29 - 2013 - Amit Acharya - Regional Epidemiologic Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using An Electronic Health Record System
29 - 2013 - Amit Acharya - Regional Epidemiologic Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using An Electronic Health Record System
29 - 2013 - Amit Acharya - Regional Epidemiologic Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using An Electronic Health Record System
© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kws293
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medium, provided the original work is properly cited. March 4, 2013
Practice of Epidemiology
Amit Acharya*, Jeffrey J. VanWormer, Stephen C. Waring, Aaron W. Miller, Jay T. Fuehrer, and
Initially submitted March 28, 2012; accepted for publication June 15, 2012.
An oral health surveillance platform that queries a clinical/administrative data warehouse was applied to esti-
mate regional prevalence of periodontitis. Cross-sectional analysis of electronic health record data collected
between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2010, was undertaken in a population sample residing in Lady-
smith, Wisconsin. Eligibility criteria included: 1) residence in defined zip codes, 2) age 25–64 years, and 3) ≥1
Marshfield dental clinic comprehensive examination. Prevalence was established using 2 independent methods:
1) via an algorithm that considered clinical attachment loss and probe depth and 2) via standardized Current
Dental Terminology (CDT) codes related to periodontal treatment. Prevalence estimates were age-standardized
to 2000 US Census estimates. Inclusion criteria were met by 2,056 persons. On the basis of the American
Academy of Periodontology/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention method, the age-standardized preva-
lence of moderate or severe periodontitis (combined) was 407 per 1,000 males and 308 per 1,000 females (348/
1,000 males and 269/1,000 females using the CDT code method). Increased prevalence and severity of peri-
odontitis was noted with increasing age. Local prevalence of periodontitis was consistent with national estimates.
The need to address potential sample selection bias in future electronic health record–based periodontitis
research was identified by this approach. Methods outlined herein may be applied to refine oral health surveil-
lance systems, inform dental epidemiologic methods, and evaluate interventional outcomes.
Abbreviations: AAP, American Academy of Periodontology; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDT, Current
Dental Terminology; CI, confidence interval; EHR, electronic health record; MESA, Marshfield Epidemiologic Study Area;
NIDCR, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; PTP, periodontal treatment procedures.
Periodontitis is a common dental health condition caused with respect to disease severity. The National Health and
by bacterial infection that leads to chronic inflammation of Nutrition Examination Survey has been the primary epide-
gingival tissue, degeneration of periodontal ligament and miologic research tool for studying periodontitis (3), with
bone, and eventual tooth loss. Periodontitis affects up to few studies to date utilizing administrative records to
half of US adults in some form (1–3), resulting in decreased conduct periodontitis surveillance at more local levels
quality of life (4) and increased health-care costs (5). Left (where interventions are most likely to occur). This is an
untreated, periodontitis also promotes cardiovascular disease important and modifiable gap in the scientific literature,
and type 2 diabetes by supporting a chronic inflammatory since information captured in electronic health records
state (1, 6–8). (EHRs) in dental and medical settings is useful for both
Despite the serious nature of periodontitis in the context patient care and population-based research. Indeed, the
of oral and systemic health, surprisingly little is known current National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
about the national prevalence of periodontitis and variability Research (NIDCR) strategic plan states, “Documenting the
nation’s prevalence of the full range of oral, dental, and cra- Marshfield Clinic medical and dental care systems. Eligibil-
niofacial diseases is an important element of a strategic ity criteria for this analysis, as of December 31, 2010,
investment in basic and clinical research. . . . The NIDCR were: 1) inclusion in the MESA registry with a home
will seek and validate new methods to measure and docu- address in the 54848, 54526, 54731, 54530, 54819, or
ment oral, dental, and craniofacial diseases, disorders and 54563 zip code; 2) age 25–64 years; and 3) completion of
conditions” (9, p. 51). There has been a strong push by the 1 or more Marshfield dental clinic comprehensive examina-
federal government for health-care systems to adopt and use tions. Over 90% of adult residents in this geographic study
the EHR, including direct incentives for dentists. In addi- area are included in the MESA registry (18). The age range
tion, there has been widespread adoption of EHRs in the was selected on the basis of the low likelihood of periodon-
majority of US dental schools (10). titis before age 25 years and the low likelihood of dental
The generally positive impact of EHRs in patient care care coverage after age 64 years (typically due to the transi-
has been well documented (11–15), but relatively few tion away from private insurance and the lack of an oral
dental studies have been completed with secondary use of health benefit in Medicare). Because this was a retrospective
EHR data. The increasing adoption of EHRs in dentistry analysis of health-care data that was part of an ongoing epi-
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702 Acharya et al.
(CDT) codes (20) documented in the EHR as they specifi- to ascertain periodontal status based on recent dental
cally related to periodontal treatment procedures (PTPs). records). All analytical procedures were conducted using
Participants were categorized as having moderate-to-severe SAS software (version 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North
periodontitis if 1 or more PTP codes/claims were present in Carolina).
their EHRs. This approach was based on previous method-
ology developed by Spangler et al. (21), which screened for RESULTS
up to 16 CDT codes indicative of periodontitis.
As of December 31, 2010, there were 7,676 persons aged
Statistical analyses 25–64 years with a known residence in one of the target
MESA zip codes. Of these persons, 2,056 (27%) had
Summary statistics were calculated separately for each undergone 1 or more Marshfield Clinic dental clinic com-
method of periodontitis case-finding and stratified by sex. prehensive examination(s) between January 1, 2006, and
Prevalence was calculated by dividing the number of peri- December 31, 2010. This latter group made up the analyti-
odontitis cases by the number of eligible persons present in cal sample. The remaining 5,620 persons were excluded
the analytical sample. Prevalence estimates were then from the analytical sample. As outlined in Table 1, relative
directly age-standardized (22) to the year 2000 US Census to the analytical sample, the excluded group contained sig-
estimates of all residents in the targeted zip codes and age nificantly more males, persons of unknown race/ethnicity,
ranges. Using χ2 tests, sociodemographic and medical char- uninsured persons (both medical and dental insurance), and
acteristics were compared between the analytical sample persons with unknown smoking status, as well as lower
and the remaining MESA residents who had no dental data rates of known diabetes and cardiovascular disease. When
available between January 1, 2006, and December 31, unknown responses were excluded from the race/ethnicity
2010. This was done to assess differences in sample char- variable, the difference between those included and
acteristics between those included in the analytical sample excluded from the analyses was not significant; however,
(i.e., the group in which it was reasonably possible to deter- this was not the case for other sociodemographic variables.
mine periodontitis status) and those excluded from the ana- Numbers of periodontitis cases derived using both the
lytical sample (i.e., the group in which it was not possible AAP/CDC and PTP methods are given in Table 2 by age
Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(7):700–707
Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using EHRs 703
Table 1. Sociodemographic and Health History Characteristics of Residents of the Marshfield Epidemiologic
Study Area Aged 25–64 Years With and Without at Least 1 Dental Clinic Comprehensive Examinationa During the
Period 2006–2010b
≥1 Comprehensive
No Comprehensive
Dental Examination
Measure Examinations P Value
(n = 5,620)
(n = 2,056)
No. % No. %
and sex. Age-standardized prevalence estimates, by sex and cases per 1,000 males and 24 (95% CI: 15, 33) cases per
case-finding method, are shown in Table 3. Based on the 1,000 females. The age-standardized prevalence of moder-
AAP/CDC method, the age-standardized prevalence of ate or severe periodontitis (combined) was 407 (95% CI:
moderate periodontitis was 373 (95% confidence interval 375, 438) cases per 1,000 males and 308 (95% CI: 281,
(CI): 342, 404) cases per 1,000 males and 285 (95% CI: 336) cases per 1,000 females. For both males and females,
258, 312) cases per 1,000 females. The age-standardized there was a general pattern of increased prevalence and
prevalence of severe periodontitis was 33 (95% CI: 22, 45) severity of periodontitis with increasing age.
Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(7):700–707
704 Acharya et al.
Table 2. Distribution of Periodontitis Cases by Sex, Case-Finding Table 3. Age-standardized Prevalence of Periodontitis per 1,000
Method, Age, and Periodontitis Status Among Ladysmith, Ladysmith, Wisconsin-Area Residents Aged 25–64 Years With at
Wisconsin-Area Residents Aged 25–64 Years With at Least 1 Least 1 Marshfield Dental Clinic Comprehensive Examination, by
Marshfield Dental Clinic Comprehensive Examination, 2006–2010 Sex, Case-Finding Method, and Periodontitis Status, 2006–2010
Am J Epidemiol. 2013;177(7):700–707
Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using EHRs 705
identifying periodontitis cases (the AAP/CDC algorithm research “gold standard” periodontal disease assessments
and CDT codes), almost half of the target population was (e.g., radiographic examinations).
estimated to have moderate-to-severe periodontitis. This is Approximately one-fourth of the target population had
consistent with previous national prevalence estimates of comprehensive oral examination data available during the
periodontitis in all US adults aged 30 years or older (3). 5-year data collection time frame. Reasons for the unavail-
Also consistent with previous national research (23), the ability of data are only speculative, but it may be related to
burden of periodontitis was greater in males and in older the very low baseline rate of dental care utilization in this
age groups. In terms of regional variation, periodontitis area relative to the rest of Wisconsin (University of Wis-
prevalence seemed to be higher in zip codes outside the consin Population Health Institute (Madison, Wisconsin),
municipality of Ladysmith, particularly in the eastern areas unpublished data, 2011). In addition, data on some persons
of the study region, where the population density is very were probably unavailable because they received their
low (approximately 4 residents per square km) and driving dental care outside of the Marshfield dental clinic system
distances to the dental clinic can be as great as approxi- (note that of the 9 dentists located within the study area,
mately 50 km (31 miles) (maximum distance in the western only 2 were not part of the Marshfield Clinic’s dental
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706 Acharya et al.
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Assessment of Prevalent Periodontitis Using EHRs 707
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