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GE‐005 Cut and Cover Tunnels

Instructor: Ivan Jelic, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP, MIStructE, CEng

Course ID: GE‐005
PDH Hours: 3 PDH

December 2018

PDH Star | T / F: (833) PDH‐STAR (734‐7827) | E: [email protected]

U.S. Department of Transportation Publication No. FHWA-NHI-10-034
Federal Highway Administration December 2009

Technical Manual for

Design and Construction of Road Tunnels —
Civil Elements


This chapter presents the construction methodology and excavation support systems for cut-and-cover
road tunnels and describes the structural design in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications (AASHTO, 2008). The intent of this chapter is to provide guidance in the interpretation of
the AASHTO LRFD Specifications in order to have a more uniform application of the code and to
provide guidance in the design of items not specifically addressed in AASHTO (2008). The designers
must follow the latest LRFD Specifications. A design example illustrating the concepts presented in this
chapter can be found in Appendix C. Other considerations dealing with support of excavation,
maintenance of traffic and utilities, and control of groundwater and how they affect the structural design
are discussed.


5.2.1 General

In a cut and cover tunnel, the structure is built inside an excavation and covered over with backfill
material when construction of the structure is complete. Cut and cover construction is used when the
tunnel profile is shallow and the excavation from the surface is possible, economical, and acceptable. Cut
and cover construction is used for underpasses, the approach sections to mined tunnels and for tunnels in
flat terrain or where it is advantageous to construct the tunnel at a shallow depth. Two types of
construction are employed to build cut and cover tunnels; bottom-up and top-down. These construction
types are described in more detail below. The planning process used to determine the appropriate profile
and alignment for tunnels is discussed in Chapter 1 of this manual.

Figure 5-1 is an illustration of cut and cover tunnel bottom-up and top-down construction. Figure 5-1(a)
illustrates Bottom-Up Construction where the final structure is independent of the support of excavation
walls. Figure 5-1(b) illustrates Top-Down Construction where the tunnel roof and ceiling are structural
parts of the support of excavation walls.

(a) (b)
Figure 5-1 Cut and Cover Tunnel Bottom-Up Construction (a); Top-Down Construction (b)

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For depths of 30 to 40 feet (about 10 m to 12 m), cut-and-cover is usually more economical and more
practical than mined or bored tunneling. The cut-and-cover tunnel is usually designed as a rigid frame
box structure. In urban areas, due to the limited available space, the tunnel is usually constructed within a
neat excavation line using braced or tied back excavation supporting walls. Wherever construction space
permits, in open areas beyond urban development, it may be more economical to employ open cut

Where the tunnel alignment is beneath a city street, the cut-and-cover construction will cause interference
with traffic and other urban activities. This disruption can be lessened through the use of decking over the
excavation to restore traffic. While most cut-and-cover tunnels have a relatively shallow depth to the
invert, depths to 60 feet (18 m) are not uncommon; depths rarely exceed 100 feet (30 m).
Although the support of excavation is an important aspect of cut and cover construction, the design of
support of excavation, unless it is part of the permanent structure, is not covered in this chapter.

5.2.2 Conventional Bottom-Up Construction

As shown in Figure 5-2, in the conventional “bottom-up” construction, a trench is excavated from the
surface within which the tunnel is constructed and then the trench is backfilled and the surface restored
afterward. The trench can be formed using open cut (sides sloped back and unsupported), or with vertical
faces using an excavation support system. In bottom-up construction, the tunnel is completed before it is
covered up and the surface reinstated.



Figure 5-2 Cut-and-Cover Tunnel Bottom-Up (a) and Top-Down (b) Construction Sequence

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Conventional bottom-up sequence of construction in Figure 5-2(a) generally consists of the following

Step 1a: Installation of temporary excavation support walls, such as soldier pile and lagging, sheet
piling, slurry walls, tangent or secant pile walls
Step 1b: Dewatering within the trench if required
Step 1c: Excavation and installation of temporary wall support elements such as struts or tie backs
Step 2: Construction of the tunnel structure by constructing the floor;
Step 3: Compete construction of the walls and then the roof, apply waterproofing as required;
Step 4: Backfilling to final grade and restoring the ground surface.

Bottom-up construction offers several advantages:

• It is a conventional construction method well understood by contractors.

• Waterproofing can be applied to the outside surface of the structure.
• The inside of the excavation is easily accessible for the construction equipment and the delivery,
storage and placement of materials.
• Drainage systems can be installed outside the structure to channel water or divert it away from the

Disadvantages of bottom-up construction include:

• Somewhat larger footprint required for construction than for top-down construction.
• The ground surface can not be restored to its final condition until construction is complete.
• Requires temporary support or relocation of utilities.
• May require dewatering that could have adverse affects on surrounding infrastructure.

5.2.3 Top-Down Construction

With top-down construction in Figure 5-2 (b), the tunnel walls are constructed first, usually using slurry
walls, although secant pile walls are also used. In this method the support of excavation is often the final
structural tunnel walls. Secondary finishing walls are provided upon completion of the construction. Next
the roof is constructed and tied into the support of excavation walls. The surface is then reinstated before
the completion of the construction. The remainder of the excavation is completed under the protection of
the top slab. Upon the completion of the excavation, the floor is completed and tied into the walls. The
tunnel finishes are installed within the completed structure. For wider tunnels, temporary or permanent
piles or wall elements are sometimes installed along the center of the proposed tunnel to reduce the span
of the roof and floors of the tunnel.

Top-down sequence of construction generally consists of the following steps:

Step 1a : Installation of excavation support/tunnel structural walls, such as slurry walls or secant pile
Step 1b: Dewatering within the excavation limits if required
Step 2a: Excavation to the level of the bottom of the tunnel top slab
Step 2b: Construction and waterproofing of the tunnel top slab tying it to the support of excavation
Step 3a: Backfilling the roof and restoring the ground surface
Step 3b: Excavation of tunnel interior, bracing of the support of excavation walls is installed as
required during excavation

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Step 3c: Construction of the tunnel floor slab and tying it to the support of excavation walls; and
Step 4 Completing the interior finishes including the secondary walls.

Top-down construction offers several advantages in comparison to bottom-up construction:

• It allows early restoration of the ground surface above the tunnel

• The temporary support of excavation walls are used as the permanent structural walls
• The structural slabs will act as internal bracing for the support of excavation thus reducing the amount
of tie backs required
• It requires somewhat less width for the construction area
• Easier construction of roof since it can be cast on prepared grade rather than using bottom forms
• It may result in lower cost for the tunnel by the elimination of the separate, cast-in-place concrete
walls within the excavation and reducing the need for tie backs and internal bracing
• It may result in shorter construction duration by overlapping construction activities

Disadvantages of top-down construction include:

• Inability to install external waterproofing outside the tunnel walls.

• More complicated connections for the roof, floor and base slabs.
• Potential water leakage at the joints between the slabs and the walls
• Risks that the exterior walls (or center columns) will exceed specified installation tolerances and
extend within the neat line of the interior space.
• Access to the excavation is limited to the portals or through shafts through the roof.
• Limited spaces for excavation and construction of the bottom slab

5.2.4 Selection

It is difficult to generalize the use of a particular construction method since each project is unique and has
any number of constraints and variables that should be evaluated when selecting a construction method.
The following summary presents conditions that may make a one construction method more attractive
than the other. This summary should be used in conjunction with a careful evaluation of all factors
associated with a project to make a final determination of the construction method to be used.

Conditions Favorable to Bottom-Up Construction:

• No right-of way restrictions

• No requirement to limit sidewall deflections
• No requirement for permanent restoration of surface

Conditions Favorable to Top-Down Construction

• Limited width of right-of-way

• Sidewall deflections must be limited to protect adjacent features
• Surface must be restored to permanent usable condition as soon as possible

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5.3.1 General

The practical range of depth for cut and cover construction is between 30 and 40 feet (about 10 m to 12
m). Sometimes, it can approach 100 feet. Excavations for building cut and cover tunnels must be
designed and constructed to provide a safe working space, provide access for construction activities and
protect structures, utilities and other infrastructure adjacent to the excavation. The design of excavation
support systems requires consideration of a variety of factors that affect the performance of the support
system and that have impacts on the tunnel structure itself. These factors are discussed hereafter.

Excavation support systems fall into three general categories:

• Open cut slope: This is used in areas where sufficient room is available to open cut the area of the
tunnel and slope the sides back to meet the adjacent existing ground line (Figure 5-3). The slopes are
designed similar to any other cut slope taking into account the natural repose angle of the in-situ
material and the global stability.

• Temporary: This is a structure designed to support vertical or near vertical faces of the excavation in
areas where room to open cut does not exist. This structure does not contribute to the final load
carrying capacity of the tunnel structure and is either abandoned in placed or dismantled as the
excavation is being backfilled. Generally it consists of soldier piles and lagging, sheet pile walls,
slurry walls, secant piles or tangent piles.

• Permanent: This is a structure designed to support vertical or near vertical faces of the excavation in
areas where room to open cut does not exist. This structure forms part of the permanent final tunnel
structure. Generally it consists of slurry walls, secant pile walls, or tangent pile walls.

Figure 5-3 Cut and Cover Construction using Side Slopes Excavation- Ft McHenry Tunnel,
Baltimore, MD

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This section discusses temporary and permanent support of excavation systems and provides issues and
concerns that must be considered during the development of a support of excavation scheme. The design
of open-cut slopes and support of excavation are not in the scope of this manual. Information on the
design of soil and rock slopes can be found in FHWA-NHI-05-123 “Soil Slope and Embankment Design”
(FHWA, 2005d), and NHI-99-007 “Rock Slopes” (FHWA, 1999), respectively. Supports of Excavation
are referred to FHWA-NHI-05-046 “Earth Retaining Structure” (FHWA, 2005e). Many of the issues
described below associated with ground and groundwater behavior are applicable to side slopes also.

5.3.2 Temporary Support of Excavation

Support of excavation structures can be classified as flexible or rigid. Flexible supports of excavation
include sheet piling and soldier pile and lagging walls. A careful site investigation that provides a clear
understanding of the subsurface conditions is essential to determining the correct support system. Rigid
support of excavation such as slurry walls, secant piles or tangent piles are also used as temporary support
of excavation. Descriptions of these systems are provided Section 5.3.3 Permanent Support of

A sheet piling wall consists of a series of interlocking sheets that form a corrugated pattern in the plan
view of the wall. The sheets are either driven or vibrated into the ground. The sheets extend well below
the bottom of the excavation for stability. These sheets are fairly flexible and can support only small
heights of earth without bracing. As the excavation progresses, bracings or tie backs are installed at
specified intervals. Sheet pile walls can be installed quickly and easily in ideal soil conditions. The
presence of rock, boulders, debris, utilities, or obstructions will make the use of sheet piling difficult since
these features will either damage the sheet pile or in the case of a utility, be damaged by the sheet pile.
Figure 5-4 shows a sheet pile wall with complex multi level internal bracing.

Figure 5-4 Sheet Pile Walls with Multi Level-Bracing

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A soldier pile wall consists of structural steel shape columns spaced 4 to 8 feet apart and driven into the
ground or placed in predrilled holes. The soldier piles extend well below the level of the bottom of
excavation for stability. As the excavation progresses, lagging is placed between the soldier piles to
retain the earth behind the wall. The lagging could be timber or concrete planks. The soldier piles are
relatively flexible and are capable of supporting only modest heights of earth without bracing. As the
excavation progresses, bracing or tie backs are installed at specified intervals. Soldier piles can also be
installed in more different ground conditions than can a sheet pile wall. The spacing allows the
installation of piles around utilities. The finite dimension of the pile allows drilling of holes through
obstructions and into rock, making the soldier pile and lagging wall more versatile than the sheet pile
wall. Figure 5-5 shows a braced soldier pile and lagging wall.

Figure 5-5 Braced Soldier Pile and Lagging Wall

Support of excavation bracing can consist of struts across the excavation to the opposite wall, knee braces
that brace the wall against the ground, and tie backs consisting of rock anchors or soil anchors that tie the
wall back into the earth behind the wall. Struts and braces extend into the working area and create
obstacles to the construction of the tunnel. Tie backs do not obstruct the excavation space but sometimes
they extend outside of the available right-of-way requiring temporary underground easements. They may
also encounter obstacles such as boulders, utilities or building foundations. The suitability of tie backs
depends on the soil conditions behind the wall. The site conditions must be studied and understood and
taken into account when deciding on the appropriate bracing method. Figure 5-6 shows an excavation
braced by tie-backs, leaving the inside of the excavation clear for construction activities.

The design and detailing of the support of excavation must consider the sequence of installation and
account for the changing loading conditions that will occur as the system is installed. The design of
temporary support of excavation is not in the scope of this manual. The information presented herein is
intended to make tunnel designers aware of the impact that the selected support of excavation can have on
the design, constructability and serviceability of the tunnel structure. Guidance on the design of support
of excavation can be found in FHWA-NHI-05-046 “Earth Retaining Structure” (FHWA, 2005e).

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Figure 5-6 Tie-back Excavation Support leaves Clear Access

Use of temporary support of excavation does have the advantage of allowing waterproofing to be applied
to the outside face of the tunnel structure. This can be accomplished by setting the face of the support of
excavation away from the outside face of the tunnel structure. This space provides room for forming and
allows the placement of waterproofing directly onto the finished outside face of the structure. As an
alternate, the face of the support of excavation can be placed directly adjacent to the outside face of the
structure. Under this scenario, the face of the support of excavation is used as the form for the tunnel
structure. Waterproofing is installed against the support of excavation and concrete is poured against the
waterproofing. In this case, the temporary support of excavation wall is abandoned in place.

5.3.3 Permanent Support of Excavation

Permanent support of excavation typically employs rigid systems. Rigid systems consist of slurry walls,
soldier pile tremie concrete (SPTC) walls, tangent pile walls, or secant pile walls. As with temporary
support of excavation systems, a careful site investigation that provides a clear understanding of the
subsurface conditions is essential to determining the appropriate system.

A slurry wall is constructed by excavating a trench to the thickness required for the external structural
wall of the tunnel. Slurry walls are usually 30 to 48 inches thick. The trench is kept open by the placement
of bentonite slurry in the trench as it is excavated. The trench will typically extend for some distance
below the bottom of the tunnel structure for stability. Reinforcing steel is lowered into the slurry filled
trench and concrete is then placed using the tremie method into the trench displacing the slurry. The
resulting wall will eventually be incorporated into the final tunnel structure. Excavation proceeds from
the original ground surface down to the bottom of the roof of the tunnel structure. The tunnel roof is
constructed and tied into the slurry wall. The tunnel roof provides bracing for the slurry wall. Depending
on the depth of the tunnel, the roof could be the first level of bracing or an intermediate level. The
excavation would then proceed and additional bracing would be provided as needed. At the base of the
excavation, the tunnel bottom slab is then constructed and tied into the walls. Figure 5-7 shows a slurry
wall supported excavation in an urban area.

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Figure 5-7 Braced Slurry Walls

SPTC walls are constructed in the same sequence as a slurry wall. However, once the trench is
excavated, steel beams or girders are lowered into the slurry in addition to reinforcing steel to provide
added capacity. The construction of the wall then follows the same sequence as that described above for
a slurry wall.

Tangent pile (drilled shaft) walls consist of a series of drilled shafts located such that the adjacent shafts
touch each other, hence the name tangent wall. The shafts are usually 24 to 48 inches in diameter and
extend below the bottom of the tunnel structure for stability. The typical sequence of construction of
tangent piles begins with the excavation of every third drilled shaft. The shafts are held open if required
by temporary casing. A steel beam or reinforcing bar cage is placed inside the shaft and the shaft is then
filled with concrete. If a casing is used, it is pulled as the tremie concrete placement progresses. Once
the concrete backfill cures sufficiently, the next set of every third shaft is constructed in the same
sequence as the first set. Finally, after curing of the concrete in the second set, the third and final set of
shafts is constructed, completing the walls. Excavation within the walls then proceeds with bracing
installed as required to the bottom of the excavation. Roof and floor slabs are constructed and tied into
the tangent pile. The roof and floor slabs act as bracing levels. Figure 5-8 is a schematic showing the
sequence of construction in plan view. Figure 5-9 shows a completed tangent pile wall.

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Figure 5-8 Tangent Pile Wall Construction Schematic

Figure 5-9 Tangent Pile Wall Support

Secant pile walls are similar to tangent pile walls except that the drilled shafts overlap each other rather
than touch each other. This occurs because the center to center spacing of secant piles is less than the

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diameter of the piles. Secant pile walls are stiffer than tangent piles walls and are more effective in
keeping ground water out of the excavation. They are constructed in the same sequence as tangent pile
walls. However, the installation of adjacent secant piles requires the removal of a portion of the
previously constructed pile, specifically a portion of the concrete backfill. Figure 5-10 is a schematic
showing a plan view of a completed secant pile wall.

Figure 5-10 Completed Secant Pile Wall Plan View

In general, rigid support systems have more load carrying capacity than flexible systems. This additional
load carrying capacity means that they require less bracing. Minimizing the amount of bracing results in
fewer obstruction inside the excavation if struts or braces are used, making construction activities easier
to execute. Rigid wall systems incorporated into the final structure can also reduce the overall cost of the
structure because they combine the support of excavation with the final structure. Waterproofing
permanent support walls and detailing the connections between the walls and other structure members are
difficult. This difficulty can potentially lead to leakage of groundwater into the tunnel. The design and
detailing of the support of excavation must consider the sequence of installation and account for the
changing loading conditions that will occur as the excavation proceeds and the system is installed.

5.3.4 Ground Movement and Impact on Adjoining Structures

An important issue for cut-and-cover tunnel analysis and design is the evaluation and mitigation of
construction impacts on adjacent structures, facilities, and utilities. By the nature of the methods used,
cut-and-cover constructions are much more disruptive than bored tunnels. It is important for engineers to
be familiar with analytical aspects of evaluating soil movement as a result of the excavation, and the
impacts it can have on existing buildings and utilities at the construction site. Soil movement can be due
to deflection of the support of excavation walls and ground consolidation:

• Deflection of support of excavation walls: Walls will deflect into the excavation as it proceeds prior
to installation of each level of struts or tiebacks supporting the wall. The deflection is greater for
flexible support systems than for rigid systems. The deflections are not recoverable and they are
• Consolidation due to dewatering: In excavations where the water table is high, it is often necessary to
dewater inside the excavation to avoid instability. Dewatering inside the cut may lead to a drop in the
hydrostatic pressure outside the cut. Depending on the soil strata, this can lead to consolidation and
settlement of the ground.

Existing buildings and facilities must be evaluated for the soil movement estimated to occur due to the
support wall movement during excavation. This evaluation depends on the type of existing structure, its

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distance and orientation from the excavation, the soil conditions, the type of foundations of the structure,
and other parameters. The analysis is site specific, and it can be very complex. Empirical methods and
screening tools are available to more generally characterize the potential impacts. The existing buildings
and facilities within the zone of influence must be surveyed (Chapter 3) and monitored as discussed in
Chapter 15 Geotechnical and Structural Instrumentation.

Measures to deal with this issue include:

• Design of stiffer and more watertight excavation support walls.

• Provide more closely spaced and stiffer excavation support braces and/or tiebacks.
• Use of pre-excavation soil improvement.
• Underpinning of existing structures.
• Provide monitoring and instrumentation program during excavation.
• Establish requirement for mitigation plans if movements approach allowable limits.

5.3.5 Base Stability

Poor soil beneath the excavation bottom may require that the excavation support structure be extended
down to a more competent stratum to ensure the base stability of the structure. This may depend upon
whether the earth pressures applied to the wall together with its weight can be transferred to the
surrounding soil through a combination of adhesion (side friction) and end bearing.

Soft clays below the excavation are particularly susceptible to yielding causing the bottom of the
excavation to heave with a potential settlement at the ground surface, or worse to blow up. High
groundwater table outside of the excavation can result in base instability as well. Measures to analyze
the subsurface condition, and provide sufficient base stability must be addressed by the geotechnical
engineer and/or tunnel designer. Readers are referred to FHWA-NHI-05-046 “Earth Retaining Structure”
(FHWA, 2005e) for more details.


5.4.1 General

A structural system study is often prepared to determine the most suitable structural alternatives for the
construction of the cut-and-cover tunnel. This involves a determination of the proposed tunnel section as
discussed in Chapter 2, the excavation support system, the tunnel structural system, the construction
method (top-down vs. bottom up), and the waterproofing system. Each of these elements is
interdependent upon the other. Options for each element are discussed below. The system study should
consider all options that are feasible in a holistic approach, taking into account the effect that one option
for an element has on another element. Structural Element Sizing

As described in Chapter 1, the shape of the cut and cover tunnels is generally rectangular. The
dimensions of the rectangular box must be sufficient to accommodate the clearance requirements
(Chapter 2). Dimensional information required for structural sizing includes wall heights and the span
lengths of the roof. The width of the tunnel walls added to the clear space width requirements will
determine the final width of the excavation required to construct the tunnel. To minimize the horizontal
width of the excavation the support of excavation can be incorporated as part of, the final structure.

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However, this might have negative impacts on the watertightness of the structure. Some reasons that
would require minimization of the out to out width of the excavation are:

• Limited horizontal right-of-way. In urban areas where tunnels are constructed along built up city
streets, additional right-of-way may be impractical to obtain. There may be existing buildings
foundations adjacent to the tunnel or utilities that are impractical to move.
• There may be natural features that make a wider excavation undesirable or not feasible such as rock
or bodies of water.

The depth of the roof and floor combined with the clearance requirements will define the vertical height
of the tunnel structure, the depth of excavation required, and the height of the associated support of
excavation. It is recommended in cut-and-cover construction that the tunnel depth be minimized to
reduce the overall cost which extends beyond the cost of the tunnel structure. A shallower profile grade
can also result in shorter approaches and approach grades that are more favorable to the operational
characteristics of the vehicles using the tunnel resulting in lower costs for the users of the tunnel.

5.4.2 Structural Framing

The framing model for the tunnel will be different according to whether the support of excavation walls is
a temporary (non-integral) or a permanent (integral) part of the final structure. With temporary support of
excavation walls, the tunnel section would be considered a frame with fixed joints. When support of
excavation walls are to form part of the tunnel structure, fixed connections between the support of
excavation walls and the rest of the structure may be difficult to achieve in practice; partial fixity is more
probable, but to what degree may be difficult to define. A range of fixities may need to be considered in
the design analysis.

Corners of rectangular tunnels often incorporate haunches to increase the member’s shear capacity near
the support, in effect creating more of an arched shape. A true arch shape provides an efficient solution
for the tunnel roof but tends to create other issues. Flat arches result in horizontal loads at the spring line
that must be resisted by the walls. Semicircular arches eliminate these forces but result in a section larger
than required vertically and drive down the tunnel profile which will add cost. When using temporary
support of excavation walls, the tunnel section is constructed totally within them, often with a layer of
waterproofing completely enveloping the section. In contrast, when the support of excavation walls
become part of the final structure, an enveloping membrane is difficult to achieve. Therefore, provisions
for overlapping, enveloping and sealing the joints would be needed. Furthermore, physical keying of the
structural top and bottom slabs into the support of excavation walls is essential for any transmission of
moments and shear.

Some old tunnels employ a structural system consisting of transverse structural steel frames spaced about
5 feet (1.5 m) apart. Typically, these frames are embedded in un-reinforced cast-in-place floors and
walls, while for the roof, these frames are exposed and support a cast-in-place roof slab. This type of
construction may still be competitive when applied to shallow tunnels, especially when longer roof spans
are required for multiple lane cross sections. More details on these issues are provided in the following
paragraphs that described specific materials for construction.

5.4.3 Materials

Cast-in-place concrete is the most common building material used in cut and cover tunnel construction,
however other materials such as precast prestressed concrete, post tensioned concrete and structural steel
are used. These materials and their application are discussed below.

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Cast-in-place concrete is commonly used in tunnel construction due to the ease with which large members
can be constructed in restricted work spaces. Formwork can be brought in small manageable pieces and
assembled into forms for large thick members. Complex geometry can be readily constructed utilizing
concrete, although the formwork may be difficult to construct. Concrete is a durable material that
performs well in the conditions that exist in underground structures. The low shear capacity of concrete
can be offset by thickening the roof and the floor at the corners as shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11 Tunnel Structure with Haunches

Connecting the structural concrete members to permanent support of excavation walls can be challenging.
A simple end connection can be created quickly by placing the concrete slab in precut seats or pockets in
the walls; however this results in a less efficient structure with thicker structural elements. Full moment
connections can be created using splicing of reinforcing steel if sufficient wall pockets can be provided.
When creating a full moment connection, the walls must be detailed to accept the transferred moment. To
minimize the amount of wall pocket required, mechanical splicing or welding can be used.
Waterproofing the connection, as well as the remainder of the structure, when using permanent support of
excavation walls as part of the structure, is challenging.

Proper detailing of concrete members and application of all AASHTO requirements in terms of
reinforcing steel is essential to create a durable concrete structure. The minimum requirements for
shrinkage reinforcement should be noted. Using a larger number of smaller bars rather than a small
number of large bars helps distribute cracks and consequently reduces their size. Ground water chemistry
should be investigated to ensure that proper mix designs compatible with ground water chemistry are used
to reduce the potential for chemical attack of the concrete. Structural Steel

Structural steel has excellent weight to strength characteristics. Structural steel beams with a composite
slab can be used to reduce the thickness of roof slabs. This can reduce the depth to the profile with the
accompanying reductions in overall cost of the tunnel associated with a shallower excavation and shorter
retained tunnel approaches. Structural steel is easier to connect to permanent support of excavation walls
than are concrete slabs. Local removal of the permanent wall in small isolated pockets is all that is
required to provide a seat for the steel beam creating a simple end. If simple ends are used, the movement
of the beam due to temperature changes inside the tunnel should be accommodated. If the support of
excavation used SPTC, tangent or secant pile walls, the embedded steel cores of these walls can be

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exposed and a full moment connection can be made. A full moment connection will not allow
temperature movements, so the resulting force effects must be evaluated and accommodated by design.

Structural steel beams are best fabricated and delivered in a single piece. However, if the excavation
support system has complex internal bracing, it may not be possible to deliver and erect the steel beams
inside the excavation which would require splicing of the steel beams. Connections also require careful
inspection which adds to the future maintenance cost of the tunnel if the connections are not encased.
Waterproofing the connections to the exterior walls can be difficult. Tunnels typically produce a damp
environment, if combined with the potential to leak around connections, this results in conditions that can
result in aggressive corrosion to steel members. Corrosion protection must be considered as part of the
structural steel structural system.

In addition to the roof structure described above, steel frames have also been used in road tunnels and
under some circumstances, may still be appropriate. The frame includes columns and the roof beams. In
permanent support walls, the columns would be embedded in the walls. The steel columns are erected on
a suitable foundation cast on the bottom of the excavation, the beams are then erected and joined with the
columns and the entire frames are then encased in concrete, with nominal reinforcement. The roof beams
can be completely encased or exposed supporting a thin concrete roof slab. If exposed, inspection and
maintenance are required. Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete, including precast prestressed beams such as AASHTO beams or similar, may be
suitable for large roof spans when clearances are tight and the overall depth of section must be limited.
Precast prestressed beams have been used for the top slab supported on cast in place walls. Precast
concrete beams, in the number and lengths required for cut and cover tunnels are impractical to splice.
They must be delivered in a single piece and be able to be erected within the space available inside the
excavation. The type and configuration of the excavation must therefore be considered when evaluating
the use of precast concrete beams. Making connections with permanent support of excavation walls can
be accomplished by creating pockets in the walls to support the beams in a simple support arrangement.
Simple supports also require a method for allowing movement of the beams during temperature changes
inside the tunnel. Waterproofing this connection is difficult. Making a moment connection requires more
elaborate details of the junction between the wall and the beam to be able to install the reinforcing
required for the moment connection. A moment connection at the beam also requires that the wall itself
be capable of accepting the moment transferred by the beam. Therefore the detailing of the wall must be
compatible with the structural system selected. A full moment connection will not allow temperature
movements, so the resulting force effects must be evaluated and accommodated by the design.

Although seldom, post tensioning is used in cut and cover tunnels; however in developing the post
tensioning strategy, it is important to consider the various loading stages and potentially have multiple
stages of post tensioning. For example, the introduction of high post-tensioning forces in tunnel slabs
before backfilling causes temporary high tensile stresses in the opposite face of the slabs. These stresses
may limit the depth to which post-tensioned members can be used, unless some of the tendons are
tensioned from inside the box after backfilling. The elastic shortening of the slab will induce resistance to
the post-tensioning via the walls, and should be taken into consideration. The additional moments created
will also need to be resisted. Isolating the top slab from the walls by means of a movement joint (such as
neoprene or Teflon bearings) would eliminate the above shortcomings but also eliminate the advantages
of moment connection; waterproofing of the movement joint will need to be addressed. The design should
identify space requirements for operation of the stressing jacks from both sides (if required). In many
cases, the tendon would be less than 100 ft (30 m) long, needing only one end for stressing. Usually, in
such a case, alternate strands would be stressed from alternate ends, requiring suitable space on each side.

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5.4.4 Buoyancy

Buoyancy is a major concern in shallow tunnels that are under or partially within the water table.
Buoyancy should be checked during the design. The structural system selected should take into account
its ability to resist buoyancy forces with its own weight or by providing measures to deal with negative
buoyancy. In cases where the structure and backfill are not heavy enough to resist the buoyancy forces,
flotation can occur. Measures to resist the forces of flotation must be provided and accounted for in the

The resistance against flotation can be achieved by a variety of methods. Typical methods used to
increase the effective weight of the structure include:

• Connecting the structure to the excavation support system and thus mobilizing its weight and/or its
friction with the ground
• Thickening structural members beyond what is required for strength in order to provide dead load to
counter the flotation forces
• Widening the floor slab of the tunnel beyond the required footprint to key it into adjacent soil and
thus to include the weight of soil above these protrusions
• Using steel or concrete tension piles to resist the uplift forces associated with flotation
• Using permanent tie-down anchors; in soils, it may be prudent for the anchors only to carry a nominal
tension under normal conditions and for the anchors to be fully mobilized only under extreme
conditions. Properly protected anchor heads can be located in formed recesses within the base slab
• Permanent pressure relief system beneath the base of the structure. This is a complicated system to
remove the buoyant forces by allowing water to be collected from under the bottom slab and removed
from the tunnel. This type of system requires maintenance and redundancy in addition to the life
cycle costs associated with operating the system. It can also have the effect of lowering the local
groundwater table which may have negative consequences.

Considering the long design life of underground structures, the design of tension piles or tie-down
anchors to resist flotation forces must include provisions to address the risk of corrosion of these tension
elements and consideration of their connection to the tunnel structure. Similarly, the use of an invert
pressure relief system and backup system must include provisions to address the risk of the long-term
operation and maintenance requirements. For most projects, generally, buoyancy forces are resisted by
increased dead load of the structure and/or weight of fill above the structure.

5.4.5 Expansion and Contraction Joints

Many cut and cover tunnels are constructed without permanent expansion or contraction joints. Although
expansion joints may not be required except close to the portals, contraction joints are recommended
throughout the tunnel. Significant changes in support stiffness or surcharge can cause differential
settlement. If the induced moments and shears resulting from this are greater than the section can handle,
relieving joints can be used to accommodate localized problems. Expansion joints are usually provided at
the interfacing with ventilation building or portals or other rigid structures to allow for differential
settlements and movements associated with temperature changes. It is recommended that contraction
joints be placed at intervals of approximately 30 feet (about 9 m).

Seismic loading can cause significant bending moments in cut and cover tunnels. Joints may be used to
relieve the moments and shears that would have occurred in continuous rigid structures, particularly as the
width (and hence the stiffness) of the structure increases. Joints may also be required to handle relative
seismic motion at locations where the cross-sectional properties change significantly, such as at

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ventilation buildings and portals. Such motion can be both longitudinal and transverse (horizontal and
vertical) to the tunnel.

Joints are potential areas were leaks can occur. As such, they are potential sources of high maintenance
costs over the life of the tunnel. The number of joints should be minimized and special care should be
taken in the detailing of joints to ensure water tightness. The type and frequency of joints required will be
a function of the structural system required and should be evaluated in the overall decision of the type

5.4.6 Waterproofing

The existence of a high groundwater table or water percolating down from above requires that tunnels be
waterproof. Durability is improved when the tunnel is waterproof. Good waterproofing design is also
imperative to keep the tunnel dry and reduce future maintenance. Leaking tunnels are unsightly and can
give rise to concern by users. In colder climates such as in the North East, leaks can become hazardous
ceiling icicles or ice patches on roadways. Tunnel waterproofing is discussed breifly in Chapter 10. The
waterproofing system should be selected based on the required performance and its compatibility with the
structural system.


5.5.1 General

The relevant loads to be considered in the design of the cut and cover tunnel structures along with how to
combine the loads are given in Section 3 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications. Section 3 of the
AASHTO LRFD specification divides loads into two categories: Permanent Loads and Transient Loads.
Paragraph 3.3.2 “Load and Load Designation” of the AASHTO LRFD specifications defines following
permanent loads that are applicable to the design of cut and cover tunnels:

DC = Dead Load: This load comprises the self weight of the structural components as well as the loads
associated with nonstructural attachments. Nonstructural attachments can be signs, lighting
fixtures, signals, architectural finishes, waterproofing, etc. Typical unit weights for common
building materials are given in Table 3.5.1-1 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications. Actual
weights for other items should be calculated based on their composition and configuration.

DW = Dead Load: This load comprises the self weight of wearing surfaces and utilities. Utilities in
tunnels can include power lines, drainage pipes, communication lines, water supply lines, etc.
Wearing surfaces can be asphalt or concrete. Dead loads, wearing surfaces and utilities should
calculate based on the actual size and configuration of these items.

EH = Horizontal Earth Pressure Load. The information required to calculate this load is derived by the
geotechnical data developed during the subsurface investigation program. In lieu of actual
subsurface data, the information contained in paragraph 3.11 of the AASHTO specifications can
be used. At-rest pressures should be used in the design of cut and cover tunnel structure.

EL = Accumulated locked-in force effects resulting from the construction process including secondary
forces from post tensioning if used.

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ES = Earth surcharge load. This is the vertical earth load due to fill over the structure that was placed
above the original ground line. It is recommended that a minimum surcharge load of 400 psf be
used in the design of cut and cover tunnels. If there is a potential for future development over the
tunnel structure, the surcharge from the actual development should be used in the design of the
structure. In lieu of a well defined loading, it is recommended that a minimum value of 1000 psf
be used when future development is anticipated.

EV = Vertical pressure from the dead load of the earth fill. This is the vertical earth load due to fill
over the structure up to the original ground line. The information required to calculate this load
are derived by the geotechnical data developed during the subsurface investigation program. In
lieu of actual subsurface data, the information contained in paragraph 3.11 of the AASHTO
specifications can be used. Note that AASHTO provides modification factors for this load based
on soil structure interaction in paragraph 12.11.2.

Paragraph 3.3.2 “Load and Load Designation” of the LRFD specifications defines following transient
loads that are applicable to the design of cut and cover structures:

CR = Creep.

CT = Vehicular Collision Force: This load would be applied to individual components of the tunnel
structure that could be damaged by vehicular collision. Typically, tunnel walls are very massive
or are protected by redirecting barriers so that this load need be considered only under usual
circumstances. It is preferable to detail tunnel structural components so that they are not subject
to damage from vehicular impact.

EQ = Earthquake. This load should be applied to the tunnel lining as appropriate for the seismic zone
for the tunnel. The scope of this manual does not include the calculation of or design for seismic
loads. However, some recommendations are provided in Chapter 13 – Seismic Considerations”.
The designer should be aware that seismic loads should be accounted for in the design of the
tunnel lining in accordance with LRFD Specifications.

IM = Vehicle dynamic load allowance: This load can apply to the roadway slabs of tunnels and can
also be applied to roof slab of tunnels that are constructed under other roadways, rail lines,
runways or other facilities that carry moving vehicles. An equation for the calculation of this
load is given in paragraph of the AASHTO LRFD specifications.

LL = Vehicular Live Load: This load can apply to the roadway slabs of tunnels and can also be applied
to roof slab of tunnels that are constructed under other roadways, rail lines, runways or other
facilities that carry moving vehicles. This load would be distributed through the earth fill prior to
being applied to the tunnel roof, unless traffic bears directly on the tunnel roof. Guidance for the
distribution of live loads to buried structures can be found in paragraphs 3.6.1 and 12.11.2 of the
AASHTO LRFD specifications.

SH = Shrinkage. Cut and cover tunnel structural elements usually are relatively massive. As such,
shrinkage can be a problem especially if the exterior surfaces are restrained. This load should be
accounted for in the design or the structure should be detailed to minimize or eliminate it.

TG = Temperature Gradient. Cut and cover structural elements are typically constructed of concrete
which has a large thermal lag. Combined with being surrounded by an insulating soil backfill
that maintains a relatively constant temperature, the temperature gradient across the thickness of
the members can be measurable. This load should be examined on case by case basis depending

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on the local climate and seasonal variations in average temperatures. Paragraph 4.6.6 of the
AASHTO LRFD specifications provides guidance on calculating this load. Note that paragraph
C3.12.3 allows the use of engineering judgment to determine if this load need be considered in
the design of the structure.

TU = Uniform Temperature. This load is used primarily to size expansion joints in the structure. If
movement is permitted at the expansion joints, no additional loading need be applied to the
structure. Since the structure is rigid in the primary direction of thermal movement, the effects of
the friction force resulting from thermal movement can be neglected in the design. Some
components may be individually subject to this load. The case where concrete or steel beams
support the roof slab is an example. If these beams are framed into the side walls to create a full
moment connection, the expansion and contraction of these beams will add force effect to the
frames formed by the connection. This effect must be accommodated in the design. This effect
is usually not considered in the case of a cast-in-place concrete box structure due to the insulating
qualities of the surrounding ground and the large thermal lag of concrete.

WA = Water load. This load represents the hydrostatic pressure expected outside the tunnel structure.
Tunnel structures are typically detailed to be watertight without provisions for relieving the
hydrostatic pressure. As such, the tunnel is subject to horizontal hydrostatic pressure on the
sidewalls, vertical hydrostatic pressure on the roof and a buoyancy force on the floor.
Hydrostatic pressure acts normal to the surface of the tunnel. It should be assumed that water will
develop full hydrostatic pressure on the tunnel walls, roof and floor. The design should take into
account the specific gravity of the groundwater which can be saline near salt water. Both
maximum and minimum hydrostatic loads should be used for structural calculations as
appropriate to the member being designed. For the purpose of design, the hydrostatic pressures
assumed to be applied to underground structures should ignore pore pressure relief obtained by
any seepage into the structures unless an appropriately designed pressure relief system is installed
and maintained. Two groundwater levels should be considered: normal (observed maximum
groundwater level) and extreme, 3 ft (1 m) above the design flood level (100 to 200 year flood).

Some of the loads sown in paragraph 3.3.2 of the LRFD specifications are not shown above because they
are not applicable to the design of cut and cover highway tunnels as described below.

DD = Downdrag: This load comprises the vertical force applied to the exterior walls of a top-down
structure that can result from the subsidence of the surrounding soil due to the subsidence of the
in-situ soil below the bottom of the tunnel. This load would not apply to cut and cover structures
since it requires subsidence or settlement of the material below the bottom of the structure to
engage the downdrag force of the walls. For the typical highway tunnel, the overall weight of the
structure is usually less than the soil it is replacing. As such, unless backfill in excess of the
original ground elevation is paced over the tunnel or a structure is constructed over the tunnel,
settlement will not be an issue for cut and cover tunnels.

BR = Vehicular Breaking Force: This load would be applied only under special conditions where the
detailing of the structure requires consideration of this load. Under typical designs, this force is
resisted by the mass of the roadway slab and need not be considered in design.

CE = Vehicular centrifugal force: This load would be applied only under special conditions where the
detailing of the structure requires consideration of this load. Under typical designs, this force is
resisted by the mass of the roadway slab and need not be considered in design.

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CV = Vessel Collision Force is generally not applicable to cut and cover construction unless it is done
under a body of water such as in a cofferdam. It is applicable to immersed tube tunnels, which
are a specialized form of cut and cover tunnel and are covered separately in Chapter 11 of this

FR = Friction. As stated above, the structure is usually rigid in the direction of thermal movement.
Thermal movement is the source of the friction force. In a typical tunnel, the effects of friction
can be neglected.

IC = Ice load. Since the tunnel is not subjected to stream flow nor exposed to the weather in a manner
that could result in an accumulation of ice, this load is not used in cut and cover tunnel design.

PL = Pedestrian Live load. Pedestrian are typically not allowed in road tunnels, so there is no need to
design for a pedestrian loading.

SE = Settlement. For the typical road tunnel, the overall weight of the structure is usually less than the
soil it is replacing. As such, unless backfill in excess of the original ground elevation is paced
over the tunnel or a structure is constructed over the tunnel, settlement will not be an issue for cut
and cover tunnels. If settlement is anticipated due to poor subsurface conditions or due to the
addition of load onto the structure or changing ground conditions along the length of the tunnel, it
is recommended that ground improvement measures or deep foundation (piles or drilled shafts)
be used to support the structure.
WL = Wind on live load. The tunnel structure is not exposed to the environment, so it will not be
subjected to wind loads.

WS = Wind load on structure. The tunnel structure is not exposed to the environment, so it will not be
subjected to wind loads.

Section 3 of the LRFD specifications provides guidance on the methods to be used in the computations of
these loads. The design example in Appendix C shows the calculations involved in computing these
loads. The order of construction will impact loading and assumptions. For example, in top down
construction, permanent support of excavation walls used as part of the final structure will receive heavier
bearing loads, because the roof is placed and loaded before the base slab is constructed. The permanent
support of excavation walls are also braced as the excavation progresses by the roof slab resulting a
different lateral soil pressure distribution than would be found in the free standing walls of a cast-in-place
concrete structure constructed using bottom up construction. The base slab of a top-down construction
tunnel acts as a mat for supporting vertical loads, but it is not available until towards the end of
construction of the section eliminating its use to resist moments from the walls or to act as bracing for the
walls. Typical loading diagrams are illustrated respectively for bottom-up and top-down structures in
Figure 5-12, and Figure 5-13, respectively.

5.5.2 Load Combinations

The loads described above should be factored and combined in accordance with the LRFD specification
and applied to the structure. Cut and cover structures are considered buried structures and as such the
design is governed by Section 12 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications. Paragraph 12.5.1 gives the limit
states and load combinations that are applicable for buried structures as Service Limit State Load
Combination I and Strength Limit State Load Combinations I and II. These load combinations are given
in Table 3.4.1-1 of the AASHTO Specifications. In some cases, the absence of live load can create a
governing case. For example, live load can reduce the effects of buoyancy. Therefore, in addition to the

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load cases specified in Section 12 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications, the strength and service load
cases that do not include live load should be used, specifically Strength III and Service IV. Note that load
case Strength IV does not include live load. However, when using the loadings applicable to cut and
cover tunnels, Strength III and Strength IV are in fact the same load cases. Combining the requirements
of Section 12 and Section 3 as described above results in the following possible load combinations for use
in the design of cut and cover structures:
Table 5-1 Cut and Cover Tunnel LRFD Load Combination Table

Limit EV# IM
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
I 1.25 0.90 1.50 0.65 1.35 0.90 1.50 0.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.20 0.50 0.00
II 1.25 0.90 1.50 0.65 1.35 0.90 1.50 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.20 0.50 0.00
III 1.25 0.90 1.50 0.65 1.35 0.90 1.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.20 0.50 0.00
I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.00 0.50
IV 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00
IVA** 0.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Event I 1.25 0.90 1.50 0.65 1.35 0.90 1.50 0.75 γEQ+ 1.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A
* The load factors shown are for at-rest earth pressure. At-rest earth pressure should be used for all conditions of design of cut and cover tunnel
structures. Horizontal earth pressure is not used for Load Combination Service IVA.
# The load factors shown are for rigid frames. All cut and cover tunnel structures are considered rigid frames.
+ This load factor is determined on a project specific basis and is not in the scope of this manual.
** This load case used to check buoyancy for tunnel structures below the permanent groundwater table.

Cut and cover tunnels below the water table should be evaluated for the effect of buoyancy. This check is
shown as Load Combination Service IVA in the Table 5-1. The buoyancy force should be assessed to
ensure that the applied dead load effect is larger than the applied buoyancy effect. Frequently, structural
member sizes will have to be increased to ensure that the buoyancy is completely resisted by the dead
load or alternatively, the structure should be tied down. Calculations for buoyancy should be based on
minimum characteristic material densities and maximum water density. The net effect of water pressure
on the tunnel, i.e., the buoyancy, is the difference between hydrostatic loads on the roof and on the
underside. The total uplift force is equal to the weight of water displaced. Friction effects (the theoretical
force required to dislodge the wedge of material over the tunnel) of overlying natural materials and
backfill should not be taken into account.

When developing the loads to be applied to the structure, each possible combination of load factors
should be developed. Engineering judgment can then be used to eliminate the combinations that will not

Extreme event loading is not specifically called for in the ASSHTO LRFD specification. Cut and cover
tunnels, however can be subjected to extreme event loadings such as earthquakes, fires and explosions.
The analysis and design for these loadings are very specialized and as such are not in the scope of this
manual. However, it is recommended that during the planning phase of a tunnel, a risk analysis be

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performed to identify the probability of these loads occurring, the level at which they may occur and the
need for designing the tunnel to resist these loads.


5.6.1 General

Historically there have been three basic methods used in the design of cut and cover tunnel structures:

• Service load or allowable stress design which treats each load on the structure equally in terms of its
probability of occurrence at the stated value. The factor of safety for this method is built into the
material’s ability to withstand the loading.
• Load factor design accounts for the potential variability of loads by applying varying load factors to
each load type. The resistance of the maximum capacity of the structural member is reduced by a
strength reduction factor and the calculated resistance of the structural member must exceed the
applied load.
• Load and resistance factor design takes into account the statistical variation of both the strength of the
structural member and of the magnitude of the applied loads.

The fundamental LRFD equation can be found in paragraph of the AASHTO specification
(AASHTO Equation as follows:

ΣηiγiQi ≤ φRn = Rr 5-1

In this equation, ηi is a load modifier relating to the ductility, redundancy and operation importance of the
feature being designed. The load modifier η is comprised of three components;

ηD = a factor relating to ductility = 1.0 for cut and cover tunnels constructed with
conventional details and designed in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD
ηR = a factor relating to redundancy = 1.0 for cut and cover tunnel design. Typical cast in
place and prestressed concrete structures are sufficiently redundant to use a value of
1.0 for this factor. Typical detailing using structural steel also provides a high level
of redundancy.
ηI = a factor relating to the importance of the structure = 1.05 for cut and cover tunnel
design. Tunnels usually are important major links in regional transportation systems.
The loss of a tunnel will usually cause major disruption to the flow of traffic, hence
the higher importance factor.

γi is a load factor applied to the force effects (Qi) acting on the member being designed. Values for γ can
be found in Table 5-1 above.

Rr is the calculated factored resistance of the member or connection.

φ is a resistance factor applied to the nominal resistance of the member (Rn) being designed. The
resistance factors are given in the AASHTO LRFD specifications for each material in the section that
covers the specific material. Specifically, Section 5 covers Concrete Structures and in general, the
resistance factors to be used in concrete design can be found in Section 5. However, Section 12 of the
AASHTO LRFD specifications gives the following values to be used for φ in Table 12.5.5-1:

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For Reinforced Concrete Cast-in-Place Box Structures:

φ = 0.90 for flexure

φ = 0.85 for shear

Since the walls, floors and roofs of cut and cover tunnel sections will experience axial loads, the
resistance factor for compression must be defined. The value of φ for compression can be found in
Section of the AASHTO LRFD specifications given as:

φ = 0.75 for compression

Values for φ for precast construction are also given in Table 12.5.5-1 of the AASHTO LRFD
specifications, however due to size of the members involved in road tunnels, it is seldom that precast
concrete will be used as a building material.

Structural steel is also used in cut and cover tunnel construction. Structural steel is covered in Section 6
of the AASHTO LRFD specifications. Paragraph gives the following values for steel resistance

For Structural Steel Members:

φf = 1.00 for flexure

φv = 1.00 for shear
φc = 0.90 for axial compression for plain steel and composite members

5.6.2 Structural Analysis

Structural analysis is covered in Section 4 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications. It is recommended that
classical force and displacement methods be used in the structural analysis of cut and cover tunnel
structures. Other numerical methods may be used, but will rarely yield results that vary significantly from
those obtained with the classical methods. The modeling should be based on elastic behavior of the
structure as per the AASHTO LRFD specifications paragraph

Since all members of a cut and cover tunnel, with the possible exception of the floor of tunnels built using
top-down construction, are subjected to bending and axial load, the secondary affects of deflections on the
load affects to the structural members should be accounted for in the analysis. The AASHTO LRFD
specifications refer to this type of analysis as “large deflection theory” in paragraph Most general
purpose structural analysis software have provisions for including this behavior in the analysis. If this
behavior is accounted for in the analysis, no further moment magnification is required.

Paragraph 4.5.1 of the AASHTO LRFD specifications states that the design of the structure should
include “…where appropriate, response characteristics of the foundation”. The response of the
foundation for a cut and cover tunnel structure can be modeled through the use of a series of non linear
springs placed along the length of the bottom slab. These springs are non linear because they should be
specified to act in only one direction, the downward vertical direction. This model will provide the
proper distribution of loads to the bottom slab of the model and give the designer an indication if
buoyancy is a problem. This indication is seen in observing the calculated displacements of the structure.
A net upward displacement of the entire structure indicates that there is insufficient resistance to

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Structural models for computer analysis are developed using the centroid of the structural members. As
such, it is important when calculating the applied loads, that the loads are calculated at the outside surface
of the members. The load is then adjusted according to the actual length of the member as input.

Other numerical methods of analysis for cut-and-cover tunnel sections include:

• Frame analysis with a more rigorous soil-structure interaction by modeling the soil properties together
with the tunnel. The same frame analysis, but with the addition of a series of unidirectional springs
on the underside to model the effect of the soil as a beam on an elastic foundation. Lateral or
horizontal springs may be applied in conjunction with assumed soil loads. Care must be taken to
ensure that the assumed soil spring acts only when deflection into the soil occurs. This may require
multiple iterations of the input parameters for each load combination. Many commercially available
programs will automatically adjust the input values and rerun the analysis. This gives a better
modeling representation of the structure and takes advantage of more realistic base slab soil support,
often resulting in more economical design. Setting up a model is a little more difficult with the
springs, and suitable values for the spring modulus are difficult to quantify. It may be appropriate to
use a range of values and run the model for each.

• Finite element and finite difference analyses. The material of the tunnel structure and the soil are
modeled as a continuum grid of geometric elements. Structural elements are usually treated as linear
elastic. A number of different mathematical models for the soil type are available. This method of
modeling and analysis can more closely represent actual conditions, especially if better numerical
resolution is used where there are conditions of difficult tunnel geometry such as the framing details.
The method is usually complex to setup and run, and results require careful interpretation.

As stated above, two-dimensional sectional analysis is sufficient for most tunnel conditions. Three-
dimensional modeling may be required where tunnel sections vary along the length of the tunnel or where
intersections exist such as at ramps or cross-passages. 3-D modeling is very complex and the accuracy of
the loading data, uncertainty about soil behavior, and its inherent lack of homogeneity may not warrant
such detailed analysis for highway tunnels except for special locations such as ramps, cross passages, and
connections to other structures.


5.7.1 Construction Dewatering

When groundwater levels are higher than the base level of the tunnel, excavations will require a
dewatering system. For cut and cover construction, the dewatering systems will depend on the
permeability of the various soil layers exposed. Lowering the water table outside the excavation could
cause settlement of adjacent structures, impact on vegetations, drying of existing wells, and potential
movement of contaminated plumes if present. Precautions should be taken when dewatering the area
outside the excavation limits. Within the excavation, dewatering can be accomplished with impermeable
excavation support walls that extend down to a firm, reasonably impermeable stratum to reduce or cut-off
water flow.

Impervious retaining walls, such as steel interlocking sheeting or concrete slurry walls, could be placed
into deeper less pervious layers, such as glacial till or clay, to reduce groundwater inflow during
construction and limit draw-down of the existing groundwater table. For most braced excavation sites,

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dewatering within the excavation is often done. Sometimes the excavation is done in the wet, then the
water is pumped out. Subsequent to the excavation, any water intrusion will be pumped from the trench
by providing sumps and pumps within the excavation. In some areas, a pumped pressure relief system
may be required to prevent the excavation bottom from heaving due to unbalanced hydrostatic pressure.

Pumped wells can be used to temporarily lower the groundwater table outside the excavation support
during construction; however this may have environmental impact or adverse effects on adjacent
structures. To minimize any lowering of the water table immediately outside the excavation, water
pumped from the excavation can be used to recharge the water bearing strata of the groundwater system
by using injection wells. Provision would have to be made for disposal of water in excess of that pumped
to recharge wells, probably through settlement basins draining to storm drains.

After construction is completed, if there is a concerned that the permanent excavation support walls above
the tunnel might be blocking the cross flow of the groundwater or may dam up water between walls above
the tunnel, the designer may need to consider to breach the walls above the tunnel at intervals or removed
to an elevation to allow movement of groundwater. Granular backfill around tunnels can also help to
maintain equal hydrostatic heads across underground structures.

5.7.2 Methods of Dewatering and Their Typical Applications

Groundwater can be controlled during construction either by using impervious retaining walls (such as
concrete slurry or tangent pile walls, steel interlocking sheeting, etc.), by well-points drawing down the
water table, by chemical or grout injection into the soils, or by pumping from within the excavation.
Groundwater may be lowered, as needed, by tiers of well-points. Improper control of groundwater is often
a cause for settlement and damage to adjacent structures and utilities; consequently it is important that the
method selected is suitable for the proposed excavation.

Where the area of excavations is not too large, an economical method of collecting water is through the
use of ditches leading to sump pumps. Provisions to keep fines from escaping into the dewatering system
should be made.

In larger excavations in permeable soil, either well points or deep wells are often used to lower the water
table in sand or coarse silt deposits, but are not useful in fine silt or clay soils due to their low
permeability. It is recommended that test wells be installed to test proposed systems. In certain cases,
multiple stages of well points, deep wells with submersible pumps or an eductor system would be needed

5.7.3 Uplift Pressures and Mitigation Measures

After construction is complete and dewatering ceases, hydrostatic uplift (buoyancy) pressures should be
considered. Options that have been used to overcome this are included in Section 5.4.42.

5.7.4 Piping and Base Stability

In fine-grained soils, such as silts or clayey silts, differential pressure across the support of excavation
may cause sufficient water flow (piping) for it to carry fines. This causes material loss and settlement
outside as well as a loss of integrity of soils within, rendering the soils unsuitable as a foundation. In
extreme cases, the base of the excavation may become unstable, causing a blow-up and failure of the
excavation support. This situation may be mitigated by ensuring that cut-off walls are sufficiently deep,
by stabilizing the soil by grouting, or freezing, or by excavating below water without dewatering and
making a sufficiently thick tremie slab to overcome uplift before dewatering.

FHWA-NHI-09-010 5 – Cut and Cover Tunnels

Road Tunnel Manual 5-27 March 2009
5.7.5 Potential Impact of Area Dewatering

Dewatering an excavation may lower the groundwater outside the excavation and may cause settlements.
The lowering of the external groundwater can be reduced by the use of slurry walls, tangent or secant
piles, or steel sheet piling. Adjacent structures with a risk of settlement due to groundwater lowering may
require underpinning. Furthermore, where lowering of groundwater exposes wooden piles to air,
deterioration may occur.

5.7.6 Groundwater Discharge and Environmental Issues

In most cases, the water will require testing and possibly treatment before it can be discharged. Settling
basins, oil separators, and chemical treatments may be required prior to disposal. Local regulations and
permitting requirements often dictate the method of disposal.

The excavated material itself will require testing before the method of disposal can be determined.
Material excavated below water may need to stand in settling ponds to allow excess water to run off
before disposal. Contaminated material may need to be placed in confined disposal facilities.


When the excavation crosses existing roads or is being performed under an existing road, decking would
be required to maintain the existing road traffic. When decking is required the support of excavation
walls must be designed to handle the imposed live loads. The depth of the walls may need to be
determined by the necessity of transferring decking loads to a more competent stratum below. This may
depend upon whether the load applied to the wall together with its weight can be transferred to the
surrounding soil through a combination of adhesion (side friction) and end bearing. Thick types of
excavation support walls, such as slurry walls, drilled-in-place soldier piles, and tangent piles, are much
more effective than thinner walls, such as sheet piles or driven soldier piles, in carrying the live loads to
the bearing stratum.

Decking often consists of deck framing and roadway decking. Figure 5-14 depicts a typical general
arrangement for street decking over a cut-and-cover excavation using timber decking. Pre-cast concrete
planks have been used also as decking. Structural steel deck beams can be arranged to function also as the
uppermost bracing tier of the support of excavation. The deck framing should be designed for AASHTO
HL-93 loading, or for loading due to construction equipment that actually will operate on the deck,
whichever is greater.


5.9.1 Types of Utilities

Constructing cut and cover tunnels in urban areas often encounters public and private utility lines such as
water, sewer, power, communication, etc… Often, utilities are not located where indicated on existing
utility information. Therefore, it is important to identify and locate all utilities in the field prior to
excavation. Great care must be taken when excavating in the vicinity of utilities, sometimes requiring that
the final excavation to expose them be done by hand. Of particular concern are those utilities that are
movement-sensitive and those carrying hazardous substances; these include large diameter water pipes,
high pressure gas lines, fiber optic lines, petroleum pipes and high voltage cables. Some utilities such as

FHWA-NHI-09-010 5 – Cut and Cover Tunnels

Road Tunnel Manual 5-28 March 2009
buried high voltage lines are not only extremely expensive to move but have very long lead times.
Utilities such as sewers can present a different problem; if gravity flow is used, diversions around a
proposed tunnel may pose a serious challenge. Some older water and sewer lines are extremely fragile,
particularly if they are of brick or cast iron construction.

Figure 5-14 Typical Street Decking (After Bickel et al., 1996)

FHWA-NHI-09-010 5 – Cut and Cover Tunnels

Road Tunnel Manual 5-29 March 2009
5.9.2 General Approach to Utilities during Construction

It is not uncommon to divert utilities away from the proposed construction corridor. However, diversion
is not always possible, it may be too expensive, or a utility crossing may be unavoidable; in such cases, it
will be necessary to support the utilities in place. It is essential to have a coordinated effort so that no
interferences among the various utilities occurs and that the construction can be done while the utilities
are in place. Sometimes, utility relocations are done in stages to accommodate the construction requiring
relocating the utility more than once.

Before the start of underground construction, a condition survey should be made of all utilities within the
zone of potential influence of construction, making detailed reports for those that may incur movements
in excess of those allowable for the utility. The nature of any work required for each utility should be
identified, i.e., protection, support or relocation, and the date by which action is required. It is essential
that all utilities that need action are identified in sufficient time to allow the construction to progress as

Supports may either be temporary or permanent. Depending upon the sensitivity of the utility being
supported, it may be necessary to provide instrumentation to monitor any movement so that remedial
action can be taken before damage occurs. Systems providing vertical support should be designed as
bridge structures. Lateral support may be considered as retaining walls.

Most utilities require access for repairs; it is therefore required to have provisions for access to utilities
passing beneath a tunnel. In some cases, it has been found appropriate to relocate utilities to a trough or
utility tunnel in which all utilities can be easily accessed. In some cases, utilities cannot be raised
sufficiently to clear the tunnel roof slab; it may be possible to create a narrow trough across the roof in
which the utility may be relocated. In certain situations, utilities were passed through the tunnel by
providing a special conduit below the tunnel roof. In all cases, all utility work must be carefully
coordinated with the utility owner.

FHWA-NHI-09-010 5 – Cut and Cover Tunnels

Road Tunnel Manual 5-30 March 2009
Appendix C

Tunnel Design Example
This page is intentionally left blank.

The purpose of this design example is to provide guidance to the application of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications when designing concrete cut and cover box tunnel structures.

Reference is made to the AASHTO LRFD specifications throughout the design example. Specific
references to sections are denoted by the letter "S" preceeding the specification article.

1. Tunnel Section Geometry and Materials
The tunnel is a reinforced concrete double-chamber box structure. It is located entirely below grade and
is built using cut and cover construction. Because the water table is located above the tunnel,
hydrostatic soil pressures surround the structure. Figure 1 shows the internal dimensions for one of the
openings. These dimensions serve as the starting point for the structural dimensions shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1

1.1 Tunnel Section Dimensions

Box interior width, x = 35.75 ft

Box interior height, y = 20.00 ft
Interior wall thickness= 1.00 ft
Exterior wall thickness = 2.00 ft
Bottom slab thickness = 1.75 ft
Top slab thickness = 2.50 ft
Soil depth, Z1 = 10.00 ft
Water depth, Z2 = 5.00 ft
Total depth, D = 34.25 ft
Box total width, B = 76.50 ft
Width between centroids of exterior walls, B1 = 74.50 ft
Box total height, H = 24.25 ft
Height between centroids of slabs, H1 = 22.13 ft

Figure 2 shows the geometry of the underground cut and cover box cross-section.

Figure 2
Section Dimensions

1.2 Material Properties

Unit weight of concrete , c = 150 pcf

Unit weight of soil, s = 130 pcf
Unit weight of water, w = 62.4 pcf
Unit weight of saturated soil, sat = 67.6 pcf
Coeff. of earth pressure at rest, ko= 0.5
Coeff. of water for earth pressure, kw= 1

2. Computer Model of Tunnel
The analysis of the tunnel subjected to applied loads and the design of the structural components are
performed using a model generated by general purpose structural analysis computer software. Concrete
walls and slabs are modeled as a rigid frame, composed of groups of members that are interconnected
by a series of joints (see Section 4.0 Analysis Model Input and Section 5.0 Analysis Model Diagram).
All joints are located along the centroids of the structural components. Members are modeled as one
foot wide segments in the longitudinal direction of the tunnel to represent a one-foot-wide "slice" of the
structure. AASHTO LRFD factored loads and load combinations are applied to the members and joints
as required. The structure is analyzed to determine member forces and reactions, which will be used to
design individual structural components of the tunnel.

2.1 Model Supports

Universal restraints are applied in the Y-translation and X-rotation degrees of freedom to all members.
Spring supports located at joints spaced at 1'-0" on center are used to model soil conditions below the
bottom slab of the tunnel. Springs with a K constant equal to 2600 k/ft are used, applied only in the
downward Z direction. The spring support reaction will account for the earth reaction load.

3. Load Determination
The tunnel is located completely below grade and is subjected to loading on all sides. The self weight
load of the concrete structure is applied vertically downward as component dead load. Vehicular live
loads and vertical earth pressure are applied in the vertical downward direction to the top slab.
Buoyancy forces are applied vertically upward to the bottom slab. Lateral forces from live load, soil
overburden, horizontal earth pressure, and hydrostatic pressure are applied to the exterior walls. Load
designations are referenced from LRFD Section 3.3.2 (see Figure 3).

Figure 3
Loads Applied to Structure

3.1 Total Dead Loads
Dead loads are represented by the weight of all components of the tunnel structure and the vertical earth
pressure due to the dead load of earth fill.

Concrete dead load (per foot length) (DC)

Top slab = 0.15 ksf × (76.5 × 2.5) = 28.69 kip
Bottom slab = 0.15 ksf × (76.5 × 1.75) = 20.08 kip
Interior wall = 0.15 ksf × (1 × 20) = 3.00 kip
Exterior walls (2) = 0.15 ksf × 2 × (2 × 20) = 12.00 kip

Vertical earth pressure (EV)

EV= 1.30 ksf
Soil wt = 1.30 ksf × 76.50 = 99.45 kip

3.2 Live Load

Live load represents wheel loading from an HS-20 design vehicle. It is assumed that the wheels act as
point loads at the surface and are distributed downward in both directions through the soil to the top slab
of the tunnel. The load distribution is referenced from LRFD Section Figure 4 shows the
distribution of the wheel loads to the top slab.

Figure 4
Live Load Distribution

Wheel Loads (LL)

LL1 0.04 ksf (S3.
(z 1 ) 2

LL2 0.16 ksf controls
(z 1 ) 2

Live Load Surcharge (LS)

LS = 0.16 × 76.50 = 12.240 kip

Surch. Ht = Max(qw1, qw2) = 1.231 ft


3.3 Lateral Earth Pressure EH1, EH2, EH3, EH4

Lateral earth pressure is typically represented by the equation:

= k0 n

The following lateral pressures are applied to the exterior walls of the tunnel (see Figure 5):
EH1 = LL surcharge
EH2 = Lateral earth pressure due to soil overburden
EH3 = Horizontal earth pressure
EH4 = Hydrostatic pressure

Figure 5
Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution

Calculate the lateral earth pressures:

EH1 = ko s×nsurch) = 0.080 ksf

EH2 = ko s×ns + sat×nsat) = 0.494 ksf

ns = 5.00 ft
nsat = 5.00 ft

EH3= ko s×ns + sat×nsat) = 1.314 ksf

ns = 5.00 ft
nsat = 29.25 ft

EH4 = kw w×nw) = 1.825 ksf

nw = 29.25 ft

3.4 Buoyancy Load WA

Area of water displaced, A

A = B × H = 1855.125 sq. ft.

Buoyancy = A × w = 115.76 klf (along tunnel) OK

WA = Buoyancy = 1.513 klf


3.5 Load Factors and Combinations

Loads are applied to a model using AASHTO LRFD load combinations, referenced from LRFD Table
3.4.1-1. The loads, factors, and combinations for the applicable design limit states are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Load Factors and Load Combinations

EV - Vertical pressue from dead load of earth fill
DC - Dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments
LS - Live load surcharge
EH - Horizontal earth pressure load
WA - Water load and stream pressure

Load Combination
Limit State EV DC LS EH WA
A 1.3 1.25 1.75 1.35 1
B 1.3 1.25 1.75 0.9 1
C 0.9 1.25 1.75 1.35 1
Strength 1

D 0.9 1.25 1.75 0.9 1

E 1.3 0.9 1.75 1.35 1
F 1.3 0.9 1.75 0.9 1
G 0.9 0.9 1.75 0.9 1
H 0.9 0.9 1.75 1.35 1
A 1.3 1.25 1.35 1.35 1
B 1.3 1.25 1.35 0.9 1
C 0.9 1.25 1.35 1.35 1
Strength 2

D 0.9 1.25 1.35 0.9 1

E 1.3 0.9 1.35 1.35 1
F 1.3 0.9 1.35 0.9 1
G 0.9 0.9 1.35 0.9 1
H 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.35 1
A 1.3 1.25 n 1.35 1
B 1.3 1.25 n 0.9 1
C 0.9 1.25 n 1.35 1
Strength 3

D 0.9 1.25 n 0.9 1

E 1.3 0.9 n 1.35 1
F 1.3 0.9 n 0.9 1
G 0.9 0.9 n 0.9 1
H 0.9 0.9 n 1.35 1
Service 1 1.0 1 1 1 1
Service 4 1.0 1 n 1 1

4. Analysis Model Input

4.1 Joint Coordinates

The cross section of the tunnel model lies in the X-Z global plane. Each joint is assigned X and Z
coordinates to locate its position in the model. See Section 5.0 and Figure 6 for a diagram of the model.

4.2 Member Definition

Members are defined by a beginning joint and an end joint, Ji and Jj, respectively, where i and j
represent joint numbers.

All members are composed of concrete and represent a one foot wide "slice" of the tunnel section.


Ji Jj

5. Analysis Model Diagram
The computer model represents a one foot wide slice of the cross-section of the tunnel. Members are
connected by series of joints at their endpoints to form a frame, and are located along the centroids of
the walls and roof and floor slabs. Joints in the 100 series and 200 series represent the floor and roof
slabs respectively. Joints in the 300 and 500 series represent the exterior walls, while the 400 series
represents the interior wall. The bottom diagram of Figure 5 shows all joints in the structure, while the
top diagram shows only the joints at the intersections of slabs and walls.

Figure 6
Centroid of the Frame and Joint

Joints 302, 402, and 502 at the base of the exterior walls and joints 305, 405, and 505 at the top of the
exterior walls are included to determine shear at the face of the top and bottom slabs.

6. Application of Lateral Loads (EH)
Lateral pressures EH1 through EH4 from Section 3.3 are applied to the members of the model as shown
below. See Figure 7 for the horizontal earth pressure and hydrostatic pressure load distributions.

6.1 Exterior Wall Loads Due to Horizontal Earth Pressure EH3

Calculate pressure at top of wall:

130 67 . 6
ko s×ns + sat×nsat) = 0 .5 5 5 0.494 ksf
1000 1000
Pressure at base of wall = 1.314 ksf (see calculation in Sec. 3.3)

Calculate interval increment for loading all exterior wall members:

(1 . 31 0 . 49 )
0.164 ksf
The two tables below show the lateral earth pressure values (ksf) at the beginning and end of each
member of the exterior walls:

Member start end Member start end

301 1.31 1.15 501 -1.31 -1.15
302 1.15 0.99 502 -1.15 -0.99
303 0.99 0.82 503 -0.99 -0.82
304 0.82 0.66 504 -0.82 -0.66
305 0.66 0.49 505 -0.66 -0.49

6.2 Exterior Wall Loads Due to Hydrostatic Pressure EH4

Calculate pressure at top of wall:

kw w×nw) = 1 5 0.312 ksf

Pressure at base of wall = 1.825 ksf (see calcs. in Sec. 3.3)

Calculate interval increment for loading all exterior wall members:

(1.83 0.31)
0.303 ksf

The two tables below show the lateral hydrostatic pressure values (ksf) at the beginning and end of each
member of the exterior walls:

Member start end Member start end

301 1.83 1.52 501 -1.83 -1.52
302 1.52 1.22 502 -1.52 -1.22
303 1.22 0.92 503 -1.22 -0.92
304 0.92 0.61 504 -0.92 -0.61
305 0.61 0.31 505 -0.61 -0.31

Figure 7 shows the load distribution along the exterior walls (members 301 to 305 and 501 to 505) for
horizontal earth pressure (EH3) and hydrostatic pressure (EH4).

Figure 7
Load Distribution for EH3 and EH4

7. Structural Design Calculations - General Information

7.1 Concrete Design Properties

Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es = 29000 ksi

Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 4 ksi

7.2 Resistance Factors

Resistance factors for the strength limit state using conventional concrete construction are referenced
from AASHTO LRFD Section

Flexure = 0.90 ( ) varies from 0.75 to 0.9 (0.75 is conserverative)

Shear = 0.90
Compression = 0.7 since no spirals or ties

8. Interior Wall Design

8.1 Factored Axial Resistance (S5.7.4.4)

For members with tie reinforcement using LRFD eq. (

Pn = 0.80 [0.85×f'c×(Ag - Ast) + fy×Ast]
Ast = 1.76 in2 (#6 at 6", ea. face)
Ag = 144.00 in
Where Ag= 12·12 in2 (assuming wall thickness = 1 foot)
Pn = 471.37 kip

Factored axial resistance of reinforced concrete using LRFD eq. (

Pr = Pn = 0.9 for flexure
Pr = factored axial resistance
Pn = nominal axial resistance
Pu = factored applied axial force
Pr = 424.24 kip
Check Pu < Pr
Pu = from computer model output = 78.00 kip < Pr OK

9. Top Slab Design

9.1 Slenderness Check (S5.7.4.3)

K= 0.65 1 = 0.85
lu = 37.25 ft = 447 in ds = 27.75 in
d= 2.50 ft = 30.0 in ds = 3.25 in
3 4
I = (12 × 30 ) / 12 = 27000 in #9 bar dia. = 1.13 in
r= I = 8.66 in

k × (lu / r) = 33.55

34 12 = 30.38
Where M1 and M2 are smaller and larger end moments
From analysis output
where M1 = 77 kip-ft P1 = 28.4 kip
M2 = 255 kip-ft P2 = 28.4 kip
Consider slenderness since k × (lu / r) is greater than 34 12

Calculate EI using LRFD eq. ( and Ig
(E c E s Is )
Ec = 33000 ×
× f'c0.5 EI = 5
(1) d
Ec = 3834.25 ksi EI = 21069824.4 kip-in
Ig = 27000 in Ig
E c
c= 12.5 in EI = 2.5
dia 4 (1 d )
2 As c2 2
Is = 64 EI = 22467094 kip-in
Is = 625.16 in

Mno = 215.00 kip-ft

M2 = 255.00 kip-ft
Note: Mno does not include effects of vertical live load surcharge

M no 0.84
M 2

Approximate Method (LRFD
The effects of deflection on force effects on beam-columns and arches which meet the provisions of the
LRFD specifications may be approximated by the Moment Magnification method described below.

For steel/concrete composite columns, the Euler buckling load, Pe, shall be determined as specified in
article of LRFD. For all other cases, Pe shall be taken as:
Pe = 2
(LRFD eq.
(k lu )

E = modulus of elasticity (ksi)
I = moment of inertia about axis under consideration (in4)
k = effective length factor as specified in LRFD
lu = unsupported length of a compression member (in)

Pe = 2626.67 kips

Moment Magnification (LRFD
(The components for sidesway will be neglected. Bracing moment will not include lateral force
influence. Live load surcharge is excluded also.)
The factored moments may be increased to reflect effects of deformations as follows:

LRFD eq. (

Mc = b × M2b + s × M2s Mu = 215.00 kip-ft
MuLAT = -35.08 kip-ft
b 1 LRFD eq. (
For members braced against sidesway and without transverse loads between supports, Cm:
Cm = 0.6 0.4
M2 LRFD eq. (
Cm = 0.72
M1= smaller end moment
M2= larger end moment
Pu = factored axial load (kip) = 28.4 kips
= resistance factor for axial compression
Pe = Euler buckling load (kip)
b = 1
M2b = moment on compression member due to factored gravity loads that result in no appreciable
sidesway calculated by conventional first-order elastic frame analysis; always positive (kip-ft)
M2b = 179.92 kip-ft

Mc = 179.92 kip-ft

Factored flexural resistance (LRFD
The factored resistance Mr shall be taken as:
Mr = Mn
= resistance factor = 0.9
Mn = nominal resistance (kip-in)
The nominal flexural resistance may be taken as:
a a
Mn As fy ds A' s f' y d's
2 2 (LRFD eq.
Do not consider compression steel for calculating Mn.
As = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement (in )
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcing bars (ksi)
ds = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of nonprestressed tensile reinforcement (in2)
a = depth of equivalent stress block (in) = 1 × c
1 = stress block factor specified in Section of LRFD
c = distance from the extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis
As f y
c= LRFD eq. (
0.85 f' c 1 b
As= 2.0 in
fy= 60.0 ksi
f'c= 4.0 ksi
1= 0.85
b= 12.0 in
c= 3.46 in
a= 2.94 in
Mn = 3153.53 kip-in = 262.79 kip-ft

Mn = 236.51 kip-ft OK ( Mc)

Mr = 236.51 kip-ft Mr > Mu

Create interaction diagram
Assume min = 1.0%
Asmin = 3.6 in

Asprov (total) = 4.00 in choose #9 at 6"
Es = 29000 ksi
1 = 0.85
Yt = 15 in
0.85 × f'c = 3.4 ksi
2 2
Ag' in = 360 in
As = A's = 2.0 in

At zero moment point using LRFD eq. (

= 0.7
Po = 0.85 × f'c × (Ag - Ast) + Ast × fy = 1450 kip
Po = 1015 kip

At balance point calculate Prb and Mrb

cb = 16.65 in
ab = 1 × cb = 14.15 in
f's = E s c d' = 70 ksi
f's > fy; set f's = fy

Acomp = c × b = 199.8 in2

y' = a/2= 7.07625 in
Pb = [0.85 × f c × b × ab + As' × f's - As × fy] =
485 kip
Mb = 7442 kip-in = 620 kip-ft

At zero 'axial load' point (conservatively ignore compressive reinforcing)

As fy
a= = 2.9 in
0.85 f' c b
Mo = 2838.2 kip-in = 237 kip-ft

At intermediate points
a, in c = a/b1 Acomp, in2 f's,ksi fs,ksi fy, ksi Mn, k-ft
237 0
2.9 3.4 34.8 36 657 60 292 30
3 3.5 36 38 635 60 298 36
4 4.7 48 50 476 60 355 90
5 5.9 60 57 381 60 401 133
6 7.1 72 62 317 60 435 167
7 8.2 84 66 272 60 461 195
8 9.4 96 69 238 60 484 224
10 11.8 120 72 190 60 521 281
12 14.1 144 75 159 60 546 338
15 17.6 180 77 127 60 561 424
18 21.2 216 79 106 60 548 509
19 22.4 228 79 100 60 537 538
21 24.7 252 80 91 60 507 595
23 27.1 276 81 83 60 465 652
25 29.4 300 81 76 60 410 709
0 1015
End 1 77 28
End 2 255 28
Note may decrease from 0.90 to 0.75 as a increases from 0.0 to ab. Use 0.75 to be conservative.

Acomp = a × 12 in2
f's = E s c A's ksi
fs = E s c As ksi
Acomp A's y t 0.85 f'c As f y d y t A's f's y t d'
Mn = 2 k-ft
Pn = (Acomp - A's) ×0.85 × f'c ' '
+ As × f s - As × fy kips

Interaction Diagram




Pr =



0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Mr = Mn

9.2 Shear Design (S5.8.3.3)

The nominal shear resistance, Vn shall be determined as the lesser of

LRFD eq. LRFD eq.
Vn =Vc + Vs or Vn = 0.25 × f'c × bv × dv
Note Vp is not considered
A Vd
Vc 0.0676 f' c 4.6 s u e bd e 0.126 f' c bd e
bd e M u LRFD eq. (
Vu d e
Where M u
For slab concrete shear (Vc), refer to LRFD Section 5.14.5.
A v f y d v (cot cot ) sin
Vs LRFD eq. (
Av fy dv
Where for = 90º and = 45º Vs
As = area of reinforcing steel in the design width (in2)
b = design width (in)
de = effective depth from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tensile force in tensile reinforcement (in)
de= 27.75
Vu = shear from factored loads (kip)
Mu = moment from factored loads (kip-in)
Av = area of shear reinforcement within a distance s (in2) = 0 in
s = spacing of stirrups (in) = 12 in
bv = effective web width taken as the minimum web width within the depth dv (in)
dv =effective shear depth taken as the perpendicular distance to the neutral axis (in)
dv = 0.9 × de or 0.72 × h (LRFD section
dv = 24.98 in
V u d e 12.33 Use V u d e 1.00
M u M u

Maximum shear and associated moment from analysis output:
Vu = 28 kip Mu = 63.0 kip-ft

Vc = 63.42 kip value controls

or Vc = 83.92 kip

Vs = 0.00 kip

Vn = 63.42 kip
Vn = 299.70 kip therefore Vn = 63.42 kip

= 0.90
Vn = 57.08 kip > Vu OK

10. Bottom Slab Design

10.1 Slenderness Check (S5.7.4.3)

K= 0.65 1 = 0.85
lu = 37.25 ft = 447 in ds = 18.75 in
d= 1.75 ft = 21.0 in d's = 3.25 in
I= 9261 in #8 bar dia. = 1.00 in
r= 6.06 in

k × (lu / r) = 47.93
From analysis output
where M1 = 13 kip-ft P1 = 23.6 kip
M2 = 57.1 kip-ft P2 = 23.6 kip
34 12 = 31.27
Consider slenderness since k × (lu / r) is greater than 34 12

Calculate EI:
Ec = 3834.25 ksi
Ig = 9261 in
c= 8 in EI = 3427836.25 kip-in
4 2
Is = 202.34 in EI = 6855672.51 kip-in
Mno = 61.20 kip-ft
M2 = 57.10 kip-ft
Note: Mno does not include effects of vertical live load surcharge

M no 1.07
M 2

Approximate Method (LRFD
Pe =
(k lu )2
Pe = 801.51 kip

Moment Magnification
(The components for sidesway will be neglected. Bracing moment will not include lateral force
influence. Live load surcharge is excluded also.)
Cm = 0.6 0.4 = 0.69
Pu = 23.6 kip
b = 1.00
Mc = b × M2b + s × M2s Mu = 61.20 kip-ft
MuLAT = -32.88 kip-ft
Mc = 28.32 kip-ft where M2b = 28.32 kip-ft

Factored flexural resistance

Do not consider compression steel for calculating Mn.
c= 2.73 in
a= 2.32 in
Mn = 1667.36 kip-in = 138.95 kip-ft

Mr = Mn = 125.05 kip-ft OK ( Mc) Mr>Mu

Create interaction diagram
Assume min = 1.0%
Asmin = 2.52 in

Asprov (total) = 3.16 in choose #8 at 6"
Es = 29000 ksi
1 = 0.85
Yt = 10.5 in
0.85 × f'c = 3.4 ksi
2 2
Ag' in = 252 in
As = A's = 1.6 in

At zero moment point

Po = 1036 kip
Po = 725 kip

At balance point calculate Prb and Mrb

cb = 11.25 in
ab = 9.56 in
f's = 62 ksi
f's > fy; set f's = fy

Acomp = 114.75 in
y' = 4.78125 in
Pb = 271 kip
Mb = 3303 kip-in = 275 kip-ft

At zero 'axial load' point (conservatively ignore compressive reinforcing)

a= 2.3 in
Mo = 1500.6 kip-in = 125 kip-ft

At intermediate points

a, in c = a/b1 Acomp, in2 f's,ksi fs,ksi fy, ksi Mn, k-ft
125 0
2.3 2.7 27.6 36 552 60 118 24
3 3.5 36 48 423 60 139 63
4 4.7 48 58 317 60 162 107
5 5.9 60 64 254 60 178 139
6 7.1 72 68 212 60 190 168
7 8.2 84 70 181 60 200 196
8 9.4 96 72 159 60 207 225
9 10.6 108 74 141 60 212 253
10 11.8 120 75 127 60 215 282
11 12.9 132 76 115 60 215 310
12 14.1 144 77 106 60 213 339
13 15.3 156 78 98 60 208 368
14 16.5 168 79 91 60 201 396
15 17.6 180 79 85 60 192 425
16 18.8 192 80 79 60 180 453
0 725
End 1 13 24
End 2 57 24
Note may decrease from 0.90 to 0.75 as a increases from 0.0 to ab. Use 0.75 to be conservative.

Interaction Diagram





Pr =




0 50 100 150 200 250
Mr = Mn

10.2 Shear Design (S5.8.3.3)

Vn =Vc + Vs or Vn = 0.25 × f'c × bv × dv

dv = 16.88 in
For slab concrete shear (Vc), see LRFD Section 5.14.5

V u d e V d
12.00 Use u e
M u M u

Maximum shear and associated moment from analysis output:

Vu = 19.4 kip Mu = 30.3 kip-ft

Vc = 44.96 kip value controls

or Vc = 56.70 kip

Where Av = 0 in2 and s= 12 in

Vs = 0.00 kip

Vn = 44.96 kip
Vn = 202.50 kip therefore Vn = 44.96 kip

Vn = 40.46 kip > Vu OK

11. Exterior Wall Design

11.1 Slenderness Check (LRFD

K= 0.65 1 = 0.85
lu = 22.13 ft = 265.5 in ds = 21.75 in
d= 2.00 ft = 24.0 in d's = 3.25 in
I= 13824 in #8 bar dia. = 1.00 in
r= 6.93 in

k × (lu / r) = 24.91
From analysis output
where M1 = 171.4 kip-ft P1 = 34.4 kip
M2 = 137.2 kip-ft P2 = 34.4 kip
34 12 = 19.01
k × (lu / r) is greater than 34 M1
Consider slenderness since 12

Calculate EI:
Ec = 3834.25 ksi
Ig = 13824 in
c= 9.5 in EI = 7330894.82 kip-in
4 2
Is = 285.29 in EI = 14661789.6 kip-in
Mno = 61.20 kip-ft
M2 = 137.20 kip-ft
Note: Mno does not include effects of vertical live load surcharge

M no
d 0.45
M 2

Approximate Method (LRFD
Pe =
(k lu )2
Pe = 4858.82 kip

Moment Magnification
(The components for sidesway will be neglected. Bracing moment will not include lateral force
influence. Live load surcharge is excluded also.)
Cm = 0.6 0.4 = 1.10
Pu = 34.4 kip
b= 1.11
Mc = b × M2b + s × M2s Mu = 61.20 kip-ft
MuLAT = -26.50 kip-ft
Mc = 38.46 kip-ft where M2b = 34.70 kip-ft

Factored flexural resistance

Do not consider compression steel for calculating Mn.
c= 2.73 in
a= 2.32 in
Mn = 1951.76 kip-in = 162.65 kip-ft

Mr = Mn = 146.38 kip-ft OK ( Mc) Mr > Mu

Create interaction diagram
Assume min = 1.0%
Asmin = 2.88 in

Asprov (total) = 3.16 in choose #8 at 6"
Es = 29000 ksi
1 = 0.85
Yt = 12 in
0.85 × f'c = 3.4 ksi
2 2
Ag' in = 288 in
As = A's = 1.6 in

At zero moment point

Po = 1158 kip
Po = 811 kip

At balance point calculate Prb and Mrb

cb = 13.05 in
ab = 11.09 in
f's = 65 ksi
f's > fy; set f's = fy

Acomp = 133.11 in
y' = 5.54625 in
Pb = 313 kip
Mb = 4176 kip-in = 348 kip-ft

At zero 'axial load' point (conservatively ignore compressive reinforcing)

a= 2.3 in
Mo = 1756.6 kip-in = 146 kip-ft

At intermediate points

a, in c = a/b1 Acomp, in2 f's,ksi fs,ksi fy, ksi Mn, k-ft
146 0
2.3 2.7 27.6 36 612 60 179 24
3 3.5 36 48 449 60 211 63
4 4.7 48 58 315 60 248 107
5 5.9 60 64 235 60 273 139
6 7.1 72 68 181 60 293 168
7 8.2 84 70 143 60 310 196
8 9.4 96 72 114 60 324 225
9 10.6 108 74 92 60 335 253
10 11.8 120 75 74 60 343 282
11 12.9 132 76 59 60 348 310
13 15.3 156 78 37 60 348 368
15 17.6 180 79 20 60 336 425
17 20.0 204 80 8 60 312 482
19 22.4 228 81 -2 60 276 539
21 24.7 252 81 -10 60 227 596
0 811
Top of wall 171 34
Bot. of wall 137 34
Note may decrease from 0.90 to 0.75 as a increases from 0.0 to ab. Use 0.75 to be conservative.

Interaction Diagram





Pr =





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Mr = Mn

11.2 Shear Design (S5.8.3.3)

Maximum shear from analysis output:

Vu = 20.76 kip

Where = 2
bv = 12 in
dv = 19.58 in
Vc = 0.0316 × × f'c0.5 × bv × dv LRFD eq. (
Vc = 29.69 kip

Where Av = 0 in2 and s= 12 in

Vs = 0.00 kip

Vn = 29.69 kip
Vn = 234.90 kip therefore Vn = 29.69 kip

Vn = 26.72 kip > Vu OK


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