointed, rounded,
flat strips or even bristle brush-like. The main attribute common to all lightning rods is that they are all made of conductive
materials, such as copper and aluminum. Copper and its alloys are the most common materials used in lightning protection.


Testing of your Lightning Protection System is a requirement under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989; testing is required
to ensure that your system is fit for purpose and working correctly. The testing is carried out to the procedure outlined in BS EN
62305:2006, which is the British Standard for Lightning Protection Systems.

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Testing of the Lightning Protection System should comprise:

1. Performing random continuity tests, especially continuity of those parts of the Lightning Protection System which
were not visible for inspection during the initial installation and are not subsequently available for visual inspection.
2. Conducting earth resistance tests of the earth termination system. The following isolated and combined earth
measurements and checks should be made and the results recorded in a Lightning Protection System report:

➢ The resistance to earth of each local earth electrode and, where practical, the resistance to earth of the complete
earth termination system. Each local earth electrode should be measured in isolation with the test point
between the down conductor and earth electrode in the disconnection position. If the resistance to earth of the
earth termination system as a whole exceeds 10ohms, additional electrodes should be installed, where
practicable, to obtain the requisite resistance value. If there is a significant increase in the value of the earth
resistance from previously measured values, additional investigations should be made to determine the reason
for the increase and measures taken to improve the situation.
➢ The results of a visual check of all conductors, bonds and joints or their measured electrical continuity.

The objective of lightning protection inspection is to confirm that:
• The Lightning Protection System conforms to the design based on BS EN 62305
• All components of the Lightning Protection System are in good condition and capable of performing their designed
functions, and there is no corrosion
Any recently added services or structures are incorporated into the Lightning Protection System

Inspections should be carried out:

• During the construction of the structure, especially in order to check the embedded electrodes and associated clamps
and bonds
• After installation of the Lightning Protection System
• Periodically at such intervals as determined with regard to the nature of the structure to be protected
• After alterations or repairs, or when it is known that the structure has been struck by lightning

It is particularly important to check the following during the periodic inspection:

• Deterioration and corrosion of air termination elements, conductors and connections

• Corrosion of earth electrodes
• Earthing resistance value for the earth termination system
• Condition of connections, equipotential bonding and fixings

Visual inspections should be made to ascertain that:

• The design confirms to BS EN 62305 by checking the original technical design documentation where available.
• The Lightning Protection system is in good condition.
• There are no visible loose connections or accidental breaks in the Lightning Protection System conductors and joints.
• No accessible part of the system has been weakened by corrosion, especially at ground level.
• All visible earth connections are intact.
• All visible conductors and system components are fastened to the mounting surfaces, and components which provide
mechanical protection are intact and in the right place.
• There have not been any additions or alterations to the protected structure which would require additional protection.
• There has been no indication of damage to the Lightning Protection System, or by reference to any indicators to Surge
Protective Devices.
• Correct equipotential bonding has been established for any new services or additions which have been made to the
interior of the structure since the last inspection, and that continuity tests have been performed for these new additions
where practically possible.
• Bonding conductors and connections inside the structure are present and intact where practically possible.
• Separation distances are maintained, subject to availability of original design information.

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• Bonding conductors, joints, shielding devices, cable routing and Surge Protective Devices have been checked and tested
where practicable and subject to availability of original design information.


Regular inspections are among the fundamental conditions for reliable maintenance and so effective performance of a Lightning
Protection System. The property owner shall be advised of all identified faults and they shall be repaired without delay.

On completion of any repairs to the Lightning Protection System, the client should be advised and the on-site file updated so that
remedial action can be considered by the Lightning Protection System engineer during the next inspection and test. If any repairs
involve the earthing system, the individual electrodes repaired or enhanced should be retested and their resistances advised to the
client for logging in the on-site file.

Explain various areas of application of lightning protection system


1. API 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents, American
Petroleum Institute, Washington DC, December 1991.
2. Golde, G.H., Lightning, Academic Press, NY, 1977.
3. Hasse, P., Overvoltage Protection of Low Voltage Systems, Peter Peregrinus Press, London, 1992.
4. Hovath, Tibor, Computation of Lightning Protection, John Wiley, NY, 1991.
5. IEEE Std 1100, Powering and Grounding of Sensitive Electronic Equipment, IEEE, NY, NY. 1992.
6. KSC-STD-E-0012B, Standard for Bonding and Grounding, Engineering Development Directorate, John F.
Kennedy Space Center, NASA, 1991.
7. Morris, M.E., et.al., Rocket-Triggered Lightning Studies for the Protection of Critical Assets, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 30, No. 3, May/June 1994.
8. Sunde, E.D. Earth Conduction Effects in Transmission Systems, D. Van Nostrand Co., NY, 1949.
9. Towne, D., Wave Phenomena, Dover Publications, NY.
10. Uman, Martin, Lightning, Dover Publications, NY, 1984.
11. Viemeister, Peter, The Lightning Book, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1972.
12. V. CoorayBasic principles of lightning protection, An Introduction to Lightning, Springer (2015),
a. pp. 301-330
13. M.O. Durham, R.A. Durham Lightning, grounding and protection for control systems IEEE Trans. Ind.
Appl., 31 (1995), pp. 45-54

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